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Radio remote control of the brain


Sep 21, 2021
[email protected]
It's no longer science fiction.


I suggest to start wearing shielding on your head, especially if you took the jab.
Look for "shielding beanie" or "shielded beanie" or "emf beanie."
AgainstAllAuthority said:
It's no longer science fiction.


I suggest to start wearing shielding on your head, especially if you took the jab.
Look for "shielding beanie" or "shielded beanie" or "emf beanie."
Try to post he content of the link in case enemy removes the link. The information can be saved.
In 2020 they succeded in transplanting human brain and the brain is able to adopt the new body after 30days.

Here's the content from the link you posted above

Illustration by Ellen Weinstein
Illustration by Ellen Weinstein
Flipping a Switch Inside the Head

With new technology, scientists are able to exert wireless control over brain cells of mice with just the push of a button. The first thing they did was make the mice hungry.
By W. Wayt Gibbs
April 1, 2017

Ready your tinfoil hats—mind control is not as far-fetched an idea as it may seem. In Jeffrey M. Friedman’s laboratory, it happens all the time, though the subjects are mice, not people.

Friedman and his colleagues have demonstrated a radio-operated remote control for the appetite and glucose metabolism of mice—a sophisticated technique to wirelessly alter neurons in the animals’ brains. At the flick of a switch, they are able to make mice hungry—or suppress their appetite—while the mice go about their lives normally. It’s a tool they are using to unravel the neurological basis of eating, and it is likely to have applications for studies of other hard-wired behaviors.

Friedman, Marilyn M. Simpson Professor, has been working on the technique for several years with Sarah Stanley, a former postdoc in his lab who now is assistant professor at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, and collaborators at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Aware of the limitations of existing methods for triggering brain cells in living animals, the group set out to invent a new way. An ideal approach, they reasoned, would be as noninvasive and non-damaging as possible. And it should work quickly and repeatedly.

Although there are other ways to deliver signals to neurons, each has its limitations. In deep-brain stimulation, for example, scientists thread a wire through the brain to place an electrode next to the target cells. But the implant can damage nearby cells and tissues in ways that interfere with normal behavior. Optogenetics, which works similarly but uses fiber optics and a pulse of light rather than electricity, has the same issue. A third strategy—using drugs to activate genetically modified cells bred into mice—is less invasive, but drugs are slow to take effect and wear off.

The solution that Friedman’s group hit upon, referred to as radiogenetics or magnetogenetics, avoids these problems. With their method, published last year in Nature, biologists can turn neurons on or off in a live animal at will—quickly, repeatedly, and without implants—by engineering the cells to make them receptive to radio waves or a magnetic field.

“In effect, we created a perceptual illusion that the animal had a drop in blood sugar.”

“We’ve combined molecules already used in cells for other purposes in a manner that allows an invisible force to take control of an instinct as primal as hunger,” Friedman says.

The method links five very different biological tools, which can look whimsically convoluted, like a Rube Goldberg contraption on a molecular scale. It relies on a green fluorescent protein borrowed from jellyfish, a peculiar antibody derived from camels, squishy bags of iron particles, and the cellular equivalent of a door made from a membrane-piercing protein—all delivered and installed by a genetically engineered virus. The remote control for this contraption is a modified welding tool (though a store-bought magnet also works).

The researchers’ first challenge was to find something in a neuron that could serve as an antenna to detect the incoming radio signal or magnetic field. The logical choice was ferritin, a protein that stores iron in cells in balloon-like particles just a dozen nanometers wide. Iron is essential to cells but can also be toxic, so it is sequestered in ferritin particles until it is needed. Each ferritin particle carries within it thousands of grains of iron that wiggle around in response to a radio signal, and shift and align when immersed in a magnetic field. We all have these particles shimmying around inside our brain cells, but the motions normally have no effect on neurons.
Friedman and Stanley, with equipment they use to send radio waves.
Friedman and Stanley, with equipment they use to send radio waves. Photo by Zachary Veilleux

Friedman’s team realized that they could use a genetically engineered virus to create doorways into a neuron’s outer membrane. If they could then somehow attach each door to a ferritin particle, they reasoned, they might be able to wiggle the ferritin enough to jostle the door open. “The ‘door’ we chose is called TRPV1,” says Stanley. “Once TRPV1 is activated, calcium and sodium ions would next flow into the cell and trigger the neuron to fire.” The bits borrowed from camels and jellyfish provided what the scientists needed to connect the door to the ferritin (see How to outfit a brain sidebar, right).

