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Star Wars (A Jewish Interpretation of Egypt?)

Adam Phosphor

New member
Dec 4, 2018
Ok, my first post.
Star Wars is 100% about Egyptian Mythology.

To begin, we have Anakin Skywalker (he goes by Ani as a young boy). In Egypt, Osiris goes by Ani in the Egyptian Book of Life (called the Egyptian Book of the Dead to create a sense of terror and taboo). Ani – Ani.
Both Anakin and Osiris are given the title of LORD (Lord Osiris, Lord Vader). Lord – Lord.
The enemy of Anakin is the Sith (until he becomes one). The enemy of Osiris is Seth. Sith – Seth.
Anakin turns evil and is cut into pieces (Osiris is also dismembered).
Both Anakin and Osiris are reassembled (resurrected) but can no longer regenerate (have intercourse). Although Anakin is cut off a little lower (through the calves).
Vader rules over the dark side (Osiris rules over the underworld/netherworld).
Both have the same mask and hair braid (don’t know how to post images but look at the images of the backside of pharaoh and you’ll see the pony tail, and look at the mask of Vader and compare it to Egyptian Kings, also the Sphinx, and the pyramid nose on Vader's chest - which has HEBREW letters!).

So, I made a documentary about this and George Lucas’s lawyer told me to basically f-off, he only works with people he knows. Three Star Wars Reddit Groups banned me for simply posting this. On Youtube, nothing but people calling me an idiot – saying George Lucas admitted he took his story from Joseph Campbell’s “Hero With A Thousand Faces.” The problem is that book is about a narrative, and this is about a plot (Name, Title, Enemy, etc.)

I’ve been searching for what the reason for all this appropriation is, and JOS may be the key, since you accord Egypt with Satanism. If the Jews took over the Vatican, took over the Freemasons, created the Illuminati, and as we all know took over Celtic Ireland (Vice-Ari or Vicar of Christ), then it is reasonable to me to see how Hollywood (the wood of the Holly Tree from Druidic legend), has also taken over the telling of the Egyptian legend (as Joseph became pharaoh over Egypt).

I would be very interested in your thoughts regarding this subject, and if it is of further interest to anyone else, I can show the same similarities with 18 other characters (19 all together – an important symbolic number particularly in Islam). I would like to discuss the other deities (Horus, Sobek, Apep, Thoth, Amun-Ra, etc as I have done my research and very familiar with them) and show how all of the characters in Star Wars fit this identical "ripoff" of Egyptian legend by Jewish Hollywood. If the topic however doesn’t peak anyone’s interest, I will not post anymore regarding it. I find it important but nobody seems to care anywhere else, except I feel as though I am just being attacked online - as when I tell people in person they get goosebumps. I’m working on redoing the documentary, regardless.

What I noticed is Jedi is taken from Djedi the name of the Egyptian serpent priesthood who had ascended powers as they had a risen serpent. Djedi is a name of Thoth and is the serpent energy and the siddhi's of such. Osiris is also called the Djedi column.

It would be interesting to hear your thesis on the subject. I liked Star Wars from a philosophical and entertainment perspective. Once Lucas signed this theme off to others it was lost and just became another action movie.

Anakin is pretty obvious he was born of the force a virgin birth and is the messianic style character. I would however argue that Anakin's full resurrection which comes from the Greek word meaning awaking is when he ascends into a light body at the end of the movie Return of the Jedi. Its very much like the rainbow body of the east as well. Obi wan was always my favourite character.

Obi wan was never defeated by Vader he ascended into a astral light body on the spot and trolled the Empire.
I’d love to watch star wars but there are too many jews as actors:/
The sand people where spergs.

Aquarius said:
I’d love to watch star wars but there are too many jews as actors:/
I’m grateful that you get it! Most people online have attacked me for exposing this Jewish VERSION of the True history of Egypt as Hollywood does nothing but distort the Truth… Jewish Hollywood is trying to tell you how it really went down.

Part 2: Luke AKA Horus.
Luke is the son of Anakin. Horus is the son of Osiris. Luke is introduced to us in Episode IV, the first movie, but it is very simple to see that Luke and Horus are the same person (forgery by Lucas).

Luke is like Jean LUC-Picard, or Lucas, short for Lucious, as in shining, Lucifer. So we meet Luke Skywalker, because in Egypt, HORUS was known as the Skywalker, because he was the SUN, and in Egyptian mythology, the sun took 12 steps across the horizon, or twelve HOURS (over 2K years becoming hours from the name Horus). The sun rises on the horizon, (Horus is risen). So Horus was the SKYWALKER. That includes his title and dominion (as expressed in detail regarding Anakin but shortened here because I think you understand common sense).
This all has to do with the cyclical battle of light versus dark.

