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The picture of Adolf Hitler leaving the Church


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2021
The pic of Adolf Hitler leaving the Church was captured by Heinrich Hoffman and it was published in his book named 'Hitler wie ihn keiner kennt' (Berlin: “Zeitgeschichte” Verlag, 1932), in the first edition of his book, the pic of Adolf Hitler leaving the Church with the cross behind his head was present under the caption "A photographic chance event becomes a symbol: Adolf Hitler, the supposed 'heretic', leaving the Marinekirche in Wilhelmshaven", but in the 1938 edition of this same book the presence of the cross was edited out/removed from the pic also the caption was edited and the new caption was "Adolf Hitler after sightseeing at the historic Marinekirche in Wilhelmshaven".
According to the Heinrich Hoffman archives in Munich, the original negative did contain a cross. So It can be assumed that Hitler didn't want to be portrayed in such a manner, hence in the later 1938 edition, it was removed. And below are some passages from 'Hitler Was My Friend: The Memoirs of Hitler's Photographer by Heinrich Hoffmann' regarding this snap.

These are unimportant matters in the life of a literal statesman. You have to visit places all the time, maybe 10 or 25 places per week. You have to go certain places whether you like this or not, and also, in these years, xianity was the ruling religion. You could not get majority vote without anything. This is the reality of life.

It's not like this is a photograph of a synagogue with a Rabbi, this is just a visit somewhere.

Hitler's interest in architecture is because he was an artist, not because he cared of anything else. Architectural wonders is something that interested him heavily.

Of course, the other members of the NS, who were never Christians in anyway, they wanted the picture edited and removed. That is why this deliberate shot to make him appear as the cross was above his head, was edited out later.

Stupid things like this or very simple nonsense that randomly appears and is like 0,00000001% of Hitler's life, is constantly tried to be paraded as "proof" that Hitler "cared" for any of this. Even Hoffman admits he couldn't care less any "Christianity", let alone on a personal level. You go steps deeper into all the memoirs of those who truly knew him and you will see indepth hate about the jewish program which is the religious sister of Communism.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
These are unimportant matters in the life of a literal statesman. You have to visit places all the time, maybe 10 or 25 places per week. You have to go certain places whether you like this or not, and also, in these years, xianity was the ruling religion. You could not get majority vote without anything. This is the reality of life.

It's not like this is a photograph of a synagogue with a Rabbi, this is just a visit somewhere.

Hitler's interest in architecture is because he was an artist, not because he cared of anything else. Architectural wonders is something that interested him heavily.

Of course, the other members of the NS, who were never Christians in anyway, they wanted the picture edited and removed. That is why this deliberate shot to make him appear as the cross was above his head, was edited out later.

Stupid things like this or very simple nonsense that randomly appears and is like 0,00000001% of Hitler's life, is constantly tried to be paraded as "proof" that Hitler "cared" for any of this. Even Hoffman admits he couldn't care less any "Christianity", let alone on a personal level. You go steps deeper into all the memoirs of those who truly knew him and you will see indepth hate about the jewish program which is the religious sister of Communism.

It was similar with Mussolini in Italy. He couldn't just come out and say what he really thought of the pope and the vatican, or xianity for that matter. Especially in Italy, he had to play the game. His people were possessed more than most other groups by the odious spirit of the enemy, it was literally enemy headquarters. Yet he still managed to bring back Pagan icons and Roman nationalism and a spirit of romanticism, quite literally romanticizing Rome. It was Roman Romance right under the jewish nose.

Mussolini was also very jew wise. Fascinating and powerful man. Few could have pulled off what he nearly did.
My brother is an atheist but he has to go to Mosque every Friday or people will badmouth him. A Satanist sister on forums said that she is forced to cover her hair.
For those who think that this picture "proves" Hitler was a christian, those who employ logical fallacies in ignorance to support their bad, and fake, arguments -

I once walked out of a hospital. I am, therefore, a physician.
I once walked out of some schools. I am, therefore, a teacher.
I once left a stadium. I am, therefore, a sportsman of any and all of the sports which are played there.
I once walked out of a... erm... governmental building. I am, therefore, a government official.
I once left Area 51 or Area 52. I am, therefore, an alien.
jrvan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
These are unimportant matters in the life of a literal statesman. You have to visit places all the time, maybe 10 or 25 places per week. You have to go certain places whether you like this or not, and also, in these years, xianity was the ruling religion. You could not get majority vote without anything. This is the reality of life.

It's not like this is a photograph of a synagogue with a Rabbi, this is just a visit somewhere.

