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Active member
Jan 12, 2019

a checklist to weed out infiltrators


Looking for additional comments and advice on how to recognize and deal with agents to modify this work and make it into a handbook. Please advise
People will still deny that Dick Spencer and others are agents. He was obviously propped up to be WN supervillain but now he is completely irrelevant like the rest of them.

Regarding the forum I don’t think there agents, jews and infiltrators are rooted out quickly, sorry Loki for thinking you were one.

But I have noticed actual bots here recently but they don’t post anything.

This is something everyone can do, notice at the bottom where it says Users online .

If you see a name that is unfamiliar visit the profile and you will find links to one of those scam sites where you have to put in an email and all for “free sex” or some other related thing.

You can to the Members section and click on random names, they will all have this link and it says the last time they were online is when the account was made.

I don’t know if this is some kind of coordinated effort or what, maybe other members and HPS have noticed this. Just thought I would put it out there on this subject.
loki88 said:
Looking for additional comments and advice on how to recognize and deal with agents to modify this work and make it into a handbook. Please advise
You had two separate topics requesting the removal of your account and here you go again? Suspicious.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
People will still deny that Dick Spencer and others are agents. He was obviously propped up to be WN supervillain but now he is completely irrelevant like the rest of them.

Regarding the forum I don’t think there agents, jews and infiltrators are rooted out quickly, sorry Loki for thinking you were one.

But I have noticed actual bots here recently but they don’t post anything.

This is something everyone can do, notice at the bottom where it says Users online .

If you see a name that is unfamiliar visit the profile and you will find links to one of those scam sites where you have to put in an email and all for “free sex” or some other related thing.

You can to the Members section and click on random names, they will all have this link and it says the last time they were online is when the account was made.

I don’t know if this is some kind of coordinated effort or what, maybe other members and HPS have noticed this. Just thought I would put it out there on this subject.

Spencer has been photographed with Laura Bush and others. I welcome all additional feedback that could go into the construction of a handbook of sorts or checklist of agent identifier traits.
Apprentice said:
loki88 said:
Looking for additional comments and advice on how to recognize and deal with agents to modify this work and make it into a handbook. Please advise
You had two separate topics requesting the removal of your account and here you go again? Suspicious.

The enemy has his face and info Hun. Can you imagine?
HOW TO DETECT AN AGENT (text from audio)

The following short sketch and the associated illustration purports to enable Whites to detect operatives or agents of the J.O.G (jewish occupation government). Given that the White movement is overrun with such it follows that any whites who wish to avoid being set up and jailed or assassinated, losing their employment and having their reputation damaged through such an association or any other negative consequences would be well advised to exercise caution. The following sketch is divided into four criteria which must be emplyed to gain a thorough understanding of suspected agents:
-Are they a jew or not? To determine if they are rely upon the books:
"Who Is A Jew?: The Jew Identifier Document", by the writer and "How To Recognize and Identify a Jew", by John Doe Goy in order to assess the physiognomy and subtle biological and behavioural factors of whether they are a jew or not.
If they ARE a jew keep away from them: make up excuses to avoid dealing with them or simply terminate contact if you have initiated contact with them. If you continue to deal with them you must be an adept at manipulation: misleading the jew and revealing to him/concealing from him whatever is advantageous to yourself and disadvantageous to him.
If they are NOT a jew, observe their physical appearance: do they appear stereotyped or formulaic, like a caricature of the White movement? Do they appear artificial or phoney in dress, physical appearance or otherwise? Are their facial features 'hard' as in the case of a cop or a hardened criminal; do they dress in clothes that are too 'standardized' in appearance, as if they were selected to 'blend in', lacking any idiosyncratic features that may be a presence in a legitimate person? If their appearance and/or clothes (eg.tattoos; clothing) are idiosyncratic do they entail any subtle occult features, eg. numerological; symbolic, etc.? This latter is a tendancy of the jews and their freemasonic underlings to mock the 'profane' or 'goyim' who are uninitiated. Is their name too commonplace or does it connote jewishness or some biblical or occult reference or person [eg. Jacob Goodwin-meaning a 'good win for jacob (israel), the jew; Hiram Abiff,etc.]. This is an example of the word play the jew employs.
Is there consistency in their behaviour? Are they overly engaging? Do their mannerisms/tone of voice suggest any falsity about them, eg. do they have a 'duper's smirk' on their lips/facial features; do their eyes blink rapidly when confronted with questions or references that might call into question their 'role' or appearance?; Is their vocabulary tailored to the individual and comes off as contextually inappropriate or inconsistent with other contexts in which one has had experience of them? Are there any other signs of rigidity or artificiality in their behaviour? Do they upon investigation have a lengthy criminal record as this may be a sign they are being funded to play their role by the J.O.G in exchange for a reduced sentence.

