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Crown chakra


New member
Nov 20, 2010
Hello brothers and sisters, was just wondering do you have to be in a deep trance to open your crown chakra? Because I'm still having trouble trying to get into one and I'm up to opening my crown.Hail Father Satan!Hail the gods & goddesses of hell!
No you don't have to be in a full trance, just be relaxed and vibrate the words (focusing on the chakra) 

On Wednesday, March 11, 2015 7:37 PM, "serpentleo666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Hello brothers and sisters, was just wondering do you have to be in a deep trance to open your crown chakra? Because I'm still having trouble trying to get into one and I'm up to opening my crown.Hail Father Satan!Hail the gods & goddesses of hell!

You definitely don't have to be in a trance to open your chakras just relax and tune into its energy enter.
Actually, you don't have to be in a trance for many working where you can just focus and tune in. Don't worry about getting into a trance when doing a lot of simple meditations. Being able to get into a trance will come naturally. It doesn't work best for those who are new and straining to get into a trance. Don't worry about it.
Just be relaxed enough. Hail our Creator God Satan.

On Wednesday, March 11, 2015 10:37 PM, "serpentleo666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Hello brothers and sisters, was just wondering do you have to be in a deep trance to open your crown chakra? Because I'm still having trouble trying to get into one and I'm up to opening my crown.Hail Father Satan!Hail the gods & goddesses of hell!

Hello, I have a question regarding opening the crown charka. Should i perform opening of the crown chakra for 4 consecutive days like opening the third eye chakra or just once? Same question goes for other chakras. Thanks

Hail Satan
Perform the openings for as long as needed. Not all chakras open in the same amount of time. Also, everyone is different and how long it takes for a chakra to open depends on how spiritually powerful you were in you past life.
read the instructions. If you feel like there's still a blockage then do it as many times as it takes and then move on to the next one.
The 6th chakra is supposed to be last but uses the same chant as the 3rd eye since the 3rd eye is an extension of chakra #6.Mine are all open but now I am trying to master astral projection so my astral senses become completely awakened which will allow me to finally speak with Lord Satan and the other gods in order to find the best advice on how to complete my training as quickly as possible.

On Friday, March 27, 2015 8:49 PM, "kidcratedigger@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Hello, I have a question regarding opening the crown charka. Should i perform opening of the crown chakra for 4 consecutive days like opening the third eye chakra or just once? Same question goes for other chakras. Thanks

Hail Satan

Keep blasting the chakra with appropriate vibrations every day until it opens fully. Do it on all chakras everyday for best effect.

I do 9 certain vibrations in each chakra everyday consistently and crown isnt the easiest one to "feel".

The only thing that worked for me on this is Hooded Cobra's meditation posted here a while ago. Posted it below. I am on month 2 of doing it.

The 'opening the chakras' meditations on the JoS are quite weak. There are several reasons for this, the most important being that anything stronger could be dangerous for new people and those who have already reached a level in their past life at some time, but are new to spirituality in this one. It is best to take things slowly with opening the soul. The meditations actually activate the chakras somewhat, but again, this is very individual. Few people have the exact same results. The granthis [knots], especially the ones blocking the 6th and yes, the crown can be extremely difficult to open and empower fully. This is where much of the psychic power and perceptions are at such as accurate telepathic communications and astral sight. Those who are having problems will benefit form this knowledge given to me by Satan. HoodedCobra was also given more details on this from Satan and the effects are exceptionally powerful. If you are new, I strongly warn you
not to do this, but to take things a step at a time.

The hatha [physical] yoga asanas are more than just physical. Each of these asanas works on specific chakras. The headstand works on the 6th and 7th chakras, especially when combined with the seed vibrations, breathing exercises and the application of the bandhas [the yogic locks]. If you choose to do this exercise, it must be done every day, for many days to make sure you are fully open. The major problem with the lighter versions, which are on the JoS, is that yes, the chakra is opened and activated, but then soon closes back up again in many people, unless it was fully opened in a past life.

Indications that the crown and 6th chakras are blocked are pains in the head, crawling sensations around the crown and the inability to fully see astrally and hear telepathic communications correctly. Telepathic communications can be way off in those who are not fully open, but again, I warn you, this is extreme and NOT for newbies!! You must have patience or you will end up having problems.

Kick up into a headstand, this is where your head is touching the floor. You should have your crown centered on the floor. It is best to do this with a wall for support, as you don't want to be concentrating on maintaining your balance, when you should be focusing on the vibration, the breathing and your crown.

Immediately perform the breath of fire for 54 repetitions. If you can't do 54, then do what you are able to do, in and out, using your abdominal muscles in rapid succession, and at the end of the 54th breath, exhale, inhale and fill your lungs, contract your anus, [this is applying the root lock], driving the energy from the base of your spine to your crown chakra, and hold your breath as long as you comfortably can- DO NOT PUSH YOURSELF!

