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American Historical Revisionism

Apr 17, 2024
Lord Pirrie, chairman of Harland and Wolff, funded three commercial passenger ships that were designed by engineer J. Bruce Ismay. Pirrie had an agreement since 1902 with Zionist Jew JP Morgan, who owned the International Mercantile Marine Co., a monopoly of transatlantic commercial passenger and cargo sea fairs. These ships were the Olympic, Titanic, and Britannic. On 6/14/1911, the Olympic made her Maiden Voyage under Commodore EJ Smith. A week later it collided its stern with a tug boat in New York called the O.L. Hallenbeck, which almost caused this tug to sink. Again there was another collision on the fifth voyage on 9/20/1911, on the Hudson River with the British warship HMS Hawk in the Brambles channel in South Hampton waters. The Olympic did not get bailed on a claim because it was drawing smaller ships into its tug. They wanted to avoid costly repairs that would decrease their funds. On 2/12/1912, Olympic left New York Harbor and ran over a sunken wreck and this shock loaded the driveshaft and stressed the motor. It struggled back to New Hampton to be repaired at the Thompson dry dock. Olympic was sent back to Belfast, North Ireland for permanent repairs on 10/11/1912.

Titanic was nearing completion but was delayed by Olympic's repair needs. Olympic was fitted with the Titanic's new #401 propellor that was to replace it running over a sunken ship on her Maiden Voyage. This propeller is photographed at the Titanic wreck site. The Olympic and Titanic were parked side by side on the Lagen River in Liverpool. 3/24/1915, John Jacob Astor, Benjamin Guggenheim, and Isador Strauss were all aristocrats who opposed the Federal Reserve and were all killed aboard Titanic. JP Morgan canceled his ticket from a ‘sudden illness' and was seen days later at the Alamac Hotel, in Atlantic City, New Jersey. The official report stated he was thought to have overdosed on paraldehyde, but it was later determined to have been heart disease that killed him, although he was likely assassinated. People credited him with clairvoyance for his 'foresight'. JP Morgan and his entourage canceled their first-class tickets one hour before the departure. He had claimed sudden illness, however, he was discovered at a French resort with his mistress, in perfect health, by an American Reporter.

The Titanic sank on 4/15/1912, and the Federal Reserve was founded on 12/23/1913. Lord Rothschild set the stage for the 1913 U.S. banking crisis that sent depositors into hysteria. He was on the phone connecting the triggers for action. He knew the time was right and struck, crashing the market. He then bought up all the drop-shares at the bottom 'fire-sale' price. He purchased for pennies on the dollar. The Fed later usurped the U.S. Treasury bonds as George Washington warned. Ulysses B. Grant bankrupted the U.S. after the Civil War, taking out a huge loan from Rothschild Incorporated. Ex-Jesuit and ‘German’ philosopher, Jew Adam Weishaupt, founded the Bavarian Illuminati two months before America earned its independence, in 1776. Adam Weishaupt brought his Illuminati faction into Freemasonry in 1777. In the 17th Century, Jew Mayer Amschel Bauer (Lord Rothschild) ingratiated himself to French Duke William IX, infusing Hebrew mysticism into Freemasonry.

President John Adams signed into law the Alien and Sedition Acts that were passed by the Federalist Congress in 1798. This allowed for the arrest of Frankist communist agents, who came by the thousands from the Jacobin Republic of France. These communists attempted to assassinate George Washington in Philadelphia, to prevent the new republic. The orders were given down to the Frankist Jacobin Republic by Illuminati Jew Weishaupt. The gold standard was replaced by a globalist tactic, the imaginary FIAT credit currency. This undermined the efficiency of the First Bank of the United States, operated by Alexander Hamilton. American diplomat, Edward Mandell House, manipulated Woodrow Wilson to allow the Fed to become the second private entity in 1913, after the District of Columbia — before the free enterprise of the corporation. ‘In God we trust’ was put on the dollar by Jew Eisenhower via the 184th Congress. Gentile Freemasonry originated with the Knights Templar and died with the Founding Fathers. George Washington posed as an Anglican but would write about god in Deist terms. The United States was made secular for a reason.