Luke’s hand is severed off, just like Horus! It’s literally the same story. Seth tries to force himself on Horus to humiliate him, and it backfires, but Horus loses his hand in the fight (just like Luke’s hand is severed by his Sith/Seth father). Same story. This is why you see Luke on his back with Vader’s big saber in his face saying, “It is useless to resist.” It was meant to take as much sexual rape out of the scene as would be appropriate, but the message was clear.

On Page 199 of “The Egyptian Book of the Dead,” we find Spell Number 173: “The Greetings of Horus to His Father Osiris.” Tell me if this speech from Horus to his father Osiris reminds you at all of the greeting of Luke to his father Anakin... “Ho Osiris! I am your son Horus ; I have come to you that I may greet you, my father Osiris. I have come that I may remove all evil which is on you. I have come that I may slay for you him who mutilated you. I have come, having brought to you the confederacy of Seth with their bonds on them… (Remember the Confederacy of the Independent Systems of the Sith and why Egypt and Star Wars both talk about this “confederacy of Seth”) I have come, having got rid of your enemies for you down a drain-pipe…” Wait, a drain pipe? Like the drain pipe that Darth Sideous is cast down? It continues with some metaphorical blessings, “I have come that I may cause you to be a soul, to make you strong, to glorify you, to make you respected.” It reminds us of when Luke says, “I know there is good in you!” Vader turns back to the light, and is “caused to be a soul,” metaphorically speaking, just like Osiris. This is where we find that the underworld that Osiris rules over isn’t just metaphorical, it represents evil (according to the BOOK OF THE “DEAD” AND STAR WARS: the dark side.

The Sky, both Luke and Horus are Solar deity archetypes who rule over the sky, as Horus is represented by a falcon (Millennium Falcon in Star Wars).

The final mystery is revealed as Luke disappears and no one can find him until Episode VII. Where is he? We don’t know what happens to Luke from the time he is young, to the time he is old… and the reason is because in Ancient Egypt, there were two Horus’s. There was Horus the Younger, and Horus the Elder. Horus the Elder is the same individual, but distinguished as a separate and different persona or deity: Luke is represented as young, then old, Luke the younger, and Luke the elder.

In regard to your comments about the Djed, absolutely that is a very integral part. Just search for "Djed pillar" in “images” and you will find none other than the light saber or also search for “Wands of Horus.” You will see that all the monarchs of Egypt carried these sabers filled with crystals, just like the light sabers are powered by "Kyber crystals." Also you have much of the movie filmed in Africa near Egypt, especially when they are on Tattooine, and look at Han Solo - because he is frozen in carbonite, and his tomb looks exactly like the mummy's.

HP Mageson666 said:
What I noticed is Jedi is taken from Djedi the name of the Egyptian serpent priesthood who had ascended powers as they had a risen serpent. Djedi is a name of Thoth and is the serpent energy and the siddhi's of such. Osiris is also called the Djedi column.

It would be interesting to hear your thesis on the subject. I liked Star Wars from a philosophical and entertainment perspective. Once Lucas signed this theme off to others it was lost and just became another action movie.

Anakin is pretty obvious he was born of the force a virgin birth and is the messianic style character. I would however argue that Anakin's full resurrection which comes from the Greek word meaning awaking is when he ascends into a light body at the end of the movie Return of the Jedi. Its very much like the rainbow body of the east as well. Obi wan was always my favourite character.

Obi wan was never defeated by Vader he ascended into a astral light body on the spot and trolled the Empire.

I'm confused now, so is the Empire evil or does it in some aspects represent Our Fhurer with his people???

Just trying to understand...
HP Mageson666 said:
The sand people where spergs.

Aquarius said:
I’d love to watch star wars but there are too many jews as actors:/
i mean jews like the actors of princess leila and ian solo
Interesting thank you. Lucas stated in an interview he just took an ancient myth and recreated it in a sci-fi movie.

Adam Phosphor said:
I’m grateful that you get it! Most people online have attacked me for exposing this Jewish VERSION of the True history of Egypt as Hollywood does nothing but distort the Truth… Jewish Hollywood is trying to tell you how it really went down.

Part 2: Luke AKA Horus.
Luke is the son of Anakin. Horus is the son of Osiris. Luke is introduced to us in Episode IV, the first movie, but it is very simple to see that Luke and Horus are the same person (forgery by Lucas).

Luke is like Jean LUC-Picard, or Lucas, short for Lucious, as in shining, Lucifer. So we meet Luke Skywalker, because in Egypt, HORUS was known as the Skywalker, because he was the SUN, and in Egyptian mythology, the sun took 12 steps across the horizon, or twelve HOURS (over 2K years becoming hours from the name Horus). The sun rises on the horizon, (Horus is risen). So Horus was the SKYWALKER. That includes his title and dominion (as expressed in detail regarding Anakin but shortened here because I think you understand common sense).
This all has to do with the cyclical battle of light versus dark.

