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Answer: Help With Opioid Addiction

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
IShatterFur said:
Hello. I truly need help in overcoming my addiction to fentanyl and heroin, I am in my twenties, and have battled with this since I was 15.

Is there anyway the clergy or higher ranking members could help guide me through this.

I overdose when I relapse.


There is no way someone could ignore this post, so this will be answered in case others are also going through this.

First of all, you showed bravery to admit this and to face your situation. Yes, this definitely needs to change, because this addiction is one of the most deadly and highly threatening.

The good news is that you are young and if you fix this, it will be as if it never happened sometime from now. More good news is that if this is done on a young age, your chances of success are exponentially high, especially with the means the JoS provides, such as meditations etc.

In other words, if death is chosen in this case, it is not because there was no escape, and you must be completely aware that there is not only a definite escape waiting, but also saving yourself permanently and leaving these things behind forever. This is a chance that other people may not possess, but you do.

The bad news is that this if continued leads with certainty to death and worse.

However, if this is surmounted, you can confidently know in yourself that you have a lot of inner power to achieve a lot of things in life.

From studying on the subject and everything else, you need to start meditating and apply advice that was given to other members and successful people in beating this addiction, from your thread. I will focus on giving you some functional advice on a few things.

People have successfully escaped from these vices with Satan's Help, provided they adhered to meditation, rehabilitiation, and stayed focused. I am sure many people in the forum [look how many people here cared for you and answered you?] have received help.

1. Be aware that this is physical.

When you will want to try to stop these things, as with every other addiction, the body itself, and synapses of the brain have become addicted to the substance. In other words, you have to keep in mind, that your mind, and "you", is above this, and that your decision to stop will be encountered by heavy resistence from the body itself, which will start craving [and oftentimes like crazy] the substance.

Some people have went the other way and bit on the iron, and tried to go on their own through this phase, eating, drinking, and defeating this by locking one's self in and so on. This however, appears to work rarely, and only in cases where willpower is tested to the limits. This because oftentimes fails, makes people who are in this loop to consider themselves a failure for relapsing, but simply the reality is one isn't a failure but this method rarely if ever works because of the biological and other aspects.

There are medical specialists that can help people lessen this blow. Seeking professional help or a circle can be paramount here, since willpower may be lacking for you to stop by yourself, depending on the range of addiction. The body may in this case overshadow the mind, and the only way to stop this, is by giving the body a substitute, because as stated, these addictions are well known to be strongly biological.

Nobody here can present better advice than a doctor.

You are going to need professional help here, rehabilitation, because the relapse, although strictly of the biological body, can be easier to defeat this way.

2. Find out what caused this in the first place, and meditate.

These are not for you to focus to correct now, but generally, after you make progress above, to never relapse or have any similar issues, and truly transform, you will need to look inside your heart on what led to these things in the first place. Meditation here will be your best friend. In fact, meditation will also help you heal, and you should do Hatha Yoga, proper diet, and all of this. Meditation also will feel highly rewarding and positive as you go.

Eventually, you will be dependendent on nothing whatsoever to feel very good with yourself, with your life, with your existence, at great level of self acceptance, and all the beautiful things. This is HARDWIRED and definitely attainable! It is free, and it does not require you to do nothing negative to yourself, only positive things.

3. Sever parasites from your life and move away from an environment that emphasizes that.

The above is self explanatory. People in the rehab can help you.

4. Think of the Gods, Satan, and other SS here.

At all rates through your journey of climbing above this cliff of death that you are now, keep strongly in mind that yes, there will be moments of peace and anguish. But at all cases, the Gods will be observant, despite of what your body and mind may be going through. If you don't let go of your goal, they will not let go of trying to help you, and the more you do to help yourself, the easier will be their impact felt in helping you.

5. Pineal meditation

Because a lot of these effects deal with the pineal system, as you get better at meditation, focusing on the Pineal system can help, alongside your rehabilitation and self work, show you how pleasant and beautiful it will be to exist on your own body without the need of absolutely nothing but your inwards chakra energy. This will come as a reward for when you are out of this, and will make a lot of the things you consider temporarily pleasant today pale in comparison.

Others have also succeeded in the hundreds here, by doing these things, there is no reason why should you not succeed. It is up to you.

You are wished good luck and do your best.
Yes thank you for your care and response. I will do all these things advised and stay determined. I see the support here and I am grateful. Thank you to anyone and all that respond.
Also later on never forget the bad aspects of this. If you start feeling like using again remind yourself of that. I haven't used illegal drugs in about 3 years and I rarely if ever use alcohol now. The key was to realize how bad this is. I relapsed for about a month about 3 years ago. I realized these people were not my friends and that I would be fucked if I continued this. So now I completely avoid going to the bad neighborhoods and won't be friends with those kinds of people. It was actually coming across this here https://youtu.be/fvDQy53eldY that made me realize how bad this was. It played at random reminded me of some of the stuff my partner had said about this and how she doesn't want me using drugs etc. Pretty much from then on I decided not to talk to those people again or go to those areas. I haven't used for 3 years since then. Well fortunately I had not allowed it to go to the point of being physically addicted to it. I got out really quickly.

But so far as drug people there are some really scary things. If you saw and experienced places like Detroit you wouldn't want to ever touch this stuff again. Unfortunately I almost ended up there and addicted to drugs. If I had not had someone to help us we never would have gotten out or it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
IShatterFur said:
Hello. I truly need help in overcoming my addiction to fentanyl and heroin, I am in my twenties, and have battled with this since I was 15.

Is there anyway the clergy or higher ranking members could help guide me through this.

I overdose when I relapse.


Clinging to the gods and the meditations we have, along with seeking professional help is indeed important and paramount here.

A few days ago, I relapsed heavily into alcohol use, and ended up dead on the floor, collapsed with no breath, or pulse, and was cold and blue.

By some miracle from the gods who have been closely watching and guiding me, after over an hour of being dead, I seemed to have survived, and am alive, more then ever.

I post this so that someone, anyone reading this knows that its SO IMPORTANT to cling heavily to the gods, our meditations, and SEEK PROFESSIONAL HELP, rehab, ect. Before it's much TOO LATE.

Life is not a toy, life is not a game. I have been given a wonderful chance, and it's important we never squander what has been given to us.

By strength of the spirit, mind and body, and combining professional help, and taking serious lifestyle changes, abd steps, one can and will SURVIVE, their is HOPE.

