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A few questions about vibration workings and the satanic rosary


Active member
Dec 12, 2023
- I started a 40-day 'freeing the soul' working on the 7th, but on the 11th I was accidentally 6hrs late from my previous chanting (24hrs had elapsed), but I read on the forums that it's okay so long as you're not more than 38 (or was it 36?) hours late. And that it's not as strict as doing the squares. So, do I have to start all over again or is it okay?
- I read on one of the main threads by one of the HP's that 108 repetitions is no longer ideal, so what number am I supposed to use? 216?
- I started off by doing it once a day, but the timing was kinda random instead of a specific time every single day. Is this a problem?
- Also, I want to switch from once a day to twice a day but I'm already mid-way through 7 days in, will this negatively affect the working?
- Will the working be ruined if someone interrupted me and I have to speak to them. If so, can I just restart that day's session or is the entire 40-days messed up now?

- Does the sound/volume of your vibration affect the potency?
- Am I supposed to be visualising energy while vibrating? And does this apply to Yoga as well with the "breaths". I still get distracted doing everything simultaneously. I am assuming I just have to keep trying all at once until it's second nature?
- Where should I "aim" the vibration in relation to getting rid of a dopaminergic addiction, which I assume correlates to a specific chakra and/or a specific part of the brain? Or is this pointless?
- The Baphomet Pentagon I bought for my rosary is upside down (I think). Is this a problem? It doesn't have the Hebrew symbols on it or anything, and there's runes on it.
- My Rosary is kinda awkwardly made, and I "state the affirmation" every 10 beads (ignoring the first 8) so it's in total x9, and visualise symbolic imagery that implies I've obtained what I want. I kinda like doing it this way, but if it's more effective to state x9 at the end, I will do that instead. Please let me know. Also, does it matter if I, for example, state the affirmation at bead 13, instead of 10 because I got distracted. How accurate does it have to be to remain functional, even if I don't achieve optimal effectiveness?
- Also I fucked up and missed a bead when making it lol, so I count the pendant itself as a "bead" when doing a working. Does this cause any issues?
- Will the working be totally ruined if I accidentally miss or add an extra repetition?
- Will it help if I charge the rosary beforehand with a specific type of energy? Or will this happen inevitably by using a specific vibration?

Even a tiny advantage is helpful to me, so I'd appreciate any advice that helps improve effectiveness + efficiency + time-cost simultaneously. Even if it seems neglible. Thanks in advance!

As long as you complete your working within 36 hours, you are fine and good to continue.

The number 108 is still effective to use when you are working on freeing the soul or other detachments. It's worth noting that Hindus heavily use it, and disturbances may occur from the astral. Another number to consider is 111, which is excellent for improvement. The number 216 is powerful, although it requires significant discipline to practice daily for 40 days. If you can manage it, then there is no issue.

Stick to doing the working once a day, as originally planned. Some individuals accidentally skip a day and then perform the working twice the following day, and it can still be successful. While this has worked for some, it's not an ideal practice.

The sound and volume do affect potency. The power of vibration has a lesser effect when done mentally than when chanted out loud. Chanting with a low vibrating voice still yields power, which I've done many times due to a lack of privacy.

I always visualize when meditating or doing workings, sometimes during Yoga if I intend to focus on something that benefits from visualization. Visualization helps the mind to direct the energy to fulfill your intentions.

Read my post "The Mind: Focus and Concentration" and Lydia's post "Spiritual Reset Day / Dopamine Detox Day" about dopamine as there is good advice on how to tackle certain distractions caused by society. Workings, void/flame meditation, mindfulness, pineal gland meditation/stimulation, and other measures can be incorporated into your daily and/or spiritual practice, which do help here.

Affirmations can be done at the very end. For example, a full rosary consists of 108 beads; vibrate x108, then affirm three times or more. Stick with the respective number you began with for affirmations, as they are based on numerology. If you make a few more affirmations than intended, just continue the working, as it's likely fine (I've done this). If you miscount the vibrations, then you should cancel out the energy raised by saying "this energy raised for this day is now canceled" and start over. If you miscount your number of vibrations and then proceed with the affirmation, then consider the entire working potentially unsuccessful, as it disturbs the numerological resonance and will affect the overall outcome.

There's no need to charge the rosary beforehand. However, it's advisable to have one for white magic and another for black magic.