Luke’s hand is severed off, just like Horus! It’s literally the same story. Seth tries to force himself on Horus to humiliate him, and it backfires, but Horus loses his hand in the fight (just like Luke’s hand is severed by his Sith/Seth father). Same story. This is why you see Luke on his back with Vader’s big saber in his face saying, “It is useless to resist.” It was meant to take as much sexual rape out of the scene as would be appropriate, but the message was clear.

On Page 199 of “The Egyptian Book of the Dead,” we find Spell Number 173: “The Greetings of Horus to His Father Osiris.” Tell me if this speech from Horus to his father Osiris reminds you at all of the greeting of Luke to his father Anakin... “Ho Osiris! I am your son Horus ; I have come to you that I may greet you, my father Osiris. I have come that I may remove all evil which is on you. I have come that I may slay for you him who mutilated you. I have come, having brought to you the confederacy of Seth with their bonds on them… (Remember the Confederacy of the Independent Systems of the Sith and why Egypt and Star Wars both talk about this “confederacy of Seth”) I have come, having got rid of your enemies for you down a drain-pipe…” Wait, a drain pipe? Like the drain pipe that Darth Sideous is cast down? It continues with some metaphorical blessings, “I have come that I may cause you to be a soul, to make you strong, to glorify you, to make you respected.” It reminds us of when Luke says, “I know there is good in you!” Vader turns back to the light, and is “caused to be a soul,” metaphorically speaking, just like Osiris. This is where we find that the underworld that Osiris rules over isn’t just metaphorical, it represents evil (according to the BOOK OF THE “DEAD” AND STAR WARS: the dark side.

The Sky, both Luke and Horus are Solar deity archetypes who rule over the sky, as Horus is represented by a falcon (Millennium Falcon in Star Wars).

The final mystery is revealed as Luke disappears and no one can find him until Episode VII. Where is he? We don’t know what happens to Luke from the time he is young, to the time he is old… and the reason is because in Ancient Egypt, there were two Horus’s. There was Horus the Younger, and Horus the Elder. Horus the Elder is the same individual, but distinguished as a separate and different persona or deity: Luke is represented as young, then old, Luke the younger, and Luke the elder.

In regard to your comments about the Djed, absolutely that is a very integral part. Just search for "Djed pillar" in “images” and you will find none other than the light saber or also search for “Wands of Horus.” You will see that all the monarchs of Egypt carried these sabers filled with crystals, just like the light sabers are powered by "Kyber crystals." Also you have much of the movie filmed in Africa near Egypt, especially when they are on Tattooine, and look at Han Solo - because he is frozen in carbonite, and his tomb looks exactly like the mummy's.

So why are the Star War's people so mad at you and kicking you out of groups for this.....
I bet the Ewoks listen to Billy Idol music. I note they attacked C3PO because he was kind of a robo brony. It took the skills of a Jedi master to chill them out.
Yoda is a spelling of the name of the tenth letter in Hebrew and he represents the meaning of it personified as well.
People believe this because they think any highly military and totalitarian society must be Nazi's.

FlamingRedRose666 said:
HP Mageson666 said:
What I noticed is Jedi is taken from Djedi the name of the Egyptian serpent priesthood who had ascended powers as they had a risen serpent. Djedi is a name of Thoth and is the serpent energy and the siddhi's of such. Osiris is also called the Djedi column.

It would be interesting to hear your thesis on the subject. I liked Star Wars from a philosophical and entertainment perspective. Once Lucas signed this theme off to others it was lost and just became another action movie.

Anakin is pretty obvious he was born of the force a virgin birth and is the messianic style character. I would however argue that Anakin's full resurrection which comes from the Greek word meaning awaking is when he ascends into a light body at the end of the movie Return of the Jedi. Its very much like the rainbow body of the east as well. Obi wan was always my favourite character.

Obi wan was never defeated by Vader he ascended into a astral light body on the spot and trolled the Empire.

I'm confused now, so is the Empire evil or does it in some aspects represent Our Fhurer with his people???

Just trying to understand...
The Empire represents the Catholic Church more then anything they go around the universe destroying true spirituality and spirituality advanced people and then impose a religion of materialism and use occult power to control everyone with. The Emperor is the Pope and Vader is the Holy Roman Emperor who rules with the military for the pope.
I like your thesis. :)

Also, in Star Wars the Sith was originally a species. George Lucas and LucasArts created the origin of the Sith but it's "Legends" now because of Disney's takeover (which means stealing ideas from Legends and turning them into their "Canon")...

