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  1. Hermit of 13 Swords

    About Specific Individuals That Have Been Removed

    This is the translation of HP Cobra's post./Bu Yüksek Rahip Cobra'nın yazısının çevirisidir. Bazıları; zihinsel olarak dengesiz oldukları için; insanları rahatsız etmekte, bazıları üzerinde şüphe uyandırmak için drama yaratmakta ve yanlış bilgiler yaymaktaydı. Bu yüzden saçmalık yaratmak için...
  2. Hermit of 13 Swords

    The Path Towards The Godhead: Happiness Of The Righteous

    As far as i am aware, it's from Thus Spoke Zarathustra, chapter "Three Metamorphoses". Maybe there's an older mention too but i didn't hear it before.
  3. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Eyes of Light Body

    I was doing Splitting The Soul meditation these days and had a few interesting experiences that i still can't understand. Firstly, three days ago, my light body started to take a more definite shape. It normally looked like a mist of energy similar to my body. Now it looks like a more solid...
  4. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Meditation FEELS GOOD?!?!?!?

    Just like any other craft and skill, you need to practice and devote your heart to meditation to reap most benefits out of it. Do you think painters like Vincent Van Gogh or Leonardo da Vinci just doodled once in a while, and hated doing it, then somehow made masterpieces they made? Benefits and...
  5. Hermit of 13 Swords

    The Path Towards The Godhead: Happiness Of The Righteous

    Great sermon. I was just re-reading that part you mentioned in Thus Spoke Zarathustra today. Whenever i feel like "is the pain worth it?" is starting to set itself in me, i remember this three transformations. End goal feels like justification for everything and gives me energy to push myself...
  6. Hermit of 13 Swords

    22-30 Ağustos Arası Ön Hazırlık İçin Ruhani Savaş Takvimi

    Tekrar kontrol amaçlı göz attım. Ne sıra ne de ritüeller değiştirilmiş. Bazı ritüel isimleri daha açıklayıcı olsun diye uzun bir şekilde çevrilmiştir. Ondan bahsediyorsanız lütfen iki dakikanızı harcayıp kontrol edin.
  7. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Meditating In Nature

    When i was at our village, i meditated at the woods and tried to breath in some energy from the surroundings and program it to boost my "vitality". Probably because of the novels i read at the time, it looked reasonable. I didn't have any wounds when meditating so i didn't do any healing but...
  8. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Mushaf Reş mentions Allah. Why?

    I still haven't.
  9. Hermit of 13 Swords


    They are going for the SJW skill tree. "If you respect free speech, respect our opinions! BUT we won't respect you and will censor you in every different platform. Shut up goy/bigot, this is the true justice!" They don't even try anymore. People don't even need to call upon their bullshit...
  10. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Bir türlü bitmeyen sorular

    1)Sanskritçe ve tarihini öğrenmeni öneririm. Kelimenin yolculuğunu incelersen mantıklı gelecektir. 2)SA: Doğumu TA: Yaşamı NA: Ölümü MA: Yeniden doğumu temsil eder. Onun dışında kelimeye nasıl baktığına göre farklı anlamları da var. "Mutlak Gerçek" ve "Seni ve evreni yaratan beş element"...
  11. Hermit of 13 Swords

    For the hard times - How to preserve food?

    Good and important post. This kind of information should be learned and cultivated by the most of us. Even in small things like local in-fighting between different groups or big things like nation wide civil war, getting and using resources becomes hard and difficult for the most. A lot of...
  12. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Trans'a girme hakkında

    Esenlikler, Küçük bir uyarı. Her insanın hayatı kendini soyutlamaya uygun değildir ve günümüzde çoğu kişi buna zihinsel olarak uzun süre dayanamaz. Kendini soyutlamak en önermediğim gelişme yollarından biridir ama yapmak isteyenler olursa: -Kendinden nefret etmelerini sağlayan her hangi bir...
  13. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Trans'a girme hakkında

    Zaten bildiğin gibi günlük pratik önemli. Onun dışında aklıma gelen birkaç tüyo: -Öncesinde yoga veya esneme yapmak çok yardımcı olacaktır. -Diyetine dikkat et ve ideal vücuduna yaklaşmaya çalış. Tuhaf dursa bile çok yardımı oluyor. -"Sessizlik" kısmına kısa sürede ulaşmana gerek yok. Derin...
  14. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Sanırım başaramayacağım

    Öncelikle uydurmadım ve hayır, bahsettiğim sadece durugörü değil. Düz şekilde açıklayınca anlayacak birine benzemediğin için uzun yoldan anlatacağım. Belki o zaman dar ruhani görüşünü yenilemeyi düşünürsün. Öncelikle Akasha köktür. Lakin enerji daha geniş bir terimdir. Materyalist bir şekilde...
  15. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Sanırım başaramayacağım