Once the team had the new control mechanism working, they put it to the test. For Friedman and Stanley, whose goal is to unravel the biological causes of overeating and obesity, the first application was obvious: Try to identify specific neurons involved in appetite. The group modified glucose-sensing neurons—cells that are believed to monitor blood sugar levels in the brain and keep them within normal range—to put them under wireless control. To accomplish this, they inserted the TRPV1 and ferritin genes into a virus and—using yet another genetic trick—injected them into the glucose-sensing neurons. They could then fiddle with the cells to see whether they are involved, as suspected, in coordinating feeding and the release of hormones, such as insulin and glucagon, that keep blood glucose levels in check.
How to outfit a brain for radio control

Illustration by Jasu Hu

Once the virus had enough time to infect and transform the target neurons, the researchers switched on a radio transmitter tuned to 465 kHz, a little below the band used for AM radio.

The neurons responded. They began to fire, signaling a shortage of glucose even though the animal’s blood sugar levels were normal. And other parts of the body responded just as they would to a real drop in blood sugar: insulin levels fell, the liver started pumping out more glucose, and the animals started eating more. “In effect,” Friedman says, “we created a perceptual illusion that the animal had low blood glucose even though the levels were normal.”

Inspired by these results, the researchers wondered if magnetism, like radio waves, might trigger ferritin to open the cellular doors. It did: When the team put the mice cages close to an MRI machine, or waved a rare-earth magnet over the animals, their glucose-sensing neurons were triggered.

Stimulating appetite is one thing. Could they also suppress it? The group tweaked the TRPV1 gene so it would pass chloride, which acts to inhibit neurons. Now when they inserted the modified TRPV1 into the neurons, the rush of chloride made the neurons behave as if the blood was overloaded with glucose. Insulin production surged in the animals, and they ate less. “This seems to indicate clearly that the brain as well as the pancreas is involved in glucose regulation,” Friedman says.

Friedman and Stanley hope that biologists will be able to use the remote-control system to tackle a range of neural processes other than appetite. And beyond being a basic research tool, the method could potentially lead to novel therapies for brain disorders.

For example, one could imagine using it to treat Parkinson’s disease or essential tremor—conditions that are sometimes treated by deep brain stimulation, via wires implanted into patients’ brains and connected to a battery pack tucked into the chest. Potentially, it would be less invasive to inject the crippled virus into the same spot of the brain and let it permanently modify the cells there, making them responsive to wireless control.

In theory, it might also be possible to make a patient’s own cells receptive to electromagnetic waves by removing them from the body, delivering TRPV1 and ferritin, and then putting the cells back, Friedman says. This would be a protocol not unlike those currently used in stem cell treatments and some cancer immunotherapies, in which patients’ own cells are engineered and reimplanted back into their bodies.

At this point, however, the system’s clinical usefulness is a question of speculation. “We are a long way from using it in humans for medical treatments,” Friedman says. “Much would need to be done before it could even be tested.”

If you try to wear any kind of faraday cage emf shielding hat, it will not do anything other than make the problem worse. If the shielding worked, EMF signal would simply go through your neck and into your head that way. Then it would bounce around inside of the shielded hat with no way to escape. And really all you accomplished was making the signal even more stronger and worse.

But the whole thing is ridiculous because mostly what will happen is nothing and the only thing you will accomplish would be to make yourself paranoid and afraid for no reason.
Thank you for posting the entire article. For me this was the most interesting part, which could explain the current pandemic:

robb said:
The method links five very different biological tools, which can look whimsically convoluted, like a Rube Goldberg contraption on a molecular scale. It relies on a green fluorescent protein borrowed from jellyfish, a peculiar antibody derived from camels, squishy bags of iron particles, and the cellular equivalent of a door made from a membrane-piercing protein—all delivered and installed by a genetically engineered virus.

They mention virus and ferritin particles many times in the article.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
If you try to wear any kind of faraday cage emf shielding hat, .... it would bounce around inside of the shielded hat with no way to escape

. And really all you accomplished was making the signal even more stronger and worse.

