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  1. Luzebel

    Spiritual Satanism vs. Luciferianism

    The majority of them*
  2. Luzebel

    Spiritual Satanism vs. Luciferianism

    Give me examples. Who are they? How do you know it's the majority of time?
  3. Luzebel

    Spiritual Satanism vs. Luciferianism

    Yes I'm crazy, but that's not the point. Tell me where does it state that Luciferianism incorporates Qlippoth or any kind of Jewish nonsense. Edgelord authors like Michael Ford don't apply. Lucifer is a european god, whoever incorporates jewish crap into it is not practicing Luciferianism at...
  4. Luzebel

    Gustave Moreau paintings:

    I never saw anything from this artist before, thank you for the great discovery. Any more suggestions for pagan type artists? Bonus points of there's some fantasy thrown into the mix.
  5. Luzebel

    My sincere advice if you’re a jew

    I don't think jews can ever give up on their jewishness. It's part of their DNA makeup. They will always feel the urge to destroy what others build.
  6. Luzebel

    Spiritual Satanism vs. Luciferianism

    Is this knowledge you got from Alex Jones and other people who dance with rabbis? Is Lucifer a Jewish name? Is Lucifer a hebrew deity? Who was Lucifer? One of the emblems of Rome, alongside Venus. What do the jews hate more than the Gods of edom, especially the God of Light of Edom? Do yourself...
  7. Luzebel

    Directly from the Zohar: Jews send their negative karma to Whites and admit it's a crime to do so

    They are relentless parasites and that's why it is so important to curse them back.
  8. Luzebel

    Spiritual Satanism vs. Luciferianism

    What kind of nonsense is that?
  9. Luzebel

    Aren't Jews overrated? For example, isn't Einstein overrated?

    Jews are not as smart as they want us to think. They cannot hide their true nature. Meaning that if you expose them, if you call them Jewish, they'll lose their minds and say you're jealous of the Jews, instead of trying to deny it. Their urge to defend their Jewishness will always take over...
  10. Luzebel

    Donald Trump Assassination Attempt

    I find it strange that the crowd behind him seemed unbothered. Most didn't run away, didn't try to take cover, most people in the crowd behind didn't even look scared in the slightest.
  11. Luzebel


    Exactly. People wrote fiction back then, it's nothing new.
  12. Luzebel

    Sperm/Egg donors, a viable alternative to marriage?

    Why would anyone do that? If you want kids, start a normal family with a member of the opposite sex and have your kids grow in a healthy household.
  13. Luzebel


    He never existed to begin with, that solves all of the questions.
  14. Luzebel


    Because the earliest christians were all Jewish. Here are their tombs.
  15. Luzebel

    Is morality being used and exploited against us in an unexpected way?

    Yes. Our emotions are being used against us all the time. We are made to feel bad for not being overtly compassionate or loving. Truth is, these feelings are useful for human contact, in the grand scheme of things they are a hindrance. Compassion/emotion will always be the worst enemy of...
  16. Luzebel

    Hymn to King Paimon

    No it's not hebrew at all.
  17. Luzebel

    Hymn to King Paimon

    King Paimon became one of my favourite Gods two years ago. I went near a rive and asked him to give me inspiration. All of a sudden, I felt guided, urged to write a song. It happened just like that. I went inside, fired up Cubase and I recorded this song in one shot. I had absolutely no...
  18. Luzebel

    The cause of the Jew's inability to produce art, and more.

    Thank you, I didn't know about that. Can I read more about that somewhere? It's crazy how much lies the kikes create, it becomes hard to know what to believe.
  19. Luzebel

    The cause of the Jew's inability to produce art, and more.

    I know more than enough about the jews as of now, you are right. I assure you I am not attracted to them, but I am by nature attracted to knowledge and sometimes gaining knowledge involves taking risks. I genuinely felt ill for 3 days straight after talking to the him. His whole anti-existence...
  20. Luzebel

    The cause of the Jew's inability to produce art, and more.