What are they advocating specifically within the context of racialism/white racial political praxis? Certain signs they may be an operative are: they advocate a national bolshevik 3rd position; they focus on criticism of: women (MGTOW); liberals/liberalism; they omit criticism of christianity; they advocate christian identity; they focus excessively on islam or non-whites; they focus their criticism on white people with money (the bourgeoisie); they advocate violence/physical/illegal action against government; non-whites/jews/liberals- 'lone wolves,small cells, leaderless resistance'. See the document "White Terror, Jewish Psyop: The Psychological Operation of 'White Terrorism' and the Jewish Cabal"for more relating to this particular psyop; they advocate doing anything illegal or traditionally considered immoral or unethical (vandalism; arson; theft; murder/assassination; robbery; drug and alcohol sales and excessive consumption; illicit sexual practices,etc.)
i) to yourself; ii) to others
i) excessive, unwarranted friendliness; conscripting you into alcohol-ism (loose lips sink ships) or drugs (both gateways to illegality); probing into your background (where you've lived; who you know; where you've worked/work; gathering intel on your family/connections,etc.)
ii) absent themselves to talk/text on phone; arrive/leave at inappropriate times/not maintain believable or consistent schedule; always happen to have adequate money to do things/never lacking funds; appear to associate with similar individuals who are phoney in behaviour and appearance and who are similarly inconsistent or 'off' in their affect upon oneself (words and/or behaviour don't correspond to the resonance/vibrational frequency of the person, eg. their thoughts/thought forms); the blend in with the criminal element; they associate with non-whites without any aversive behaviour directed towards them.
If anyone you encounter raises the above questions they should be scrutinized according to the 4 criteria of detection. They may be an operative. Exercise caution in all things at all times, hope for the best but prepare for the worst.
Exercise caution in all things and scrutinize all people claiming to be WNs
Spencer never really offered a legitimate criticism of Jewish power or agenda despite having the knowledge to do such. His speeches were always clownish with no meaning and didn't achieve anything serious he was playing the Joker to the batman. And he promotes National Bolshevism of the Jew who brags he reads the Kabbalah in Hebrew, Dugin. His own wife was an intense Dugin cultist who translated all Dugin's works and spread his propaganda. Spencer's whole agenda is simply to create a National Bolshevism movement in America. That is why Spencer worked so closely with Heimbach as this fellow was an open intense fanatic of Dugin's ideology even taking his symbol for his National Bolshevik Trad Worker's Party from Dugin's ideological symbol. While praising Stalin on his radio show and LARPing as a Russian orthodox christard. Dugin promotes the same anti-White cultural marxism of his tribe.

Then you have Spencer's pal who spoke with him all the time, Kike Enoch. A guy who admitted his own Jewishness numerous times on air.

Why is Spencer a wealthy elite promoting Marxism.... He is a class enemy of his own ideology.
HP Mageson666 said:
Spencer never really offered a legitimate criticism of Jewish power or agenda despite having the knowledge to do such. His speeches were always clownish with no meaning and didn't achieve anything serious he was playing the Joker to the batman. And he promotes National Bolshevism of the Jew who brags he reads the Kabbalah in Hebrew, Dugin. His own wife was an intense Dugin cultist who translated all Dugin's works and spread his propaganda. Spencer's whole agenda is simply to create a National Bolshevism movement in America. That is why Spencer worked so closely with Heimbach as this fellow was an open intense fanatic of Dugin's ideology even taking his symbol for his National Bolshevik Trad Worker's Party from Dugin's ideological symbol. While praising Stalin on his radio show and LARPing as a Russian orthodox christard. Dugin promotes the same anti-White cultural marxism of his tribe.

Then you have Spencer's pal who spoke with him all the time, Kike Enoch. A guy who admitted his own Jewishness numerous times on air.

Why is Spencer a wealthy elite promoting Marxism.... He is a class enemy of his own ideology.

I'm sure (((heimbach's))) symbol refers to poseidon in Atlantis the ruler who served the jews or was a jew during the fall of Atlantis. Most bourgeois elites are the made in the mold ling marxist scum who subscribe to a perspectivalist ideology/the black magic of the kabbala
Poweredbythesun said:
Have you no sense of irony?

Double the irony. Look which former HP has posted here as well.

HP Mageson666 said:
Spencer never really offered a legitimate criticism of Jewish power or agenda despite having the knowledge to do such. His speeches were always clownish with no meaning and didn't achieve anything serious he was playing the Joker to the batman. And he promotes National Bolshevism of the Jew who brags he reads the Kabbalah in Hebrew, Dugin. His own wife was an intense Dugin cultist who translated all Dugin's works and spread his propaganda. Spencer's whole agenda is simply to create a National Bolshevism movement in America. That is why Spencer worked so closely with Heimbach as this fellow was an open intense fanatic of Dugin's ideology even taking his symbol for his National Bolshevik Trad Worker's Party from Dugin's ideological symbol. While praising Stalin on his radio show and LARPing as a Russian orthodox christard. Dugin promotes the same anti-White cultural marxism of his tribe.

Then you have Spencer's pal who spoke with him all the time, Kike Enoch. A guy who admitted his own Jewishness numerous times on air.

Why is Spencer a wealthy elite promoting Marxism.... He is a class enemy of his own ideology
solun said:
Double the irony. Look which former HP has posted here as well.

What’s the problem with that? He actually said something correct there. Dick is a fake WN and ADL/SPLC plant that the media can point to as the boogeyman/Charlottesville guy. All he is known for is his ethnostate debates/ideas which is something that realistically isn’t going to happen. There is no new land or country that we can run to, we will have to change Europe/North America and restore purity over time. Stormfront barking all day about an ethnostate isn’t going to change anything. Real solutions matter, and spencer doesn’t have any.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
