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About my relationship with Father Satan...

Feb 19, 2021
Lately my understanding of the things around me has been increasing a lot and I am becoming more and more aware of what surrounds me (due to meditation?).

I have always had faith in Father Satan, but "faith" does not necessarily mean "trust". When you have faith in something, you have faith in the absence of evidence. You just have faith, sometimes in a "blind" way.
When you trust someone, you trust because you analyze the tangible evidence in favor of something and therefore understand that it is reliable.

Lately, however, I have begun to not only have faith in Father Satan, but to give him my trust. And I prefer it this way, because faith is not something too solid, it is right that it is there at the beginning of a relationship in my opinion otherwise it would be impossible to build a healthy one, but afterwards it must necessarily be replaced by trust to be a healthy relationship.

At the beginning I didn't trust Father Satan, not because I thought he was mad at me, but because I believed I had no proof of his love. But then I realized that there was a lot of evidence in my history as a Satanist.

1) When I was crying because I felt abandoned, I prayed to Satan to let me find my old group of friends and that same evening I met them again right outside the house
2) Satan has always been there to believe in me, so much so that when I did the ouija, Azazel told me that Satan wanted me to believe in myself too
3) When I wanted to know who the antichrist was, I prayed to Satan to let me know and the same day I discovered Nazism
4) When I was sad about a failed relationship with a girl, I prayed to Satan to let me meet a girl who could make me happy and I met this new girl that same evening at the gym.
5) After the dedication of the soul, my life which was truly unlivable was transformed into something pleasant.

In my mortal and human vision, sometimes it is difficult for me to understand when something is truly suitable for me, Satan is a God and therefore knows well what is best for me. However, even in my limited awareness I can say that Satan has gained all my trust.

When HPS Maxine wrote on the site that Satan works to build relationships of trust with us, I thought: "Surely Satan won't have time to waste on me", but it's true that he does. And when I bring new Satanists to discover JoS, many people write to me that they too have had good experiences.

There is only one problem that convinced me to open this topic, I... I have never managed to speak with Father Satan, when I did the ouija, distant times, I spoke with Demons, never with Satan. So yes, I trust, but I don't know what to expect and in which direction everything will ultimately go.

I know that perhaps I am expecting too much, but I would like to be able to communicate with Satan, in short, it is sad to know that a child cannot speak to the Father. I also meditated on the clairvoyance and clairaudience centers for 40 days in a row with 8 minor chakra breaths, but, well, I didn't see great results. I am now using the ISIS mantra to open my mind to psychic abilities.
You are doing fine, it takes time to open your psychical abilities.

You can speak with Satan as you did many times, but you may not get a response. I don't advise to use ouija board because it isn't trustworthy.
I felt good when I read your post.
It reminds me of all the good things that have happened to me. Ever since I became SS.

Try this crown chakra opening exercise.


Good luck.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
