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  1. The Jackal

    Tucker Carlson Interviews Vladimir Putin

    Tucker Carlson should do interview with HP Hooded Cobra. :cool:
  2. The Jackal

    About Bitcoin Donations - Better To Donate Other Coins

    Hello. In XRP case you need to keep some of it to keep the wallet activated (Currently that number is 10). So if you want to send it all, just make sure you keep that 10 XRP in the wallet at the end. For example you have 125 XRP in the wallet right now. In order to withdraw/send it you need to...
  3. The Jackal

    Are (((they))) planning to push Death Penality for "Racism"?

    Lol. In some parts of Europe you already get jailed for this, and good luck getting a job afterwards.
  4. The Jackal


    Yes there is a group. Its these forums.
  5. The Jackal

    Someone's Saturn cunjucting a planet?

    You just gotta know their birthday (No need to know exact time). Then look at their placement of Saturn in their chart.
  6. The Jackal

    Modernism = Mental Illness

    All of this modern "art" and "architecture" needs to be banned in the future. Hitler was right when he decided to wipe out all of this modernistic garbage from his country. All of this "art" is just an attack to crush peoples and nations soul. You just gotta love how these "artists" go on...
  7. The Jackal

    Something About Learning Astrology (Transits, SRs)

    Whats up with you and your hate on fire people? Its all really funny since you're giving off Aries vibes yourself.
  8. The Jackal

    Message From Azazel on AI: April 20th 2023 [UPDATE 2]

    I was just looking at the news about stuff like IBM not hiring because AI can do their job. And I'm just here thinking to myself how will all of this work out. I'm not sure if these morons realize that people are paid for work they do. If nobody earns money from work then how the hell will they...
  9. The Jackal

    Russian Jews afraid of psychic attacks

    It's funny when you read the part of news article that says they don't want their psychic stuff to involve occult of any kind. This just means their "secret plans" and "protection" is basically derived from jewish hebrew garbage thats falling apart from RTRs.
  10. The Jackal

    Russian Jews afraid of psychic attacks

    https://foreignpolicy.com/2023/01/03/russia-western-psychic-attacks-mystics-astrology-putin-ukraine/ They should replace word "western" with "Joy of Satan" am I right? :lol: :ugeek: Hear that? They have plans to ward us off. :lol:
  11. The Jackal

    Planet Conjunctions

    I have noticed that when planets are conjunct in the natal chart its like having those planets in houses that those planets rule. For example: In above example person with Sun-Saturn conjunction would feel like he has Saturn in 7th house (House ruled by Leo) and Sun in 1st (Co-Ruled by Saturn)...
  12. The Jackal

    Retro games

    Ahhh old games. I remember first thing I did when i got new game was to check if it had map editor or some modding tools. I enjoyed creating stuff more than actually playing game. Warcraft 3 TFT modding was best, I was high on life as hell back then. Only limitation was computing power :lol...
  13. The Jackal

    European men traveling abroad for wives

    Lol I'm probably in minority of men that want a girl who is homemaker and boss at home. :lol: :oops: I don't mind paying stuff alone as long as she is not exploiting gold digger. And I certainly don't give a fuck about other NPC opinion on homemakers being "freeloaders". Their (((feminist)))...
  14. The Jackal


    Happy Yule! I hope my bank transfer doesn't fck up and you get your Yule present tommorow on your Monero account HPHC. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  15. The Jackal

    The one benefit of a Moneyless Society

    You seem to have subconscious poverty programming in your mind that you need to clean out. Your life will get much better then.
  16. The Jackal

    The one benefit of a Moneyless Society

    You do realize that moneyless society is one of (((their))) objectives as admitted by Karl Marx right? You don't seem to understand how economy works. You can all perform all of the points above with commodities too. And what would you do then? Ban food, water, and all other utility items...
  17. The Jackal

    More High Priests?

    Thing is people have this jewish programming about leaders in general that start at a very young age. You know the usual that if you're leader you just give orders around and do nothing. And when people see retardation of our current world "leaders" they actually believe that kike shit. Anyway...
  18. The Jackal

    Anyone with experience with Jera rune?

    So conventional wisdom here is basically when you see something bad coming you do extra cleaning, AOP, etc... What I'm interested in is if anyone tried to reverse misfortune with fortune with Jera rune. For example seeing something bad in Solar Return then using Jera to reverse bad stuff into...
  19. The Jackal

    Walking Into Enlightenment

    I had some weird experiences with all this. By this I mean I achieved stuff like this but then kinda didn't understand it anymore after half minute. Had this experience where I could understand bilocation and everything made perfect sense to me. Also understood that this is entry level stuff...
  20. The Jackal

    Mark Zuckerberg Down $100 Billion - RTRs At Work?

    Imagine exploiting workers in something similar to slavery for years and then you go down by 20% in span of 5 minutes. :lol:
  21. The Jackal

    Mark Zuckerberg Down $100 Billion - RTRs At Work?

    Jeff Bezos got fcked too. -15% on Amazon stock afterhours. :lol: Also the preview of Zuckerfucks future investment into his little matrix world: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/1-2-billion-metaverse-horrified-by-report-it-only-had-30-active-users/ar-AA12Qn0G PS: Jewpal added...
  22. The Jackal

    2040 Apocalypse Timeline Possibly Explained

    Yes there will always be some magnetic shift, supervolcano eruption, nuclear war, killer meteor... Weren't you told not worry about all this stuff? You're like SS version of jehovah witness doomsday prophets. :lol: And ignore QAnon and patriot bullshit. Their bullcrap apocalypse stuff they...
  23. The Jackal

    What are you doing for halloween this year?

