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Astarte: Eternal Queen and Mother / Spring Equinox

HPS Lydia

High Priestess
Sep 20, 2017
Earth, the lush garden planet. Hundreds of thousands of different types of plants, most of which produce flowers. Our planet, even with all the pollution and destruction, still fights to vibrantly grow in any way it can.


Astarte’s element is Water, and in Roman mythology as Venus and Greek mythology as Aphrodite, she came from the sea. Water is essential for plant life to grow.


[Birth of Venus by Alexandre Cabanel, 1863]

Astarte, Aphrodite, Isis, Venus, Freya, all her names in all cultures, She is associated with love, desire, charm, seduction, sexuality, fertility. While a lot of people these days have bad connotations regarding these, in a pure mind, these are essential for life to form and flourish. Growth is an aim of life. We are to grow to our fullest potential, and to create and cause growth. Love helps others to grow and flourish, and we in turn grow and flourish.

The highest and healthiest form of growth is with prosperity and luxury. Walk into the most beautiful garden, forest, or meadow, there will be growth of all kinds, colors, life, prana everywhere. Health and beauty go hand-in-hand. The mind becomes at ease, the heart softens, the soul is nourished. We are one with nature. And when we take part in helping nature grow, we heal. Higher and more evolved beings help other people, and nature, grow.

This is why Astarte is associated with gardens and nature in its most luxurious form. She helps us grow. Astarte, along with all of our Gods and Goddesses, want us each to fulfill our highest potential, to grow eternally to the best and healthiest version of ourselves. With this naturally comes happiness and inner peace.

She has always been associated with common ordinary people, and was a deity of magickal spells of love and healing for ordinary people. This is because She sees their potential to become higher and more evolved beings. She never scorned the commoner, but helped raise them up. Even with all her power, she cares for each of us.

Love. A lot of people dismiss love, because you were rejected or neglected. First by your parents, then perhaps by a girlfriend or boyfriend. This is sad but it’s a part of life, and you must learn from it, heal, and move on. In order to grow to your highest potential you must love... and accept love. Be loved. Allow yourself to feel loved and grow from it. If you currently do not have love in your life, you can find it. Astarte’s ritual and other magick workings can help bring love to you.

Fertility. The womb has water, and the warmth of life growing is fire. Water and Fire in balance and harmony are essential for life to form. You cannot exist just by yourself, you came from man (fire) and woman (water). Nature is fertile and is always trying to procreate.

Charm. Pleasing to the senses, attractive, appealing, delightful. Everyone wants to be charmed, it inspires, gives hope, and creates harmony and beauty.

Desire. When practicing magick, you must desire what it is you wish to manifest. Desire is attractive, magnetic, longing.

Seduction. Fully giving in to desire and passion, an altered state of mind, persuasion to get what you want. Creative energy comes from this, as the power of the right side of the mind is released. Two people in full enjoyment of each other, lost in each other, found in each other. (This is not about having random drunken one-night stands; understand the correct connotation here.)

Spring Equinox is in honor of Astarte. The equinox (Latin, meaning “equal night”) is when night (Water) and day (Fire) are the exact same length, and halfway between Winter Solstice (Water) and Summer Solstice (Fire). Fire and Water are in perfect balance, as are Air (which comes from Fire) and Earth (which comes from Water).

Spring is when we come out of Winter hibernation and can expand more in the day and do more outdoors. The light is longer and brighter, and crops will now grow. Astarte is also Demeter, the Goddess of harvest, agriculture, crops, grains, and food.


[Demeter by Gwendolyn Malfoy]

Celebrate, honor life and love and growth. Honor Her, because she wants you to be loved. She wants you to heal and grow as much as you are capable. Live as much as you are capable of living. Don’t stagnate; plants never stagnate unless they are on the brink of death and decay. And plants always grow upwards. They never grow sideways unless something is pressing them down; and then, the very moment they are able to, they grow upwards again.

Plants have "indeterminate growth”, meaning they keep growing with almost no limitations, so long as the conditions are right. There are plants and trees that go through periods of hibernation such as in winter or in drought, but these periods end and they grow again. Be like a plant: Steady your roots, and grow indefinitely.

Times when plants may not grow: (representing, your own self-growth)

-Planting them in the wrong season and location: Start your magickal workings and life goals/achievements at the correct times, work in harmony with the energy of astrological transits and the natural phases of your life.

-Poor soil conditions: Pay attention to your foundation and what can help support and feed your growth.

-Incorrect watering: Take care of your emotional needs and nourishment.

-Incorrect lighting: The soul is made of light, use light to clean and purify your soul; but don’t burn yourself out.

-Fertilization: We need to put the needs of our children first, and make sacrifices for their sake, but it all comes back to us in the end. Growing children helps to fuel our own growth.

-Pests: Eliminate pests, detach from toxic people in your life.

-Diseases: Remove and prevent disease, do health workings, and take care of your health.

-Transplant shock: Shock happens during times of change, spend this time nurturing yourself (self-care) and learning to adapt in order to further your growth again.

Humans are like plants. This is why our planet Earth is perfect for us and our full, well-rounded evolution. We are not borgs, we are children of the Gods and this is the planet they created us on. And Astarte/ Inanna/ Isis/ Aphrodite/ Venus/ Demeter/ Freya was always one of the most important Goddesses, the one who nurtures us, feeds us, cares for us, and helps us grow.

Happy Ostara, Happy Spring. May you all move forward and upward in your life, to fulfillment and prosperity! :)

As the Spring arrives after the death of nature, so can the Godhead arrive for humans who seek it after a period of desolation and ignorance. Astarte oversees this transformation.” “[…] she is a motherly figure that supplies human beings with whatever they require for life.”
-Astarte’s page: https://satanisgod.org/AstarteHC.html

Hail Astarte!


[Freyja and the Necklace by James Doyle Penrose, 1890]
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Love. A lot of people dismiss love, because you were rejected or neglected. First by your parents, then perhaps by a girlfriend or boyfriend. This is sad but it’s a part of life, and you must learn from it, heal, and move on. In order to grow to your highest potential you must love... and accept love. Be loved. Allow yourself to feel loved and grow from it. If you currently do not have love in your life, you can find it. Astarte’s ritual and other magick workings can help bring love to you.

Desire. When practicing magick, you must desire what it is you wish to manifest. Desire is attractive, magnetic, longing.

These qualities are fundamentally paramount to a fulfilling existence. Without love or desire, a person cannot truly experience the richness that life presents as a gift.
It is a beautiful time to immerse oneself in nature, to seek solace and prosperity. As the heart basks in warmth, so does the mind find peace.
Earth, the lush garden planet. Hundreds of thousands of different types of plants, most of which produce flowers. Our planet, even with all the pollution and destruction, still fights to vibrantly grow in any way it can.


Astarte’s element is Water, and in Roman myth as Venus and Greek myth as Aphrodite, she came from the sea. Water is essential for plant life to grow.


[Birth of Venus by Alexandre Cabanel, 1863]

Astarte, Aphrodite, Isis, Venus, Freya, all her names in all cultures, She is associated with love, desire, charm, seduction, sexuality, fertility. While a lot of people these days have bad connotations regarding these, in a pure mind, these are essential for life to form and flourish. Growth is an aim of life. We are to grow to our fullest potential, and to create and cause growth. Love helps others to grow and flourish, and we in turn grow and flourish.

The highest and healthiest form of growth is with prosperity and luxury. Walk into the most beautiful garden, forest, or meadow, there will be growth of all kinds, colors, life, prana everywhere. Health and beauty go hand-in-hand. The mind becomes at ease, the heart softens, the soul is nourished. We are one with nature. And when we take part in helping nature grow, we heal. Higher and more evolved beings help other people, and nature, grow.

This is why Astarte is associated with gardens and nature in its most luxurious form. She helps us grow. Astarte, along with all of our Gods and Goddesses, want us each to fulfill our highest potential, to grow eternally to the best and healthiest version of ourselves. With this naturally comes happiness and inner peace.

She has always been associated with common ordinary people, and was a deity of magickal spells of love and healing for ordinary people. This is because She sees their potential to become higher and more evolved beings. She never scorned the commoner, but helped raise them up. Even with all her power, she cares for each of us.

Love. A lot of people dismiss love, because you were rejected or neglected. First by your parents, then perhaps by a girlfriend or boyfriend. This is sad but it’s a part of life, and you must learn from it, heal, and move on. In order to grow to your highest potential you must love... and accept love. Be loved. Allow yourself to feel loved and grow from it. If you currently do not have love in your life, you can find it. Astarte’s ritual and other magick workings can help bring love to you.

Fertility. The womb has water, and the warmth of life growing is fire. Water and Fire in balance and harmony are essential for life to form. You cannot exist just by yourself, you came from man (fire) and woman (water). Nature is fertile and is always trying to procreate.

Charm. Pleasing to the senses, attractive, appealing, delightful. Everyone wants to be charmed, it inspires, gives hope, and creates harmony and beauty.

Desire. When practicing magick, you must desire what it is you wish to manifest. Desire is attractive, magnetic, longing.

Seduction. Fully giving in to desire and passion, an altered state of mind, persuasion to get what you want. Creative energy comes from this, as the power of the right side of the mind is released. Two people in full enjoyment of each other, lost in each other, found in each other. (This is not about having random drunken one-night stands; understand the correct connotation here.)