Correct. Do you think our AoP can handle this ?

They are using 3 bands for 5g
long, mid and small range

The small range is highly dangerous
Which they are going to use it on most populated zones.

4g supported mobiles can be secretly connected to 5g network without our information to steal the data.
AgainstAllAuthority said:
Thank you for posting the entire article. For me this was the most interesting part, which could explain the current pandemic:

robb said:
The method links five very different biological tools, which can look whimsically convoluted, like a Rube Goldberg contraption on a molecular scale. It relies on a green fluorescent protein borrowed from jellyfish, a peculiar antibody derived from camels, squishy bags of iron particles, and the cellular equivalent of a door made from a membrane-piercing protein—all delivered and installed by a genetically engineered virus.

They mention virus and ferritin particles many times in the article.

I am just wondering, if this may be related to Covid vaccines also?
They are now extensively talking about "new" vaccines, supposedly made in a "good-old-fashioned way" ( https://www.npr.org/sections/health...ovid-vaccine-could-debut-soon?t=1640781586300).
"The plant will assemble the protein in a shape and form that is looking like the virus,"
This seems directly addressed to the unvaccinated, to try to convince them. Since the unvaccinated may think with their own brain, bad goyim would need mind control to stay under the jewish rules. So why do not inject them something a bit more addressed to brain control, etc. ?
Just wondering, this may be the case in close future.
AgainstAllAuthority said:
It's no longer science fiction.


I suggest to start wearing shielding on your head, especially if you took the jab.
Look for "shielding beanie" or "shielded beanie" or "emf beanie."
This kind of technology has been around for years, shortly after WW2 the Jews were already working on it during the Montauk project, besides it is much cheaper for them to use subliminal messages to manipulate the public than mind control technology, since it is expensive, complicated to use in the long term, can have its signals jammed, needs a certain level of closeness for the signal to reach the brain, and costs a lot to use on only one human at a time, and when used on a large scale, as in the Montauk project, the effect weakens and can become unpredictable.

If this was so useful for the Jews, they would use it instead of microchips, besides that the protective aura and the bioelectricity can neutralize the effects, trying to affect someone with a lot of bioelectricity in the brain with this kind of thing besides not working can break the machine.
Ol argedco luciftias said:

If you try to wear any kind of faraday cage emf shielding hat, it will not do anything other than make the problem worse. If the shielding worked, EMF signal would simply go through your neck and into your head that way. Then it would bounce around inside of the shielded hat with no way to escape. And really all you accomplished was making the signal even more stronger and worse.

But the whole thing is ridiculous because mostly what will happen is nothing and the only thing you will accomplish would be to make yourself paranoid and afraid for no reason.

You can shield the neck as well. There is neck shielding. There are also shielding shirts and pants.
Better have them and not need them, than not have them and need them.

Active Denial System (ADS) :

Now imagine having that system everywhere and turning it up to lethal levels...
If you think that microwave weapons are not lethal...


Done by amateurs:
If that's not enough to scare you:

Invisible lasers that can burn and blind you from many miles away https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aa_tCzIMJjE
I heard they have radio transmitting machines that send waves into your brain that cause voices in your head and cause tinnitus.
Kevin Hernandez said:
I heard they have radio transmitting machines that send waves into your brain that cause voices in your head and cause tinnitus.

That's called "Voice-to-Skull." They even patented that shit https://patents.google.com/patent/US4877027A/en
AgainstAllAuthority said:
Kevin Hernandez said:
I heard they have radio transmitting machines that send waves into your brain that cause voices in your head and cause tinnitus.

That's called "Voice-to-Skull." They even patented that shit https://patents.google.com/patent/US4877027A/en

That's fucked up. The government be spending trillions to make shit like this. And one wonders why we hate Jews, because they're the only ones capable of going to this extreme.
AgainstAllAuthority said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:

If you try to wear any kind of faraday cage emf shielding hat, it will not do anything other than make the problem worse. If the shielding worked, EMF signal would simply go through your neck and into your head that way. Then it would bounce around inside of the shielded hat with no way to escape. And really all you accomplished was making the signal even more stronger and worse.

