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About Envy, Greed, Hate, Anger, Lust, Gluttony

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
From the title, one might thing that this matter here will be judged with scorn or with writing and issuing penalties for those that engage in these human processes. In the Path of the Gods which is Spiritual Satanism, there is no such topic. Denying these urges and not properly recognizing them, or creating a state of fear of eternal hellfire for the engagement in these, is only the enemy's work which is meant to dissuade human beings from advancing spiritually.

As the enemy wants to fundamentally procure misery, blindness and lack of wisdom in humanity as a final goal, they cannot provide the solutions in this writing of Guidance, because if they did so, human beings would have to learn about spirituality and wisdom, which would make all the Churches of the enemy destitute of any follower since they thrive on misery, affliction, death and ignorance.

It is to the enemy's benefit that these states in human beings continue as long as possible and for the maximum amount of people, so they always perpetuate them in order to not become vacant shells. Like a doctor not interested in healing human beings but wanting to procure sickness on purpose, so is the enemy desiring to that end. Unfortunately for many, they can only see this after they have understood of the nature of the enemy. The "external enemy" has a lot to gain by the sustaining of humanity's internal evil and enemies.

While the "Abrahamic Religions" talk a lot and condemn humans about these topics, they fundamentally hate human nature and humanity and seek for beings to remain unelightened. This state creates double the amount of problems of what these already blind drives I will describe here, do cause to human beings on their own. They double down on human misery and affliction.

Our side is exactly the contrary and seeks to elevate humans, while also keeping them wholly human, without a fundamental hate for what humanity is or can be.

The gateway to spiritual evolution, in which the forces described here both can obstruct but also help later on as the soul advances, is residing in the moderation of these forces and their purification. If a being has conquered these forces truly, then they are a purified being and have many things in common with the beings of the Higher Orders of life. This cannot be faked or evaded and is a lifelong process of evolution to bring these under proper rule of Wisdom.

As the soul is trying to evolve, it's fundamental that it incarnates into a body. This body brings with it all the forces necessary for it's evolution, the forces of propelling nature such as the ability to recreation, survival and all the instincts related for a human being to survive.

The survival mechanisms in one's body, are motivating factors and powers that are very necessary to live. Without these human beings would die instantly, and would not be able to evolve either way.

The Gods have bestowed these to human beings as necessary forces for that survival, and these forces exist universally in all living beings. They were given in wisdom and they represent evolutionary forces.

Imbalances in these forces, can be due to traumatic events, personal volition, or simply never understanding one must balance out these equations, or all of the three combined.

Fundamentally, none of the forces of Envy, Greed, Hate, Anger or Lust are negative, but since they are devoid of Logos or Higher Reason, they are frequently the cause of damnation for human beings, as they can sink a being into the animal state which one finds themselves upon during incarnation. When these are not controlled, one becomes an Andrapod and falls onto the path of evil.

As a characteristic rule here, "Moderation in All Things" is the statement of Aristotle which is an eternal truth about deifying the soul and becoming an excellent human being. This excellence also brings worldly success, but also spiritual success. The spiritual and internal success here is the most important factor, as this is the state that will truly make a human being happy and free internally, more than anything else external that comes as an addition to that state.

Lack of these forces, can lessen a lot one's ability to survive, but their blind control is certain to lead sooner or later to decay, internal torment and destruction, depression and lack of health biologically, spiritually and mentally. They are therefore necessary to existence, until they are improved to better forms which reassure a higher state of being.

These above forces are described as "blind", and since they are blind, they do not directly partake into logic and reason.

The more one is shut off spiritually and intellectually, the higher is the power of the above forces to dominate the mind, and on the complete rule of blindness, one is merely motivated to exist based on the above emotional states. Yet, all of these have a root in the necessity of biological existence.

When properly managed, these can become excellent forces in the hands of the wise, instead of one being enslaved by these forces and having to live a life of torment for themselves, which will expand onto many others, elongating their own torment also.

1. Greed = The need for material security, a factor to prolong physical existence. Greed is blind, as it does not understand the measure of other beings or one's self. The final level of greed is that every ego wants to consume the whole planet, a characteristic typical in psychopathic personalities. Greed as a state can invite the hatred of others, injustice done against others which can lead all the way from being hated or being murdered, and procure deadly hate both in one's self and others, creating a circular loop of destruction.

When Greed is moderated, one is on the pathway to become richer and expand one's self, the latter end of the balance being bestowal for other human beings also. When Greed is controlled, growth of civilizations, personal acquisitions and material progression can occur. Greed disappears in the end of spiritual evolution.

2. Jealousy = Due to confusion about the state of affairs dealing with life, false estimates about the existence of one's self compared to others, can give rise to jealousy or envy - One wants what another "has" or what one thinks "another has". Underlying jealousy, there can be a need to elevate one's self [which is the good aspect of envy] and can be used to facilitate personal self evolution, albeit a lack of fully formed self [knowing one's abilities or where one is at - a delusional state of confusion] can cause envy. Envy is a stronger form of consistent jealousy, and can lead to murder, betrayals, major self sabotage, or ruin of one's persona capacities since one is fixated always on envying others.

When Envy or Jealousy is controlled and replaced with judgement, a feeling of appreciation will arise in the Initiate. Also, instead of one seething and burning in jealousy, when self awareness exists, this appreciation will extend to other human beings and proper bonds with other beings can form. Envy can be used to engage in positive competition, where one evolves themselves to reach a desired standard. At the end of spiritual advancement, there is no envy present in humans.

3. Lust = Lust is a force necessary in order to procreate, and is another biological impulse for one to procreate or to experience connection with others. At the blind state, lust becomes simply a voracious need to connect without caring for any detail, devoid of reason. The needs here are based in the need to prolong one's personal existence through recreation. A blinded state of lust, can create a self circular loop that can consume human beings physically, mentally and in all other ways, rendering one unable to advance in any avenue or life, or make people do things that they will solemnly regret, like betrayals, unwanted pregnancies, or lead to many other problems.

Lust is positive and within the proper rational context, can create families, legacies, relationships with other human beings, personal satisfaction and the same force is the force that is used and transmutated in the need to connect to higher topics [knowledge, spirituality, improvement of the body and related procreative powers]

4. Anger = Anger is a quintessential emotion that gives human beings the powers to avert enemies. In the case of blind hatred, there is no reasoning behind this, and combined with all the other urges, one can simply hate for no reason, heat for jealousy, or hate obstacles to their greed or lust. Anger can create sudden, unexpected and irreversible crimes, that one can regret later one but one cannot take back. Sudden murders which cost one's lifetime, can happen in a state of anger or wrath when it overtakes the mind.

Anger when moderated, can be a very powerful weapon where Justice is concerned, and when aimed, it can have catastrophic power that can actually be used for good. Anger can exist in great magnitudes even to the Gods, but their form of "anger" is perfect and not related to the human notions of blind anger whatsoever.

5. Hate = A form of consolidated anger that has many things of the above in it when NOT justified and NOT reasoned, hate is a prolonged state of anger and desire to cause harm, especially when there is a perception that one has been "wronged" in some way. This can be true or false, yet on the blind state of these urges, there is no background to hate whatsoever. Hate can lead to murder, self destruction and many other perils when it is blind. It's a sureproof way to create a state of mental torment, when it is not properly directed and controlled.

Proper hatred is necessary for when there are serious injustices occurring, and one needs prolonged force to change certain circumstances. It can be necessary to instate Justice, but when one is blinded by hatred, all the other states can also magnify, so the power of hate needs careful management as it can be self destructive.

6. Gluttony = The need to provide food for an organism is necessary for a human being to survive. Gluttony is what arises when there is no measure to health, proper judgement, or metric in regards to what one must consume to maintain optimal or healthy biological existence. Gluttony can lead to disability and death, or terrible health.

Gluttony is a form of lust for food that is not-moderated, but when properly moderated, it moves away from that state to a form of positive self care when the biological healthy and consumption of the being is concerned, leading to health, mental and physical clarity and management of energy.

Controlling all the above states when one spiritually evolves, will mean that one is liberated from the ill effects of these and can benefit from these forces, also called "Alchemical (or psychological) Transmutation".

As the Serpent of the Kundalini force when it's fallen, it's on a state of looping upon itself causes a sense of disaster, but when straightened out and liberated, it brings illumination, it also liberates these drives and with the help of Wisdom and the Gods one can become a person who has set these forces within straight. Before this process can even begin to occur, one has to learn to manage these forces, until one is liberated from their tyrranical rule and eventually become their master, instead of being their slave.

The higher the soul evolves, it can attain these states which bring inner tranquility, peace with one's self and the world, but also success in all the undertakings that are originally sought by the above urges, but that these urges on a blind state cannot give. The moderation of the above, will always very precisely create inside the soul a state of "Eudemonia" or "Peace with one's Demon [Soul]" and bring grace both in front of the Gods and other human beings.

In Spiritual Satanism none of these are evil, they are just representative forces of nature that need to be brought under Wisdom in order to grow into higher forms which propel a being to become purified, excellent and powerful.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you, High Priest!!

But what about when one is using the lust for self pleasure, either not ever wanting children or one day in the distant future will want children, is that a blind form of lust and one must only follow lust in order to procreate?
Simple yet deep and thorough. Thank you for this. It has reinitiated my contemplation of Anger and Hate as that was the hardest lesson for me that still needs work to be fully comprehended. It almost got the best of me but I'm determined to overcome all that is in the way.

Embracing the hate that I feel with understanding of it's origins and the way it works has indeed brought a sense of peace and power that is used for manifesting justice and advancement of the inner and outer war.

Very fundamental and again, very deep and right to the point. Thank you for sharing this. ❤️ It gave me a good excuse to look into myself. Viewing my own actions and my own behavior. Learning to judge myself on my own actions. Before I judge others. Especially when it comes to anger and greed. And viewing my own lessons in love and hate. Some of the hardest lessons" for me growing up as a child. Learning how to accept and appreciate, and learning how to think about our one behavior, and learn and let go of certain lessons in all we do, and get into. As a people. Learning the ropes along the way. 🔥⚔️ Hail Satan Brother!
The gateway to spiritual evolution, in which the forces described here both can obstruct but also help later on as the soul advances, is residing in the moderation of these forces and their purification. If a being has conquered these forces truly, then they are a purified being and have many things in common with the beings of the Higher Orders of life. This cannot be faked or evaded and is a lifelong process of evolution to bring these under proper rule of Wisdom.
I was understood that our shortcomings are in fact unmatured qualities, but as you put it so well !!
Congratulation High Priest !
From the title, one might thing that this matter here will be judged with scorn or with writing and issuing penalties for those that engage in these human processes. In the Path of the Gods which is Spiritual Satanism, there is no such topic. Denying these urges and not properly recognizing them, or creating a state of fear of eternal hellfire for the engagement in these, is only the enemy's work which is meant to dissuade human beings from advancing spiritually.

As the enemy wants to fundamentally procure misery, blindness and lack of wisdom in humanity as a final goal, they cannot provide the solutions in this writing of Guidance, because if they did so, human beings would have to learn about spirituality and wisdom, which would make all the Churches of the enemy destitute of any follower since they thrive on misery, affliction, death and ignorance.

It is to the enemy's benefit that these states in human beings continue as long as possible and for the maximum amount of people, so they always perpetuate them in order to not become vacant shells. Like a doctor not interested in healing human beings but wanting to procure sickness on purpose, so is the enemy desiring to that end. Unfortunately for many, they can only see this after they have understood of the nature of the enemy. The "external enemy" has a lot to gain by the sustaining of humanity's internal evil and enemies.

