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On the "real-life Barbie", Valeria Lukyanova

Dypet Rod

Active member
Sep 20, 2017
I had been reflecting on how the children's character Barbie has a somewhat Nordic-inspired appearance, if you think about it. So I wondered if the so-called "real-life Barbie" could possibly be a spiritually awakened person. Which I kind of doubted at first already, due to the obvious fact that the type of "perfection" she seeks is a hollow, artificial type. But this interview is a bit more revealing:


So she claims to be a spiritually advanced person who has travelled to other worlds and universes since she was a child, and who communicates with Aliens all the time.

Now, three points that got my attention:

1. She advocated vegetarianism in this interview, claiming that this "will make you have more energy, feel more pure emotions and be a more creative person".

Nothing against any fellow SS who has possibly chosen to be a vegetarian, but something makes me think that the biological organism of reptilians has very low tolerance to meat, and that this is one of the reasons why the enemy tries to push veganism so hard. And I invite you guys to tell what you think about it and tell me if I'm wrong.
I knew a 25 year old female who told me she decided to stop eating meat for good some months ago. When I inquired her on the reason for her decision, she told me that meat caused harm to her when she ate it, that it made her sick, even caused her to puke sometimes, and that it made no difference for her to eat it. She was unusually skinny, had squinty eyes and was quite the NPC type, with no real religious/political consciousness. I suspect that she had reptilian blood.

2. She advocated Buddhism in this interview, claiming it to be "the only philosophy that comes close to the real understanding of the creation, the structure of universes and the way spirits travel".

As the HPs have written about, Buddhism is all about denial of natural human needs and the ultimate destruction of the spirit.

3. She claims she does not want to ever have children because "once she has travelled outside of her body and remembered that she is not human, and her spirit is not a human spirit, so she should not have children in this world."

What's more curious here is that she subtly contradicts herself - in a previous answer, she claims that one of the things she has learned with aliens is that humans are the least sophisticated civilization - that we're on the lowest level of evolution. She says "we're", as in claiming herself as part of the human civilization, and then says she's not human a few questions later.

So...what do you think the verdict here is? Is she an enemy spirit, or just a heavily deluded person?

Not that this is something that should matter to us anyway. It's just a simple curiosity.
I didn't click the link, but sounds like it's just a crazy person. And it's not true that jews don't eat meat, they only push veganism so they don't have to provide meat for the millions of people while they personally eat all the meat they want. Like the middle ages, meat for the kings and bread for the slaves. I even heard of a jew who the only thing he ate is raw meat. Not even any vegetables. He said it would make him very sick if he even cooked it, so he just ate all different kinds of raw meat. Like even some of it was fermented or maybe even moldy, he said this was different kinds of nutrients.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
I didn't click the link, but sounds like it's just a crazy person. And it's not true that jews don't eat meat, they only push veganism so they don't have to provide meat for the millions of people while they personally eat all the meat they want. Like the middle ages, meat for the kings and bread for the slaves. I even heard of a jew who the only thing he ate is raw meat. Not even any vegetables. He said it would make him very sick if he even cooked it, so he just ate all different kinds of raw meat. Like even some of it was fermented or maybe even moldy, he said this was different kinds of nutrients.

So he claims that cooked meat makes him sick? That's curious to say the least. Not that it applies to every jew or necessarily confirms what I said, but it could be related to what that 25 year old female claimed she experienced.

As for the woman in the subject here, I just checked her Wikipedia page to check her possible racial origins, and she claims to be of "Eastern Baltic, but closer to Nordic" origin. In another line, she also seems to be racially aware to some extent: "Ethnicities are mixing now, so there's degeneration". She may just be heavily deluded then, after all.
I think I'm gonna start a personality cult as well. I mean it does seem to work pretty well...
All I need is hair bleach and making some vague spiritual sounding new agey claims and I'll be a "Nordic spiritual mistress" in no time. Oy vey.
Dypet Rod said:
I had been reflecting on how the children's character Barbie has a somewhat Nordic-inspired appearance, if you think about it. So I wondered if the so-called "real-life Barbie" could possibly be a spiritually awakened person. Which I kind of doubted at first already, due to the obvious fact that the type of "perfection" she seeks is a hollow, artificial type. But this interview is a bit more revealing:


So she claims to be a spiritually advanced person who has travelled to other worlds and universes since she was a child, and who communicates with Aliens all the time.

Now, three points that got my attention:

1. She advocated vegetarianism in this interview, claiming that this "will make you have more energy, feel more pure emotions and be a more creative person".

