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Death & Funerary Rites In Spiritual Satanism

The Chinese have a festival dedicated to this, I consider it the "Chinese Samhain"....though I'm not sure why it's in Spring and not Autumn. Continuing to bless the Souls of their departed and remember the bloodline. Nonetheless, I implement Qingming tradition into my Samhain celebrations.

And what about the tunnel of light.

On JOS it states Demons will escort us safely to hell. But we must stay away from the tunnel of light. The tunnel of light is reincarnation of the enemy.

So we must not go into any tunnel of light.
And what about the tunnel of light.

On JOS it states Demons will escort us safely to hell. But we must stay away from the tunnel of light. The tunnel of light is reincarnation of the enemy.

So we must not go into any tunnel of light.
Yes I read something similar in the Tibetan book of the dead.
And if you don't want to reincarnate you can just focus on the astral and unmanifest yourself to nothingness. By considering yourself consciousness and focusing on going to join it.
? If you are aiming for immortality? Then you won’t be intending to reincarnate.
Yes I would like to reincarnate and gain immortality in the future.

The becoming unmanifest is actually the Buddhist nihilism religion. They practice void meditation which they call zazzen. And their aim is to cease to exist in the physical and become super consciousness. It's called Nirvana. And after death to not reincarnate but as consciousness to go and join the consciousness. Like we are all drops of the ocean and going to rejoin it.

It all comes down to Quantum Physics that if you look close enough at matter. At the atomic level there is nothing there unless it's observed by an awareness. Its strings of waveform energy. String theory.

I personally would not like to cease existing as an individual being so want to reincarnate.

But I do worry about what to do after dying because of the tunnel of light I'm supposed to reject entering.
Yes I would like to reincarnate and gain immortality in the future.

The becoming unmanifest is actually the Buddhist nihilism religion. They practice void meditation which they call zazzen. And their aim is to cease to exist in the physical and become super consciousness. It's called Nirvana. And after death to not reincarnate but as consciousness to go and join the consciousness. Like we are all drops of the ocean and going to rejoin it.

It all comes down to Quantum Physics that if you look close enough at matter. At the atomic level there is nothing there unless it's observed by an awareness. Its strings of waveform energy. String theory.

I personally would not like to cease existing as an individual being so want to reincarnate.

But I do worry about what to do after dying because of the tunnel of light I'm supposed to reject entering.
Why not aim to become immortal this lifetime? Void meditation is practiced here also.
But I do worry about what to do after dying because of the tunnel of light I'm supposed to reject entering.
Do not worry as Gods help us in time of need. They will be there when we need them. We are their creation, after all.
And what about the tunnel of light.

On JOS it states Demons will escort us safely to hell. But we must stay away from the tunnel of light. The tunnel of light is reincarnation of the enemy.

So we must not go into any tunnel of light.
What do you mean by tunnel of light is reincarnation of the enemy? Are you saying that the enemy has control over reincarnation?
This depends on the enemies' plans. Whether to "reincarnate" him or use him for other purposes.

Reincarnation is part of one of the plans of existence, and it is related to the universal "laws/functions," every creation according to its level is subject to the universal laws, reincarnation is also present in animals, as well as in humans.

As this happens to them, Jewish souls also undergo these rules.

In the case of souls, like soros or jacob rotschild who died a short time ago, the direct intervention of the gods is present. And this is not good for them.
Light is related to the enemy. In their junk books, they are called Elohim, where El is translated as "light."

When people die or experience cases of death, they see this light. This is a technique to attract the soul to them.

In other cases, they may show up in the form of friends, parents or figures important to the person, so that they can enslave the captured soul, evading it.
This depends on the enemies' plans. Whether to "reincarnate" him or use him for other purposes.

Reincarnation is part of one of the plans of existence, and it is related to the universal "laws/functions," every creation according to its level is subject to the universal laws, reincarnation is also present in animals, as well as in humans.

As this happens to them, Jewish souls also undergo these rules.

In the case of souls, like soros or jacob rotschild who died a short time ago, the direct intervention of the gods is present. And this is not good for them.
I’m a bit confused. What control does the enemy have over reincarnation?
That is a topic from the Joy of Satan updates that are going to be updated on the Site. Because I believe it's an interesting subject, I am posting this in advance.

Satanic Funerary Rites

In Ancient Greece and in the Ancient Civilizations, major attention was given to the mystery of death and the funerary rights that follow that event. Currently, the enemy, who preaches lies about reincarnation and removes the importance of Ancestors from the religious life of humanity, is promoting false ideas about death that include fear, terror and falsehood.