    Work. I didn't knew halloween existed until I was 17; always thought it was some film genre thing believe it or not. :lol:
  24. The Jackal

    Paypal: 2500$ Fine To All Who Spread "Disinformation" - RITUALS VICTORY - Why Crypto Donations

    I saw this yesterday. They're pretty ballsy (in a retarded way) to pull this off, especially since the garbage stock of that dumpster company dumped from $300 -> $90 in one year and their archaic infastructure is being replaced by crypto and other companies. Oh but think about possibilities of...
  25. The Jackal

    Women as Navy SEALs?

    Grandmas house? Building in my avatar picture is called barn you fucking lobotomized retard. :lol: If you're gonna troll at least have some basic knowledge about the world muppet. I know you're afraid of leaving your basement, but maybe you could give a call over to IDF to send you few of...
  26. The Jackal

    Anyone getting bad vibes recently?

    Everytime there is a start of RTR schedule there is backlash, nothing new here.
  27. The Jackal

    question about wife/partner

    Shadowcats dream guy ladies and gentlemen: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  28. The Jackal


    Keep all money out of the banks during this time. They're definitely trying to pull something right now like with Cyprus 2013 bail-ins. For those that don't know bail-in is when they steal your money legally. Even Vatican is pulling out their money...
  29. The Jackal

    Women as Navy SEALs?

    Guys&Gals just ignore this "SatanicWorshiper666" fella. You can tell clearly by his bullshit writings about Ukraine that he's the same brainlet that went into Talmudic rage mode at mere mention of JoS having money in JoS Donations thread.
  30. The Jackal

    GROUP RITUAL: HONORING VALEFOR - 26th of August to September 1st [Finished]

    Good timing with this ritual, seeing how jews are pushing really hard the part of their Great Reset, where they try to steal all the stuff you own right now... and if they cant pull that off, they try to use litigations and their other legal garbage.
  31. The Jackal

    On the angles of the chart: ASC, DC, MC and IC

    You should write all of this with posts on planets in Astro forum as one thread thats pinned there instead of making separate thread for every planet that gets lost down the road.
  32. The Jackal

    The Collapse Is Real: Economy Goes Down The Drain [+Crypto Update] - Reminder - "Here We Are"...

    And then JPow raises interest rate by 0.5% and your BTC crashes another 50% lol. You don't destroy money system unless you wanna turn everything into Mad Max world; instead you nationalize Central Bank and kick all kike bankers out Hitler style. This way you salvage your nation, while jews own...
  33. The Jackal

    Belgium introduces 21-day quarantine for all monkeypox cases

    Just kikes trying to make most out of the last aquarius Saturn retrograde they gonna get.
  34. The Jackal

    Make yourself uncomfortable

    So how many planets do you have in your Aries sign AAA? 8-)
  35. The Jackal

    Feeling "Yes/No" During Astral Communication (Method)

    Its not just for Yes/no answers. When youre reading something thats bullshit you also get pressure feeling in stomach and feel brain "squeezing/closing itself".
  36. The Jackal

    About Russia/Ukraine War And Certain Events - 02/22/2022

    Russia is going to unplug itself from the global internet by March 11th. Might be good time to download whole JoS website as I smell this is just start of (((them))) trying to take control of internet with all cyberattack memes jumping around.
  37. The Jackal

    Origin of Colours

    If you are tetrachromat you can see around 100 million colors more than normal human. And it's true that there are colors that we dont know how they look like (Ultraviolet is perfect example here).
  38. The Jackal

    The United States - Pluto Return & 2/22/2022

    I thought HP Maxine said that Gemini ASC chart is correct one for USA no? That would place Pluto Return in 9th house which would mean clashes in belief systems instead. And speaking of Pluto in 2nd house, what effects does it give to someone in their Solar Return? I was looking at Solar Return...
  39. The Jackal

    Alternatives to Binance?

    If you're using Coinbase you should use site https://pro.coinbase.com/ for trading instead. Trading on the main Coinbase site with that massive fee is a scam. Majority of websites have a fee of 0,5% or lower.
  40. The Jackal

    Base Chakra Issue?

    This has been case for awhile now. When working on my base chakra my left leg gets overstimulated with energy but my other leg feels kinda dull. Is there blockage going on with my minor chakras in other leg or is base chakra having issue here?
  41. The Jackal

    Alternatives to Binance?

    Try Bitrue.com and don't forget that regulators are there to protect you from getting too much money goyim.
  42. The Jackal

    Not Financial Advice - Buying the Dip (possibly last chance)

    You misunderstand what I meant. You actually have to try hard to lose money right now, when you have Jerome Powell pumping stocks and crypto with his money printer. Hence people get delusional thinking they are pro even though they really aren't.
  43. The Jackal

    Not Financial Advice - Buying the Dip (possibly last chance)

    Hey Jack why don't you post your entire portfolio with numbers while youre at it lol. Our daily kike audience of 2000+ that comes over here would like to know more. Also you BTC maxis here keep listening to shills that write rocket emojis, price charts that only go up and laser eyes everywhere...
  44. The Jackal

    [UPDATED: NEW ASTRO FEATURES 11 SEP 2022] - 2022 Joy of Satan Calendar & Joy of Satan Astrology Website NOW LIVE!

    Stars actually do indeed move as others like BlackDragon confirmed and from personal experience. Its signs that don't move.
  45. The Jackal

    Saturn in 12th or 1st house?

    Not sure what you mean. Is your Saturn within 3 degrees of your ASC in 12th house? Because then it counts as being in 12th and 1st house at once.
  46. The Jackal

    [UPDATED: NEW ASTRO FEATURES 11 SEP 2022] - 2022 Joy of Satan Calendar & Joy of Satan Astrology Website NOW LIVE!