    Kişilere sorun olan genelde astral hislerdir. "Mesaj" göndermek kolayken, "mesajı" okumak zordur. Bunun ise enerji ile değil, astral hislerle alakası vardır. Bunu diyebilmenin tek nedeni yeni başlayan bir kişinin kendi başarasını ölçemeyecek olması. Kaç tane kişi ile bu konularda konuştum...
  16. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Sanırım başaramayacağım

    Bunun enerji ile alakası yoktur. Hem gardiyanına hem Şeytan'a yapabilir bunu. Mugetsu kardeşim, bunu okuyorsundur muhtemelen. Karanlık bir durumda ışığı görmek zor oluyor biliyorum. Şu an muhtemelen belki için çok burkuk halde. Yazdıklarından belli oluyor zaten. Hayatının belki en zor...
  17. Hermit of 13 Swords


    Eğer çözülmesi gereken bir sorun ise ben de yardımcı olabilirim. Eğer ona özel bir "mesajsa" belki iletebilirim. Uygun zamanda kendisine iletirim ama okuması ona kalmış.
  18. Hermit of 13 Swords

    New Pineal Gland/6th Chakra Meditation by Me and HPS Maxine [Audio Updated]

    Thanks for the meditation HP. Some months ago i had a somewhat similar meditation idea but i didn't used it because it might have had some problems i didn't see at the time. Is it appropriate to combine chakra meditations and element invocations? For an example: 1-Breath in Water element to...
  19. Hermit of 13 Swords


    Bu isteğini gerçekleştirmem mümkün değil.
  20. Hermit of 13 Swords


    Maillere göz attım. Bu isimle gönderilmiş bir mail gözükmemekte. Yorumlarda ise sadece bir yorumunuz duruyor. O ise Surya Namaskar'ın bozulma durumu ile alakalı. Bozulma oranı azdır ve sabahları yapabilirsiniz. Yararı olacaktır. Şu sıralar siteye vakit ayıramıyorum ve hergün en az 20 yorum...
  21. Hermit of 13 Swords


    Büyünün en başında ve en sonunda birer kez yeterli olacaktır.
  22. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Konuların yönetici onayından geçmesi saçmalığı

    Forumlarda atılan her cevap veya açılan her başlık senin beklediğin gibi değil. Sitemizdeki yorumlar için de aynısı geçerli. Çeşitli kişilere karşı kişisel nefretinden dolayı kişisel bilgilerini bulup insanlara dağıtanlar. "A kişisi kimlik kaçakçısı!" tarzı yalanlar savuranlar. Daha bir yazı...
  23. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Orman Yangınları için Ritüel

    Esenlikler kardeşlerim, Bahsetmeme gerek kalmaksızın hepinizin şu anda ülkemizde olan orman yangınlarından haberiniz vardır. Birkaç kardeşimiz mailler veya yorumlar aracılığı ile bana ulaştı. Amazon orman yangınları sırasında yaptığımıza benzer bir ritüel olup olmayacağı sorusu üzerine Yüksek...
  24. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Succubus seçimi üzerine...

    Bu mantıktan ilerlersek Bhagavad Gita Sanskritçe bur metin. İngilizce çevirisinie yazman anlam kaymasına sebep olmaz mıydı? Kürt kardeşlerimizin imza kısımlarında Kürtçe kullanmasında hiçbir sorun yok. Aynı sizin İngilizce kullanmanızda sorun olmadığı gibi. Bu tür küçük durumlar yüzünden...
  25. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Demonlarla iletişim

    Esenlikler, Öncelikle bu yazıya bakmanızı öneririm. Sorduğunuz ve sorabileceğiniz çoğu sorunun cevabı bulunuyor. >Aranızda Demonlarla iletişim kurup anlaşma yapan oldu mu? Evet, çok falza kişi bulabilirsiniz. >Demonlardan istenilen talebe karşı denk bir bedel ödendiği doğru mu? Evet ama...
  26. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Not a dumb one but what you said isn't something easy to do. Even the theory behind it. Creation of matter requires enough energy to rearrange either subatomic particles or ether. There could be other ways to go about it but even if it's possible, it's not something easy. You can give the...
  27. Hermit of 13 Swords

    France coercion

    Saw the clips of protesters in France today. I am sure they can survive through this covid bs. It's been a while i saw that much people united like this. Also on a seperate note, Sweden almost didn't use any vaccine and masks. They basically solved the covid issue with flying colors. Now...
  28. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Türk Mitolojisinde Kurt Motifi, Bozkurt ve Ergenekon Destanlarının Bir Analizi