In the enemy religions, we hear that a human being lives "once" and then they are headed to a massive judgement, likely resulting in eternal torment or some sort of strange reward of having to sing eternal praises in some boring place called "heaven". None of this is real, and it's over-simplifcation that is only related to the hoaxes and false cultural notions of the enemy.

Our Ancient forefathers, knew that death was merely a transition into the astral realm. The soul passes on and the body is left behind, as the body is an accumulation of natural energy, and therefore returns to the earth. Albeit something that makes us sad and depressed (which is very natural), they were adamant on the reality that the soul will reincarnate and be with us again. This awareness creates an elevated consciousness in the living people, who learn to treat their life with a higher level of importance, same as that of their Ancestors.

In the Ancient Civilizations, funerary rites had the following aims:

1. Asking mercy for the soul of the dead person

2. Active remembrance of the bloodline

3. A pledge of love towards the deceased

Mercy, as a notion, is related to the Gods giving favorable and caring judgment to the people, and giving them disciplinary knowledge and correction on the matters they have went wrong, so the soul can continue in it’s incarnations and keep improving rather than becoming worse.

In regard to mourning, mourning is normal, natural and something very important. The degree of mourning about a soul should always be related to that question: What kind of life has this soul led, when it was alive? For souls that have been advanced and pure, the event of death is nothing to fear or worry about. The lesser the human being and their soul, the more love, care and assistance they need to pass on. The Gods of course provide this guidance, but so must the human beings care for others by providing them accurate spiritual knowledge in front of the great mystery of death.

The Ancient Priesthood would recite blessings for the soul that has departed life. If the soul had lead a virtuous or simple life, or had a heroic death, it was a known fact that the soul would have a great transition, as the Gods would lead the soul safely into the afterlife. Only the very evil people who are a striking minority, were those on whose death there should be major depression, as the weight of the sins and falsehood of a soul could weight it out for it’s next lifetime. More of this will be explained in other links in this webpage.

About the Satanic Funeral: Click Here [Link]

Upon the death of an individual, they visit the Afterlife realm, known as “Hell” or Hades. That is the greatest majority of the souls of the human beings. Contrary to the beliefs of the enemy who preach hellfire and damnation for the smallest sins, the Ancients knew that these levels of existence were there so the soul can safely move there, to learn disciplinary lessons if it did errors, or experience rewards and tranquility until it’s next lifetime.

After the Gods check the soul and it’s errors, they give it another opportunity to go back into the world in order to both rectify it’s mistakes and improve. These mistakes are known by the Gods and they are explained to the soul before it’s passing to the next lifetime, and the soul is given a Natal Chart with which it can both improve and rectify these errors. The process of Reincarnation is immaculate and does not have any errors in it: The whole past of a soul is taken in consideration, same as it’s actions (or inaction) during it’s previous lifetime.

Ancient Greek cemeteries were also places of celebration and that is why most of them are built on places of excellent energy, but above all, close to the cities. That’s because the dead Ancestors, are considered still parts of society, who will be re-visiting the world in the future.

When children and young people of a family had their birthday, the children were taken to cemeteries, where they met their grandparents and other ancestors. The mothers would take the children there, to tell them stories about the deceased, to keep a strong relation between the new generation and the last. Flowers and songs would be sung for those that departed, and there was no climate of fear or terror in regard to the death of an individual.

In advanced levels of initiation, the people were also taken to their own graves, to pick up again some of their belongings, or to see and learn about their own life while in this lifetime. That process was considered a procedure of utmost sacredness and was reserved only for the highest initiates. Violators of tombs and thieves of tombs, were therefore punished with extermination in the Ancient Civilizations, as they were violating the rules of the Gods.

The deeper Funeral Rites are done by spiritual adepts, who call into the Gods in order to move the souls of the deceased safely into the afterlife. That is observed strongly into the Egyptian mysteries. Yearly, celebrations were taken to celebrate the previous deaths of the ancestors, who gave life to the present generation, to recognize their mistakes and commemorate their victories, so that the future generation would move forward in life and in time with a renewed sense of glory, mission and purpose.

In Spiritual Satanism, birth and death are equally celebrated. The purpose of the Spiritual Culture is so that human beings live balanced and proper lifetimes, as far away from ignorance as possible. When that life is followed, the soul is absolved, purified and improved. Therefore, death does not arrive as a form of punishment, but as a form of elevation and a major transition of renewal.