If you look at their species' story and how they were designed (pre-hyperspace travel), then you can see that it resembles pagan cultures. I do not mean how their race looks obviously. :) I mean their achitecture (Egypt), clothing and armor (Ancient Greece and Rome). They even had three races similiar to human races.
The Massassi (Warrior/Black), the Zuguruk (Engineer/Asian) and the Kissai (Priest/White). They were natural users of the Force and the Dark Side (here the dark part does not equal evil) and alchemy. They had rituals as well. Their leader was always the Sith King who was the highest ranking Force user and spiritual leader like the pharaos in Egypt.

Then the jews and their way of thinking was put into the story (as the Dark Jedi), resulting in the extinction of the original race. In the story, Dark Jedi (the jews) has come to the planet Korriban who then killed their king, took them over and introduced the sith to racemixing, slavery, blood sacrifice, (later cybernetic upgrades and microchips) etc. They pushed race mixing until the Sith slowly went extinct completely under few thousands of years and their teachings were twisted and turned into a belief system. The "sith" from the movies. That is why they start wars, have slaves, plot in secret and try to rule the galaxy under "the one" ruler through all of the stories with the Sith in them.

In short, the story of the Sith species resembles how jews infiltrated, twisted and destroyed pagan cultures and reveals the fate of each race/culture if they let the jews to be and stay in charge.

By the way, there is also a point of view on the Force, the Sith and the Jedi together which makes them seem like they are YHVH, the Jew and Christianity. If you played the game Knights od the Old Republic 2 or familiar with the story then you know what I'm talking about.
HP Mageson666 said:
People believe this because they think any highly military and totalitarian society must be Nazi's.

FlamingRedRose666 said:
HP Mageson666 said:
What I noticed is Jedi is taken from Djedi the name of the Egyptian serpent priesthood who had ascended powers as they had a risen serpent. Djedi is a name of Thoth and is the serpent energy and the siddhi's of such. Osiris is also called the Djedi column.

It would be interesting to hear your thesis on the subject. I liked Star Wars from a philosophical and entertainment perspective. Once Lucas signed this theme off to others it was lost and just became another action movie.

Anakin is pretty obvious he was born of the force a virgin birth and is the messianic style character. I would however argue that Anakin's full resurrection which comes from the Greek word meaning awaking is when he ascends into a light body at the end of the movie Return of the Jedi. Its very much like the rainbow body of the east as well. Obi wan was always my favourite character.

Obi wan was never defeated by Vader he ascended into a astral light body on the spot and trolled the Empire.

I'm confused now, so is the Empire evil or does it in some aspects represent Our Fhurer with his people???

Just trying to understand...

I see... So the Jedi's are, the REAL Nazi's, right?
You guys posted a lot of questions and hypothesis which I'd love to answer but unfortunately I've got to go work so I can feed myself in the Jewtrix - a quick note it is said in the Catholic Encyclopedia that Egypt fell due to it's "degrading animal worship," and we are told that Joseph (a Jew) became ruler over Egypt, Is-Ra-El was formed shortly after (named after two Egyptian deities and Saturn because they stole the Egyptian religion) then they destroyed Egypt and killed them with "plagues," and we have to wonder if they were really slaves in Egypt (those poor persecuted Jews). There are some who say no. I feel that I was banned by the Reddit groups because they are controlled and this information is highly secretive.

Parts 1 and 2 I tried to edit to get straight to the point for you guys, but Part 3 I'm just going to post for you with the entire narration:


In Part 3 we want to delve into the similarities between the character Rey, and the Egyptian deity Re.

Most are familiar with the Egyptian Sun God Rey as a male, and usually pronounced Ra, but often times it is pronounced Rey, as in Amen-Rey, where we get the word Sun-Ray. Re looks like Horus with the head of a falcon, but pictured with the Red Sun over his head. There are three Sun gods in Egypt, Horus or Luke, representing the Sun God at his beginning, Osiris or Anakin, representing the Sun God at his end, and Re or Ra, representing the third manifestation of the Egyptian solar deity as the mid-day sun, when the sun reaches its highest, hottest, and most powerful point. Re is the most powerful at this stage, which is why she doesn’t even need training to beat Kylo-Ren.

In ancient Egypt, Re or Ra was a hermaphrodite, born with both male and female parts because they believed that the sun didn’t need a mate to produce an offspring, because the sun was the source of all life. At times the sun god was even referred to as, “the great he-she.” Of course there are hermaphrodites in Star Wars already – the Hutts, and the 1994 movie Star Gate portrayed Ra as a hermaphrodite, casting Jaye Davidson, who played a transgender role in the 1992 film the Crying Game. In the ancient world, those naturally born with aspects of both genders, were considered complete, like the most high god, and believed to be capable of giving virgin birth, and that’s exactly what Re does in the Egyptian legend. Does that mean we’re going to see a moment where Rey has to have a talk with the kids. Kids, I have to tell you something… I’m your father!