Nothing against any fellow SS who has possibly chosen to be a vegetarian, but something makes me think that the biological organism of reptilians has very low tolerance to meat, and that this is one of the reasons why the enemy tries to push veganism so hard. And I invite you guys to tell what you think about it and tell me if I'm wrong.
I knew a 25 year old female who told me she decided to stop eating meat for good some months ago. When I inquired her on the reason for her decision, she told me that meat caused harm to her when she ate it, that it made her sick, even caused her to puke sometimes, and that it made no difference for her to eat it. She was unusually skinny, had squinty eyes and was quite the NPC type, with no real religious/political consciousness. I suspect that she had reptilian blood.

2. She advocated Buddhism in this interview, claiming it to be "the only philosophy that comes close to the real understanding of the creation, the structure of universes and the way spirits travel".

As the HPs have written about, Buddhism is all about denial of natural human needs and the ultimate destruction of the spirit.

3. She claims she does not want to ever have children because "once she has travelled outside of her body and remembered that she is not human, and her spirit is not a human spirit, so she should not have children in this world."

What's more curious here is that she subtly contradicts herself - in a previous answer, she claims that one of the things she has learned with aliens is that humans are the least sophisticated civilization - that we're on the lowest level of evolution. She says "we're", as in claiming herself as part of the human civilization, and then says she's not human a few questions later.

So...what do you think the verdict here is? Is she an enemy spirit, or just a heavily deluded person?

Not that this is something that should matter to us anyway. It's just a simple curiosity.
Dude this is just a retarded girl full of mental hangups, cant really believe a ss posted this asking if it’s true lol
The answer to ur question is to spend less time on the useless part of the web
Ol argedco luciftias said:
I didn't click the link, but sounds like it's just a crazy person. And it's not true that jews don't eat meat, they only push veganism so they don't have to provide meat for the millions of people while they personally eat all the meat they want. Like the middle ages, meat for the kings and bread for the slaves. I even heard of a jew who the only thing he ate is raw meat. Not even any vegetables. He said it would make him very sick if he even cooked it, so he just ate all different kinds of raw meat. Like even some of it was fermented or maybe even moldy, he said this was different kinds of nutrients.

Not really though, meat is a great way for them to distribute sickness in society as you do realize they sell shit quality meat and fill animals with steroids before they kill them to increase their weight.

Raw meat is a fucking joke though, that guy you heard it from is an idiot that will die from tapeworms and parasites. In my opinion, boiled meat from free range farms is the best.

Like anything else, balance is key. You can still live off a vegan diet and do well, but you just gotta set up a great diet plan and watch your diet, which is near impossible and also super expensive so you might as well stick to meat and take the easier route.
Doesn't sound like her beliefs are anything beyond the typical New Age attempts to sound special, edgy, and powerful. There are countless New Age types who claim to speak with Aliens and even more ridiculously, angels. Nothing new. She doesn't seem like a Jew however, just a deluded individual who has consumed too much New Age bullshit along with her vegan diet. It is easy for the untrained mind to fall into strange delusions, especially one which dabbles in the occult and unknown but cannot actually grasp it fully. Hence also the whole "Human Barbie" idea. Also, she's no doubt forced upon herself lots of surgeries and strange diet modifications so her claiming that she won't have children because "she's an alien" is covering up the reality that it would be very unhealthy, and possibly fatal for her to attempt to have a child as a result of her choices.

Also, while Reptiles on Earth have low tolerance to meat in some cases, the Reptilians do not, in fact, they hunger for human flesh, as do their foul progeny the Jews. The push for veganism and vegetarianism is, among other things, meant to create imbalance and thus physical and spiritual weakness in Gentiles who fall for it.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
I didn't click the link, but sounds like it's just a crazy person. And it's not true that jews don't eat meat, they only push veganism so they don't have to provide meat for the millions of people while they personally eat all the meat they want. Like the middle ages, meat for the kings and bread for the slaves. I even heard of a jew who the only thing he ate is raw meat. Not even any vegetables. He said it would make him very sick if he even cooked it, so he just ate all different kinds of raw meat. Like even some of it was fermented or maybe even moldy, he said this was different kinds of nutrients.
They push veganism even because it will make their enemys (all gentile) more weak.
Vegetarianism is not Veganism. Most people ate a nearly all vegetarian diet in Europe for centuries due to the low availability of meat normally. The average person if they where lucky for centuries might be able to get a pig they could slaughter before the winter and then smoke the meat and eat every part it during the winter. And catch some fish and some other low level things.