Hail Satan and all our gods and goddesses, for our allegiance and faith in them can level mountains, along with taking responsibility and what we MUST do in our lives to be okay.
Great Post.

From experience, I can say Hatha Yoga seems to bring the most relief when going through withdrawals. Hatha every 12 hours along side daily meditation really expediates the healing process. Also, affirmations before bed, I.E., "I am free from all addictive substance", or, "I am free from all withdrawal symptoms".

Additionally, you can listen to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZW_Q7VTkZE. This channel is called Sapien Medicine; He creates morphogenic fields that can encourage your Mind, Body and Soul to behave a certain way.

The above link is called "Overcoming Addictions" - "Repairs dopamine receptors in the limbic system, using a faster healing field with nerve growth factor and also repairs the dopamine production areas. This also works with your subconscious to give you the inner strength and will power to overcome your addictions."

Above all, like HPC said, seek professional help and be ruthless with Satanic practice. Satan and the Powers of Hell have your back, as do we.
serpentwalker666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
IShatterFur said:
Hello. I truly need help in overcoming my addiction to fentanyl and heroin, I am in my twenties, and have battled with this since I was 15.

Is there anyway the clergy or higher ranking members could help guide me through this.

I overdose when I relapse.



A few days ago, I relapsed heavily into alcohol use, and ended up dead on the floor, collapsed with no breath, or pulse, and was cold and blue.

By some miracle from the gods who have been closely watching and guiding me, after over an hour of being dead, I seemed to have survived, and am alive, more then ever.

We are truly glad we didn't lose you.

Do not waste your second chance.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
IShatterFur said:

This is a massive epidemic right now, and unfortunately I’ve seen some incredibly talented, bright, and intelligent people fall into this. Education of drugs in school had primarily been fear tactics, which kids rebel against when they find that weed doesn’t cause immediate permanent disabilities. At least when I was in school. Now weed isn’t a good example. I’ve lost more people than I can count now due to opiates, either mentally or literally. Overdose or taking something laced. Opiate withdrawal is one that can cause also death, so professional help is necessary for sure. But the opiates themselves have to be cut out. Definitely not compensating with other drugs from the street either. Gather as much support as you can and try not to go it alone.

On a positive note I also know numerous people who escaped this hole, often after a severe rock bottom (even though they’d rock bottomed many times before that) and wound up quitting and never turning back. Even those who started at a young age.

One I know began at 13. Same age range. He was hooked until 18-20 something. He got sober, never looked back, and just recently made his first 7 figures doing something he loved that was unique to him. He’s kind, respectful, insanely smart, and someone who does the right thing always. When you’re through with this, don’t be afraid to fully envelop yourself in any passion you have or find a new passion. You are fully capable of doing something phenomenal and wiping your history clean.

Self esteem is important, really work on self love. You’re worth so much more in life, and when the darkness fades you’ll find life within yourself and the world around you.

I’m a strong person and always have been, but even I almost did something this damning to myself at one point when it went rampant back in the day - new versions of these things that all the kids insisted were fine. Something happened that drew me away from those people, just long enough for me to see what it began doing to them and I think I got away from them by just a hair. I can’t say I know personally what a heroin withdrawal is like, but what it does to people is hard to watch.
Sundara said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
IShatterFur said:

This is a massive epidemic right now, and unfortunately I’ve seen some incredibly talented, bright, and intelligent people fall into this. Education of drugs in school had primarily been fear tactics, which kids rebel against when they find that weed doesn’t cause immediate permanent disabilities. At least when I was in school. Now weed isn’t a good example. I’ve lost more people than I can count now due to opiates, either mentally or literally.

Except of street opiates, we have an epidemic also on prescribed ones. People are prescribed things people should be taking after heavy surgeries, over the most irrelevant things. They literally want people on these as much as possible.

Terrible "fear based" education, is also another thing that leads many people to the drugs. Because they tell them lies that if they take they will die [which oftentimes can be true, but not always] and many don't understand the way towards death and damnation arrives slyly, which is how many are consumed in.

For example one might now die overnight, but over 2-3 months, or in the second time. And this is exactly what this brings, a slow, oftentimes, wasteful death, with numerous levels of abuse before one is dead. People deep in to the worst of this, tell you they wish they had died in the beginning sometimes, which should only show to anyone how beyond conception fucked up this thing is for anyone.

Universally teaching meditation and all Gentiles knowing that meditation works, will be key in defeating all of the above, and no moral bullshit talk is going to do shit, as the boomers are doing.

Only meditation can really save humanity permanently from these, or lessen these issues to a non threatening extent. The recent Fentanyl epidemic is simply showing how far this whole thing has went.

Meditation could have solved 9 out of 10 of all drug abuse cases, as meditation is the natural octave of Neptune, the positive one, which people need, while these drugs are the negative octave of Neptune, which people fall into frequently because of lack of social manifestation of meditation and spiritual practice.
I too was addicted to substances just try not too hard on your mind and physical outlets while sudden withdrawal and do not leave meditations away and also remember why you started to use that substance and what link did that substance gave you to be using that so that you can see the shit you are in and keep on going. Do keep on thinking of working consistently any household stuff workouts cooking 24/7 because your mind will be drawn to new environment when you leave your addiction so try coping with better environment. You will not be able to sleep and your time phase will be changed . I can tell this much only that I have experienced, now im off from substance 4 month, Any MEDITATION IS A MUST, and your emotions should be controlled.

IShatterFur said:
Yes thank you for your care and response. I will do all these things advised and stay determined. I see the support here and I am grateful. Thank you to anyone and all that respond.

Hello my friend,

All these advices are great, it depends though on what you can use right now. Another factor is that you may get too excited and start on many things at once, only to relapse a few months later. Then you go back from hero to zero. And you will feel twice as depressed, because you say here "I will do all these things advised and stay determined". Don't get me wrong, you can do it, the thing is it will be a marathon and not a sprint. So you better prepare for the long run. Here are some insights:

1. Drop your junkie friends. Try and make new normal ones. Or hell, just hang out with old people, there's less chance they do drugs. Most are into alcohol and cigarettes.

2. You will drop the drugs, but they filled a big chunk of your time. You need something to fill that slot. Maybe you can replace your addiction at this point with a less dangerous one. Like gaming. Play something online, do those quests, talk to people in there, become focused elsewhere. Or better yet, take work really hard. Or take some hobbies, go fishing or something. That space/time needs to be filled. Your mind needs to focus elsewhere. In time, your thoughts will turn to drugs less and less.

