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🪐 List of Affirmations For Planetary Squares 🪐

Academic Scholar

Active member
Sep 20, 2017
[email protected]
Here’s a list of affirmations you could use in planetary squares! Feel free to add on.

*These audio recordings by HPS Maxine Dietrich show how to correctly pronounce the Sanskrit mantras in Satan’s Magical Planetary Squares:

Sun Square Affirmation:

“The energy of the sun is fully cleansing my soul, the energy of the sun is also completely removing and destroying anything preventing the positive manifestation of my natal sun.”


Sun Square Affirmation:

“In the most positive and healthy manner for me, the energies of the Sun are now completely and permanently empowering and regenerating me and my body.”


Sun Square Affirmation:

“In a positive and healthy way the sun is negating any and all negative natal influences on me now, continously and forever.”


Sun Square Affirmation:

“In a positive manner, the energies of the sun square are permanently and completely nullifying all negative Saturn influence in my life.”


Jupiter Square Affirmation:

“In a positive and healthy way for me, the energy of the Jupiter square is permanently increasing, strengthening and fully empowering my good luck and fortune in every way. The energy of the Jupiter square also permanently removes and destroys everything that weakens the positive qualities of my natal Jupiter.”


Mars Square Affirmation:

“The energy of Mars is permanently improving my motivation and ambition in all areas of my life, in positive and beneficial ways for me.”


Sun Square Affirmation:

“In a positive and healthy manner for me, the energy of the Sun square is attracting extremely large amounts of free and easy money to me. This money is all mine to keep or to spend as I please.”

Keep up the good work sister. Btw is that you in that pfp.
Academic Scholar said:

Nice! :cool:
I like that you added in the sources of those affirmations as well. :D

I also have some affirmations to suggest! :) (the source is my brain :lol: )

(For any square except for Saturn)
  • The beneficial/positive energies of the ___ (planet's name) square are empowering and blessing my life now and forever, in a positive way for me.
  • The above can also be done but instead of "my life" you can say "my ___ (number of astrological) House". For example, if you have Sun in your 6th House, that is the House of work, health, routines... You can do this kind of square to empower that house positively, with the positive energies of the Sun. (not quite sure how Mars would affect this one... I assume that if you say "the positive energies of the Mars square" it will most likely not include the infighting or excessive anger and whatnot) This can also be done with Houses in your chart that do *not* have that planet in them, but you'd like that planet's energies in that House.
  • The positive energies of ___ (planet's name) square are constantly empowering my ___ (name of chakra that this planet rules) and its extensions, now and forever, in a positive way for me. (or after "its extensions" you can add "and removing any and all blockages, now and forever, in a positive way for me")

  • An affirmation I had also used for the Moon square a looong time ago (but was quite effective) was "I am now and forever, in a complete balance, harmonization and self-knowledge with myself, my emotions, my subconscious and my soul. I am now and always aware of myself and my soul with complete clarity and honesty".
    <-- I translated this from my own native language, so it may sound a bit "off". If I repeated the Moon square, I would most certainly include "the positive energies of the Moon give me full clarity and awareness about myself..." etc etc.
Thanks for this! It's really helpful.

Here's some additional affirmations:
Mercury Square Affirmation:

"In a positive and healthy manner for me, the energy of Mercury is completely enhancing my physical speed and my physical agility now and forever."

Mercury Square Affirmation:

"In a positive and healthy manner for me, the energy of Mercury is completely enhancing my mental intelligence now and forever."

Mars Square Affirmation:

"In a positive and healthy manner for me, the energy of Mars is completely enhancing my physical strength and my physical durability now and forever."

