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Pseudo-Satanism Will Be A Thing Of The Past

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Father Satan has been smeared, attacked and vilified for centuries. Falsely, in a most undeserving manner, only based on hearsay from the uneducated or those who wanted to position Him as an enemy.

His time is coming for redemption.

The jewish people, the first and foremost to stand the negative slander and propaganda against the Ancient Pagan Gods, whom they collectively branded as "Demons", was the first attack against the Gods in the form of a cultural attack.

Interestingly enough, the "Satan" title comes from Satyan or Satyam, the Sanskrit word for Eternal Truth. The word Demon, originally in Ancient Greek, it means literally "God".

Jews falsely declared that their "interpretation" of all of this, borne out of their own interests and solely their desires to cause cultural warfare, is the sole interpretations. Conveniently, for centuries and centuries, they tried to delete the Gods and the past; their reasons were as they claim to enslave everyone else, the "Goyim", or those whom they sunk in animal consciousness just to use them for their own purposes.

The war against the Gods will not pass and the idea of God will not perish.

The idea of "God", has also been confused to no end, to where it doesn't make any sense to most people anymore. See your average Christian and Muslim and it will be enough to figure this out.

The idea of "God" is also a luxury for the many and retarded, it's a path to the Godhead reserved for those who will try. The fact every retard opens the Bible, a jewish low level work of interpretation and talks about "God", is only a testament of the disaster we find ourselves into now Spiritually.

As if the above was not enough, jews have also tried to hijack the "other side" to bring it to the ground, just to be sure in case anyone would try to meetup with the "Demons" and the "Evil Ones" to learn anything about the Godhead and these matters.

The way they did this was by creating another false paradigm on these matters, and telling humanity that "This is Satanism".

Those who call themselves "Satanists" while simultaneously engage in full on, jewish and Abrahamic blasphemy towards the Gods, having adopted negative and ugly notions to pin on the Gods, should change their course.

As everyone who has known the Gods does know, these things are not looked favorably by the Gods. I will not stay there to mention those who follow the reverse "Christianity" paradigm; you are in no serious relationship with the Gods, you are solely in a relationship with Abrahamic Propaganda and the lowest level of the self.

We do not have a problem with anyone interested in the Gods or Spiritual Satanism. But it is important to us that any jewish amalgamations and any falsehoods around the Gods collapse.

The most giant attack against the Gods, was to declare their religion as "evil", negative, lowly, and to connect it with what it is not: The lesser and the imbalanced low elements of existence.

Spiritual Satanism is the only real and functional form of Satanism that contains the real essence of Satanism; the fellowship of the Gods, the acceptance of the material and spiritual realm, the pathway to the Godhead, the appreciation of society, the rights to societal and individual function, liberty and freedom, organization of life; all in the best balance.

Atheism in the form of "Satanism" in the form of inquiry, is not bad. Provided one is a seeker and one does not use this as a gateway to promote decadence, nobody will force you to believe in the Gods. We are not these kinds of people. You can live without this pressure when we are concerned.

Decadence packaged as "Satanism" is however an offense and the greatest form of disrespect of the Gods, something that only their enemies would do, and something that the jews have invented in order to try to vilify the return of many interested people back to Satan and the Gods. That is not acceptable, it can be considered as a vile form of attack and infiltration.

Our Gods have excused our lack of knowledge in their kindness and understanding, but Spiritual Satanism is here to lead this change that will reform all of this reality.

Soon, people will understand there is nothing bad with "Satanism", ie, being an enemy of the corrupted ones, or being someone who follows the Truth and the Demons [Ancient Gods] in order to ascend spiritually. In fact, that is the best thing one can devote their existence to.

Further, the opinion of the jews on the subject does not matter. It is the opinion of those who want humanity to not advance, to not spread itself to the universe, to not advance spiritually, they are haters of the Gods and this development. Their opinion is of zero credibility unless in the face of the unstudied and those on board with this negative agenda.

Many also falsely call it a "Satanic" Agenda due to misinformation; but it's an anti-existence Agenda, which has nothing to do with Satan. All the things jews created were against the "Satan" in the first place.

For those who seek to maintain all the negative advertising towards the Gods and who want to attack the Gods while trying to wear their own uniform, be alarmed; the Gods exist and they will exact Justice on those who smear their names for their own selfish or foolish desires

I also issue a spiritual warning here. While even a vile enemy is a recognized enemy, the infiltrator and the traitor, or the person who does evil to our side from "within" our side, that is worse than being a declared enemy.