    It doesn't feel like a waste to me, it led me to understand their inner sickness better, and even learn from you (due to making this thread) that they are missing chakras. I didn't know about that but that would make sense. Is there a page on JOS or Kabbalah Exposed that could tell me more? I'm...
  21. Luzebel

    The cause of the Jew's inability to produce art, and more.

    I've had a 3 days-long debate with a Jew. Obviously it started awfully but on the final day we got to share our spiritual beliefs while ignoring each other's respective religions. It ended well and I left it at that, because jews are insanely argumentative, it never ends. Why did I waste 3 days...
  22. Luzebel

    When was Joy of Satan officially born?

    It's way older than I thought wow. So much precious information accumulated over the years, JOS has become my main source of occult knowledge.
  23. Luzebel

    A very interesting read on individuality vs (((oneness)))

    Exactly as explained here.
  24. Luzebel

    A very interesting read on individuality vs (((oneness)))

    I was arguing with an actual jew today on X (you can look up his post history, I asked him and he told me he was). Color me surprised, they are the ones who push this oneness and ''merge with the one'' ideology.
  25. Luzebel

    Meme warfare

  26. Luzebel

    Once again, H.P Maxine was right about the Kabbalah

    I agree. If they really did, they would know about the jew and they wouldn't fall for basic new age tricks like they do all the time.
  27. Luzebel

    Once again, H.P Maxine was right about the Kabbalah

    Thanks for the correction. And yes, Jews base some of their egregores on actual deities. Most people will make the mistake to believe that angels are the same spirits as those ancient gods under different names but no. They are 100% artificial egregores.
  28. Luzebel

    Once again, H.P Maxine was right about the Kabbalah

    Yep, it makes so much sense. Here is some more proof I got today, I was approached by another person who had a short experience with him (yes I visit plebbit sometimes, I am trying to wake people up by leaving subtle hints). They were bragging about it all along with their pictures of...
  29. Luzebel

    Meme warfare

    Come on Jessur Ben Shekel, smile!
  30. Luzebel

    Once again, H.P Maxine was right about the Kabbalah

    Even atheists will get angry if you deny the existence of Rabbi Yeshua Ben Shekel. He has been hammered to hard into the collective that many people are simply unable to open their eyes, they will remain enslaved for the rest of their lives.
  31. Luzebel

    About Christopher Lee

    You know what Lee's problem is? Look at his face. The distress in his eyes. These are the eyes of a weak man with no convictions. He comes from the lineage of one of the worst human beings in human history, Charlemagne. They have consistently worked for the enemy. Lee warns against the occult...
  32. Luzebel

    [Traduction] Intelligence artificielle : Penser positivement & sans crainte

    Platon croyait que les démons étaient des émanations des dieux supérieurs. Il croyait aussi a un dieu créateur, l'intellect personnifié, Zeus. Quel est votre point de vue à ce sujet?
  33. Luzebel

    Once again, H.P Maxine was right about the Kabbalah

    I am back with a huge chunk of spiritual knowledge given to my by Father Satan. The truth about what Michael really is. This is the answer I had been given, and reading this article confirmed that I was right. Michael, is the real devil. The real imposter. The Jew's most powerful egregore to...
  34. Luzebel

    Looking for the best book to learn Tantra.

    I forgot about this thread haha. I bought Modern Tantra. Unfortunately, the author came out as jewish in the intro section.
  35. Luzebel

    Difficult attack question

    Do you feel some kind of almost breath-like pressure on your neck? If this is the case it might be an a*gel. They constantly mess with people when they approach daemons, at the beginning and then during the late stages of liberation (when you start gathering deep knowledge they don't want you to...
  36. Luzebel

    Meme warfare

    ^ The third picture is amazing lol. Time for some christcuck memes I guess.
  37. Luzebel

    A very interesting read on individuality vs (((oneness)))

    Actually never mind I just learned that the archons in gnosticism are the greek gods. It's really just another jewish scam to attack our gods.
  38. Luzebel

    A very interesting read on individuality vs (((oneness)))

    I find gnosticism interesting for it's point of view, it's like the polar opposite of Platonism. Of course, it is still fiction.
  39. Luzebel

