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#175 Am I wrong and being unempathic? [Trigger Warning: Controversial Sexual Topic]


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
I got into a discussion on one of the portals today, because I noticed posts in which people wrote that they felt empathy towards pedophiles. People who defended the victims got dislikes. Posts understanding pedophiles received likes. The argument of these people was that they have no control over it, that they don't always hurt children, that at most they fantasize or watch CP. I'll admit that it angered me as a victim of a pedo, and replied that I don't feel empathy towards pedophiles and that I would rather people focus more on protecting children than empathizing with pedophiles. I wrote that watching CP is just as bad and harmful to children, and that fantasizing about children is not normal because there is nothing sexual about them or that fantasizing can be already dangerous in itself. And I added that they don't know if it will end with mere fantasizing. And I almost got treated as bad person, People started to write that not every pedophile hurts and at most they will think about kids and that they feel empathy for them because they don't control it and that because of people like me they are afraid to report and treat themself. Maybe I'm actually being unempathic, but I also wish people had more empathy for victims, especially children, rather than feeling so much sympathy for pedophiles. On the one hand I try to understand their point of view, on the other hand I cannot in any way empathize or justify pedophiles regardless of whether they harm children or ONLY fantasize, because that was their main argument, that not all pedophiles harm and should not be treated the same as real degenerates. Their next argument was that they shouldn't be oppressed because then they would be afraid of treatment and there should be more talk about it. I, on the other hand, was of the opinion that I would rather protect children from potential pedophiles than focus on sympathizing with them. So either I actually have something wrong with my head and am unempathic or the world has gone downhill.
This raised few questions in my head. From the spiritual point of view of Satanism, how do you feel about pedophiles those who only fantasize about children? Was I really wrong and should I change my point of view? How do you see combating pedophilia in the future?
The fact is that there are people who are sexually attracted to minors. True, it's not normal, and they probably have damaged chakras, but the fact is those people exist and they can't help themselves. In most cases, these people were also molested or abused by others in their childhood too, and this causes trauma.

You reacted to this rather strongly, as if sympathy is a zero-sum game. Yes, it's also important to have empathy for the victims, but also to understand that there are spiritually damaged people who can't help themselves but get attracted to children. What to do with them is another point.

One who abuses children should be executed, in my opinion, as well as the one who makes child porn. But one who watches it doesn't harm any children, especially if it's AI generated, in which case no children were harmed when making it. Porn is bad though, but for other reasons. It's not recommended to watch porn at all, just stating some controversial but true facts. Just because porn is bad for yourself, doesn't mean that watching it harms others, no matter how fucked up it is.

But there are also pedophiles who are aware that they will harm children if they have sex with them, and choose to stay celibate. I have met one who, aside from his perverted sexual attraction, is actually a very good person and is celibate because he understands the harm he will cause. Some of them participate in what is called "age play", i.e. they have a sexual relationship with an adult of the opposite sex who agrees to pretend to be a child during sex. It's harmless (as it involves 2 consensual adults) and one with this abnormal attraction get used to having normal sexual relationships with adults in this way.

As about to whether they are having fantasies in their heads, you cannot control another person's mind. They can do whatever they want and they harm no one. And in most cases, they can't even control their thoughts. Really, if we got to analyze each person's thoughts, everything they have ever thought, almost everyone had at least one nasty or perverted thought or fantasy in their minds.

This topic is very emotionally charged and people usually respond emotionally and in a hostile way to anyone who mentions it, but it's always good to use some logic.

That being said, these people have damaged souls and can be fixed if they develop and transform them.
I will not use the word "paedophile" here, as it is actually more appropriate to speak of "paedosexual" when an adult engages in sexual activity with a child. Paedophile is made up of two Greek words: "παῖς paîs" for "child, boy" and "φιλεῖν philein", which means "to be friendly, to love", whereby this "loving" is to be understood as it occurs in the word φιλοσοφία, philosophía, philosophy. Here the word consists of φιλεῖν (phileîn), "to love", and σοφία (sophía), "wisdom", i.e. it is the "love of wisdom". In this sense, "to be kind or to love" has no sexual component. Nature has designed a child to look "beautiful", almost "cute", because the child should enjoy our protection. In the case of small animals, this is called "puppy protection". In order for the child to experience the world as a loving place to develop, it should grow up well protected. A child needs the protection of its father and mother. It has not yet reached the age of sexuality.
It is the despicable Jews who strive for the early sexualization of children and propagate it everywhere in order to destroy children's souls. That is why they have introduced the word "paedophilia" into specialist literature, in order to do the greatest possible damage to the word.
Therefore the World Economic Forum in Davos declared that paedophilia is an acceptable sexual orientation that deserves respect.
According to the criminal Jew Klaus Schwab ( ) and his globalist cronies, pedophiles must be added to the protected class of citizens in Western countries who identify as LGBTQ and benefit from hate crime protections. Under Schwab's directive, in countries like Trudeau's Canada, anyone found guilty of offending a pedophile could face five years to life in prison. The criminal WHO should follow suit.

Regardless of whether the WEF or the WHO wants to trivialize this pedocrime, for me it remains a serious crime against children that leads to permanent damage. Sexuality is such an incredible force that a child simply cannot process it. Anyone who has gone through their own puberty alone knows what a powerful change occurs in the body.

In fact, many of these paedosexuals were sexually abused as children themselves, or they were so abused in their childhood that they simply did not have a good childhood and are now taking a detour as adults in order to regain their childhood. Of course, it is an illusion to get your childhood back in this way. It is often their own fathers or grandfathers who abuse children. They themselves were abused as a child and are now trying to exert their power games on the child again.

Of course, this paedosexuality is not limited to men. There is plenty of evidence of female paedosexuality. The causes of this are beyond my knowledge, as I only know of victims who were abused as children or boys by their aunts, etc. An extremely unpleasant topic for me.

Another cause is the invented celibacy of the church. It is well known that many priests give in to their sexual pressure by sexually offending altar boys because they are the only "contacts" they have contact with.
In Germany, according to a ruling by a regional court in Hanover, the Catholic Church can officially be described as a "child-fucking sect" without being punished for it.

Incidentally, I don't believe that people with this kind of disposition want to prevent themselves from committing an offense by watching CP. It is precisely by watching CP that their sexual desire is maintained and nourished. One day they will want to do the deed. In this respect, I am also shocked that in Germany the possession and consumption of CP has only been considered an administrative offense since July 2024.

I can only answer the questioner: he is by no means lacking in empathy. You shouldn't develop empathy for the perpetrator first and foremost, but for the victim. Adults not only have rights, but also duties. The violation or negation of these duties cannot be justified by an abusive past or a lack of parental love. Those who are adults are also responsible for their actions.

A state that does not lock up a rapist or perpetrator who has sexually abused a child, but releases them on probation, deserves nothing but contempt from my side.

Hail Satanas!
Hail Luciferus!
Hail Wotanas!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
