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Harnessing the Power of the Sun - Additional Informations


Jun 23, 2023
Peace be with you,
This text is dedicated Lord Sorath.

It might not have been right to share about astrology. After all, I will not only talk about astrology, but also about spiritual work.

The mind is a very mysterious and mysterious thing. Especially the part that we magicians use.
Most of us are used to drawing energy from the Moon or other planets. The Sun is hundreds of times more powerful than these planets.
The Sun's energy contains the entire color spectrum in its purest form. That is why I believe it is very important for the majority of SS to take advantage of it. I would like to list some useful information and case studies about it.

COLOR: White-Gold [Bright as the Sun]
PAGE: 10
Gender Male
DAY Sunday
FUNCTION: This chakra is the power center of the soul; will, power, manipulation
INNER STATE: Will, timing. This chakra is Lucifer's Grail. SUN


The sun chakra is the most important chakra. In Sanskrit it is known as "Manipura". It is the chakra of the will and most importantly the Lucifer Grail, which stores the elixir of life secreted by the pineal gland. It is here that the healing power of the soul radiates.

Sun Chakra Work;
If you don't have willpower, it means you need to work more on your sun chakra, because the sun chakra is willpower and the power to live, fight, etc., so I don't know how far you are with your own power. meditations OR even if you have started working on the chakras... if not, start with that first and if you see that you still don't have willpower, then try to work on your sun chakra a little bit more often, like breathing directly the white gold energy from the sun.

Open your sun chakra and program the energy to open your sun chakra, "in a positive and healthy way, my sun chakra is permanently opened; my sun chakra is active, balanced and strong from now on". 

If you are already working on your chakras, you can start using runes like NAUTHIZ and EIHWAZ:

Runic Sun Chakra Work;
Nauthiz is a rune of endurance and will. Mental strength to endure. It represents the dark night of the soul. It is linked to the rune Hagl. When used in white magic, this rune gives the power to defy and carry on when all hope seems lost. It is a rune of survival and fearlessness in the face of death. When directed at another, this rune can give spiritual strength to carry on and endure in the face of disaster. When used in black magic it brings pain and distress. Naudh is a rune of friction and resistance. A rune that represents banishment and cleansing by fire. Naudh can be used in counterspells. Develops willpower and self-sufficiency. A rune of trial and test. Obsidian is the gem used with this rune. Obsidian is also the gem of the planet Saturn that gives difficulty and endurance.


It is used in witchcraft (communicating with the dead). It is a death rune and power over the dead. Eihwaz strengthens the will and can be used in past life regressions to gain knowledge and wisdom from previous lives. It represents the power of kundalini. This rune protects the soul against all kinds of difficulties. Like the planet Pluto, it is a rune of transformation through death and rebirth and governs deep and powerful transformation on all levels. Smoky quartz is used with this rune. Both can be used to activate and elevate kundalini.

So these runes will help you get your willpower back... which means you can do studies lasting 40, 80, 90 or 120 days (I prefer 90 days due to something lydia and others have discussed in another forum), I would also watch that you NEVER start any studies when the moon's void occurs of course, I would also try to start studies close to the full moon, especially with something GROWING instead of END like this one. forum), I would also watch that you NEVER start any work when the moon's void of course occurs, I would also try to start work close to the full moon, especially something like this that is GROWING instead of FINAL... but when it comes to the exact times of such work...
Someone with astrology knowledge will help you

Planetary Sun Chakra Work;
This work is strictly for people who have reached a certain level. Do not do this study if you have not worked with the sun before.

Calm down and meditate in a sunny place (if possible) until you are in a meditative state. Visualize that your body is connected to the sun by a direct link and that your whole light body is filled with energy.

The essence of life, the golden energy of the Sun; get lost in the beginning of everything. Silence your mind.
Keep the energy cooling.
Now affirm;
"The golden energy of the Sun has strengthened and activated my Sun chakra.''

Solar System-Article Section

Bel is also a title meaning "Lord". Saman is a sun god and these are ritual dates based on the sun. Bel is the sun god according to ancient Europeans. Bella, Belle and similar European names for beauty also come from Bel. I realized how close Lammas is to Sammas, Beltane is also a solar ritual and Bel-Samhain is a title of Saman. The text says these are Beltane and Samhain.

Bel'e also has Druidic ritual sites all over the Americas. There is an old Druid temple in Oklahoma where the walls of the temple have chants written in the Bel'e Ogham language. There are also sites in America with images of Cernuous made by Druids. Cernuous is represented as Shiva in the ancient Indus Valley, and the name Cernuous is related to Jupiter in the sense of Jupiter. Shiva is also a title of Indra or Jupiter. Since Satan is Shiva and Satan is a Sanskrit title of Shiva, Cernuous was probably Satan to the ancient Druids in Europe. Satanama is a mantra of Jupiter.