But the whole thing is ridiculous because mostly what will happen is nothing and the only thing you will accomplish would be to make yourself paranoid and afraid for no reason.

You can shield the neck as well. There is neck shielding. There are also shielding shirts and pants.
Better have them and not need them, than not have them and need them.


The video got censored.
Here's another upload: https://www.bitchute.com/video/AqpOFBwMU1ge/
Title of the video: Vaxed peoples heads exploding & combusting upon the turning up of 5G in Israel!

They are remotely cooking palestinians.
Why were the people around not affected? Because they were not vaxed and thus did not have graphene oxide (conductive material) in their brain and body.
Here's my advice in case you get targeted by a microwave weapon:

You are not vaxed, not wearing shielding:
Metallic parts on your body may get extremely hot and even start glowing, like ear rings, or your phone. Get rid of those immediately.
Your skin will feel very hot but don't worry, you won't get immediate burns. Your nerves will get stimulated and the warmth you feel won't represent the real temperature of your skin.
Seek shelter but don't panic. Try to get inside of metal buildings or cars.

You are not vaxed, you wear shielding:
Get rid of the shielding asap and seek shelter. Do not panic.

You are vaxed, not wearing shielding:
This is the worst possible situation. You may get disabled and blinded instantly as you have conductive particles inside you. Others may feel nothing or a mild warming sensation while you may be cooking from the inside.
Time to panic and seek shelter immediately.
If you get blinded, throw yourself to the ground, scream and put your arms on your head. If you know where the attack is coming from, have your legs face it rather than your head.
If someone comes to your rescue, have them lay on your head.

You are vaxed, you wear shielding:
Mild panic.
The shielding may get extremely hot but it's better to cook on the outside than the inside, so keep the shielding on you even if it burns you.
If you have water, throw it on yourself. Water will evaporate and cool the skin.
Seek shelter immediately.

They are now trying to put graphene in the foods we eat. Before eating something, test it with a magnet. If you feel any resistance or magnetic attraction, don't eat it. A very very mild attraction is fine as most foods contain some iron.
However, it should not be able to support the weight of the magnet, just like your skin can't.
Here's my advice in case you get targeted by a microwave weapon:

You are not vaxed, not wearing shielding:
Metallic parts on your body may get extremely hot and even start glowing, like ear rings, or your phone. Get rid of those immediately.
Your skin will feel very hot but don't worry, you won't get immediate burns. Your nerves will get stimulated and the warmth you feel won't represent the real temperature of your skin.
Seek shelter but don't panic. Try to get inside of metal buildings or cars.

You are not vaxed, you wear shielding:
Get rid of the shielding asap and seek shelter. Do not panic.
WHy no shielding, i want to buy these emf protection beanies and caps to try if it helps.
My brain gets microwaved everyday i have to take sleeping pills from pfizer otherwise the "tinnitus" is smoking my brain constantly.
Turning the power off at my apartment helps a little bit, "tinnitus" gets weaker, but i got 4 close neighbours.....
WHy no shielding, i want to buy these emf protection beanies and caps to try if it helps.
My brain gets microwaved everyday i have to take sleeping pills from pfizer otherwise the "tinnitus" is smoking my brain constantly.
Turning the power off at my apartment helps a little bit, "tinnitus" gets weaker, but i got 4 close neighbours.....
Strong aura and aura of protection trump these beanies and whatnot in every way. And being healthy one does not need sleeping pills. But you do you...
Strong aura and aura of protection trump these beanies and whatnot in every way.
I don't have any protection only a small shungite stone as necklace, way too small to protect from the big amount of emf.
Will also buy an emf device for measurement.
How long does it take to obtain strong aura?
And being healthy one does not need sleeping pills. But you do you...
Are you talking as an emf-sensible person?
Because i am and i can HEAR the emf constantly.
This woman here sleeps in a Faraday cage:
Self imprisonment for protection:unsure:
I don't have any protection only a small shungite stone as necklace, way too small to protect from the big amount of emf.
Will also buy an emf device for measurement.
How long does it take to obtain strong aura?
The aura of protection trumps these things. Items and stones are supplementary at best.

Impossible for me to say for you.