Death with it's advent, can take the life away, yet it can also take many material problems, which can plague a person, such as injuries and other material diseases. Suicide was frowned upon as a highest level of cowardice, as life was considered the greatest gift that one can receive and it truly is.

Ancient Romans also celebrated their past generations and ancestors in elaborate Rituals, linking the world below with those that have passed, with the world above and those that are living. The cycle of life was understood, with it’s sadness and happiness involved.

As a Spiritual Satanist, one must understand the above. The understanding of the above arises inside a being when the soul is awakened and when they can understand the cycle of life and death and it’s necessity. That knowledge is remembered inside the human soul, when one advances themselves spiritually. Ideally, the highest levels of consciousness do allow a human being to see a “peek” into the afterlife.

Therefore, the matter of death can be understood. Ancient Greek philosophers mentioned explicitly that a “Philosopher must prepare for their death”. That is a cryptic and mysterious statement, as simultaneously, Philosophy was the art of life and living to one’s greatest potential. Yet, the two realities co-exist together, and bond into a formulated whole, with the highest aim of this process always being the deification of the human soul and it’s final ascent into the levels of the Gods and their loving hands.

More will be explained in the pages below about the Afterlife and about the levels and layers of it below:

Satanic Funeral: The Ritual

The Judgment of Afterlife

Leading A Spiritual Life and it’s benefits

Our Ancestors and the Ancestral Rites

Eternal Life: What it means in the context of Spiritual Satanism

Afterlife punishments: The justice against the utterly corrupted souls

The Bond with the Guardian Demon: Life, Afterlife and Journey of the Soul

Anubis: Patron Of The Deceased
This is a very magnificent branch 🥰(y)

I'm really looking forward to the updates and I'm glad will see them :)

I do not know how long I will live, but I hope for a very long time, in any case, I will make all the necessary efforts to live a colorful long life, as the Gods want me to do and how I want it 💃👫👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
The enemy has no control, directly, over the universal laws.

But the enemy can act in the astral plane, and being aware of how these laws work, he can “interfere” with them for his own purposes.

This is applied through racial mixing, which blocks the soul in reincarnation. They in fact, the most important families, those who are described as “the direct descendants of Abraham,” have very strict rules, where racial mixing of any kind is highly forbidden, to preserve their lineage, and the possibility of returning to this plane.

The other way is through subconscious programming, which “enslaves/prepares” the soul, which after the person's physical death, will be “controlled,” and if suitable, absorbed into their “One.” In case the “test” is not passed it is sent back to this dimension again until it is “ready.”
The enemy has no control, directly, over the universal laws.

But the enemy can act in the astral plane, and being aware of how these laws work, he can “interfere” with them for his own purposes.

This is applied through racial mixing, which blocks the soul in reincarnation. They in fact, the most important families, those who are described as “the direct descendants of Abraham,” have very strict rules, where racial mixing of any kind is highly forbidden, to preserve their lineage, and the possibility of returning to this plane.

The other way is through subconscious programming, which “enslaves/prepares” the soul, which after the person's physical death, will be “controlled,” and if suitable, absorbed into their “One.” In case the “test” is not passed it is sent back to this dimension again until it is “ready.”
Right, so it sounds like the demons have no dominion over the astral plan either then?
You had your avatar as Anubis not to long ago and with this topic I am thinking the power ritual for Anubis will be out soon?

Just a little patience, it's all ready and will be published very soon. Lord Anubis is phenomenal.
This is a very interesting topic, thank you very much for sharing.

What about cultures or people who wish to be burned instead of buried? Does this affect their afterlife and reincarnation in any way?

I assume that it could make the following generations "forget" about that person, unless they keep that person's ashes.

For me, personally, it's unsettling to keep the ashes of a person inside your house. Many people reminiscent on the death of others and become nostalgic/sad everyday.
In ancient civilisations were cemeteries and necropolises places of high negativity?
Or is it just a xian thing? Usually whole families for generations fill these places with suffering and sadness, then they are always near some xian church, during the xian feast stolen from Samhain the xians always go there to pray and on other occasions there are organised groups that go there as well.
It's definitely a subsequence of abrahamic nature.

Mourning of people, the negative view of death as a concept, combined with active spiritual contamination of these areas by enemy's influence caused them to be the current spiritual wastelands.

