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  1. F

    [3 DAYS ADDED - SEPTEMBER 28-30] / RTR Schedule September - 28th to September 30th - 2021

    I actually had to do a double take before smiling as I don't remember the schedule ever being announced so early; maybe two days in advance but never four. The full FRTR has really done a number on their defences. All enemies shall fall under Satan's infinite banner and ground under His and...
  2. F

    Redpillers FAQ: Do Satanists Run The World?

    It might have been here that I heard it, but before they made the cross which later they blasphemed into the crucifix (and yes I do know that lots of our pagan gods were crucified including Satan to which he gained knowledge of the ruins and in turn gave it to the other gods and us but I really...
  3. F

    The Infographics Show: The Ugly Truth About Mother Teresa

    No, it isn't the first time that this fucker was exposed, (I actually still remember this one article in some expose magazine where some no name priest said that he exorcised Satan from her which was probably to be used as a buffer for this), but it is the first time that it was done in such a...
  4. F

    JoS And The Position On Jews

    For those of you who are on a time crunch and HPC's OP is a little bit too wordy, think if it like this: So you invite this person to your house for dinner; you pour your heart and soul into the meal to your guest even though they had a tendency to, 'make themselves comfortable', if you get...
  5. F

    The Infographics Show: The Ugly Truth About Mother Teresa

    The fruits of our RTR work is continuing to be taken by the people and given positive reviews if the likes to dislike ratio of this video are to be believed. The Infographics Show: The Ugly Truth About Mother Teresa https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-UY-KkPY3vc Better save this to your computers...
  6. F

    What Happens If You Take The Vaccine?

    One of the things people can do if they have already taken the shot through force or otherwise is do these three energy workings that I do along with the, 'Aura of Protection, one. The first two are healing workings with the second one switching, 'thorough', to, 'quick'. I am breathing in...
  7. F

    Friendly Reminder: Delete Your Facejewk Account Now If You Haven't Already

    Protonmail, huh? Gonna check that out! If you don't mind telling, what VPN service do you use?
  8. F

    Friendly Reminder: Delete Your Facejewk Account Now If You Haven't Already

    This is probably a no brainer but just in case people have it or have forgotten that they have it, get off of twitter as well. Seriously, I think more people have been 'cancelled', because of what they have said on twitter than any other social media shit pile.
  9. F

    Man sends lizard saliva to 23andMe for DNA testing, exposing total fraud of company’s claims of human ancestry

    The article was taken down but the point of me making this post is saying that that does not mean that the idea of a person sending in some random DNA has not happened. The TikTok channel may do some bogus things but I have not seen the video that matches what was in the article so I would say...
  10. F

    The three monotheistic programs are not the only 'religions' getting affected

    I really could not see something like this happening years ago. Woman who claims 'marriage-like relationship' with Buddhist holy figure can sue for support https://ca.news.yahoo.com/b-c-woman-claims-marriage-110000327.html
  11. F

    Protests Erupt Worldwide in Support of Palestine

    Canada is also starting to speak out against what pissrael is doing and condemning the government's actions to what even the government admits is wrong. 'Very disappointed with Canada's response': Palestine-Israel turmoil exposes Canada's 'empty both sides approach,' expert says...
  12. F

    Our Gods And Demonic Ranking

    Simple: the buildings were ether pagan in origin that the enemy stole and didn't bother to refurbish or the gargoyles were put their because it was ether the expected art style at the time and they just wanted to keep up appearances or they were using them as conduits to use the real messengers...
  13. F

    Preparing For Next Schedule - What Is Happening in Israel You Said?

    Can't wait when the curtain falls for them and they are forced to see that they have no magic of their own and the only reason that they have gotten where they have is because of those damn lizzies and enemy nordics that have given them a free ride and us being put under a spell by the...
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    About The Fall Of Our Ancient Empires

    Another thing they are now doing is trying to get people of other countries that have lower standards of living and are less advanced than Western countries try and dictate how to run ours 'Joe Biden's stupidity is now a threat to the West': Bolt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBS8TYLO_A0...
  15. F

    About The Fall Of Our Ancient Empires

    The main thing that we have to keep track of here, and what Invictus touch upon with his bullet point about having jews in the education system that begged the quote from Hitler, "Those that have the youth have the future", is that there is a big push to get young people into positions of power...
  16. F

    Red Ice mentions JOS

    The problem with that, and the way that people need to know how these 'news outlets', work is remembering these three simple words: Everything is yes. Us not saying anything means yes, us coming forward and saying something means yes. The difference between the two is that with us not coming...
  17. F

    Red Ice mentions JOS

    Nice either way that JOS has press coverage now people will be curious and look us up. Too bad it had to be negative. That was the situation for Satanism when we came to Satan, but I would say a lot if not all of us who came to the JOS when it fist began were already with Satan in a past...
  18. F