1- Unam Sanctum of 1302 was the first Vatican trust, during the rule of Pope Boniface VIII — of the 'Holy' Roman Empire. He allowed soldiers to lend their land to 'trusted' friends/family, but if they returned and had an ownership dispute, the trustee would be awarded a claim in court. The knight would either gamble his property in its abandonment or surrender (gamble) the right of property ownership. 2- Aeterni Regis ('regis' means 'of the king' and is a root of 'register'), which was the 1481 Trust, where papal bulls (official documents) were enchanted by Jesuit priests and locked away in the vaults, proclaiming lordship over the world. This essentially abolishes personal property. 3- In 1531, convocation (large assembly) demanded baptism (cursing), as the king was the sovereign ruler of the land under God (Church of England)—allowing for the consecration of infants under the Jewish spell. The British Crown owns the Church of England, which means the Vatican controls it. Furthermore, the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666 (French for 'he who lives') encompasses these three trusts. The format of the courts emulates the Catholic Sacrament of Penance.

The US Securities & Exchange Commission in New York is where birth certificates are sold, averaging $15 million. The judge, clerk, and prosecution are all players in this trust. When a subpoena lands someone in court, the lawyer is a ward of the state, being a representative stating you're 'lost at sea,' so he is a trustee that can usurp your money. The judge is the administrator of the trust and wants to change roles with the defendant. The clerk (cleric) is the trustee, and the prosecution is the executor, the one with liability; the one who 'spells' out (spell casts) one's summons to get them into court. Every trust has a trustee, an executor and beneficiary, so the judge asks for one's name — to which one can reply that they're not that person, but rather, the beneficiary of that person's trust, which can lead to legal problems. This is how the judge swaps roles with a 'sin confessing' defendant, becoming the beneficiary (employed/paid) for having the defendant sign away their own freedom. Everyone wins except the beneficiary.

A strawman logical fallacy is defined as a proposition that's intentionally misrepresented for being easier to defeat than the real argument (in this case 'citizen or cargo') of the Jewish system. Christians can claim the Vatican is at the top 'for Satan,' and that the Black Nobility (aristocracy of the Roman Empire) were just merely Christian pawns of the of the Jew's instrument of terrorism, Vatican City. The New World Order psyop is operated via the Freemasonic global construct, established after the Jew infiltrated the Gentile secret society of Knights Templar Freemasonry. For the insidious District of Columbia Act of 1871, via Congress, a secret charter was drafted. Originating in England, meaning banking wars overtook shipping and postal (timeline) wars. When someone is born, they’re legally just cargo docked at a harbor (hospital) and are technically a ward of the state until signing the birth certificate, a commercial instrument. This then allows for issuing a social security number (barcode). This means one is subject to the ‘state of affairs’ and is represented by a strawman account, not only by the Federal Government but subservient to the Rothschild-managed Vatican. The District of Columbia estimates how much taxes a child will make in their life, issue the birth certificate on the capital market, and make income from it. The courts don’t recognize someone as a citizen, but rather as chattel (property).

The two pillars of Freemasonry, Jachin and Boaz, represent laws of the land (common/ constitutional) and the sea (maritime/ admiralty). The king of Great Britain has always run the monarchial, tyrannical admiralty law system that is enforced through the courts. The British Royal Family is crypto-Jewish because of Prince Philip's Jewish great-grandmother. The King of England has always been the Postmaster General of the world. Freemasons build governments and are a massive network who all help each other out. Like Great Britain, countries have strategic metals contract, where they can print and mint (coinage) currency, but the Fed does it for America. Banking systems are based on trading commodities, like oil. When the 13 Colonies were founded, the Philadelphia Benjamin Franklin Postal Office (postal court) was disabled from trade by the King of Great Britain until the American Revolution. The Benjamin Franklin Post Office couldn’t be re-opened for commerce because America owed 6.1 million Francs for French aid against Great Britain (First Int. Bankruptcy). Spain wanted to step in as Postmaster General, stating they found America first from Christopher Columbus; however, France argued it wouldn’t exist without them. Then, the Crown still laid claim to the American people and its trade and commerce.