Do not attack the Gods from inside of their own House or through wearing their Diadem, because your fate will be worse than their enemies.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
this was absolutely necessary.

WORMS, you who only flirt with philosophy and the supposed glamor of power and the good part of what you think the advancement of an SS is.

continuous delusions accompanied by daydreams swearing that the SS is a symbol and a simple reaction of what the world is, leading you to do nothing, unreal and distant.

my complaint is that this filth makes the current front line in the minds of NPCs a stereotype and if i could occasionally reveal myself, i would be reduced to those inferior animals who have the courage to embarrass themselves with their boasts about how “woke” they are.

individual who dresses only in black says: a lot of this world is a farce, jesus, these myths that numb the masses, something could be done, but it's so cool, crazy...
*then he often goes off to drink alcohol, smoke a joint, and use cocaine.*

people with colored hair, mentally ill, insane, slaves to the ego, imbecile rebels, blind followers of negative karma towards eternal disgrace, lazy, useless, schizophrenic followers of alternative movements or similar themes.


I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to see the fall of these things when the age of Aquarius arrives, the appreciation of truth, and good things in every way being what drives HUMANS to prosper and stand out, with all the bad luck for the trash that will try to live with the impact and pressure of divine energy sweeping our planet, they will collapse EASILY, without tolerance and space to “lead” life, as was energetically established by the enemy, and TODAY ALREADY BEING ANNIHILATED EVERY DAY BY US AND LOSING EFFECT FOR THOSE WITH GOOD EYES AND COMPARISON REFERENCES.
Hail Satan!

My guardian demon is bune I see her sometimes it’s so cool! And blue lights all around me! Mm so lucky to have you as a high priest! Thank you for all you do!
I spend some time in my day just loving the gods and demons and father Satan I just feel my heart open to them!

Hail Satan!
I literally had this thought yesterday, out of nowhere, that Satanism will be known to all and accepted by society in the future. Probably sooner than I belive. Now I woke up to this sermon, which I thank you for, HPHC.

Thinking about it makes me feel like all these efforts of us and of our ancestors who were of the Gods are not in vain, and clearly as the direction this world goes on shows, things are only becoming better and better.

Hail Satan!!!
Oh 1 one more thing the enemy is pushing Christianity on me severely! Whenever I meditate they push their silly ideas and beliefs on to me! They trigger me a bit I know it’s a psychic attack and I also get anxiety becuase I get scared I’m going to believe in Christianity (even though I don’t) because my psychic attacks match what the bible says! So they’re doing it on purpose to try and get me to believe!

What should I do! I would hate to become farther from the gods and tie into that ugly energy I get triggered by it! :(
Thank you HP.

This is extremely good news to know this

Everyone always made me to be the bad guy despite all the evidence for fighting againt evil I'm glad this will change for all of us and the Gods
The Age of Aquarius is just around the corner. During the last Age of Pisces the enemy smeared our Religion with lies and created the sickness and the base of the system that is so commercialised today. This Age of Pisces they will be punished and obliterated. We will enter the New Age cleansed of the vermin, ready for a new start.
I believe I will get to see this progress in as little as my next lifetime.
Glory and power be to Satan, and to our Gods. Forever. My greatest Happiness is that Satan is Alive and he cares
I shall not die, I will live to see the reign of Satan and his kingdom on Earth ♾

Hail Satan!!!
Hail Our Original Gods,
Hail Father Satan Forever!
Indeed as much as i love Hades i would much rather see Satan or the Lovely Astaroth standing at the golden gates then Hades saying it would appear we have some attitude adjustment required for some form of treason imagine what todays politicans go through when they die scum if i was in charge i would slowly torture these scum to death first or use them for "Advancements in medical science" have their most horrible exisitence dragged out here on this earth and then when their body gives out they can get the lash of Hades too traitor rats.

All these Christian conspiracy groups will see that Satan is the true God, after being fooled by the "Illuminati" and their child sacrifices. They will "repent" of their sins, which in the Satanic definition is nothing like the so-called "repentence" of Christianity, it will be a TRUE repentence from slavery.

With the growth of the Satanic movement, new JoS wikis and new JGs (especially during Yule Season, Father Satan's season), it seems very exciting time!