Hitler's interest in architecture is because he was an artist, not because he cared of anything else. Architectural wonders is something that interested him heavily.

Of course, the other members of the NS, who were never Christians in anyway, they wanted the picture edited and removed. That is why this deliberate shot to make him appear as the cross was above his head, was edited out later.

Stupid things like this or very simple nonsense that randomly appears and is like 0,00000001% of Hitler's life, is constantly tried to be paraded as "proof" that Hitler "cared" for any of this. Even Hoffman admits he couldn't care less any "Christianity", let alone on a personal level. You go steps deeper into all the memoirs of those who truly knew him and you will see indepth hate about the jewish program which is the religious sister of Communism.

It was similar with Mussolini in Italy. He couldn't just come out and say what he really thought of the pope and the vatican, or xianity for that matter. Especially in Italy, he had to play the game. His people were possessed more than most other groups by the odious spirit of the enemy, it was literally enemy headquarters. Yet he still managed to bring back Pagan icons and Roman nationalism and a spirit of romanticism, quite literally romanticizing Rome. It was Roman Romance right under the jewish nose.

Mussolini was also very jew wise. Fascinating and powerful man. Few could have pulled off what he nearly did.
Yes, a very respectable man who started a brotherly war with Greece, very un-christian of him. Basically all of his achievements are vain because of that disgusting act he did. He is a possible reason of why we lost the war.
Aquarius said:
jrvan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
These are unimportant matters in the life of a literal statesman. You have to visit places all the time, maybe 10 or 25 places per week. You have to go certain places whether you like this or not, and also, in these years, xianity was the ruling religion. You could not get majority vote without anything. This is the reality of life.

It's not like this is a photograph of a synagogue with a Rabbi, this is just a visit somewhere.

Hitler's interest in architecture is because he was an artist, not because he cared of anything else. Architectural wonders is something that interested him heavily.

Of course, the other members of the NS, who were never Christians in anyway, they wanted the picture edited and removed. That is why this deliberate shot to make him appear as the cross was above his head, was edited out later.

Stupid things like this or very simple nonsense that randomly appears and is like 0,00000001% of Hitler's life, is constantly tried to be paraded as "proof" that Hitler "cared" for any of this. Even Hoffman admits he couldn't care less any "Christianity", let alone on a personal level. You go steps deeper into all the memoirs of those who truly knew him and you will see indepth hate about the jewish program which is the religious sister of Communism.

It was similar with Mussolini in Italy. He couldn't just come out and say what he really thought of the pope and the vatican, or xianity for that matter. Especially in Italy, he had to play the game. His people were possessed more than most other groups by the odious spirit of the enemy, it was literally enemy headquarters. Yet he still managed to bring back Pagan icons and Roman nationalism and a spirit of romanticism, quite literally romanticizing Rome. It was Roman Romance right under the jewish nose.

Mussolini was also very jew wise. Fascinating and powerful man. Few could have pulled off what he nearly did.
Yes, a very respectable man who started a brotherly war with Greece, very un-christian of him. Basically all of his achievements are vain because of that disgusting act he did. He is a possible reason of why we lost the war.
A huge mistake indeed. The war with Greece was also the main reason why so many Serbs decided to be with the Allies, because they wanted to help Greece
Aquarius said:
jrvan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
These are unimportant matters in the life of a literal statesman. You have to visit places all the time, maybe 10 or 25 places per week. You have to go certain places whether you like this or not, and also, in these years, xianity was the ruling religion. You could not get majority vote without anything. This is the reality of life.

It's not like this is a photograph of a synagogue with a Rabbi, this is just a visit somewhere.

Hitler's interest in architecture is because he was an artist, not because he cared of anything else. Architectural wonders is something that interested him heavily.

Of course, the other members of the NS, who were never Christians in anyway, they wanted the picture edited and removed. That is why this deliberate shot to make him appear as the cross was above his head, was edited out later.

Stupid things like this or very simple nonsense that randomly appears and is like 0,00000001% of Hitler's life, is constantly tried to be paraded as "proof" that Hitler "cared" for any of this. Even Hoffman admits he couldn't care less any "Christianity", let alone on a personal level. You go steps deeper into all the memoirs of those who truly knew him and you will see indepth hate about the jewish program which is the religious sister of Communism.

It was similar with Mussolini in Italy. He couldn't just come out and say what he really thought of the pope and the vatican, or xianity for that matter. Especially in Italy, he had to play the game. His people were possessed more than most other groups by the odious spirit of the enemy, it was literally enemy headquarters. Yet he still managed to bring back Pagan icons and Roman nationalism and a spirit of romanticism, quite literally romanticizing Rome. It was Roman Romance right under the jewish nose.