While the "Abrahamic Religions" talk a lot and condemn humans about these topics, they fundamentally hate human nature and humanity and seek for beings to remain unelightened. This state creates double the amount of problems of what these already blind drives I will describe here, do cause to human beings on their own. They double down on human misery and affliction.

Our side is exactly the contrary and seeks to elevate humans, while also keeping them wholly human, without a fundamental hate for what humanity is or can be.

The gateway to spiritual evolution, in which the forces described here both can obstruct but also help later on as the soul advances, is residing in the moderation of these forces and their purification. If a being has conquered these forces truly, then they are a purified being and have many things in common with the beings of the Higher Orders of life. This cannot be faked or evaded and is a lifelong process of evolution to bring these under proper rule of Wisdom.

As the soul is trying to evolve, it's fundamental that it incarnates into a body. This body brings with it all the forces necessary for it's evolution, the forces of propelling nature such as the ability to recreation, survival and all the instincts related for a human being to survive.

The survival mechanisms in one's body, are motivating factors and powers that are very necessary to live. Without these human beings would die instantly, and would not be able to evolve either way.

The Gods have bestowed these to human beings as necessary forces for that survival, and these forces exist universally in all living beings. They were given in wisdom and they represent evolutionary forces.

Imbalances in these forces, can be due to traumatic events, personal volition, or simply never understanding one must balance out these equations, or all of the three combined.

Fundamentally, none of the forces of Envy, Greed, Hate, Anger or Lust are negative, but since they are devoid of Logos or Higher Reason, they are frequently the cause of damnation for human beings, as they can sink a being into the animal state which one finds themselves upon during incarnation. When these are not controlled, one becomes an Andrapod and falls onto the path of evil.

As a characteristic rule here, "Moderation in All Things" is the statement of Aristotle which is an eternal truth about deifying the soul and becoming an excellent human being. This excellence also brings worldly success, but also spiritual success. The spiritual and internal success here is the most important factor, as this is the state that will truly make a human being happy and free internally, more than anything else external that comes as an addition to that state.

Lack of these forces, can lessen a lot one's ability to survive, but their blind control is certain to lead sooner or later to decay, internal torment and destruction, depression and lack of health biologically, spiritually and mentally. They are therefore necessary to existence, until they are improved to better forms which reassure a higher state of being.

These above forces are described as "blind", and since they are blind, they do not directly partake into logic and reason.

The more one is shut off spiritually and intellectually, the higher is the power of the above forces to dominate the mind, and on the complete rule of blindness, one is merely motivated to exist based on the above emotional states. Yet, all of these have a root in the necessity of biological existence.

When properly managed, these can become excellent forces in the hands of the wise, instead of one being enslaved by these forces and having to live a life of torment for themselves, which will expand onto many others, elongating their own torment also.

1. Greed = The need for material security, a factor to prolong physical existence. Greed is blind, as it does not understand the measure of other beings or one's self. The final level of greed is that every ego wants to consume the whole planet, a characteristic typical in psychopathic personalities. Greed as a state can invite the hatred of others, injustice done against others which can lead all the way from being hated or being murdered, and procure deadly hate both in one's self and others, creating a circular loop of destruction.

When Greed is moderated, one is on the pathway to become richer and expand one's self, the latter end of the balance being bestowal for other human beings also. When Greed is controlled, growth of civilizations, personal acquisitions and material progression can occur. Greed disappears in the end of spiritual evolution.

2. Jealousy = Due to confusion about the state of affairs dealing with life, false estimates about the existence of one's self compared to others, can give rise to jealousy or envy - One wants what another "has" or what one thinks "another has". Underlying jealousy, there can be a need to elevate one's self [which is the good aspect of envy] and can be used to facilitate personal self evolution, albeit a lack of fully formed self [knowing one's abilities or where one is at - a delusional state of confusion] can cause envy. Envy is a stronger form of consistent jealousy, and can lead to murder, betrayals, major self sabotage, or ruin of one's persona capacities since one is fixated always on envying others.

When Envy or Jealousy is controlled and replaced with judgement, a feeling of appreciation will arise in the Initiate. Also, instead of one seething and burning in jealousy, when self awareness exists, this appreciation will extend to other human beings and proper bonds with other beings can form. Envy can be used to engage in positive competition, where one evolves themselves to reach a desired standard. At the end of spiritual advancement, there is no envy present in humans.

3. Lust = Lust is a force necessary in order to procreate, and is another biological impulse for one to procreate or to experience connection with others. At the blind state, lust becomes simply a voracious need to connect without caring for any detail, devoid of reason. The needs here are based in the need to prolong one's personal existence through recreation. A blinded state of lust, can create a self circular loop that can consume human beings physically, mentally and in all other ways, rendering one unable to advance in any avenue or life, or make people do things that they will solemnly regret, like betrayals, unwanted pregnancies, or lead to many other problems.

Lust is positive and within the proper rational context, can create families, legacies, relationships with other human beings, personal satisfaction and the same force is the force that is used and transmutated in the need to connect to higher topics [knowledge, spirituality, improvement of the body and related procreative powers]

4. Anger = Anger is a quintessential emotion that gives human beings the powers to avert enemies. In the case of blind hatred, there is no reasoning behind this, and combined with all the other urges, one can simply hate for no reason, heat for jealousy, or hate obstacles to their greed or lust. Anger can create sudden, unexpected and irreversible crimes, that one can regret later one but one cannot take back. Sudden murders which cost one's lifetime, can happen in a state of anger or wrath when it overtakes the mind.

Anger when moderated, can be a very powerful weapon where Justice is concerned, and when aimed, it can have catastrophic power that can actually be used for good. Anger can exist in great magnitudes even to the Gods, but their form of "anger" is perfect and not related to the human notions of blind anger whatsoever.

5. Hate = A form of consolidated anger that has many things of the above in it when NOT justified and NOT reasoned, hate is a prolonged state of anger and desire to cause harm, especially when there is a perception that one has been "wronged" in some way. This can be true or false, yet on the blind state of these urges, there is no background to hate whatsoever. Hate can lead to murder, self destruction and many other perils when it is blind. It's a sureproof way to create a state of mental torment, when it is not properly directed and controlled.

Proper hatred is necessary for when there are serious injustices occurring, and one needs prolonged force to change certain circumstances. It can be necessary to instate Justice, but when one is blinded by hatred, all the other states can also magnify, so the power of hate needs careful management as it can be self destructive.

6. Gluttony = The need to provide food for an organism is necessary for a human being to survive. Gluttony is what arises when there is no measure to health, proper judgement, or metric in regards to what one must consume to maintain optimal or healthy biological existence. Gluttony can lead to disability and death, or terrible health.

Gluttony is a form of lust for food that is not-moderated, but when properly moderated, it moves away from that state to a form of positive self care when the biological healthy and consumption of the being is concerned, leading to health, mental and physical clarity and management of energy.

Controlling all the above states when one spiritually evolves, will mean that one is liberated from the ill effects of these and can benefit from these forces, also called "Alchemical (or psychological) Transmutation".

As the Serpent of the Kundalini force when it's fallen, it's on a state of looping upon itself causes a sense of disaster, but when straightened out and liberated, it brings illumination, it also liberates these drives and with the help of Wisdom and the Gods one can become a person who has set these forces within straight. Before this process can even begin to occur, one has to learn to manage these forces, until one is liberated from their tyrranical rule and eventually become their master, instead of being their slave.

The higher the soul evolves, it can attain these states which bring inner tranquility, peace with one's self and the world, but also success in all the undertakings that are originally sought by the above urges, but that these urges on a blind state cannot give. The moderation of the above, will always very precisely create inside the soul a state of "Eudemonia" or "Peace with one's Demon [Soul]" and bring grace both in front of the Gods and other human beings.

In Spiritual Satanism none of these are evil, they are just representative forces of nature that need to be brought under Wisdom in order to grow into higher forms which propel a being to become purified, excellent and powerful.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This Enemy people call "God" A grey Monster, a human hating entity who never want humans to advance, he succeeded in reducing Adam to nothing, left him with no hope but dying, making Adam an Animal full of ignorance, blindness, sorrow, pain and death. It was he "JEHOVAH" who reduced humanity to the lowest level of existence. Left them with nothing but to worship him and to die. He made men formed a "JESUS'" a false Entity/belief whom the whole world slavishly worship. These people who are called preachers of the Gospel are the true decievers of humanity, they are more full of shit than anything else in the world. We can only escape from the world by outgrowing the world. Death may take man out of the world but only wisdom can take the world out of man. As long as the human being is obsessed with worldliness, he will suffer from the karmic consequences of false allegiance.

What people call evil is simple "ignorance", bumping its head in the dark.

Fantastic sermon.

The xian church makes people go insane because they tell you that if you have these feelings then you are sinning, basically just emotionally repressing people, causing these feelings to be even stronger and without a way to sublimate them.

The transmutation of these feelings to ways that you can improve your life is the key.

Most andrapoda don't want to move a finger, so they will keep having these feelings for all their life.
Fundamentally, none of the forces of Envy, Greed, Hate, Anger or Lust are negative, but since they are devoid of Logos or Higher Reason,
Sir, could these back us as negative karma? are such new ages stuffs true?

i was feeling envy and hateful against my close friends nowadays. this article made me feel more comfortable. thank you a lot. but controlling them is very hard for me.

can lead to murder, betrayals, major self sabotage, or ruin of one's persona capacities
even lots of times i was about to do tthese. my another SS friend helped me to control my feelings. but still its very important topic for especially people who has serious scorpion/pluto on their astro charts.
As the Serpent of the Kundalini force when it's fallen, it's on a state of looping upon itself causes a sense of disaster,
Sir please could you(or anyone else)clarify that topic? whats a sense of disaster?

thank you a lot🫶🏻🙏🏻⭐✨
Thank you.

I understand. This is the basic level.
If we learn to control them. Keeping moderation is how we evolve.
I'll write that down somewhere. For myself.
it is useless to write it down, it comes with spiritual development. Then you realize that earlier in this situation you would have been very shouting and angry, but now you are standing and trying to get around it or 0 reactions. Although thinking about it and trying to control it is a direct way to improve.
From the title, one might thing that this matter here will be judged with scorn or with writing and issuing penalties for those that engage in these human processes. In the Path of the Gods which is Spiritual Satanism, there is no such topic. Denying these urges and not properly recognizing them, or creating a state of fear of eternal hellfire for the engagement in these, is only the enemy's work which is meant to dissuade human beings from advancing spiritually.

As the enemy wants to fundamentally procure misery, blindness and lack of wisdom in humanity as a final goal, they cannot provide the solutions in this writing of Guidance, because if they did so, human beings would have to learn about spirituality and wisdom, which would make all the Churches of the enemy destitute of any follower since they thrive on misery, affliction, death and ignorance.

It is to the enemy's benefit that these states in human beings continue as long as possible and for the maximum amount of people, so they always perpetuate them in order to not become vacant shells. Like a doctor not interested in healing human beings but wanting to procure sickness on purpose, so is the enemy desiring to that end. Unfortunately for many, they can only see this after they have understood of the nature of the enemy. The "external enemy" has a lot to gain by the sustaining of humanity's internal evil and enemies.

While the "Abrahamic Religions" talk a lot and condemn humans about these topics, they fundamentally hate human nature and humanity and seek for beings to remain unelightened. This state creates double the amount of problems of what these already blind drives I will describe here, do cause to human beings on their own. They double down on human misery and affliction.