    Tucker Carlson is basically calling out kalergi plan

    Isn't Fox jew owned? I wonder why they are letting him say so much, they probably have no choises now. Our rituals have helped a lot for letting this happen. Fox is owned by Disney and it is still considered one of their biggest acquisition blunders as nothing on fox is worth what they paid...
  19. F

    Preparing For Next Schedule

    Very recommended and as others have stated, just be sure to clean your aura and do the Aura of Protection ritual when you do it. You can also do healing and regeneration workings before and after the ritual which I do: After doing the AoP, do two healing meditations for thorough and fast...
  20. F

    Preparing For Next Schedule

    If I recall correctly there was another new ritual soon? Let's bury them finally. Pretty sure that was the reverse hebrew tetragrammation ritual that was an add on to the FRTR. Could be wrong though.
  21. F

    The Reptilians?

    I have not watched this video in a while and there is misinformation on it but it has in it that the lizzy's performed a ritual in which they attempted to cut themselves from the ties of the Universe and make themselves above it. This ritual didn't work and it had never worked since the time of...
  22. F

    Is Anyone Keeping You?

    Like others such as Yagami Light have stated, they were ether weak willed or they were bull shitting us the entire time. I really don't know how long you have been a part of the JOS but I have been here for pretty much the whole ride and Cobra is right in saying, as I do believe I have also...
  23. F

    Setanta, the Irish "Satan"

    I would just like to bring attention to this YouTube channel: Fortress of Lugh https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOKfTeI3E2VVOqqV_KPm8Hg Has great information on it about the Gaelic religion and beliefs. Personal favorites: Norse Loki = Celtic Lugh...
  24. F

    The Wisdom Of Saturn

    Like I said, 'with very few exceptions', which was talking about grey energy with is just pure corruption; not to be confused with black that is chaos. It also goes without saying that we should protect ourselves from things that are not, 'purposefully Evil', *cough, cough* jews *cough cough*...
  25. F

    The Wisdom Of Saturn

    What we have to remember is that Satan's Zodiac Signs are both Aquarius (Uranus) and Capricorn (Saturn). As He has stated, 'I both enrich and impoverish.'; when improvements are called for, he comes as Uranus as he also comes as Saturn when something needs to be torn asunder. The problem is...
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    Amazing Anubis figuire as well as others coming soon!

    Just another addendum; I really don't know what is going on with BigBadToyStore on their pre-orders as things they are still waiting on are already out. I would suggest you go to Time Walker Toys as that is where I pre-ordered the Horus and Month Figures but unfortunately they are now on a wait...
  27. F

    About Advanced Members And Our Community

    Before Mercury Retrograde hits now and kikes do once again go on the spiritual onslaught [which frequently causes outbursts of problems], but mindful of the above, keep Satan in mind, keep your heads up high, and remember that we are doing a great job. But it can always be better. All the...
  28. F

    Amazing Anubis figuire as well as others coming soon!

    Just a little addendum: I got mine from BigBadToyStore Anubis Guardian of the Underworld 1/6 Scale Figure https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/101761
  29. F

    Amazing Anubis figuire as well as others coming soon!

    Just wanted to alert you about some great gift ideas for yourself or others while simultaneously honouring our Gods in the process. The TB League 1/6 scale Anubis figure, (more like 1/10 considering how tall Anubis is), as well as the 1/12 version coming soon, both look amazing in pictures and...
  30. F

    The RTRs are working let this motivate you

    A study at the University of British Colombia has found that the people that spend the most time on social media (I.E all the damn time) virtue signalling are most likely to be psychopaths, manipulators and narcissist. This is where I fist learned about the article...
  31. F

    Canada bans assault weapons

    People are waking up as I have stated because the shills are still trying to justify the ban. I wonder how the people of Canada are going to react when they all learn that what the shills have done have been totally against the law as the Bill of Rights that we inherited from England (and what...
  32. F

    Canada bans assault weapons

    Local news is reporting that they are still trying to justify the ban so all this is doing is being even more of a wake up call for the people of Canada.
  33. F

    Unhinged Jews keep spamming the Anne Frank Bergen Belson Hoax even after its debunked

    patten oswald recently made a tweet telling the people stuck in their homes and worrying about their jobs and whatnot to shut up and saying that anne suffered more. People are calling out him and all the hollywood filth that are doing that. Keep up the RTRs and other curses as well as...
  34. F


    Exactly. As a matter of fact the CRA (Canada Revenue Agency) has stated that due to the virus, they will not be taking action against anyone who is late on any outstanding payments at this time.
  35. F

    Fuel for the RTR Powerful interview with Hong Kong protester

    The RTR is the most powerful weapon against the jews, we have to give it our all, never give in, and win this spiritual war. If not, then there is nothing stopping the jews from enslaving the whole world 20 years from now. There is no future without the RTR. Then let's make it a personal goal...
  36. F

    Facial Recognition Required In China For Internet Access

    This just came in on the news feed: Planting Tiny Spy Chips in Hardware Can Cost as Little as $200 https://www.wired.com/story/plant-spy-chips-hardware-supermicro-cheap-proof-of-concept/?utm_source=pocket-newtab Chump change for the enemy and they can retro fit the chips into the computer if...
  37. F

    Is Intelligence All That Matters?

