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  1. xScorpionPriestessx

    A thread for Yule activities/ways to celebrate with family:

    With Yule coming up next month, I wanted to make this thread so members can post their ideas/practices they do on Yule to celebrate, or things we can do to show devotion to our Gods! I especially felt this could be an opportunity for newer members to learn some practices for the holidays...
  2. xScorpionPriestessx

    I have a question about the Greek Magical Papyri and the book "Magika Hiera" and others like it:

    So, a while back, I was on Archive.org and found free downloads for the Greek Magical Papyri, Magika Hiera, Ancient Geosophia parts 1 & 2, and seen others about the ancient magic practices by people like Stephen Skinner. I've skimmed thru all three, the PGM, Magika Hiera, and Ancient Geosophia...
  3. xScorpionPriestessx

    A Thread for Modern Ancient Fashion for Women:

    So, I saw a comment from @HPS Lydia yesterday that reminded me of something I wanted to share with the ladies of JOS: Recently, I was studying into ancient fashion, specifically the sundresses and such that the women from ancient Greece and Egypt used to wear. The thought came to me as I was...
  4. xScorpionPriestessx

    On the hunt for a Delphic Tripod:

    So, I've been on the hunt for a Delphic tripod; here is a link to an etsy post of one that is $600+ (YIKES, expensive lolol) so you guys can see what I'm talking about...
  5. xScorpionPriestessx

    The 7 Sons of Satanas:

    So, I have a question: I was looking through the list of Gods and Demons, I came across a couple of Gods and Demons that had listed under their information "Is one of the 7 sons of Satan". Granted, I haven't looked through the entire list to check for the other 4 I haven't found yet, but among...
  6. xScorpionPriestessx

    Gustave Moreau paintings:

    I just had to share these paintings with you all, and these are just SOME of the works of art from this particular artist. I had never had the pleasure of seeing this artist's work before today, and I am in complete and utter awe. The website states about the artist, "Gustave Moreau was French...
  7. xScorpionPriestessx

    A Greek pottery piece I got for my birthday:

    I wanted to share this beautiful piece I got yesterday for my birthday with you guys. I shared these pictures in the Ancient Greek group chat, so we could translate the text, but I wanted everyone to be able to enjoy it as well, so I figured I would post it in the A&M section. My partner got...
  8. xScorpionPriestessx

    Canaid Lia Fáil - Julie Fowlis

    I started the Wrath of the Druids DLC on AC: Valhalla a couple days ago, and got to the part today where they erect Flann Sinna as High King of Ireland atop Tara Hill. It's honestly one of my favorite scenes in the DLC, solely because of the song. Julie Fowlis is the voice actor for Ciara...
  9. xScorpionPriestessx

    Have you guys seen the vatican's new "mascot", Luce? *eyeroll*

    https://news.sky.com/story/vatican-unveils-new-cartoon-mascot-for-catholic-church-13244550#:~:text=The%20Vatican%20has%20unveiled%20a,a%20cartoon%20character%20named%20Luce. This article goes on to explain how the vatican, who are trying to reach out to younger people, have created an anime...
  10. xScorpionPriestessx

    Has JOS considered doing a docu-film before?

    So, yesterday on the forums, I made a comment under a thread about how I thought it would be a good idea if the Outreach program did a movie/documentary. The main reason I said this is because we were on the topic of ancient history under the Graham Hancock thread, and I mentioned that a movie...
  11. xScorpionPriestessx

    Comin' in hot with another Wardruna appreciation post;

    I think I've just found another favorite from them. The jaw harp, like C'MON. Gives this song such an ancient vibe when coupled with those deer-hide drums. Immediate chills that lasted the entirety of the song. I can't get enough of Einar's voice. This man is literally the King of Norse music...
  12. xScorpionPriestessx

    All the ladies of JOS, look at this beauty!

    I was on Etsy looking for Satanic malas/rosaries, and I came across this belt for Lady Astaroth! (The listing says Lilith, but we all know Inanna/Ishtar is Lady Astaroth) 💛 Wanted to share this so you guys could gawk at it like I have been, lol. ALSO, please don't sell this out or I'ma hunt...
  13. xScorpionPriestessx

    The moment I knew society in America was f-cked:

    I was just visiting SS-reich.com, and was watching the video at the top of the website when a thought I had years ago resurfaced to the forefront of my mind. It came to the part of the video when Hitler was talking about how all the old political parties were the same, then it goes on to show...
  14. xScorpionPriestessx

    Building a Star of Astaroth firepit/outdoor ritual site:

    I've been meaning to make this post since first having the idea, in case anyone else wanted to build one as well. So, I need some suggestions, guys: While doing research on the JOS website one day, I came across Astaroths star and a thought popped into my head; "I bet a firepit in the shape of...
  15. xScorpionPriestessx


    Thank you to @Hvítr Ormr for indroducing me to this band, I've spent the last couple days trying to find music that speaks to my soul; I found this song earlier and had to share it with you all. When I tell you guys I had CHILLS all over my body, I'm not lying. Something about this group.. it's...
  16. xScorpionPriestessx

    The band Ghost:

    Has anyone else listened to this band, Ghost? I personally love their music. They use Satanic imagery in their music videos, and they post these videos called "Chapters" where they do little skits where they make fun of the Catholic church which are actually quite comical lolol. Here's "Chapter...
  17. xScorpionPriestessx

    Ouspensky, Gurdjeff, Jung; a question for those intrigued by the works of these men:

    So, for the last 5-6 years that I have been heavily studying all things mysterious and hidden from mainstream view, I came across three people who intrigued me more than most: P. D. Ouspensky (I have downloaded a lot of his books/lectures but haven't fully dived into them as of yet), G. Gurdjeff...
  18. xScorpionPriestessx

    California passes LAW that drops 'knowingly passing HIV/AIDS to another' from a felony to misdemeanor...

    I was just scrolling through Satan's library and came across the article titled "Gifts from 'Immigrants'- 142,000 infected with HIV/AIDS". I clicked the article and began to read, telling my partner in passing about what I was reading. He looks at me, and says "Wow... that's crazy bc listen to...
  19. xScorpionPriestessx

    A personal experience I had while listening to the Devil's Trill Sonata;

    Two days ago, I was on the JOS website reading the article about Clairaudience. I got to the part in the article where it talked about how Father visited Giuseppe in a dream, and began to play the most beautiful piece of music he had ever heard. Upon waking, he composed every detail he could...
  20. xScorpionPriestessx

    Currently playing Assassins Creed Valhalla, had to drop the soundtrack for y'all:

    I don't know if any of y'all have played this game before (this is my second playthrough), but the MUSIC! It ignites something in my SOUL. Wanted to share so you guys can enjoy it as well. The playlist should have about 195 songs on it, but I promise they are worth the listen! Much love...
  21. xScorpionPriestessx

    An Appreciation Post for JOS:

    In the short amount of time since I've joined JOS, I cannot even begin to express my sincere gratitude and astonishment at the tremendous amounts of knowledge that comes with being a Spiritual Satanist. Since beginning my studies into the occult and ancient history/wisdom around 5-6 years ago, I...
  22. xScorpionPriestessx

    Hello family, a quick question:

    Okay, so I just joined JOS recently after finding the website through my research into Father Lucifer. I've been transferring a lot of stuff from the website into my notebooks for study and such. I just needed help on the hieratic information on the old Gods. I see the website has many different...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