If you look at the solar system, you see something astonishing;


A Saturn-sized planet between Mars and Jupiter has disappeared. It is a known and well-documented fact that there is a missing planet, if the current asteroid field is present in the region where Phaeton was found. The surface of Mars has documented man-made structures, and the surface has been subjected to a combined attack by thermonuclear weapons and plasma weapons. Plasma weapons created the Valles Marineris trench on Mars. In his book "Cosmic Warfare", Joseph P. Farrell proved that the amount of energy needed to destroy a planet the size of Phaeton could only be produced by an artificial weapons system. The Phobos moon of Mars is also an artificial hollow moon, as Russian scientists have shown by the artificial structures on its surface. The moon around the Earth is also hollow, with artificial structures and enemy ET ships using it as a base. There is evidence that the surface of the moon has also been subjected to thermonuclear attacks. About ten thousand years ago, something happened on Earth that shifted the planet 30 degrees off its axis, flooded the world and created the Andes and Himalayan mountain ranges. The flooding and destruction in all accounts was caused by Phaeton's shock wave and fallout. We also know that about ten thousand years ago a huge nuclear weapon was detonated on earth in what is now Rajasthan, India. Ancient texts call it the Mahabharata war. There is evidence that the surface of the moon has also been subjected to thermonuclear attacks. About ten thousand years ago, something happened on Earth that shifted the planet 30 degrees off its axis, flooded the earth and created the Andes and Himalayan mountain ranges. In all accounts, the flooding and destruction was caused by Phaeton's shockwave and fallout.

originated. We also know that about ten thousand years ago, in what is now Rajasthan in India, a huge nuclear weapon was detonated on the earth. Ancient texts call it the Mahabharata war. There is evidence that the surface of the moon has also been subjected to thermonuclear attacks. About ten thousand years ago, something happened on Earth that deflected the planet 30 degrees off its axis, flooded the earth and created the Andes and Himalayan mountain ranges. The flooding and destruction in all accounts was caused by Phaeton's shock wave and fallout. We also know that about ten thousand years ago a huge nuclear weapon was detonated on earth in what is now Rajasthan, India. Ancient texts call it the Mahabharata war. We also know that about ten thousand years ago a major nuclear weapon was detonated on the earth in what is now Rajasthan, India. The ancient texts call it the Mahabharata war. We also know that about ten thousand years ago a major nuclear weapon was detonated on the earth in what is now Rajasthan, India. The ancient texts call it the Mahabharata war.

Saturn is the most revealing. Saturn's moon Iapetus. This moon is an artificial hollow moon whose orbital mechanics show that it is parked in a place not captured by the planet's gravity. There are also what appear to be artificial structures on its surface. The rings around the planet Saturn are also artificially created and maintained. Dr. Norman Bergun has discussed this in detail. The rings are protected by a kind of artificially constructed ships that go into and around the rings and protect and produce them. The images of the rings taken by NASA actually show this.

The reason why the rings are built around Saturn is that this magnifies the astral frequency of the planet. The rings are huge broadcast antennas that amplify the vibrational frequency of the planets towards other planets and stars in our solar system, trying to connect with them and create a stronger resonance in their astral network.

In order to take over the earth's energy field, the enemy has built their churches, mosques and synagogues in key areas of the earth's energy network. The structures and dates in these places are related to the times when the earth's energy field was strengthened by the sun. And the structures were built on Saturn's astral belt to transmit the signal more strongly. This serves to tune the earth's energy grid to Saturn's energy grid. The symbols and rituals performed in these places and on these dates are designed to connect to Saturn's amplified energy field to tune its frequency like a radio and then use the structures on earth to transmit and connect this signal to the earth's astral energy network to the mass mind. This is simple astral physics.

There is a note in the myth that Kronos (Saturn) ate his own children. The Greeks state this to symbolize what Saturn's power represents, that all beings born in time will eventually die. The life force is called the waters of life. And as people get older they dry up and die. This is governed by Saturn, it slows down and dries up the vibration and the flow of energy, which causes matter to weaken and die. This causes disease. Saturn is the planet of death and old age and is symbolized by the Grim Reaper. Zeus is the serpent god who overthrew Saturn and became immortal. This is the symbol of the Magnum Opus, which overcomes the influence of Saturn.