Evil is also quite mysterious. Satanism is basically just centering in your own Awareness ,until the Absolute is experienced within. The state beyond Consciousness, the Transcendent. This process unfolds the inner Divinity into your individuality, bringing it into the likeness of the Inner Sun Divinity, that's all. Brotherhood of the Snake consistently point this out ,in the Hieroglyphs, pointing to the Sun. This is an inevitable process, because everything is rooted in immanent Sun God Consciousness and the Transcendent Reality of It. So evil entities know that it's futile to fight evolution ,but they still do it anyway, that's the mysterious part of evil. It's lower end Consciousness. A closed system fighting evolution , will die out, because it doesn't want change,adapt and be better. But Asuric leaders of this planet still want to push it,knowing full well it will probably fail. You can't live life ignoring the Sun God Divinity that upholds everything,this means you automatically sink into the ignorance of lower animal conscious. All mental health issues are coming from this. Kundalini sleeping meant entanglement into the , intellectual , instinctive nature obscuring Atma. In Saivism this is often represented as a coconut shell,which has to be cracked , revealing the white stuff, the Atma Sun God Consciousness,with the Swastika Central point gateway into the Absolute,the Black Sun. The spirit body of everyone is always steeped in Dharma Sun God Consciousness All Knowing. That's why debate is not necessary. Kundalini rising is highest Samàdhi,but one of the aims first of Yogic practices is to realise the spirit body. Whiçh the Ançient Egyptians symbolised by the Ankh at the heart chakra,by centering in Awareness past the navel physical center. Raja Yoga treaties often end on soul body realisation because at that point one becomes convinced of Dharma,as the Ankh soul body is always steeped in it. This process is inevitable ,why ? Because you are spirit first in Sun God Consciousness before mind ,body. It's the Natural Way. Mind ,body is split at this point and can therefore be programmed against Dharma , Kundalini dropping meant the asuric animal nature chakras below the spine in the legs are activated. This is where most of humanity is at. This is where we often start from to realize the Absolute Self within. But the spirit body is not split and you are spirit first , that's why it's inevitable. Asuric entities know this but they still fight you against it. That's the mystery of evil. I guess it also has it's purpose in the Universe of things.
This is not an intellectual process,it's by meditation. God is Consciousness itself and is undeniable. The Yoga is to center in your own Consciousness . The main defunct with the Abrahamic Faiths is that they are told God is separate from them,so they don't internalize,they can't center past the navel centre. Even when they want to express gratitude to Divine Providence they often look to the physical sky. It's supposed to be directed inwards,to the Inner Sky, withdraw of Awareness from the physical. Up,In and Ceñtre that's the message of the Pyramid.
So they don't do the Yoga and these Centers along the spine are guarded by the Gods. So to realize the Absolute within one has to go through the Gods. Kundalini rising can't be cheated ,Pure Atma is not polarised , it's total Truth. God and Gods approve then the aspirant realizes the Absolute Self.
I hate how the "Church of Satan" and the "Satanic Temple" are both atheistic programs created by jews. They produce a fake image of blood-sacrifice and degeneracy, which is the image of the jews, NOT of Satan. Justice will be served.
Great sermon! but I have an important question and a more personal follow up:
Is demon a proper term for a god then? If the enemy labelled our gods as demons is this a slur against them? or is this a proper title that the enemy have slandered and should be used albeit respectfully, I often refer to the gods as demons interchangeably and I would hate to be causing offense by willful ignorance so your knowledge would be greatly appreciated.

Furthermore I sometimes notice you seem to distinguish demons and gods, is this a reference to a order or hierarchy among their ranks or is it just you using the term interchangeably?

As for the more personal question unfortunately I get intrusive thoughts that are often disrespectful to the gods much to my shame particularly when I have done a lot of rituals in one day, my GD has shown me that they dont take it personally and that I am forgiven, but these thoughts are truly upsetting as during a power ritual im trying to bless the gods and their names but then these errant disrespectful thoughts keep popping up and its heavily discourage me, as I HATE the idea that when im trying to bless the gods names that im sending negative energy by accident or slandering them with my thoughts while doing the affirmations and vibrations because if im doing more harm than good I shouldn't bother until im in full control and as SS my thoughts particularly when doing vibrations carry more weight and I only want to help.

I know im not a kike as I have had extremely positive interactions with the gods and have felt their blessings throughout my journey but it leaves me confused as to why these thoughts keep popping into my head interrupting me and I am desperate for guidance to make it stop, because I truly dont think what im thinking if that makes sense, its like when you hear something terrible and then you picture it accidentally and you can't get it out of your head. I am also not mentally ill if that helps, this specifically happens during rituals only.

As you said those who work against the cause and turncoat are scum and will be dealt with, but if im accidentally doing harm should I just stop my rituals and focus on RTR's until I can find a solution?

