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Health #76391 How do I feel better about myself..?


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
I have been realizing that like, I don't like myself and I just absolutely hate myself. I don't know what to do. I just hate...everything about me.
You are just beautiful!

You may have problems and therefore you may not be where you want to be in life, but that doesn't mean you should hate yourself. We can solve almost any problem we have, we have that power, and if we don't have it, we have the means to access that power. Work on yourself, know yourself, get close to the Gods and everything will be okay brother.
Find a purpose and pursue it. Hating yourself is mainly about self-confidence.
If you don't match, as a person, what you consider admirable to be, you won't love yourself or be confident about yourself. What would you base this love, this self-esteem on?
This is why many New Agers, professing unconditional self-love and absolute self-acceptance, are basically depressed, manipulated, and unsuccessful people in any area.
The sense of "self-hating" is an indicator: work on your life.
What causes you admiration or jealousy is the clue to what you should work on.
Be that beauty, culture, communication, money, or absolutely whatever.
Here's a piece of advice that has worked on some people, that uses a principle you should get very familiar with as an SS.

Sit calmly, by yourself, with a paper in front of you, and write this question:

"Do I like myself?"

Simply look at yourself objectively, as you would when asking yourself if you like someone else.
Write any thoughts and courses of thought that come to mind. What do you like about yourself? What do you dislike? Why? How can you change it? If you can't change it, how can you work around it? How can you accept it?
Many, many more questions will come.

Sit with that question and don't get distracted for maybe 30 minutes to an hour.

Do that more than once if you need to.

Self-confidence is a state that is earned with time, as your perceived image of yourself is something that is part of your "thought habits", and thought habits, thought patterns, take time to change, as this is "changing yourself".
This is important as an SS, as you should know your mind, know how it works, and know how to get it to work in your favor. It's a key element of magic that I don't see emphasized by members here enough.
I have been realizing that like, I don't like myself and I just absolutely hate myself. I don't know what to do. I just hate...everything about me.

Beauty 1:

Beauty 2:
I have been realizing that like, I don't like myself and I just absolutely hate myself. I don't know what to do. I just hate...everything about me.
Do you give yourself something to love about yourself?

Hating yourself isn't always without reason. Sometimes it is very valid.

Sometimes there are detestable parts of you and hating this is an indication that you need to burn it out. It can either be pieces of evil in you, or a lack of good in you that you hate. It can also be both.

Since you're here, there is certainly some good in you and the potential for good, it just needs to be unearthed and cultivated.

Most likely you have had impressions in your mind of a version of you that is better and which you love. If not, then you have to come up with it. Do things that will make you become that version of you.

If you can't think of things that you would like about yourself then think about other people, whether they're everyday people or notable figures from history or the present day or even fiction. Figure out what you like so much about them and come up with ways to develop these traits in yourself.

It will take time and effort but transformation doesn't happen overnight. Gradually you can turn the ship around.
I have been realizing that like, I don't like myself and I just absolutely hate myself. I don't know what to do. I just hate...everything about me.
There may be multiple reasons for your feeling.
One that I experience on myself is, I have been lead to hate myself for traumatic experiences and mistreatment when I was a child. So I grow up with this inner feeling, that is indeed wrong to me.
You say you hate "everything" to this seems to be a deep feeling that maybe recently emerged.
If this is your case, you may want to find out if a traumatic event caused this, and solve the issue. I suggest to ask your Guardian Demon to show you the root cause of your self-hate, as it's too personal to be understood by us here. Once found the core issue, I think the forums may help better.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