    Güzel yazı olmuş. Eline sağlık. Ergenekon destanını ilk okuduğumda ben farklı bir izlenime kapılmıştım. Belki ilgini çeker diye paylaşmak istedim. Öncelikle Cobra'nın yayazılarından bir alıntı vereceğim. Burada bahsedilen mitteki buzun, Ergenekon'da demir şekilde sembolize edildiğini...
  29. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Türk Mitolojisinin Mevcut Durumu, Umay Ana ve Leydi Lilith

    Eline sağlık güzel bir yazı olmuş. Türk mitolojisindeki alegorik bilgilerin çoğu yok oldu, bildiğin gibi. O yüzden belli kısımlarda tuhaf uyuşmazlıklar çıkması mecburi. Ayızıt gibi Tanrıçalara da iyi bir bakmak lazım. Kişisel olarak kendisinin bir alegori olduğunu düşünüyorum. Senin gibi...
  30. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Seneye Yapılacak Olan KPSS

    >Sarı renk zekayı, öğrenmeyi, ders çalışmayı, derin konsantrasyonu ve sınavları geçmeyi yönetir. Sari invoke edip sonra kendi zihnini amacına göre programlayabilirsin. Afirmasyonu içinden yaparsan kimse duymayacak veya bilmeyecektir. >Ders çalışmak sol beyin aktivitesidir. Sol burun deliğini...
  31. Hermit of 13 Swords

    4chan guerilla internet warfare

    Lol. I was wondering who posted those. Replies were fun to read.
  32. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Enerjiyi nasıl daha fazla hissedebilirim?

    Esenlikler, -Kare, büyü, çalışma vb. -Temel meditasyon -Boşluk meditasyonu -Nefes egzersizleri -Yoga Temel olarak bunlar ama diğer çalışmaları yapmak da yardımcı olacaktır. En önemli olan hergün bunların üzerine çalışmak. Hangi duyunuz olursa olsun, yeterince sık kullanmazsanız, zamanla...
  33. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Aklıma takılan şeyler...

    Cobra postunda belirttiği gibi, 3 moderatör var. Bir tanesi Türk ve genelde o onaylıyor. Kim olduğunu belirtmeyeceğim. Kalan ikisi ise Cobra ve bir yabancı moderatör. Onlar genelde 'işi öğretmek' için oradalar. Fazla abartı olmadığı sürece 'yanlış' çıkarımlar da yayınlanıyor. Bunun sebebi...
  34. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Meditasyon İle İlgili Sorular

    Genellikle asıl önemli olan arkasındaki duygu. Diyelim koruma aurası yapıyorsun. Rengi zaten belli ama 'koruma' kısmını nasil imgeleyebilirsin? Biraz balon gibi bir katman? Çelikten bir zırh? Veya sadece bir aura? Genellikle insanların farklı yapma şekilleri olsa bile, ana hatları...
  35. Hermit of 13 Swords

    A blind brother and his problem with meditations.

    Thank you so much. I found the video you talked about and this might work until we create a Turkish version. I will also tell him other things you said. It might be a huge motivation for him to hear it. I will talk to him about this. Thank you so much. This was the first solution i could...
  36. Hermit of 13 Swords

    A blind brother and his problem with meditations.

    Hi. Today someone in Turkey emailed me about how to do meditation. He couldn't understand how to do them because he was blind and we used a lot of visual information while explaining them(Chakra positions, yoga poses, etc.). I tried with best of my abilities to explain how to do foundation...
  37. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Evreğen - Kundalini Yılanı

    Harika bir yazı olmuş. Gerçekten ilgi çekici bir teori. Evreğen ile daha önce duyup bir miktar okuduğumda sürekli kuraklıkla ilişkilendirildiğini görmüştüm. Sebebi ise genelde bir "suyun" önünü kesmesi olurdu. Bu teorinden yola çıkarsak bu "su" Kundalininin enerji akışıdır diyebiliriz...
  38. Hermit of 13 Swords

    I’m done with groups. I’m going it alone.

    Thanks a lot! This is just the thing i was looking for in these past few weeks.
  39. Hermit of 13 Swords


    I think this talked about in a topic in the past. https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=38206&start=50 From what is talked about in the past and from my personal experience, i think it's tied to both Air and Akasha. Air becomes the positive/negative charges and Akasha becomes the...
  40. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Güvenilir kaynaklar için öneri(ler)

    Zaten bir arkadaşımız Franz Bardon'u önermiş. Onun dışında eğer biraz daha doğu ruhaniyeti ile ilgili isen, Mantak Chia'nın kitapları baya iyidir. Hepsini okudum diyemem ama okuduklarında bilgi kirliliği az sayılırdı. Schertel and Hitler - Magic: History, Theory and Practice da iyi bir...
  41. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Void Meditation is not limited to meditation