Thanks for any advice.
I can't see Chakras, so what else can I do to check if a person is kikish? Should I ask them to vibrate SATANAS or a Daemon name and see if it hurts them?
One of my roommates said her grandfather is a kike. But she is my best friend there because she doesn't talk behind anyone's back at the dorms, she cleans the room, has always supported me and shared personal details from her life with me, hugged me and told me she loved me when I was betrayed by my some ex friends whom I considered close . We usually hang out, like typical best friends. She doesn't gossip and manipulate us into doing her work or stealing from us. This is what confuses me. I refused to believe she is a kike. Not even a 4th. If she is, I will let her go, but I don't want to lose her too. What should I do?
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
I can't see Chakras, so what else can I do to check if a person is kikish? Should I ask them to vibrate SATANAS or a Daemon name and see if it hurts them?
One of my roommates said her grandfather is a kike. But she is my best friend there because she doesn't talk behind anyone's back at the dorms, she cleans the room, has always supported me and shared personal details from her life with me, hugged me and told me she loved me when I was betrayed by my some ex friends whom I considered close . We usually hang out, like typical best friends. She doesn't gossip and manipulate us into doing her work or stealing from us. This is what confuses me. I refused to believe she is a kike. Not even a 4th. If she is, I will let her go, but I don't want to lose her too. What should I do?
Here is what HPHC has said about the subject in the past.

Half Jews, Quarter Jews etc. - https://web.archive.org/web/20170718215615/http://josministries.prophpbb.com/topic20163.html
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
I can't see Chakras, so what else can I do to check if a person is kikish? Should I ask them to vibrate SATANAS or a Daemon name and see if it hurts them?
One of my roommates said her grandfather is a kike. But she is my best friend there because she doesn't talk behind anyone's back at the dorms, she cleans the room, has always supported me and shared personal details from her life with me, hugged me and told me she loved me when I was betrayed by my some ex friends whom I considered close . We usually hang out, like typical best friends. She doesn't gossip and manipulate us into doing her work or stealing from us. This is what confuses me. I refused to believe she is a kike. Not even a 4th. If she is, I will let her go, but I don't want to lose her too. What should I do?

Be wary and don't let your guard down, but the chances are, if she is truly a jew, it might show up along the line. If she's good with you be good with her, but don't drop your guard down entirely let alone give her power over you. Generally these very marginal situations can be borderline behaving as Gentiles, yet in some occasion something bad might come out.
What do you think about the New Age stuff ? Starting from Alice Bailey and Blavatsky ,they've tried to reform Christianity. By replacing the Christ with a Symbolic Christos-Lucifer type character. Apparently there are a lot of New Agers who summon Angels and stuff. But as a whole i would say that movement has been a net positive for humanity as it expanded Christians into thinking about new possibilities and de-radicalization from their Kike religion which was extremely dogmatic.
Henu the Great said:
Here is what HPHC has said about the subject in the past.

Half Jews, Quarter Jews etc. - https://web.archive.org/web/20170718215615/http://josministries.prophpbb.com/topic20163.html

Thank you for the advice.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Be wary and don't let your guard down, but the chances are, if she is truly a jew, it might show up along the line. If she's good with you be good with her, but don't drop your guard down entirely let alone give her power over you. Generally these very marginal situations can be borderline behaving as Gentiles, yet in some occasion something bad might come out.

Thank you, I will be wary.

This post by HPHC made help you out: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=87413&p=451906&hilit=Jews+in+your+family#p451906
General Yeager said:
What do you think about the New Age stuff ? Starting from Alice Bailey and Blavatsky ,they've tried to reform Christianity. By replacing the Christ with a Symbolic Christos-Lucifer type character. Apparently there are a lot of New Agers who summon Angels and stuff. But as a whole i would say that movement has been a net positive for humanity as it expanded Christians into thinking about new possibilities and de-radicalization from their Kike religion which was extremely dogmatic.

No, that is even worse, I have seen new age people who practice things like Santeria and they have an aura even much more contaminated than the average christian, they invoke and channel angels and the names of the hebrew god and that creates deep bonds with the enemy, it is nefarious.
Wotanwarrior said:
General Yeager said:
What do you think about the New Age stuff ? Starting from Alice Bailey and Blavatsky ,they've tried to reform Christianity. By replacing the Christ with a Symbolic Christos-Lucifer type character. Apparently there are a lot of New Agers who summon Angels and stuff. But as a whole i would say that movement has been a net positive for humanity as it expanded Christians into thinking about new possibilities and de-radicalization from their Kike religion which was extremely dogmatic.