Our side is exactly the contrary and seeks to elevate humans, while also keeping them wholly human, without a fundamental hate for what humanity is or can be.

The gateway to spiritual evolution, in which the forces described here both can obstruct but also help later on as the soul advances, is residing in the moderation of these forces and their purification. If a being has conquered these forces truly, then they are a purified being and have many things in common with the beings of the Higher Orders of life. This cannot be faked or evaded and is a lifelong process of evolution to bring these under proper rule of Wisdom.

As the soul is trying to evolve, it's fundamental that it incarnates into a body. This body brings with it all the forces necessary for it's evolution, the forces of propelling nature such as the ability to recreation, survival and all the instincts related for a human being to survive.

The survival mechanisms in one's body, are motivating factors and powers that are very necessary to live. Without these human beings would die instantly, and would not be able to evolve either way.

The Gods have bestowed these to human beings as necessary forces for that survival, and these forces exist universally in all living beings. They were given in wisdom and they represent evolutionary forces.

Imbalances in these forces, can be due to traumatic events, personal volition, or simply never understanding one must balance out these equations, or all of the three combined.

Fundamentally, none of the forces of Envy, Greed, Hate, Anger or Lust are negative, but since they are devoid of Logos or Higher Reason, they are frequently the cause of damnation for human beings, as they can sink a being into the animal state which one finds themselves upon during incarnation. When these are not controlled, one becomes an Andrapod and falls onto the path of evil.

As a characteristic rule here, "Moderation in All Things" is the statement of Aristotle which is an eternal truth about deifying the soul and becoming an excellent human being. This excellence also brings worldly success, but also spiritual success. The spiritual and internal success here is the most important factor, as this is the state that will truly make a human being happy and free internally, more than anything else external that comes as an addition to that state.

Lack of these forces, can lessen a lot one's ability to survive, but their blind control is certain to lead sooner or later to decay, internal torment and destruction, depression and lack of health biologically, spiritually and mentally. They are therefore necessary to existence, until they are improved to better forms which reassure a higher state of being.

These above forces are described as "blind", and since they are blind, they do not directly partake into logic and reason.

The more one is shut off spiritually and intellectually, the higher is the power of the above forces to dominate the mind, and on the complete rule of blindness, one is merely motivated to exist based on the above emotional states. Yet, all of these have a root in the necessity of biological existence.

When properly managed, these can become excellent forces in the hands of the wise, instead of one being enslaved by these forces and having to live a life of torment for themselves, which will expand onto many others, elongating their own torment also.

1. Greed = The need for material security, a factor to prolong physical existence. Greed is blind, as it does not understand the measure of other beings or one's self. The final level of greed is that every ego wants to consume the whole planet, a characteristic typical in psychopathic personalities. Greed as a state can invite the hatred of others, injustice done against others which can lead all the way from being hated or being murdered, and procure deadly hate both in one's self and others, creating a circular loop of destruction.

When Greed is moderated, one is on the pathway to become richer and expand one's self, the latter end of the balance being bestowal for other human beings also. When Greed is controlled, growth of civilizations, personal acquisitions and material progression can occur. Greed disappears in the end of spiritual evolution.

2. Jealousy = Due to confusion about the state of affairs dealing with life, false estimates about the existence of one's self compared to others, can give rise to jealousy or envy - One wants what another "has" or what one thinks "another has". Underlying jealousy, there can be a need to elevate one's self [which is the good aspect of envy] and can be used to facilitate personal self evolution, albeit a lack of fully formed self [knowing one's abilities or where one is at - a delusional state of confusion] can cause envy. Envy is a stronger form of consistent jealousy, and can lead to murder, betrayals, major self sabotage, or ruin of one's persona capacities since one is fixated always on envying others.

When Envy or Jealousy is controlled and replaced with judgement, a feeling of appreciation will arise in the Initiate. Also, instead of one seething and burning in jealousy, when self awareness exists, this appreciation will extend to other human beings and proper bonds with other beings can form. Envy can be used to engage in positive competition, where one evolves themselves to reach a desired standard. At the end of spiritual advancement, there is no envy present in humans.

3. Lust = Lust is a force necessary in order to procreate, and is another biological impulse for one to procreate or to experience connection with others. At the blind state, lust becomes simply a voracious need to connect without caring for any detail, devoid of reason. The needs here are based in the need to prolong one's personal existence through recreation. A blinded state of lust, can create a self circular loop that can consume human beings physically, mentally and in all other ways, rendering one unable to advance in any avenue or life, or make people do things that they will solemnly regret, like betrayals, unwanted pregnancies, or lead to many other problems.

Lust is positive and within the proper rational context, can create families, legacies, relationships with other human beings, personal satisfaction and the same force is the force that is used and transmutated in the need to connect to higher topics [knowledge, spirituality, improvement of the body and related procreative powers]

4. Anger = Anger is a quintessential emotion that gives human beings the powers to avert enemies. In the case of blind hatred, there is no reasoning behind this, and combined with all the other urges, one can simply hate for no reason, heat for jealousy, or hate obstacles to their greed or lust. Anger can create sudden, unexpected and irreversible crimes, that one can regret later one but one cannot take back. Sudden murders which cost one's lifetime, can happen in a state of anger or wrath when it overtakes the mind.

Anger when moderated, can be a very powerful weapon where Justice is concerned, and when aimed, it can have catastrophic power that can actually be used for good. Anger can exist in great magnitudes even to the Gods, but their form of "anger" is perfect and not related to the human notions of blind anger whatsoever.

5. Hate = A form of consolidated anger that has many things of the above in it when NOT justified and NOT reasoned, hate is a prolonged state of anger and desire to cause harm, especially when there is a perception that one has been "wronged" in some way. This can be true or false, yet on the blind state of these urges, there is no background to hate whatsoever. Hate can lead to murder, self destruction and many other perils when it is blind. It's a sureproof way to create a state of mental torment, when it is not properly directed and controlled.

Proper hatred is necessary for when there are serious injustices occurring, and one needs prolonged force to change certain circumstances. It can be necessary to instate Justice, but when one is blinded by hatred, all the other states can also magnify, so the power of hate needs careful management as it can be self destructive.

6. Gluttony = The need to provide food for an organism is necessary for a human being to survive. Gluttony is what arises when there is no measure to health, proper judgement, or metric in regards to what one must consume to maintain optimal or healthy biological existence. Gluttony can lead to disability and death, or terrible health.

Gluttony is a form of lust for food that is not-moderated, but when properly moderated, it moves away from that state to a form of positive self care when the biological healthy and consumption of the being is concerned, leading to health, mental and physical clarity and management of energy.

Controlling all the above states when one spiritually evolves, will mean that one is liberated from the ill effects of these and can benefit from these forces, also called "Alchemical (or psychological) Transmutation".

As the Serpent of the Kundalini force when it's fallen, it's on a state of looping upon itself causes a sense of disaster, but when straightened out and liberated, it brings illumination, it also liberates these drives and with the help of Wisdom and the Gods one can become a person who has set these forces within straight. Before this process can even begin to occur, one has to learn to manage these forces, until one is liberated from their tyrranical rule and eventually become their master, instead of being their slave.

The higher the soul evolves, it can attain these states which bring inner tranquility, peace with one's self and the world, but also success in all the undertakings that are originally sought by the above urges, but that these urges on a blind state cannot give. The moderation of the above, will always very precisely create inside the soul a state of "Eudemonia" or "Peace with one's Demon [Soul]" and bring grace both in front of the Gods and other human beings.

In Spiritual Satanism none of these are evil, they are just representative forces of nature that need to be brought under Wisdom in order to grow into higher forms which propel a being to become purified, excellent and powerful.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thanks HPHC, This is an amazing Sermon...You just Analyse the Seven deathly Sins in the practicality and reality of our existence.
These Seven deathly Sins are the fundamentals that "Shaped" our Morals and existence.Its remind us of the essence of examining our lives as Satanists, To moderate certain habits...Satanism is established on the Premised of Freedom but we need to be conscious of our Actions.
From the title, one might thing that this matter here will be judged with scorn or with writing and issuing penalties for those that engage in these human processes. In the Path of the Gods which is Spiritual Satanism, there is no such topic. Denying these urges and not properly recognizing them, or creating a state of fear of eternal hellfire for the engagement in these, is only the enemy's work which is meant to dissuade human beings from advancing spiritually.

As the enemy wants to fundamentally procure misery, blindness and lack of wisdom in humanity as a final goal, they cannot provide the solutions in this writing of Guidance, because if they did so, human beings would have to learn about spirituality and wisdom, which would make all the Churches of the enemy destitute of any follower since they thrive on misery, affliction, death and ignorance.

It is to the enemy's benefit that these states in human beings continue as long as possible and for the maximum amount of people, so they always perpetuate them in order to not become vacant shells. Like a doctor not interested in healing human beings but wanting to procure sickness on purpose, so is the enemy desiring to that end. Unfortunately for many, they can only see this after they have understood of the nature of the enemy. The "external enemy" has a lot to gain by the sustaining of humanity's internal evil and enemies.

While the "Abrahamic Religions" talk a lot and condemn humans about these topics, they fundamentally hate human nature and humanity and seek for beings to remain unelightened. This state creates double the amount of problems of what these already blind drives I will describe here, do cause to human beings on their own. They double down on human misery and affliction.

Our side is exactly the contrary and seeks to elevate humans, while also keeping them wholly human, without a fundamental hate for what humanity is or can be.

The gateway to spiritual evolution, in which the forces described here both can obstruct but also help later on as the soul advances, is residing in the moderation of these forces and their purification. If a being has conquered these forces truly, then they are a purified being and have many things in common with the beings of the Higher Orders of life. This cannot be faked or evaded and is a lifelong process of evolution to bring these under proper rule of Wisdom.

As the soul is trying to evolve, it's fundamental that it incarnates into a body. This body brings with it all the forces necessary for it's evolution, the forces of propelling nature such as the ability to recreation, survival and all the instincts related for a human being to survive.

The survival mechanisms in one's body, are motivating factors and powers that are very necessary to live. Without these human beings would die instantly, and would not be able to evolve either way.

The Gods have bestowed these to human beings as necessary forces for that survival, and these forces exist universally in all living beings. They were given in wisdom and they represent evolutionary forces.

Imbalances in these forces, can be due to traumatic events, personal volition, or simply never understanding one must balance out these equations, or all of the three combined.

Fundamentally, none of the forces of Envy, Greed, Hate, Anger or Lust are negative, but since they are devoid of Logos or Higher Reason, they are frequently the cause of damnation for human beings, as they can sink a being into the animal state which one finds themselves upon during incarnation. When these are not controlled, one becomes an Andrapod and falls onto the path of evil.

As a characteristic rule here, "Moderation in All Things" is the statement of Aristotle which is an eternal truth about deifying the soul and becoming an excellent human being. This excellence also brings worldly success, but also spiritual success. The spiritual and internal success here is the most important factor, as this is the state that will truly make a human being happy and free internally, more than anything else external that comes as an addition to that state.

Lack of these forces, can lessen a lot one's ability to survive, but their blind control is certain to lead sooner or later to decay, internal torment and destruction, depression and lack of health biologically, spiritually and mentally. They are therefore necessary to existence, until they are improved to better forms which reassure a higher state of being.

These above forces are described as "blind", and since they are blind, they do not directly partake into logic and reason.