In Ancient times, necromancy, work with the dead was a specific part of spiritual life. And being grave keepers was one of the tasks of necromants, overlooking and controlling the processes, like souls departing to the afterlife or bodies' decomposition, so that it's sub-products wouldn't harm anyone or contaminate the area. Now this duty is mostly neglected, with some parts being perverted and used by enemy (their rituials, that are nothing but bastardised versions of initially Gentile tradition) or being undertaken by other entities.

And yeah, don't visit graveyards unless you actually can protect yourself from the consequences. Nasty things lurk there and anyone developing oneself spiritually is a beacon for such.
It's definitely a subsequence of abrahamic nature.

Mourning of people, the negative view of death as a concept, combined with active spiritual contamination of these areas by enemy's influence caused them to be the current spiritual wastelands.

In Ancient times, necromancy, work with the dead was a specific part of spiritual life. And being grave keepers was one of the tasks of necromants, overlooking and controlling the processes, like souls departing to the afterlife or bodies' decomposition, so that it's sub-products wouldn't harm anyone or contaminate the area. Now this duty is mostly neglected, with some parts being perverted and used by enemy (their rituials, that are nothing but bastardised versions of initially Gentile tradition) or being undertaken by other entities.

And yeah, don't visit graveyards unless you actually can protect yourself from the consequences. Nasty things lurk there and anyone developing oneself spiritually is a beacon for such.

abraham is an anagram of Brahma.
Calling these "people" "abrahamic" it's wrong.

abraham is an anagram of Brahma.
Calling these "people" "abrahamic" it's wrong.
Oh please, these minisculities are immensely trifle, hair dissecting won't help in any way.

I understand why you said that, but if JoS was delving so much into that, we wouldn't be here in the first place.

Millions of corrections and nitpicks aren't as encouraging as they seem. We use terms that are to be understood by many, loud and clear, here and now.
That is a topic from the Joy of Satan updates that are going to be updated on the Site. Because I believe it's an interesting subject, I am posting this in advance.

Satanic Funerary Rites

In Ancient Greece and in the Ancient Civilizations, major attention was given to the mystery of death and the funerary rights that follow that event. Currently, the enemy, who preaches lies about reincarnation and removes the importance of Ancestors from the religious life of humanity, is promoting false ideas about death that include fear, terror and falsehood.

In the enemy religions, we hear that a human being lives "once" and then they are headed to a massive judgement, likely resulting in eternal torment or some sort of strange reward of having to sing eternal praises in some boring place called "heaven". None of this is real, and it's over-simplifcation that is only related to the hoaxes and false cultural notions of the enemy.

Our Ancient forefathers, knew that death was merely a transition into the astral realm. The soul passes on and the body is left behind, as the body is an accumulation of natural energy, and therefore returns to the earth. Albeit something that makes us sad and depressed (which is very natural), they were adamant on the reality that the soul will reincarnate and be with us again. This awareness creates an elevated consciousness in the living people, who learn to treat their life with a higher level of importance, same as that of their Ancestors.

In the Ancient Civilizations, funerary rites had the following aims:

1. Asking mercy for the soul of the dead person

2. Active remembrance of the bloodline

3. A pledge of love towards the deceased

Mercy, as a notion, is related to the Gods giving favorable and caring judgment to the people, and giving them disciplinary knowledge and correction on the matters they have went wrong, so the soul can continue in it’s incarnations and keep improving rather than becoming worse.

In regard to mourning, mourning is normal, natural and something very important. The degree of mourning about a soul should always be related to that question: What kind of life has this soul led, when it was alive? For souls that have been advanced and pure, the event of death is nothing to fear or worry about. The lesser the human being and their soul, the more love, care and assistance they need to pass on. The Gods of course provide this guidance, but so must the human beings care for others by providing them accurate spiritual knowledge in front of the great mystery of death.

The Ancient Priesthood would recite blessings for the soul that has departed life. If the soul had lead a virtuous or simple life, or had a heroic death, it was a known fact that the soul would have a great transition, as the Gods would lead the soul safely into the afterlife. Only the very evil people who are a striking minority, were those on whose death there should be major depression, as the weight of the sins and falsehood of a soul could weight it out for it’s next lifetime. More of this will be explained in other links in this webpage.