Are you talking as an emf-sensible person?
Because i am and i can HEAR the emf constantly.
I do not mind it because I am used to it.
I do not mind it because I am used to it.
Let me tell you, i speak out of experience and you do NOT get used to it.
You are just not electrosensitive. You may feel it in the future.
The emf only grows stronger and stronger with every new 5G tower, with every new user and his 3,4,5G modem/ router and phone signals and radio waves.
I admit i'm a beginner on this very importand topic but a long time sufferer/ victim.

Jewish big pharma keeps on growing and also the sicknesses of the people.
The jew wants the people to be sick and waste their money on their shit kike poison that they call "medicine".
And the doctors only learn memorized stuff that the jew owned universities gives them to learn.
So the patients seek help from the jew created sicknesses and ask the doctors (jewish brainwashed npc's).
EMF sensitivity is also known by the doctors as "shizophrenia". So they say "you only imagine that" and "it's only in your fantasies".
"Stupid goyim, buy more of my pills with endless side effects, which will give you other sicknesses." - Win Win Schlomo Goldberg Dollarstein
How is your experience going to nullify mine? It's not. Get over it and spare me your nonsense.
The only nonsense are your dumb one liners.
"Post is awaiting moderator approval"... and you accept and answer straight back.
Looks like Henu the Great one liner bitch fighter is a moderator.
Shame on this forum.
If you have experience then share it.
Otherwise just shut the fuck up.
The reason Henu is used to it and you're not is because he's been meditating for years and he trained his focus to a level where sounds don't bother you when you don't focus on them, even if they are very loud. I know this will seem very weird to you, but it's true. When I was new loud noises annoyed me so much during meditation and I wasn't able to focus, but now I don't even notice them even if they are very loud.
The reason Henu is used to it and you're not is because he's been meditating for years and he trained his focus to a level where sounds don't bother you when you don't focus on them, even if they are very loud. I know this will seem very weird to you, but it's true. When I was new loud noises annoyed me so much during meditation and I wasn't able to focus, but now I don't even notice them even if they are very loud.
"Sounds don't bother"
Please just shut the fuck up if you don't talk about the EMF.
As an emf sensible person i can't even sleep, i get 6-8 hours for fighting for the sleep. That is after i got to work for 8 hours. That's why i need the jewish pfizer sleeping pills. It is NOT natural that is for sure.
Spare me with your "oh my meditation..."
I HEAR the EMF constantly. Do you even know what that means?
The only nonsense are your dumb one liners.
"Post is awaiting moderator approval"... and you accept and answer straight back.
Looks like Henu the Great one liner bitch fighter is a moderator.
Shame on this forum.
If you have experience then share it.
Otherwise just shut the fuck up.
It's a fact that your experience does not nullify mine. So what if it only takes a line to state that? Get over that as well...

I am not a moderator, but I along with some others have been granted posting privileges due to our good conduct. Out of over 8000 posts I have had less than ten posts disapproved or deleted. Think about that for a second before you insult me. You just happened to have your post approved at the same time I was browsing the forum and so I replied instantly.

I have already shared my experience and it's up to you to apply yourself to this path instead of being a small-minded crybaby. If you do not have what it takes then I guess your only option is to hug a rock with a beanie on your head eating sleeping pills. It is what it is.
It's a fact that your experience does not nullify mine. So what if it only takes a line to state that? Get over that as well...

I am not a moderator, but I along with some others have been granted posting privileges due to our good conduct. Out of over 8000 posts I have had less than ten posts disapproved or deleted. Think about that for a second before you insult me. You just happened to have your post approved at the same time I was browsing the forum and so I replied instantly.

I have already shared my experience and it's up to you to apply yourself to this path instead of being a small-minded crybaby. If you do not have what it takes then I guess your only option is to hug a rock with a beanie on your head eating sleeping pills. It is what it is.
The only "experience" that you have shared in this thread is a dumb one liner after another which says summarized:
"oh i'm Henu the Great and i'm so great, i don't need your useless protection from this emf, because i got such a good aura, boohoo you weak gentiles who need extra protection you crybabies, go cry me a river."

