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I've a question and it may seem stupid but please answer, is it possible to sell one's soul to Satan and how?
Hello brothers and sisters,

I was thinking about an issue that has been bothering me for some time. How many of you can see the aura and how expressive it is? For over two years, as I observe aura, I have noticed that my ability is not developing.
Any advice?

The second thing:

I wonder if it's normal for me to hear white sound every time I start astral projection? Immediately after this sound, I am always captured by some astral being who tries to scare me (or worse). It scares me very much
and I don't know how to fight it. I lose my confidence and know that my fear does not help at all, but when I face this creature face to face, I feel incredibly helpless and think about how to kill myself before it kills me first.
I think I may have trauma and I don't know how to deal with it.
Have you ever been in a similar situation? :?:
I couldn't find the thread, but I came on to this forum, and I'm not real deeply knowledgeable about this practice, but the guides to meditation looked interesting. I happened upon a thread about a member who was broke, and the other member (one of those HP guys) said to do a money spell, and I said something like "in a positive way, money is coming to me" and other variations. Well, I did it, but I didn't really want to work either because I'm so immersed in creative pursuits so I wasn't sure where that money was possibly going to come from. Then literally a few weeks later, the government is handing out $1,200 checks in the first time in my life and I literally didn't even have to do anything to get it. Actually, I might have fucked up by putting in my bank information for direct deposit, because I'm not getting mine yet. This isn't a question, but I didn't feel like it deserved its own thread or to derail another. Just something to keep in mind, actually, main point, is that spirituality or whatever you call what you do is a continual practice that fluctuates, or, is in constant flux with those impulses and instincts, hence the importance of meditation and controlling one's thoughts. It's a struggle or a journey of A) humanity functions like it should, that is consciousness is to our benefit or B) the idea that people were created as slaves. If not slaves for any specific purpose, such as physical work, but to carry on the mental burden of consciousness. It's humanities purpose to hold in place all questions and values, to become our own arbiters, and finally be "free" of God, through, concretization of prophecy or poetry. The act of writing, although I don't think it matters all much whether you write fiction or non-fiction aside from the current trend is, is preceded by the act of thinking. We aren't necessarily slaves, although we all carry our own burden, and at best hope that the joy has outweighed the burden of such a tremendous task.