    A very interesting read on individuality vs (((oneness)))

    That's also a possibility. The thing is, I've met a few manipulative people and when you speak to them, they all used the ..... after their messages. To me, it feels like a way to sound meeker when talking, as to generate sympathy or something. Maybe I'm just being paranoid who knows...
  40. Luzebel

    Meme warfare

  41. Luzebel

    A very interesting read on individuality vs (((oneness)))

    Another way to spot a manipulative spiritual liar (or just a manipulative person over all) is the way their space out sentences with many dots. .... ....... It's a way to lower our guards by having a meeker tone and generate empathy. Manipulative people always write that way.
  42. Luzebel

    A very interesting read on individuality vs (((oneness)))

    That is exactly what I have discovered. Having the snake pierce through the crown chakra, connecting the mind with the field of higher awareness. In the meanwhile, the enemy is manipulating people into propagating ideas of spiritual death. Posts like this are the reason why I believe enemy...
  43. Luzebel

    Meme warfare

  44. Luzebel

    A very interesting read on individuality vs (((oneness)))

    I bought a book called The Forbidden Religion on amazon, it is Gnostic and even though I do not subscribe to this movement (mainly because Gnosticism is heavily based on Christianity, basically christians realizing that the OT God is evil but still too mentally enslaved by Rabbi Yeshua to admit...
  45. Luzebel

    What is your opinion on Neoplatonism?

    And by deeper workings I'm really talking about the physical stuff, not the spiritual/metaphysical stuff.
  46. Luzebel

    What is your opinion on Neoplatonism?

    The thing that irks me, is that Platonism/Neoplatonism would be very different today if the authors were still alive. They would have adapted the system to current day knowledge. I doubt for example that the concept of a demiurge would have been preserved, given what we have discovered about...
  47. Luzebel

    What is your opinion on Neoplatonism?

    I was wondering what is the SS point of view on Neoplatonism? The general consensus here seems to be that the universe has always existed, the information was given to H.P Maxine by Lilith. Most scientists believed the universe had always existed before the jews came up with the big bangstein...
  48. Luzebel

    Question #4690: Intrusive disrespectful thoughts

    You are subconsciously afraid of them and it it causing your brain to go crazy as a defence mechanism. The trick is to understand (and accept) that these are the thoughts that you know you must not have, that your subconscious is using against you in order to make you doubt even more. Once you...
  49. Luzebel

    Meme warfare

    Some OC to boost your mood. ^ This is a church from the town where I was raised. Notice something?
  50. Luzebel

    Project 2025

    Trumpstein will give them their third temple and bring back (((G====D))) back into public schools. Praise Trump the (new) Torah suffering Mosiach!
  51. Luzebel

    Is it common for angels to invite themselves into people's dreams when they approach demons?

    That's exactly what I told to that poor soul who had Michael appear in her dream. Michael represents the opposite of Satan. Satan raises the snake, Michael kills it. I find it ironic that when people approach the spirit that raises the snake, Michael often appears and tries to be nice and kind...
  52. Luzebel

    YouTube tonight saying Satan wrote Bible

    He is a total moron who does not know what to believe in. He says he's an ex christian and yet he's more obsessed with the bible and Rabbi Yeshu than the christcucks themselves.
  53. Luzebel

    How ego and pride are targeted by the enemy

    Not really. Pride is personal, it is a feeling of self-worth. Humility and arrogance depend on your interactions with others, you cannot be arrogant towards yourself.
  54. Luzebel

    How ego and pride are targeted by the enemy

    ^ Well said, couldn't agree more.
  55. Luzebel

    How ego and pride are targeted by the enemy

    Arrogance is the polar opposite of humility. Both are bad, one leads to be an asshole the other one leads to be a tool. Stand right in the middle, neither humble nor arrogant.
  56. Luzebel

    How ego and pride are targeted by the enemy

    I think that everybody who seek true enlightenment will eventually realize that. Pride is a hard requirement to stand up to the lies that we have been fed, the best antidote against religious trauma is pride. The pride to stand against the fear of hell, the pride to face Jesus and admit he is...
  57. Luzebel

    How ego and pride are targeted by the enemy

    It is something you read a lot from pseudo-awakened NPCs who have no occult knowledge and blindly repeat what they read online without putting any thought behind it. ''Pride is bad!'' ''This is your ego talking.'' They blame pride when we question dubious claims such as oneness, they blame...
  58. Luzebel

    Is it common for angels to invite themselves into people's dreams when they approach demons?