Mars Square Affirmation:

"In a positive and healthy manner for me, the energy of Mars is completely enhancing my physical stamina and my ability to recover from exercise now and forever."
This an affirmation that was created by the user Blitzkreig:
Sun Square Affirmation:

“In a positive and healthy manner for me, the energy of the Sun is completely and permanently enhancing my body to sleep and recuperate at a substantially faster rate, giving me more productive time per day.”
Here’s another link that shows the audio recordings of HPS Maxine vibrating the Sanskrit mantras in the Planetary Squares (in case the first two links don’t work): http://bucurialuisatan.com/pronuntia-mantrelor-patratelor-cabalistice-ale-planetelor/

List of magic workings: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=54768
Jack said:
Keep up the good work sister. Btw is that you in that pfp.

That's a model lol. Appropriately the set of photos is called "Lilith and the Serpent"


Here's a collection of them.
Academic Scholar said:
Mercury Square Affirmation:

"In a positive and healthy manner for me, the energy of Mercury is completely enhancing my mental intelligence now and forever."

Would you use the spiritual or material square for this one? I wanna take advantage of the Mercury Square this Wednesday
Academic Scholar said:
Mars Square Affirmation:

“My health, vitality, and strength are permanently increasing in beneficial ways for me.”


This is for material one right? For a spiritual square which is the best affirmation? Thanks.

Hail Father Satan!
Ansuz.Oss said:
Academic Scholar said:
Mars Square Affirmation:

“My health, vitality, and strength are permanently increasing in beneficial ways for me.”


This is for material one right? For a spiritual square which is the best affirmation? Thanks.

Hail Father Satan!
Spiritual Square:
'' My sacral chakra is now empowered and open and the beneficial characteristics of Mars are amplified for me, in the most positive and healthy ways possible. ''
Ansuz.Oss said:
Academic Scholar said:
Mars Square Affirmation:

“My health, vitality, and strength are permanently increasing in beneficial ways for me.”


This is for material one right? For a spiritual square which is the best affirmation? Thanks.

Hail Father Satan!

It can be used for either. All the qualities described have both a material and a spiritual expression.
Ideas to stay blessed, never stressed.

Material Sun Square / Working affirmation:

In a happy and beneficial way I receive lots of very easy money now.

Material Jupiter Square / Working affirmation:

In a positive and healthy way my material wealth and assets are increasing now and forever.
Venus Square Affirmation:

“In a positive and healthy manner for me, the energy of Venus is completely enhancing my beauty now and forever.”

Venus Square Affirmation:

“In a positive and healthy manner for me, the energy of Venus is completely enhancing my charm, allure and grace now and forever.”

Spiritual Jupiter Square Affirmation by Ol argedco luciftias:

“I am successful, I am prosperous, I am blessed.”


Mars Square Affirmation by Blitzkreig:

“This Mars Square has permanently given me the drive, energy, and ability to spiritually advance as fast as possible, at all times, in a totally positive and harmonious manner for me.” (This is supposed to be affirmed 10 times)


Spiritual Jupiter Square Affirmation (for when Jupiter is in Pisces) by Henu the Great:

“In a positive and healthy way my crown chakra is completely and fully empowered now and forever.”


Mars Square Affirmation:

“In a positive and healthy manner for me, the energy of Mars is completely enhancing my energy and vitality now and forever.”

Mars Square Affirmation:

“In a positive and healthy manner for me, the energy of Mars is completely strengthening my bones and tendons now and forever.”
Thank you very much for the affirmations, and a even bigger thanks for the book in your signature, i belive it will help me greatly! Cheers!

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Mother Lilith!
Hail Teacher!
Hail Guardian!
What Jupiter affirmation would you recommend for someone struggling with love? Not necessarily romantic.
Charlotte61903 said:
What Jupiter affirmation would you recommend for someone struggling with love? Not necessarily romantic.

Jupiter doesn’t rule love. You want the Venus square for that.
Legendary Creature said:
Charlotte61903 said:
What Jupiter affirmation would you recommend for someone struggling with love? Not necessarily romantic.

Jupiter doesn’t rule love. You want the Venus square for that.
You are right about that but Jupiter can bring luck and expansion/growth in any area.
Charlotte61903 said:
What Jupiter affirmation would you recommend for someone struggling with love? Not necessarily romantic.