Luckily for you that won’t be happening, because in Egypt there were different cults and different versions of the story. In the story of Isis, Ra, and the Snake, Isis, who desires the powers of Ra, causes a poisonous snake to bite him. She knows that she can learn his secret powers through his hidden name. When the poison becomes too much, he relents and tells her to feel through him. As he his healed, his powers transfer to her. This means that Ra has now become female through the vessel of Isis, AKA She-Ra.

In Egypt, Re was known as the living force or living light that dwells in all things, because she is the living force, more reason why she doesn’t need training. There is also the mystery of her parents. All sorts of theories abound… The reason you don’t find out who her parents are is also explained in the Egyptian legend. The reason is because Re creates him or herself out of the primordial waters of chaos. Re has “parents” metaphorically, they are Nun, and Naunet, but they are venerated as universal energies more-so than persons, so unfortunately, you’re never going to find out – as Maz explains.

The Millennium Falcon… Horus and Re are of course, symbolized by a falcon. It’s not just the fastest ship in the galaxy, and the window in the cockpit is obviously the sun and it’s rays. In the Egyptian mythos, Re travels the sky on a boat called the Solar Barge. That’s obviously a reference to a starship or an airship at the very least. It has even been suggested and theorized that many of the Egyptian Hieroglyphs portray modern airships. In Egypt, Re’s ship was known as, “The Barque of Ages,” or “The Boat of a Thousand Years,” and the word millenium means a thousand years. So “Millennium Falcon,” is undeniably a reference to the Re’s Ship. The coincidences that these modern movies and ancient legends share, in conjunction with the timing of their release, we could speculate, seems to be part of a deeper plan. The millennial generation, transgender rights, social justice, feminine heroine.

When the Episode 8 Trailer was released, it was more than in your face. We hear a voice saying: “When I found you, I saw raw... Untamed power! And beyond that, something truly special." Yes - When I found you, I saw RA

Ok catch you guys later!
Order 66, The Annihilation of all Jedis?
66, falling short of 666...

Kaminoan scientists specialized in cloning technology and, at the behest of Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas, created the clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic. The Sith also worked with the Kaminoans, such as by providing a bio-chip for all clones that would eventually trigger Order 66, the command that saw the clone troopers turn against the Jedi and bring about the destruction of the Jedi Order.
Sifo-Dyas? ~Sifu-Dyeus?

The NPC meme dream of the enemy, Implant Bio-chips in order for the Gentiles to Annihilate their own Spiritual Leaders
Adam Phosphor said:
FlamingRedRose666 said:
HP Mageson666 said:
People believe this because they think any highly military and totalitarian society must be Nazi's.

I see... So the Jedi's are, the REAL Nazi's, right?

So there is definitely some clues regarding the Nazis - I mean just look at Hux standing before his military with the big flag - but unfortunately, the Jedi are VERY Jewish, which I will explain further on - if you look at "Yoda" that is a very Jewish term. So the film is painting the Jews as the heroes, to answer your question, but stating that the Egyptian deities belong to and fight for them - because the Unholy Bible basically hints that they destroyed Egypt. Then they destroyed Rome, and America is next!

Oh okay, thank you for explaining :) Looking forward to your post about it! :D
Bravera said:
Order 66, The Annihilation of all Jedis?
66, falling short of 666...

Kaminoan scientists specialized in cloning technology and, at the behest of Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas, created the clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic. The Sith also worked with the Kaminoans, such as by providing a bio-chip for all clones that would eventually trigger Order 66, the command that saw the clone troopers turn against the Jedi and bring about the destruction of the Jedi Order.
Sifo-Dyas? ~Sifu-Dyeus?

The NPC meme dream of the enemy, Implant Bio-chips in order for the Gentiles to Annihilate their own Spiritual Leaders

66 is not like 666. It s the incomplete number of nothingness. The bible has 66 books.

Not sure on which side Lucas is...
Adam Phosphor said:
Ok, my first post.
Star Wars is 100% about Egyptian Mythology.

