Hello my beautiful Satanic family. I would like to offer you all an apology. Back in early 2016 is when I officially did my dedication. I went through on and off years with following and not following. I was a lazy sack of shit to say the least. Today I am ready to change. Today I make the decision which will affect the rest of my life. I apologize to all of you and to Satan and his god's for calling myself a Satanist while I sit on my ass and slack off. Starting tomorrow that will change. No more slacking and no more excuses. Thank you all for everything you do for new and old members. It is time for me to get my ass into gear. There are no excuses to not meditate, To not take part in the RTR, to not do anything. We are in an eternal war of struggle. In a great mans words. "Those who want to live, Let them fight, and those who do not to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live." I am sorry for being a disappointment. From this point forward I will do better. May my future actions show I have changed and become better.
Hail Satan!
Hail Satan!