    This is something i think about a lot. "You" isn't exactly spirit, councussness, body, mind or any part of our being. It's, for me, best described as an unison of these. Every part can be isolated and cleaned/empowered/improved. Just like a mechanic gets a part from a machine, cleans it then...
  42. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Witchcraft - Knowing Oneself Powerful Approach

    Thank you for clearing my misunderstanding. I apologize if i was acting rude or overly critical. It wasn't on purpose. I was just trying to write my train of thought but i guess i didn't filter it enough(or gave it enough thought), so it might've come across a bit rude. I will try to...
  43. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Witchcraft - Knowing Oneself Powerful Approach

    So, we can 'recall' our old energies to now? While this can be done for feelings i wonder if the same can be done for information or "sense of a craft". By the sense of craft i mean something like this: You know when you draw or write a lot, you develop a special sense for it. Maybe we can lose...
  44. Hermit of 13 Swords

    I can't decide on a title for this thread...

    When you finally figure out who you were in your past life.
  45. Hermit of 13 Swords

    The Oracle of Satan

    With enough time, any spiritual satanist can do that. We don't need something like an Oracle. Btw, "dark world"? You could say Æther, Akasha or 4th dimension. Or, if you are referring to it, just Duat. Maybe you are new here, so it's understandable. BUT please learn how spirituality works so...
  46. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Bulletproof Body working

    Others talked about it but i wanted to give a piece of advice. Marital arts are important for self defense BUT don't expect protect yourself from a knife or a gun with months of self training. Knife and gun defense is one of the hardest topics in martial arts. Basically, if you don't do...
  47. Hermit of 13 Swords

    JOY OF SATAN MAGICK UPDATES: Divination By The Elements

    Thanks HP! We all been waiting for new updates to the site. Also i wanted to ask, can we do the same with akasha? Like; 1-Relax 2-Trance 3-Invoke 1-2 breaths 4-Ask the question 5-Sense the changes around you. I guess it would have a higher chance to be misunderstood but unlike others it...
  48. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Advancement and Meditation for Beginners Part 1

    Finally! Now, we finally have something like a skill tree! Time to put those points in pyrokinesis to be a griefer. Jokes aside, great post. I can see it being a big help for everyone. Translation to other languages when got the chance might be really useful. I will try to do it in Turkish soon...
  49. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Jupiter Square Affirm Question

    Don't change the affirmation mid-working. You can either cancel this for another working or continue this one. BlackDragon already informed you about cleansing. I say use the next Jupiter square for your birth chart. Empowerment of both pineal gland and crown can be done daily. Squares have...
  50. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Your Personal Liberty And Hating "Me"

    Didn't even read the site or look around the forum huh? I will make a quick answer but please read the site. Probably amount of lies about us made you think those are real. 1- Yes. 2- All Gentiles are welcome to us. We don't have a racial problem with any of them. Take a look around the...
  51. Hermit of 13 Swords

    "The LHP in general is filled with people who have fucked up in life or are simply not that good at it."

    For me, people's personalities/minds are like a bone. It can be easily broken in the first stages. After it gets broken, if you mend it to just the right form, not only it will heal, it will become stronger. It won't break that easily from now on. There's other methods like nutritions but this...
  52. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Is Divination by the Elements Protected Information?

    I don't think they are a secret. Most divination techniques have the same principles. You can just apply and use them with elements. For more advanced versions, you can talk to gods. I think divination by elements isn't a high priority topic. That's probably the reason why there isn't a...
  53. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Gene enhancement

    Yoga and kundalini. Stronger and more pure souls. It will probably make meditation easier, thus let you advance faster.
  54. Hermit of 13 Swords

    How To Succeed in Spiritual Satanism: About Successful Cases Of Spiritual Satanists

    Some how all the sermons always come at the "right time" but maybe because you tackle the core issues, hearing them always the "right time". Thanks! As always it helped a lot. Hail Satan!
  55. Hermit of 13 Swords


    You are human. It's simple as that. You can see all that "starseed, angel born, half something, etc etc" all over the internet. Thing is, those are just personal illusions people have. There's only one "Truth/reality" and for to seek it, you mustn't fall for these kind of illusions. A quote of...
  56. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Question about Gentiles

    As far as i know, instinct mostly develops through experience. Most of us know what they do and have first hand experience of them(In this life or in previous lifetimes). We know their nature and actions. We developed this kind instinct in time. On why some don't have it, i will explain with a...
  57. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Death, Suicide, Idealization

    Thanks! This gave me a good idea on how i should proceed on this matter. I didn't realize feminine and masculine energies had a function like this. It really makes sense and shows why if one is in a bad state other can't function at all. Btw, your posts are really helpful to read. Everytime...
  58. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Death, Suicide, Idealization

    Great post! Reading it reminded me something so i want to ask your opinion about it. My last life wasn't a good one. Living it probably one of torment to my old self. So this created a past life trauma i am currently fighting against. My "will to fight and live" is weaker than its supposed to...
  59. Hermit of 13 Swords

    How kiked is physics?