No, that is even worse, I have seen new age people who practice things like Santeria and they have an aura even much more contaminated than the average christian, they invoke and channel angels and the names of the hebrew god and that creates deep bonds with the enemy, it is nefarious.
I think they got infiltrated and corrupted later on. Just like the Illuminati Jews corrupted Freemasonry.
Hellenic SS said:
I hate how the "Church of Satan" and the "Satanic Temple" are both atheistic programs created by jews. They produce a fake image of blood-sacrifice and degeneracy, which is the image of the jews, NOT of Satan. Justice will be served.

Imagine how I feel, about so-called "Heavenly Societies" in communist China, or "Maharlikan brotherhoods" in the Philippines today supposedly "worshiping the Gods". If they really were connected to the Gods and doing the will of the Gods, we'd see half of China in rebellion against the communists. Sure, at one point they were legit just like the Masons, but eventually got invested with enemy bullshit.

Somehow, someway, 1 billion+ Chinese people practicing Taoism are yet, still under a communist gov't. Right :roll:

I also remember a group of people attempting to set up a "Kids for Satan" club in schools....I can't imagine they're going to teach the kids anything good, and even then, attempting to evangelize minors, let alone anyone, in the public is a HUGE no-no to JoS.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Father Satan has been smeared, attacked and vilified for centuries. Falsely, in a most undeserving manner, only based on hearsay from the uneducated or those who wanted to position Him as an enemy.

His time is coming for redemption.

The jewish people, the first and foremost to stand the negative slander and propaganda against the Ancient Pagan Gods, whom they collectively branded as "Demons", was the first attack against the Gods in the form of a cultural attack.

Interestingly enough, the "Satan" title comes from Satyan or Satyam, the Sanskrit word for Eternal Truth. The word Demon, originally in Ancient Greek, it means literally "God".

Jews falsely declared that their "interpretation" of all of this, borne out of their own interests and solely their desires to cause cultural warfare, is the sole interpretations. Conveniently, for centuries and centuries, they tried to delete the Gods and the past; their reasons were as they claim to enslave everyone else, the "Goyim", or those whom they sunk in animal consciousness just to use them for their own purposes.

The war against the Gods will not pass and the idea of God will not perish.

The idea of "God", has also been confused to no end, to where it doesn't make any sense to most people anymore. See your average Christian and Muslim and it will be enough to figure this out.

The idea of "God" is also a luxury for the many and retarded, it's a path to the Godhead reserved for those who will try. The fact every retard opens the Bible, a jewish low level work of interpretation and talks about "God", is only a testament of the disaster we find ourselves into now Spiritually.

As if the above was not enough, jews have also tried to hijack the "other side" to bring it to the ground, just to be sure in case anyone would try to meetup with the "Demons" and the "Evil Ones" to learn anything about the Godhead and these matters.

The way they did this was by creating another false paradigm on these matters, and telling humanity that "This is Satanism".

Those who call themselves "Satanists" while simultaneously engage in full on, jewish and Abrahamic blasphemy towards the Gods, having adopted negative and ugly notions to pin on the Gods, should change their course.

As everyone who has known the Gods does know, these things are not looked favorably by the Gods. I will not stay there to mention those who follow the reverse "Christianity" paradigm; you are in no serious relationship with the Gods, you are solely in a relationship with Abrahamic Propaganda and the lowest level of the self.

We do not have a problem with anyone interested in the Gods or Spiritual Satanism. But it is important to us that any jewish amalgamations and any falsehoods around the Gods collapse.

The most giant attack against the Gods, was to declare their religion as "evil", negative, lowly, and to connect it with what it is not: The lesser and the imbalanced low elements of existence.

Spiritual Satanism is the only real and functional form of Satanism that contains the real essence of Satanism; the fellowship of the Gods, the acceptance of the material and spiritual realm, the pathway to the Godhead, the appreciation of society, the rights to societal and individual function, liberty and freedom, organization of life; all in the best balance.

Atheism in the form of "Satanism" in the form of inquiry, is not bad. Provided one is a seeker and one does not use this as a gateway to promote decadence, nobody will force you to believe in the Gods. We are not these kinds of people. You can live without this pressure when we are concerned.

Decadence packaged as "Satanism" is however an offense and the greatest form of disrespect of the Gods, something that only their enemies would do, and something that the jews have invented in order to try to vilify the return of many interested people back to Satan and the Gods. That is not acceptable, it can be considered as a vile form of attack and infiltration.