For example, when I did my money wish, the spell or ritual, I did not really weigh the consequences yet of whether or not I wished for some kind of pandemic to occur in order to get my free money. I simply handn't cared, til it happened, then realized the possibility for concern with how one utilizes visualization, concentration, but when one becomes frustrated with dualism, we pick one direction to develop in. I both want to see the benefits from meditation, and explore the possibilities that whether or not my own practice is being continually developed actually impacts my (or your) reality. It helps me to visualize consciousness as putting our own paint on reality itself as the canvas, and I guess a post like this could be considered "graffiti", my tag, but at the same time I am ambivalent about putting any mark on the Universe. What would a perfect Universe be like anyways? I guess that could be considered my question, although I think each person is already answering it in their own way, of because of my concerns, I can read into the way people feel about such a question.
Ciao a tutti sono nuovo appena registrato. Questo sito e immenso . Non so da dove iniziare . Qualcuno mi può dare un indirizzo?
Me inicie hace pocos dias y he tenido muchos problemas por las energias que tengo en casa.
Vivo en un hogar donde guardan todas las costumbres hebreas, sus fiestas, sus libros, sus enseñanzas, no siempre fue asi antes solian ser cristianos luego comenzaron a "buscar la verdad"
Y pasaron por muchas religiones y creencias, tambien pasaron por aqui (satanismo espiritual), en lo personal me atraia muchísimo antes que ellos decidieran buscar y al final como traian consigo creencias cristianas se quedaron con las raices hebreas hace 4 años que estan en eso... yo me mantube distante.
La cosa es que inmediatamente hice mi iniciación me he sentido mal pedi ayuda y recibi:
en una peticion desesperada se me fue mostrado que hacer lo hice y funcionó pero para completarlo necesito meditar aqui viene mi problema cuando medito por simple que sea quedo profundamente dormida. Y al despertar mi madre me dice que tengo cara de enferma hago girar mis chakras 1 ves al dia por miedo y los sierro casi 7 veces al dia voy despacio con lo basico. Desde que tengo memoria he sufrido de insomnio cronico pero desde que hice la seremonia de iniciacion duermo mucho durante el dia y la noche, siempre he visto venir las cosas sean buenas o malas y siento que si sigo como voy mi salud va a desmejorar muchisimo.
Necesito ayuda como puedo protejerme? Como puedo detener los ataques de sueño incontrolables? Como puedo compretar una meditacion si caer muerta del sueño?
He decidido volver a pedir ayuda pero tambien quise preguntar aqui para que si alguien presenta el mismo problema que yo pueda obtener respuestas del blog por otro lado deseo que quiensea que me haya contestado lo vuelva a hacer soy realmente muy novata y poreso no se quien fue ni mucho mas se que no hablaba sola porque es evidente que hay diferencia. Espero puedan contestar mis preguntas gracias por atenderme.
Morfeus said:
Ciao a tutti sono nuovo appena registrato. Questo sito e immenso . Non so da dove iniziare . Qualcuno mi può dare un indirizzo?
Vai su itajos.com e inizia da leggere tutto lì, inoltre c'è un subforum italiano quindi le domande in italiano le puoi fare lì, benvenuto:)
Cosmic6999 said:
Listen I don’t want Satan to feel like
I am not dedicated, cause all I talk about is empowering by doing telekinesis, I’m not obsessed with the hand chakras. Before I dedicate my soul to Satan I need to talk to him first to really make sure, Hope y’all understand this if we all family and brothers and sister in this form. Why not stick together instead of being dicks and assholes to one another. Do y’all understand we all have a war to fight, we all have our reason for empowering our soul, so that’s why I ask the same question because I think to much, I take advice from what I feel is the right advice. Hope y’all understand
You expect him to materialize and speak with you? Because that's not gonna happen, you are not open psychically so you're not even gonna speak with him on the astral. But if you speak to him he will hear you, and he will give you signs if you ask them. Nobody spoke to him before dedicating like you are asking, we all got signs or the feeling that this is home, and now we're doing great.
Morfeus said:
Ciao a tutti sono nuovo appena registrato. Questo sito e immenso . Non so da dove iniziare . Qualcuno mi può dare un indirizzo?
Machinery said:
I've a question and it may seem stupid but please answer, is it possible to sell one's soul to Satan and how?
Not possible, it is ridiculous. Satan does not buy or sell any souls. His own soul is stronger than the Sun and other stars put together, why would he want someone else's soul which is so weak and powerless? It's like your soul is one volt, and Satan's soul is 1 billion volts, so why would he want to buy yours?
Machinery said:
I've a question and it may seem stupid but please answer, is it possible to sell one's soul to Satan and how?
We are dedicating to Satan, not selling our souls. We (gentiles) were from the beginning satanic souls, xianity is bullshit. Here is how to do the dedication
Mothskull said:
Hello brothers and sisters,

I was thinking about an issue that has been bothering me for some time. How many of you can see the aura and how expressive it is? For over two years, as I observe aura, I have noticed that my ability is not developing.
Any advice?

The second thing:

I wonder if it's normal for me to hear white sound every time I start astral projection? Immediately after this sound, I am always captured by some astral being who tries to scare me (or worse). It scares me very much
and I don't know how to fight it. I lose my confidence and know that my fear does not help at all, but when I face this creature face to face, I feel incredibly helpless and think about how to kill myself before it kills me first.
I think I may have trauma and I don't know how to deal with it.
Have you ever been in a similar situation? :?:
For the first question read this
It will get easier with practice and patience.
For the second one, the white noise, I suppose it s not unusual. About the being, have you tried asking father Satan for help?(as I suppose you are already dedicated) If you didn't you can ask father Satan to help you out. Also do the aura of protection daily. You can do a banishing ritual too
Which body parts does each chakra rule? i couldnt find them.