    Fixed Star calculator doesn't take into the effect that fixed stars actually move over time like planets do. Stars like Algol are in 26° Taurus right now.
  47. The Jackal

    Ideas on how to psychically harvest energy from the vaccinated?

    Why bother developing psychic vampirism when you can instead develop something way better that becomes part of you? :|
  48. The Jackal

    Climate Change, Green Energy, The Moon and Space Travel

    LMAO I really love this crap about how politicians say theyre worried about climate change and stuff like that in EU and USA while this is going on in 3rd world countries: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MU4bfjEUu8c And if you're worried about jew spying on you even if your laptop is off and...
  49. The Jackal

    Predictive Programming & Movies

    Funny how this thread pops up after World Economic Forum releases another one of their "cyber attack" teasers on twitter. https://twitter.com/wef/status/1462798146929573897 How much are you willing to bet that kike Hanukkah will be centered around bringing above teaser to reality this winter...
  50. The Jackal

    Humanity 2021-2030: You Will Be Slaves Until You Revolt

    Didn't comply when this first started. Not complying now. Won't comply in future even if they make crap mandatory. Like what they gonna do? Shower me with fines for disobedience? :lol: Thats IF they even manage to get that far. Every month there is some death threat letter to politicians over here.
  51. The Jackal

    Digital Euro to start circulating in 2023

    Don't worry. There is a rat called Gary Gensler who is chairman of the SEC. He said he's gonna do crackdown on DeFi and crypto exchanges to "protect retail investors" (Read as protect his (((Goldman Sachs))) buddies whos 0,01% interest rates can't compete with 10% interests on USDC). I mean...
  52. The Jackal

    [UPDATED: NEW ASTRO FEATURES 11 SEP 2022] - 2022 Joy of Satan Calendar & Joy of Satan Astrology Website NOW LIVE!

    Site looks good. :D Although it may make more sense to replace Sun/Mercury/Venus/Mars transits with progressions instead? Those planets move too fast to matter for transits.
  53. The Jackal

    Jewish War Against Mankind: Vaccine Mandates And New Quarantines, Attacks & The General "Plan" [UPDATED 19 DECEMBER]

    Crapstream media propaganda is coming in people! Guys don't take vax especially if your natal chart indicates health problems related to heart or blood. Also if your chart has any planets that are on fixed star that may get you poisoned like Procyon and South Scale.
  54. The Jackal

    After 2024 will things start to improve?

    I wouldn't expect much from him tbh. There was pic of his little slut Ivanka on the internet where she had one of those red wristbands on her, which means his family is somewhere on top rabbi position.
  55. The Jackal

    Swedisch Scientists Discover: CoVid19 Vaccines are Mutagens

    How much you bet solution to this will be to isolate people with destroyed immune system into pods and offer them that metaverse crap as replacement for real world?
  56. The Jackal

    The "Metaverse" - Enter The Jewtrix

    Pre-order now and get free pod with feeding tube so you can stay in there 24/7 because getting out of bed takes too much effort.
  57. The Jackal

    Satan On The Creation Of Man, Immortality And The "Transhumanist" Agenda

    As someone that works in Mechatronics field I can already tell you that their whole "upload mind" in robot stuff is pure fcking lie made from lack of awareness about spirituality. When that old fuck dies he will still die like any normal person will; the only difference in his case will be that...
  58. The Jackal


    https://twitter.com/mickmugsi123/status/1459210090494324737 Video started going around internet where Biden is laughing at dumb goyim that believe the Climate Change scam after thinking there is nobody recording him. Also: https://twitter.com/589Society/status/1459347170960814085 You can just...
  59. The Jackal

    Will 6 Billion Solve The World Hunger Problem As Charities Said To Elon Musk?

    You do realize that sending large amounts of money gets flagged by bank and inspected if its money laundering, financing terrorists or donating to "extremist" groups right? LOL. You mean that guy from youtube Salem Burke? It was said he was on drugs and losing grip on reality so you really...
  60. The Jackal

    21 Predictions About How Your Life Will Be Under the New World Order [Or Won't Be Given You Do The RTR]

    Klaus Schwab telling us again his plans like some movie super villian: https://twitter.com/Kukicat7/status/1455616242199539716 There was also info laying around showing they plan food shortages for mid 2022 but I cant find the pic of that.
  61. The Jackal

    Will 6 Billion Solve The World Hunger Problem As Charities Said To Elon Musk?

    What makes you think we don't have millionaires here already?
  62. The Jackal

    Punishments of the Jews.

    Lucky ones will probably get their soul destroyed. But jews like Billy Gates? Damn we dont wanna go there. There are fates in my mind that are a lot worse than dying and ceasing to exist.
  63. The Jackal

    Strange energy around, feel as if something is about to happen

    I don't know what you guys are feeling but in my case it was positive and hopeful while also feeling more and more free despite everyones life collapsing at seemingly faster rate around me.
  64. The Jackal

    Forced to take vaccine. What should I do?

