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Any upcoming race awakening rituals for Whites?


Active member
Apr 22, 2018
Penguin North, Antarctica, Earth
Are there any race awakening ritual dates coming up for White race?

After seeing some disgusting behavior and news on the internet for the past few months, I believe the race awakening rituals are due, especially for Southern Europe. I think we should do the rituals when a certain region is under more siege than other regions.

Thank you.
Hail Satan!
Are there any race awakening ritual dates coming up for White race?

After seeing some disgusting behavior and news on the internet for the past few months, I believe the race awakening rituals are due, especially for Southern Europe. I think we should do the rituals when a certain region is under more siege than other regions.

Thank you.
Hail Satan!
The Gods' Rituals already positively influence the world, beyond just racial awareness, too.
Are there any race awakening ritual dates coming up for White race?

After seeing some disgusting behavior and news on the internet for the past few months, I believe the race awakening rituals are due, especially for Southern Europe. I think we should do the rituals when a certain region is under more siege than other regions.

Thank you.
Hail Satan!
As JG Blitzkreig wrote, the God rituals are priority now. Brother Egon wrote on his profile wall suggested days for doing the God rituals:

We have 14 Gods Rituals now.
One ritual for the Gods a day keeps the jew away;

  • First week
Sun day (enlightenment): Azazel
Moon day (the occult): Abrasax
Týr's day (vigor): Andras
Wodanaz' day (medicine/mind): Valefor
Thor's day (authority): Baalzebul
Freya's day (life/riches): Astarte
Saturn day (kundalini): Satan

  • Second week, and so on
Sun day (enlightenment): Amon-Ra
Moon day (the occult): Orobas
Týr's day (vigor): Marbas
Wodanaz' day (medicine/mind): Thoth
Thor's day (authority): Janus
Freya's day (life/riches): Naberius
Saturn day (kundalini): Set
Trust the HP on these things. The race awakening rituals already had a great impact, so many Whites woke up to the jewish agenda.
True brother, I would never doubt our High Priests and High Priestesses, and above all the Gods, since the JoS Priesthood comes under the authority of the Gods.
It's just that I am a bit worried about Southern Europe due to all the immigrant and migrant influx, and I read some comments where some few Italians and Greeks wrote welcoming comments, maybe this is just fake activity on social media from those IDF trolls.
The Gods' Rituals already positively influence the world, beyond just racial awareness, too.
As JG Blitzkreig wrote, the God rituals are priority now. Brother Egon wrote on his profile wall suggested days for doing the God rituals:

We have 14 Gods Rituals now.
One ritual for the Gods a day keeps the jew away;

  • First week
Sun day (enlightenment): Azazel
Moon day (the occult): Abrasax
Týr's day (vigor): Andras
Wodanaz' day (medicine/mind): Valefor
Thor's day (authority): Baalzebul
Freya's day (life/riches): Astarte
Saturn day (kundalini): Satan

  • Second week, and so on
Sun day (enlightenment): Amon-Ra
Moon day (the occult): Orobas
Týr's day (vigor): Marbas
Wodanaz' day (medicine/mind): Thoth
Thor's day (authority): Janus
Freya's day (life/riches): Naberius
Saturn day (kundalini): Set
I fully agree, the Gods Rituals have had a great impact on humanity, and the rituals are very beautiful.

I think I take unnecessary worry when I see how some whites and even some few asians being so suicidal, I guess its absolute that not everyone can be saved from their own stupidity.
I should start focusing more on the positive, where I do witness so many whites standing up for themselves. I think my mind always tries to outweigh positivity by focusing on negativity, I guess I'm a bit pessimistic. I will try to change this habit as fast as possible.

Thank you for the reply HPS Lydia and JG Blitzkreig.
Hail Satan!
True brother, I would never doubt our High Priests and High Priestesses, and above all the Gods, since the JoS Priesthood comes under the authority of the Gods.
It's just that I am a bit worried about Southern Europe due to all the immigrant and migrant influx, and I read some comments where some few Italians and Greeks wrote welcoming comments, maybe this is just fake activity on social media from those IDF trolls.
Yes, the situation is getting quite concerning, but I can tell you that here in Italy so many people are completely fed up with all of this trash and they see right through the agenda of replacement. We elected "the best possible option", the most nationalistic party in the nation, I'm not following politics that much at this point, but from what I'm seeing the morons we elected aren't doing much at all. Once the jew is removed from power all of these issues will be quickly solved. Just look at what Hitler did in Germany. A complete drastic change for the better in a very short time.
True brother, I would never doubt our High Priests and High Priestesses, and above all the Gods, since the JoS Priesthood comes under the authority of the Gods.
It's just that I am a bit worried about Southern Europe due to all the immigrant and migrant influx, and I read some comments where some few Italians and Greeks wrote welcoming comments, maybe this is just fake activity on social media from those IDF trolls.
Immigration into Spain and Italy?
i wonder if theres some kind of ritual we could do where we all sexually cum at the same hour and command that energy for success or something?
Yes, the situation is getting quite concerning, but I can tell you that here in Italy so many people are completely fed up with all of this trash and they see right through the agenda of replacement. We elected "the best possible option", the most nationalistic party in the nation, I'm not following politics that much at this point, but from what I'm seeing the morons we elected aren't doing much at all. Once the jew is removed from power all of these issues will be quickly solved. Just look at what Hitler did in Germany. A complete drastic change for the better in a very short time.
Yes brother you are right.

I have faith in the Gods and the White race.

Hail Satan!
Immigration into Spain and Italy?
Non-white South Americans were and of course still are immigrating into Spain and Portugal, they are told they deserve it. Basically the people from all the former colonies of Portugal, France, Spain, Britain, Italy and etc around the world are brainwashed and told that they deserve to be in the lands of their former colonizers, "the looters n shiet goy, immigrate today!".

And for Italy, it's the people from Indian subcontinent that are immigrating. Recently I came across a popular meme in India, where Modi and Meloni are portrayed as some sought of secret couples, it's a joke I know but it pushes race mixing between Italians and Indians, primarily just influencing Indian youth due to their porn addiction, pushing the false idea that Italian women desire Indian men, and thus some horny lower middle class Indians consider Italy for immigration. Meloni's government also embraced this race-mixing meme into an immigration stunt to invite Indians into Italy. I felt very disgusted by this, clearly Meloni's hands are tied, her government won't do shit and is a controlled oppositon. Look at their actions against the migrant influx into Lampedusa, it's horrible, no action has been taken, the locals are being overrun. 6500 local population, but 7000 migrants arrived last year's September, now recently another 1000 arrived. That's why I wanted to ask and put a reminder for race awakening rituals.

Though all this has definitely opened the eyes of a lot of Italians, so there is hope.

Hail Satan!
We can do any ritual at any time. If you want to do Race Awakening, then do it. Look in the astrological calendar for times that will be helpful for this purpose.

But the 3 parts of Final RTR and the gods' rituals will all be more helpful. Doing the gods' rituals increases their influence into the world and opens the doors for them to come in with more assistance and improvements into our world.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