The more one is shut off spiritually and intellectually, the higher is the power of the above forces to dominate the mind, and on the complete rule of blindness, one is merely motivated to exist based on the above emotional states. Yet, all of these have a root in the necessity of biological existence.

When properly managed, these can become excellent forces in the hands of the wise, instead of one being enslaved by these forces and having to live a life of torment for themselves, which will expand onto many others, elongating their own torment also.

1. Greed = The need for material security, a factor to prolong physical existence. Greed is blind, as it does not understand the measure of other beings or one's self. The final level of greed is that every ego wants to consume the whole planet, a characteristic typical in psychopathic personalities. Greed as a state can invite the hatred of others, injustice done against others which can lead all the way from being hated or being murdered, and procure deadly hate both in one's self and others, creating a circular loop of destruction.

When Greed is moderated, one is on the pathway to become richer and expand one's self, the latter end of the balance being bestowal for other human beings also. When Greed is controlled, growth of civilizations, personal acquisitions and material progression can occur. Greed disappears in the end of spiritual evolution.

2. Jealousy = Due to confusion about the state of affairs dealing with life, false estimates about the existence of one's self compared to others, can give rise to jealousy or envy - One wants what another "has" or what one thinks "another has". Underlying jealousy, there can be a need to elevate one's self [which is the good aspect of envy] and can be used to facilitate personal self evolution, albeit a lack of fully formed self [knowing one's abilities or where one is at - a delusional state of confusion] can cause envy. Envy is a stronger form of consistent jealousy, and can lead to murder, betrayals, major self sabotage, or ruin of one's persona capacities since one is fixated always on envying others.

When Envy or Jealousy is controlled and replaced with judgement, a feeling of appreciation will arise in the Initiate. Also, instead of one seething and burning in jealousy, when self awareness exists, this appreciation will extend to other human beings and proper bonds with other beings can form. Envy can be used to engage in positive competition, where one evolves themselves to reach a desired standard. At the end of spiritual advancement, there is no envy present in humans.

3. Lust = Lust is a force necessary in order to procreate, and is another biological impulse for one to procreate or to experience connection with others. At the blind state, lust becomes simply a voracious need to connect without caring for any detail, devoid of reason. The needs here are based in the need to prolong one's personal existence through recreation. A blinded state of lust, can create a self circular loop that can consume human beings physically, mentally and in all other ways, rendering one unable to advance in any avenue or life, or make people do things that they will solemnly regret, like betrayals, unwanted pregnancies, or lead to many other problems.

Lust is positive and within the proper rational context, can create families, legacies, relationships with other human beings, personal satisfaction and the same force is the force that is used and transmutated in the need to connect to higher topics [knowledge, spirituality, improvement of the body and related procreative powers]

4. Anger = Anger is a quintessential emotion that gives human beings the powers to avert enemies. In the case of blind hatred, there is no reasoning behind this, and combined with all the other urges, one can simply hate for no reason, heat for jealousy, or hate obstacles to their greed or lust. Anger can create sudden, unexpected and irreversible crimes, that one can regret later one but one cannot take back. Sudden murders which cost one's lifetime, can happen in a state of anger or wrath when it overtakes the mind.

Anger when moderated, can be a very powerful weapon where Justice is concerned, and when aimed, it can have catastrophic power that can actually be used for good. Anger can exist in great magnitudes even to the Gods, but their form of "anger" is perfect and not related to the human notions of blind anger whatsoever.

5. Hate = A form of consolidated anger that has many things of the above in it when NOT justified and NOT reasoned, hate is a prolonged state of anger and desire to cause harm, especially when there is a perception that one has been "wronged" in some way. This can be true or false, yet on the blind state of these urges, there is no background to hate whatsoever. Hate can lead to murder, self destruction and many other perils when it is blind. It's a sureproof way to create a state of mental torment, when it is not properly directed and controlled.

Proper hatred is necessary for when there are serious injustices occurring, and one needs prolonged force to change certain circumstances. It can be necessary to instate Justice, but when one is blinded by hatred, all the other states can also magnify, so the power of hate needs careful management as it can be self destructive.

6. Gluttony = The need to provide food for an organism is necessary for a human being to survive. Gluttony is what arises when there is no measure to health, proper judgement, or metric in regards to what one must consume to maintain optimal or healthy biological existence. Gluttony can lead to disability and death, or terrible health.

Gluttony is a form of lust for food that is not-moderated, but when properly moderated, it moves away from that state to a form of positive self care when the biological healthy and consumption of the being is concerned, leading to health, mental and physical clarity and management of energy.

Controlling all the above states when one spiritually evolves, will mean that one is liberated from the ill effects of these and can benefit from these forces, also called "Alchemical (or psychological) Transmutation".

As the Serpent of the Kundalini force when it's fallen, it's on a state of looping upon itself causes a sense of disaster, but when straightened out and liberated, it brings illumination, it also liberates these drives and with the help of Wisdom and the Gods one can become a person who has set these forces within straight. Before this process can even begin to occur, one has to learn to manage these forces, until one is liberated from their tyrranical rule and eventually become their master, instead of being their slave.

The higher the soul evolves, it can attain these states which bring inner tranquility, peace with one's self and the world, but also success in all the undertakings that are originally sought by the above urges, but that these urges on a blind state cannot give. The moderation of the above, will always very precisely create inside the soul a state of "Eudemonia" or "Peace with one's Demon [Soul]" and bring grace both in front of the Gods and other human beings.

In Spiritual Satanism none of these are evil, they are just representative forces of nature that need to be brought under Wisdom in order to grow into higher forms which propel a being to become purified, excellent and powerful.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Balance in all things. Hail Satan hail all demons and gods , truth and wisdom fill me .
The enemy with their anti -life cults always promotes to repress your self and your identity instead of controlling, sublimating and improving it.
From the title, one might thing that this matter here will be judged with scorn or with writing and issuing penalties for those that engage in these human processes. In the Path of the Gods which is Spiritual Satanism, there is no such topic. Denying these urges and not properly recognizing them, or creating a state of fear of eternal hellfire for the engagement in these, is only the enemy's work which is meant to dissuade human beings from advancing spiritually.

As the enemy wants to fundamentally procure misery, blindness and lack of wisdom in humanity as a final goal, they cannot provide the solutions in this writing of Guidance, because if they did so, human beings would have to learn about spirituality and wisdom, which would make all the Churches of the enemy destitute of any follower since they thrive on misery, affliction, death and ignorance.

It is to the enemy's benefit that these states in human beings continue as long as possible and for the maximum amount of people, so they always perpetuate them in order to not become vacant shells. Like a doctor not interested in healing human beings but wanting to procure sickness on purpose, so is the enemy desiring to that end. Unfortunately for many, they can only see this after they have understood of the nature of the enemy. The "external enemy" has a lot to gain by the sustaining of humanity's internal evil and enemies.

While the "Abrahamic Religions" talk a lot and condemn humans about these topics, they fundamentally hate human nature and humanity and seek for beings to remain unelightened. This state creates double the amount of problems of what these already blind drives I will describe here, do cause to human beings on their own. They double down on human misery and affliction.

Our side is exactly the contrary and seeks to elevate humans, while also keeping them wholly human, without a fundamental hate for what humanity is or can be.

The gateway to spiritual evolution, in which the forces described here both can obstruct but also help later on as the soul advances, is residing in the moderation of these forces and their purification. If a being has conquered these forces truly, then they are a purified being and have many things in common with the beings of the Higher Orders of life. This cannot be faked or evaded and is a lifelong process of evolution to bring these under proper rule of Wisdom.

As the soul is trying to evolve, it's fundamental that it incarnates into a body. This body brings with it all the forces necessary for it's evolution, the forces of propelling nature such as the ability to recreation, survival and all the instincts related for a human being to survive.

The survival mechanisms in one's body, are motivating factors and powers that are very necessary to live. Without these human beings would die instantly, and would not be able to evolve either way.

The Gods have bestowed these to human beings as necessary forces for that survival, and these forces exist universally in all living beings. They were given in wisdom and they represent evolutionary forces.

Imbalances in these forces, can be due to traumatic events, personal volition, or simply never understanding one must balance out these equations, or all of the three combined.

Fundamentally, none of the forces of Envy, Greed, Hate, Anger or Lust are negative, but since they are devoid of Logos or Higher Reason, they are frequently the cause of damnation for human beings, as they can sink a being into the animal state which one finds themselves upon during incarnation. When these are not controlled, one becomes an Andrapod and falls onto the path of evil.

As a characteristic rule here, "Moderation in All Things" is the statement of Aristotle which is an eternal truth about deifying the soul and becoming an excellent human being. This excellence also brings worldly success, but also spiritual success. The spiritual and internal success here is the most important factor, as this is the state that will truly make a human being happy and free internally, more than anything else external that comes as an addition to that state.

Lack of these forces, can lessen a lot one's ability to survive, but their blind control is certain to lead sooner or later to decay, internal torment and destruction, depression and lack of health biologically, spiritually and mentally. They are therefore necessary to existence, until they are improved to better forms which reassure a higher state of being.

These above forces are described as "blind", and since they are blind, they do not directly partake into logic and reason.

The more one is shut off spiritually and intellectually, the higher is the power of the above forces to dominate the mind, and on the complete rule of blindness, one is merely motivated to exist based on the above emotional states. Yet, all of these have a root in the necessity of biological existence.

When properly managed, these can become excellent forces in the hands of the wise, instead of one being enslaved by these forces and having to live a life of torment for themselves, which will expand onto many others, elongating their own torment also.

1. Greed = The need for material security, a factor to prolong physical existence. Greed is blind, as it does not understand the measure of other beings or one's self. The final level of greed is that every ego wants to consume the whole planet, a characteristic typical in psychopathic personalities. Greed as a state can invite the hatred of others, injustice done against others which can lead all the way from being hated or being murdered, and procure deadly hate both in one's self and others, creating a circular loop of destruction.

When Greed is moderated, one is on the pathway to become richer and expand one's self, the latter end of the balance being bestowal for other human beings also. When Greed is controlled, growth of civilizations, personal acquisitions and material progression can occur. Greed disappears in the end of spiritual evolution.

2. Jealousy = Due to confusion about the state of affairs dealing with life, false estimates about the existence of one's self compared to others, can give rise to jealousy or envy - One wants what another "has" or what one thinks "another has". Underlying jealousy, there can be a need to elevate one's self [which is the good aspect of envy] and can be used to facilitate personal self evolution, albeit a lack of fully formed self [knowing one's abilities or where one is at - a delusional state of confusion] can cause envy. Envy is a stronger form of consistent jealousy, and can lead to murder, betrayals, major self sabotage, or ruin of one's persona capacities since one is fixated always on envying others.

When Envy or Jealousy is controlled and replaced with judgement, a feeling of appreciation will arise in the Initiate. Also, instead of one seething and burning in jealousy, when self awareness exists, this appreciation will extend to other human beings and proper bonds with other beings can form. Envy can be used to engage in positive competition, where one evolves themselves to reach a desired standard. At the end of spiritual advancement, there is no envy present in humans.

3. Lust = Lust is a force necessary in order to procreate, and is another biological impulse for one to procreate or to experience connection with others. At the blind state, lust becomes simply a voracious need to connect without caring for any detail, devoid of reason. The needs here are based in the need to prolong one's personal existence through recreation. A blinded state of lust, can create a self circular loop that can consume human beings physically, mentally and in all other ways, rendering one unable to advance in any avenue or life, or make people do things that they will solemnly regret, like betrayals, unwanted pregnancies, or lead to many other problems.