3. Spend more time with normal people. Talk to grandma, your family whatever.

4. Get a pet. Get a dog and walk him up. Talk to him. Animals are nature's best therapists.

5. Some people do drugs, because they feel they don't make a difference. That they are not important. And what do you do when you feel you don't mean anything? Your subconscious is trying to find ways to make you go away. Hence drugs. If you feel you are not important, think about orphan kids:


Maybe you just decide to not throw your life away and maybe in the future you can help others less fortunate than you. Yes, you who feel unwanted and low and yet you somehow manage to get some money for your drugs. You only have one addiction, they have no chances whatsoever. (unless society is massively changed)

6. Read horror stories. Watch horror movies. By seeing other people (albeit fictional) in worse situations than yours you might start to feel better and get it that you do not have it that bad after all. And there are some fates worse than death my friend.

7. Whatever you do, relapsing or not, ffs don't pray to jesus nor see a priest. That will be the end of you. If you are to fail in the end, do it with some dignity and not on your knees like a beggar. Don't die spiritually as well.

8. Prepare for a relapse. I know I know you won't do it again. What if you do? Just remember, most undertakings are not a one shot deal. If you were sober for a couple of months and fell again, maybe next time you get to be sober for six months. Self flagellation is not the answer.

9. Keep a journal. Write down the cravings if any. How do they feel? Why do they occur? What causes them? What seems to take them away. This way you will trackback your progress, even if it is two steps back one step forward.

10. Think about the people that love you and how miserable they will feel if you are gone away.

11. Replace your self image. Do not think yourself as a junkie. If you are a junkie deep inside, you will act as one as well. I recommend this book for further study:

Psycho-cybernetics by Maltz, Maxwell, 1899-1975

Maxwell Maltz was a plastic surgeon. He reconstructed people’s faces to make them more aesthetic. He noticed, after face surgeries, some people let go of their old persona and lifestyle. They became different personalities. While others stayed the same.


12. Set-up goals and work towards them. They will help you focus. Again, the thoughts that you hold in your mind are the ones that will become your reality. Try and set goals in positive sentences. Like I want to get a raise this year. And not like I do not want to work with that bastard boss anymore.

13. Get a girlfriend/boyfriend. But not one with similar issues. Remember step 1 drop your junkie friends. Not make new ones. A healthy and empowering relationship can help you get on track really fast.

14. I know it may sound silly, but try and find out why you do heroin. I mean yes is bad, but there is some reason you do it. I said earlier that you might feel worthless, but that may not be true in your case. Maybe you have real problems in your life and it makes you just forget those problems. Or it numbs down the pain.

I'll give you a mild example. From time to time I used to eat a whole chocolate at once. And my wife just mocked me saying it makes me fat. Until I figured it out. I was tired and not really willing to just go to sleep. And the body said ooook let's get some quick energy.

Heroin may be your way to cope with something worse. If you understand what that is, you have like 50% of your problem solved. You just need then to offer yourself another solution other than poking the needle in. Maybe you did it because your friends did and you wanted to blend in. As I said, a journal can help you with that as well.

15. Remember the times when you didn't use it. What did you do back then? Try and recreate that life back again. You can be that person.

16. If you still like doing it, maybe you should try something real cool :cool:

Addiction of any kind can be terrible, especially if you were afflicted with it from a young age. I'm going veer off topic just a little bit because I want to draw some attention to stuff people might usually find silly, as well as emphasize the importance of you yourself, the sufferer, taking the condition you're in very seriously.

I've suffered from nervous disorders such as OCD since I was little, likely due to an undetected head injury, which led to me becoming very easily addicted to pornography and videogames. At first glance I was totally fine but I ended up with a nasty case of frontal lobe syndrome that only months of meditation has helped me recover from. Later on I looked at my chart using Azazel's Astrology and realized that I was also astrologically predisposed to addiction, which allowed me to begin the long and arduous process of sublimating the energies of the planetary conditions at fault.

All of that said and tangent for others who may stumble upon this post aside, I'm glad that you're taking the first steps toward getting better. It's never easy admitting that you have a problem so like others have said, that alone is very commendable. None of us will judge you over your illness and the Gods won't either. What's important is that you're cured of the affliction that's weighing you down so you can progress both as an individual and as a Satanist. Remember to take your time as well, because having patience with yourself and staying consistent with treatment will be your number one priority for a while.

Best wishes for you on the road to recovery.
serpentwalker666 said:
IShatterFur said:

Spiritual workings must be used. One can do both workings for detachment as well as building strength. For example, Munka can be used to detach and reflect any influence of drugs from your soul, as if you never even started. A masculine rune, like Sowilo, can be used to give yourself the physical and mental energy to break the addiction.

These workings should be started on optimal dates and you don't have to wait long to do one of the two. These workings should also be carried out very long in terms of both magnitude and length.


Besides the spiritual side, take steps to ensure you are physically able to break the addiction. Yoga and exercise will help broadly. You can also seek out a TCM doctor that can use acupuncture and other methods to selectively heal damaged aspects of the body. This would overall give you the physical resources to separate yourself.

Mentally, one should look for counseling and other mental therapy, and support groups. This can give you the sort of emotional support, as well as positive thinking strategies, that will further cement your new place in life.


One has to prioritize the most necessary steps for growth. In this case, drug use should be prioritized first due to the damage it causes and the vulnerabilities it opens up.

Do not think, however, that any relapses will negate your meditations, or that you are too far damaged, or something like that. This is not true, and this is the essence of Satanism, which is growth even from the worst of situations.

Good luck!

You'd better remove anything that will spot who you are out of your profile mate.
just saw this with the OP. The most important step in overcoming addiction is admitting you have a problem. This can feel shameful and scary for many. I am glad for you! I think trying a freeing the soul working starting on a waning moon may also help. I saw you have struggled since your teen years so maybe 90 days at least may be best. Good luck to you and I hope you will be drug free soon! You can do it :)
Sundara said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
IShatterFur said:

This is a massive epidemic right now, and unfortunately I’ve seen some incredibly talented, bright, and intelligent people fall into this. Education of drugs in school had primarily been fear tactics, which kids rebel against when they find that weed doesn’t cause immediate permanent disabilities. At least when I was in school. Now weed isn’t a good example. I’ve lost more people than I can count now due to opiates, either mentally or literally. Overdose or taking something laced. Opiate withdrawal is one that can cause also death, so professional help is necessary for sure. But the opiates themselves have to be cut out. Definitely not compensating with other drugs from the street either. Gather as much support as you can and try not to go it alone.