Spring Equinox is in honor of Astarte. The equinox (Latin, meaning “equal night”) is when night (Water) and day (Fire) are the exact same length, and halfway between Winter Solstice (Water) and Summer Solstice (Fire). Fire and Water are in perfect balance, as are Air (which comes from Fire) and Earth (which comes from Water).

Spring is when we come out of Winter hibernation and can expand more in the day and do more outdoors. The light is longer and brighter, and crops will now grow. Astarte is also Demeter, the Goddess of harvest, agriculture, crops, grains, and food.


[Demeter by Gwendolyn Malfoy]

Celebrate, honor life and love and growth. Honor Her, because she wants you to be loved. She wants you to heal and grow as much as you are capable. Live as much as you are capable of living. Don’t stagnate; plants never stagnate unless they are on the brink of death and decay. And plants always grow upwards. They never grow sideways unless something is pressing them down; and then, the very moment they are able to, they grow upwards again.

Plants have "indeterminate growth”, meaning they keep growing with almost no limitations, so long as the conditions are right. There are plants and trees that go through periods of hibernation such as in winter or in drought, but these periods end and they grow again. Be like a plant: Steady your roots, and grow indefinitely.

Times when plants may not grow: (representing, your own self-growth)

-Planting them in the wrong season and location: Start your magickal workings and life goals/achievements at the correct times, work in harmony with the energy of astrological transits and the natural phases of your life.

-Poor soil conditions: Pay attention to your foundation and what can help support and feed your growth.

-Incorrect watering: Take care of your emotional needs and nourishment.

-Incorrect lighting: The soul is made of light, use light to clean and purify your soul; but don’t burn yourself out.

-Fertilization: We need to put the needs of our children first, and make sacrifices for their sake, but it all comes back to us in the end. Growing children helps to fuel our own growth.

-Pests: Eliminate pests, detach from toxic people in your life.

-Diseases: Remove and prevent disease, do health workings, and take care of your health.

-Transplant shock: Shock happens during times of change, spend this time nurturing yourself (self-care) and learning to adapt in order to further your growth again.

Humans are like plants. This is why our planet Earth is perfect for us and our full, well-rounded evolution. We are not borgs, we are children of the Gods and this is the planet they created us on. And Astarte/ Inanna/ Isis/ Aphrodite/ Venus/ Demeter/ Freya was always one of the most important Goddesses, the one who nurtures us, feeds us, cares for us, and helps us grow.

Happy Ostara, Happy Spring. May you all move forward and upward in your life, to fulfillment and prosperity! :)

As the Spring arrives after the death of nature, so can the Godhead arrive for humans who seek it after a period of desolation and ignorance. Astarte oversees this transformation.” “[…] she is a motherly figure that supplies human beings with whatever they require for life.”
-Astarte’s page: https://satanisgod.org/AstarteHC.html

Hail Astarte!


[Freyja and the Necklace by James Doyle Penrose, 1890]
I'm speechless.
Reading these words I felt wonderful sensations.

When I think of Astarte I perceive a very pure energy full of love.
I can only lower my head as a sign of respect in front of such beauty and power.

Hail Astarte!
Glory to our gods!
Earth, the lush garden planet. Hundreds of thousands of different types of plants, most of which produce flowers. Our planet, even with all the pollution and destruction, still fights to vibrantly grow in any way it can.


Astarte’s element is Water, and in Roman myth as Venus and Greek myth as Aphrodite, she came from the sea. Water is essential for plant life to grow.


[Birth of Venus by Alexandre Cabanel, 1863]

Astarte, Aphrodite, Isis, Venus, Freya, all her names in all cultures, She is associated with love, desire, charm, seduction, sexuality, fertility. While a lot of people these days have bad connotations regarding these, in a pure mind, these are essential for life to form and flourish. Growth is an aim of life. We are to grow to our fullest potential, and to create and cause growth. Love helps others to grow and flourish, and we in turn grow and flourish.

The highest and healthiest form of growth is with prosperity and luxury. Walk into the most beautiful garden, forest, or meadow, there will be growth of all kinds, colors, life, prana everywhere. Health and beauty go hand-in-hand. The mind becomes at ease, the heart softens, the soul is nourished. We are one with nature. And when we take part in helping nature grow, we heal. Higher and more evolved beings help other people, and nature, grow.

This is why Astarte is associated with gardens and nature in its most luxurious form. She helps us grow. Astarte, along with all of our Gods and Goddesses, want us each to fulfill our highest potential, to grow eternally to the best and healthiest version of ourselves. With this naturally comes happiness and inner peace.

She has always been associated with common ordinary people, and was a deity of magickal spells of love and healing for ordinary people. This is because She sees their potential to become higher and more evolved beings. She never scorned the commoner, but helped raise them up. Even with all her power, she cares for each of us.

Love. A lot of people dismiss love, because you were rejected or neglected. First by your parents, then perhaps by a girlfriend or boyfriend. This is sad but it’s a part of life, and you must learn from it, heal, and move on. In order to grow to your highest potential you must love... and accept love. Be loved. Allow yourself to feel loved and grow from it. If you currently do not have love in your life, you can find it. Astarte’s ritual and other magick workings can help bring love to you.

Fertility. The womb has water, and the warmth of life growing is fire. Water and Fire in balance and harmony are essential for life to form. You cannot exist just by yourself, you came from man (fire) and woman (water). Nature is fertile and is always trying to procreate.

Charm. Pleasing to the senses, attractive, appealing, delightful. Everyone wants to be charmed, it inspires, gives hope, and creates harmony and beauty.

Desire. When practicing magick, you must desire what it is you wish to manifest. Desire is attractive, magnetic, longing.

Seduction. Fully giving in to desire and passion, an altered state of mind, persuasion to get what you want. Creative energy comes from this, as the power of the right side of the mind is released. Two people in full enjoyment of each other, lost in each other, found in each other. (This is not about having random drunken one-night stands; understand the correct connotation here.)

Spring Equinox is in honor of Astarte. The equinox (Latin, meaning “equal night”) is when night (Water) and day (Fire) are the exact same length, and halfway between Winter Solstice (Water) and Summer Solstice (Fire). Fire and Water are in perfect balance, as are Air (which comes from Fire) and Earth (which comes from Water).

Spring is when we come out of Winter hibernation and can expand more in the day and do more outdoors. The light is longer and brighter, and crops will now grow. Astarte is also Demeter, the Goddess of harvest, agriculture, crops, grains, and food.


[Demeter by Gwendolyn Malfoy]

Celebrate, honor life and love and growth. Honor Her, because she wants you to be loved. She wants you to heal and grow as much as you are capable. Live as much as you are capable of living. Don’t stagnate; plants never stagnate unless they are on the brink of death and decay. And plants always grow upwards. They never grow sideways unless something is pressing them down; and then, the very moment they are able to, they grow upwards again.

Plants have "indeterminate growth”, meaning they keep growing with almost no limitations, so long as the conditions are right. There are plants and trees that go through periods of hibernation such as in winter or in drought, but these periods end and they grow again. Be like a plant: Steady your roots, and grow indefinitely.

Times when plants may not grow: (representing, your own self-growth)

-Planting them in the wrong season and location: Start your magickal workings and life goals/achievements at the correct times, work in harmony with the energy of astrological transits and the natural phases of your life.

-Poor soil conditions: Pay attention to your foundation and what can help support and feed your growth.

-Incorrect watering: Take care of your emotional needs and nourishment.

-Incorrect lighting: The soul is made of light, use light to clean and purify your soul; but don’t burn yourself out.

-Fertilization: We need to put the needs of our children first, and make sacrifices for their sake, but it all comes back to us in the end. Growing children helps to fuel our own growth.

-Pests: Eliminate pests, detach from toxic people in your life.

-Diseases: Remove and prevent disease, do health workings, and take care of your health.

-Transplant shock: Shock happens during times of change, spend this time nurturing yourself (self-care) and learning to adapt in order to further your growth again.

Humans are like plants. This is why our planet Earth is perfect for us and our full, well-rounded evolution. We are not borgs, we are children of the Gods and this is the planet they created us on. And Astarte/ Inanna/ Isis/ Aphrodite/ Venus/ Demeter/ Freya was always one of the most important Goddesses, the one who nurtures us, feeds us, cares for us, and helps us grow.

Happy Ostara, Happy Spring. May you all move forward and upward in your life, to fulfillment and prosperity! :)

As the Spring arrives after the death of nature, so can the Godhead arrive for humans who seek it after a period of desolation and ignorance. Astarte oversees this transformation.” “[…] she is a motherly figure that supplies human beings with whatever they require for life.”
-Astarte’s page: https://satanisgod.org/AstarteHC.html

Hail Astarte!


[Freyja and the Necklace by James Doyle Penrose, 1890]
Wonderful sermon. I felt wonderful sensations while reading it, like when spring arrives.
Thank you HPS Lydia and glory to our Queen Astarte!
Praised be the Divine Mother, Holy Wife, Beautiful Woman, praised her be in everything...
Charm. Pleasing to the senses, attractive, appealing, delightful. Everyone wants to be charmed, it inspires, gives hope, and creates harmony and beauty.
Thank you HPS Lydia for such a great post. I want to start a work tomorrow for increasing my charisma.