I see, thank you. The problem is, I have the discipline but not the privacy. I will surely be interrupted. I will continue doing the 108's for now, but it seems I will have to start again. I miscounted on day 1 and 2, but not since. The planetary positions are not favourable at the moment, but I will continue until they are just for practice's sake. Even if the working is null, I definitely feel some sort of improvement from the self-induced brainwashing... but how exactly will wrong numerology "affect" the outcome here other than failure? It won't rebound will it? And does it matter if I do the affirmations at the end vs. after every 10 beads? And should I wait until I open all my minor chakras before doing further workings? It feels fine for me, though, but I don't wanna self-sabotage through ignorance. The 40-day meditation just feels slow as hell. I was progressing better when I ignored the numerology on there by doing higher reps. But maybe this is placebo. I'm on day 36 atm.
I needed to hear this. 🙏 Thank you for sharing this information! 🔥
An astrological day is not the same as a calendar day because our current calendar is fucked. We work with astrological time, not calendar time. A day begins when the Sun rises, and the night begins when the Sun sets. One cycle of this is a day.

I'd recommend completing the 40 days, as you are on day 36. If you proceed with the work and complete it, regardless of miscounts, the outcome will likely manifest differently than originally intended. Keep in mind that the results may be lacking somehow. Consider writing down your experiences and analyzing your results. The results may take some time to manifest, though. If there are no results after a few months, then miscounts are the most likely cause. However, it will get easier to manifest your intentions in the next 40-day cycle with the same working, as the energies become engraved in you.

Continuing and completing the 40-day cycle helps you develop discipline and stick to a routine, which is excellent.

Opening and empowering your minor chakras (and the major chakras) will further strengthen your soul and increase your flow of energies, yielding more power. You can work on your soul while doing workings, but it's a good idea to space out your sessions. For example, if you empower your soul in the morning, wait a few hours before proceeding with your working schedule.

In addition, 108 is a high amount of repetition. Next time you are doing a working, it may be better for you to do 54 repetitions. Doing 54 repetitions with stronger intent and focus is much better than 108 repetitions with a distracted mind. I jumped on 108 repetitions too when I was new, and I hated it, as it was too much for my capacity at the time.

Sorry, I meant I was on day 36 of the 40-day meditation program PDF. The working was at Day 7.

I think 108 is a good number for me tbh. I'm able to concentrate quite easily now, and it's improving day-by-day. 216 is too much tho, but 108-111 is perfect.

The anxiety of someone hearing me and/or disturbing me and it's effect on the workings is the only real problem atm. I will probably wait until I've moved out to do any squares.

And tbh, even after 7 days my progress has been immense. Although this is probably more so at the "brute force" level, I already feel like I've almost resolved the issue. As long as it doesn't rebound in a weird way I'm not too worried and am kinda satisfied. My brain/soul seems to be very "sticky" in that I can acquire habits/results quite quickly/easily.

So, would it make a difference if one were to specifically do a working at, say, sunset? Does the magnetic poles or some shit have an additional effect? Or is it neglible? What exactly influences the energies?

And what's needed in order for us to go back to using the proper calender system?

And tbh, even after 7 days my progress has been immense. Although this is probably more so at the "brute force" level, I already feel like I've almost resolved the issue. As long as it doesn't rebound in a weird way I'm not too worried and am kinda satisfied. My brain/soul seems to be very "sticky" in that I can acquire habits/results quite quickly/easily.

So, would it make a difference if one were to specifically do a working at, say, sunset? Does the magnetic poles or some shit have an additional effect? Or is it neglible? What exactly influences the energies?

And what's needed in order for us to go back to using the proper calender system?
For a permanent solution, you would need to keep going for the whole cycle, otherwise the issue would simply return. No joke, better to play it safe.

There are certain things that are better done at certain times of the day. For example, Solar magick when the Sun is at its highest point, or Lunar magick when the Moon is visible in the sky. Working on your feminine qualities, such as the pineal gland has better results when you do it after the sunset. And working on your solar plexus chakra is the most effective in the sunlight, or at its highest point in the sky during the day. There are things like the morning routine being optimally done when the Sun rises, and the evening routine when the Sun is setting, or after sunset. Certain weekdays rule certain elements, such as Friday being the day of Venus. Venusian aspirations are stronger on that day. For icing on the cake, planetary hours are considered, as well. None of these are 'hard rules', but doing certain things in certain ways is more optimal than doing them other ways. In some instances, like with planetary squares, the numerology related to timing is very precise and is an example of a 'hard rule'.