About the Satanic Funeral: Click Here [Link]

Upon the death of an individual, they visit the Afterlife realm, known as “Hell” or Hades. That is the greatest majority of the souls of the human beings. Contrary to the beliefs of the enemy who preach hellfire and damnation for the smallest sins, the Ancients knew that these levels of existence were there so the soul can safely move there, to learn disciplinary lessons if it did errors, or experience rewards and tranquility until it’s next lifetime.

After the Gods check the soul and it’s errors, they give it another opportunity to go back into the world in order to both rectify it’s mistakes and improve. These mistakes are known by the Gods and they are explained to the soul before it’s passing to the next lifetime, and the soul is given a Natal Chart with which it can both improve and rectify these errors. The process of Reincarnation is immaculate and does not have any errors in it: The whole past of a soul is taken in consideration, same as it’s actions (or inaction) during it’s previous lifetime.

Ancient Greek cemeteries were also places of celebration and that is why most of them are built on places of excellent energy, but above all, close to the cities. That’s because the dead Ancestors, are considered still parts of society, who will be re-visiting the world in the future.

When children and young people of a family had their birthday, the children were taken to cemeteries, where they met their grandparents and other ancestors. The mothers would take the children there, to tell them stories about the deceased, to keep a strong relation between the new generation and the last. Flowers and songs would be sung for those that departed, and there was no climate of fear or terror in regard to the death of an individual.

In advanced levels of initiation, the people were also taken to their own graves, to pick up again some of their belongings, or to see and learn about their own life while in this lifetime. That process was considered a procedure of utmost sacredness and was reserved only for the highest initiates. Violators of tombs and thieves of tombs, were therefore punished with extermination in the Ancient Civilizations, as they were violating the rules of the Gods.

The deeper Funeral Rites are done by spiritual adepts, who call into the Gods in order to move the souls of the deceased safely into the afterlife. That is observed strongly into the Egyptian mysteries. Yearly, celebrations were taken to celebrate the previous deaths of the ancestors, who gave life to the present generation, to recognize their mistakes and commemorate their victories, so that the future generation would move forward in life and in time with a renewed sense of glory, mission and purpose.

In Spiritual Satanism, birth and death are equally celebrated. The purpose of the Spiritual Culture is so that human beings live balanced and proper lifetimes, as far away from ignorance as possible. When that life is followed, the soul is absolved, purified and improved. Therefore, death does not arrive as a form of punishment, but as a form of elevation and a major transition of renewal.

Death with it's advent, can take the life away, yet it can also take many material problems, which can plague a person, such as injuries and other material diseases. Suicide was frowned upon as a highest level of cowardice, as life was considered the greatest gift that one can receive and it truly is.

Ancient Romans also celebrated their past generations and ancestors in elaborate Rituals, linking the world below with those that have passed, with the world above and those that are living. The cycle of life was understood, with it’s sadness and happiness involved.

As a Spiritual Satanist, one must understand the above. The understanding of the above arises inside a being when the soul is awakened and when they can understand the cycle of life and death and it’s necessity. That knowledge is remembered inside the human soul, when one advances themselves spiritually. Ideally, the highest levels of consciousness do allow a human being to see a “peek” into the afterlife.

Therefore, the matter of death can be understood. Ancient Greek philosophers mentioned explicitly that a “Philosopher must prepare for their death”. That is a cryptic and mysterious statement, as simultaneously, Philosophy was the art of life and living to one’s greatest potential. Yet, the two realities co-exist together, and bond into a formulated whole, with the highest aim of this process always being the deification of the human soul and it’s final ascent into the levels of the Gods and their loving hands.

More will be explained in the pages below about the Afterlife and about the levels and layers of it below:

Satanic Funeral: The Ritual

The Judgment of Afterlife

Leading A Spiritual Life and it’s benefits

Our Ancestors and the Ancestral Rites

Eternal Life: What it means in the context of Spiritual Satanism

Afterlife punishments: The justice against the utterly corrupted souls

The Bond with the Guardian Demon: Life, Afterlife and Journey of the Soul

Anubis: Patron Of The Deceased
Thanks a lot HPHC I wish everyone on the forum would read this because it's a must read information and we look forward to seeing the rest of the information line up yet to be added. We're thankful to the Gods for their love and guidance on this part.
Hail father Satan
Hail Astarte
Hail all our Gods and Goddesses of hell forever
Thank you for this post. Inevitably, these are issues that everyone will face, or have already faced before, and there's a certain peace of mind granted in the knowledge.