Is KENAZ SOWILO WUNJO a good choice.

can you please suggest an affirmation for this work.
HPS Lydia, this is a beautiful post and extremely well explained. Your love for Our Mother, the true Queen, is limitless.

In line with it, I have to write what our Holy and Celestial Mother has taught me here.

Love is important.


There are many different kinds of love.

The facial nuzzle between two old people who have spent dozens of dozens of summers together, the adoration of a mother for her suckling babe, the frayed affection between two sparring and arguing brothers, the stoical fondness a teacher has in nurturing their student to becoming a more complete being, the measured respect a pupil gives to one's tutor despite one's complaints, the patriotic spirit that makes one fight an enemy in battle with one's comrades, a father's rare tears on their child's birth or death, the sacrifice one patiently makes to invigorate with new life, the two youths who fought once and now are the best of friends, the patient investment of any lord or patron in his client to create something better, the spark of life and the enmeshment that occurs between lovers in climax, the erotic and sensual glance relayed to you by someone...

Ultimately, the supernal love of beauty, culture and life, the eternal YES, that gives birth to materializing higher forms here on Earth, that keeps one incarnating and evolving to higher realms, pulling one towards union with the heavenly firmament.

Love has been often debauched by our enemy to turn all people off love, deluding legions of people at psychological knife-point to lavish it only on parasite beggars crawling out of the gutter of the Levant.

One is forced to 'love' born-again murderers and criminals in government. In this way, love is used in an evil way to force people down to the depths.


Something Lady Astarte wished to convey to me on Equinox was that jewish psychologists encourage young Gentiles to cut anyone off over certain problems, people that can actually help them grow at some point or another. She directed me to some thread speaking about jews and how they have enabled this.

One's family, one's friends, one's lover who isn't 'satisfying' enough over some minor issue, everything else. They invent labels like 'narcissistic personality' and push these onto Gentiles at young ages to encourage them to break away from a parent who issues discipline.

Complicating this matter is that many Gentiles are not perfect and their ability to be 'perfect' family people has been shattered by the enemy.


Note who came up with this term:

Otto Friedmann Kernberg✡️ (born 10 September 1928) is an Austrian-born American psychoanalyst and professor of psychiatry at Weill Cornell Medicine. He is most widely known for his psychoanalytic theories on borderline personality organization and narcissistic pathology.

Shmuel "Sam" Vaknin✡️ (born April 21, 1961) is an Israeli writer and professor of psychology. He is the author of Malignant Self Love: Narcissism Revisited (1999), was the last editor-in-chief of the now-defunct political news website Global Politician, and runs a private website about narcissistic personality disorder (NPD)

Narcissistic personality was first described by the psychoanalyst Robert Waelder✡️ in 1925. The term narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) was coined by Heinz Kohut✡️ in 1968. Waelder's initial study has been influential in the way narcissism and the clinical disorder Narcissistic personality disorder are defined today.

Narcissistic supply was a concept introduced by Otto Fenichel✡️in 1938, to describe a type of admiration, interpersonal support, or sustenance drawn by an individual from his or her environment and essential to their self-esteem. The term is typically used in a negative sense, describing a pathological or excessive need for attention or admiration that does not take into account the feelings, opinions, or preferences of other people.

Narcissism, according to the Kleinian approach, is a pathologic defense against the pain caused by the first primitive object relationship: that to the mother breast as described by Klein. Melanie Klein✡️ was born into a Jewish family and spent most of her early life in Vienna.

Did you know that in jewish areas, there are close to zero diagnoses of Narcissistic Personality Disorder? In the third world, 'disorders' such as these are also somehow far less prevalent in diagnosis than with white Westerners, even though these are violent countries with typical patterns of zero societal trust and widespread physical and sexual abuse, for one.

Blasphemy in enemy programs

In addition, the most vicious programs defile the symbolism of Venus "in the name of brotherly love", in reality, having no love, no beauty, no substance, no harmony and no order. No growth - these produce a a desolate garden, with withering branches, torrid water and decayed roots.

Astarte's attribute of being of the people is abused - the only 'People' in these torture chambers are jews and their puppets.


It was written by HPS Maxine that Lilith and Astarte will destroy these evil programs personally.

Hail our Queen Astarte!
Hail Lilith!
Hail Satan!
Earth, the lush garden planet. Hundreds of thousands of different types of plants, most of which produce flowers. Our planet, even with all the pollution and destruction, still fights to vibrantly grow in any way it can.


Astarte’s element is Water, and in Roman myth as Venus and Greek myth as Aphrodite, she came from the sea. Water is essential for plant life to grow.


[Birth of Venus by Alexandre Cabanel, 1863]

Astarte, Aphrodite, Isis, Venus, Freya, all her names in all cultures, She is associated with love, desire, charm, seduction, sexuality, fertility. While a lot of people these days have bad connotations regarding these, in a pure mind, these are essential for life to form and flourish. Growth is an aim of life. We are to grow to our fullest potential, and to create and cause growth. Love helps others to grow and flourish, and we in turn grow and flourish.

The highest and healthiest form of growth is with prosperity and luxury. Walk into the most beautiful garden, forest, or meadow, there will be growth of all kinds, colors, life, prana everywhere. Health and beauty go hand-in-hand. The mind becomes at ease, the heart softens, the soul is nourished. We are one with nature. And when we take part in helping nature grow, we heal. Higher and more evolved beings help other people, and nature, grow.

This is why Astarte is associated with gardens and nature in its most luxurious form. She helps us grow. Astarte, along with all of our Gods and Goddesses, want us each to fulfill our highest potential, to grow eternally to the best and healthiest version of ourselves. With this naturally comes happiness and inner peace.

She has always been associated with common ordinary people, and was a deity of magickal spells of love and healing for ordinary people. This is because She sees their potential to become higher and more evolved beings. She never scorned the commoner, but helped raise them up. Even with all her power, she cares for each of us.

Love. A lot of people dismiss love, because you were rejected or neglected. First by your parents, then perhaps by a girlfriend or boyfriend. This is sad but it’s a part of life, and you must learn from it, heal, and move on. In order to grow to your highest potential you must love... and accept love. Be loved. Allow yourself to feel loved and grow from it. If you currently do not have love in your life, you can find it. Astarte’s ritual and other magick workings can help bring love to you.

Fertility. The womb has water, and the warmth of life growing is fire. Water and Fire in balance and harmony are essential for life to form. You cannot exist just by yourself, you came from man (fire) and woman (water). Nature is fertile and is always trying to procreate.

Charm. Pleasing to the senses, attractive, appealing, delightful. Everyone wants to be charmed, it inspires, gives hope, and creates harmony and beauty.

Desire. When practicing magick, you must desire what it is you wish to manifest. Desire is attractive, magnetic, longing.

Seduction. Fully giving in to desire and passion, an altered state of mind, persuasion to get what you want. Creative energy comes from this, as the power of the right side of the mind is released. Two people in full enjoyment of each other, lost in each other, found in each other. (This is not about having random drunken one-night stands; understand the correct connotation here.)

Spring Equinox is in honor of Astarte. The equinox (Latin, meaning “equal night”) is when night (Water) and day (Fire) are the exact same length, and halfway between Winter Solstice (Water) and Summer Solstice (Fire). Fire and Water are in perfect balance, as are Air (which comes from Fire) and Earth (which comes from Water).

Spring is when we come out of Winter hibernation and can expand more in the day and do more outdoors. The light is longer and brighter, and crops will now grow. Astarte is also Demeter, the Goddess of harvest, agriculture, crops, grains, and food.


[Demeter by Gwendolyn Malfoy]

Celebrate, honor life and love and growth. Honor Her, because she wants you to be loved. She wants you to heal and grow as much as you are capable. Live as much as you are capable of living. Don’t stagnate; plants never stagnate unless they are on the brink of death and decay. And plants always grow upwards. They never grow sideways unless something is pressing them down; and then, the very moment they are able to, they grow upwards again.

Plants have "indeterminate growth”, meaning they keep growing with almost no limitations, so long as the conditions are right. There are plants and trees that go through periods of hibernation such as in winter or in drought, but these periods end and they grow again. Be like a plant: Steady your roots, and grow indefinitely.

Times when plants may not grow: (representing, your own self-growth)

-Planting them in the wrong season and location: Start your magickal workings and life goals/achievements at the correct times, work in harmony with the energy of astrological transits and the natural phases of your life.

-Poor soil conditions: Pay attention to your foundation and what can help support and feed your growth.

-Incorrect watering: Take care of your emotional needs and nourishment.

-Incorrect lighting: The soul is made of light, use light to clean and purify your soul; but don’t burn yourself out.

-Fertilization: We need to put the needs of our children first, and make sacrifices for their sake, but it all comes back to us in the end. Growing children helps to fuel our own growth.

-Pests: Eliminate pests, detach from toxic people in your life.

-Diseases: Remove and prevent disease, do health workings, and take care of your health.

-Transplant shock: Shock happens during times of change, spend this time nurturing yourself (self-care) and learning to adapt in order to further your growth again.