Mussolini was also very jew wise. Fascinating and powerful man. Few could have pulled off what he nearly did.
Yes, a very respectable man who started a brotherly war with Greece, very un-christian of him. Basically all of his achievements are vain because of that disgusting act he did. He is a possible reason of why we lost the war.

I prefer to look at things in a big picture sense. Every politician does messed up things in jewed up politics, and I don't care to focus on that. Maybe Saddam Hussein did messed up things that I'm not aware of too, but I don't care because he did so many great things like making Iraq a major world player, attempting to revive Babylonian culture, rebuilt the Ishtar Gate, and just really great deeds in general and pissed the jews off. Anyone who pisses the jews off is going to get hated by the world. The world wanted Mussolini dead, and Hitler considered him a friend and a powerful ally, so he's good in my mind.

What I blame the most, if not solely, for the war being lost is the propaganda war being lost in America. Americans didn't want to get involved in the war, and they almost didn't. If America hadn't gotten involved then I believe Germany would have won. It was only because the jews desperately took over American minds.

We Americans have been paying for it ever since. I curse the jewish corpses of FDR, Eisenhower, and Oppenheimer. As well as every stinking jew who worked on that monstrosity, the atomic bomb. May they all rot in oblivion.
jrvan said:
As well as every stinking jew who worked on that monstrosity, the atomic bomb. May they all rot in oblivion.

You do realize if you study history in the Axis perspective according to certain people and certain WW2 rumors floating around.

Not only was Germany the first to make a proper nuclear fuse. Germany would later be invaded first to steal the nuclear fuse technology and reverse engineer it for little boy and fatman. But sometime in late 1942 nearing 1943 just before the Germans were pushed to Italy in Libya. The Bedouins of Libya mention seeing a strange mushroom shaped emanation coming from the far away desert in Libya.

Germany detonated the first nuclear weapon sometime late '42/'43 area just before being pushed back. Later in Poland a SADAM(Sub-atomic demolition munition) a.k.a. a harbor buster. And a snuke(suitcase nuke) was detonated in Polish forest somewhere deep in Polish forest.

If these accounts are all double confirmed to be real and true after deep investigations into secret hidden WW2 information. Germany not the allies were the first nuclear bomb, turbo nuke(turbocharge SADAM), building/blockbuster nuke(suitcase nuke) and finally nuclear fuses.

If this information checks out once again Hitler pulled a Simpson's like the episode of South Park, Simpsons did it. Hitler did it before anyone else.

The only area the Germans had spotty properties probably so people don't investigate or don't research alternative technology begets technology is the nuclear reactor technologies i.e. nuclear fuel.

According to current information the Germans were delving into it slower but probably realized they needed to theorize more and develop it slower and less hastily. And probably because it wasn't a military applicable technology it was less prioritized.

Either way they still researched it and I would not be surprised if as time went on their theorycrafting proved too valuable to lose. Sometimes theory > actual results cause it leads you to other avenues. For example if we knew about fusion reactors to a great theory degree maybe we delve into testbed systems of fusion decades before the first fusion tests and theorizers came online.

That sorta thing, sorta like how Germany built stealth fighters and bombers and the Americans slowly and painfully recreated it in their image after a few decades of pissing away time.
Gear88 said:
jrvan said:
As well as every stinking jew who worked on that monstrosity, the atomic bomb. May they all rot in oblivion.

You do realize if you study history in the Axis perspective according to certain people and certain WW2 rumors floating around.

Not only was Germany the first to make a proper nuclear fuse. Germany would later be invaded first to steal the nuclear fuse technology and reverse engineer it for little boy and fatman. But sometime in late 1942 nearing 1943 just before the Germans were pushed to Italy in Libya. The Bedouins of Libya mention seeing a strange mushroom shaped emanation coming from the far away desert in Libya.

Germany detonated the first nuclear weapon sometime late '42/'43 area just before being pushed back. Later in Poland a SADAM(Sub-atomic demolition munition) a.k.a. a harbor buster. And a snuke(suitcase nuke) was detonated in Polish forest somewhere deep in Polish forest.

If these accounts are all double confirmed to be real and true after deep investigations into secret hidden WW2 information. Germany not the allies were the first nuclear bomb, turbo nuke(turbocharge SADAM), building/blockbuster nuke(suitcase nuke) and finally nuclear fuses.

If this information checks out once again Hitler pulled a Simpson's like the episode of South Park, Simpsons did it. Hitler did it before anyone else.

The only area the Germans had spotty properties probably so people don't investigate or don't research alternative technology begets technology is the nuclear reactor technologies i.e. nuclear fuel.