Our Gods have excused our lack of knowledge in their kindness and understanding, but Spiritual Satanism is here to lead this change that will reform all of this reality.

Soon, people will understand there is nothing bad with "Satanism", ie, being an enemy of the corrupted ones, or being someone who follows the Truth and the Demons [Ancient Gods] in order to ascend spiritually. In fact, that is the best thing one can devote their existence to.

Further, the opinion of the jews on the subject does not matter. It is the opinion of those who want humanity to not advance, to not spread itself to the universe, to not advance spiritually, they are haters of the Gods and this development. Their opinion is of zero credibility unless in the face of the unstudied and those on board with this negative agenda.

Many also falsely call it a "Satanic" Agenda due to misinformation; but it's an anti-existence Agenda, which has nothing to do with Satan. All the things jews created were against the "Satan" in the first place.

For those who seek to maintain all the negative advertising towards the Gods and who want to attack the Gods while trying to wear their own uniform, be alarmed; the Gods exist and they will exact Justice on those who smear their names for their own selfish or foolish desires

I also issue a spiritual warning here. While even a vile enemy is a recognized enemy, the infiltrator and the traitor, or the person who does evil to our side from "within" our side, that is worse than being a declared enemy.

Do not attack the Gods from inside of their own House or through wearing their Diadem, because your fate will be worse than their enemies.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

In the end, the enemy will never be able to defeat the truth, the enemy will be destroyed!

Pseudo-Satanism will go together with the Jews who support it!

Victory belongs to Satan, Beelzebub, Astarte and other Gods!

Victory belongs to Spiritual Satanism and to all SS family!
Maxis Orientis said:
I also remember a group of people attempting to set up a "Kids for Satan" club in schools....I can't imagine they're going to teach the kids anything good, and even then, attempting to evangelize minors, let alone anyone, in the public is a HUGE no-no to JoS.

Half of the information taught at school is enemy propaganda ("politically correct" history, darwinist biology, marxist social studies, etc.), while the other half is taught with no spiritual detail or passion. This is one of the reasons today's young adults don't know where they're going in life, not even mentioning inherited programming and societal decay.
Great article! I know there's countless different types of Satanism put there, but the Spiritual Satanism promoted on this site is the one that makes the most sense to me. Far too often, the type of Satanism I see is the decadent ones.
Hellenic SS said:
Maxis Orientis said:
I also remember a group of people attempting to set up a "Kids for Satan" club in schools....I can't imagine they're going to teach the kids anything good, and even then, attempting to evangelize minors, let alone anyone, in the public is a HUGE no-no to JoS.

Half of the information taught at school is enemy propaganda ("politically correct" history, darwinist biology, marxist social studies, etc.), while the other half is taught with no spiritual detail or passion. This is one of the reasons today's young adults don't know where they're going in life, not even mentioning inherited programming and societal decay.

Of course, everything taught at schools is jewish propaganda. That's no secret. They are programming our destruction. The shit I hear young college kids say today, makes me wonder if they're special needs. The enemy does not want us to have any common sense. They want to either enslave us or exterminate us.

Fun fact, I'm also of Hellenic blood. 100% Greek.
General Yeager said:
Wotanwarrior said:
General Yeager said:
What do you think about the New Age stuff ? Starting from Alice Bailey and Blavatsky ,they've tried to reform Christianity. By replacing the Christ with a Symbolic Christos-Lucifer type character. Apparently there are a lot of New Agers who summon Angels and stuff. But as a whole i would say that movement has been a net positive for humanity as it expanded Christians into thinking about new possibilities and de-radicalization from their Kike religion which was extremely dogmatic.

No, that is even worse, I have seen new age people who practice things like Santeria and they have an aura even much more contaminated than the average christian, they invoke and channel angels and the names of the hebrew god and that creates deep bonds with the enemy, it is nefarious.
I think they got infiltrated and corrupted later on. Just like the Illuminati Jews corrupted Freemasonry.

Theosophy was a fraud from the beginning and the final phase of corrupting Satanist Freemasonry and replacing it with a Kabbalistic Judeo-Christian cult.
Hitler himself accused Rudolf Steiner and other theosophical leaders of being puppets and instruments of the Jews.
Father Satan has been smeared, attacked and vilified for centuries. Falsely, in a most undeserving manner, only based on hearsay from the uneducated or those who wanted to position Him as an enemy.