Venus is retrograde right now, this is actually a bad time for a love spell, even if it is not related to Venus.
Academic Scholar said:
Charlotte61903 said:
What Jupiter affirmation would you recommend for someone struggling with love? Not necessarily romantic.
I’m not sure. Could you be more specific please? What’s your end goal, what exactly do you want to achieve?

I made a recent post regarding this. It's a loss of love from parents, just the general feeling of being loved and cared for is something that I have lacked in my life. I'm feeling more positive after opening up about it, but I know this isn't a problem that will just disappear. It also doesn't help that on my chart Jupiter was in 15 degrees of Leo and around this time my relationship with my Grandma was damaged severely.
Academic Scholar said:
Spiritual Jupiter Square Affirmation (for when Jupiter is in Pisces) by Henu the Great:

“In a positive and healthy way my crown chakra is completely and fully empowered now and forever.”

I would add Pineal gland to it:

In a positive and healthy way my crown and pineal chakras are completely and fully empowered now and forever. x8 reps.

Is there a difference if I only use fully empowered without completely?

In a positive and healthy way, my crown and pineal chakras are fully empowered now and forever. x8 reps
Thank you for posting this, especially the pronunciation links, cheers!
Fuchs said:
Academic Scholar said:
Spiritual Jupiter Square Affirmation (for when Jupiter is in Pisces) by Henu the Great:

“In a positive and healthy way my crown chakra is completely and fully empowered now and forever.”

I would add Pineal gland to it:

In a positive and healthy way my crown and pineal chakras are completely and fully empowered now and forever. x8 reps.

Is there a difference if I only use fully empowered without completely?

In a positive and healthy way, my crown and pineal chakras are fully empowered now and forever. x8 reps
Yes, the affirmations can be tailored to personal wants and needs.

I did not include that into affirmation since daily pineal empowerment comes from other methods and empowering crown will enhance pineal as well.
Henu the Great said:
Fuchs said:
Academic Scholar said:
Spiritual Jupiter Square Affirmation (for when Jupiter is in Pisces) by Henu the Great:

“In a positive and healthy way my crown chakra is completely and fully empowered now and forever.”

I would add Pineal gland to it:

In a positive and healthy way my crown and pineal chakras are completely and fully empowered now and forever. x8 reps.

Is there a difference if I only use fully empowered without completely?

In a positive and healthy way, my crown and pineal chakras are fully empowered now and forever. x8 reps
Yes, the affirmations can be tailored to personal wants and needs.

I did not include that into affirmation since daily pineal empowerment comes from other methods and empowering crown will enhance pineal as well.
I think the chakras and glands are more connected than we think. I do feel my pineal gland when I empower my crown chakra.
Henu the Great said:
Fuchs said:
Academic Scholar said:
Spiritual Jupiter Square Affirmation (for when Jupiter is in Pisces) by Henu the Great:

“In a positive and healthy way my crown chakra is completely and fully empowered now and forever.”

I would add Pineal gland to it:

In a positive and healthy way my crown and pineal chakras are completely and fully empowered now and forever. x8 reps.

Is there a difference if I only use fully empowered without completely?

In a positive and healthy way, my crown and pineal chakras are fully empowered now and forever. x8 reps
Yes, the affirmations can be tailored to personal wants and needs.

I did not include that into affirmation since daily pineal empowerment comes from other methods and empowering crown will enhance pineal as well.

I thought completely and fully empowered is the same meaning or did I oversee something?
Jupiter Spiritual Square:

In a beneficial and healthy manner, the energy of the Jupiter square is completely and fully sublimating the affairs of my (Number) Natal house in which Jupiter is posited in, continuously and forever.
Spiritual Venus Square Affirmation:

“In a positive and healthy way for me, the energy of Venus is completely improving my love live."x8reps
Fuchs said:
Henu the Great said:
Fuchs said:
I would add Pineal gland to it:

In a positive and healthy way my crown and pineal chakras are completely and fully empowered now and forever. x8 reps.

Is there a difference if I only use fully empowered without completely?