    Usually if a subject is: -Harder to experiment -Needs a large amount of money -Has a big theoretical side Then there usually a jewish influence on it. Most of the basics are made by humans so if you start by studying those and stably build your knowledge from there, there won't be any problem...
  60. Hermit of 13 Swords

    is Satan almighty?

    Congrats on seeing yourself as an equal to Emperor of Gods, Diogenes. Can you enlighten us with your profound philosophy? Maybe we all should just live in a barrel and don't work for anything? Because we are just equals and things like power, responsibility and riches doesn't really exist or...
  61. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Especially at the beginning they can take longer. Think it like writing. If you are a kid who just grabbed a pen, then your writing would be slow and hard to read. As you practice more, you will be faster and more adept. This is an usual learning curve for meditation. Don't let this affect you...
  62. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Well yes and no. Time isn't the same as what today science thinks but this doesn't mean you can travel back in time. For better explanation let's look at the post of HPHC: For keeping it simple, beings at higher dimensions can "act in/on/for the future". They can be in both present and future...
  63. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Why am i not crying

    It's similar for me too. Like one year ago, i lost my grandpa too. I didn't cry but everyone else was crying. I feel like this is more about how people act. Like introverted and extroverted. I did feel sad and wanted to cry. While everyone was crying, i couldn't. Which felt inhuman at the...
  64. Hermit of 13 Swords

    The shifting trend???

    Creating a reality just because you wrote it on a piece of paper? I don't think so. I understand that teen's way of thinking but at the end of the day, it's just another way for them to escape from their problems. Most of them want a "Mary Sue" type of life where they will succeed in life...
  65. Hermit of 13 Swords

    What to do when relapsing during a working?

    I always thought this like, "Bringing the problems to front and force you to solve them." type of function of the spell. Like spell can't solve the problem if you aren't trying to actively solve it. So it brings the problem to you, once again, and helps you solve it. I am not sure if this is the...
  66. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Kanji Characters in Satanisgod Website

    I am using Opero too. Same error here. It's probably about Opera's system. They have a lot of features to help the user but looks like this one backfired this time.
  67. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Question for you all

    I can do remote viewing a bit but i didn't work on neither of those. Honestly they don't help spiritual development that much. They are just some tricks that are useful once you developed enough. When you come to the stage they start to become useful, you already will be powerful enough to learn...
  68. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Chakra Empowerment For Physical Healing

    This is very important, thank you to you and our other SS brother. I wanted to ask, do you know if he experienced any "development" in the area aside from healing? If this is the case then this could be used by athletes we have in here to develop particular muscle groups in a faster rate.
  69. Hermit of 13 Swords

    How to use circles in magic ?

    Teorik olarak, evet, mümkün. Lakin etkili bir yöntem olacağından emin değilim. En azından kişinin bu tür geometrik yapıları astralde kullanabilene kadar. Normal enerji odaklamayı kişisel olarak daha etkili buluyorum. Eğer bunu denemek istersen NakedPluto iyi bir şekilde açıklamış. Anlamadığın...
  70. Hermit of 13 Swords

    How to use circles in magic ?

    Circles, especially double circles, are usually used for binding. I don't think it needs to be any material but a more energy efficient material would be better. You need to give it energy for it to work anyway. For its uses... I don't think there's any good or viable uses for them. You can use...
  71. Hermit of 13 Swords

    The Great Instrument of Time

    Felt like a chapter in a classic philosophy book. Thanks for the post. I was in a similar situation like NinRick. This just became the spark i needed.
  72. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Mushaf Reş mentions Allah. Why?

    It's the Yazidi's other holy book besides qu'ret al yezid. As for the context of what the person is asking. I don't know. Name "allah" is probably mentioned somewhere in the book, but i don't know because i yet to read it myself.
  73. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Social Media

    If you can manage your time then it's not a big thing but let me remind that most social media are made in a way to work like addiction. They usually give free dopamine and make people lazy. If you can resist this kind of harmful effects then go ahead. Personally i stopped using any social...
  74. Hermit of 13 Swords

    The Universe And Aether

    Exactly this. First being problem just becomes a "Which came first the egg or the chicken?" with our limited knowledge and understanding. I remember seeing an idea that there should be 'something' even if 'everything' is destroyed. Universe/Aether needs an observer to be 'something'. So if...
  75. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Magnum Opus Question

    If i remember right, soul immortality is level 2. Level 1 is: -A decent connection of the soul to the body -Siddhis and Powers -In regards to body and youth, slower [but still progressing] ageing. -One will still physically die, but one will be more advanced in the union of body and soul. -The...
  76. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Teflon pans

    Makes sense. Thanks. I will remember this when buying a pan from now on.
  77. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Teflon pans

    PTFE starts to get active enough to melt at around 601°K|327°C|684°F. I don't think you can heat it to that level with normal cookin methods. How could you overheat it?
  78. Hermit of 13 Swords

    How does one restart his soul?