In Europe even diet was some strange status signaling. The rich only ate white bread because it cost more to bleach the wheat where everyone else ate brown bread. Even the commoners had to wear a special uniform of colors that where drab only the nobles and upper-class were allowed to were nice and colourful clothes. Chicken was the meat of the rich because the ability to just slaughter a chicken due to the ability to breed them for eggs and exchange was a sign of being wealthy.
Sinistra said:
I think I'm gonna start a personality cult as well. I mean it does seem to work pretty well...
All I need is hair bleach and making some vague spiritual sounding new agey claims and I'll be a "Nordic spiritual mistress" in no time. Oy vey.

A Satanic Sinistra cult would still be more inspiring than a new age Barbie cult, lol.

Aquarius said:
Dude this is just a retarded girl full of mental hangups, cant really believe a ss posted this asking if it’s true lol

Like I said, it's just a simple curiosity ;) I don't always see this stuff on the internet. I already knew she had a level of retardation which everyone can see from her "human Barbie" thing, but after taking a short look at this interview, I was just wondering if she could possibly any more direct ties with the enemy's side than being deluded by them.

Scion of Atlantis said:
Doesn't sound like her beliefs are anything beyond the typical New Age attempts to sound special, edgy, and powerful. There are countless New Age types who claim to speak with Aliens and even more ridiculously, angels. Nothing new. She doesn't seem like a Jew however, just a deluded individual who has consumed too much New Age bullshit along with her vegan diet. It is easy for the untrained mind to fall into strange delusions, especially one which dabbles in the occult and unknown but cannot actually grasp it fully. Hence also the whole "Human Barbie" idea. Also, she's no doubt forced upon herself lots of surgeries and strange diet modifications so her claiming that she won't have children because "she's an alien" is covering up the reality that it would be very unhealthy, and possibly fatal for her to attempt to have a child as a result of her choices.

Also, while Reptiles on Earth have low tolerance to meat in some cases, the Reptilians do not, in fact, they hunger for human flesh, as do their foul progeny the Jews. The push for veganism and vegetarianism is, among other things, meant to create imbalance and thus physical and spiritual weakness in Gentiles who fall for it.

It's been long since I last saw this type, lol. It still impresses me every now and then. But you're right, and good points you raised here. She looks like an Aryan who could have a much higher potential, weren't it for her deluded choices.

On the tolerance to meat topic, perhaps would it be possible that the lowest level jews, like those who are not actively engaged in their doctrines, are the ones who have the lowest tolerance to meat due to being closer to reptile level?
Sero said:
You can still live off a vegan diet and do well,

Seriously? Pushing jewish vegan shit??? Wtf????? Veganism KILLS.
Sinistra said:
I think I'm gonna start a personality cult as well. I mean it does seem to work pretty well...
All I need is hair bleach and making some vague spiritual sounding new agey claims and I'll be a "Nordic spiritual mistress" in no time. Oy vey.

Excellent Idea I will be a follower of your personal meaningless cult from now on. I will give you some advice. [/sarcasm]

1. Show Genitals or promise to do so later by gestures and hidden ways.
2. Have huge fake tits.
3. Plaster your face totally so that you are non recognizable.
4. Show ass on pics.
5. Promote the enemy's shit.
6. Claim some supernal status to others.
7. Open a slutty instagram account.
8. Promise giant things to the Goyim that will come from the sky or for free.
9. Pretend to be enlightened.
10. Be vegan or vegetarian for edgy points.
11. Create your own Patreon fanclub where you show slutty pics for ranging amounts of supporters.
12. If called exploitative, deny all allegations, and say this is some sort of new age destiny you have to be a cultist.
13. Pretend all of the above has a spiritual basis to it.
"I'm pretty certain the person in question is not human. She came from another solar system to help us, the retarded of this planet, to finally understand what plastering makeup means. It's all part of a greater plan our inferior brains cannot understand. I'm so glad to have her as my personal savior. She does all sorts of useful things such as trying to show tits in youtube videos, which elevates our spiritual level to the height of the tower of Babel." -Goy Follower

I think what she is is essentially a woman who understands some weak points in humans and just trolls or otherwise is a larper. Many people like to troll others that way for personal gains, fame etc.

These are the things one sees on a daily basis and has a pause and asks themselves:

HP Hoodedcobra666 said:
"I'm pretty certain the person in question is not human. She came from another solar system to help us, the retarded of this planet, to finally understand what plastering makeup means. It's all part of a greater plan our inferior brains cannot understand. I'm so glad to have her as my personal savior. She does all sorts of useful things such as trying to show tits in youtube videos, which elevates our spiritual level to the height of the tower of Babel." -Goy Follower

Lol, all hail our surgery and makeup filled Alien Barbie Savior
I would not suggest Barbie as a role model of any kind to Aryan women just because Barbie typically is white and has blonde hair and blue eyes. Barbie is the grandmother of the Bratz dolls.
Thanks you dear HP Hooded Cobra . Your advices gave me all the keys to succeed in self-goyimisation !
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Sinistra said:

Is that cat wearing a Darkthrone shirt? :lol:
This is your best picture ever! Except the Mona Lerajie :D
You are a trvly a connoisseur of fine arts.