On a positive note I also know numerous people who escaped this hole, often after a severe rock bottom (even though they’d rock bottomed many times before that) and wound up quitting and never turning back. Even those who started at a young age.

One I know began at 13. Same age range. He was hooked until 18-20 something. He got sober, never looked back, and just recently made his first 7 figures doing something he loved that was unique to him. He’s kind, respectful, insanely smart, and someone who does the right thing always. When you’re through with this, don’t be afraid to fully envelop yourself in any passion you have or find a new passion. You are fully capable of doing something phenomenal and wiping your history clean.

Self esteem is important, really work on self love. You’re worth so much more in life, and when the darkness fades you’ll find life within yourself and the world around you.

I’m a strong person and always have been, but even I almost did something this damning to myself at one point when it went rampant back in the day - new versions of these things that all the kids insisted were fine. Something happened that drew me away from those people, just long enough for me to see what it began doing to them and I think I got away from them by just a hair. I can’t say I know personally what a heroin withdrawal is like, but what it does to people is hard to watch.

Weed is one of those things it's not obvious at first. This is why so many people think it's harmless. It takes years before it's obvious and that is with consistent use. Then by the time it's obvious your completely fucked. You have zero motivation for things, are depressed, can't remember things straight, maybe get cancer or breathing problems eventually if you smoke it. You could also suddenly develop serious mental disorders to the point where if you don't have medication for it at least for awhile you will not even be able to function on a basic level with this drug. It is the people open to the spiritual who would never touch this with a 10 foot pole. This is why the Jews love this plant so much. It probably messes you up into future incarnations if you don't heal and fix it.
All you just need to do is tell yourself how bad it is to your health,well being and your spiritual progress that's all you need,and also meditate more as meditation helps with all this type of things..I used to be a f***in crack head,I smoke almost two packs of cigarettes a day,smoked Cannabis alot day and night also took Hard drugs into my system,all these are work of the Jews cause that's what they want but we are SS and we have Satan and our pagan God's who are willing to help.. I stopped all my addictions since I came to JOS and I meditate more,no more drugs for me all thanks to Satan..If you put effort to stop this on your own the Gods will help you..Stay strong and be determined and don't forget the main reason you are here..In my own case seriously the Gods used brute Force on me I must confess at a point couldn't smell or taste anything,I light up my cigarette only to notice I couldn't smell the smoke ,it had no taste not until I took some medication and after some days my sense of taste and smell came and up till today I haven't smoke cigarettes ,Even the smell of it disgust me..HAIL SATAN FOREVER..HAIL ALL THE GODS OF HELL..
I read a book called, 'Streetcat Bob.'

It was inspirational about how a homeless guy overcame his addictions because he found something to live for.

A stray cat that needed help and adopted him. He had to pull himself straight to look after this cat that was also homeless.

He mentioned the cold turkey torture. But he did it and you must too.

We need warriors because we are in the middle of war here.

You have a reason. You must overcome it.

And you will. Good luck brother.
IShatterFur said:
Yes thank you for your care and response. I will do all these things advised and stay determined. I see the support here and I am grateful. Thank you to anyone and all that respond.

No matter how far down the addiction has made you emotionally never forget your value as a person on this planet. Life is sacred and the life you have now is very precious. I salute you for the courage to admit a fault and have the desire for a better life. You absolutely will find it.

Talk to the gods of Duat. To either Lord Satan, your guardian or a variety of them. Focus on their sigil and tell them of your suffering and plight, your desire to improve and be free of the addiction. Keep an open mind and intuition, you can and will receive guidance for this over time.

Like H.P. Cobra said its a battle against your physical body now but it will lesson in time. Your soul and mind desire freedom and you will obtain it.

Advice from a doctor or specialist on this particular substance will help you better understand the physical dependency of it.

I will forwarn you of being forced into AA meets. If you end up being asked to attend them, take the advice you need from them carefully like sifting through grain. Some treatment centers will try to force christianity onto you as a spiritual substitute. xtianity is a poison and a lie and if you try to use it to overcome an addiction it will provide you nothing but false hope and abandonment. So if they try, remember all you need in the spiritual department is the Gods of Duat and meditations.

Adding one final thought to specific meditations that may help, the crown chakra is a great way to go. Working on the crown chakra it literally helps heal addictions and dependencies, you might find crown chakra work and pineal gland work to be very saving and to provide great relief.

Your going to be battling your bodys needs against your mind and soul, but it will weaken with time, focus and applied meditations. I salute you, and i know you can and will go on to create a great many things in life. Look to your future, it will be a bright and prosperous one. We're all rooting for you.
https://youtu.be/XUVtMNIux7M another song.
The one I kind of forgot about earlier I found things like this encouraging and helpful with urges to use stuff.
5htp and dopa muccuna (L-dopa) take them hours apart because they need the same enzymes or something like that.

Do rituals with Runes and Sanskrit, power meditation and RTR/veil stuff on a psices waiting moon when it's very small warning or full. I know from experience this works wonders. I do x100 and 216 of the Sanskrit and 10x for waxing -- sobriety/clean or 9x of waiting -- diminishing addiction. I also use Passionflower for MAOI because that traps dopamine and serotonin in the brain. Eat beats/prunes if it makes you have GI issues, you know. I don't like to mention that but it's completely necessary. I've heard horror stories about that.

Also, take a hot show and get it to cold gradually. Maybe smoke some weed. If you can't get that then just maybe do kratom. I don't support kratom and I don't think weed or kratom should be done for more than a while. I've seen people without power be reliant for maintenance n those, but so what, you're not weak. I don't care what the moderators say, if you're quitting opiates, start with some bud and those herbs. All that matters is experience and I'm telling you that's it. I've quit meth and klonopin (years of klonopin) as well as many meds. Listen to isochronic alpha waves and theta waves, like Schumann. Do yoga and please, don't do NA because powerlessness is a joke. We are powerless until we take action, of course. I've had way too much of that cult in commiefornia and such. Last resort, I-doser w/ out bose headphones (use gamma 80 hz isochronic youtube tone first for a minute to entrain the brain in synchronicity). This all works, I know, trust me.