    If you REALLY insist on getting a degree you have option to enroll in one of the online programs...
  65. The Jackal

    A Great Opportunity: You Have Been Given The Cheat Codes

    This whole thing is being so coordinated and rushed that their foundations for it look so obviously shaky. All of this despite their barking and bragging on social media. Reminds me of Sun Tzu quote "Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak". Where I live official sources...
  66. The Jackal

    Spreadsheet for fixed star movements

    Below is spreadsheet for fixed star movements that I made, since most astro sites don't have the info telling you at what degree fixed star was at certain time. https://www.dropbox.com/s/jbqp8x1djjpsmx2/SpreadsheetAstro.html?dl=0
  67. The Jackal

    Sacrifices By Jews: The Zuccerberg Example [Bitcoin and Max Goats]

    Its best to go websites like this: https://www.coingecko.com/en And then just click coins you want to view. They should have website that explains what its made to do since most have utility in mind nowdays. Then you can write in search engine something like: "Name of your coin" consensus...
  68. The Jackal

    Lunar Eclipse RTR Ritual: Shattering Enemy Defenses

    Diagram version says to say IANODA once, but quick one says everything is to be said 6 times. Instructions unclear.
  69. The Jackal

    Sacrifices By Jews: The Zuccerberg Example [Bitcoin and Max Goats]

    My reply in this thread was in regards to Bitcoin only. Bitcoin is archaic tech which was revolutionary for its time but now new cryptos are coming out which do much better than Bitcoin and even have utility on top of them. Only thing that makes Bitcoin running is marketing machine and the fact...
  70. The Jackal

    irs wants to tax crypto coins

    Also good luck getting my private keys; I lost them in a boating accident.
  71. The Jackal

    irs wants to tax crypto coins

    Q: What are taxes for? A: "To help fund public works and services—and to build and maintain the infrastructures used in a country" Now lets ask ourselves why do you need to take 70% of peoples money to do above like these Biden tards want to? Compare this to Hitlers Germany that got constantly...
  72. The Jackal

    Climate change

    Earth was 4 degrees warmer 15000 years ago than it is today. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/12/161206111535.htm
  73. The Jackal

    Sacrifices By Jews: The Zuccerberg Example [Bitcoin and Max Goats]

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOHwvsgO7F0 https://decrypt.co/35002/does-china-actually-control-bitcoin Ask yourself would China not censor and ban BTC if it really could not be controlled?
  74. The Jackal

    Preparing For Next Schedule - What Is Happening in Israel You Said?

    They've been trying to demolish some mosque to build their garbage "third temple" to tie in with their torah crap, but they're so useless they can't even manage to do that in their own state.
  75. The Jackal

    About Treating People and SS Joining The Forum

    Mutual Funds and Bonds are crap. Everywhere I go on internet there is at least one guy who calls someone else autist or retard so I doubt many people give a damn if someone rages and insults at them. :mrgreen: :lol: :lol:
  76. The Jackal

    By owning a pet, you are doing more damage to the environment

    Muh global warming is such a problem that we had snow over here at start of May (Central-Eastern Europe). Better go kill off all pets and livestock cause their farts produce emissions that warm up planet. :ugeek:
  77. The Jackal

    About New Attack & Some Information In Regards To The Enemy

    https://twitter.com/TheRightMelissa/status/1389326138367959051 Billy Gates is getting more and more heat. Now his wife dumped him lmao and jews are looking like they gonna throw him under bus with WHO admitting his vaccines caused outbreaks in Africa. :lol:
  78. The Jackal

    Guess What Bithces?!! I'm Actually A JEW All Along!!!!!!

    Couldn't stand long in the presence of swastika. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HAom8ws8qp4
  79. The Jackal

    ((((((WEF))))) Warns of Cyberattack Leading to Systemic Collapse of the Global Financial System

    They plan to run simulation of this in July which means they gonna pull actual attack in August/Q3 just when stuff like digital dollar prototype comes out. Just keep your money out of the banks and you'll be fine when they push their great reset and lock down bank accounts. And pull out of...
  80. The Jackal

    Race mixing

    What the hell does being fat have to do with what OP said? :lol:
  81. The Jackal

    How do I predict events?

    You should know progressions, solar returns, transits etc... to predict this kind of stuff. Maybe for starters try progressions since they're easy to understand.
  82. The Jackal

    About the forced rise of the kundalini serpent

    I've read that forced rise of kundalini may cause psychosis and other nasty stuff, so why would you even bother with this?
  83. The Jackal

    HOLY SHIT! Trump is going to join us!

    Trump join us? Lol!
  84. The Jackal

    Attacked while sleeping again

    Happened to me in past. It usually starts with feeling that someone is threatening me then I get feeling someone is squeezing my head after which it feels like something heavy gets on me on one side of torso (like someone sitting on me) and then starts spreading to other side. Whenever this...
  85. The Jackal

    Communicating The Truth To Your Parents - Advice

    Cutting controlling father out of my life has done wonders to my mental health and wellbeing.
  86. The Jackal

    Spiritual Warfare Schedule March 20th / April 11th

    Ever since these rituals started I had some crazy dumbfuck almost crash into my car head on at full speed while driving on main road and my computer hardware conveniently died out of nowhere after waking up so I had to go buy new one. :?
  87. The Jackal

    What causes deep addiction?

    I still don't understand how can porn addiction be a thing. Just use visualization dude. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  88. The Jackal

    The European Proposal for Vaccination Passport - "Digital Green Certificate"

    But I thought one of EU points was to get rid of passports when crossing countries... I don't know how they gonna pull whole 70% vaccination thing when only 20% of people said they will get vaccinated. One interesting thing I noted is that people that go vaccinate themselves are either hardcore...
  89. The Jackal


    It was said here that people are free to have whatever fetishes they want... but people that get turned on by something like gore porn and fantasize about being raped are fcked up in the head lol. Its just another jewish psyops to demoralize and sissify white males.
  90. The Jackal


    Don't you have any self respect or pride to even think about this? I really hope this didn't insinuate what I think it did. Dude get your shit together and deprogram from this jewish garbage.
  91. The Jackal

    Crypto, Bitcoin and Digital Currencies

    Sorry to say, but future for BTC looks bleak despite all noise you hear about it going to $1 million+. So many attack vectors on BTC that jews don't even need to outlaw it to pull the rug out of it. From Quantum Computers getting access to private keys or just instantly mine all of it and then...
  92. The Jackal

    Was MJ an Ancient Egyptian?