Of course no mere pictures, be they of "real life barbies" or of cvlt cats, could begin to compare to the unfathomable beauty of the mythical Mona Lerajie herself.
I suspect that Ess is her main fan he is like a moon that doesth gleam the lighth of M'Lady's radiance.
HP Mageson666 said:
I suspect that Ess is her main fan he is like a moon that doesth gleam the lighth of M'Lady's radiance.
Sinistra said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Sinistra said:

Is that cat wearing a Darkthrone shirt? :lol:
This is your best picture ever! Except the Mona Lerajie :D :lol: :lol: :lol:
You are a trvly a connoisseur of fine arts.

Of course no mere pictures, be they of "real life barbies" or of cvlt cats, could begin to compare to the unfathomable beauty of the mythical Mona Lerajie herself.

Except Zola's version. Both at once! :D

But the head and neck are blended together better on yours. Zola's there looks like some more shading difference, and the size isn't as perfectly matched.
Dypet Rod said:
I had been reflecting on how the children's character Barbie has a somewhat Nordic-inspired appearance, if you think about it. So I wondered if the so-called "real-life Barbie" could possibly be a spiritually awakened person. Which I kind of doubted at first already, due to the obvious fact that the type of "perfection" she seeks is a hollow, artificial type. But this interview is a bit more revealing:


So she claims to be a spiritually advanced person who has travelled to other worlds and universes since she was a child, and who communicates with Aliens all the time.

Now, three points that got my attention:

1. She advocated vegetarianism in this interview, claiming that this "will make you have more energy, feel more pure emotions and be a more creative person".

Nothing against any fellow SS who has possibly chosen to be a vegetarian, but something makes me think that the biological organism of reptilians has very low tolerance to meat, and that this is one of the reasons why the enemy tries to push veganism so hard. And I invite you guys to tell what you think about it and tell me if I'm wrong.
I knew a 25 year old female who told me she decided to stop eating meat for good some months ago. When I inquired her on the reason for her decision, she told me that meat caused harm to her when she ate it, that it made her sick, even caused her to puke sometimes, and that it made no difference for her to eat it. She was unusually skinny, had squinty eyes and was quite the NPC type, with no real religious/political consciousness. I suspect that she had reptilian blood.

2. She advocated Buddhism in this interview, claiming it to be "the only philosophy that comes close to the real understanding of the creation, the structure of universes and the way spirits travel".

As the HPs have written about, Buddhism is all about denial of natural human needs and the ultimate destruction of the spirit.

3. She claims she does not want to ever have children because "once she has travelled outside of her body and remembered that she is not human, and her spirit is not a human spirit, so she should not have children in this world."

What's more curious here is that she subtly contradicts herself - in a previous answer, she claims that one of the things she has learned with aliens is that humans are the least sophisticated civilization - that we're on the lowest level of evolution. She says "we're", as in claiming herself as part of the human civilization, and then says she's not human a few questions later.

So...what do you think the verdict here is? Is she an enemy spirit, or just a heavily deluded person?

Not that this is something that should matter to us anyway. It's just a simple curiosity.

She is probably just a poser lol.

Have you ever seen an aligator to eat a cabbage? :lol:
I saw this sheet on tv lol she also says in here other life she was a man look at the pic of her with the beard looks then go to satanic liberations page link is on jos them rub your chin amd go veeewwy in teer esting lol shes just a deluded idiot shes so fake and stupid come on man she probably is a shroom head
Sero said:
Raw meat is a fucking joke though, that guy you heard it from is an idiot that will die from tapeworms and parasites. In my opinion, boiled meat from free range farms is the best.

I'm no expert in this, but to be honest, if raw meat alone was sure to give someone tapeworms, then I believe most wild animals would be known to be infected with tapeworms.
She's probably going to go full neo Nazi soon as well just like tila tequila did. Tila was tweeting the same stuff about talking to aliens and seeing other worlds about 2-3 years ago. At the same time going full blown alt-right neo Nazi. Supposedly she's still like that on FB but I don't have an account there so I wouldn't know.

These people are just making us look bad and get publicity because the kikes know this as well. Nothing new or different there but yeah it's really weird seeing people follow these type of individuals... but then again all they really care about are the big plastic tits and lie it's about something else.

HP Mageson666 said:
I suspect that Ess is her main fan he is like a moon that doesth gleam the lighth of M'Lady's radiance.

Ess is alright he just needs to stop being a living MGTOW meme.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