Humans are like plants. This is why our planet Earth is perfect for us and our full, well-rounded evolution. We are not borgs, we are children of the Gods and this is the planet they created us on. And Astarte/ Inanna/ Isis/ Aphrodite/ Venus/ Demeter/ Freya was always one of the most important Goddesses, the one who nurtures us, feeds us, cares for us, and helps us grow.

Happy Ostara, Happy Spring. May you all move forward and upward in your life, to fulfillment and prosperity! :)

As the Spring arrives after the death of nature, so can the Godhead arrive for humans who seek it after a period of desolation and ignorance. Astarte oversees this transformation.” “[…] she is a motherly figure that supplies human beings with whatever they require for life.”
-Astarte’s page: https://satanisgod.org/AstarteHC.html

Hail Astarte!


[Freyja and the Necklace by James Doyle Penrose, 1890]
This is a great post (y)
Thanks Lydia, I added it to my favorites and bookmarks :)

I think that most people who experience failures in love relationships are related to the fact that they cannot get love, i.e. in other words, they are simply not loved, although these people take actions and efforts to be loved, another part of people cannot find a partner who would love him/her as this person wants it to be.

In order for a relationship to be happy and in general they were, love must come from both partners.

Spring blooming is the most beautiful ❣️ 😍🌻🥀🌹🌷💐🌼🌺🌸
Earth, the lush garden planet. Hundreds of thousands of different types of plants, most of which produce flowers. Our planet, even with all the pollution and destruction, still fights to vibrantly grow in any way it can.


Astarte’s element is Water, and in Roman myth as Venus and Greek myth as Aphrodite, she came from the sea. Water is essential for plant life to grow.


[Birth of Venus by Alexandre Cabanel, 1863]

Astarte, Aphrodite, Isis, Venus, Freya, all her names in all cultures, She is associated with love, desire, charm, seduction, sexuality, fertility. While a lot of people these days have bad connotations regarding these, in a pure mind, these are essential for life to form and flourish. Growth is an aim of life. We are to grow to our fullest potential, and to create and cause growth. Love helps others to grow and flourish, and we in turn grow and flourish.

The highest and healthiest form of growth is with prosperity and luxury. Walk into the most beautiful garden, forest, or meadow, there will be growth of all kinds, colors, life, prana everywhere. Health and beauty go hand-in-hand. The mind becomes at ease, the heart softens, the soul is nourished. We are one with nature. And when we take part in helping nature grow, we heal. Higher and more evolved beings help other people, and nature, grow.

This is why Astarte is associated with gardens and nature in its most luxurious form. She helps us grow. Astarte, along with all of our Gods and Goddesses, want us each to fulfill our highest potential, to grow eternally to the best and healthiest version of ourselves. With this naturally comes happiness and inner peace.

She has always been associated with common ordinary people, and was a deity of magickal spells of love and healing for ordinary people. This is because She sees their potential to become higher and more evolved beings. She never scorned the commoner, but helped raise them up. Even with all her power, she cares for each of us.

Love. A lot of people dismiss love, because you were rejected or neglected. First by your parents, then perhaps by a girlfriend or boyfriend. This is sad but it’s a part of life, and you must learn from it, heal, and move on. In order to grow to your highest potential you must love... and accept love. Be loved. Allow yourself to feel loved and grow from it. If you currently do not have love in your life, you can find it. Astarte’s ritual and other magick workings can help bring love to you.

Fertility. The womb has water, and the warmth of life growing is fire. Water and Fire in balance and harmony are essential for life to form. You cannot exist just by yourself, you came from man (fire) and woman (water). Nature is fertile and is always trying to procreate.

Charm. Pleasing to the senses, attractive, appealing, delightful. Everyone wants to be charmed, it inspires, gives hope, and creates harmony and beauty.

Desire. When practicing magick, you must desire what it is you wish to manifest. Desire is attractive, magnetic, longing.

Seduction. Fully giving in to desire and passion, an altered state of mind, persuasion to get what you want. Creative energy comes from this, as the power of the right side of the mind is released. Two people in full enjoyment of each other, lost in each other, found in each other. (This is not about having random drunken one-night stands; understand the correct connotation here.)

Spring Equinox is in honor of Astarte. The equinox (Latin, meaning “equal night”) is when night (Water) and day (Fire) are the exact same length, and halfway between Winter Solstice (Water) and Summer Solstice (Fire). Fire and Water are in perfect balance, as are Air (which comes from Fire) and Earth (which comes from Water).

Spring is when we come out of Winter hibernation and can expand more in the day and do more outdoors. The light is longer and brighter, and crops will now grow. Astarte is also Demeter, the Goddess of harvest, agriculture, crops, grains, and food.


[Demeter by Gwendolyn Malfoy]

Celebrate, honor life and love and growth. Honor Her, because she wants you to be loved. She wants you to heal and grow as much as you are capable. Live as much as you are capable of living. Don’t stagnate; plants never stagnate unless they are on the brink of death and decay. And plants always grow upwards. They never grow sideways unless something is pressing them down; and then, the very moment they are able to, they grow upwards again.

Plants have "indeterminate growth”, meaning they keep growing with almost no limitations, so long as the conditions are right. There are plants and trees that go through periods of hibernation such as in winter or in drought, but these periods end and they grow again. Be like a plant: Steady your roots, and grow indefinitely.

Times when plants may not grow: (representing, your own self-growth)

-Planting them in the wrong season and location: Start your magickal workings and life goals/achievements at the correct times, work in harmony with the energy of astrological transits and the natural phases of your life.

-Poor soil conditions: Pay attention to your foundation and what can help support and feed your growth.

-Incorrect watering: Take care of your emotional needs and nourishment.

-Incorrect lighting: The soul is made of light, use light to clean and purify your soul; but don’t burn yourself out.

-Fertilization: We need to put the needs of our children first, and make sacrifices for their sake, but it all comes back to us in the end. Growing children helps to fuel our own growth.

-Pests: Eliminate pests, detach from toxic people in your life.

-Diseases: Remove and prevent disease, do health workings, and take care of your health.

-Transplant shock: Shock happens during times of change, spend this time nurturing yourself (self-care) and learning to adapt in order to further your growth again.

Humans are like plants. This is why our planet Earth is perfect for us and our full, well-rounded evolution. We are not borgs, we are children of the Gods and this is the planet they created us on. And Astarte/ Inanna/ Isis/ Aphrodite/ Venus/ Demeter/ Freya was always one of the most important Goddesses, the one who nurtures us, feeds us, cares for us, and helps us grow.

Happy Ostara, Happy Spring. May you all move forward and upward in your life, to fulfillment and prosperity! :)

As the Spring arrives after the death of nature, so can the Godhead arrive for humans who seek it after a period of desolation and ignorance. Astarte oversees this transformation.” “[…] she is a motherly figure that supplies human beings with whatever they require for life.”
-Astarte’s page: https://satanisgod.org/AstarteHC.html

Hail Astarte!


[Freyja and the Necklace by James Doyle Penrose, 1890]

Thank you for making this post HPS Lydia. In particular, I did not make the full elemental connection the Equinox, so thank you for that fact. I also like your description with the plant and our own growth, which is critical.

If I could add my own words off what you had already said:

I think there are some misunderstandings regarding the Yin side of our path. It is too easy for many to ignore Venus, the Moon, the Earth element, and so on in favor of the excitement of Fire.

Just to put it simply, the earth element is most connected with manifestations, the end goal, what exists, and so on. While each element has their own strengths, it is earth which is the most "real" and defined. The warrior power of Mars has nothing to act upon or show off to, if not for Venus or other earthly things.

Remember that the Yin elements/energies are generally magnetic, and this combines with the electric Yang elements to create a stable and balanced item. We can also see the correlation with DNA here.


Image source: Seven Education

Looking at Astarte's runes, we see that she rules Fehu, Gebo, Jera, and Uruz. This shows a depth to her position as Mother beyond just being nice or not, or whatever misunderstandings people have.

Fehu is a rune of circulation of wealth, and here we can see how she can help people expand and grow. Like an upwards movement of a new tree branch, Astarte can show where and how to expand, as an act of growth.

If the spine of the rune represents the spine of a human, we can see the upward moving "arms" of Fehu here.

Next to this are Gebo and Jera, which are Yin. Gebo relates to the attraction of Venus. As HPS Lydia stated, here we see how someone makes themselves look nice and this attracts attention. We can see how women, ruled by Venus, naturally attract the attention of men, spending lots of time with keeping clean, maintaining their hair and skin, harmonizing their clothing or other house, and so on.

Notice how the shape of the rune is like a target which can draw attention to it, as opposed to the shape of something like Thurisaz, which has a clear point and direction it wants to go.

Looking at Jera, here we see the rune which rules orbits. More broadly, this is the orbit of harvest, or materialization. When we do workings, we do them for a set period of days which creates a full cycle, circle, or "orbit". As this goes through the "seasons" and what each season represents energetically, the energy begins and eventually solidifies into a final product.

A mistake along this path would damage the final product. You can plant your crop, but if you forget to water it one day, then you hurt it. Here Astarte's rune shows how to properly grow something, rather than just starting or ending.

Now, once you have something built, you have to maintain and defend it. Here comes Uruz, which shows the "force of propagation", such as of existing patterns. Similar to Jera, this appears related to the sign of Taurus. An undefended plant will get eaten, hence it grows spikes to defend itself, but even broader, it must have the energy to weather any negativity to survive. Uruz gives the energy to maintain without becoming wounded or even dying. Notice the word of propagation and refer back to the above diagram, too.