Breath of Fire [Kapalabhati]

On the exhale, vibrate 'TH' -- a hard TH, with your tongue directly above your front two teeth on your hard palate. Vibrate the 'TH' until you are completely exhaled. The above is one round. You should do 2-3 and then these must be done every day, preferable during your meditation/yoga session.

When you are finished, perform 5-6 rounds of alternate nostril breathing; breathing in through your crown chakra, and exhaling through your crown chakra.
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... stril.html

HoodedCobra added that after completing the above, lie on your back and vibrate 'GAUM' into your pineal gland; the effects are extreme. You can also lie on your stomach [for your third eye] and vibrate 'THAUM.' Both of these steps are optional.

So here is a summary:

1. Headstand, your crown chakra should be centered and aligned with the floor.

2. Perform the breath of fire for 54 repetitions, focusing on your crown.

3. Hold your breath and apply the root lock by contracting your anus and focus on driving the energy up into your crown.

4. On the exhale, vibrate TH

5. Keep your head down [never, even stand or sit up right after any inverted asanas], and lie on your back for a few minutes.

The above constitutes one round.

When you are finished with however many rounds you choose to do, then perform 5-6 rounds of alternate nostril breathing, 'breathing' through your crown chakra.  
No.  Just keep trying to improve.

---In [email protected], <serpentleo666@... wrote :

Hello brothers and sisters, was just wondering do you have to be in a deep trance to open your crown chakra? Because I'm still having trouble trying to get into one and I'm up to opening my crown.Hail Father Satan!Hail the gods & goddesses of hell!
which chants do you use on all 7? The sanskrit ones? (shanisvara, Baumaya, suryayae, etc.)I do those daily and also keep trying to finish up my 6th and crown chakra but they seem to just keep closing back up before I can finish.Of course I am under constant scrutiny from a deranged christian I am forced to live with which makes it that much harder -_-This headstand thing you mentioned seems like just the trick I'd be looking for

On Saturday, March 28, 2015 8:05 PM, "johnrobsons@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Keep blasting the chakra with appropriate vibrations every day until it opens fully. Do it on all chakras everyday for best effect.

I do 9 certain vibrations in each chakra everyday consistently and crown isnt the easiest one to "feel".

The only thing that worked for me on this is Hooded Cobra's meditation posted here a while ago. Posted it below. I am on month 2 of doing it.

The 'opening the chakras' meditations on the JoS are quite weak. There are several reasons for this, the most important being that anything stronger could be dangerous for new people and those who have already reached a level in their past life at some time, but are new to spirituality in this one. It is best to take things slowly with opening the soul. The meditations actually activate the chakras somewhat, but again, this is very individual. Few people have the exact same results. The granthis [knots], especially the ones blocking the 6th and yes, the crown can be extremely difficult to open and empower fully. This is where much of the psychic power and perceptions are at such as accurate telepathic communications and astral sight. Those who are having problems will benefit form this knowledge given to me by Satan. HoodedCobra was also given more details on this from Satan and the effects are exceptionally powerful. If you are new, I strongly warn you
not to do this, but to take things a step at a time.

The hatha [physical] yoga asanas are more than just physical. Each of these asanas works on specific chakras. The headstand works on the 6th and 7th chakras, especially when combined with the seed vibrations, breathing exercises and the application of the bandhas [the yogic locks]. If you choose to do this exercise, it must be done every day, for many days to make sure you are fully open. The major problem with the lighter versions, which are on the JoS, is that yes, the chakra is opened and activated, but then soon closes back up again in many people, unless it was fully opened in a past life.

Indications that the crown and 6th chakras are blocked are pains in the head, crawling sensations around the crown and the inability to fully see astrally and hear telepathic communications correctly. Telepathic communications can be way off in those who are not fully open, but again, I warn you, this is extreme and NOT for newbies!! You must have patience or you will end up having problems.

Kick up into a headstand, this is where your head is touching the floor. You should have your crown centered on the floor. It is best to do this with a wall for support, as you don't want to be concentrating on maintaining your balance, when you should be focusing on the vibration, the breathing and your crown.

Immediately perform the breath of fire for 54 repetitions. If you can't do 54, then do what you are able to do, in and out, using your abdominal muscles in rapid succession, and at the end of the 54th breath, exhale, inhale and fill your lungs, contract your anus, [this is applying the root lock], driving the energy from the base of your spine to your crown chakra, and hold your breath as long as you comfortably can- DO NOT PUSH YOURSELF!

Breath of Fire [Kapalabhati]

On the exhale, vibrate 'TH' -- a hard TH, with your tongue directly above your front two teeth on your hard palate. Vibrate the 'TH' until you are completely exhaled. The above is one round. You should do 2-3 and then these must be done every day, preferable during your meditation/yoga session.