    I would close my chakras for some time and meditate on them with intent of 'cooling them'. Also be sure to keep your body healthy. It would help the process a lot.
  79. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Study Joyofsatan.org . There's enough information at there to learn how to make your own spells. What you will find in most "spell books" are just inefficient and lazy made general purpose spells. If you learn how to make one yourself, you can easily make efficient and 'to the point' spells you...
  80. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Spiritual Warfare At An All Time High

    Just like others, i am experiencing better communications with my gd. To the point where i can talk with her and get the help i need in no time and with crystal clarity. Spiritual signs are more frequent and easier to see as well. Also in Turkey we are experiencing a lot of new people getting...
  81. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Boşluk meditasyonu yapar gibi ama 'boşluğa' odaklanmak yerine mühüre odaklanmalısın. Ondan sonra istersen bir bağ yaratmak sana kalmış. Her türlü yeterince odaklanınca mühürün enerjisini hissedeceksindir.
  82. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Altering Circulation of Elements for Other Uses

    Firstly, this is an experimental meditation/working i figured in my free time. If one the person who begins the working isn't capable of moving the elements inside his/her body, then things can go wrong. If you ever want to do this, move with caution. I was doing "Circulating the Elements"...
  83. Hermit of 13 Swords

    How to prepare the Kundalini circuits?

    👀👀👀 Probably most unique advice i have seen for the Serpent. You got my attention. Now, if you don't mind, I need to talk to my Serpent about Quantum Entanglement and how if affects our universe.
  84. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Satan: The Great Dragon & Kundalini Serpent

    Very informative as always. This cleared a lot of gaps for me. Thanks HP!
  85. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Activism via writing books

    I had an idea for this long before but maybe you can find an use for it. Create a fiction book but not with one story, book should have more then few perspectives and you should jump between them a lot. This will create a way of reading, hard to decipher concusly but uncosnusness will...
  86. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    You can but i reccomend using [url=https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=41191]this[url] guide to at least narrow it down to some extend. Knowing your potential guardians would make it easier to understand the dream and find out who he/she is. If you couldn't find it in the dream...
  87. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Yes? His original species must have evolved in some distant planet too.
  88. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Bu tür durumlarda genellikle en büyük sebep kişinin düzgün boşluk meditasyonu yapmaması oluyor. Boşluk dikkat sürenizi arttırmanın yanında sağladığı konsantrasyon diğer tüm meditasyonlarda aldığınız verimin artmasına sebep olacaktır. O yüzden öncelikle temel meditasyonları(Boşluk, koruma...
  89. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Message to HP Hooded Cobra 1

    Ever heard of Banishing Ritual or cleansing or "making a technique yourself because there's already enough do things like that"? Like HPs doesn't need to prepare a spell for every situation. You already have the tools to do so yourself.
  90. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Esenlikler, Öncelikle sol tarafında neden daha yoğun hissetmene sebep olabilecek aklıma gelen durumlardan başlayalım. 1-Sağ ve sol taraflarının hissetme miktarı farklı: Bunu çözmek için en basit çözüm uzun süre raum meditasyonu(Normalde hemen başlanmaması gereken bir meditasyon. Mer Ka Ba...
  91. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Depends on you. Use runes, mantras or just do a planetary square. I didn't made a spell for astral projection before, so i don't know what you should use. Maybe someone made one before and can share it but it's usually better to do one yourself.
  92. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    It depends on the person's talent, practice and spiritual development. I think if you practice 10 mins everyday, it could take from a few days to months. You can also do a spell to fasten the process. My best advice is don't give up. Not having results in few days discourages a lot of people...
  93. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Why dragon?

    That's the thing. If they are the same thing then why do we need the other one? Both were used in the same symbolic ways in a lot of religions but they are named differently. For example in Turkish Mythology there's Zilant which is a dragon but there's also Ak Yılan which is the king of...
  94. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Why dragon?

    https://joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Satan.html There has been few "dragon topics" for some time. After reading those again and looking at this page, i was a bit confused. I know every one of those animals are allegories for kundalini and other spiritual aspects, and...
  95. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Why are Cats holy ?