Cheers fam! SIEG HEIL.
To follow up on the my othe post with addiction and resentment (step 4): Hatred is resolved and natural, of course, but resentment is harbored disgrace like re-sent/re-sense (visceral rumination). This causes relapse often and resentment only hurts the beholder. Yeah, I hate kikes but I don't spend all day resenting them, they're weak sick fucks that try their best, which is the worst, but I focus on the Gods and myself. When I do warfare I focus on the enemy. If we are stuck in the past we cannot manifest abundance. I'm not assuming, just covering the bases. I would also use aloe w/ rose oil for itchy skin and make sure to take trace minerals with the main ones. I forgot if I stated this, but if you get I-doser, don't use bose, they have EQ. Overall, exercise, hydrate, sleep well and be kind to yourself. I don't know your situation, just trying to be circumspect. Hail Satan kill kikes!!!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Sundara said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

This is a massive epidemic right now, and unfortunately I’ve seen some incredibly talented, bright, and intelligent people fall into this. Education of drugs in school had primarily been fear tactics, which kids rebel against when they find that weed doesn’t cause immediate permanent disabilities. At least when I was in school. Now weed isn’t a good example. I’ve lost more people than I can count now due to opiates, either mentally or literally.

Except of street opiates, we have an epidemic also on prescribed ones. People are prescribed things people should be taking after heavy surgeries, over the most irrelevant things. They literally want people on these as much as possible.

Terrible "fear based" education, is also another thing that leads many people to the drugs. Because they tell them lies that if they take they will die [which oftentimes can be true, but not always] and many don't understand the way towards death and damnation arrives slyly, which is how many are consumed in.

For example one might now die overnight, but over 2-3 months, or in the second time. And this is exactly what this brings, a slow, oftentimes, wasteful death, with numerous levels of abuse before one is dead. People deep in to the worst of this, tell you they wish they had died in the beginning sometimes, which should only show to anyone how beyond conception fucked up this thing is for anyone.

Universally teaching meditation and all Gentiles knowing that meditation works, will be key in defeating all of the above, and no moral bullshit talk is going to do shit, as the boomers are doing.

Only meditation can really save humanity permanently from these, or lessen these issues to a non threatening extent. The recent Fentanyl epidemic is simply showing how far this whole thing has went.

Meditation could have solved 9 out of 10 of all drug abuse cases, as meditation is the natural octave of Neptune, the positive one, which people need, while these drugs are the negative octave of Neptune, which people fall into frequently because of lack of social manifestation of meditation and spiritual practice.

If people learn at the right age, meditation would absolutely still prevent a good chunk from falling into this. On the other hand, I don’t know if my thoughts on this are accurate but the longer a person grows with an issue the harder it can be to overcome it in most cases where just simple meditation would fix it. For meditation to work for addicts or even people with mental issues they have to have the will and discipline plus belief to do so to begin with, and enough common sense to achieve long term results. The homeless people riddled on the streets all have one thing in common, a deeeeep victim mindset. The other massive issue to this is the way society is and the way people are brought up as a whole, along with lower education and lack of support ect. Deep rooted trauma issues, and whatever. That can give someone that disabling victim mindset. What people need to get out of it is learning to love themselves and stop this mindset and the Gods love too but people can also do it without, though not as easily. Also just some brute self criticism, people need to watch what they’re saying sometimes with the woe is me stuff and just put their foot down on themselves and say enough is enough. There’s also satanists who’ve been stable with meditation who’ve still fallen into addiction. It is still at the same time as simple as starting with meditation though despite the successes and losses. It’s the key to begin resolving.

So along with meditation, other forms of self-help and education is also critical. Not just with addiction but also other mental issues when it comes to meditation. Some people have some really deeply rooted weaknesses that can cause a long term psychotic state if they practice disciplined methods of meditation. I think people who fall into psychotic issues with meditation are also more prone to going overboard and not understanding themselves and what being grounded is as a whole. Or on the opposite end not understanding what being in touch with themselves is. This would include a big chunk of addicts. They have major self regulation issues. But when someone is facing death, sometimes the only way out is to go in as long as they stay safe and have the will to also educate themselves and practice a variety of ways to get themselves out of this. The Gods also guide heavily on these things too, not just meditations alone, because sometimes it takes a village and a broad range of different trial and errors to learn and grow and watch it become permanent.

A satanic life itself and mindset, I guess that can be included in meditation, is the real deal sealer to overcoming things. People also need to know that no matter how much they meditate or become “god-like” that they are not invincible to the effects of drugs or immune to addiction. The satanists who’ve fallen in after meditation were mostly caught up in the “I can do whatever I want I’m a Satanist I’m invincible” mindset. Combined with also still lingering issues deep rooted like not giving a fuck about themselves.

Like you said, some of these drugs have ghost like qualities. They do not seem all that bad at first. Some produce a seemingly mild high but the way it hits the brain keeps a person locked into it. Opiates play on the emotion of a peaceful love. Love is a core thing people need and if a person is getting that from a drug, they form an almost relationship with it and get hooked on it like a child to a parent almost. You can’t stop yourself in mid air from jumping off of a skyscraper with meditation, just like you can’t do opiates recreationally and not become an addict.