When you are finished, perform 5-6 rounds of alternate nostril breathing; breathing in through your crown chakra, and exhaling through your crown chakra.
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... stril.html

HoodedCobra added that after completing the above, lie on your back and vibrate 'GAUM' into your pineal gland; the effects are extreme. You can also lie on your stomach [for your third eye] and vibrate 'THAUM.' Both of these steps are optional.

So here is a summary:

1. Headstand, your crown chakra should be centered and aligned with the floor.

2. Perform the breath of fire for 54 repetitions, focusing on your crown.

3. Hold your breath and apply the root lock by contracting your anus and focus on driving the energy up into your crown.

4. On the exhale, vibrate TH

5. Keep your head down [never, even stand or sit up right after any inverted asanas], and lie on your back for a few minutes.

The above constitutes one round.

When you are finished with however many rounds you choose to do, then perform 5-6 rounds of alternate nostril breathing, 'breathing' through your crown chakra.  

Thanks! I will try the hooded cobra meditation you posted once i open all the chakras.. The thing is, I have a medical condition where I have to keep watch of my head. Even a weaker punch can knock me out with no problem. The thing is a lot of time passed since the accident i had and I recently got the urge to learn hand and headstand.

Hail Satan
Well I have perform the four days of opening the crown chakra.
Is it okay if I keep on vibrating Bbb more than 4 times to open the chakra because I can't really feel the pressure on my crown chakra like on my third eye?
And can anyone guide me on certain meditation or yoga session to fully open my crown chakra and awaken the pineal gland?
You can perform the opening for as long as you need to. How long it takes to open varies, because it depends on how spiritually powerful you were in a past life.
Thanks, I recently stumbled on this meditation for fully opening the crown chakra by our high priest hooded croba, It has do with a headestand and a breathe of fire along with vibrating thhh.
Seems powerful enough I'll try it.
So I was wondering if there is a specific chakra that is harder to open than the others. 
All my chakra's are comming along nicely and are really starting to open up, except my crown chakra. 
When I vibrate the mantra into it it doesn't seem to flow but it actually starts to feel very unpleasant.
Even when just trying to spin the chakra it takes an enormous amount of effort for me to get it to move even a little bit.

My other chakra's start spinning very fast when I focus on them for a few minutes and they spin constantly, but my crown chakra even though I put the same amount of energy and effort into it seems to be very weak or stuck compared to the others. 
Sometimes it even appears to be broken.. When I visualize my chakra's and make them spin or breathe energy into them I always see a very clear vortex vibrant with the energy of the specific chakra, but when I visualize my crown it appears as a much smaller piramid sometimes even with cracks in it and it shackes violently when I try to spin it by breathing energy into it. Completely different from all my other chakra's.. 

Do some chakra's just need a lot more effort or work to start working properly? Or is this a special/abnormal case and I need to do something specific about it?

try 108 counts of the mantra to open it. I've been doing the same and it does take effect.
it also gives me a headache every now and then too so I see what you're talking about.

On Thursday, March 17, 2016 11:02 PM, "luka.huijerman@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  So I was wondering if there is a specific chakra that is harder to open than the others. 
All my chakra's are comming along nicely and are really starting to open up, except my crown chakra. 
When I vibrate the mantra into it it doesn't seem to flow but it actually starts to feel very unpleasant.
Even when just trying to spin the chakra it takes an enormous amount of effort for me to get it to move even a little bit.

My other chakra's start spinning very fast when I focus on them for a few minutes and they spin constantly, but my crown chakra even though I put the same amount of energy and effort into it seems to be very weak or stuck compared to the others. 
Sometimes it even appears to be broken.. When I visualize my chakra's and make them spin or breathe energy into them I always see a very clear vortex vibrant with the energy of the specific chakra, but when I visualize my crown it appears as a much smaller piramid sometimes even with cracks in it and it shackes violently when I try to spin it by breathing energy into it. Completely different from all my other chakra's.. 

Do some chakra's just need a lot more effort or work to start working properly? Or is this a special/abnormal case and I need to do something specific about it?


[/IMG]"The absence of darkness in a person does not suggest an abundance of light, for to know the light you must have known the darkness."</em>

On Friday, March 18, 2016 1:02 AM, "luka.huijerman@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  So I was wondering if there is a specific chakra that is harder to open than the others. 
All my chakra's are comming along nicely and are really starting to open up, except my crown chakra. 
When I vibrate the mantra into it it doesn't seem to flow but it actually starts to feel very unpleasant.
Even when just trying to spin the chakra it takes an enormous amount of effort for me to get it to move even a little bit.