Lust is positive and within the proper rational context, can create families, legacies, relationships with other human beings, personal satisfaction and the same force is the force that is used and transmutated in the need to connect to higher topics [knowledge, spirituality, improvement of the body and related procreative powers]

4. Anger = Anger is a quintessential emotion that gives human beings the powers to avert enemies. In the case of blind hatred, there is no reasoning behind this, and combined with all the other urges, one can simply hate for no reason, heat for jealousy, or hate obstacles to their greed or lust. Anger can create sudden, unexpected and irreversible crimes, that one can regret later one but one cannot take back. Sudden murders which cost one's lifetime, can happen in a state of anger or wrath when it overtakes the mind.

Anger when moderated, can be a very powerful weapon where Justice is concerned, and when aimed, it can have catastrophic power that can actually be used for good. Anger can exist in great magnitudes even to the Gods, but their form of "anger" is perfect and not related to the human notions of blind anger whatsoever.

5. Hate = A form of consolidated anger that has many things of the above in it when NOT justified and NOT reasoned, hate is a prolonged state of anger and desire to cause harm, especially when there is a perception that one has been "wronged" in some way. This can be true or false, yet on the blind state of these urges, there is no background to hate whatsoever. Hate can lead to murder, self destruction and many other perils when it is blind. It's a sureproof way to create a state of mental torment, when it is not properly directed and controlled.

Proper hatred is necessary for when there are serious injustices occurring, and one needs prolonged force to change certain circumstances. It can be necessary to instate Justice, but when one is blinded by hatred, all the other states can also magnify, so the power of hate needs careful management as it can be self destructive.

6. Gluttony = The need to provide food for an organism is necessary for a human being to survive. Gluttony is what arises when there is no measure to health, proper judgement, or metric in regards to what one must consume to maintain optimal or healthy biological existence. Gluttony can lead to disability and death, or terrible health.

Gluttony is a form of lust for food that is not-moderated, but when properly moderated, it moves away from that state to a form of positive self care when the biological healthy and consumption of the being is concerned, leading to health, mental and physical clarity and management of energy.

Controlling all the above states when one spiritually evolves, will mean that one is liberated from the ill effects of these and can benefit from these forces, also called "Alchemical (or psychological) Transmutation".

As the Serpent of the Kundalini force when it's fallen, it's on a state of looping upon itself causes a sense of disaster, but when straightened out and liberated, it brings illumination, it also liberates these drives and with the help of Wisdom and the Gods one can become a person who has set these forces within straight. Before this process can even begin to occur, one has to learn to manage these forces, until one is liberated from their tyrranical rule and eventually become their master, instead of being their slave.

The higher the soul evolves, it can attain these states which bring inner tranquility, peace with one's self and the world, but also success in all the undertakings that are originally sought by the above urges, but that these urges on a blind state cannot give. The moderation of the above, will always very precisely create inside the soul a state of "Eudemonia" or "Peace with one's Demon [Soul]" and bring grace both in front of the Gods and other human beings.

In Spiritual Satanism none of these are evil, they are just representative forces of nature that need to be brought under Wisdom in order to grow into higher forms which propel a being to become purified, excellent and powerful.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
High priest Cobra666
You are a being prepared and blessed by the Gods, to carry out the wishes of the all father upon world. To lead humanity on a straight path. Remain blessed with wisdom, love and strength.

HAIL Hoodedcobra666!!!

Out of the "seven deadly sins", lust is the one that has been suppressed and twisted the most. There are "manosphere influencers" on the one hand (who have thankfully lost their influence), telling you to never masturbate again because of "mah gawd/mah allah", and then there are cases like "gorlock the destroyer".
it is useless to write it down, it comes with spiritual development. Then you realize that earlier in this situation you would have been very shouting and angry, but now you are standing and trying to get around it or 0 reactions. Although thinking about it and trying to control it is a direct way to improve.

Nothing is useless when a person has a use of it. If they want to write it, they can write it. It serves as a reminder.
From the title, one might thing that this matter here will be judged with scorn or with writing and issuing penalties for those that engage in these human processes. In the Path of the Gods which is Spiritual Satanism, there is no such topic. Denying these urges and not properly recognizing them, or creating a state of fear of eternal hellfire for the engagement in these, is only the enemy's work which is meant to dissuade human beings from advancing spiritually.

As the enemy wants to fundamentally procure misery, blindness and lack of wisdom in humanity as a final goal, they cannot provide the solutions in this writing of Guidance, because if they did so, human beings would have to learn about spirituality and wisdom, which would make all the Churches of the enemy destitute of any follower since they thrive on misery, affliction, death and ignorance.

It is to the enemy's benefit that these states in human beings continue as long as possible and for the maximum amount of people, so they always perpetuate them in order to not become vacant shells. Like a doctor not interested in healing human beings but wanting to procure sickness on purpose, so is the enemy desiring to that end. Unfortunately for many, they can only see this after they have understood of the nature of the enemy. The "external enemy" has a lot to gain by the sustaining of humanity's internal evil and enemies.

While the "Abrahamic Religions" talk a lot and condemn humans about these topics, they fundamentally hate human nature and humanity and seek for beings to remain unelightened. This state creates double the amount of problems of what these already blind drives I will describe here, do cause to human beings on their own. They double down on human misery and affliction.

Our side is exactly the contrary and seeks to elevate humans, while also keeping them wholly human, without a fundamental hate for what humanity is or can be.

The gateway to spiritual evolution, in which the forces described here both can obstruct but also help later on as the soul advances, is residing in the moderation of these forces and their purification. If a being has conquered these forces truly, then they are a purified being and have many things in common with the beings of the Higher Orders of life. This cannot be faked or evaded and is a lifelong process of evolution to bring these under proper rule of Wisdom.

As the soul is trying to evolve, it's fundamental that it incarnates into a body. This body brings with it all the forces necessary for it's evolution, the forces of propelling nature such as the ability to recreation, survival and all the instincts related for a human being to survive.

The survival mechanisms in one's body, are motivating factors and powers that are very necessary to live. Without these human beings would die instantly, and would not be able to evolve either way.

The Gods have bestowed these to human beings as necessary forces for that survival, and these forces exist universally in all living beings. They were given in wisdom and they represent evolutionary forces.

Imbalances in these forces, can be due to traumatic events, personal volition, or simply never understanding one must balance out these equations, or all of the three combined.

Fundamentally, none of the forces of Envy, Greed, Hate, Anger or Lust are negative, but since they are devoid of Logos or Higher Reason, they are frequently the cause of damnation for human beings, as they can sink a being into the animal state which one finds themselves upon during incarnation. When these are not controlled, one becomes an Andrapod and falls onto the path of evil.

As a characteristic rule here, "Moderation in All Things" is the statement of Aristotle which is an eternal truth about deifying the soul and becoming an excellent human being. This excellence also brings worldly success, but also spiritual success. The spiritual and internal success here is the most important factor, as this is the state that will truly make a human being happy and free internally, more than anything else external that comes as an addition to that state.

Lack of these forces, can lessen a lot one's ability to survive, but their blind control is certain to lead sooner or later to decay, internal torment and destruction, depression and lack of health biologically, spiritually and mentally. They are therefore necessary to existence, until they are improved to better forms which reassure a higher state of being.

These above forces are described as "blind", and since they are blind, they do not directly partake into logic and reason.

The more one is shut off spiritually and intellectually, the higher is the power of the above forces to dominate the mind, and on the complete rule of blindness, one is merely motivated to exist based on the above emotional states. Yet, all of these have a root in the necessity of biological existence.

When properly managed, these can become excellent forces in the hands of the wise, instead of one being enslaved by these forces and having to live a life of torment for themselves, which will expand onto many others, elongating their own torment also.

1. Greed = The need for material security, a factor to prolong physical existence. Greed is blind, as it does not understand the measure of other beings or one's self. The final level of greed is that every ego wants to consume the whole planet, a characteristic typical in psychopathic personalities. Greed as a state can invite the hatred of others, injustice done against others which can lead all the way from being hated or being murdered, and procure deadly hate both in one's self and others, creating a circular loop of destruction.

When Greed is moderated, one is on the pathway to become richer and expand one's self, the latter end of the balance being bestowal for other human beings also. When Greed is controlled, growth of civilizations, personal acquisitions and material progression can occur. Greed disappears in the end of spiritual evolution.

2. Jealousy = Due to confusion about the state of affairs dealing with life, false estimates about the existence of one's self compared to others, can give rise to jealousy or envy - One wants what another "has" or what one thinks "another has". Underlying jealousy, there can be a need to elevate one's self [which is the good aspect of envy] and can be used to facilitate personal self evolution, albeit a lack of fully formed self [knowing one's abilities or where one is at - a delusional state of confusion] can cause envy. Envy is a stronger form of consistent jealousy, and can lead to murder, betrayals, major self sabotage, or ruin of one's persona capacities since one is fixated always on envying others.

When Envy or Jealousy is controlled and replaced with judgement, a feeling of appreciation will arise in the Initiate. Also, instead of one seething and burning in jealousy, when self awareness exists, this appreciation will extend to other human beings and proper bonds with other beings can form. Envy can be used to engage in positive competition, where one evolves themselves to reach a desired standard. At the end of spiritual advancement, there is no envy present in humans.

3. Lust = Lust is a force necessary in order to procreate, and is another biological impulse for one to procreate or to experience connection with others. At the blind state, lust becomes simply a voracious need to connect without caring for any detail, devoid of reason. The needs here are based in the need to prolong one's personal existence through recreation. A blinded state of lust, can create a self circular loop that can consume human beings physically, mentally and in all other ways, rendering one unable to advance in any avenue or life, or make people do things that they will solemnly regret, like betrayals, unwanted pregnancies, or lead to many other problems.

Lust is positive and within the proper rational context, can create families, legacies, relationships with other human beings, personal satisfaction and the same force is the force that is used and transmutated in the need to connect to higher topics [knowledge, spirituality, improvement of the body and related procreative powers]

4. Anger = Anger is a quintessential emotion that gives human beings the powers to avert enemies. In the case of blind hatred, there is no reasoning behind this, and combined with all the other urges, one can simply hate for no reason, heat for jealousy, or hate obstacles to their greed or lust. Anger can create sudden, unexpected and irreversible crimes, that one can regret later one but one cannot take back. Sudden murders which cost one's lifetime, can happen in a state of anger or wrath when it overtakes the mind.

Anger when moderated, can be a very powerful weapon where Justice is concerned, and when aimed, it can have catastrophic power that can actually be used for good. Anger can exist in great magnitudes even to the Gods, but their form of "anger" is perfect and not related to the human notions of blind anger whatsoever.

5. Hate = A form of consolidated anger that has many things of the above in it when NOT justified and NOT reasoned, hate is a prolonged state of anger and desire to cause harm, especially when there is a perception that one has been "wronged" in some way. This can be true or false, yet on the blind state of these urges, there is no background to hate whatsoever. Hate can lead to murder, self destruction and many other perils when it is blind. It's a sureproof way to create a state of mental torment, when it is not properly directed and controlled.

Proper hatred is necessary for when there are serious injustices occurring, and one needs prolonged force to change certain circumstances. It can be necessary to instate Justice, but when one is blinded by hatred, all the other states can also magnify, so the power of hate needs careful management as it can be self destructive.