In hospitals and times where it’s necessary I’ve been pretty grateful for the existence of it. There should definitely be better things out there though. I went through a year of constant kidney infections and some kidney stones, I couldn’t get my mind around that pain sometimes. Labor was a different story, no drug can even really touch the level of that so it’s pointless. If it’s only taken when absolutely necessary in a stable person, it can really make existence a lot better for some people, at least with how the world is right now. Especially cancer patients and such. But the risk of addiction is still there if the issue goes away. Far less than other cases though. People with addiction and mental problems will cause themselves issues or seek it for unnecessary reasons, exaggerate symptoms without even realizing they’re just seeking this high. Or even conjure up ghost symptoms of a disease that’s gone. I guess the other problem is that medics can’t predict who is going to fall into it and who isn’t. I try not to forget the people who are in need of real pain relief when it comes to my real-life stance on the subject (if someone asks me if I’m currently for or against opiate use in hospitals) when I think of the here and now and not an ideal that if everything was perfect with the Gods and ourselves on the planet no one would need these things. If I put myself in the actual position of a doctor, I couldn’t just say “hey go meditate and change your entire foundation of beliefs right at this moment if you want some relief, I’m out bitch” even though that might be thrilling to say to a blatant drug seeker. If the jews didn’t run things I’m absolutely positive that a non addictive and effective pain medication would be in existence by now. People still need help. Some people commit suicide due to chronic pain. Sometimes their only relief truly was an opiate based medication. People truly in need are having these ripped from under their feet because of restrictions after jews have already created a dependence on them and offer no other resolve. The addicts kind of ruin this for the more innocent ones. I’ve seen both sides to an extreme. Watching people die of terminal cancer, and then also watching kids get all fucked up on their own terms. Emotionally thinking I side with the cancer patients because it’s such an ugly situation. There’s been a lot of arguments in certain areas of life over the use of opiates, with people fighting on both ends either for or against it entirely. I couldn’t even pick one right now but if I had to choose or vote between some hypothetical extreme side I’d probably wind up saying fuck the addicts who ruin this for people in need at this moment in time. Until there’s a better more realistic method to help people who really need it widely available.

And this isn’t in any way an argument to the above but in addition to. It’s a tricky subject when all sides are thought about. I don’t mean to get too into it though. It’s kind of a tiring conversation. Everyone needs help at the end of the day and at the end of the day, the whole world just needs a satanic mindset and freedom from jewish issues.
Our Gods help us through all problems but I do believe they certainly leave tests (sometimes dangerous) like addiction.

Very glad you are with us my friend as you will be saved just need a lot of meditation help with detox (maybe suboxone/methadone)

That Fentanyl has only recently hit our parts if im right only a tiny bit can kill.

Once you have came through the other end you will see what I mean about it being a test.

I came through it after my journey ten years with no drink drugs then bam hit something hard not that drug you had but one possibly equally as damaging.

I got help from my brothers and sisters here and also the Gods.

Its hard my fellow SS but with our Religion you can come through it.

Best of luck.
I didn't read anything on this thread but I'll say this. The threat that opioids are spiked with fentanyl and could kill you is enough of a deterrent to keep anyone away from opioids. I would never touch any of that shit because you never know what is in it. I've known people die from it. You see someone one day and they are gone the next. Fuck around, find out.
I can't relate in anyway to this. Quite the contrary, as I've had a poor health condition since birth, I've always wondered why people abuse drugs, alcohol or can't follow a healthy diet. At some point, my health condition worsened with time and the anti-psychotic treatments that I took due to having repeated seizures. These turned my daily life into a fight for survival. Maybe this was what kept me away from drugs. I know that drug abuse and prostitution in a society is related to poverty and mental trauma and it's true that I was born in a well having, upper-mid class family of aviation experts. But still I could never understand why people voluntarily inflict damage on themselves.
IShatterFur said:
Yes thank you for your care and response. I will do all these things advised and stay determined. I see the support here and I am grateful. Thank you to anyone and all that respond.

This is one of the most serious crimes that can be committed. They sell poison to people and then pretend to fight drugs like the rest of the corrupt judiciary. They sometimes confiscate a small amount while most of it goes into the illegal market and then becomes legal like tobacco and marijuana. This is a business of ruin and death.

Focus on your salvation, if you save yourself you have everything to win, if you die you have everything to lose. Your life is the most precious thing you have. Study the knowledge of the JoS Website and Forum and follow the advice of the people who have helped you. I wish you a complete and permanent recovery!
You can beat this. You can overcome this problem and advance! I’m cheering for you.

IShatterFur said:
Yes thank you for your care and response. I will do all these things advised and stay determined. I see the support here and I am grateful. Thank you to anyone and all that respond.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
IShatterFur said:
Hello. I truly need help in overcoming my addiction to fentanyl and heroin, I am in my twenties, and have battled with this since I was 15.

Is there anyway the clergy or higher ranking members could help guide me through this.

I overdose when I relapse.


Dark blessings to you, Shatter! The best option is recovery through a rehab facility. You are not alone in this. Satan and the Gods are with you, and we are here for support! Take care and be safe!
Thanks Hooded Cobra,

This one really hit home. I've just finally realised where I'm at and I've just started to realise that I've got a lot of work to do. I've been ignoring; denying. This is admittedly kinda scary, and it doesn't look like an easy road ahead of me. But I've gotta do it. Gotta clean myself up.

Thank you so much for your sermon, and for all the other stories people have shared here, It's exactly what I needed to hear.

With SATAN and GODS on this one for sure. Thank you, friends.

SaxonStranger100 said:
5htp and dopa muccuna (L-dopa) take them hours apart because they need the same enzymes or something like that.

Do rituals with Runes and Sanskrit, power meditation and RTR/veil stuff on a psices waiting moon when it's very small warning or full. I know from experience this works wonders. I do x100 and 216 of the Sanskrit and 10x for waxing -- sobriety/clean or 9x of waiting -- diminishing addiction. I also use Passionflower for MAOI because that traps dopamine and serotonin in the brain. Eat beats/prunes if it makes you have GI issues, you know. I don't like to mention that but it's completely necessary. I've heard horror stories about that.

Also, take a hot show and get it to cold gradually. Maybe smoke some weed. If you can't get that then just maybe do kratom. I don't support kratom and I don't think weed or kratom should be done for more than a while. I've seen people without power be reliant for maintenance n those, but so what, you're not weak. I don't care what the moderators say, if you're quitting opiates, start with some bud and those herbs. All that matters is experience and I'm telling you that's it. I've quit meth and klonopin (years of klonopin) as well as many meds. Listen to isochronic alpha waves and theta waves, like Schumann. Do yoga and please, don't do NA because powerlessness is a joke. We are powerless until we take action, of course. I've had way too much of that cult in commiefornia and such. Last resort, I-doser w/ out bose headphones (use gamma 80 hz isochronic youtube tone first for a minute to entrain the brain in synchronicity). This all works, I know, trust me.

Cheers fam! SIEG HEIL.

Stop recommending to people struggling with drug addiction to treat their drug problems with MORE DRUGS!

Either offer helpful, safe solutions, or please, for the well being of other advancing members serious in this path... just tie your tongue in a knot so you dont lead people on a self damning road.

The methods you are advocating here are dangerous to members. Stop immediately and realise your utterly foolish mistake.
serpentwalker666 said:
SaxonStranger100 said:
5htp and dopa muccuna (L-dopa) take them hours apart because they need the same enzymes or something like that.