also on JoS it says when using the aura to heal, you work with the color of the specific chakra that rules the specific body part, as well as its ''opposite''....what is the opposite?
Hello, i got a question concerning Aleister Crowley
i read up on the forum that he is with the enemy, that would explain my bad feeling about his tarot deck(its called Thoth tarot deck). I had it for 3 years now i used it once or twice but i had a really bad feeling when trying to learn how to use it so i stashed it away and did not use it anymore( i was affraid to trow it away). So my question now is, is it okay that i just trow it away or do i need to do some sort of ritual? I am also a bit confused because it stated on JoS that Thoth is on our side, so is the enemy just using his name to dirty it? and last question is, i loved Cards my whole life and i would really wanna get into tarot so is there any deck that you would recomend me that i could use?
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Mothskull said:
Have you done the Dedication to Satan? That should protect you and help prevent you from getting scared.

Of course I'm dedicated. It was the best I've ever done.

However, this does not protect against fear. Besides, there is something that worries me.
 When an attack comes, I can't come back to reality on my own. I am at the mercy of other beings until they release me. Once I managed to escape (when I called the Gods for help), I found a sword (I have the same one at home) and began to hit against the wall, as if I wanted to free myself from the cage. It worked. I woke up in my room at 3 am and immediately started doing RTR until I calmed down. The next day I discovered that my real sword was broken.

How is it possible? Is something threatening me?

I know how it sounds but I hope that you believe me or at least you won't laugh.
Sabazios said:
Mothskull said:
Hello brothers and sisters,

I was thinking about an issue that has been bothering me for some time. How many of you can see the aura and how expressive it is? For over two years, as I observe aura, I have noticed that my ability is not developing.
Any advice?

The second thing:

I wonder if it's normal for me to hear white sound every time I start astral projection? Immediately after this sound, I am always captured by some astral being who tries to scare me (or worse). It scares me very much
and I don't know how to fight it. I lose my confidence and know that my fear does not help at all, but when I face this creature face to face, I feel incredibly helpless and think about how to kill myself before it kills me first.
I think I may have trauma and I don't know how to deal with it.
Have you ever been in a similar situation? :?:
For the first question read this
It will get easier with practice and patience.
For the second one, the white noise, I suppose it s not unusual. About the being, have you tried asking father Satan for help?(as I suppose you are already dedicated) If you didn't you can ask father Satan to help you out. Also do the aura of protection daily. You can do a banishing ritual too

Thank you for the advice, of course I will work more on my protection aura.

Anyway, some advice on what to do once the attack happens? When a creature again attacks me face to face, what should I do in such a situation? Negotiations are hardly an option.
 I don't want to ask Lord Satan for help every time. I want to learn how to deal with it myself but I don't know how. I was hoping that some of you have an idea.
Mothskull said:
Sabazios said:
Mothskull said:
Hello brothers and sisters,

I was thinking about an issue that has been bothering me for some time. How many of you can see the aura and how expressive it is? For over two years, as I observe aura, I have noticed that my ability is not developing.
Any advice?

The second thing:

I wonder if it's normal for me to hear white sound every time I start astral projection? Immediately after this sound, I am always captured by some astral being who tries to scare me (or worse). It scares me very much
and I don't know how to fight it. I lose my confidence and know that my fear does not help at all, but when I face this creature face to face, I feel incredibly helpless and think about how to kill myself before it kills me first.
I think I may have trauma and I don't know how to deal with it.
Have you ever been in a similar situation? :?:
For the first question read this
It will get easier with practice and patience.
For the second one, the white noise, I suppose it s not unusual. About the being, have you tried asking father Satan for help?(as I suppose you are already dedicated) If you didn't you can ask father Satan to help you out. Also do the aura of protection daily. You can do a banishing ritual too

Thank you for the advice, of course I will work more on my protection aura.