6. Gluttony = The need to provide food for an organism is necessary for a human being to survive. Gluttony is what arises when there is no measure to health, proper judgement, or metric in regards to what one must consume to maintain optimal or healthy biological existence. Gluttony can lead to disability and death, or terrible health.

Gluttony is a form of lust for food that is not-moderated, but when properly moderated, it moves away from that state to a form of positive self care when the biological healthy and consumption of the being is concerned, leading to health, mental and physical clarity and management of energy.

Controlling all the above states when one spiritually evolves, will mean that one is liberated from the ill effects of these and can benefit from these forces, also called "Alchemical (or psychological) Transmutation".

As the Serpent of the Kundalini force when it's fallen, it's on a state of looping upon itself causes a sense of disaster, but when straightened out and liberated, it brings illumination, it also liberates these drives and with the help of Wisdom and the Gods one can become a person who has set these forces within straight. Before this process can even begin to occur, one has to learn to manage these forces, until one is liberated from their tyrranical rule and eventually become their master, instead of being their slave.

The higher the soul evolves, it can attain these states which bring inner tranquility, peace with one's self and the world, but also success in all the undertakings that are originally sought by the above urges, but that these urges on a blind state cannot give. The moderation of the above, will always very precisely create inside the soul a state of "Eudemonia" or "Peace with one's Demon [Soul]" and bring grace both in front of the Gods and other human beings.

In Spiritual Satanism none of these are evil, they are just representative forces of nature that need to be brought under Wisdom in order to grow into higher forms which propel a being to become purified, excellent and powerful.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Every existing strength can be used for self-improvement. Or it can be used to motivate oneself to achieve what others have achieved with sacrifice and commitment. Jealousy or envy, if seen in the right way, can be the fuel we need to achieve a result that we would otherwise never be driven to achieve.

As always, your HP Hooded Cobra 666 words are very precious.

I personally am working hard to reach a stage of advancement such as to obtain the right tranquility, both material and above all spiritual.

I know I will have hard days where I will have to work 8 hours, study astrology, workout, meditate and do yoga. But all this makes me feel immensely good.
From the title, one might thing that this matter here will be judged with scorn or with writing and issuing penalties for those that engage in these human processes. In the Path of the Gods which is Spiritual Satanism, there is no such topic. Denying these urges and not properly recognizing them, or creating a state of fear of eternal hellfire for the engagement in these, is only the enemy's work which is meant to dissuade human beings from advancing spiritually.

As the enemy wants to fundamentally procure misery, blindness and lack of wisdom in humanity as a final goal, they cannot provide the solutions in this writing of Guidance, because if they did so, human beings would have to learn about spirituality and wisdom, which would make all the Churches of the enemy destitute of any follower since they thrive on misery, affliction, death and ignorance.

It is to the enemy's benefit that these states in human beings continue as long as possible and for the maximum amount of people, so they always perpetuate them in order to not become vacant shells. Like a doctor not interested in healing human beings but wanting to procure sickness on purpose, so is the enemy desiring to that end. Unfortunately for many, they can only see this after they have understood of the nature of the enemy. The "external enemy" has a lot to gain by the sustaining of humanity's internal evil and enemies.

While the "Abrahamic Religions" talk a lot and condemn humans about these topics, they fundamentally hate human nature and humanity and seek for beings to remain unelightened. This state creates double the amount of problems of what these already blind drives I will describe here, do cause to human beings on their own. They double down on human misery and affliction.

Our side is exactly the contrary and seeks to elevate humans, while also keeping them wholly human, without a fundamental hate for what humanity is or can be.

The gateway to spiritual evolution, in which the forces described here both can obstruct but also help later on as the soul advances, is residing in the moderation of these forces and their purification. If a being has conquered these forces truly, then they are a purified being and have many things in common with the beings of the Higher Orders of life. This cannot be faked or evaded and is a lifelong process of evolution to bring these under proper rule of Wisdom.

As the soul is trying to evolve, it's fundamental that it incarnates into a body. This body brings with it all the forces necessary for it's evolution, the forces of propelling nature such as the ability to recreation, survival and all the instincts related for a human being to survive.

The survival mechanisms in one's body, are motivating factors and powers that are very necessary to live. Without these human beings would die instantly, and would not be able to evolve either way.

The Gods have bestowed these to human beings as necessary forces for that survival, and these forces exist universally in all living beings. They were given in wisdom and they represent evolutionary forces.

Imbalances in these forces, can be due to traumatic events, personal volition, or simply never understanding one must balance out these equations, or all of the three combined.

Fundamentally, none of the forces of Envy, Greed, Hate, Anger or Lust are negative, but since they are devoid of Logos or Higher Reason, they are frequently the cause of damnation for human beings, as they can sink a being into the animal state which one finds themselves upon during incarnation. When these are not controlled, one becomes an Andrapod and falls onto the path of evil.

As a characteristic rule here, "Moderation in All Things" is the statement of Aristotle which is an eternal truth about deifying the soul and becoming an excellent human being. This excellence also brings worldly success, but also spiritual success. The spiritual and internal success here is the most important factor, as this is the state that will truly make a human being happy and free internally, more than anything else external that comes as an addition to that state.

Lack of these forces, can lessen a lot one's ability to survive, but their blind control is certain to lead sooner or later to decay, internal torment and destruction, depression and lack of health biologically, spiritually and mentally. They are therefore necessary to existence, until they are improved to better forms which reassure a higher state of being.

These above forces are described as "blind", and since they are blind, they do not directly partake into logic and reason.

The more one is shut off spiritually and intellectually, the higher is the power of the above forces to dominate the mind, and on the complete rule of blindness, one is merely motivated to exist based on the above emotional states. Yet, all of these have a root in the necessity of biological existence.

When properly managed, these can become excellent forces in the hands of the wise, instead of one being enslaved by these forces and having to live a life of torment for themselves, which will expand onto many others, elongating their own torment also.

1. Greed = The need for material security, a factor to prolong physical existence. Greed is blind, as it does not understand the measure of other beings or one's self. The final level of greed is that every ego wants to consume the whole planet, a characteristic typical in psychopathic personalities. Greed as a state can invite the hatred of others, injustice done against others which can lead all the way from being hated or being murdered, and procure deadly hate both in one's self and others, creating a circular loop of destruction.

When Greed is moderated, one is on the pathway to become richer and expand one's self, the latter end of the balance being bestowal for other human beings also. When Greed is controlled, growth of civilizations, personal acquisitions and material progression can occur. Greed disappears in the end of spiritual evolution.

2. Jealousy = Due to confusion about the state of affairs dealing with life, false estimates about the existence of one's self compared to others, can give rise to jealousy or envy - One wants what another "has" or what one thinks "another has". Underlying jealousy, there can be a need to elevate one's self [which is the good aspect of envy] and can be used to facilitate personal self evolution, albeit a lack of fully formed self [knowing one's abilities or where one is at - a delusional state of confusion] can cause envy. Envy is a stronger form of consistent jealousy, and can lead to murder, betrayals, major self sabotage, or ruin of one's persona capacities since one is fixated always on envying others.

When Envy or Jealousy is controlled and replaced with judgement, a feeling of appreciation will arise in the Initiate. Also, instead of one seething and burning in jealousy, when self awareness exists, this appreciation will extend to other human beings and proper bonds with other beings can form. Envy can be used to engage in positive competition, where one evolves themselves to reach a desired standard. At the end of spiritual advancement, there is no envy present in humans.

3. Lust = Lust is a force necessary in order to procreate, and is another biological impulse for one to procreate or to experience connection with others. At the blind state, lust becomes simply a voracious need to connect without caring for any detail, devoid of reason. The needs here are based in the need to prolong one's personal existence through recreation. A blinded state of lust, can create a self circular loop that can consume human beings physically, mentally and in all other ways, rendering one unable to advance in any avenue or life, or make people do things that they will solemnly regret, like betrayals, unwanted pregnancies, or lead to many other problems.

Lust is positive and within the proper rational context, can create families, legacies, relationships with other human beings, personal satisfaction and the same force is the force that is used and transmutated in the need to connect to higher topics [knowledge, spirituality, improvement of the body and related procreative powers]

4. Anger = Anger is a quintessential emotion that gives human beings the powers to avert enemies. In the case of blind hatred, there is no reasoning behind this, and combined with all the other urges, one can simply hate for no reason, heat for jealousy, or hate obstacles to their greed or lust. Anger can create sudden, unexpected and irreversible crimes, that one can regret later one but one cannot take back. Sudden murders which cost one's lifetime, can happen in a state of anger or wrath when it overtakes the mind.

Anger when moderated, can be a very powerful weapon where Justice is concerned, and when aimed, it can have catastrophic power that can actually be used for good. Anger can exist in great magnitudes even to the Gods, but their form of "anger" is perfect and not related to the human notions of blind anger whatsoever.

5. Hate = A form of consolidated anger that has many things of the above in it when NOT justified and NOT reasoned, hate is a prolonged state of anger and desire to cause harm, especially when there is a perception that one has been "wronged" in some way. This can be true or false, yet on the blind state of these urges, there is no background to hate whatsoever. Hate can lead to murder, self destruction and many other perils when it is blind. It's a sureproof way to create a state of mental torment, when it is not properly directed and controlled.

Proper hatred is necessary for when there are serious injustices occurring, and one needs prolonged force to change certain circumstances. It can be necessary to instate Justice, but when one is blinded by hatred, all the other states can also magnify, so the power of hate needs careful management as it can be self destructive.

6. Gluttony = The need to provide food for an organism is necessary for a human being to survive. Gluttony is what arises when there is no measure to health, proper judgement, or metric in regards to what one must consume to maintain optimal or healthy biological existence. Gluttony can lead to disability and death, or terrible health.

Gluttony is a form of lust for food that is not-moderated, but when properly moderated, it moves away from that state to a form of positive self care when the biological healthy and consumption of the being is concerned, leading to health, mental and physical clarity and management of energy.

Controlling all the above states when one spiritually evolves, will mean that one is liberated from the ill effects of these and can benefit from these forces, also called "Alchemical (or psychological) Transmutation".

As the Serpent of the Kundalini force when it's fallen, it's on a state of looping upon itself causes a sense of disaster, but when straightened out and liberated, it brings illumination, it also liberates these drives and with the help of Wisdom and the Gods one can become a person who has set these forces within straight. Before this process can even begin to occur, one has to learn to manage these forces, until one is liberated from their tyrranical rule and eventually become their master, instead of being their slave.

The higher the soul evolves, it can attain these states which bring inner tranquility, peace with one's self and the world, but also success in all the undertakings that are originally sought by the above urges, but that these urges on a blind state cannot give. The moderation of the above, will always very precisely create inside the soul a state of "Eudemonia" or "Peace with one's Demon [Soul]" and bring grace both in front of the Gods and other human beings.

In Spiritual Satanism none of these are evil, they are just representative forces of nature that need to be brought under Wisdom in order to grow into higher forms which propel a being to become purified, excellent and powerful.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This sermon is fantastic and helped me understand many things that I had studied in the past, but hadn't yet understood the meaning of. Thank you so much, our beloved High Priest!

Now I also have a written guide for how to behave more dignified in harmony with my desire for advancement!

If you like, very great and wise High Priest, could you please explain better what you mean by "perfect anger of the Gods"? What distinguishes the controlled anger of the human being from a perfect form of Divine anger?
Thank you for this sermon.

I have a personal issue regarding being egocentric/self- centered.

Lord Balaam's Power Ritual made me think of that. From his ritual, I felt that he was entirely "selfless" when it came to his faith to the Gods and to helping other human beings - which is healthy.