Do rituals with Runes and Sanskrit, power meditation and RTR/veil stuff on a psices waiting moon when it's very small warning or full. I know from experience this works wonders. I do x100 and 216 of the Sanskrit and 10x for waxing -- sobriety/clean or 9x of waiting -- diminishing addiction. I also use Passionflower for MAOI because that traps dopamine and serotonin in the brain. Eat beats/prunes if it makes you have GI issues, you know. I don't like to mention that but it's completely necessary. I've heard horror stories about that.

Also, take a hot show and get it to cold gradually. Maybe smoke some weed. If you can't get that then just maybe do kratom. I don't support kratom and I don't think weed or kratom should be done for more than a while. I've seen people without power be reliant for maintenance n those, but so what, you're not weak. I don't care what the moderators say, if you're quitting opiates, start with some bud and those herbs. All that matters is experience and I'm telling you that's it. I've quit meth and klonopin (years of klonopin) as well as many meds. Listen to isochronic alpha waves and theta waves, like Schumann. Do yoga and please, don't do NA because powerlessness is a joke. We are powerless until we take action, of course. I've had way too much of that cult in commiefornia and such. Last resort, I-doser w/ out bose headphones (use gamma 80 hz isochronic youtube tone first for a minute to entrain the brain in synchronicity). This all works, I know, trust me.

Cheers fam! SIEG HEIL.

Stop recommending to people struggling with drug addiction to treat their drug problems with MORE DRUGS!

Either offer helpful, safe solutions, or please, for the well being of other advancing members serious in this path... just tie your tongue in a knot so you dont lead people on a self damning road.

The methods you are advocating here are dangerous to members. Stop immediately and realise your utterly foolish mistake.

I lead with witchcraft, you seem to lack experience in the matter, I may be wrong. I was the one not to recommend subs. You should have some respect and not be petulent when having a difficult conversation. I work my ass off on Gab and with RTRs and I am not going to take shit from someone preaching to the choir on here. It's not dangerous because weed for 2 weeks or so isn't shit, like you'd knowright. You ever been hooked on pills??? Even if so, lose the attitude. This isn't Highschool, understand. You must not know the insanity of craving and withdrawal like us...They're new, they're power is weak probably. I did these things sparingly and I succeeded. know your place SerpentTalker, dont' be disrespectful.
serpentwalker666 said:
SaxonStranger100 said:
5htp and dopa muccuna (L-dopa) take them hours apart because they need the same enzymes or something like that.

Do rituals with Runes and Sanskrit, power meditation and RTR/veil stuff on a psices waiting moon when it's very small warning or full. I know from experience this works wonders. I do x100 and 216 of the Sanskrit and 10x for waxing -- sobriety/clean or 9x of waiting -- diminishing addiction. I also use Passionflower for MAOI because that traps dopamine and serotonin in the brain. Eat beats/prunes if it makes you have GI issues, you know. I don't like to mention that but it's completely necessary. I've heard horror stories about that.

Also, take a hot show and get it to cold gradually. Maybe smoke some weed. If you can't get that then just maybe do kratom. I don't support kratom and I don't think weed or kratom should be done for more than a while. I've seen people without power be reliant for maintenance n those, but so what, you're not weak. I don't care what the moderators say, if you're quitting opiates, start with some bud and those herbs. All that matters is experience and I'm telling you that's it. I've quit meth and klonopin (years of klonopin) as well as many meds. Listen to isochronic alpha waves and theta waves, like Schumann. Do yoga and please, don't do NA because powerlessness is a joke. We are powerless until we take action, of course. I've had way too much of that cult in commiefornia and such. Last resort, I-doser w/ out bose headphones (use gamma 80 hz isochronic youtube tone first for a minute to entrain the brain in synchronicity). This all works, I know, trust me.

Cheers fam! SIEG HEIL.

Stop recommending to people struggling with drug addiction to treat their drug problems with MORE DRUGS!

Either offer helpful, safe solutions, or please, for the well being of other advancing members serious in this path... just tie your tongue in a knot so you dont lead people on a self damning road.

The methods you are advocating here are dangerous to members. Stop immediately and realise your utterly foolish mistake.

Replacing heroin with weed or kratom for a month is not bad. The pisces waiting moon thing is the way. A rehab or doctor will use subs and that's Jewish medicine*. Hey buddy just drink chamomile tea and chant until your blood pressure pops your eyes, lol. They're New!
I'm not going to fight here, the last word is yours (anyone) and the last laugh is mine. You all need to get the fuck on social media and stop chatting on here so much. Split the time up more, why am I alone here. HPS MAxine stated this should be done daily. I remember when she got pissed around 2015 because people aren't spamming. Nonsequitor from opioids but I see elitism like qliquyness. You should be embarrassed. Get the fuck on brighten, xephula, gab, ok.ru, vk.com, minds.com. HP Hooded Cobra stated get on brighten, only a couple did and they barely post. Losers...You deserved to be outranked, by whoever cares more. JoS can't be so socially soft and whiney, we need strict regimentation. It's not sanctimony, it's just the truth. LeoDragon the fuck out. Like why are people trying to tell their story on here when no one can see you...Just get the fuck online snd spam and stop being selfish. I'm the one who has been pushing the word in Russia. I call myself Officer Anglo BECAUSE I FUCKING ACT LIKE IT. They killed so many pagans and all you guys want to do is chat and do RTRs and Runes...You need to step it up. Honestly some of you may want to bag the other RTRs and just get your soul clean and merkaba up so one RTR uis thousands of times stronger than all five you did that day. I had a dream I was in Oklahoma with Maxine. I was working at a restaurant with her. She had me handing out the food to the JoS school-kids. This was when I was younger. She would like what I'm saying so shut you fucking mouth. And furthermore, FUCK anyone who got a refund for their astrology chart. I ordered mine on June 17th, 2018 and didn't get it. Consider it a tithe, I ,over High Priest Hooded Cobra and I am so grateful for his hard work. You should be ashamed. If you aren't good enough to manifest your own money, WORK HARDER!!!