The unopened and unempowered soul is in a state of entropy and is exposed to the negative frequency of Saturn. Hindu and Egyptian texts talk about this. This is why the Jewish enemy has eliminated spiritual knowledge and wants people to grow old and die and not have spiritual consciousness, so that they remain in control. Death removes people from knowledge and leaves them to be reborn with amnesia of past lives and any knowledge that the enemy wants eliminated.

That's why we need meditation, otherwise; the soul will be weakened for lifetimes and will no longer be able to reincarnate, that's all.

You can use the affirmations here to draw energy from the sun. Repeat in numbers like 40, 60, 80 or 90.

Note: Academic Scholar shared 3 of these affirmations in his folder. I apologize for adding them here without his permission.

Jupiter Square Affirmation by Egon:

"Jupiter's energy permanently removes blockages and strengthens my 7th chakra, pineal gland and all my astral senses in a safe and positive way."

Source: https://archive.ph/xEOJ7

Generic Spiritual Square Empowerment Affirmation by Egon:

"The [planet name] energy in my soul and in my birth chart is permanently strengthening in a safe and positive way now and forever."

Source: https://archive.ph/xEOJ7

Mercury Square Affirmation by Blitzkrieg:

"This Mercury square developed my 12th house relationships in the best way for me, strong and lasting."

Source: https://archive.ph/koj0y

Mars Square Affirmation by Blitzkrieg:

"Mars Square has permanently reduced the amount of time I need to sleep, in a completely positive and healthy way for me."

Source: https://archive.ph/T3N4w

Home Strengthening Work
"This energy of the sun, at its best for me, _______ has given me a permanently solar expression in all the work of my house."

Chakra Strengthening Work
"This energy of the sun strengthens all my chakras.

Disciplinary Work
"This energy of the sun increases my discipline towards my responsibilities.

General empowerment (includes the birth house where your Sun is located)
"This energy of the sun has permanently developed the solar energy of my soul in the best way for me."

Empowerment of specific households - transforming one's work
"This energy of the sun has permanently improved all the work of my house _____ in the best way for me."

Retrofitting specific homes - adding solar power to a specific home (see examples here)
"This energy of the sun, at its best for me, _______ gave me a permanently solar expression in all the work of my house."

Creation of solar attributes for a specific purpose (can be added to multiple houses)
"This energy of the sun has permanently created a solar drive and ______ expression for me in the best way possible."
Examples include: career, hobby, meditation, demonic career/warfare, organization membership, communication, finance Again, we will look at how the Sun can manifest
See "Solar connection in homes" for ideas on _______ has increased my energy, motivation and ability to move forward/complete my work in the way that works best for me." 


"This energy of the sun has permanently improved my total vitality in the best way for me."

Leadership ability
"This energy of the sun has permanently improved my ability to lead others (in general or in a specific area) in the way that is best for me."

Sleep/Recovery (similar to health)
"The sun's energy has completely and permanently improved my body's ability to sleep and heal in the best way possible for me, much faster."

Negation of negative influences/karma - birth
"This energy of the Sun has permanently removed any obstacles for me in the best way possible regarding my ______ planet/home/specific abilities."

Negation of negative effects - transitions
"This energy of the sun, for me at its best, has permanently removed the negative manifestations from the ______ plant/specific transit."

Majical Square Work
The beneficial/positive energies of the ___ (name of the planet) square are positively empowering and blessing my life now and forever.

Wealth/Abundance - General - permanent
"This energy of the sun has permanently increased my natural abundance and wealth in a completely positive, legal and easy way for me."

Wealth/Abundance - Satanic - permanent
"This energy of the Sun has permanently given me the wealth and opportunities to advance my Satanic career (advancement/war ability) in a completely positive and legal way for me."

Wealth/Abundance - General - urgent
"This energy of the sun has now manifested a huge amount of wealth in my completely positive, legal, permanent ownership.

Career development - permanent
"This energy of the sun, in the best way for me, has permanently accelerated my progress in _______ career/work/organization."

Career development - urgent
"This energy of the sun has now improved my position in _______ career/work/organization in a completely positive way for me."

View from authority recovery
"This energy of the sun has improved the way the authorities in _______ government/legal system/my job view me in the best way for me."

Family freedom
''I am completely free from the pressure of my family members''
Satan's Crow said:
The mind is a very mysterious and mysterious thing. Especially the part that we magicians use.
Most of us are used to drawing energy from the Moon or other planets.

a lot of us? using the moon? stay away from me brothers who are followers of it, with respect. :cry:

nice topic.

I have used lonar energies for my 3rd Eye many times in the past but usually I can control solar energies more easily. I think it has something to do with my birth chart.

I don't quite understand what you mean in the first line.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