My other chakra's start spinning very fast when I focus on them for a few minutes and they spin constantly, but my crown chakra even though I put the same amount of energy and effort into it seems to be very weak or stuck compared to the others. 
Sometimes it even appears to be broken.. When I visualize my chakra's and make them spin or breathe energy into them I always see a very clear vortex vibrant with the energy of the specific chakra, but when I visualize my crown it appears as a much smaller piramid sometimes even with cracks in it and it shackes violently when I try to spin it by breathing energy into it. Completely different from all my other chakra's.. 

Do some chakra's just need a lot more effort or work to start working properly? Or is this a special/abnormal case and I need to do something specific about it?


Hmm my jupiter is positioned in an alright place. It's in scorpio, so not exalted or anything, but it souldn't give to much of a negative effect. 

When a planet is retrograde can it also make that specific chakra weaker? 
I have 3 retrogrades, saturn, mercury and venus.. And I did notice that the chakra's associated with these take more effort for me to open. It still seems strange that the crown is giving me a lot of trouble though. 

Thanks Angry Shaman, I will try this and keep persistent! 

what planet affects the crown chakra?
Was it jupiter?

On Friday, March 18, 2016 8:20 PM, "luka.huijerman@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Hmm my jupiter is positioned in an alright place. It's in scorpio, so not exalted or anything, but it souldn't give to much of a negative effect. 

When a planet is retrograde can it also make that specific chakra weaker? 
I have 3 retrogrades, saturn, mercury and venus.. And I did notice that the chakra's associated with these take more effort for me to open. It still seems strange that the crown is giving me a lot of trouble though. 

Thanks Angry Shaman, I will try this and keep persistent! 


On this link it tells you what chakras correlate to what planets (Towards the bottom just click on a chakra) - http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ation.html
Yes Jupiter correlates to the crown chakra
I'm not sure about if retrograde would make the chakra weaker, if I had to guess I would say yes it would. It would make sense 

 <e[/IMG]"The absence of darkness in a person does not suggest an abundance of light, for to know the light you must have known the darkness."</em>

On Saturday, March 19, 2016 9:35 AM, "fake name angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  what planet affects the crown chakra?
Was it jupiter?

On Friday, March 18, 2016 8:20 PM, "luka.huijerman@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Hmm my jupiter is positioned in an alright place. It's in scorpio, so not exalted or anything, but it souldn't give to much of a negative effect. 

When a planet is retrograde can it also make that specific chakra weaker? 
I have 3 retrogrades, saturn, mercury and venus.. And I did notice that the chakra's associated with these take more effort for me to open. It still seems strange that the crown is giving me a lot of trouble though. 

Thanks Angry Shaman, I will try this and keep persistent! 


Yes jupiter rules the crown chakra, had to look it up aswell on the JoS page. 
Sometimes it's hard to remember all that haha
This link shows what planets are in their ruling signs or in the fall - http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ments.html

Look at your birth chart to see what your planets are in 
<e[/IMG]"The absence of darkness in a person does not suggest an abundance of light, for to know the light you must have known the darkness."</em>

On Saturday, March 19, 2016 7:28 PM, "fake name angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  how would I find out what planets might be weak on a birth chart?

On Saturday, March 19, 2016 2:08 PM, "mancunianninja@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:


http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... hakra.html  

http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ation.html  

This channel has an awesome series on reading your birth chart,

Here is the first one in the series:
How To Find Your Birth Chart *First Video* 
 I found it very confusing to read my birth chart, but after watching those I finally got the jist of it and figured out how to read mine properly, it is highly recommended to watch them and learn astrology.
You will learn a lot of things about yourself and a lot of things about your life can become a lot clearer.

I dont need yur nonsense plz

"Teloc Vovim teloc.vovim666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

This link shows what planets are in their ruling signs or in the fall - http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ments.html

Look at your birth chart to see what your planets are in 
"The absence of darkness in a person does not suggest an abundance of light, for to know the light you must have known the darkness."

On Saturday, March 19, 2016 7:28 PM, "fake name angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  how would I find out what planets might be weak on a birth chart?

On Saturday, March 19, 2016 2:08 PM, "mancunianninja@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:


http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... hakra.html  

http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ation.html  

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I need help understanding something is awakening the pineal gland the same thing has opening the sixth chakra?
I always thought the same mantra to open the crown is used to open the sixth chakra?
So we shouldn open the sixth chakra after we open the base chakra??
In the 40 days meditation it says to do it for 4 days, but in the crown chakra meditation it says the day to do it is at thursday, so can I do it even if it isn't thursday???
The pineal gland and 6th chakra are different. The pineal gland is slightly below and to the right of the 6th chakra. The "Opening the Crown Chakra" meditation stimulates the 3rd eye, pineal gland, and crown chakra. Different mantras are used for the crown chakra and 6th chakra.

Full Chakra Meditation
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ation.html  

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