    Yea there are many of that pharaoh comparing stuff on the internet. Man I was just thinking about this today but is it nuts to think Steve Jobs was reincarnation of Tesla? They both were electrical/mechanical engineers and inventors (Until Billy Gates stole ideas and stuff from him to make...
  93. The Jackal


    These weapons?
  94. The Jackal

    The Wisdom Of Saturn

    Pretty much situation of my natal house that has Saturn in it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXhKpUfITV0 :lol:
  95. The Jackal

    Texas mayor resigns after telling residents desperate for power and heat "only the strong will survive"

    Should've said: "Only strong will survive global warming happening now in Texas". But at least they will be able to run more of that "Build back better" propaganda. Remember animal farting is causing those high temperatures in Texas so we gotta kill off all animals and go full vegan...
  96. The Jackal

    21 Predictions About How Your Life Will Be Under the New World Order [Or Won't Be Given You Do The RTR]

    You forgot the one where he says we will drink our recycled poo instead of water to fight climate change. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9H8mbIp01sg
  97. The Jackal

    Is X Jewish. ASK HERE

    Now, now boys... you're starting to sound like Mageson the Socialist who (((taught))) people that wealth aint important. Don't be like him ok? Be like me: Made 300% profits during GME short squeeze + show middle finger to your boss when he tries to exploit you during work and tell him to fuck...
  98. The Jackal

    Very Disturbing : German nuns ‘rented’ orphaned boys to businessmen for ‘gang bangs & orgies’ – suppressed report seen

    Ah Christian clergy... In my case it wasn't them doing the abuse but me making their life "living hell". I still remember their disgusting piece of shit "faith schools" which became big thing after communism collapsed over here, and how you had to show some pieces of paper which proved you...
  99. The Jackal

    The Enemy Is Trying Desperate Manifestation LOL

    These rabbis nowdays are paranoid as fuck lol. Some time ago I have read a tweet from one of the Israeli rabbis that went into complete hysteria and panic after he posted a picture of 9 frogs on his roof watching him down. He then went to scream whole day how Satan was after him. :lol...
  100. The Jackal

    Enlightenment and Drugs

    I know 20 year old guy who went on certain meds given by (((doctor))) that affected brain 2 years ago. He now has some type of dementia and can't remember stuff I tell him day ago. Can you guess solution that he was offered in future to improve his condition? Neuralink. Same shit will happen to...
  101. The Jackal

    About Spiritual Warfare, Future Of The World, New Ritual Schedule

    The guy in question was just an engineer who "disappeared" month with whole family after giving that testimony. There was also story of a Dulce security guy that was perverted by some new ager but contained some interesting info like using tech to swap soul from one body to another and use of...
  102. The Jackal

    About Spiritual Warfare, Future Of The World, New Ritual Schedule

    I remember video of a guy back in 2014 (cant find it anymore cause youtube removed it) who claimed to have worked in underground base with reptilians and greys inside. He basically stated that they want to take over the planet by 2024 and are basically making army of grey clones down there in...
  103. The Jackal

    The World Is Going To Change - Why The Rush?

    Coming soon with kike attempt to install world government: People dragged to prison for speaking against Jew government https://twitter.com/ragipsoylu/status/1352967114303418370 Jew will imprison even goyim kids that say something they dont like...
  104. The Jackal

    Why not revolt?

    We doxed you Jude 8-) 8-) 8-)
  105. The Jackal

    Warning the HP and Maxine

    I'm not gonna lie, I stopped reading after seeing this. :lol:
  106. The Jackal


    You should accept stablecoins like USDC so you wouldnt get bothered if providers like (((PayPal))) will steal and close your account all of the sudden. Just avoid Tether because its BTC pump scam.
  107. The Jackal

    Forced to get the Vaccine for Work

    Thankfully I learned astro basics last year so I knew in advance that I'm gonna rage quit my job soon although I didnt knew yet reason at the time. This is all becoming more clear as all of this slowly reaches climax. 8-)
  108. The Jackal

    Fixed Stars

    Yes. You can see this in famous people like Trump (MC conjuct Algol=Reached top but his career is disaster). You should also check position of the ruler of that house for more info.
  109. The Jackal

    Solar return

    Look at what houses they rule to get idea where these beginnings will take place as well as house theyre positioned in to get further info.
  110. The Jackal

    The World Is Going To Change - Why The Rush?

    If you're short seller like me right now in the stock market it feels fcking glorious dude. Getting profits based on how much kike company burns down makes me feel like some sort of viking pillager ransacking local christard church LOL! :lol: :lol: :lol: *rubs hands*
  111. The Jackal

    I'm not able to download jos backup.

    Man this mega download site is full of shit. Asks me to wait 1 hour to start downloading, downloads like 3% and then i have to wait AGAIN (Unless I pay them some shekels) because I exceeded some quota; not to mention errors and super crap download speed for soem reason.
  112. The Jackal

    Forums/Sites May Go Down Anytime Now - Ritual Schedule Extended to 9th of January

    I think people that are not skilled probably wouldn't make site copies in the first place lol.
  113. The Jackal

    Complete SS Calendar for 2021 [Updated 9 Jan]

    I think Lydia has burned out.
  114. The Jackal

    Forums/Sites May Go Down Anytime Now - Ritual Schedule Extended to 9th of January

    I think it would be good idea if some members made copies of the site and just start hosting their own servers so we would have multiple servers with JoS site around the world.
  115. The Jackal

    Another "Prediction" by World Economic Forum: Cyberattack that shuts down internet etc...

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DKRvS-C04o (((They))) ran another "simulation" that predicts massive cyberattack coming soon! I wonder who could be behind it. :o
  116. The Jackal

    The World Economic Forum's Great Reset. "You'll own nothing."