    ^ My guess is that Michael invited himself in the dream to distract the person away from Lucifer. When I worked with angels, Demons never invited themselves in my dreams, because they respected my free will. And when I started working with Lucifer and Goetic deities, angels started messing with...
  59. Luzebel

    Is it common for angels to invite themselves into people's dreams when they approach demons?

    ^ Sorry about that, unfortunately I cannot edit my post.
  60. Luzebel

    Is it common for angels to invite themselves into people's dreams when they approach demons?

    That's what I did. I think the last few days were the last straw. I can't deal with idiots anymore. Exactly. I remember when someone on Wizard Forums had evoked an archangel (forgot which), he told the guy to be wary about satan because he would just lead them to hell. They repeat the most...
  61. Luzebel

    Meme warfare

  62. Luzebel

    Is it common for angels to invite themselves into people's dreams when they approach demons?

    It's also fascinating to observe the people on the angeLOLatry boards. I decided to read some of their posts today and it was exactly as expected. Their first reaction when they hear of demons is to bind them. Also, good luck finding a 25+ years old angel worker who isn't some creepy nonce.
  63. Luzebel

    Is it common for angels to invite themselves into people's dreams when they approach demons?

    Here's an interesting quote from freemasons by the way. So yeah, they actually hate Satan and use him as their scrapegoat to hide their true beliefs.
  64. Luzebel

    U.S. House Passes Antisemitism Bill

    Imagine sucking so much that you need laws to protect you from defamation.
  65. Luzebel

    Is it common for angels to invite themselves into people's dreams when they approach demons?

    Even though I have been banned from this far-left cesspool, I still visit it at times to read about people's experiences with spirits. It seems like Michael messes a lot with people who approach Lucifer. I've read a few testimonies on that sub and I find it really fucking weird. How he...
  66. Luzebel

    NPCs are real, 50-75% of people have no thoughts

    I noticed that with my SJW sisters. You try to speak some sense into them, their eyes drop and they become confused, unable to process thoughts.
  67. Luzebel

    Looking for the best book to learn Tantra.

    Hello! I am now being directed towards the next step of my spiritual evolution. I had a choice between the Draconian Path and the Tantra, I have opted for the Tantra . Right now I'm eyeing this book...
  68. Luzebel

    Just a reminder to never trust angels

    My father had a girlfriend at some point, that worked in a new age shop. She was obsessed with angels. She was weird, her house had this typical weird new-agey vibe with crystals and pastel colors. She would let people abuse her good will, she said things like 'abused children choose to...
  69. Luzebel

    Just a reminder to never trust angels

    Yes, I thought I had a good relation with the angel at first, but he never showed himself to me. Lucifer did on the first day I worked with him. This really opened my eyes. The angel had something to hide, but he would not hesitate to give me sleep paralysis and grunt in my ears.
  70. Luzebel

    Meme warfare

  71. Luzebel

    Just a reminder to never trust angels

    Never ever. My interactions with these being have been traumatic and I live in constant fear that they might approach me again. https://satanslibrary.org/ExposingChristianity/The_Truth_About_Angels.html This is spot on, in line with what I have experienced. I'd be curious to see if some of...
  72. Luzebel

    The Jesus mind virus and how people struggle with it

    Something I have noticed for a while, is that many people, EVEN DEMONOLATORS, cannot get Jesus out of their minds. And by that, I'm not talking about hatred, but respect. Yes you've heard it, I've seen some Demonolators who said they ''work with Jesus'' sometimes. Or I've seen some really...
  73. Luzebel