To begin, we have Anakin Skywalker (he goes by Ani as a young boy). In Egypt, Osiris goes by Ani in the Egyptian Book of Life (called the Egyptian Book of the Dead to create a sense of terror and taboo). Ani – Ani.
Both Anakin and Osiris are given the title of LORD (Lord Osiris, Lord Vader). Lord – Lord.
The enemy of Anakin is the Sith (until he becomes one). The enemy of Osiris is Seth. Sith – Seth.
Anakin turns evil and is cut into pieces (Osiris is also dismembered).
Both Anakin and Osiris are reassembled (resurrected) but can no longer regenerate (have intercourse). Although Anakin is cut off a little lower (through the calves).
Vader rules over the dark side (Osiris rules over the underworld/netherworld).
Both have the same mask and hair braid (don’t know how to post images but look at the images of the backside of pharaoh and you’ll see the pony tail, and look at the mask of Vader and compare it to Egyptian Kings, also the Sphinx, and the pyramid nose on Vader's chest - which has HEBREW letters!).

So, I made a documentary about this and George Lucas’s lawyer told me to basically f-off, he only works with people he knows. Three Star Wars Reddit Groups banned me for simply posting this. On Youtube, nothing but people calling me an idiot – saying George Lucas admitted he took his story from Joseph Campbell’s “Hero With A Thousand Faces.” The problem is that book is about a narrative, and this is about a plot (Name, Title, Enemy, etc.)

I’ve been searching for what the reason for all this appropriation is, and JOS may be the key, since you accord Egypt with Satanism. If the Jews took over the Vatican, took over the Freemasons, created the Illuminati, and as we all know took over Celtic Ireland (Vice-Ari or Vicar of Christ), then it is reasonable to me to see how Hollywood (the wood of the Holly Tree from Druidic legend), has also taken over the telling of the Egyptian legend (as Joseph became pharaoh over Egypt).

I would be very interested in your thoughts regarding this subject, and if it is of further interest to anyone else, I can show the same similarities with 18 other characters (19 all together – an important symbolic number particularly in Islam). I would like to discuss the other deities (Horus, Sobek, Apep, Thoth, Amun-Ra, etc as I have done my research and very familiar with them) and show how all of the characters in Star Wars fit this identical "ripoff" of Egyptian legend by Jewish Hollywood. If the topic however doesn’t peak anyone’s interest, I will not post anymore regarding it. I find it important but nobody seems to care anywhere else, except I feel as though I am just being attacked online - as when I tell people in person they get goosebumps. I’m working on redoing the documentary, regardless.


Adam is your documentary a movie or a book? I am thinking maybe you could find an alternative way to peopagate it and why not sell as well. Amazon maybe? It is your work so why not go fwd with it. Talking with ppl involved in hollywood is difficult since jws are involved. But if your study gets public somehow people may be interested. Just loook carefully where are the areas of interest of this field and try there ;)
Adam Phosphor, MANY THANKS for this!!

Very cool stuff.

The final mystery is revealed as Luke disappears and no one can find him until Episode VII. Where is he? We don’t know what happens to Luke from the time he is young, to the time he is old… and the reason is because in Ancient Egypt, there were two Horus’s. There was Horus the Younger, and Horus the Elder. Horus the Elder is the same individual, but distinguished as a separate and different persona or deity: Luke is represented as young, then old, Luke the younger, and Luke the elder.

May we have the link to your documentary?
AdamP, how did you find the JOS btw?
EasternFireLion666 said:
Adam Phosphor said:
Ok, my first post.
Star Wars is 100% about Egyptian Mythology.

To begin, we have Anakin Skywalker (he goes by Ani as a young boy). In Egypt, Osiris goes by Ani in the Egyptian Book of Life (called the Egyptian Book of the Dead to create a sense of terror and taboo). Ani – Ani.
Both Anakin and Osiris are given the title of LORD (Lord Osiris, Lord Vader). Lord – Lord.
The enemy of Anakin is the Sith (until he becomes one). The enemy of Osiris is Seth. Sith – Seth.
Anakin turns evil and is cut into pieces (Osiris is also dismembered).
Both Anakin and Osiris are reassembled (resurrected) but can no longer regenerate (have intercourse). Although Anakin is cut off a little lower (through the calves).
Vader rules over the dark side (Osiris rules over the underworld/netherworld).
Both have the same mask and hair braid (don’t know how to post images but look at the images of the backside of pharaoh and you’ll see the pony tail, and look at the mask of Vader and compare it to Egyptian Kings, also the Sphinx, and the pyramid nose on Vader's chest - which has HEBREW letters!).

So, I made a documentary about this and George Lucas’s lawyer told me to basically f-off, he only works with people he knows. Three Star Wars Reddit Groups banned me for simply posting this. On Youtube, nothing but people calling me an idiot – saying George Lucas admitted he took his story from Joseph Campbell’s “Hero With A Thousand Faces.” The problem is that book is about a narrative, and this is about a plot (Name, Title, Enemy, etc.)