So her rulership is that of core elements which concern Satanists, especially those who wish to build up material power, or other elements of stable growth. The energy of the Sun is nothing if not received by the plant and turned into useable forms of energy. Your energy as a person becomes useless if you cannot materialize it in any appreciable way.

I will also leave with an excerpt of Astarte's Sigil and the elements, from HPS Maxine.
Wiki Link: https://joswiki.org/index.php/The_Elements#Excerpt_from_"The_Chakras"
Main Site link: https://satanisgod.org/The_Chakras.html


Further readings on the runes:
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Desire. When practicing magick, you must desire what it is you wish to manifest. Desire is attractive, magnetic, longing.

It's worth noting that the enemy system of Buddhism, above all else, attacks desire. They treat its existence like the cardinal sin and act as if enlightenment can only be attained by its absolute snuffing out. Buddhists usually tend to squirm a bit when you point out the paradox that desiring to be without desire is a desire unto itself. Desire, in reality, as said, is the basis of all practical magic.

Buddhism, when you see it let off its leash, has the same end result for any society as Christianity. People sit around, waiting to die, aiming for non-existence, and society decays. The point is, the enemy systems have attacked the notion of desire in all its forms. Some people wonder why the enemy systems attack sexuality so blatantly, as it's apparent across all of them. In the end, once you've shamed someone for their instinctual desires and turned what's natural into a taboo, this leads to a blockage of energies within the sacral chakra, the precise pathway between the root and the entire rest of your chakras above. Meanwhile, in Pagan society, the beauty of the human form was shown shamelessly, which, amusingly enough, horrified the Jews to such extents they conjured up no shortage of warped Sodom and Gomorrah stories of supposed gentile degeneracy as blood libel.

Of all the Gods under Satan, Astarte is the one most dear to me. Across her aspects, be it Inanna, be it Freya, you'll see she is a God of Love and War. To cite the catalyst of the Illiad, remember it was Aphrodite's choice that Paris took, despite being offered both kingship and wisdom alternatively. He chose love, and in doing so, served as the inciting incident of the Trojan war. One mustn't take these things too literally, as any mytheme, but the important idea at play here is that love and desire has been the force behind many great things. It is no coincidence the chakra most directly associated with desire is also the one most associated with the archetype of the Warrior.

To cite a very modern example for the sake of relation to those younger, try the Lion King, as a very literal example of what's being described symbolically. Children's story or no, the idea proposed here is simple. Simba denied his destiny and kingship and lived in paradise, care free. Only when he was spurred on by love and desire did he overcome complacency, accepted his destiny and returned home to confront his fate and fight. In doing so, natural order was restored and verdant growth returned to the Pride Lands in full.

Regarding Astarte as the Queen of Time, one last thing should be considered also, as these traits all tie together and none stand alone or apart. Of all the emotive forces, love is one of the few things that truly transcends time. As has been said, there's no 'evolutionary' mechanism in loving people even after they've died, and yet, we still do. 'Love', in deeper meanings, is the occultic force that binds the energies of the universe together. In being the sacred mother and wife, one key argument against the Abrahamic enemy is this. Creation does not begin with the One, and it is not Motherless. It begins with the two, and it begins with desire.

Hail Astarte, now and forever.
Love. A lot of people dismiss love, because you were rejected or neglected. First by your parents, then perhaps by a girlfriend or boyfriend. This is sad but it’s a part of life, and you must learn from it, heal, and move on. In order to grow to your highest potential you must love... and accept love. Be loved. Allow yourself to feel loved and grow from it. If you currently do not have love in your life, you can find it. Astarte’s ritual and other magick workings can help bring love to you.
How to heal? I hate love.😕
Celebrate, honor life and love and growth. Honor Her, because she wants you to be loved. She wants you to heal and grow as much as you are capable. Live as much as you are capable of living. Don’t stagnate; plants never stagnate unless they are on the brink of death and decay. And plants always grow upwards. They never grow sideways unless something is pressing them down; and then, the very moment they are able to, they grow upwards again.

Plants have "indeterminate growth”, meaning they keep growing with almost no limitations, so long as the conditions are right. There are plants and trees that go through periods of hibernation such as in winter or in drought, but these periods end and they grow again. Be like a plant: Steady your roots, and grow indefinitely.
Love, also in spiritual alchemy, is the unification of the soul in order to access the most advanced states and complete the Magnum Opus.
To see how important this is, you only have to look at the large number of biblical curses against the unification of the soul, such as the curse of the son of the dawn that apart from being an insult against Satan and Astarte is to block the union of the sixth chakra and the pineal gland with the solar chakra.
The curse of the Tower of Babel which is to block the union of the Shusuma, the Ida and the Pingala with the pineal gland or the curse against the queen of Babylon which apart from being a great blasphemy against Astarte is to block the union of the kundalini with the 7 chakras.

May the gods regain their former glory and the Jewish filth disappear forever.

Hail mother Astarté forever!
A post that brought tears to my eyes. In one of the turbulent moments of my life, remembering Astarte filled my heart with peace. I knew that, in every way, she was by my side, I could feel her love pulsating in my heart. Astarte showed me what real love really is.

Receive this love that we give you!
Hail our Queen Astarte!
Earth, the lush garden planet. Hundreds of thousands of different types of plants, most of which produce flowers. Our planet, even with all the pollution and destruction, still fights to vibrantly grow in any way it can.


Astarte’s element is Water, and in Roman myth as Venus and Greek myth as Aphrodite, she came from the sea. Water is essential for plant life to grow.


[Birth of Venus by Alexandre Cabanel, 1863]

Astarte, Aphrodite, Isis, Venus, Freya, all her names in all cultures, She is associated with love, desire, charm, seduction, sexuality, fertility. While a lot of people these days have bad connotations regarding these, in a pure mind, these are essential for life to form and flourish. Growth is an aim of life. We are to grow to our fullest potential, and to create and cause growth. Love helps others to grow and flourish, and we in turn grow and flourish.

The highest and healthiest form of growth is with prosperity and luxury. Walk into the most beautiful garden, forest, or meadow, there will be growth of all kinds, colors, life, prana everywhere. Health and beauty go hand-in-hand. The mind becomes at ease, the heart softens, the soul is nourished. We are one with nature. And when we take part in helping nature grow, we heal. Higher and more evolved beings help other people, and nature, grow.

This is why Astarte is associated with gardens and nature in its most luxurious form. She helps us grow. Astarte, along with all of our Gods and Goddesses, want us each to fulfill our highest potential, to grow eternally to the best and healthiest version of ourselves. With this naturally comes happiness and inner peace.

She has always been associated with common ordinary people, and was a deity of magickal spells of love and healing for ordinary people. This is because She sees their potential to become higher and more evolved beings. She never scorned the commoner, but helped raise them up. Even with all her power, she cares for each of us.

Love. A lot of people dismiss love, because you were rejected or neglected. First by your parents, then perhaps by a girlfriend or boyfriend. This is sad but it’s a part of life, and you must learn from it, heal, and move on. In order to grow to your highest potential you must love... and accept love. Be loved. Allow yourself to feel loved and grow from it. If you currently do not have love in your life, you can find it. Astarte’s ritual and other magick workings can help bring love to you.

Fertility. The womb has water, and the warmth of life growing is fire. Water and Fire in balance and harmony are essential for life to form. You cannot exist just by yourself, you came from man (fire) and woman (water). Nature is fertile and is always trying to procreate.

Charm. Pleasing to the senses, attractive, appealing, delightful. Everyone wants to be charmed, it inspires, gives hope, and creates harmony and beauty.

Desire. When practicing magick, you must desire what it is you wish to manifest. Desire is attractive, magnetic, longing.

Seduction. Fully giving in to desire and passion, an altered state of mind, persuasion to get what you want. Creative energy comes from this, as the power of the right side of the mind is released. Two people in full enjoyment of each other, lost in each other, found in each other. (This is not about having random drunken one-night stands; understand the correct connotation here.)

Spring Equinox is in honor of Astarte. The equinox (Latin, meaning “equal night”) is when night (Water) and day (Fire) are the exact same length, and halfway between Winter Solstice (Water) and Summer Solstice (Fire). Fire and Water are in perfect balance, as are Air (which comes from Fire) and Earth (which comes from Water).

Spring is when we come out of Winter hibernation and can expand more in the day and do more outdoors. The light is longer and brighter, and crops will now grow. Astarte is also Demeter, the Goddess of harvest, agriculture, crops, grains, and food.


[Demeter by Gwendolyn Malfoy]

Celebrate, honor life and love and growth. Honor Her, because she wants you to be loved. She wants you to heal and grow as much as you are capable. Live as much as you are capable of living. Don’t stagnate; plants never stagnate unless they are on the brink of death and decay. And plants always grow upwards. They never grow sideways unless something is pressing them down; and then, the very moment they are able to, they grow upwards again.

Plants have "indeterminate growth”, meaning they keep growing with almost no limitations, so long as the conditions are right. There are plants and trees that go through periods of hibernation such as in winter or in drought, but these periods end and they grow again. Be like a plant: Steady your roots, and grow indefinitely.