    Firstly, yeah cats are cute. Secondly, cat is the bestfriend of a witch(Well rumors say so). Who wouldn't want a cute cat wearing a wizard hat to be their magical companion?
  96. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Accessing memories

    Recognition and imagination are weird things. Yes, we usually see it like that way but what differs for those people is "They see it like a continuous vision". It's not that it's 'weird or different', it's that they usually cannot control it %100. When we have a seperate vision using our...
  97. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Accessing memories

    There's 'disease' called Hyperthymesia. Basically people with this, remembers every detail about their life. I did some digging and read some experiences people had. From the basic feels they had, tbh it looks like third eye vision but in a more inward sense. Basically most of them feel like...
  98. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Daha yeni çakra meditasyonlarına başlamış sayılırsın. Merak etme bunlar o zamanlar olabilecek olaylar. Enerji ilk defa aktif olarak akmaya başlamış olabilir, tıkanıklığı ilk defa fark ediyor olabilirsin veya benzer ama bambaşka bir durum olabilir. Bu durumlar yıllarca meditasyon yapsan bile...
  99. Hermit of 13 Swords

    The Wisdom Of Saturn

    This made me really reconsider how to act about my Saturn. I always didn't like it because some parts of it has put me in really difficult situations but now that i know it rings the "disaster bells", i think i can be in peace with it. There was always a reminder for me when i am against a...
  100. Hermit of 13 Swords


    Yep but that's just a hypothesis.
  101. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    1-I had the same symptoms while i was doing the 40 day program for the first time. After a while they got more clear and i found out that they are just my own energy. Like aura for example. Energy can be felt differently for a lot of us. Some can feel it like a pressure, some feel it like...
  102. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    X-ray vision is an interesting claim but i don't think it would be like in the films. From the basic principle, if we want to have a real X-ray vision then we need to heat an electrode by electricity for a high amount. So a continues use of something like this, and with risks it has, probably...
  103. Hermit of 13 Swords

    About Christcucks & Edited Bible Verses

    HP will there be a sermon or a post for what "Mark of the Beast" is?
  104. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Sexual problem

    Firstly, sexual strength gets weaker mostly because mental state and low energy. Don't accept your sexual energies are "decreasing". Focus on increasing it and forget the rest. Affirmations are highly recommended for long time use. For practice, i recommend "Mantak Chia-- The Multi-Orgasmic...
  105. Hermit of 13 Swords


    Most well known 1 element souls are elementals. Aside from them; if we make an one elemented soul, probably it's personality will be the embodiment of the element. It will lack certain emotions or certain functions. Aside from that. If they get powerful, probably they will become something...
  106. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Can anyone reccomend some non-jewish physics books?

    Thank you all for the recommendations.
  107. Hermit of 13 Swords

    question about spinning chakra and their direction

    I thought about it too but the logic may be usable. You see in the JoS website there's a diagram for how chakras work: From this we see chakras take energy and give it to the direction they point. This gives sense to the right hand rule i talked about. Another thing is this way chakras...
  108. Hermit of 13 Swords

    question about spinning chakra and their direction

    I just wanted to bring a different point of view. This isn't something from JoS or something similar. I just do it this way and feel like having greater results. There's something called "Right Hand Rule" we use to determine how electromagnetism acts. To my surprise, in the MerKaBa meditation...
  109. Hermit of 13 Swords

    question about spinning chakra and their direction

    I just wanted to bring a different point of view. This isn't something from JoS or something similar. I just do it this way and feel like having greater results. There's something called "Right Hand Rule" we use to determine how electromagnetism acts. To my surprise, in the MerKaBa meditation...
  110. Hermit of 13 Swords

    If Satan is good why does everything to do with him looks intimidating?

    Yes, i get your point and i still don't think you are right with your point. Firstly, yes there will be people who can't handle wealth. I know a lot of people, especially from my family, who if they got even a 10k dollar check; they will shit on all the people who helped them and betray...
  111. Hermit of 13 Swords

    If Satan is good why does everything to do with him looks intimidating?

    You know that god called Satan? The god who probably has the endless riches a human can't even imagine? The person who wanted to become stronger and did so by becoming a God? Person who teachs others to gain powers, endless riches and fortune like he has? The person we follow? The person that...
  112. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Can anyone reccomend some non-jewish physics books?