I think a simple point of contrast, between Ancient Pagan religion and modern day Abrahamic swindle is this. Within Abrahamism, you'll notice that none among them can give any description of what this "Heaven" of theirs is. They can vividly attempt to paint pictures of all the supposed "torments of Hell" however, which certainly shows the loving, merciful nature of these fiends. But "Heaven"? "Eternal bliss". What does that mean, precisely? They'll stumble and say oh, you'll "sing the praises of Jewsus for all eternity." Well, that sounds boring and pointless. Most of their iconography boils down to sitting on a cloud forever. Don't know about anyone else but this sounds tormentive as it is.

On the other hand, the Ancient Pagan funerary rites revolved around treating the afterlife as exactly as the term implies. Another stage of existence. The Underworld is described much like a geographic location, with places of particular function and spiritual purpose. Further, the actual rites themselves involve preparing someone for this next stage of existence. This ranged from the symbolic coins for Charon the Boatman for safe passage across the Styx, to more elaborate preparations like the Mummification process in Egypt, which, against common knowledge, was not only exclusive to the mighty Pharaohs, but, to the common man. Great efforts were taken to ensure every household had a Book of the Dead especially as time went on. This papyrus was a scroll of spells and incantations one would recite for the sake of their dearly departed during the funeral process.

Again, there was no "you're dead and that's it Jewsus savez". This was a sacred process, with its own specific texts and professionals, because there was an acute awareness of the logistics of the soul and the other realms.
Yes, Arcadia, I can fully confirm that. When I was a boy of 12 or 13, I once went for a walk along a country road at dusk. It was a beautiful summer evening and there were no cars in this rural area. So I was all alone. As I walked towards a forest, the picture changed completely. The forest disappeared, a white screen appeared and suddenly a „movie“ started playing. I stepped into the movie and found myself in a room lit by torches. Figures dressed in a panther skin were performing a strange ritual, but at the same time it was very familiar to me. They were pouring fragrant oil onto something in a coffin and chanting or vibrating words that sent a shiver down my spine. I watched this ceremony for quite a while. Then I ventured closer to the corpse, which was in the open coffin. I bent over the coffin. The priests performing the ritual didn't seem to notice me. When I looked at the corpse, I was startled, took a step back and said to myself in horror: "That's me".

Only now did I realize that I was in ancient Egypt and said to myself: "You don't belong here anymore. That was once". And so I stepped out of the "movie" and went back into my world. The movie disappeared and I was once again enveloped by the familiar landscape at dusk. I saw the forest and the country road again. What remained was an infinite peace and bliss. Many years later, I was transported back to ancient Egypt. Now I saw that I was the father of two children. A son and a daughter. I, a son of Kemet, practised the profession of a scribe and owned a beautiful half-timbered mud house with a framed wall in Inebu-hedj. I could see all the details of my home at length. I could also remember the seven tests for my initiation. I worshipped Ptah and his teachings above all else.

So yes, people of lower rank were also wrapped in linen cloths and washed with oils in a ritual. But there was no complete Book of the Dead in my time. The priests were in constant communication with the gods and so everything important was passed on orally.

Hail Satan!

Hail Lucifer!

Hail Lucifius Focalor!
And one of the most nonsense people tell you every damn single time is: "People who commit suicide are the bravest, it takes courage to take your own life". I call bs, it's easier running away and snuff all your problem with a single cut/ jump so to say. There's no such thing as higher value in suicide, you succumb to your weakness blinding yourself to actual solutions, but laziness seems such a good option for you.
When there's actual no escape, no solution, no oxygen I would not judge, but even then as I learnt from this path all these years, there's ALWAYS a solution.
But I guess the "values" of weakness and cowardice are considered virtues by clowns nowadays. And enemies aside, people ignorance, beliefs and lack of actual perception is tragicomic.
I have to fully agree with you and HPHC666. Committing suicide is absolutely cowardly. It's a way of shirking all responsibility. Quite apart from that, you are carelessly throwing away the greatest gift that the gods have given you. Life is by far the greatest gift imaginable. Without an incarnation, progress, learning and self-empowerment are not possible. Without the body, the soul stagnates. It is not driven by any needs, desires, cravings or sexual urges. It has no reason to perform any movement. It rests in the truest sense of the word and must pick up where it left off in the next incarnation and continue. However, the soul has been severely blocked by the suicide and needs some time to build up enough energy to continue the work.

Hail Satan!

Hail Lucifer!

Hail Lucifius Focalor!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