I’ve been searching for what the reason for all this appropriation is, and JOS may be the key, since you accord Egypt with Satanism. If the Jews took over the Vatican, took over the Freemasons, created the Illuminati, and as we all know took over Celtic Ireland (Vice-Ari or Vicar of Christ), then it is reasonable to me to see how Hollywood (the wood of the Holly Tree from Druidic legend), has also taken over the telling of the Egyptian legend (as Joseph became pharaoh over Egypt).

I would be very interested in your thoughts regarding this subject, and if it is of further interest to anyone else, I can show the same similarities with 18 other characters (19 all together – an important symbolic number particularly in Islam). I would like to discuss the other deities (Horus, Sobek, Apep, Thoth, Amun-Ra, etc as I have done my research and very familiar with them) and show how all of the characters in Star Wars fit this identical "ripoff" of Egyptian legend by Jewish Hollywood. If the topic however doesn’t peak anyone’s interest, I will not post anymore regarding it. I find it important but nobody seems to care anywhere else, except I feel as though I am just being attacked online - as when I tell people in person they get goosebumps. I’m working on redoing the documentary, regardless.


Adam is your documentary a movie or a book? I am thinking maybe you could find an alternative way to peopagate it and why not sell as well. Amazon maybe? It is your work so why not go fwd with it. Talking with ppl involved in hollywood is difficult since jws are involved. But if your study gets public somehow people may be interested. Just loook carefully where are the areas of interest of this field and try there ;)

And another important thing. COPYRIGHT YOUR WORK!
EasternFireLion666 said:
Bravera said:
Order 66, The Annihilation of all Jedis?
66, falling short of 666...

Kaminoan scientists specialized in cloning technology and, at the behest of Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas, created the clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic. The Sith also worked with the Kaminoans, such as by providing a bio-chip for all clones that would eventually trigger Order 66, the command that saw the clone troopers turn against the Jedi and bring about the destruction of the Jedi Order.
Sifo-Dyas? ~Sifu-Dyeus?

The NPC meme dream of the enemy, Implant Bio-chips in order for the Gentiles to Annihilate their own Spiritual Leaders

66 is not like 666. It s the incomplete number of nothingness. The bible has 66 books.

Not sure on which side Lucas is...
Yes, it was mentioned somewhere by a high preist/ess about 66, this is what I meant by falling short of 666
Bravera said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
Bravera said:
Order 66, The Annihilation of all Jedis?
66, falling short of 666...

Sifo-Dyas? ~Sifu-Dyeus?

The NPC meme dream of the enemy, Implant Bio-chips in order for the Gentiles to Annihilate their own Spiritual Leaders

66 is not like 666. It s the incomplete number of nothingness. The bible has 66 books.

Not sure on which side Lucas is...
Yes, it was mentioned somewhere by a high preist/ess about 66, this is what I meant by falling short of 666

I understand now :)
HP Mageson666 said:
So why are the Star War's people so mad at you and kicking you out of groups for this.....
Cause all these groups are owned and run by jews who recognize this is the truth. And would awaken people to tens of thousands of years of history. The memories are deep in our racial soul, one thing that connects the dots like this could easily be the spark to wake up a lot of people.
you could try messaging people on reddit that are subscribed to that group, like many of them with different accounts(because you will definitely have to wait before sending too many messaged to avoid spam) with all these writings of yours.
HP Mageson666 said:
The Empire represents the Catholic Church more then anything they go around the universe destroying true spirituality and spirituality advanced people and then impose a religion of materialism and use occult power to control everyone with. The Emperor is the Pope and Vader is the Holy Roman Emperor who rules with the military for the pope.

you could look at it that way, but you could also look at it the other way and see the Jedi as the jews/church.

the Jedi didn't allow their powers/occult knowledge to be for general use either. You had to adhere to their doctrine and be brainwashed since birth. The Siths methods weren't much different than Hitler going after the Church and the jewish lodges. the Jedi wanted to destroy the Sith just for existing, while the Sith were after revenge for being on the verge of genocide.

I always saw the Jedi as the right hand path putting jewish restrictions on themselves(power, money, sex = bad goyim) while the Sith represented the left hand path always striving to advance and be the best of themselves so that they could greater effect the universe. This is what led to guys like Anakin and Dooku becoming disillusioned with the order and seeing the Republic for what it was, a bloated piece of ineffective crap. They wanted justice for the wrongdoings they saw and lamented at the higherups preventing them from advancing further. Obviously they give it a "cartoonish" version of evil in some aspects, but you can read between the lines.

the Empire is also portrayed as a human(white) supremacist organization. They even gave the stormtroopers the same name as the WW1 german troops and the officers are all white british. while the the Rebels/Republic is the failed multicultual utopia of jews, aliens, shabos goyim and nonwhites hand in hand. The Rebels are literally a terrorist organisation that gains power through violence and brutality(The communists) while the Emperor gains power through the same means Hitler did(democratically voted and chosen by the people propeled to Emperor/Führer). The guy who wrote the "Sith Code" (their Slogan) literally said its inspiration was Mein Kampf. lul......