    So i was looking for some physics books to read and it's hard to find almost any non jewish sources for main topics like electromagnetism and quantum physics. Like most of the time book is probably by Feynman(Jew) or Einstein(Also jew). So i wondered if some people in the forums found good books...
  113. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Reaching Advanced Magick "hollywood magick"

    "Witch hunts" ARE a real thing. Be it namely in middle ages, or now with crazy people like muslims coming after us. But i don't think no one is a "specialized witch hunter". Like if there's a person like that, i wouldn't be afraid. My only thought would be "Who hurt you?". If you have a proof...
  114. Hermit of 13 Swords

    My non-Satanist friend is having trouble

    Aura of Protection and cleanseing. He probably didn't have any protection for this stuff. Most other occultists doesn't show this kind of easy and practical solutions like Joy of Satan. So maybe he forgot to protect himself.
  115. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Seeing energy?

    Maybe when you are really relaxed(You said it doesn't happen near other humans) and in a good state physically, mentally and spiritually, you can see some? How we are usually effects range of our abilities so maybe you may be starting to see energy bit by bit. I advice focusing on third eye...
  116. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Working To Increase Physical Strength, Endurance and Stamina

    Saw this way too late but i want to propose an idea. Muscle growth is basically a "Broke and repair" cycle. We rip the muscles bit by bit and when they recover they become stronger. How about using Jera? It will signify the cycle of muscle growth and help the process. Didn't used a spell for...
  117. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Raising the serpent

    My best advice would be "Letting the serpent move". If you cleanseing your chakras and empowering them for quite some time than they could open some way for the kundalini. Meditate on the serpent and try to 'let' it move. Don't force it to move no matter what. Even if you succeed in doing so...
  118. Hermit of 13 Swords

    SSurviving Manual + Creating Runic Formulas and Talismans

    Well... Do you collect every energy you come across? Like do you really need some energy created by your irritation? When you can gain much more and stable energy within 10 minutes via meditation? Nobody is here to buly others and this isn't even bullying. If you want to see some bullying go to...
  119. Hermit of 13 Swords

    ENDING THE VEIL - First Ritual Schedule - 11 to 22 December 2020

    Hi! Mind if i ask, can you do it as a open source code as you did before? You see translation of RTRs and apps usually takes a while for us, because of that some SS that doesn't know english that well can get behind. So it would be easier for us to translate the app's content to our languages...
  120. Hermit of 13 Swords

    The 4 Fundamental Achievements In Satanic Life

    So 4 fundamentals are spirituality, love, wealth and accomplishments. This can explain why almost every god has a unique accomplishment for themselves. To advance you need these for and this pushes for every god to become 'unique', also why there's no 'normal and mundane' gods. They all needed...
  121. Hermit of 13 Swords

    My Gift

    Well it is an ability. You can improve it via meditation and getting more proficient in using it. If you are posting on this forum you probably know how to meditate on third eye and other chakras from Joy of Satan page. Well do that. Stronger the soul, stronger the ability. Where does the...
  122. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Is self harm good?

    Theoretical, probably yes. You can probably use some technique that will hurt you but can still be effective. BUT this doesn't mean you should. When there's techniques that is very effective and means no harm to oneself, self harm techniques basically becomes stupidity.
  123. Hermit of 13 Swords


    I guess, you want a method to deepen the trance? https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Trance.html Firstly you should read this , even if you readed it multiple times. This is the most what others probably can tell you. Usually it differs a bit from person to person...
  124. Hermit of 13 Swords

    What do we do when we become gods?

    From my guess, first of all our knowledge is probably at best is a bit higher than basic level. So they will probably teach us a lot of things we didn't know about. Then acording to our talents they will probably give us a basic position(Their society is different form ours so it's my best...
  125. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Any viable information on cartomancy?

    So i don't have a tarot deck but a normal deck of cards. I thought i could use cartomancy for some divination(i am very new at divination). Basically can anyone recommend me any sites or pdf tutorials on cartomancy? Any kind of help is appreciated.
  126. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Who goes to Starbucks and other enemy restaurants ?

    I sometimes go to those places with my normie friends because they like Starbucks's coffee. When i am out i always suggest individual restaurants that cook home food. I like home style cooking more than fastfood. But ,to be honest, Starbucks's products are better than most coffee shops. So...
  127. Hermit of 13 Swords

    A Helpful Tip

    Can't find any cloth? Find a metal and heat it. Then cauterize the wound. (This is a real medical solution but don't use something like this until you have no other choice. This can save your life but a cauterized wound doesn't disappear for a long time and it will give you pain like no...
  128. Hermit of 13 Swords

    JoS Turkey Forums Are Now Official [Updated 12 August 2020]

    Finally, been waiting for this for some time. Thank you all for this opportunity. Not having a forum on Turkey was a major problem for us.
  129. Hermit of 13 Swords

    Spiritual Alchemy

    Hi! So, as an explanation i tried to learn basic spiritual alchemy by myself. If i take it with a grain of salt, i just took the techniques in element circulation and remade them for my ideas. It took few trial and errors but i think i got it right. I used the things i made for strengthen my...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