Times when plants may not grow: (representing, your own self-growth)

-Planting them in the wrong season and location: Start your magickal workings and life goals/achievements at the correct times, work in harmony with the energy of astrological transits and the natural phases of your life.

-Poor soil conditions: Pay attention to your foundation and what can help support and feed your growth.

-Incorrect watering: Take care of your emotional needs and nourishment.

-Incorrect lighting: The soul is made of light, use light to clean and purify your soul; but don’t burn yourself out.

-Fertilization: We need to put the needs of our children first, and make sacrifices for their sake, but it all comes back to us in the end. Growing children helps to fuel our own growth.

-Pests: Eliminate pests, detach from toxic people in your life.

-Diseases: Remove and prevent disease, do health workings, and take care of your health.

-Transplant shock: Shock happens during times of change, spend this time nurturing yourself (self-care) and learning to adapt in order to further your growth again.

Humans are like plants. This is why our planet Earth is perfect for us and our full, well-rounded evolution. We are not borgs, we are children of the Gods and this is the planet they created us on. And Astarte/ Inanna/ Isis/ Aphrodite/ Venus/ Demeter/ Freya was always one of the most important Goddesses, the one who nurtures us, feeds us, cares for us, and helps us grow.

Happy Ostara, Happy Spring. May you all move forward and upward in your life, to fulfillment and prosperity! :)

As the Spring arrives after the death of nature, so can the Godhead arrive for humans who seek it after a period of desolation and ignorance. Astarte oversees this transformation.” “[…] she is a motherly figure that supplies human beings with whatever they require for life.”
-Astarte’s page: https://satanisgod.org/AstarteHC.html

Hail Astarte!


[Freyja and the Necklace by James Doyle Penrose, 1890]
May we cast away all that is dry an blossom with our own inner light. Hail Astarte!
What a beautiful sermon! I suddenly had the idea of creating a kitchen garden in March and am now obsessed with it. Growing vegetables and flowers is a real pleasure for me.This sermon reminded me that nurturing myself and others is the same as this. Thank you.
This was a beautiful post! I'd always felt this deep love for our lady Astarte (Astaroth).

In my life I'd faced such challenges. Though I've grown out of it so much yet I still feel it's there. Presently I'm really working on it though! Namely in the 'soil' and 'eliminating diease' aspects.

I feel a profound love and empathy for all things, such as my animals and people. Yet, if someone dies like a relative I cannot cry. I have this feeling of detachment and I worry that it makes others think that I'm psychotic. I can only express these things in a black-and-white way, like I feel a mix of frustration and anxiety; that it's not good, right or fair. I can't feel sorrow for some reason. If I do, it turns into hopelessness instantly. When I was younger I was a little suicidal and I always hid my true feelings from others while sugar-coating everything. For a very long I did this, struggling with the 'spotlight effect' 24/7.

I also can't feel absolute joy except when I meditate and feel that connection to our Gods. Interacting with other people makes me feel happy, but not 'brimming with child-like joy' like how others feel.

This post really explains those foundations in all things in our life; that we need to work on ourselves constantly and listen to ourselves. People here have been such a help. All I really needed to do was reach out and get the right tools to heal myself. Sometimes it requires a lot of effort, resolve and time. Thank you Lydia for this uplifting and empowering sermon!

Hail Astarte!!!
Earth, the lush garden planet. Hundreds of thousands of different types of plants, most of which produce flowers. Our planet, even with all the pollution and destruction, still fights to vibrantly grow in any way it can.


Astarte’s element is Water, and in Roman myth as Venus and Greek myth as Aphrodite, she came from the sea. Water is essential for plant life to grow.


[Birth of Venus by Alexandre Cabanel, 1863]

Astarte, Aphrodite, Isis, Venus, Freya, all her names in all cultures, She is associated with love, desire, charm, seduction, sexuality, fertility. While a lot of people these days have bad connotations regarding these, in a pure mind, these are essential for life to form and flourish. Growth is an aim of life. We are to grow to our fullest potential, and to create and cause growth. Love helps others to grow and flourish, and we in turn grow and flourish.

The highest and healthiest form of growth is with prosperity and luxury. Walk into the most beautiful garden, forest, or meadow, there will be growth of all kinds, colors, life, prana everywhere. Health and beauty go hand-in-hand. The mind becomes at ease, the heart softens, the soul is nourished. We are one with nature. And when we take part in helping nature grow, we heal. Higher and more evolved beings help other people, and nature, grow.

This is why Astarte is associated with gardens and nature in its most luxurious form. She helps us grow. Astarte, along with all of our Gods and Goddesses, want us each to fulfill our highest potential, to grow eternally to the best and healthiest version of ourselves. With this naturally comes happiness and inner peace.

She has always been associated with common ordinary people, and was a deity of magickal spells of love and healing for ordinary people. This is because She sees their potential to become higher and more evolved beings. She never scorned the commoner, but helped raise them up. Even with all her power, she cares for each of us.

Love. A lot of people dismiss love, because you were rejected or neglected. First by your parents, then perhaps by a girlfriend or boyfriend. This is sad but it’s a part of life, and you must learn from it, heal, and move on. In order to grow to your highest potential you must love... and accept love. Be loved. Allow yourself to feel loved and grow from it. If you currently do not have love in your life, you can find it. Astarte’s ritual and other magick workings can help bring love to you.

Fertility. The womb has water, and the warmth of life growing is fire. Water and Fire in balance and harmony are essential for life to form. You cannot exist just by yourself, you came from man (fire) and woman (water). Nature is fertile and is always trying to procreate.

Charm. Pleasing to the senses, attractive, appealing, delightful. Everyone wants to be charmed, it inspires, gives hope, and creates harmony and beauty.

Desire. When practicing magick, you must desire what it is you wish to manifest. Desire is attractive, magnetic, longing.

Seduction. Fully giving in to desire and passion, an altered state of mind, persuasion to get what you want. Creative energy comes from this, as the power of the right side of the mind is released. Two people in full enjoyment of each other, lost in each other, found in each other. (This is not about having random drunken one-night stands; understand the correct connotation here.)

Spring Equinox is in honor of Astarte. The equinox (Latin, meaning “equal night”) is when night (Water) and day (Fire) are the exact same length, and halfway between Winter Solstice (Water) and Summer Solstice (Fire). Fire and Water are in perfect balance, as are Air (which comes from Fire) and Earth (which comes from Water).

Spring is when we come out of Winter hibernation and can expand more in the day and do more outdoors. The light is longer and brighter, and crops will now grow. Astarte is also Demeter, the Goddess of harvest, agriculture, crops, grains, and food.


[Demeter by Gwendolyn Malfoy]

Celebrate, honor life and love and growth. Honor Her, because she wants you to be loved. She wants you to heal and grow as much as you are capable. Live as much as you are capable of living. Don’t stagnate; plants never stagnate unless they are on the brink of death and decay. And plants always grow upwards. They never grow sideways unless something is pressing them down; and then, the very moment they are able to, they grow upwards again.

Plants have "indeterminate growth”, meaning they keep growing with almost no limitations, so long as the conditions are right. There are plants and trees that go through periods of hibernation such as in winter or in drought, but these periods end and they grow again. Be like a plant: Steady your roots, and grow indefinitely.

Times when plants may not grow: (representing, your own self-growth)

-Planting them in the wrong season and location: Start your magickal workings and life goals/achievements at the correct times, work in harmony with the energy of astrological transits and the natural phases of your life.

-Poor soil conditions: Pay attention to your foundation and what can help support and feed your growth.

-Incorrect watering: Take care of your emotional needs and nourishment.

-Incorrect lighting: The soul is made of light, use light to clean and purify your soul; but don’t burn yourself out.

-Fertilization: We need to put the needs of our children first, and make sacrifices for their sake, but it all comes back to us in the end. Growing children helps to fuel our own growth.

-Pests: Eliminate pests, detach from toxic people in your life.

-Diseases: Remove and prevent disease, do health workings, and take care of your health.

-Transplant shock: Shock happens during times of change, spend this time nurturing yourself (self-care) and learning to adapt in order to further your growth again.

Humans are like plants. This is why our planet Earth is perfect for us and our full, well-rounded evolution. We are not borgs, we are children of the Gods and this is the planet they created us on. And Astarte/ Inanna/ Isis/ Aphrodite/ Venus/ Demeter/ Freya was always one of the most important Goddesses, the one who nurtures us, feeds us, cares for us, and helps us grow.

Happy Ostara, Happy Spring. May you all move forward and upward in your life, to fulfillment and prosperity! :)

As the Spring arrives after the death of nature, so can the Godhead arrive for humans who seek it after a period of desolation and ignorance. Astarte oversees this transformation.” “[…] she is a motherly figure that supplies human beings with whatever they require for life.”
-Astarte’s page: https://satanisgod.org/AstarteHC.html

Hail Astarte!


[Freyja and the Necklace by James Doyle Penrose, 1890]
Thank you so much for this HPS Lydia! I will do her ritual tonight as well! Happy Ostara satanic fam! <3
Earth, the lush garden planet. Hundreds of thousands of different types of plants, most of which produce flowers. Our planet, even with all the pollution and destruction, still fights to vibrantly grow in any way it can.