Thanks for your great input oh wise one, you have elevated the importance of this topic to new hights, hope to see 8000 more of your precious posts.
Out of over 8000 posts I have had less than ten posts disapproved or deleted. Think about that for a second before you insult me.
OK, just thought about it for a second.
There is a phrase that the great Germans use: "Wenn man keine Ahnung hat, einfach mal die Fresse halten".
Which translates to:"If you don't have a clue about a certain topic, just shut your fucking mouth."
So the best course of action is to seek shelter against this form of weaponry.
"Sounds don't bother"
Please just shut the fuck up if you don't talk about the EMF.
As an emf sensible person i can't even sleep, i get 6-8 hours for fighting for the sleep. That is after i got to work for 8 hours. That's why i need the jewish pfizer sleeping pills. It is NOT natural that is for sure.
Spare me with your "oh my meditation..."
I HEAR the EMF constantly. Do you even know what that means?
Skill issue lil bro
The only "experience" that you have shared in this thread is a dumb one liner after another which says summarized:
"oh i'm Henu the Great and i'm so great, i don't need your useless protection from this emf, because i got such a good aura, boohoo you weak gentiles who need extra protection you crybabies, go cry me a river."

Thanks for your great input oh wise one, you have elevated the importance of this topic to new hights, hope to see 8000 more of your precious posts.

OK, just thought about it for a second.
There is a phrase that the great Germans use: "Wenn man keine Ahnung hat, einfach mal die Fresse halten".
Which translates to:"If you don't have a clue about a certain topic, just shut your fucking mouth."
I relayed two things:

- Aura of Protection
- A strong aura

There is a myriad of information on how these things are practiced/achieved.

Since I encourage people to learn by themselves I do not always hand everything step by step on a silver platter.

So there goes your 'argument' that I did not share anything useful. Anything else, or are you going to continue being a crybaby?
I relayed two things:

- Aura of Protection
- A strong aura

There is a myriad of information on how these things are practiced/achieved.

Since I encourage people to learn by themselves I do not always hand everything step by step on a silver platter.

So there goes your 'argument' that I did not share anything useful. Anything else, or are you going to continue being a crybaby?
It's an emf protection thread and you call it bullshit.
What you should have done is atleast post the links to this protection process, instead of bitching at me.
And yet you still bitch around in a thread with a topic you have no clue about, because you are not targeted. You don't suffer from emf.
"Muh you're a crybaby" you have no clue about this emf suffering.
Skill issue lil bro
You can't understand.
Or better said: You're too dumb to understand and to write something useful.
It's an emf protection thread and you call it bullshit.
What you should have done is atleast post the links to this protection process, instead of bitching at me.
And yet you still bitch around in a thread with a topic you have no clue about, because you are not targeted. You don't suffer from emf.
"Muh you're a crybaby" you have no clue about this emf suffering.

You can't understand.
Or better said: You're too dumb to understand and to write something useful.
Dude you are projecting so much lol, the only idiot who's bitching here is you, you need some introspection. Stop being on your knees begging for advice if you show no respect when you don't like an answer.
It's an emf protection thread and you call it bullshit.
What you should have done is atleast post the links to this protection process, instead of bitching at me.
And yet you still bitch around in a thread with a topic you have no clue about, because you are not targeted. You don't suffer from emf.
"Muh you're a crybaby" you have no clue about this emf suffering.
You know, it is not very cool when you put words in my mouth and assume things.

What I said, verbatim, is that spiritual methods trump these tools that you mentioned.

I never bitched at you. Read the posts again. You got emotional after I mentioned the above facts.

So yeah, everything that has needed to be mentioned from the spiritual side of things has been mentioned and it's up to you to seek more information that is very readily and easily accessible on JoS webpage and on these forums.

I know what suffering is and what can be done about it which is why I have mentioned these things. There are of course more things for a complete overhaul of one's life, but one thing at a time.

That being said, I do not foster too much hope for you at the moment, but I would like to be wrong with this matter. The ball is in your court about this and other issues that you might be facing. There is nothing else we can do about this apart from directing you in the right direction (which has been done), it's all on you.

What is it going to be then?
Dude you are projecting so much lol, the only idiot who's bitching here is you, you need some introspection. Stop being on your knees begging for advice if you show no respect when you don't like an answer.
I'm not on my knees to you.
I'm asking for help from people who suffer from the same emf misery.
And i don't need to give anyone respect who's talking nonsense like you.
Get out of this thread, you don't belong in here.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