America wanted into the global financial market against the will of the Crown. America based its monetary system on the land, so it never fluctuated in worth, although the Rothschild Dynasty raised/lowered the price of gold and silver, relative to their assets. The Rothschilds then attacked the Crown and lowered the price of gold, so America bought it up. America couldn’t create currency, so it had to borrow from the Rothschilds with interest (Usury), as the 1929 stock market collapse ended the Second Int. Bankruptcy. The Rothschilds offered America three chances to pay off the debt, which failed. The hustled Crown went bankrupt buying U.S. debt from the Rothschilds to keep their strategic metals plan (1815). The U.S. Constitution was drafted about how the Crown was going to interact with the American colonies based on international trade and commerce. This was seen by Patrick Henry and the colonials as such an insidious act that they created the Bill of Rights, preventing the Machiavellian Crown’s federal government moves against negative rights. Presidents who were Freemasons, such as Roosevelt, Eisenhower and Raegan, spoke out against the New World Order (as purely controlled opposition).

In the event horizon year of 1999, the contract between the U.S. and the Crown expired (Third Int. Bankruptcy) Reform Act of 2000 where the U.S. Constitution was technically null and void. Great Britain and the U.S. agreement ended in 1999, so there was no more need for an executive trustee (president). The U.S. system of government should have been recreated, but elections continued, Congress and the courts weren’t shut down, and no one was fired. The CIA was instituted as a ‘five-star’ trust, so the Executive Branch no longer would go through Congress for money. This enabled the laundering of money via illicit activities, like drugs. This is known as Operation Studebaker and Operation Clean Room. The CIA has far more than trillions of dollars in the Sustainable Development Fund 'QV Trust' (of Vatican City); global tax revenues are nothing in comparison. Interesting how the Jew wants people to retire by the age of 75 because that's when their lifetime estimate expires for the QV Trust. The Rothschilds have acquired most Vatican funds, and own Israel.


  • rms-titanic-or-olympic-truth-or-myth.jpg
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In the event horizon year of 1999, the contract between the U.S. and the Crown expired (Third Int. Bankruptcy) Reform Act of 2000 where the U.S. Constitution was technically null and void. Great Britain and the U.S. agreement ended in 1999, so there was no more need for an executive trustee (president). The U.S. system of government should have been recreated, but elections continued, Congress and the courts weren’t shut down, and no one was fired. The CIA was instituted as a ‘five-star’ trust, so the Executive Branch no longer would go through Congress for money. This enabled the laundering of money via illicit activities, like drugs. This is known as Operation Studebaker and Operation Clean Room. The CIA has far more than trillions of dollars in the Sustainable Development Fund 'QV Trust' (of Vatican City); global tax revenues are nothing in comparison.
It's my first time hearing this. Thank you for the information.
My pleasure friend⚡⚡🙋🏻‍♂️☠️!!
Two little errors I found are I spelled Isidro wrong, it was John Jacob Astor V.

One other thing is that QAnon ‘JewAnon’ adapted the whole titanic thing like it does to a lot of good info before it, corrupt it in its grand narrative… I can’t find the video and I will search more in-depth when I have time, but there was a British scholar in an English mansion, I believe JP Morgan‘s old mansion, where he was doing a very astute and circumspect synopsis of the conspiracy using actual documents. Magestein provided a little of this information from the book ‘under the sign of the scorpion’ back in the day.
My pleasure friend⚡⚡🙋🏻‍♂️☠️!!
Two little errors I found are I spelled Isidro wrong, it was John Jacob Astor V.

One other thing is that QAnon ‘JewAnon’ adapted the whole titanic thing like it does to a lot of good info before it, corrupt it in its grand narrative… I can’t find the video and I will search more in-depth when I have time, but there was a British scholar in an English mansion, I believe JP Morgan‘s old mansion, where he was doing a very astute and circumspect synopsis of the conspiracy using actual documents. Magestein provided a little of this information from the book ‘under the sign of the scorpion’ back in the day.
Isidor* I’m always in a huge hurry to type this stuff out. I need to slow the fuck down.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