Astarte’s element is Water, and in Roman myth as Venus and Greek myth as Aphrodite, she came from the sea. Water is essential for plant life to grow.


[Birth of Venus by Alexandre Cabanel, 1863]

Astarte, Aphrodite, Isis, Venus, Freya, all her names in all cultures, She is associated with love, desire, charm, seduction, sexuality, fertility. While a lot of people these days have bad connotations regarding these, in a pure mind, these are essential for life to form and flourish. Growth is an aim of life. We are to grow to our fullest potential, and to create and cause growth. Love helps others to grow and flourish, and we in turn grow and flourish.

The highest and healthiest form of growth is with prosperity and luxury. Walk into the most beautiful garden, forest, or meadow, there will be growth of all kinds, colors, life, prana everywhere. Health and beauty go hand-in-hand. The mind becomes at ease, the heart softens, the soul is nourished. We are one with nature. And when we take part in helping nature grow, we heal. Higher and more evolved beings help other people, and nature, grow.

This is why Astarte is associated with gardens and nature in its most luxurious form. She helps us grow. Astarte, along with all of our Gods and Goddesses, want us each to fulfill our highest potential, to grow eternally to the best and healthiest version of ourselves. With this naturally comes happiness and inner peace.

She has always been associated with common ordinary people, and was a deity of magickal spells of love and healing for ordinary people. This is because She sees their potential to become higher and more evolved beings. She never scorned the commoner, but helped raise them up. Even with all her power, she cares for each of us.

Love. A lot of people dismiss love, because you were rejected or neglected. First by your parents, then perhaps by a girlfriend or boyfriend. This is sad but it’s a part of life, and you must learn from it, heal, and move on. In order to grow to your highest potential you must love... and accept love. Be loved. Allow yourself to feel loved and grow from it. If you currently do not have love in your life, you can find it. Astarte’s ritual and other magick workings can help bring love to you.

Fertility. The womb has water, and the warmth of life growing is fire. Water and Fire in balance and harmony are essential for life to form. You cannot exist just by yourself, you came from man (fire) and woman (water). Nature is fertile and is always trying to procreate.

Charm. Pleasing to the senses, attractive, appealing, delightful. Everyone wants to be charmed, it inspires, gives hope, and creates harmony and beauty.

Desire. When practicing magick, you must desire what it is you wish to manifest. Desire is attractive, magnetic, longing.

Seduction. Fully giving in to desire and passion, an altered state of mind, persuasion to get what you want. Creative energy comes from this, as the power of the right side of the mind is released. Two people in full enjoyment of each other, lost in each other, found in each other. (This is not about having random drunken one-night stands; understand the correct connotation here.)

Spring Equinox is in honor of Astarte. The equinox (Latin, meaning “equal night”) is when night (Water) and day (Fire) are the exact same length, and halfway between Winter Solstice (Water) and Summer Solstice (Fire). Fire and Water are in perfect balance, as are Air (which comes from Fire) and Earth (which comes from Water).

Spring is when we come out of Winter hibernation and can expand more in the day and do more outdoors. The light is longer and brighter, and crops will now grow. Astarte is also Demeter, the Goddess of harvest, agriculture, crops, grains, and food.


[Demeter by Gwendolyn Malfoy]

Celebrate, honor life and love and growth. Honor Her, because she wants you to be loved. She wants you to heal and grow as much as you are capable. Live as much as you are capable of living. Don’t stagnate; plants never stagnate unless they are on the brink of death and decay. And plants always grow upwards. They never grow sideways unless something is pressing them down; and then, the very moment they are able to, they grow upwards again.

Plants have "indeterminate growth”, meaning they keep growing with almost no limitations, so long as the conditions are right. There are plants and trees that go through periods of hibernation such as in winter or in drought, but these periods end and they grow again. Be like a plant: Steady your roots, and grow indefinitely.

Times when plants may not grow: (representing, your own self-growth)

-Planting them in the wrong season and location: Start your magickal workings and life goals/achievements at the correct times, work in harmony with the energy of astrological transits and the natural phases of your life.

-Poor soil conditions: Pay attention to your foundation and what can help support and feed your growth.

-Incorrect watering: Take care of your emotional needs and nourishment.

-Incorrect lighting: The soul is made of light, use light to clean and purify your soul; but don’t burn yourself out.

-Fertilization: We need to put the needs of our children first, and make sacrifices for their sake, but it all comes back to us in the end. Growing children helps to fuel our own growth.

-Pests: Eliminate pests, detach from toxic people in your life.

-Diseases: Remove and prevent disease, do health workings, and take care of your health.

-Transplant shock: Shock happens during times of change, spend this time nurturing yourself (self-care) and learning to adapt in order to further your growth again.

Humans are like plants. This is why our planet Earth is perfect for us and our full, well-rounded evolution. We are not borgs, we are children of the Gods and this is the planet they created us on. And Astarte/ Inanna/ Isis/ Aphrodite/ Venus/ Demeter/ Freya was always one of the most important Goddesses, the one who nurtures us, feeds us, cares for us, and helps us grow.

Happy Ostara, Happy Spring. May you all move forward and upward in your life, to fulfillment and prosperity! :)

As the Spring arrives after the death of nature, so can the Godhead arrive for humans who seek it after a period of desolation and ignorance. Astarte oversees this transformation.” “[…] she is a motherly figure that supplies human beings with whatever they require for life.”
-Astarte’s page: https://satanisgod.org/AstarteHC.html

Hail Astarte!


[Freyja and the Necklace by James Doyle Penrose, 1890]

The planet I have always dreamed of. Beautiful, strong, lush, colourful, warm and fragrant.
Those wonderful green meadows, the animals that come back to life with the warmth of the sun. Since I was little I have loved spring. For me, having dedicated my soul to Father Satan was my spring, my rebirth. And every day this miracle of growth, love, balance and inner peace is repeated. Thank you HPS Lydia and glory to our Goddess Astarte
Earth, the lush garden planet. Hundreds of thousands of different types of plants, most of which produce flowers. Our planet, even with all the pollution and destruction, still fights to vibrantly grow in any way it can.


Astarte’s element is Water, and in Roman myth as Venus and Greek myth as Aphrodite, she came from the sea. Water is essential for plant life to grow.


[Birth of Venus by Alexandre Cabanel, 1863]

Astarte, Aphrodite, Isis, Venus, Freya, all her names in all cultures, She is associated with love, desire, charm, seduction, sexuality, fertility. While a lot of people these days have bad connotations regarding these, in a pure mind, these are essential for life to form and flourish. Growth is an aim of life. We are to grow to our fullest potential, and to create and cause growth. Love helps others to grow and flourish, and we in turn grow and flourish.

The highest and healthiest form of growth is with prosperity and luxury. Walk into the most beautiful garden, forest, or meadow, there will be growth of all kinds, colors, life, prana everywhere. Health and beauty go hand-in-hand. The mind becomes at ease, the heart softens, the soul is nourished. We are one with nature. And when we take part in helping nature grow, we heal. Higher and more evolved beings help other people, and nature, grow.

This is why Astarte is associated with gardens and nature in its most luxurious form. She helps us grow. Astarte, along with all of our Gods and Goddesses, want us each to fulfill our highest potential, to grow eternally to the best and healthiest version of ourselves. With this naturally comes happiness and inner peace.

She has always been associated with common ordinary people, and was a deity of magickal spells of love and healing for ordinary people. This is because She sees their potential to become higher and more evolved beings. She never scorned the commoner, but helped raise them up. Even with all her power, she cares for each of us.

Love. A lot of people dismiss love, because you were rejected or neglected. First by your parents, then perhaps by a girlfriend or boyfriend. This is sad but it’s a part of life, and you must learn from it, heal, and move on. In order to grow to your highest potential you must love... and accept love. Be loved. Allow yourself to feel loved and grow from it. If you currently do not have love in your life, you can find it. Astarte’s ritual and other magick workings can help bring love to you.

Fertility. The womb has water, and the warmth of life growing is fire. Water and Fire in balance and harmony are essential for life to form. You cannot exist just by yourself, you came from man (fire) and woman (water). Nature is fertile and is always trying to procreate.

Charm. Pleasing to the senses, attractive, appealing, delightful. Everyone wants to be charmed, it inspires, gives hope, and creates harmony and beauty.

Desire. When practicing magick, you must desire what it is you wish to manifest. Desire is attractive, magnetic, longing.

Seduction. Fully giving in to desire and passion, an altered state of mind, persuasion to get what you want. Creative energy comes from this, as the power of the right side of the mind is released. Two people in full enjoyment of each other, lost in each other, found in each other. (This is not about having random drunken one-night stands; understand the correct connotation here.)

Spring Equinox is in honor of Astarte. The equinox (Latin, meaning “equal night”) is when night (Water) and day (Fire) are the exact same length, and halfway between Winter Solstice (Water) and Summer Solstice (Fire). Fire and Water are in perfect balance, as are Air (which comes from Fire) and Earth (which comes from Water).

Spring is when we come out of Winter hibernation and can expand more in the day and do more outdoors. The light is longer and brighter, and crops will now grow. Astarte is also Demeter, the Goddess of harvest, agriculture, crops, grains, and food.