His time is coming for redemption.

The jewish people, the first and foremost to stand the negative slander and propaganda against the Ancient Pagan Gods, whom they collectively branded as "Demons", was the first attack against the Gods in the form of a cultural attack.

Interestingly enough, the "Satan" title comes from Satyan or Satyam, the Sanskrit word for Eternal Truth. The word Demon, originally in Ancient Greek, it means literally "God".

Jews falsely declared that their "interpretation" of all of this, borne out of their own interests and solely their desires to cause cultural warfare, is the sole interpretations. Conveniently, for centuries and centuries, they tried to delete the Gods and the past; their reasons were as they claim to enslave everyone else, the "Goyim", or those whom they sunk in animal consciousness just to use them for their own purposes.

The war against the Gods will not pass and the idea of God will not perish.

The idea of "God", has also been confused to no end, to where it doesn't make any sense to most people anymore. See your average Christian and Muslim and it will be enough to figure this out.

The idea of "God" is also a luxury for the many and retarded, it's a path to the Godhead reserved for those who will try. The fact every retard opens the Bible, a jewish low level work of interpretation and talks about "God", is only a testament of the disaster we find ourselves into now Spiritually.

As if the above was not enough, jews have also tried to hijack the "other side" to bring it to the ground, just to be sure in case anyone would try to meetup with the "Demons" and the "Evil Ones" to learn anything about the Godhead and these matters.

The way they did this was by creating another false paradigm on these matters, and telling humanity that "This is Satanism".

Those who call themselves "Satanists" while simultaneously engage in full on, jewish and Abrahamic blasphemy towards the Gods, having adopted negative and ugly notions to pin on the Gods, should change their course.

As everyone who has known the Gods does know, these things are not looked favorably by the Gods. I will not stay there to mention those who follow the reverse "Christianity" paradigm; you are in no serious relationship with the Gods, you are solely in a relationship with Abrahamic Propaganda and the lowest level of the self.

We do not have a problem with anyone interested in the Gods or Spiritual Satanism. But it is important to us that any jewish amalgamations and any falsehoods around the Gods collapse.

The most giant attack against the Gods, was to declare their religion as "evil", negative, lowly, and to connect it with what it is not: The lesser and the imbalanced low elements of existence.

Spiritual Satanism is the only real and functional form of Satanism that contains the real essence of Satanism; the fellowship of the Gods, the acceptance of the material and spiritual realm, the pathway to the Godhead, the appreciation of society, the rights to societal and individual function, liberty and freedom, organization of life; all in the best balance.

Atheism in the form of "Satanism" in the form of inquiry, is not bad. Provided one is a seeker and one does not use this as a gateway to promote decadence, nobody will force you to believe in the Gods. We are not these kinds of people. You can live without this pressure when we are concerned.

Decadence packaged as "Satanism" is however an offense and the greatest form of disrespect of the Gods, something that only their enemies would do, and something that the jews have invented in order to try to vilify the return of many interested people back to Satan and the Gods. That is not acceptable, it can be considered as a vile form of attack and infiltration.

Our Gods have excused our lack of knowledge in their kindness and understanding, but Spiritual Satanism is here to lead this change that will reform all of this reality.

Soon, people will understand there is nothing bad with "Satanism", ie, being an enemy of the corrupted ones, or being someone who follows the Truth and the Demons [Ancient Gods] in order to ascend spiritually. In fact, that is the best thing one can devote their existence to.

Further, the opinion of the jews on the subject does not matter. It is the opinion of those who want humanity to not advance, to not spread itself to the universe, to not advance spiritually, they are haters of the Gods and this development. Their opinion is of zero credibility unless in the face of the unstudied and those on board with this negative agenda.

Many also falsely call it a "Satanic" Agenda due to misinformation; but it's an anti-existence Agenda, which has nothing to do with Satan. All the things jews created were against the "Satan" in the first place.

For those who seek to maintain all the negative advertising towards the Gods and who want to attack the Gods while trying to wear their own uniform, be alarmed; the Gods exist and they will exact Justice on those who smear their names for their own selfish or foolish desires

I also issue a spiritual warning here. While even a vile enemy is a recognized enemy, the infiltrator and the traitor, or the person who does evil to our side from "within" our side, that is worse than being a declared enemy.

Do not attack the Gods from inside of their own House or through wearing their Diadem, because your fate will be worse than their enemies.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
The truth has set me free.

Father Satan has been smeared, attacked and vilified for centuries. Falsely, in a most undeserving manner, only based on hearsay from the uneducated or those who wanted to position Him as an enemy.