    Hahaha I know this. That video was from 2016 and only gained attention recently in cryptocurrency community from all stuff that is going on right now, when people were discussing if the new financial system will run on crypto and how they will get money out of it. Needless to say, everyone there...
  117. The Jackal

    Reverse Torah Ritual Schedule - November 16 / December 5

    How important is following FRTR time schedule, because I have my own version of that 40 day program thing where I do aura cleaning&protection after FRTR when I wake up and before I go to bed (not counting stuff done during day where I can follow group timing :lol: ).
  118. The Jackal

    Winning Or Losing?

    Don't worry guys there are lots of great "leaders" waiting for their time behind keyboards who criticize Hitlers actions as stupid, because he didn't do X thing at X time and how he could've easily won war if he wasn't so "stupid". :roll: :lol: I personally can't wait to see actions that...
  119. The Jackal

    Upcoming 2020 Election Results And What These Mean For US

    Well with Saturn at 29 degree on 10th House in US SR I guess this fraud votes will go through. But it doesnt look like Biden will be president for long since next year SR has moon-uranus conjuction in 10th house which probably means he'll be removed from his position by the people. I remember...
  120. The Jackal


    Aquarius rising means ascendant is in Aquarius.
  121. The Jackal

    How should I invest my money?

    I would say what to invest in but I dont wanna get shit if people lose the money because of my advice, so I'll just say to check natal chart when deciding what to invest in. 2nd House (Buy and Hold Stocks (As you own companies through shares), Gold, Silver, Holding cryptocurrency over longer...
  122. The Jackal

    RTR JUSTICE : Criminal Jews pay the price for the Opiod epidemic, company shutting down,restitution cost 8 BILLION!!!

    So when will all these "Medical Weed" companies shut down? Seems like theres more and more "medical" weed companies for some reason, even though I never heard it being used anywhere at all.
  123. The Jackal

    On Astrology Ethics

    You do have birth certificate right? Just check hour and min there, and then check chart to see how much you gotta rotate Ascendant up or down until you get planetary descriptions that apply to you.
  124. The Jackal

    Coronavirus Information Megathread [Ease of Access] - Updated April 2nd 2020

    I was looking through this latest hysteria that has been going on and then I stumbled on this: https://patents.google.com/patent/US20200279585A1/en Richard Rothschild must have one mighty fine crystal ball to see what would happened this year from 2015. And looking these screenshots in the...
  125. The Jackal

    Black voodoo fag

  126. The Jackal

    On Astrology Ethics

    And what happens if you follow "Winning move is not to play the game" logic? Like if this guy you talk about would just refuse deployment overseas, would it still manifest somehow?
  127. The Jackal

    Spiritual Satanism - A Religion For Everyone?

    There is a reason why whole concept of "equality" is being pushed. To be equal means that worst will manifest itself since inferior trash cannot reach our levels. Result is people who achieved something are dumbed down since in Socialsit/Communist mind they are equal like some druggie trash on...
  128. The Jackal

    Astarte, Care For The Earth, And Global Environmental Policy

    I'll never understand why some guys don't care about environment. I feel drained and depressed when walking through heavy polluted area such as abandoned industrial wastelands. I need greenery and forests around me to feel emotionally well, yet everyone around me doesn't feel that way. And...
  129. The Jackal

    Trump Positive For Coronavirus, Elections And Lockdown

    So much cohencidences in this year. I wonder how this will all come back to bite them in the ass.
  130. The Jackal


    You need to stop panicking.
  131. The Jackal

    Can celebrities be a good source of energy?

    So instead of building financial matters and mindset on your own, you decide instead to energy rip some swine with kike mentality to get on his level and then you complain about slowly becoming like them? Lmao the logic.
  132. The Jackal

    The Borg Is Approaching: Neuralink Presentation

    Dont worry goys! Papa Musk said we can remove it anytime we want (Anyone found it funny how hard he emphasized that as first thing? :lol: ). Just try it for split and then you can remove it if you don't like it. Its not like anything will happen in that split second you have it in your head...
  133. The Jackal

    FBI tweets about the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion!

    "Sorry, that page doesn’t exist! Why not try a search to find something else?" They shut it down. What did tweet say?
  134. The Jackal

    Russia Says It Has Covid Vaccine Been Researching For Six Years (LOL)

    https://greatgameindia.com/covid-19-vaccine-side-effects/ If this doesn't sound red alarm then I dont know what else does. They have been officially protected from all legal action if vaccine destroys your health.
  135. The Jackal

    Coronavirus/Covid - Phase 2 - Wintertime

    People should take note of what is going on in Belarus. Its pretty much what may happen during US elections. Entire country rioting and whole internet cut off. Of course certain apps from enemy like (((discord))) are still available but it just shows you how they gonna control information when...
  136. The Jackal

    June 21-24th 2020 - Group Rituals

    Has anyone seen trailer for movie Cracka? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtF5THjCu0M They're not even bother hiding anymore that they want race war. These rituals came just in time. :D
  137. The Jackal

    Bill Gates: "We take the arms of the children and inject the vaccine straight into their veins." And he laughs.

    Just a reminder to add here: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EaYo3PmUMAErXzh?format=jpg&name=medium
  138. The Jackal

    Major Win

    Hopefully we can now drag Soros to court for funding terrorist organizations.
  139. The Jackal

    That Escalated Quickly : More Than 25% of All Americans Believe Bill Gates Wants to Implant Microchips in People

    Anyone noticed how (((they)) are trying to start hyping 2nd wave for coronavirus? Yeah Billy can't make up his mind nowdays doesn't he. This and promoting his microchips that act as birth control while saying that he doesn't want to microchip us. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Probably his sewer water recycler...
  140. The Jackal

    Algol conjunct sun

    My post was sarcastic if you haven't realized it.
  141. The Jackal

    Algol conjunct sun

    My post was sarcastic if you haven't realized it.
  142. The Jackal

    Who was Gengis Khan?