There is a popular fan theory circulating among Star Wars that Palpatine sought to get rid of the Republic because his force foresight showed him of the impending Yuzhaan Vong(a force resistant alien race) invasion that would have steamrolled the galaxy and destroyed/enslaved everyone with the current status. And a strong, stable, united empire was needed to repel this, an army, and a technological weapon(the Death Star). And not in a totalitarian Stalin/communist way either. He actually downsized the the central government and gave control of the systems to regional governors and was an advocate for states rights. The only people the Empire ever attacked were those who rebelled directly against them(Alderan). Even in the original movie Luke and all his friends expressed desires to join the Empire/imperial adademy. which shows that opinion of it wasn't completely all bad, just when shown the Jedi propaganda!! I think theres a reason most star wars fan(almost always a white person) favorite faction is the Empire over the rebels.

Anyway I'm sure talking about stuff this deep goes way over the heads of any hidden motives the creators had in terms of black/white and is just something fun to talk about. The genuine inspirations and sources for the material though however vague though can not be doubted. :D When I was in middle school I was absolutely obsessed with Star Wars and would read all of the expanded novels as well. one can use their imagination to see it how they want, I think thats a positive thing. Star Wars at least before (((Disney))) bought it out was top tier fiction.
jay said:
There is a popular fan theory circulating among Star Wars that Palpatine sought to get rid of the Republic because his force foresight showed him of the impending Yuzhaan Vong(a force resistant alien race) invasion that would have steamrolled the galaxy and destroyed/enslaved everyone with the current status.
I doubt it would be the case since his post mortem order was to nuke all their allied planets after the success of the Rebels. Also the Sith code states only 2 people can have the power. For the Sith to be the real heroes most of the SW canon should be ignored.

I agree with most of your points, but Lucas being a christian obviously made his story in the way to make the strong and powerful be the bad guys just like how Nazi Germany is portraited in Hollywood, and the ascetic christian monk-like Jedi be the moral standard. Superman = Bad, Lastman = Good.
Egon said:
jay said:
There is a popular fan theory circulating among Star Wars that Palpatine sought to get rid of the Republic because his force foresight showed him of the impending Yuzhaan Vong(a force resistant alien race) invasion that would have steamrolled the galaxy and destroyed/enslaved everyone with the current status.
I doubt it would be the case since his post mortem order was to nuke all their allied planets after the success of the Rebels. Also the Sith code states only 2 people can have the power. For the Sith to be the real heroes most of the SW canon should be ignored.

I agree with most of your points, but Lucas being a christian obviously made his story in the way to make the strong and powerful be the bad guys just like how Nazi Germany is portraited in Hollywood, and the ascetic christian monk-like Jedi be the moral standard. Superman = Bad, Lastman = Good.

Yeah who knows, kind of makes sense though, but a lot of star wars fans do tend to overanalyze things to fit their own worldview(not necesarily a bad thing) when its entirely possible(plausible? :lol: )the actual creator just threw vague concepts and themes together while on the shitter.

Palpatines whole creation of the war and controlling both sides is almost like a blueprint showing what the Jews do in real life. :lol: obviously they are not some 100% redpilled just faction to model your life after and given classic badguy "evil" elements. just wanted to say one could look at "duh bad guys" in Star Wars and see why they have the massive appeal they have in peoples subconscious because a lot of it comes from stuff like Nazis, left hand path, etc.
Official Jedi Code:
“There is no emotion, there is peace.
There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
There is no passion, there is serenity.
There is no chaos, there is harmony.
There is no death, there is the Force.”

Official Sith Code:
“Peace is a lie. There is only Passion.
Through Passion I gain Strength.
Through Strength I gain Power.
Through Power I gain Victory.
Through Victory my chains are Broken.
The Force shall free me.”

I think this makes it clear which side in “Star Wars” represents the Jews/Reptilians.
Empress said:
Official Jedi Code:
“There is no emotion, there is peace.
There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
There is no passion, there is serenity.
There is no chaos, there is harmony.
There is no death, there is the Force.”

Official Sith Code:
“Peace is a lie. There is only Passion.
Through Passion I gain Strength.
Through Strength I gain Power.
Through Power I gain Victory.
Through Victory my chains are Broken.
The Force shall free me.”

I think this makes it clear which side in “Star Wars” represents the Jews/Reptilians.

I remembered something, speaking of those ancient codes from the Old Republic. Something that proves your ideea even further. The knowledge holocrons. The Jedi ones were cubical, while the sith were pyramidal. This is enough said. Jewish cube vs ancient pyramid.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