    Meme warfare

    Here's my latest catch on plebbit, QueerSatanic the atheistic false ''satanist'' who is actually a kike, and who spends his days making anti-white comments. He also hates spiritual satanism with a fashion. I hate them with a burning passion.
  74. Luzebel

    I'm just glad this place still exists, it strenghtens my faith

    I respectfully disagree on that. Lucifer is the Venusian god of Enlightenment. He is Shurak from the Hindu religion, Helel from the Caananite mythology and Eosphoros from the Greek religion (Satan is Prometheus from that very same mythology). I've had experiences with both Satan and Lucifer...
  75. Luzebel

    Happy Birthday To Adolf Hitler

    Happy birthday Mein Furher! They might slander your name but unlike any his haters, you'll be remembered forever.
  76. Luzebel

    My experiences with the abominations they call ''angels''

    Yes I've read many testimonies on wizardforums around 10 years ago. People reported almost exclusively negative experiences with angels. Anti human rethoric, anti-Goetic rethoric, nightmares, misfortunes... And it doesn'r surprize me that the angel didn't want to show itself. Even in the desert...
  77. Luzebel

    I'm just glad this place still exists, it strenghtens my faith

    Yes exactly. And it's not only showing on plebbit but also among false satanists (atheists) like COS, who promote mindless obedience to the mainstream ideas being pushed on us (which is extremely weird since Lucien Graves is far right and most likely loves hitler, from the leaked audio). But in...
  78. Luzebel

    Movies, games, series

    There is nothing anti-aryan about it, Japanese people love european culture. Elden Ring is more aryan in spirit than all western games these days. Japanese people are great at bringing out the best of our culture.
  79. Luzebel

    An Open Message To Andrew Tate: Stop Slandering Satan

    That's what I see as well. He's pushing the extreme opposite, being a caveman and an extreme consumerist who puts money in the pockets of jews. He's immature and childish, and the good things he pushes such as self-motivation is nothing special, he did not invent that.
  80. Luzebel

    My experiences with the abominations they call ''angels''

    I did the ritual you linked, I'll defnitely do the ritual to Abraxas as well! Thank you for the suggestion. And yes, one of my father's friends is a woman who works with angels. She's incredibly stupid as a result. She spends all of her money to stay poor, she puts herself in situations of...
  81. Luzebel

    I'm just glad this place still exists, it strenghtens my faith

    Thanks for the reply! I have already dedicated my life and afterlife to Lord Lucifer, but I also support Satan and the goals of spiritual satanism. Hopefully you can accept me as a Luciferian. Thank you for the rituals, I will definitely do this. I've always been afraid that they would still...
  82. Luzebel

    An Open Message To Andrew Tate: Stop Slandering Satan

    Jews are using Satan as a scrapegoat to hide their horrific deeds. They know that christcucks are more likely to go after them than, let's say, atheists. So what better diversion than using Satan to distract christians from the real issue? Crossbrains are obsessed with satan, just hearing his...
  83. Luzebel

    How To Be A Fake "Sage": Go Into The Mountains, Be Worthless, And Use Leaves To Wipe Your Butt

    Yes and he was caught on video saying he wants to see ''less people on the planet'', followed by an evil laughter. He's a tool of the jews.
  84. Luzebel

    Happy Birthday To The Maha Siddha - Adolf Hitler - April 20th 2022

    4 days left before the birthday of one of the greatest men who ever lived.
  85. Luzebel

    My experiences with the abominations they call ''angels''

    I've been in the occult for 10 years now, I've started as a good goy who studied kabbalah and eventually I tried working with angels. And what I experienced with them is perfectly in line with what JOS says about them. I really want to stress that the experiences I've had with them were very...
  86. Luzebel

    I'm just glad this place still exists, it strenghtens my faith

    Up until today I wasn't even aware that JOS was still a thing. Around 10 years ago I was browsing the website, the JOS version fo Satanism was so interesting but back then I was still too affected by judaism for the goy (aka christianity) to truly appreaciate the movement without fear. These...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