Anyway, some advice on what to do once the attack happens? When a creature again attacks me face to face, what should I do in such a situation? Negotiations are hardly an option.
 I don't want to ask Lord Satan for help every time. I want to learn how to deal with it myself but I don't know how. I was hoping that some of you have an idea.
Usually entities will leave if you ignore them. Some only after hearing the name of father Satan will leave. You can also try burning them with blue flames. Also that banishing ritual is good. And asking father Satan for help when you can t deal with the situation yourself it s not something to be ashamed of.
F_For_Flamingo said:
Hello, i got a question concerning Aleister Crowley
i read up on the forum that he is with the enemy, that would explain my bad feeling about his tarot deck(its called Thoth tarot deck). I had it for 3 years now i used it once or twice but i had a really bad feeling when trying to learn how to use it so i stashed it away and did not use it anymore( i was affraid to trow it away). So my question now is, is it okay that i just trow it away or do i need to do some sort of ritual? I am also a bit confused because it stated on JoS that Thoth is on our side, so is the enemy just using his name to dirty it? and last question is, i loved Cards my whole life and i would really wanna get into tarot so is there any deck that you would recomend me that i could use?
Don't worry about throwing it away, it's shit, it even has hebrew on it, it has nothing to do with our God Hermes.
F_For_Flamingo said:
Hello, i got a question concerning Aleister Crowley
i read up on the forum that he is with the enemy, that would explain my bad feeling about his tarot deck(its called Thoth tarot deck). I had it for 3 years now i used it once or twice but i had a really bad feeling when trying to learn how to use it so i stashed it away and did not use it anymore( i was affraid to trow it away). So my question now is, is it okay that i just trow it away or do i need to do some sort of ritual? I am also a bit confused because it stated on JoS that Thoth is on our side, so is the enemy just using his name to dirty it? and last question is, i loved Cards my whole life and i would really wanna get into tarot so is there any deck that you would recomend me that i could use?
I meant Thoth, he is Hermes too I believe.
F_For_Flamingo said:
Hello, i got a question concerning Aleister Crowley
i read up on the forum that he is with the enemy, that would explain my bad feeling about his tarot deck(its called Thoth tarot deck). I had it for 3 years now i used it once or twice but i had a really bad feeling when trying to learn how to use it so i stashed it away and did not use it anymore( i was affraid to trow it away). So my question now is, is it okay that i just trow it away or do i need to do some sort of ritual? I am also a bit confused because it stated on JoS that Thoth is on our side, so is the enemy just using his name to dirty it? and last question is, i loved Cards my whole life and i would really wanna get into tarot so is there any deck that you would recomend me that i could use?
Crowley was an insane drug addict christian who was directly connected into the enemy and controlled by them. Anything you have related to Crowley is worthless garbage. Crowley does not have anything to do with Thoth, he just tried to use Thoth's name as a way to make money.
Cosmic6999 said:
[ghost in a machine] What’s the difference between practicing the air ball with the hand chakras exercise step 7

The purpose of this energy ball is to stimulate the hand chakras and 'charge' them with energy, thus opening and empowering them.

Cosmic6999 said:
Listen I don’t want Satan to feel like
I am not dedicated, cause all I talk about is empowering by doing telekinesis, I’m not obsessed with the hand chakras.

Probably 50% of your total posts or more on this forum are about the hand chakras and telekinesis, there's no point in denying your fascination and drawing to it, everyone can obviously see it. It would be more mature to simply admit to this and recognize it other than to act like it's not a thing.

It's not bad to be interested like this as it's cause for motivation, but magic isn't all about having 'cool powers'. Nothing I say will change your mind on this though so I won't waste my time trying to and just assume you'll figure it out eventually as you advance. I've long lost the desire I had to meditate for the sole purpose of 'cool powers', having them is still neat but what matters to me now is meaningfulness in these capabilities.

It's either finding the cosmic meanings of life or a cool party trick. I'd rather the former.

Cosmic6999 said:
Since I am empowering I must master the basic correct. In order to work up to telekinesis this is my last time asking what must I practice basic wise.

I recommend that all new members starting out should start with the 40 Day Program. Unfortunately the links on the one I've given you no longer work and this is the only one I have access to.

You can either search up the specific meditations manually on our Power Meditations page or perhaps another member has a link to an updated version that has functioning links.
Hi. I will start by saying that my protection problem is solved. Who answered me that time did it again later and then showed me the 40-day meditation.
I go around....