It's like when we're doing RTRs in order to help our world, or how we can be extremely passionate about helping children or animals. This is the kind of "selfless" love and need to protect others.

I have found myself very often thinking of my own benefit to the point that it's unhealthy. I know that the Power Rituals are meant to help us and connect us to the Gods, but they are also meant to help the Gods themselves and bring their energy back into our world.

I have often found myself thinking merely of my own benefit while doing them (which defeats their purpose).

I have also caught myself thinking of what "benefits" I will have by doing RTRs, etc (basically, gaining the Gods' favor) and very foolishly thinking that things will "magically" work out in my life (without me putting the needed effort) just because I'm helping in the Satanic cause.

I am 100% aware of how false this belief and mindset is, yet I still find myself subconsciously thinking and feeling like that.

How can you battle with this... is it narcissism? Arrogance? I completely understand it from a logical point of view, yet I keep thinking like that subconsciously. What kind of meditation - or what - would be able to remove/fix this part in myself?
Thank you for this sermon.

I have a personal issue regarding being egocentric/self- centered.
Of course, I have caught myself being like that with other people, as well (doing a good action not really out of kindness, but in order to be liked by them). Even with kids (making jokes to make them like me, rather than to actually entertain them).

Surely this is related to some kind of childhood trauma/lack of emotional support in some ways - but how do you solve it?
I can see that being introduced to proper Spiritual Warfare and the RTRs has been helpful in dealing with anger/hate management. Using these forces to instate Justice instead of repressing them (or being constantly in a "grumpy" state) has seriously helped me to attain a much more positive attitude to the situations and people around me.

Sticking to the habit of Meditation and regularly reflecting the progress has also already transformed some of the other forces, to a certain extent, by substituting unhealthy expression with ways that expand upon positive advancement.

Like feeling a reduced/almost no "need" for eating sweets/unhealthy food and instead desiring healthy food.

Not envying people uselessly and beating myself up about it and ending up doing nothing but instead trying to give my best and seeing what I can create and how I can improve further. Basically turning jealousy into inspiration for the self instead.

As with greed and lust, it has all been a balancing factor to not repress these things but to accept these parts of human life and understand how to express these in a healthy way. Or at least seeing what things still need to be worked upon to further the healing of the soul.

Its still a long way and it feels like my understanding about all of this are like tiny seeds, just planted or barely sprouting. But I can also sense that this has the opportunity to blossom into beautiful flowers or even great trees over time.

Thank you HP HoodedCobra for writing about these topics. 🙏

It is all very interesting to think about how oneself or society has handled this but especially how it can develop into a positive way if worked upon.
Of course, I have caught myself being like that with other people, as well (doing a good action not really out of kindness, but in order to be liked by them). Even with kids (making jokes to make them like me, rather than to actually entertain them).

Surely this is related to some kind of childhood trauma/lack of emotional support in some ways - but how do you solve it?
I think this also has to do with your current environment. If you're forced to pretend 24/7, this can really mess with your soul.
When I was younger, studying the yin-yang duality of nature really helped with accepting these so called "bad emotions" because in truth they are perfectly natural and not bad at all.
In a way, hatred is a way of protecting that which we love. Love is to protect that which we cherish from hatred.
metric in regards to what one must consume to maintain
From the title, one might thing that this matter here will be judged with scorn or with writing and issuing penalties for those that engage in these human processes. In the Path of the Gods which is Spiritual Satanism, there is no such topic. Denying these urges and not properly recognizing them, or creating a state of fear of eternal hellfire for the engagement in these, is only the enemy's work which is meant to dissuade human beings from advancing spiritually.

As the enemy wants to fundamentally procure misery, blindness and lack of wisdom in humanity as a final goal, they cannot provide the solutions in this writing of Guidance, because if they did so, human beings would have to learn about spirituality and wisdom, which would make all the Churches of the enemy destitute of any follower since they thrive on misery, affliction, death and ignorance.

It is to the enemy's benefit that these states in human beings continue as long as possible and for the maximum amount of people, so they always perpetuate them in order to not become vacant shells. Like a doctor not interested in healing human beings but wanting to procure sickness on purpose, so is the enemy desiring to that end. Unfortunately for many, they can only see this after they have understood of the nature of the enemy. The "external enemy" has a lot to gain by the sustaining of humanity's internal evil and enemies.

While the "Abrahamic Religions" talk a lot and condemn humans about these topics, they fundamentally hate human nature and humanity and seek for beings to remain unelightened. This state creates double the amount of problems of what these already blind drives I will describe here, do cause to human beings on their own. They double down on human misery and affliction.

Our side is exactly the contrary and seeks to elevate humans, while also keeping them wholly human, without a fundamental hate for what humanity is or can be.

The gateway to spiritual evolution, in which the forces described here both can obstruct but also help later on as the soul advances, is residing in the moderation of these forces and their purification. If a being has conquered these forces truly, then they are a purified being and have many things in common with the beings of the Higher Orders of life. This cannot be faked or evaded and is a lifelong process of evolution to bring these under proper rule of Wisdom.

As the soul is trying to evolve, it's fundamental that it incarnates into a body. This body brings with it all the forces necessary for it's evolution, the forces of propelling nature such as the ability to recreation, survival and all the instincts related for a human being to survive.

The survival mechanisms in one's body, are motivating factors and powers that are very necessary to live. Without these human beings would die instantly, and would not be able to evolve either way.

The Gods have bestowed these to human beings as necessary forces for that survival, and these forces exist universally in all living beings. They were given in wisdom and they represent evolutionary forces.

Imbalances in these forces, can be due to traumatic events, personal volition, or simply never understanding one must balance out these equations, or all of the three combined.

Fundamentally, none of the forces of Envy, Greed, Hate, Anger or Lust are negative, but since they are devoid of Logos or Higher Reason, they are frequently the cause of damnation for human beings, as they can sink a being into the animal state which one finds themselves upon during incarnation. When these are not controlled, one becomes an Andrapod and falls onto the path of evil.

As a characteristic rule here, "Moderation in All Things" is the statement of Aristotle which is an eternal truth about deifying the soul and becoming an excellent human being. This excellence also brings worldly success, but also spiritual success. The spiritual and internal success here is the most important factor, as this is the state that will truly make a human being happy and free internally, more than anything else external that comes as an addition to that state.

Lack of these forces, can lessen a lot one's ability to survive, but their blind control is certain to lead sooner or later to decay, internal torment and destruction, depression and lack of health biologically, spiritually and mentally. They are therefore necessary to existence, until they are improved to better forms which reassure a higher state of being.

These above forces are described as "blind", and since they are blind, they do not directly partake into logic and reason.

The more one is shut off spiritually and intellectually, the higher is the power of the above forces to dominate the mind, and on the complete rule of blindness, one is merely motivated to exist based on the above emotional states. Yet, all of these have a root in the necessity of biological existence.

When properly managed, these can become excellent forces in the hands of the wise, instead of one being enslaved by these forces and having to live a life of torment for themselves, which will expand onto many others, elongating their own torment also.

1. Greed = The need for material security, a factor to prolong physical existence. Greed is blind, as it does not understand the measure of other beings or one's self. The final level of greed is that every ego wants to consume the whole planet, a characteristic typical in psychopathic personalities. Greed as a state can invite the hatred of others, injustice done against others which can lead all the way from being hated or being murdered, and procure deadly hate both in one's self and others, creating a circular loop of destruction.

When Greed is moderated, one is on the pathway to become richer and expand one's self, the latter end of the balance being bestowal for other human beings also. When Greed is controlled, growth of civilizations, personal acquisitions and material progression can occur. Greed disappears in the end of spiritual evolution.

2. Jealousy = Due to confusion about the state of affairs dealing with life, false estimates about the existence of one's self compared to others, can give rise to jealousy or envy - One wants what another "has" or what one thinks "another has". Underlying jealousy, there can be a need to elevate one's self [which is the good aspect of envy] and can be used to facilitate personal self evolution, albeit a lack of fully formed self [knowing one's abilities or where one is at - a delusional state of confusion] can cause envy. Envy is a stronger form of consistent jealousy, and can lead to murder, betrayals, major self sabotage, or ruin of one's persona capacities since one is fixated always on envying others.

When Envy or Jealousy is controlled and replaced with judgement, a feeling of appreciation will arise in the Initiate. Also, instead of one seething and burning in jealousy, when self awareness exists, this appreciation will extend to other human beings and proper bonds with other beings can form. Envy can be used to engage in positive competition, where one evolves themselves to reach a desired standard. At the end of spiritual advancement, there is no envy present in humans.

3. Lust = Lust is a force necessary in order to procreate, and is another biological impulse for one to procreate or to experience connection with others. At the blind state, lust becomes simply a voracious need to connect without caring for any detail, devoid of reason. The needs here are based in the need to prolong one's personal existence through recreation. A blinded state of lust, can create a self circular loop that can consume human beings physically, mentally and in all other ways, rendering one unable to advance in any avenue or life, or make people do things that they will solemnly regret, like betrayals, unwanted pregnancies, or lead to many other problems.

Lust is positive and within the proper rational context, can create families, legacies, relationships with other human beings, personal satisfaction and the same force is the force that is used and transmutated in the need to connect to higher topics [knowledge, spirituality, improvement of the body and related procreative powers]

4. Anger = Anger is a quintessential emotion that gives human beings the powers to avert enemies. In the case of blind hatred, there is no reasoning behind this, and combined with all the other urges, one can simply hate for no reason, heat for jealousy, or hate obstacles to their greed or lust. Anger can create sudden, unexpected and irreversible crimes, that one can regret later one but one cannot take back. Sudden murders which cost one's lifetime, can happen in a state of anger or wrath when it overtakes the mind.

Anger when moderated, can be a very powerful weapon where Justice is concerned, and when aimed, it can have catastrophic power that can actually be used for good. Anger can exist in great magnitudes even to the Gods, but their form of "anger" is perfect and not related to the human notions of blind anger whatsoever.

5. Hate = A form of consolidated anger that has many things of the above in it when NOT justified and NOT reasoned, hate is a prolonged state of anger and desire to cause harm, especially when there is a perception that one has been "wronged" in some way. This can be true or false, yet on the blind state of these urges, there is no background to hate whatsoever. Hate can lead to murder, self destruction and many other perils when it is blind. It's a sureproof way to create a state of mental torment, when it is not properly directed and controlled.

Proper hatred is necessary for when there are serious injustices occurring, and one needs prolonged force to change certain circumstances. It can be necessary to instate Justice, but when one is blinded by hatred, all the other states can also magnify, so the power of hate needs careful management as it can be self destructive.

6. Gluttony = The need to provide food for an organism is necessary for a human being to survive. Gluttony is what arises when there is no measure to health, proper judgement, or metric in regards to what one must consume to maintain optimal or healthy biological existence. Gluttony can lead to disability and death, or terrible health.

Gluttony is a form of lust for food that is not-moderated, but when properly moderated, it moves away from that state to a form of positive self care when the biological healthy and consumption of the being is concerned, leading to health, mental and physical clarity and management of energy.

Controlling all the above states when one spiritually evolves, will mean that one is liberated from the ill effects of these and can benefit from these forces, also called "Alchemical (or psychological) Transmutation".

