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Before Hitler Came

Fourth Reich

Oct 29, 2010
This is fairly small because I wanted to keep it a simple as possible whislt supplying enough statistics. An articles about the years after Hitler came to power will follow this. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________Before Hitler CameBy fourthreich666http://fourthreich666.weebly.com/hitlers-reich.html
"In our hands, and in our hands alone lies the detiny of the German people! Only if we raise the German people through their own labour, their own industry, their own determination and their own daring, their own perseverance, only then shall we rise again. In days gone by our Fathers, too have not recieved Germany as a gift but created her themselves! German Volk, give me four years and - I swear to you - as true as I have accepted this office, so shall I leave it then. For I have not taken it for gain or for wages but for your sake alone!" - The Fuhrer, the Reichschancellor, Adolf Hitler
Nazi Germnay was headed for a society free of Jewry and much link the golden age of Greece and Rome. This is why the Jews stopped him. Hitler and the Third Reich achieved in six years what would take a decades today in our goverments.__________________________ 
By the time hitler came unemployment, homelessness, crime, and hunger was rampant. Money became useless. This of course was caused by Jews. One US dollar was equivlent to 4.2 trillion Deutch mark and due to the coward socialists who singed the the Treaty of Versailles, Germany owed 33 billion US dollars for reperations. USA was lending Germany to repay, hence why Germany suffered greatly in the great depresion of 1929, and the frequent change of goverment did not help. /1 
To make matters worse, more than 1,250,000 men died; 4,250,000 were wounded. Nor did the Armistice stop the slaughter: before the Allied blockade was lifted, a million more had perished from hunger. From the continental body of Germany, the Versailles Treaty cut 10 per cent of the population, 12 per cent of the area, including one-quarter of her coal deposits and three-quarters of her iron deposits. As for overseas trade, her colonies were all seized, and 80 per cent of her merchant fleet. She was stripped of hundreds of thousands of heads of cattle and poultry, a large proportion of her railway rolling stock and barges /2.
There had been 224,000 suicides within only a few years after the crisis.
The Socialist leaders of the Wiemar Republic, when things were fine, procliamed they were heroes, that they saved Germany forever. Where were they when the fatherland needed such heroes the most? Were were they when people were living on the streets? The answer to that is dining with Jews and eating 3 course meals. They promised and promised but served nothing but enpty words, which could not feed anyone.
Here is an account of a Brisish novelist, living in Berlin at the time: Morning after morning, all over the immense, damp, dreary town and the packing-case colonies of huts in the suburb allotments, young men were waking up to another workless empty day, to be spent as they could best contrive: selling boot-laces, begging, playing draughts in the hall of the Labour Exchange, hanging about urinals, opening the doors of cars, helping with crates in the market, gossiping, lounging, stealing, overhearing racing tips, sharing stumps of cigarette ends picked up in the gutter.
The Rich class became middle class, the middle class became peasants and the peasants became begger, the fall of class after class was boundless and unstoppable, only one remained, and they of course were the Jews who were push poverty and communism in Germany
Chairman of the Reichsbank, Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht seen as legend, retired and became a spokesperson for Morgan, a banker who had strong ties with Jews, such as the Rotchchlids /3
By December 1929, 6 million Germans were unemployed /3. By this time, Hitler and the NSDAP were becommmig more and more popular, and began to truly realise the fact that Germany is slipping into the hands of the Communist. Hitler once said: "steadily, slowly, but surely slipping more and more into conditions of Communism"
By 1932, this was Germany's situation:“…German production was fifty-five per cent of what it had been in 1928. Nearly seventy-five per cent of industry was at a standstill. Between January, 1920, and January, 1933, imports declined by two-thirds and exports by nearly half. In three years $7,290,000,00 had been taken from the incomes of the workers. The average weekly wage in eighteen months had been reduced from $10.24 to $5.48. Unemployment benefit was $9 a month. Taxation crippled the workers and poor, Crisis Tax, Occupation Tax, Head Tax, Salt Tax, Turnover Tax to the small trader. But on the other hand the big magnate, had been granted financial aid amounting to $699,840,000. By this time the unemployed were nearly seven million, and there were 300 suicides per week.”
1/3 of  Germany were trying to survive of 40 pfennigs a day and unemployment benifits were limited to 6 months. 25% of the workers salary was cut off and 21% of them were earning between 100 and 250 marks per month; 69.2 percent of them, in January of 1933, were being paid less than 1,200 marks annually. No more than about 100,000 Germans, it was estimated, were able to live without financial worries. the majority of which were Jews./6
The above highlights the main points, for more details, read the parts of this articles of Leon Degrelle which speak about the years before Hitler came: http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v12/v12p299_Degrelle.html
"We have the power. Now our gigantic work begins." - Adolf Hitler, January 20, 1933*******************************************Sources.[1] Article: Hitler rescued German economy before WWII[2] Worker's Liberty: Before Hitler came to power Part 1[3] Article: Hitler rescued German economy before WWII[4] Alpha History: The Great Depression in Germany[5] CLR James: World Revolution[6] Leon Degrelle: The First Years of the Reich_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________Hail Wotan! Hail Amon Ra! Hail Horus! 
Heil Hitler! Heil Himmler! Sieg Heil!
"Blood and Honour"

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