    This is compiled by the brainwashing that is still going on that the people of the past were a bunch of idiots that that had to be snapped into line (A thought process that was cultivated by the enemy in the victorian era) and that we should just strive forward and leave everything in the past...
  38. F

    SATANISGOD Website Attacked Again

    Just letting you know that while joyofsatan.org is still up, joyofsatan.com is down
  39. F

    The Final Stages Of The New World Order Are Here

    A lot of people here have only seen the shit that has been happening through second hand sources or heavily filtered so they don't really know what it was truly like to experience it first hand. They have not lived through things that led up to the rise of Hitler like, "The Great Depression"...
  40. F

    Chinese Censorship Coming To America

    Thanks to them jumping over the firewall, Chinese students have gotten stuff like this out: ‘If I disappear’: Chinese students make farewell messages amid crackdowns over labor activism...
  41. F

    Demons And Vlad Tepes Mode

    https://youtu.be/09LTT0xwdfw Le Perfect Kike Pow Music :twisted: X666 Gonna have to disappoint you, the lead singer is a kike. This had been known for quite some time. Not only that, but if you look up their band symbol, it's made up of symbols of programs that are friendly to kikes...
  42. F

    Demons And Vlad Tepes Mode

    Feel a song coming on: Amon Amarth - The Sound of Eight Hooves HD (Lyric video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERHpeJg5kCM
  43. F

    Advanced Technology In Ancient Egypt

    I would say it is an allegory for their priorities changing over time. Anubis is the God of Embalming, i.e, 'preservation', and in a desert environment such a thing is very important for people just starting out. When they finally got themselves together and built a civilization, Anubis became...
  44. F

    Pewdiepie And The Youtube Purge

    I meant the link that he directed you to in the description, which he has just removed and said that the channel has been taken down. The Golden One is an Odinist as far as I know and I am not sure about the other one. And what are you talking about, I watched the guys hands throughout the...
  45. F

    Advanced Technology In Ancient Egypt

    From what I understand, and I heard this a while ago back when we were still using the yahoo groups so this may be a bit muddled, Anubis and Amon Ra (whose face is on the Spinx), had an argument to see who should be depicted so they went to Satan to settle it and Amon Ra won.
  46. F

    Pewdiepie And The Youtube Purge

    The Golden One tried to promote this one guys channel in this video: Sweden. What To Do? Culture, Politics, Advice to Young Men. With Identitet Svea https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPIRrhQulfk Unfortunately, going to the link takes you to the page that says that that channel no longer exists...
  47. F


    Please keep in mind that I have been doing these types of energy workings for close to fifteen years now so I am very good at it and I have only needed to affirm once before I send them on their way. That being said you can do the affirmation five, six or nine times but its your emotions and...
  48. F

    Notre Dame Burning In Paris

    I was debating whether to draw attention to this article as it has an anti-white slant to it but it actually shows what kind of people that they have let into their country. Billionaire Races to Pledge Money to Rebuild Notre Dame Then Came the Backlash...
  49. F


    This is something that I have been doing for a few months now that amplifies that power of the RTRs: Visualize a group of six red pentagrams with black energy in each triangle; three inverted on top and three non inverted on the bottom so that there point that represent ether are just touching...
  50. F

    Lucifuge Rofocal

    It is not wrong to want other options but Satan Himself said that it has to be this way. There are always other ways but those ways are not now. I don't remember the exact quote as it was years ago but it was something like: "There will be many terrible things to come but there will also be...
  51. F

    Lucifuge Rofocal

    It's a Canadian/American term that means to kill/destroy or incapacitate. It was the former in my case.
  52. F

    Lucifuge Rofocal

    It's funny, I actually took out a grey yesterday and something unexpected happened; it smiled and thanked me. I don't know if this was a ploy to get me to put my guard down but I would not be surprised if some of them want it to end.
  53. F

    Sunday/Monday Race Awakening Rituals + Final RTR

    Non-whites can participate by directing empowering and protective energy towards Spiritual Satanists to aid them in performing the ritual and whites who are without but are on the road to being awakened. What you could do is Vibrate the runes 88 times each and have the affirmation be: This...
  54. F

    White Race Awakening Ritual For Imbolc

    The Ruins are pronounced: Oohh-vvvv-aahhlll Ss-ooo-lll (vibrate in your cheeks while letting the air out through them) Oww-sss With the Sol ruin, the sound of you breathing out through your cheeks should kind of remind you of static on an old TV or the crackling of electricity.
  55. F

    mtv black history debunked: A reupload of sorts form the old forum

    Bump once again as it is that time of year once again.
  56. F

    America And Israel

    And we all can see what happens when they try to fight their own battle: Hamas Offering $1 Million Dollar Bounty For Israeli Identities in Nov. Raid https://specialoperations.com/33955/hamas-offering-1-million-dollar-bounty-for-israeli-identities-in-nov-raid/ At best, the naysayers can say is...
  57. F

    Why Asians Don't Whine?

