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Family #76367 Help for relationship with toxic family

This question is related to the user's family.


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
I am currently living with an abusive/toxic (potentially jewish) mother who has not only been stunting my advancement but has been making my life a living nightmare with constant screaming and driving me to fear doing anything. I can’t talk to my friends, I have a camera that is able to see everything I do in my room and everything I do is monitored and scolded. I have no privacy and I get constantly bombarded with toxicity and fear. I have no father due to my adoption and my mother has ruined my life as it is. I am still a teen minor and am not able to move out without causing more issues than started with. I have an older sister who lives separately with her husband and 3 other roommates. I was thinking of asking my GD and Satya for guidance to help me be able to leave this house at an earlier age. I have reported my mother many times to the school and police, yet everytime they say the same thing “you should listen to your mother, and then she won't get mad at you”. This issue falls deeper than just me not “listening” to her. Due to her not having a spouse, I am the only thing she has to hang on to, she doesn't let me wear things I want, doesn't let me talk to my friends or communicate with anyone outside who she knows.

She has abused me to the point of me fainting. No matter how much she loves me , that's not the way you raise a child. I had been sexually assaulted when I was 9 and had only told my mother 5 years later, she expressed no care whatsoever and instead just said it's fine and I'll be fine. She often slaps my ass as a “joke” yet even after I ask her to stop she just laughs it off. She makes me uncomfortable in many ways, even when she tells me to undress , specifically lift my shirt and take down my pants so she can make sure I don't “self-harm” anymore. No matter how protective you are, making your child undress is too far. At one point, she had made me take off my pants completely and had taken pictures of the cuts on my hips. These pictures included my pubic area and my bare legs. I felt very uncomfortable and it made me break down. I to this day hate her for that. She made my life a living nightmare. She doesn't want me to grow up and leave her to die, that's why she's so strict and wants to know everything that I do.

I am currently doing binding and was wondering if there were any workings (besides asking my GD and Satya for guidance) that I could do so I could either be able to move in with my older sister or somehow get my own apartment sooner and be able to move out earlier than 18. I also have a SS boyfriend who is always trying and can help me irl.

Any help would be appreciated and all words of comfort are thanked. I am happy I have such a strong and helpful community to surround myself in during this situation. Thank you all and HAIL SATYA AND THE GODS!!!
As an option - record episodes of bullying you, turn on a tape recorder or install also a hidden camera, try to gently provoke such her behavior and take the evidence to the police.

I assure you that I was going to suggest the same thing to him. There are many methods like hidden recorders and cameras. Gather enough evidence and you will see that in front of a court your mother can only shut up and pay for her crimes.

Any help would be appreciated and all words of comfort are thanked. I am happy I have such a strong and helpful community to surround myself in during this situation. Thank you all and HAIL SATYA AND THE GODS!!!
I am currently living with an abusive/toxic (potentially jewish) mother who has not only been stunting my advancement but has been making my life a living nightmare with constant screaming and driving me to fear doing anything.
Your situation is really heavy. I feel sorry for you and those living like you.
But consider this: you are still alive, you managed to reach this forum, and apparently you can also meditate. It is a bis goal indeed.

If I were you, I would wait - standing still and resisting until you will be 18+ years old and legally free from your "family". I would daily plan my escape in details. Thinking daily to the day I will be free to go away from that "mother" you have. Plan, look ahead: doing this will add energy to your goal, you need to desire to break free, to plan every detail, to take contacts for any kind of job, home, financial help that can make you free. I am sure that Satan / Satya will help you at the right moment, when things are ready and mainly YOUR MIND is ready to break free.

You say you have been abused. I know what this means: it is appalling, destructive, non-human and unjust. But believe me, I can tell by experience and studies, this is NOT nor it ever will be nor it can in any way be your fault.

This enslaves the mind so, if you simply one day leave from your house, you are at high risk of easily coming back. This happened to me many times. As soon as I finished my school and I were 18+ I packed my bags to a foreign country, I think I would have never returned if I could have managed this. Unfortunately energies, obstacles, unconscious and fate/karma created so many obstacles that I failed in a few days and returned home. I needed some years to break free.
This is different from everyone but remember : put energies in your goal in advance, plan, desire, push and... break free.

It may be easy telling this for some : meditate, perform freeing the soul meditation, stay strong ... etc. This is good and true but listen also to someone who was in a similar situation. Not only magick, meditation, and the Gods will help you, but your own mind. The mind can be so enslaved to your abusive and crazy mother that is like a rope pulling you back, YOU have the power to steer your mind towards freedom. I know it's hard listening to this, few people know how it is difficult to even say "no" to an abusive, enslaving and evil caregiver/parent. Train your mind: say NO to all of this daily while you resist and survive as you have done. Plus your meditation as you can. This NO will grow every day more. Build it, feed it. Grow a NO to all of this in your mind so strong that, when the right day will come and you will see the gate of your prison open in front of you, you will be able to say NO I won't stay here any single second more. Put power in this. Will to suceced is the only key to freedom. Otherwise, you would return back probably.

Well I say this from behind my keyboard, that may sound a bit distant. But accept my encouragement for your honorable desire to break feee. You will suceed, sooner or later.

Any help would be appreciated and all words of comfort are thanked. I am happy I have such a strong and helpful community to surround myself in during this situation. Thank you all and HAIL SATYA AND THE GODS!!!

Yes you are not alone.
Survivors and abused people are in strong need of support and comfort, it is very normal and common. Not a weakness, but a human need.

Note :
(I assume this post is true, as it seems so. Recently I read a bit too many posts of extreme suffering and life destruction by new or anonyme members, so I think some may be fake)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