[Demeter by Gwendolyn Malfoy]

Celebrate, honor life and love and growth. Honor Her, because she wants you to be loved. She wants you to heal and grow as much as you are capable. Live as much as you are capable of living. Don’t stagnate; plants never stagnate unless they are on the brink of death and decay. And plants always grow upwards. They never grow sideways unless something is pressing them down; and then, the very moment they are able to, they grow upwards again.

Plants have "indeterminate growth”, meaning they keep growing with almost no limitations, so long as the conditions are right. There are plants and trees that go through periods of hibernation such as in winter or in drought, but these periods end and they grow again. Be like a plant: Steady your roots, and grow indefinitely.

Times when plants may not grow: (representing, your own self-growth)

-Planting them in the wrong season and location: Start your magickal workings and life goals/achievements at the correct times, work in harmony with the energy of astrological transits and the natural phases of your life.

-Poor soil conditions: Pay attention to your foundation and what can help support and feed your growth.

-Incorrect watering: Take care of your emotional needs and nourishment.

-Incorrect lighting: The soul is made of light, use light to clean and purify your soul; but don’t burn yourself out.

-Fertilization: We need to put the needs of our children first, and make sacrifices for their sake, but it all comes back to us in the end. Growing children helps to fuel our own growth.

-Pests: Eliminate pests, detach from toxic people in your life.

-Diseases: Remove and prevent disease, do health workings, and take care of your health.

-Transplant shock: Shock happens during times of change, spend this time nurturing yourself (self-care) and learning to adapt in order to further your growth again.

Humans are like plants. This is why our planet Earth is perfect for us and our full, well-rounded evolution. We are not borgs, we are children of the Gods and this is the planet they created us on. And Astarte/ Inanna/ Isis/ Aphrodite/ Venus/ Demeter/ Freya was always one of the most important Goddesses, the one who nurtures us, feeds us, cares for us, and helps us grow.

Happy Ostara, Happy Spring. May you all move forward and upward in your life, to fulfillment and prosperity! :)

As the Spring arrives after the death of nature, so can the Godhead arrive for humans who seek it after a period of desolation and ignorance. Astarte oversees this transformation.” “[…] she is a motherly figure that supplies human beings with whatever they require for life.”
-Astarte’s page: https://satanisgod.org/AstarteHC.html

Hail Astarte!


[Freyja and the Necklace by James Doyle Penrose, 1890]
I know you'll probably also point this out at some later date but Plants also grow down. In order to grow up they must have strong roots- praire grass have huge long deep tap roots and when they were ripped out the Great Dustbowl happened. We must reach for both the sun and the heart of the earth.

i just wanted to make sure that was in this post. Many of us have have shallow roots which makes reaching for the sun difficult.

Hail Father Satan
Love and beauty are otherworldly. To experience it, to me, is to experience divinity.

There is a vague threshold where something or someone is more than just "beautiful". It becomes beauty. In fact, it skips the becoming - it simply is beauty, as if it always were and always will be. It can't be defined or measured or analyzed. It's unknowable, but unmistakable when it's witnessed.

Our lady Ishtar's energy is so nourishing and beautiful and sweet to the soul. She is unforgettable, a blessing to every life she touches. Hail to the queen!
This sermon is so sublime that it shook me to the core.
You have put into words my most difficult emotions to express.

Spring brings so much hope and positivity to the future!

Many Thanks to you Lydia!

Ave Astarte!

Earth, the lush garden planet. Hundreds of thousands of different types of plants, most of which produce flowers. Our planet, even with all the pollution and destruction, still fights to vibrantly grow in any way it can.


Astarte’s element is Water, and in Roman myth as Venus and Greek myth as Aphrodite, she came from the sea. Water is essential for plant life to grow.


[Birth of Venus by Alexandre Cabanel, 1863]

Astarte, Aphrodite, Isis, Venus, Freya, all her names in all cultures, She is associated with love, desire, charm, seduction, sexuality, fertility. While a lot of people these days have bad connotations regarding these, in a pure mind, these are essential for life to form and flourish. Growth is an aim of life. We are to grow to our fullest potential, and to create and cause growth. Love helps others to grow and flourish, and we in turn grow and flourish.

The highest and healthiest form of growth is with prosperity and luxury. Walk into the most beautiful garden, forest, or meadow, there will be growth of all kinds, colors, life, prana everywhere. Health and beauty go hand-in-hand. The mind becomes at ease, the heart softens, the soul is nourished. We are one with nature. And when we take part in helping nature grow, we heal. Higher and more evolved beings help other people, and nature, grow.

This is why Astarte is associated with gardens and nature in its most luxurious form. She helps us grow. Astarte, along with all of our Gods and Goddesses, want us each to fulfill our highest potential, to grow eternally to the best and healthiest version of ourselves. With this naturally comes happiness and inner peace.

She has always been associated with common ordinary people, and was a deity of magickal spells of love and healing for ordinary people. This is because She sees their potential to become higher and more evolved beings. She never scorned the commoner, but helped raise them up. Even with all her power, she cares for each of us.

Love. A lot of people dismiss love, because you were rejected or neglected. First by your parents, then perhaps by a girlfriend or boyfriend. This is sad but it’s a part of life, and you must learn from it, heal, and move on. In order to grow to your highest potential you must love... and accept love. Be loved. Allow yourself to feel loved and grow from it. If you currently do not have love in your life, you can find it. Astarte’s ritual and other magick workings can help bring love to you.

Fertility. The womb has water, and the warmth of life growing is fire. Water and Fire in balance and harmony are essential for life to form. You cannot exist just by yourself, you came from man (fire) and woman (water). Nature is fertile and is always trying to procreate.

Charm. Pleasing to the senses, attractive, appealing, delightful. Everyone wants to be charmed, it inspires, gives hope, and creates harmony and beauty.

Desire. When practicing magick, you must desire what it is you wish to manifest. Desire is attractive, magnetic, longing.

Seduction. Fully giving in to desire and passion, an altered state of mind, persuasion to get what you want. Creative energy comes from this, as the power of the right side of the mind is released. Two people in full enjoyment of each other, lost in each other, found in each other. (This is not about having random drunken one-night stands; understand the correct connotation here.)

Spring Equinox is in honor of Astarte. The equinox (Latin, meaning “equal night”) is when night (Water) and day (Fire) are the exact same length, and halfway between Winter Solstice (Water) and Summer Solstice (Fire). Fire and Water are in perfect balance, as are Air (which comes from Fire) and Earth (which comes from Water).

Spring is when we come out of Winter hibernation and can expand more in the day and do more outdoors. The light is longer and brighter, and crops will now grow. Astarte is also Demeter, the Goddess of harvest, agriculture, crops, grains, and food.


[Demeter by Gwendolyn Malfoy]

Celebrate, honor life and love and growth. Honor Her, because she wants you to be loved. She wants you to heal and grow as much as you are capable. Live as much as you are capable of living. Don’t stagnate; plants never stagnate unless they are on the brink of death and decay. And plants always grow upwards. They never grow sideways unless something is pressing them down; and then, the very moment they are able to, they grow upwards again.

Plants have "indeterminate growth”, meaning they keep growing with almost no limitations, so long as the conditions are right. There are plants and trees that go through periods of hibernation such as in winter or in drought, but these periods end and they grow again. Be like a plant: Steady your roots, and grow indefinitely.

Times when plants may not grow: (representing, your own self-growth)

-Planting them in the wrong season and location: Start your magickal workings and life goals/achievements at the correct times, work in harmony with the energy of astrological transits and the natural phases of your life.

-Poor soil conditions: Pay attention to your foundation and what can help support and feed your growth.

-Incorrect watering: Take care of your emotional needs and nourishment.

-Incorrect lighting: The soul is made of light, use light to clean and purify your soul; but don’t burn yourself out.

-Fertilization: We need to put the needs of our children first, and make sacrifices for their sake, but it all comes back to us in the end. Growing children helps to fuel our own growth.

-Pests: Eliminate pests, detach from toxic people in your life.

-Diseases: Remove and prevent disease, do health workings, and take care of your health.

-Transplant shock: Shock happens during times of change, spend this time nurturing yourself (self-care) and learning to adapt in order to further your growth again.

Humans are like plants. This is why our planet Earth is perfect for us and our full, well-rounded evolution. We are not borgs, we are children of the Gods and this is the planet they created us on. And Astarte/ Inanna/ Isis/ Aphrodite/ Venus/ Demeter/ Freya was always one of the most important Goddesses, the one who nurtures us, feeds us, cares for us, and helps us grow.

Happy Ostara, Happy Spring. May you all move forward and upward in your life, to fulfillment and prosperity! :)

As the Spring arrives after the death of nature, so can the Godhead arrive for humans who seek it after a period of desolation and ignorance. Astarte oversees this transformation.” “[…] she is a motherly figure that supplies human beings with whatever they require for life.”
-Astarte’s page: https://satanisgod.org/AstarteHC.html

Hail Astarte!


[Freyja and the Necklace by James Doyle Penrose, 1890]
Thank you for the post. Can I ask, Is the information about temple prostitution associated with Astarte on the internet, all slander? Or is it some sort of sacred sexual healing?
Very thought provoking and worth dwelling upon what HPS Lydia has written. And very insightful what Guardian Blitz has written.
I actually thought her element was earth. Maybe it's both earth and water.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