As for the calendar. For a permanent global solution, we would need to remove jewish influence thoroughly while uncovering information. When we have the command, release the information for everyone to use. This is no simple task and will take considerable time to accomplish.
There are certain things that are better done at certain times of the day. For example, Solar magick when the Sun is at its highest point, or Lunar magick when the Moon is visible in the sky. Working on your feminine qualities, such as the pineal gland has better results when you do it after the sunset. And working on your solar plexus chakra is the most effective in the sunlight, or at its highest point in the sky during the day. There are things like the morning routine being optimally done when the Sun rises, and the evening routine when the Sun is setting, or after sunset. Certain weekdays rule certain elements, such as Friday being the day of Venus. Venusian aspirations are stronger on that day. For icing on the cake, planetary hours are considered, as well. None of these are 'hard rules', but doing certain things in certain ways is more optimal than doing them other ways. In some instances, like with planetary squares, the numerology related to timing is very precise and is an example of a 'hard rule'.

As for the calendar. For a permanent global solution, we would need to remove jewish influence thoroughly while uncovering information. When we have the command, release the information for everyone to use. This is no simple task and will take considerable time to accomplish.
Okay, thank you! Very informative. I'll have to start committing these things to memory.

For a permanent solution, you would need to keep going for the whole cycle, otherwise the issue would simply return. No joke, better to play it safe.
And yeah you're probably right, I'd rather just be done with it once and for all. I was planning on waiting for a more favourable planetary period.

100+ vibration for a beginner, especially if you use Munka is too much.
Oh? I dunno. It feels fine to me. And I'm pretty sure I'm vibrating/visualising correctly. My natal chart appears to fascilitate this.
Oh? I dunno. It feels fine to me. And I'm pretty sure I'm vibrating/visualising correctly. My natal chart appears to fascilitate this.

If you have started this you may as well complete it, but freeing the soul is in the ADVANCED SECTION FOR A REASON!
It's nothing about how you vibrate it or visualize it and neither about your natal chart. You should have cleaned your soul for years before freeing the soul.

Do not even think about doing this for more than 40 day but if you feel results I would stop after 16 days(4x4). Get back to empower and clean your chakras/soul, and do a lot of protection, and beginner practices.
I have my own Satanic rosary beads and I've been learning the different vibrations every time I do the god rituals and the demon power rituals. I enjoy practicing the vibrations they're a little tedious at first but when you get into it it gets easier and easier and I do feel the difference in my energy levels and I feel like I'm accomplishing something along with learning different skills in doing this along with meditation and practice of yoga
Hmm, okay, I guess I'll play it safe and stop after day sixteen, then.

But how can I know whether or not I'm going at a good pace vs. too slow?

I don't want to make any unnecessary mistakes, of course, but I also want to push myself. I understand that the time spent having to waste fixing damages would only serve to slow me down anyway.

So, what are the signs you're going too far beyond fatigue/tiredness? Are some people born with a higher threshold for bioelectricity than others?
Well I'm glad your doing well. At least I got a respond from someone....on here...today! . 🙂 I do have seasonal depression. And I am working on that.
I might not sure? If I was born with the higher threshold for bioelectricity or not?
But I was a hyperactive child growing up. And I do have ADD, and OCD.
and I have been known to get a nosebleed once in a while! Especially when the weather's hot. And I do get migraine headaches.
Sinbad. I think you're doing awesome! ❤️ No offense! Why would you want to stop?!? I think you are doing a fabulous job here! I just wanted see if everyone was doing okay on here. LEARNING something new. On here and having fun.
Sharing their experiences! And getting back in shape. I enjoy your posts. And your articles. And I also wanted to tell you that you're doing an awesome job! And I am learning a lot here.
Hmm, okay, I guess I'll play it safe and stop after day sixteen, then.

But how can I know whether or not I'm going at a good pace vs. too slow?

I don't want to make any unnecessary mistakes, of course, but I also want to push myself. I understand that the time spent having to waste fixing damages would only serve to slow me down anyway.

So, what are the signs you're going too far beyond fatigue/tiredness? Are some people born with a higher threshold for bioelectricity than others?

The nature of freeing working is not for beginners because prior steps needed.
For example you can't rise your kundalini right now because you need to prepare your soul for it, and even if you would try, it wouldn't be successful or dangerous if anything.