It happens that I had always dreamed of a beautiful woman in every way who appeared to me in dreams, made herself little by little and when she touched me, anger turned into a lot of anger and threw me against the walls, floors, stairs, wherever that we were hitting or pulling my limbs sometimes scratching me everything happened in dreams but sometimes I woke up with bruises or cuts, many years in a row came in dreams.
This year she had not come but when I made my initiation it did not come in dreams NO, now I see her awake in the distance waiting to be inches from me. With the 40 days program I have learned to trust in the protection that my God offers me. When I see her a few meters from me I say my god protects me and you can no longer hurt me. I do it many times in a row, I will not lie although I trust the protection that satan offers me I am afraid. Seeing her by the meter scares me, she knows it, I'm sure they also satan and I wanted to know in what way I can no longer see her. Does anyone know how I can stop seeing it?

PS: This time I used the google translator to ask my question since on the page they communicate better with that language.
Gabi1234 said:
Please can you tell me What this mean visualize the color of the third eye just behind your forehead?
Did you see that I asked you about that?
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Gabi1234 said:
What this mean vizuzle the color of the third eye just behind your forehead?
Do you mean "Visualise"? It means imagine that you can see it.
You write the same thing 1,000 times.
How would I know empowering my soul how will I know if I open all my psychic centers.

I will be talking more about the soul
Ghost in the Machine said:
I recommend that all new members starting out should start with the 40 Day Program. Unfortunately the links on the one I've given you no longer work and this is the only one I have access to.

You can either search up the specific meditations manually on our Power Meditations page or perhaps another member has a link to an updated version that has functioning links.

Thanks for that structured package. Today and yesterday I have slacked from my meditations a bit (maybe rtrs are taking a toll) and overall I have not done void meditation for days now. That seems a good and to be honest easy to handle 40 days. Lets go!

Just wondering about when doing yoga is 30 minute daily hatha yoga for beginners good instead of hatha yoga series mentioned in the pdf? In other words does it have to be accurately like in that pdf or can I (or we) alternate it a bit to our own liking? I found something from youtube named "Hatha Flow Yoga For Beginners (30-min) Discover the Hatha Yoga Style (All Levels) Full Class" (Brett Larkin) and I have been doing it for past two weeks and it feels super nice. Maybe you could link some yoga videos that you have found to be good..? Beginner level as I want to "master the beginner level" first. :)

Hope you are having a good day.

Hail Satan!
Doing hatha yoga is flexible (no pun intended), it doesn't need to be a strict thing in accordance to a specific schedule. You can make a yoga routine to your own liking, just remember that doing yoga is supposed to be gentle and relaxing, not strenuous and painful.

The only yoga video I have to show you is one that will bring to light on just what the power of yoga can do for the body as well as the soul. Perhaps you will find further motivation in it.

Henu the Great said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
I recommend that all new members starting out should start with the 40 Day Program. Unfortunately the links on the one I've given you no longer work and this is the only one I have access to.

You can either search up the specific meditations manually on our Power Meditations page or perhaps another member has a link to an updated version that has functioning links.

Thanks for that structured package. Today and yesterday I have slacked from my meditations a bit (maybe rtrs are taking a toll) and overall I have not done void meditation for days now. That seems a good and to be honest easy to handle 40 days. Lets go!

Just wondering about when doing yoga is 30 minute daily hatha yoga for beginners good instead of hatha yoga series mentioned in the pdf? In other words does it have to be accurately like in that pdf or can I (or we) alternate it a bit to our own liking? I found something from youtube named "Hatha Flow Yoga For Beginners (30-min) Discover the Hatha Yoga Style (All Levels) Full Class" (Brett Larkin) and I have been doing it for past two weeks and it feels super nice. Maybe you could link some yoga videos that you have found to be good..? Beginner level as I want to "master the beginner level" first. :)

Hope you are having a good day.

Hail Satan!
Thanks for the quick anwser, so when looking for a tarot Deck i should look that there are no hebrew letters? Anything else i should look out for?
Ghost in the Machine said:
Doing hatha yoga is flexible (no pun intended), it doesn't need to be a strict thing in accordance to a specific schedule. You can make a yoga routine to your own liking, just remember that doing yoga is supposed to be gentle and relaxing, not strenuous and painful.

The only yoga video I have to show you is one that will bring to light on just what the power of yoga can do for the body as well as the soul. Perhaps you will find further motivation in it.