In a positive and healthy way, my crown and pineal chakras are fully empowered now and forever. x8 reps
Yes, the affirmations can be tailored to personal wants and needs.

I did not include that into affirmation since daily pineal empowerment comes from other methods and empowering crown will enhance pineal as well.

I thought completely and fully empowered is the same meaning or did I oversee something?

I like to use completely and fully or completely and totally. They are generally the same but I find it helps ingrain the mind.
I have a question. I noticed the typical separation is NAMA for material goals, and SVAHA for spiritual goals, but on the JOS page it mentions health for the spiritual mantra.

For a working that improves an aspect of the self, say more energy to get things done in the day for mars, or becoming incredibly intelligent for mercury, would one do the material or the spiritual for such? I used to think material for such (since these things feel like something the physical body handles) but after looking at it again I am not sure.

I get this vibe that NAMA is less purely material matters and more for working to enact change in the physical world (i.e. for material prosperity/success) while SVAHA holds domain over affecting the self both spiritual and physical (since physical health seems like a very physical thing, yet according to JOS site it falls explicitly in SVAHA's domain)

What are your thoughts?
WinterWarrior666 said:
I have a question. I noticed the typical separation is NAMA for material goals, and SVAHA for spiritual goals, but on the JOS page it mentions health for the spiritual mantra.

For a working that improves an aspect of the self, say more energy to get things done in the day for mars, or becoming incredibly intelligent for mercury, would one do the material or the spiritual for such? I used to think material for such (since these things feel like something the physical body handles) but after looking at it again I am not sure.

I get this vibe that NAMA is less purely material matters and more for working to enact change in the physical world (i.e. for material prosperity/success) while SVAHA holds domain over affecting the self both spiritual and physical (since physical health seems like a very physical thing, yet according to JOS site it falls explicitly in SVAHA's domain)

What are your thoughts?

Yeah, from what I can see SVAHA can be used for goals that affect the spiritual, mental and emotional plane, and workings that affect what's "within" in general; while NAMA is for exterior goals that affect your body and the environment.

You can use either for health, but spiritual is better because it exerts a change that comes from within. You improve your organs, your tissues, etc, which in turn improve your health by operating better.
Academic Scholar said:
Jupiter Square Affirmation:

“In a positive and healthy way for me, the energy of the Jupiter square is permanently increasing, strengthening and fully empowering my good luck and fortune in every way. The energy of the Jupiter square also permanently removes and destroys everything that weakens the positive qualities of my natal Jupiter.”
Which square would you suggest for this affirmation, the material one or the spiritual one?
Νίκος said:
Academic Scholar said:
Jupiter Square Affirmation:

“In a positive and healthy way for me, the energy of the Jupiter square is permanently increasing, strengthening and fully empowering my good luck and fortune in every way. The energy of the Jupiter square also permanently removes and destroys everything that weakens the positive qualities of my natal Jupiter.”
Which square would you suggest for this affirmation, the material one or the spiritual one?
The first part of the affirmation is good for material one, and the second part for spiritual. Choose one part for it to be effective according to your desire.
Henu the Great said:
The first part of the affirmation is good for material one, and the second part for spiritual. Choose one part for it to be effective according to your desire.

Thank you!
I'am doing the first part with spiritual square, am i doing wrong?
Νίκος said:
Which square would you suggest for this affirmation, the material one or the spiritual one?
I should add to my previous post that spiritual square works with both parts of the affirmation. The most important thing is to remain to the point with the affirmation and not state too many avenues for the energy to be applied to, resulting in diluted result.
Mars Square Affirmation:

“In a healthy and positive manner for me, the energy of Mars is increasing the strength of my tendons, joints and ligaments forever.”

Venus Square Affirmation by Lydia:

“In a positive and healthy manner for me, the energy of Venus is bringing me a happy and loving relationship with the perfect partner for me.”


Venus Square Affirmation by Lydia:

“I am becoming more beautiful in every way.”

Some Questions About Planetary Squares Answered by HP HC:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