You can certainly push yourself and see how much you can take in, but not mindlessly. Start with smaller and increase it every often a little bit, so you see what is a comfortable amount.
What you should do every day is cleaning, empowerment, and protection.
You can do multiple workings for all these, for example I clean each of my chakra with 7x Surya, than I also do a returning curses pt1 with 40x surya.
Or you can do a full chakra meditation, to empower your chakras, but then you can also add a Basic spinal series KY to empower them.
These 3 basic thing can be extended for very long and is necesarry to start here, start with even smaller than what I described above.
One can also practice astral hearing and sight when they go to sleep for example, it is not necessary to do your meditations in one session.
I started Freeing the soul(Removing financial Obstacle)MUNKA100x , I started yesterday with 100reps and 8 affirmation instead of 9x for endings..
But today I continued the working thesame 100reps but this time the affirmation is 9x as intended, with the same Affirmation but just that today's own is 9x 'I am totally and completely free from any and all obstacles concerning wealth and money now and permanently'
So I want to ask is the working still valid??Because of increase in affirmation from 8 to 9x??
I started Freeing the soul(Removing financial Obstacle)MUNKA100x , I started yesterday with 100reps and 8 affirmation instead of 9x for endings..
But today I continued the working thesame 100reps but this time the affirmation is 9x as intended, with the same Affirmation but just that today's own is 9x 'I am totally and completely free from any and all obstacles concerning wealth and money now and permanently'
So I want to ask is the working still valid??Because of increase in affirmation from 8 to 9x??
It won't invalidate the working, but only cause a slight decrease in overall efficiency.
As long as you complete your working within 36 hours, you are fine and good to continue.

The number 108 is still effective to use when you are working on freeing the soul or other detachments. It's worth noting that Hindus heavily use it, and disturbances may occur from the astral. Another number to consider is 111, which is excellent for improvement. The number 216 is powerful, although it requires significant discipline to practice daily for 40 days. If you can manage it, then there is no issue.

Stick to doing the working once a day, as originally planned. Some individuals accidentally skip a day and then perform the working twice the following day, and it can still be successful. While this has worked for some, it's not an ideal practice.

The sound and volume do affect potency. The power of vibration has a lesser effect when done mentally than when chanted out loud. Chanting with a low vibrating voice still yields power, which I've done many times due to a lack of privacy.

I always visualize when meditating or doing workings, sometimes during Yoga if I intend to focus on something that benefits from visualization. Visualization helps the mind to direct the energy to fulfill your intentions.

Read my post "The Mind: Focus and Concentration" and Lydia's post "Spiritual Reset Day / Dopamine Detox Day" about dopamine as there is good advice on how to tackle certain distractions caused by society. Workings, void/flame meditation, mindfulness, pineal gland meditation/stimulation, and other measures can be incorporated into your daily and/or spiritual practice, which do help here.

Affirmations can be done at the very end. For example, a full rosary consists of 108 beads; vibrate x108, then affirm three times or more. Stick with the respective number you began with for affirmations, as they are based on numerology. If you make a few more affirmations than intended, just continue the working, as it's likely fine (I've done this). If you miscount the vibrations, then you should cancel out the energy raised by saying "this energy raised for this day is now canceled" and start over. If you miscount your number of vibrations and then proceed with the affirmation, then consider the entire working potentially unsuccessful, as it disturbs the numerological resonance and will affect the overall outcome.

There's no need to charge the rosary beforehand. However, it's advisable to have one for white magic and another for black magic.
What The vibrations and hymns that I do during meditation
What The vibrations and hymns that I do during meditation

Vibrations or hymns that you do during meditation is called and known as 'mantras'. Mantras are sacred sounds, words, or for example sanskrit phrases that is chanted/vibrated repeatedly to obtain certain goals and/or personal powers. It is based upon Kabbalistic speech.

Mantras resonate at particular vibrational frequencies that has the ability to influence consciousness, emotions, and the universe's subtle energies. In other words, you can simply use vibrations/mantras to raise energy and awareness, focus on a specific chakra or aspect of your soul, or engage in spell-working/witchcraft. It’s all up to you and what you desire to change or acquire in your life.

Further reading:
1. Satanic Rosary
2. The Power of Chant
3. Words of Power: Freeing the Soul

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