Going easy doing yoga is something challenging for me, but yeah I will definitely keep on doing it and try different methods.

You know I have seen that video before. Totally forgot about it though. Thank you!!!!
Hello everyone i have a couple major questions

So first off i want a familiar, a crow. And i was wondering if In exchange for no longer smoking weed and drinking I would be allowed a familiar? Is giving up two bad habits enough in exchange? And if its not what else can i do in exchange?

Here is my preperation for ritual to summon:

May 8 to 9th- waxing moon in taurus
Outside on extra blanket
Light Blue candle annointed with aloe on top of the 6 of pentacles tarot card
Perform ritual

Second, there is someone i want to curse to death, thats the main reason i want a familiar to steal something of his i can curse. He is An Reoffending abusive Cheating Drug dealer Whos An addict and on the run. He even tried to use my friend (his girlfriend) as an accomplice (but we cant call the cops on him long story). He abuses and has completely brainwashed her. I want it to stop, Completely. He’ll keep brainwashing her to come back to him every time.

Here is my ritual for the curse
may 11th - wanning moon in Capricorn
during day collect cemetery dirt from abandoned
Ask new familiar to steal cloth from him hopefully a piece of his shirt
Make a poppet with hatred out of the cloth stuff with rest of shirt
Put in box and fill with dirt
Bury in same abandoned cemetery

Now heres my last question i want to curse him to death but im concerned im not strong enough. Despite my habits i foundation meditate And clean my chakras for at least an hour a day. despite my very very cramped living situation I am able to go to an abandoned cemetery to get some dirt and even able to bury it. But i am still concerned it will rebound and hurt me or someone or something i love. How can i prevent this?

I know this is a bit jumbled, any advice would help. Are my expectations for this way too high???
Can marijuana affect me while I and empowering see,
I am detoxing I will detox for the 40 days empowerment, can it affect me
Can marijuana affect me while I and empowering see,
I am detoxing I will detox for the 40 days empowerment, can it affect me
first i was member in (JOS) when it be in YAHOO, this just to know i'm not new
my (Q)is:
I did Commitment to Satan before many years , but i was teen and did the sign without blood just ink
can i do it again ? because i don't feel did it good,,,sorry for annoying you with question many members asked many times, but i want to be sure the answer from your highest Priest

sorry for my ENGLISH

Hey guys, i turn 21 soon and i wanted to get really drunk. Would this open me up to enemy attacks more? I only plan on drinking this once, i dont want to put holes on my arua.
Ghost in the Machine said:
I look forward to answering any questions anyone may have. Truth and knowledge are the foundation of this path of which I relentlessly enforce.

Hello Ghost in the Machine!

Can I have your opinion again?
It will sound crazy but there is - I believe - a demon trying to contact me in a way I don't want to describe publicly. I have no idea how to respond back, I am on a very beginner level. What should I do? I don't want to be disrespectful.
Thanks for any answers!
Hello, I really need help and advice, I'm tired of all this xtian shit and therefore tired of my parents, I want to run away but I will need money to survive, any tip, please really urgent cause I can't take this anymore
Cosmic6999 said:
Can marijuana affect me while I and empowering see,
I am detoxing I will detox for the 40 days empowerment, can it affect me

Marijuana is a drug and negatively affects your body, mind and soul. Avoid using it. There are several sermons on the subject. You should read them. Before asking questions, guys, look on the library and also use the search function on this forum, because in 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999% of the cases your question has already been answered tens if not hundreds of times.
Cosmic6999 said:
Can marijuana affect me while I and empowering see,
I am detoxing I will detox for the 40 days empowerment, can it affect me
Marijuana will make you retarded and opens you to mental ilnessess, don't use it. Also, use the search function, it's been talked about a lot already.
Lalisha said:
first i was member in (JOS) when it be in YAHOO, this just to know i'm not new
my (Q)is:
I did Commitment to Satan before many years , but i was teen and did the sign without blood just ink
can i do it again ? because i don't feel did it good,,,sorry for annoying you with question many members asked many times, but i want to be sure the answer from your highest Priest

sorry for my ENGLISH

Yes you can do the dedication again.
And don't worry about the yahoo groups, they are dead.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