    This actually came out the first of this year and I think it does an amazing job of telling the difference between Guts and Griffith: Guts and Griffith - What Makes A True Hero? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3RA6SPNP8ps
  58. F

    internet scam hub shut down in tel aviv

    Just heard on CTV2 that an operating centre in tel aviv has just been shut down and that binary advertisements have been made illegal in Canada. The news team even showed the gutted base of operations for the scam and the bags and bags of shredded documents they left behind when the rats fled...
  59. F

    On Criminality

    The Canadian Government is now saying they are planning to use the money they get from the tax revenues received from regulated weed and online casinos to pay for Universal Basic Income. http://trendingnewsdesk.com/UBI-c/#forward
  60. F

    On Compassion

    I would say that there was a lot of good that came out of the age of Pisces as it helped usher in us who are the most compassionate people on the planet. People who are so compassionate that they are willing to sacrifice a piece of their day in order to help the needy by clearing out the...
  61. F

    Calling Prophet Muhammad a pedophile does not fall within freedom of speech: European court

    The ECHR: The Quran is not proof! Us: So you're admitting that we should not take a book written so many hundreds of years ago at face value and look for other evidence that supports or disproves it? The ECHR: Yes! Us: http://www.exposingchritianity.com The ECHR::...shit!
  62. F

    mtv black history debunked: A reupload of sorts form the old forum

    Came across this video debunking the lies that the mtv black history month spewed out. TL;DR - MTV Doesn't Understand History https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=860FnDGISNg Just getting this in early before the next black history month rolls around.
  63. F

    1836 What Did The Paper Report?

    1836: The jews laugh at such an article coming our and open up another bottle of wine bought with stolen gold. Present: The jew shit themselves when such an article gets published and shoot themselves in the foot by going somewhere in a time of need and demand that the only people that will...
  64. F

    Jews Trying To Legally Punish American's For Israel

    With all the justice that those things have had coming for centuries now repeatedly biting them in the ass these past few years, this is more of a knee jerk reaction and the masks have finally dropped. the jews are now struggling to put them back on but it is way too late for that. We are...
  65. F

    Jews Trying To Legally Punish American's For Israel

    Some of the jews are actually so gung hoe about this legislation that they think that they have won. Two of the comments of the video (which was a reaction to the legislation to which almost all the other comments were ether a big, 'WTF is going on here?!' or an, "I told you so') that I watched...
  66. F


    The thing of it is, yes it is true that you can get all the nutrients that you need from a plant only diet. The, 'but', in this that is so large you could see it coming from the opposite side of the Andromeda Galaxy is that you wouldn't be able to eat that much plant material and farms would...
  67. F


    It's like I said on the old forums in regards to veganism: The reason people feel good after they have cut meat completely out of their diet is because of the plant fibers or, 'ruffage', that we are incapable of digesting. These fibers act like pipes cleaners by cleaning out the intestinal...
  68. F

    Seeing shadow figures and they can touch me?

    This happened to me years ago ( maybe two or three years into my dedication) when I was in bed. A shadow figure was starting to peek into my room so I closed my eyes and pictured the Sol rune on top of the middle spire of the Algiz rune. No charging, and the fact that the runes were actually...
  69. F

    The Importance of Secrecy and spreading the Truth

    Hence the reason behind the second part of the title, '...spreading the truth'. The importance of secrecy part of the title referred to the people on this forum not using their real names, (even first one), or anything that could give away their ID, (cover up or unplug their web cams/...
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    The Importance of Secrecy and spreading the Truth

    I was planning on posting this when the forums got launched so her it is: Why the Death Note would FAIL! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8OfANX2hEw The video is about how with all the information we have access to now a days that Light would actually be caught within a month of his first...
  71. F

    Rich Piana

    Stuff like synthol is the epitome of the culture that the jews are pushing as it is an easy, (and very painful from what Rich himself has actually said) way to get big while having none of the benefits, (even though having muscle that are honestly that huge really don't have any benefits hence...
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    Rich Piana

    Starting to wonder if when kali muscle finally keels over from all the drugs that he has been using they will try to make him into a martyr because of all his boot lickers that actually believe or push that he is all natural and/or you could totally get that physique in prison by using that slop...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
