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Any mantra/rune to feel intoxicated ?


New member
Jun 29, 2024

Basically searching for a technique/mantra or rune to feel a high, or get a visual change as psychedelics are able to induce.
Joy of Satan is not some sort of new age garbage organization, here we strive to gain Wisdom, Power and Purity. If you want to ruin your brain you're free to do it but this is not the right place for you then.
Intoxication is the chemical activation of parts of the brain that normally are inactive, some of these are spiritual in nature and one can feel high while meditating. Achieving this requires discipline and is not consistent or quick so a drug user would feel dissatisfied if they where to try it and expect the same level of quickness and intensity of drugs.

Working on the crown chakra can have opioid like effects (Maxine even recommend this for drug users detoxing.) and I found you can get an effect vary similar to taking mushrooms by drawing and talking to the drawing as you put it together.

Basically searching for a technique/mantra or rune to feel a high, or get a visual change as psychedelics are able to induce.

Meditating on your third eye for 1-2 hrs, breathing energy into it until it stays open on it's own, has made me feel relaxed and very aware / psychic. If you can't feel your third eye to breathe energy into it then do the vibrations (TH O TH) for a few days. Vibrational chants in general make me feel "different," you could try that. RAUM, THOTH, probably anything will raise your energies and make you feel an energy "buzz". Chakras themselves when they are healthy can be tuned into to focus on a variety of natural, enjoyable energies.

I think some people feel crappy as a baseline, and are looking to feel OK/good, not necessarily trying to depend on drugs or abuse something that will hurt them spiritually. There's so much EM radiation in the air, I have heard that nearby 5g can make it harder to sleep. I think if you had a strong enough mind and soul (aura, energy field) that you could block these things out or overpower them, but I definitely believe in frequencies being able to affect our biology and how we feel (can induce discomfort, anger, depression, and more).. in my mind it's a fact but not everyone is privy to it yet so it can be hard to talk about.

One other thing you can do is try to find a comfortable setting to meditate in. Incense have been used spiritually since probably the dawn of mankind, because nice smells and smells in general can strongly affect one's mood (think of the word "aromatherapy"). Having lit candles nearby can be relaxing too. Also it is important to have your life in balance if you want to feel good and have consistent results with things.. exercising and eating right and expanding your mind each day, getting sunlight, standing on bare earth.. If you don't start your day right then you will probably feel worse than you want to - pleasure is like a reward for growing and taking care of yourself and keeping in balance and fighting off decay.

There is no easy path to feeling good all the time - it comes in waves and I think it has to do with the dualistic nature of the universe. Your environment can affect how you feel though, don't forget that.

None of this is "easy," but the benefit of developing these skills is that they are permanent and don't rely on ingestion of foreign substances. Drugs are not something many people support around here - I myself can't help but wonder if the ancients and primitive peoples and natives were deluded and wrong to be using drugs ceremoniously, or if that perhaps we are sometimes being arrogant to assume that that is the whole, unquestionable truth. It's certainly not good to unnecessarily depend on something, however necessary becomes a matter of opinion in a debate. I had agoraphobia for a long time from being trafficked from a young age and going through torture and "ritual abuse".

Mind control is not mentioned often around here but it is very real, from subliminal to trauma-based (which goes back to ancient times I've learned. There are old caves in France with ancient instructions depicted on their walls about how to do this stuff to people, and it's well known that these things were practiced in ancient Egypt.) It's widely believed that somewhere before the age of 6 certain parts of the mind get formed, and if programming is installed before then it is difficult to break free from. Developing a strong mind and will is hard, arguably..

I have heard that the truth is most often "somewhere in the middle," but, I digress..
Joy of Satan is not some sort of new age garbage organization, here we strive to gain Wisdom, Power and Purity. If you want to ruin your brain you're free to do it but this is not the right place for you then.

I think you misunderstood ? Clarify this. I am not talking about ‘external’ recreational use, I am talking about the ability to induce this state by your own power. How will this damage your brain, when it comes from yourself within ?
You cannot achieve this in a spiritually not advanced state. The beautiful meditation from Satan should make you feel "high" but only if you have a working 6th and 7th chakra.
I think you misunderstood ? Clarify this. I am not talking about ‘external’ recreational use, I am talking about the ability to induce this state by your own power. How will this damage your brain, when it comes from yourself within ?
No I don't. What's the point of using Runes to feel a high or induce psychedelic experiences? Sounds like a total waste of energy.


Basically searching for a technique/mantra or rune to feel a high, or get a visual change as psychedelics are able to induce.
The question here is what is a buzz? When using drugs, it's a dumb buzz, but at the same time it's relaxation, emptiness, letting go of everything that worried you before. If that's what you mean, then yes, this state can be achieved when working with Demons. There are so many other high states, and they are all different. There are states when there is no one stronger than you and nothing can disturb you, shake and nothing is important to you (this can be achieved with meditations and mantras). You have to determine for yourself which meditations and for what and how. There are states when people talk to you, you slightly separate your thoughts from other thoughts. Everything is also individual, we meditate, read, work, watch, study...

Basically searching for a technique/mantra or rune to feel a high, or get a visual change as psychedelics are able to induce.
Hello. Have you used drugs before? I think the desire to feel "high" but by natural methods via meditations come mostly after using drugs and after experiencing this sensation. Once you advance I don't think you will feel the need to get this sensation anymore. It seems to me like you might have an "addiction" to this but you are trying to fullfill it by "natural means". I think if you maintain a steady, consistent, daily and powerful meditation routine, this "addiction" if there is indeed any will go away naturally.
I personally recommend against seeking a high my friend. And honestly if you're deep enough into a meditation, trust me, it's an experience of it's own. Like when you're focusing energy into parts of your body and you feel it there (especially when doing this to your head) ,or focusing on a chakra and feeling like someone is physically touching it. Noticing and understanding more things after reaching a certain point is pretty interesting too. The world feels new. These things are much better than a high and actually do you some good. I say some, but I mean a lot.
I think you misunderstood ? Clarify this. I am not talking about ‘external’ recreational use, I am talking about the ability to induce this state by your own power. How will this damage your brain, when it comes from yourself within ?
Are you looking for happiness and/or seeing energy? The first can be found through Wunjo, the latter can be found through Laguz. However, this should be affirmed for a healthy outcome, which is likely far distinct from, as you describe, literal intoxication of the brain. The solution that you seek will take more time and training to create than what you get from some drug.
Trance work and opening the female mind will by DEFAULT and by no other means produce what can be defined as "nostalgic, desirable, sweet, mystic, radiant adoration, elevated" states.
Relax and go into trance, and just be and let yourself be stolen by the comfort of sleeping, while not actually sleeping. Memories can creep up in emotional ways, and you can go from there.
Dantalian has a blue aura. He usually departs through the ceiling. He can assist in achieving altered states.

The 6th chakra is the bliss chakra. When activated, you will definitely feel it. Indescribable intense bliss.

Empowering my pineal gland has made me feel noticeably more content afterwards.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