    Lol. Genghis Khan was a rapist cunt; only redeeming thing about him was that he nearly wiped out Islam.
  143. The Jackal

    Jewish Neanderthal

    More like reptilian goblins.
  144. The Jackal

    Transitting Saturn over chartruler and Venus

    Saturn hitting chart ruler is like the time when its transiting through 1st house. Life feels like shit especially when Saturn retrogrades over it. With that in mind and also that your finances and relationship will be crap I think you can assume something bad may happen. Maybe place your work...
  145. The Jackal

    Re-tracing / Calculating a Chart?

    https://horoscopes.astro-seek.com/ephemeris-search-engine-astrology-planet-positions Its very limited though (Years 1800-2100). But you can also search certain aspects with it.
  146. The Jackal

    COVID-19: Netherlands will ALLOW its citizens to get infected WTF!

    The reason: This will make their immune system better against coronavirus. :roll: Just get the virus goy so you risk getting permanent lung damage while you develop "immunity" for it. And if that fails we just gonna stick questionable made vaccine from Israel in you...
  147. The Jackal

    16 More years of Pootin

    I bet he really did reluctantly agree. :lol:
  148. The Jackal

    Meme warfare

  149. The Jackal

    2.5 trillion wiped out as stocks crash worse since 2008,Fed might attempt bailout

    Current situation in stock markets: So much manipulation going on right now to keep markets up its hilarious. Everytime you see DOW Jones going up 1500 points its almost always at times when they activate plunge protection teams LOL! And they quietly also started already QE4 program on top of...
  150. The Jackal

    unknown birth hour

    Do you have basic idea when you where born? You can rotate chart around and see from planet descriptions if it applies to you. Also I recommend taking a look at pluto transit (Right now pluto is at 24´30 degree Capricorn). You'll feel the influence it has on the house its currently transiting...
  151. The Jackal

    Algol conjunct sun

    This thread kinda makes me wonder... Is everyone who is born on 16th May pathological liar that gets violent when drunk?
  152. The Jackal


    Not sure but Azazel astrology does mention something about combustion with Sun/Mercury aspect so maybe there is something to it. Personally I don't know if its true or not. Your problems with matters ruled by Venus could also be if planet is retrograde or is being hit by Neptune/Saturn aspect.
  153. The Jackal

    So The Coronavirus Is Escalating In Europe

    Things must be fcked up in Italy; We have Italians crossing borders just to shop over here in my country.
  154. The Jackal

    Why don’t all whites have blond hair blue eyes?

    Lol no. Its all in genetics not exposures to sun. :D I was born with blonde hair and green eyes which after some time turned to brown hair and dark green eyes.
  155. The Jackal

    Pissrael Announces Covid-19 Vaccine to Be Ready in A Few Weeks

    Didn't they brag that they had vaccine ready around week after this thing with Wuhan went public? Why (((they))) announce it now? Something doesn't add up lol. But this is clear sign to not get vaccine in my opinion. Who knows what they threw in that thing.
  156. The Jackal

    2.5 trillion wiped out as stocks crash worse since 2008,Fed might attempt bailout

    Kikes are going full takeover mode: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/who-warns-dirty-banknotes-may-be-spreading-virus-worldwide Soon your physical money will be taken away from you "for your own security" and you will be forced to have money in bank. Then they gonna call bail-in that will...
  157. The Jackal

    Warning Ayahuasca And The New Age

    New Agers in nutshell: "The universe is based on muh love; soon aliens from Ashtar CUMmand will make mass landings to bring muh love to all people and make one human race based on muh love and we will smoke weed & shiet to transcend into new plane of existence; we r made from stardust bruh how...
  158. The Jackal

    RTR Fuel: "AI Facial Recognition Software Is Deployed"

    It's ok. "I didnt do nuffin wrong so I have nuffin to hide!" :roll:
  159. The Jackal

    California's de-criminaliziation of petty theft Disaster

    Coming up next in Clown World: Murderers are victims and law abiding citizens need to be imprisoned. How people like that are not ousted out is beyond me... :roll:
  160. The Jackal

    is having Ascendant in Virgo = mercury is my chart ruler?

    Ascendant always shows where the start of the 1st house is. And if its pointing to Virgo then yes, Mercury is your chart ruler. Also do you also have whole next sign (Libra) in your 1st house? Because then Venus is also your chart co-ruler.
  161. The Jackal


    It's male version of feminism that was probably made by some kike goblin who got upset because some pretty girl didn't want to be controlled by his ugly rat ass.
  162. The Jackal

    We Are Here For A Reason

    As far as I understand advancing acts as amplifier making everything, including RTR stronger? Correct me if I'm wrong.
  163. The Jackal

    Significant Other

    -Ruler of 7th house -Check if descendant is conjuct any fixed star to get more info -Planets conjuct 7th house ruler also reveal more but I'm not sure if thats true.
  164. The Jackal

    I'm mixed race and I'm against race mixing

    Yea I guess I'm mixed with Irish myself since I have part of family there. :roll:
  165. The Jackal

    Jupiter Square

    If I start doing Jupiter square tommorow it will still work when Jupiter moves into Capricorn right?
  166. The Jackal

    Roger Hallam (Extinction Rebellion founder) cales holohox just a "just another fuckery in human history"

    Probably one of those butt licking jews that will go "It was all just a joke; we didnt mean it" when the world will turn against them in the future.
  167. The Jackal

    Rat detection

    One thing is disagreeing and another thing is throwing shit at eachother which some people are doing. :?
  168. The Jackal

    [IMPORTANT] List of Great Underrated Youtube alternatives

    https://altcensored.com/ You can contact this website owner to backup your Youtube channel if it gets monitored or Jewtube limits your videos.
  169. The Jackal

    How to become more social and open?