According to current information the Germans were delving into it slower but probably realized they needed to theorize more and develop it slower and less hastily. And probably because it wasn't a military applicable technology it was less prioritized.

Either way they still researched it and I would not be surprised if as time went on their theorycrafting proved too valuable to lose. Sometimes theory > actual results cause it leads you to other avenues. For example if we knew about fusion reactors to a great theory degree maybe we delve into testbed systems of fusion decades before the first fusion tests and theorizers came online.

That sorta thing, sorta like how Germany built stealth fighters and bombers and the Americans slowly and painfully recreated it in their image after a few decades of pissing away time.

I don't think they ever would have used it in war or at all even if they had developed it. They had ethics, and unlike the jews, I don't think the Nazis would have been able to stomach it and be okay with watching humans get vaporized. Unless people are insane, then jews are the only ones who actually like and enjoy nukes and watching humans get vaporized. If it wasn't for the sake of warding off alien invasions then I would be out there preaching nuclear disarmament. Because fighting with spears, or swords and guns, and ripping each other apart on the battlefield manually is a lot better than holding and threatening a fucking nuke over the heads of your own species. Excuse the vulgar term, I'm just passionate about it.

Interesting discussion though. To add more to your point, the Germans also developed the first fully automatic assault rifle which was copied for the AK-47.
Serbon said:
Aquarius said:
jrvan said:
It was similar with Mussolini in Italy. He couldn't just come out and say what he really thought of the pope and the vatican, or xianity for that matter. Especially in Italy, he had to play the game. His people were possessed more than most other groups by the odious spirit of the enemy, it was literally enemy headquarters. Yet he still managed to bring back Pagan icons and Roman nationalism and a spirit of romanticism, quite literally romanticizing Rome. It was Roman Romance right under the jewish nose.

Mussolini was also very jew wise. Fascinating and powerful man. Few could have pulled off what he nearly did.
Yes, a very respectable man who started a brotherly war with Greece, very un-christian of him. Basically all of his achievements are vain because of that disgusting act he did. He is a possible reason of why we lost the war.
A huge mistake indeed. The war with Greece was also the main reason why so many Serbs decided to be with the Allies, because they wanted to help Greece
Also holding back Hitler from attacking the USSR, having to push back the invasion by at least a month. The air invasion of Crete alone cost 10,000 German troops, after which Hitler would rule out as a method of war (air to land invasion).
Gear88 said:
jrvan said:
As well as every stinking jew who worked on that monstrosity, the atomic bomb. May they all rot in oblivion.

You do realize if you study history in the Axis perspective according to certain people and certain WW2 rumors floating around.

Not only was Germany the first to make a proper nuclear fuse. Germany would later be invaded first to steal the nuclear fuse technology and reverse engineer it for little boy and fatman. But sometime in late 1942 nearing 1943 just before the Germans were pushed to Italy in Libya. The Bedouins of Libya mention seeing a strange mushroom shaped emanation coming from the far away desert in Libya.

Germany detonated the first nuclear weapon sometime late '42/'43 area just before being pushed back. Later in Poland a SADAM(Sub-atomic demolition munition) a.k.a. a harbor buster. And a snuke(suitcase nuke) was detonated in Polish forest somewhere deep in Polish forest.

If these accounts are all double confirmed to be real and true after deep investigations into secret hidden WW2 information. Germany not the allies were the first nuclear bomb, turbo nuke(turbocharge SADAM), building/blockbuster nuke(suitcase nuke) and finally nuclear fuses.

If this information checks out once again Hitler pulled a Simpson's like the episode of South Park, Simpsons did it. Hitler did it before anyone else.

The only area the Germans had spotty properties probably so people don't investigate or don't research alternative technology begets technology is the nuclear reactor technologies i.e. nuclear fuel.

According to current information the Germans were delving into it slower but probably realized they needed to theorize more and develop it slower and less hastily. And probably because it wasn't a military applicable technology it was less prioritized.

Either way they still researched it and I would not be surprised if as time went on their theorycrafting proved too valuable to lose. Sometimes theory > actual results cause it leads you to other avenues. For example if we knew about fusion reactors to a great theory degree maybe we delve into testbed systems of fusion decades before the first fusion tests and theorizers came online.

That sorta thing, sorta like how Germany built stealth fighters and bombers and the Americans slowly and painfully recreated it in their image after a few decades of pissing away time.
They had been developing a sort of a nuclear reactor of sorts by 45' deep in Germany, kinda of speculative but it seems to maybe match up with what you have said. Captured by the Americans of course.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