His time is coming for redemption.

The jewish people, the first and foremost to stand the negative slander and propaganda against the Ancient Pagan Gods, whom they collectively branded as "Demons", was the first attack against the Gods in the form of a cultural attack.

Interestingly enough, the "Satan" title comes from Satyan or Satyam, the Sanskrit word for Eternal Truth. The word Demon, originally in Ancient Greek, it means literally "God".

Jews falsely declared that their "interpretation" of all of this, borne out of their own interests and solely their desires to cause cultural warfare, is the sole interpretations. Conveniently, for centuries and centuries, they tried to delete the Gods and the past; their reasons were as they claim to enslave everyone else, the "Goyim", or those whom they sunk in animal consciousness just to use them for their own purposes.

The war against the Gods will not pass and the idea of God will not perish.

The idea of "God", has also been confused to no end, to where it doesn't make any sense to most people anymore. See your average Christian and Muslim and it will be enough to figure this out.

The idea of "God" is also a luxury for the many and retarded, it's a path to the Godhead reserved for those who will try. The fact every retard opens the Bible, a jewish low level work of interpretation and talks about "God", is only a testament of the disaster we find ourselves into now Spiritually.

As if the above was not enough, jews have also tried to hijack the "other side" to bring it to the ground, just to be sure in case anyone would try to meetup with the "Demons" and the "Evil Ones" to learn anything about the Godhead and these matters.

The way they did this was by creating another false paradigm on these matters, and telling humanity that "This is Satanism".

Those who call themselves "Satanists" while simultaneously engage in full on, jewish and Abrahamic blasphemy towards the Gods, having adopted negative and ugly notions to pin on the Gods, should change their course.

As everyone who has known the Gods does know, these things are not looked favorably by the Gods. I will not stay there to mention those who follow the reverse "Christianity" paradigm; you are in no serious relationship with the Gods, you are solely in a relationship with Abrahamic Propaganda and the lowest level of the self.

We do not have a problem with anyone interested in the Gods or Spiritual Satanism. But it is important to us that any jewish amalgamations and any falsehoods around the Gods collapse.

The most giant attack against the Gods, was to declare their religion as "evil", negative, lowly, and to connect it with what it is not: The lesser and the imbalanced low elements of existence.

Spiritual Satanism is the only real and functional form of Satanism that contains the real essence of Satanism; the fellowship of the Gods, the acceptance of the material and spiritual realm, the pathway to the Godhead, the appreciation of society, the rights to societal and individual function, liberty and freedom, organization of life; all in the best balance.

Atheism in the form of "Satanism" in the form of inquiry, is not bad. Provided one is a seeker and one does not use this as a gateway to promote decadence, nobody will force you to believe in the Gods. We are not these kinds of people. You can live without this pressure when we are concerned.

Decadence packaged as "Satanism" is however an offense and the greatest form of disrespect of the Gods, something that only their enemies would do, and something that the jews have invented in order to try to vilify the return of many interested people back to Satan and the Gods. That is not acceptable, it can be considered as a vile form of attack and infiltration.

Our Gods have excused our lack of knowledge in their kindness and understanding, but Spiritual Satanism is here to lead this change that will reform all of this reality.

Soon, people will understand there is nothing bad with "Satanism", ie, being an enemy of the corrupted ones, or being someone who follows the Truth and the Demons [Ancient Gods] in order to ascend spiritually. In fact, that is the best thing one can devote their existence to.

Further, the opinion of the jews on the subject does not matter. It is the opinion of those who want humanity to not advance, to not spread itself to the universe, to not advance spiritually, they are haters of the Gods and this development. Their opinion is of zero credibility unless in the face of the unstudied and those on board with this negative agenda.

Many also falsely call it a "Satanic" Agenda due to misinformation; but it's an anti-existence Agenda, which has nothing to do with Satan. All the things jews created were against the "Satan" in the first place.

For those who seek to maintain all the negative advertising towards the Gods and who want to attack the Gods while trying to wear their own uniform, be alarmed; the Gods exist and they will exact Justice on those who smear their names for their own selfish or foolish desires

I also issue a spiritual warning here. While even a vile enemy is a recognized enemy, the infiltrator and the traitor, or the person who does evil to our side from "within" our side, that is worse than being a declared enemy.

Do not attack the Gods from inside of their own House or through wearing their Diadem, because your fate will be worse than their enemies.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Hail Almighty Father Satan!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