    Be yourself. Why bother wasting time with pointless small talk because Schlomo says you gotta be like that to be normal. Then you flap your mouth and say something stupid without even realizing it.
  170. The Jackal

    Observation on lab grown meat

    OFC its Israel behind this lab grown shit. I bet they gonna team up with that Swedish cunt (((scientist))) to make 3d printed human meat to combat muh climate change. Maybe bring over some lead laced ingredients from China to spice it up. But at least it'll be cheap for the poor bankrupt goyim...
  171. The Jackal

    Is there any upside in having Saturn as my ruling planet?

    Whats wrong with having Leo emphasis? :|
  172. The Jackal

    The Awkward Moment Of Historical Facts About Hitler

    LOL HP have you ever been reading articles from online "astrologists" who are trying to explain how Hitler was "evil" by reading his natal chart? It's comedy gold how clueless they are. :lol:
  173. The Jackal

    OY VEY SITUATION: One In Four Germans Hold Anti-Semitic Beliefs, Study Finds

    When our people get into power we should deport all these hostile aliens into Israel so that they finally learn how to be multicultural... Because without that multiculturalism Israel wont be able to survive since they wont be getting any money support from other nations and theyre parasites.
  174. The Jackal

    In today's news - from Serbia

    Lol, this makes me wonder how long will they keep their "We Wuz Heroes" meme going on. Overthrowing Prince Paul because he sided with Hitler and then claiming they fought against nazi occupation when in truth they were the occupators who worked with kikes from Britain to overthrow Prince Paul...
  175. The Jackal

    Reasons to do the RTR: Majority of Americans want to change the First Amendment

    "Majority" :lol: :lol: :lol: Actual non-jewed information points otherwise. Tweets like this are fcking great (Read entire thing from top to bottom :lol: :lol: ): https://twitter.com/DavMicRot/status/1188293918066122752 Oy vey he failed to shut the goyim down!
  176. The Jackal

    "Yom Kippur" - Full Victory Mode : Kol Nidre RTR + Final RTR

    You know I wonder what rabbis are thinking when they're looking whats going on here.
  177. The Jackal

    About Weed and Smoking

    She was probably some NUUU ager feminist because she had red painted hair that was almost completely shaved and gave me bullshit because I wore black clothes. She said that black isn't really a color, that colors we have show us how we feel, blabla... I was just staring at her and thinking to...
  178. The Jackal


    Sorry I prefer Teamspeak over Discord. Also mommy told me not to talk to strangers. :ugeek:
  179. The Jackal

    About Weed and Smoking

    I remember how I was basically "social outcast" in high school because I didn't "chill" with rest of the "cool kids" after school. I still remember one day how every single one of my classmates went to the city park to get stoned because they were all "cool" except for me. I shit you not, the...
  180. The Jackal

    The autistic Children of sperm donor H898

    I forgot to say that if you wanna have kids its better to adopt them than gamble with this artificial shit from god knows what donor. Considering there are commie NPCs taking selfies and posting it on internet how they cut off their... you know what, I'd say its pretty obvious where this is...
  181. The Jackal

    The autistic Children of sperm donor H898

    Lol that shit is nothing compared to stuff that MGTOW guys want lately. Getting sexbots with artificial wombs and making them pregnant. WTF??!!! You know I bet kikes are trying to use (((feminism))) and (((MGTOW))) to clash with eachother so they can then promote their genderless commie shit as...
  182. The Jackal

    The autistic Children of sperm donor H898

    Getting pregnant artificially is insane if you ask me since you don't even know who donor is. Then you get surprise when girl gives birth to mixed raced kid like I've read some time ago. Might as well put a revolver in your mouth and blow your brains out if that happens. Or maybe the father...
  183. The Jackal

    Romania and the political, moral, social situation

    ...and then one will pop up all of the sudden next year. :roll:
  184. The Jackal

    Fixed Stars Question

    On JoS it says that stars like Algol are on 25th degree and Scheat on 28th... But all other info I found says that those stars are on 26th and 29th degree. So I'm wondering if info on JoS is off for some stars or is info on those websites just wrong.
  185. The Jackal

    In this infinite universe.

    I think y'all need to chill over here XDDDDDD.
  186. The Jackal

    Dutch drinking water in danger

    Meanwhile: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qS2OQyzKKPc Then they gonna come to Europe/America and demand free welfare and housing paid with your tax money, because they're "poor" immigrants running from toxic environment + humanitarians screaming how these guys are people too.
  187. The Jackal

    (((Scientist))) Wants to End ‘Conservative’ Taboo Against Cannibalism to Fight Climate Change

    He can eat his own brain Hannibal Lecter style; I'm sure he wont get any less retarded.
  188. The Jackal

    Pewdiepie ADL Blackmail Case

    Its just as it has been said all along. Nothing will change until people are finally backed into corner. I mean its scary how people are defeatists nowdays. People letting shit like this go on and saying "Nothing will change so why bother" and then they mock and laugh at you when you say you're...
  189. The Jackal

    (((Scientist))) Wants to End ‘Conservative’ Taboo Against Cannibalism to Fight Climate Change

    Cannibalism is already performed symbolically every Sunday at your local church. "Priest" says they will "eat body of christ and drink his blood" in front of people and everyone is so oblivious to it. Camel urine will save inbreded goatfucking muslims from diseases while we infidels will all...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
