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Rituals #75693 The Effectiveness of RTRs


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
Assuming RTRs do indeed have the effect they're intended to, meaning to create a counter vibration to jewish vibrational work a long with the enemy religions, how can they work when the counter vibration is so much larger?

In terms of size, hasidic jews alone outnumber us 100 to 1, and they all read the torah every day for hours, creating that vibration. With them alone, our vibrational work appears to be a squeak compared to a whale making its sound on their end, in terms of numbers.

If we then factor in the moslems praying 5 times a day with their yoga pose in their billions, and the millions of serious xians who pray daily with rosaries, our vibrational "sound" to counter the enemy's appears even more microscopic in its size.

Now having said all this, the RTRs do have a positive effect on me individually, but I am asking about their effect on a global scale, because on the world scale, nothing appears to change.

Sure Israel and some jews have had setbacks here and there, but that's nothing new and could and probably have happened regardless of the RTRs. Hadrian defeated the jews and massacred them without needing any RTRs. Jews were beaten in battle and humiliated by the moslem ottomans when they attempted to create a messianic kingdom with their fake messiah Jacob Frank a few centuries ago, despite all their elaborate kabbalistic rituals to create a messianic kingdom back then.

Jew have had ups and downs in their history, just like they do now. The forums cheering that the RTRs work every time a jew falls down the stairs or Israel been given a slap in the wrist isn't proof the RTRs work on a global scale.

We obviously should keep doing them, if for no other reason than it improves our personal lives and removes jewish influence from ourselves, but I'm not seeing it working on a global scale.
You are forgetting that the Gods are working with us and are putting energy into this work. You are also forgetting that jews have no strong external support spiritually, they are led and assisted by grey and reptilians. And those species are weak, retarded, and insignificant compared to the Gods.
how can they work when the counter vibration is so much larger?

It is not just a question of quantity, but of quality. Jews inherently have a soul that is truly inferior to that of a Gentile. And Jewish spirituality is not nearly as organized as ours.

Many rabbis in some synagogues will read the Torah a few times a year to grant specific curses. We Satanists, we have reversed them over the years, and not just for those holidays, but all year round. But we have not just said their filth backwards, we have raised our energies with Gentile methods, we have used numerology, affirmations, the support of the Gods.

Yes, if the ratio was that some Jew said the biblical curse and some Satanist said it backwards, it would not be effective. But that is not what happened. Now we can directly reverse the alphabet, their soul and their spiritual veil. It is a reversal of themselves, of their essence and not just of what they go around talking about in the synagogues.

Sure Israel and some jews have had setbacks here and there, but that's nothing new and could and probably have happened regardless of the RTRs. Hadrian defeated the jews and massacred them without needing any RTRs. Jews were beaten in battle and humiliated by the moslem ottomans when they attempted to create a messianic kingdom with their fake messiah Jacob Frank a few centuries ago, despite all their elaborate kabbalistic rituals to create a messianic kingdom back then.

Most of why the Jews have power is because of their spiritual dominance. They have done their best to take away the power of the Gentiles.

Did you ask the Gods about this RTRs thing? No, because you don't have telepathy, maybe you have a past life before the Jewish dominance, where telepathy was natural, but a Jew took it away from you and cursed you, so he infiltrated your Nation and if he catches you being a Satanist, he will try to imprison you or have you committed to a psychiatric institution.

The Jews have dominance because they took all the spirituality from the Gentiles. Not because they are actually better than us at governing Nations, they don't know shit about how to run anything and if you see the political jokes and memes you realize that.

Jew have had ups and downs in their history, just like they do now. The forums cheering that the RTRs work every time a jew falls down the stairs or Israel been given a slap in the wrist isn't proof the RTRs work on a global scale.

The situation twenty years ago of kneeling before a Jew just because he was a Jew, while trying to justify him, protect him and kiss his ass no matter what, has completely changed during our RTRs, and today the situation has completely reversed. Israel is sinking more and more, not a Jew falling down the stairs, but Israel sinking.
The reptilians are parasitic by nature - they require external energies raised in order to further their agenda. This is why they rely on the jews and their blood rituals to further their programs. Therefore, reversing these blood rituals and the scriptures that contain the curses IS effective. The more we reverse these, the weaker the source of energy for the related programs of xianity and islam becomes. It is like attacking the disease at the source, as opposed to just treating symptoms. That is why we don't just waste time individually attacking the jewish legs of xianity and islam, and rather hit the torso directly to bring the beast down.

Also, we are coming up to a time Astrologically that will put a lot of energies in our favor and work against the jews. They are going to be in a weakened state. When they first started spreading their filthy programs, they took advantage of certain aspects of the Age of Pisces (illusions and deception) to further their goal. The tides are turning against them now as we shift out of this Age. There are also other Astrological aspects that can spell disaster for the jews, which is why we need to keep on with the rituals like a battering ram.

The world is becoming more and more tired by the nonsense of the jews as it is being exposed for all to see, and this is resulting in anger and resentment. They are being exposed bit by bit. Especially over the genocide of the Palestinians. Another example is all of the sick and depraved acts of jewish celebrities and their pawns in Hollywood, which is starting to rise to the surface more and more.
Assuming RTRs do indeed have the effect they're intended to, meaning to create a counter vibration to jewish vibrational work a long with the enemy religions, how can they work when the counter vibration is so much larger?

In terms of size, hasidic jews alone outnumber us 100 to 1, and they all read the torah every day for hours, creating that vibration. With them alone, our vibrational work appears to be a squeak compared to a whale making its sound on their end, in terms of numbers.

If we then factor in the moslems praying 5 times a day with their yoga pose in their billions, and the millions of serious xians who pray daily with rosaries, our vibrational "sound" to counter the enemy's appears even more microscopic in its size.

Now having said all this, the RTRs do have a positive effect on me individually, but I am asking about their effect on a global scale, because on the world scale, nothing appears to change.

Sure Israel and some jews have had setbacks here and there, but that's nothing new and could and probably have happened regardless of the RTRs. Hadrian defeated the jews and massacred them without needing any RTRs. Jews were beaten in battle and humiliated by the moslem ottomans when they attempted to create a messianic kingdom with their fake messiah Jacob Frank a few centuries ago, despite all their elaborate kabbalistic rituals to create a messianic kingdom back then.

Jew have had ups and downs in their history, just like they do now. The forums cheering that the RTRs work every time a jew falls down the stairs or Israel been given a slap in the wrist isn't proof the RTRs work on a global scale.

We obviously should keep doing them, if for no other reason than it improves our personal lives and removes jewish influence from ourselves, but I'm not seeing it working on a global scale.
You forget that humanoids (Jews) are much smaller in number than humans.

And now mathematically calculate that every day the number of people who make RTR is growing many times and this day is very close when the number of those who will make RTR every day will significantly outgrow the number of all Jews who are still alive.

The enemy will soon run out of numerical resources, which he will very soon lack and very soon he will not be able to make up for it at all, because the majority will be against the enemy.

The complete fall of the enemy is a matter of time.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