As the Serpent of the Kundalini force when it's fallen, it's on a state of looping upon itself causes a sense of disaster, but when straightened out and liberated, it brings illumination, it also liberates these drives and with the help of Wisdom and the Gods one can become a person who has set these forces within straight. Before this process can even begin to occur, one has to learn to manage these forces, until one is liberated from their tyrranical rule and eventually become their master, instead of being their slave.

The higher the soul evolves, it can attain these states which bring inner tranquility, peace with one's self and the world, but also success in all the undertakings that are originally sought by the above urges, but that these urges on a blind state cannot give. The moderation of the above, will always very precisely create inside the soul a state of "Eudemonia" or "Peace with one's Demon [Soul]" and bring grace both in front of the Gods and other human beings.

In Spiritual Satanism none of these are evil, they are just representative forces of nature that need to be brought under Wisdom in order to grow into higher forms which propel a being to become purified, excellent and powerful.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Such value of this knowledge, it is invaluable. 🙂
it is useless to write it down, it comes with spiritual development. Then you realize that earlier in this situation you would have been very shouting and angry, but now you are standing and trying to get around it or 0 reactions. Although thinking about it and trying to control it is a direct way to improve.
You don't seem to pay much attention to the articles here.

Here is a great piece on the subject by High Priestess Lydia.

You have a positive impact in my life. Thanks a lot HP. Your advice and wisdom is priceless

This is humbling me and I only hope to remain a bringer of light and clarity for everyone, thank you for your kind words.
4. Anger = Anger is a quintessential emotion that gives human beings the powers to avert enemies. In the case of blind hatred, there is no reasoning behind this, and combined with all the other urges, one can simply hate for no reason, heat for jealousy, or hate obstacles to their greed or lust. Anger can create sudden, unexpected and irreversible crimes, that one can regret later one but one cannot take back. Sudden murders which cost one's lifetime, can happen in a state of anger or wrath when it overtakes the mind.

Anger when moderated, can be a very powerful weapon where Justice is concerned, and when aimed, it can have catastrophic power that can actually be used for good. Anger can exist in great magnitudes even to the Gods, but their form of "anger" is perfect and not related to the human notions of blind anger whatsoever.

5. Hate = A form of consolidated anger that has many things of the above in it when NOT justified and NOT reasoned, hate is a prolonged state of anger and desire to cause harm, especially when there is a perception that one has been "wronged" in some way. This can be true or false, yet on the blind state of these urges, there is no background to hate whatsoever. Hate can lead to murder, self destruction and many other perils when it is blind. It's a sureproof way to create a state of mental torment, when it is not properly directed and controlled.

Proper hatred is necessary for when there are serious injustices occurring, and one needs prolonged force to change certain circumstances. It can be necessary to instate Justice, but when one is blinded by hatred, all the other states can also magnify, so the power of hate needs careful management as it can be self destructive.

These two things I find to be the most dangerous from experience. All are poisonous when not kept in check, but Anger and Hate are straight up double edged swords. They can be exceedingly dangerous, and cause one to land themselves in the worst positions, such as Prison. And take it from me, friends and family, if there is anywhere you do not want to end up as a Satanist, it is in a Correctional Institution. I debated on weather to tell this story, but I think it will be a strong reminder as to why we must control ourselves, why really really have to learn to tame our fire when it flares up, and direct it accordingly and intelligently:

I messed someone up pretty badly when I was a younger man, around 20 years old. I nearly killed the guy for personal reasons; he did something to me that was absolutely detestable, depraved, and unforgivable. But I very much should have gone a different route than to unleash a vicious and deadly physical attack on him.

I landed myself in a nice, hard, Maximum Security Detention Center, for the charge of Attempted Murder. For absolutely no reason at all, as I should have been sent to general population, they stripped me naked and put me in segregation immediately from the get-go - LOAP, Loss of All Privileges. This is highly, highly abnormal, but was intentional, of course there was a reason: they know, whether or not you tell them, somehow they know. I expect some combination of technologies, and likely the staff are infected with enemy parasites, some are even of the enemy directly, there's no question. And of course, they want to make it as torturous as possible for someone like us who is unlucky enough to end up there, we're prime cattle for the type of negative energy farming that goes on here. No cloths, no blanket, I didn't even have a mattress for my cold metal bed. It fucking sucked.

Well, I just sat in my segregation cell, naked and cold, meditating, being forced to eat things like porridge and soup and chili and pasta with my hands, all messy spoon foods, and being as pleasant as possible all throughout - you have to be. You're completely at their mercy in these places, and they will do everything to try and farm the power that you have into negative waves of chaos. the correctional officers where quite thrown off by my behaviour, and actually took a liking to me, they even gave me extra food and had pleasant conversations with me and such, but I still lived my naked, cold, isolated life in there, only being dressed to be taken to court, and only really receiving any human interraction during this or when I was fed.

The water tastes like flouride, and the food is only enough to keep you alive, as well as being cursed with halal/kosher ritual. These places are hubs of pure negitivity, ruled by the enemy, and built to cultivate and harvest negative chaotic energy, the treatment I recieved at first was that of a wild animal, I simply was strong enough to resist it and even influence a change in treatment. It was twice as hard though, due to the flouride poisoning and the lack of nutritional sustainance.

By the grace of our Gods, I managed to get out there far earlier than I should have, and even managed to reduce my sentance from "Attemted Murder" to "Assault Causing Bodily Harm" - that is a huge jump and difference between the gravity of the charge. Not only that, I somehow was sentenced to Manditory Psychological Therapy, Anger Management Classes, and to "Keep the Peace" and check in with an officer once a week for exactly one year.

But understand thta I was lucky
. Things should have been far worse for me, but I was just barely powerful enough to make it through.

You may not be so lucky, or so steadfast in nature as I am. You may have it much worse if you end up in one of these places. People get killed in these institutions, and there are large populations of muslims and christians there - the enemy is everywhere in these institutions, they run these institutions, there is very little that can be done, though if you're devoted everything that can will, it is terrifying how constrained and limited even an adept can be in one of these places.

We are law abiding for both moral and ethical reasons, as well as for self preservational reasons. Always keep your anger in check, strive to be controlled and unwavering, and direct your hatred, rage, and vengance through magick, it's an incredible fuel for this as Cobra says (the more angry, hateful, and flat out psychotic you get during the RTR for instance, the more effective it is), solicit the help of your GD and the Gods if need be, they will punish dearly those who bring harm or suffering to their most devoted, you'd better believe that.

That's all I wanted to share. Wrath can be an invaluable and dangerous tool to the enemy when controlled and directed correctly, but can be the literal death of you when not. I hope this little example really drives the nail in for that. You really, really don't want to end up in the position that I did.

Keep your minds always in check, family and friends. Play the long game, as the saying goes.
Praise to the Gods. Hail Satan.
Any form of misbehavior - is best corrected by really understanding and feeling that it is wrong, and understanding the consequences.

Fear of punishment/punishment - makes things worse, encouragement - may work but may not, and may be manipulated to get extra rewards etc.
These two things I find to be the most dangerous from experience. All are poisonous when not kept in check, but Anger and Hate are straight up double edged swords. They can be exceedingly dangerous, and cause one to land themselves in the worst positions, such as Prison. And take it from me, friends and family, if there is anywhere you do not want to end up as a Satanist, it is in a Correctional Institution. I debated on weather to tell this story, but I think it will be a strong reminder as to why we must control ourselves, why really really have to learn to tame our fire when it flares up, and direct it accordingly and intelligently:

I messed someone up pretty badly when I was a younger man, around 20 years old. I nearly killed the guy for personal reasons; he did something to me that was absolutely detestable, depraved, and unforgivable. But I very much should have gone a different route than to unleash a vicious and deadly physical attack on him.

I landed myself in a nice, hard, Maximum Security Detention Center, for the charge of Attempted Murder. For absolutely no reason at all, as I should have been sent to general population, they stripped me naked and put me in segregation immediately from the get-go - LOAP, Loss of All Privileges. This is highly, highly abnormal, but was intentional, of course there was a reason: they know, whether or not you tell them, somehow they know. I expect some combination of technologies, and likely the staff are infected with enemy parasites, some are even of the enemy directly, there's no question. And of course, they want to make it as torturous as possible for someone like us who is unlucky enough to end up there, we're prime cattle for the type of negative energy farming that goes on here. No cloths, no blanket, I didn't even have a mattress for my cold metal bed. It fucking sucked.

Well, I just sat in my segregation cell, naked and cold, meditating, being forced to eat things like porridge and soup and chili and pasta with my hands, all messy spoon foods, and being as pleasant as possible all throughout - you have to be. You're completely at their mercy in these places, and they will do everything to try and farm the power that you have into negative waves of chaos. the correctional officers where quite thrown off by my behaviour, and actually took a liking to me, they even gave me extra food and had pleasant conversations with me and such, but I still lived my naked, cold, isolated life in there, only being dressed to be taken to court, and only really receiving any human interraction during this or when I was fed.

The water tastes like flouride, and the food is only enough to keep you alive, as well as being cursed with halal/kosher ritual. These places are hubs of pure negitivity, ruled by the enemy, and built to cultivate and harvest negative chaotic energy, the treatment I recieved at first was that of a wild animal, I simply was strong enough to resist it and even influence a change in treatment. It was twice as hard though, due to the flouride poisoning and the lack of nutritional sustainance.

By the grace of our Gods, I managed to get out there far earlier than I should have, and even managed to reduce my sentance from "Attemted Murder" to "Assault Causing Bodily Harm" - that is a huge jump and difference between the gravity of the charge. Not only that, I somehow was sentenced to Manditory Psychological Therapy, Anger Management Classes, and to "Keep the Peace" and check in with an officer once a week for exactly one year.

But understand thta I was lucky. Things should have been far worse for me, but I was just barely powerful enough to make it through.

You may not be so lucky, or so steadfast in nature as I am. You may have it much worse if you end up in one of these places. People get killed in these institutions, and there are large populations of muslims and christians there - the enemy is everywhere in these institutions, they run these institutions, there is very little that can be done, though if you're devoted everything that can will, it is terrifying how constrained and limited even an adept can be in one of these places.

We are law abiding for both moral and ethical reasons, as well as for self preservational reasons. Always keep your anger in check, strive to be controlled and unwavering, and direct your hatred, rage, and vengance through magick, it's an incredible fuel for this as Cobra says (the more angry, hateful, and flat out psychotic you get during the RTR for instance, the more effective it is), solicit the help of your GD and the Gods if need be, they will punish dearly those who bring harm or suffering to their most devoted, you'd better believe that.

That's all I wanted to share. Wrath can be an invaluable and dangerous tool to the enemy when controlled and directed correctly, but can be the literal death of you when not. I hope this little example really drives the nail in for that. You really, really don't want to end up in the position that I did.

Keep your minds always in check, family and friends. Play the long game, as the saying goes.
Praise to the Gods. Hail Satan.
Thanks for writing your story, so people can avoid it. Did you try binding the person with the isa + gebo rune, so they wouldn't be able to testify against you in court?
It's good to know the word Demon also means Soul. I always thought it can only be blasphemy, if they write/sing battle your demons, inspired from jew propaganda (demons are only evil, corrupting people).
Thanks for writing your story, so people can avoid it. Did you try binding the person with the isa + gebo rune, so they wouldn't be able to testify against you in court?
I did not, as at the time I unfortunately wasn't as educated in the runes as I am now, but it's likely I would have with the knowledge I have now. But the man was a heavy drug user, particularly a fan of opiates and opioids, and this was around the time Fentanyl first started to make it's rounds. An unlucky dose of that actually ended him before he had a chance to do so.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