SIEG HEIL \, at least I know most of you aren't pussies. Many of you are stronger than me, but it's not about how strong you are. it's about what the fuck you do with it, UNDERSTAND! I've been through wayyy too much shit to sit around on here unless I need help with some exercise or need to find a definition or read HPHC! Grow up, I'm honestly disgusted. I've been reading these forums for years. I yawn. Do it like you mean it. WE ARE AT WAR!!! Goddamnit...Anyone who isn't willing to FIGHT like a Wild Fucking Animal as HPHC state years ago -- is a lame -- a shame and a coward. I put my LIFE on the line for Satan. I ATTACK the KRemlin, I ATTACK EVERYTHING JEWISH. The Gods will hold anyone here accountable that isn't all in. Show everyone I said this, do yourself a favor. And remember, you had to get called out to know what the fuck you should be doing. I guess many of you have a lot of karma to shed, jesus-kike....I'm disappointed.

@SaxonStranger1488666 OFFICER-ANGLO gab

Hail Satan
I'm not going to fight here, the last word is yours (anyone) and the last laugh is mine. You all need to get the fuck on social media and stop chatting on here so much. Split the time up more, why am I alone here. HPS MAxine stated this should be done daily. I remember when she got pissed around 2015 because people aren't spamming. Nonsequitor from opioids but I see elitism like qliqiyness. You should be embarrassed. Get the fuck on brighten, xephula, gab, ok.ru, vk.com, minds.com. HP Hooded Cobra stated get on brighten, only a couple did and they barely post. Losers...You deserved to be outranked, by whoever cares more. JoS can't be so socially soft and whiney, we need strict regimentation. It's not sanctimony, it's just the truth. LeoDragon the fuck out. Like why are people trying to tell their story on here when no one can see you...Just get the fuck online snd spam and stop being selfish. I'm the one who has been pushing the word in Russia. I call myself Officer Anglo BECAUSE I FUCKING ACT LIKE IT. They killed so many pagans and all you guys want to do is chat and do RTRs and Runes...You need to step it up. Honestly, some of you may want to bag the other RTRs and just get your soul clean and merkaba up so one RTR uis thousands of times stronger than all five you did that day. I had a dream I was in Oklahoma with Maxine. I was working at a restaurant with her. She had me handing out the food to the JoS school kids. This was when I was younger. She would like what I'm saying so shut you fucking mouth. And furthermore, FUCK anyone who got a refund for their astrology chart. I ordered mine on June 17th, 2018 and didn't get it. Consider it a tithe, I ,over High Priest Hooded Cobra and I am so grateful for his hard work. You should be ashamed. If you aren't good enough to manifest your own money, WORK HARDER!!!

SIEG HEIL \, at least I know most of you aren't pussies. Many of you are stronger than me, but it's not about how strong you are. it's about what the fuck you do with it, UNDERSTAND! I've been through wayyy too much shit to sit around on here unless I need help with some exercise or need to find a definition or read HPHC! Grow up, I'm honestly disgusted. I've been reading these forums for years. I yawn. Do it like you mean it. WE ARE AT WAR!!! Goddamnit...Anyone who isn't willing to FIGHT like a Wild Fucking Animal as HPHC state years ago -- is a lame -- a shame and a coward. I put my LIFE on the line for Satan. I ATTACK the KRemlin, I ATTACK EVERYTHING JEWISH. The Gods will hold anyone here accountable that isn't all in. Show everyone I said this, do yourself a favor. And remember, you had to get called out to know what the fuck you should be doing. I guess many of you have a lot of karma to shed, jesus-kike....I'm disappointed.

@SaxonStranger1488666 OFFICER-ANGLO gab

Hail Satan
If my last rant message was approved then please approve this, if not then please don't approve this. I'm all about the schedule but I'm just saying, less forum, more time cleaning and spamming and then empowering and spamming. Duh! You were told by HPS MAxineto spam and HPHC to spam and if you don't daily, you are DISOBEYING A DIRECT ORDER and that is a disgrace. Sometimes I don't do the schedule because I am invoking elements and doing headstands and breaths of fire and merkaba watchtowers and chakra spinning -- that takes over an hour. Bty the time I hit RTR, holy fuck, ZAP! R A W! Like program runes in your aura with an x216 raum 100x satzanama or whatever and like 9 or ten x Runes. Just do what you need to do, do the schedule just make time, stop being a socialite. Time is a precious commodity and WE ARE AT WAR! I mean, what do we fucking have to do to GET YOU TO SPAM DAILY, mre than like a link here or there -- go all out LET'S FUCKING GO!!!! CRACK TO IT!!!
serpentwalker666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
IShatterFur said:
Hello. I truly need help in overcoming my addiction to fentanyl and heroin, I am in my twenties, and have battled with this since I was 15.

Is there anyway the clergy or higher ranking members could help guide me through this.

I overdose when I relapse.


Clinging to the gods and the meditations we have, along with seeking professional help is indeed important and paramount here.

A few days ago, I relapsed heavily into alcohol use, and ended up dead on the floor, collapsed with no breath, or pulse, and was cold and blue.

By some miracle from the gods who have been closely watching and guiding me, after over an hour of being dead, I seemed to have survived, and am alive, more then ever.

I post this so that someone, anyone reading this knows that its SO IMPORTANT to cling heavily to the gods, our meditations, and SEEK PROFESSIONAL HELP, rehab, ect. Before it's much TOO LATE.

Life is not a toy, life is not a game. I have been given a wonderful chance, and it's important we never squander what has been given to us.

By strength of the spirit, mind and body, and combining professional help, and taking serious lifestyle changes, abd steps, one can and will SURVIVE, their is HOPE.

Hail Satan and all our gods and goddesses, for our allegiance and faith in them can level mountains, along with taking responsibility and what we MUST do in our lives to be okay.

You're a News, I've dealt with this karma, you should seek advice and be humble rather than tell superiors how it is, remember this lesson or next time it'll be more intense. I'm not disappointed in you, you just don't get it. Do the waiting Pisces moon 40 day working, that's a fucking order! And you're welcome SerpentTalker. Prove yourself, this is an action-based program, not a socialite place to kick it and philosophize about what you like in Satanism. It's also an order to spam, since you are like most everyone another clicky socialite on here who doesn't do it like they mean it. I'm laying it down for you. My guardian Demon is a Crowned Prince, she some respect and do what I told you to. Sieg Heil!
I hope the message sI wrote (2) that weren't replies on this thread -- gets denied along with this. I posted a much better one in the Etiquette thread for treating new people, FYI will you please help me out with that, superior. I'm not here much, it was a bad decision.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
