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Getting Inner Guidance or Guidance From Gods

HPS Lydia

High Priestess
Sep 20, 2017
[email protected]
“When the mind is silent, the soul can speak” – BKS Iyengar

In the morning, the subconscious is still more dominant over the conscious, and the right brain (intuition, spiritual awareness) is more active than the left (logic) brain.

A small but very helpful thing that can be done is getting up a bit earlier than usual, and taking the extra time to do Void meditation. Use the bathroom first and brush your teeth or whatever you need to do first thing upon waking, then go somewhere quiet to meditate. If this is in bed, then prop yourself up with pillows or whatever to keep from falling back to sleep.

Do some pranayama, maybe some energy breathing (tip, indigo helps with receiving astral communication from the Gods), and then still your mind. You can call to your Guardian and/or focus on their sigil, or Satan’s sigil. Or tune into yourself. Keep your mind still, focus on the breath, and guidance often just comes to the surface. You can ask yourself a question about something, like “How can I deal with (the problem I am currently facing)?” (You can also ask yourself a question before falling asleep at night, and tell yourself that you are receiving the answer upon waking up, this also works.)

If you think you might be too prone to falling asleep again even while sitting up, you can first do some Sun Salutations or 5 Tibetan Rites (both found online). This can also help if you feel your spiritual energies are too low.

Also, mornings are a good time for a daily affirmation, since the subconscious is more open to programming. Which also points to the fact that we should avoid turning on the TV or getting on social media for at least an hour (preferably more) from waking up. Spending some time each morning in spiritual practices will make the rest of the day go better and more under your control.

Hail Satan!
Lydia said:
“When the mind is silent, the soul can speak” – BKS Iyengar

In the morning, the subconscious is still more dominant over the conscious, and the right brain (intuition, spiritual awareness) is more active than the left (logic) brain.

A small but very helpful thing that can be done is getting up a bit earlier than usual, and taking the extra time to do Void meditation. Use the bathroom first and brush your teeth or whatever you need to do first thing upon waking, then go somewhere quiet to meditate. If this is in bed, then prop yourself up with pillows or whatever to keep from falling back to sleep.

Do some pranayama, maybe some energy breathing (tip, indigo helps with receiving astral communication from the Gods), and then still your mind. You can call to your Guardian and/or focus on their sigil, or Satan’s sigil. Or tune into yourself. Keep your mind still, focus on the breath, and guidance often just comes to the surface. You can ask yourself a question about something, like “How can I deal with (the problem I am currently facing)?” (You can also ask yourself a question before falling asleep at night, and tell yourself that you are receiving the answer upon waking up, this also works.)

If you think you might be too prone to falling asleep again even while sitting up, you can first do some Sun Salutations or 5 Tibetan Rites (both found online). This can also help if you feel your spiritual energies are too low.

Also, mornings are a good time for a daily affirmation, since the subconscious is more open to programming. Which also points to the fact that we should avoid turning on the TV or getting on social media for at least an hour (preferably more) from waking up. Spending some time each morning in spiritual practices will make the rest of the day go better and more under your control.

Hail Satan!

Thanks lydia! This actually makes perfect sense as i have had interesting experiences right before or apon awakening as well. With this specifically i just might give it a try :D
Thanks for the tips! Here’s a list of affirmations one could use in Satanic Hypnosis:
“I have perfect concentration.”

“I am positively accepting the new habit of meditation in my life, and I know it is positive for me.” (This affirmation is especially important, this is an affirmation everyone should use since most people are programmed to be against meditation since infancy. HP HoodedCobra explains the importance of this affirmation in this sermon: https://archive.is/kSjKQ)

“I am always highly motivated and I always meditate every day.”

“I always have time to do quality meditations.”

“I am able to enter deep trances easily.”

“I completely accept myself.” (You can’t truly spiritually progress until you accept yourself: https://archive.is/Gvfn9)

“I am free from punishing myself, I forgive myself.”

“I love myself.”

“I am breathing in powerful energy that is attracting me a lot of free and easy money in a very positive way. This money is free and all mine to keep.”

“In beneficial ways for me, I am now able to learn and retain everything I study.”

“I am successfully passing all my academic [tests or exams] with exceptionally high marks.”

“In beneficial ways for me I now have deep and focused concentration for studying and learning, in positive and healthy ways for me.”

“In beneficial ways for me, I am now able to learn and retain everything I study.”
Lydia said:
“When the mind is silent, the soul can speak” – BKS Iyengar

In the morning, the subconscious is still more dominant over the conscious, and the right brain (intuition, spiritual awareness) is more active than the left (logic) brain.

A small but very helpful thing that can be done is getting up a bit earlier than usual, and taking the extra time to do Void meditation. Use the bathroom first and brush your teeth or whatever you need to do first thing upon waking, then go somewhere quiet to meditate. If this is in bed, then prop yourself up with pillows or whatever to keep from falling back to sleep.

Do some pranayama, maybe some energy breathing (tip, indigo helps with receiving astral communication from the Gods), and then still your mind. You can call to your Guardian and/or focus on their sigil, or Satan’s sigil. Or tune into yourself. Keep your mind still, focus on the breath, and guidance often just comes to the surface. You can ask yourself a question about something, like “How can I deal with (the problem I am currently facing)?” (You can also ask yourself a question before falling asleep at night, and tell yourself that you are receiving the answer upon waking up, this also works.)

If you think you might be too prone to falling asleep again even while sitting up, you can first do some Sun Salutations or 5 Tibetan Rites (both found online). This can also help if you feel your spiritual energies are too low.

Also, mornings are a good time for a daily affirmation, since the subconscious is more open to programming. Which also points to the fact that we should avoid turning on the TV or getting on social media for at least an hour (preferably more) from waking up. Spending some time each morning in spiritual practices will make the rest of the day go better and more under your control.

Hail Satan!

Thanks Lady Lydia. I always feel "spacey" upon waking; likewise, I find that if something negative happens in the early morning I am easily prone to it's influence. I'm very angry as well when I wake up which doesn't help.

I will most definitely try void meditation. I already go straight into Hatha yoga within 30 mins of waking.
Thank you very much! This is helpful advice. I've had a hard time doing void meditation because my mind is always so active, but I've been making an effort recently to do it daily. Your post came at the perfect time to encourage me!
🐍💗 Hail Satan!!
Meditation for replenishing the earth. "Darkness is light turned inside out," Baalzebul.

1.Wear a blue aura.
2.Correctly align your chakras.
3.Invoke the earth.

The base Chakra is us. We can only grow by empowering it.
Extremely helpful advice, not to be overlooked. Very informative and appreciated, thank you for this very much, its was a needed reminder of healthier activities and actions I can take.
Lydia said:
“When the mind is silent, the soul can speak” – BKS Iyengar

In the morning, the subconscious is still more dominant over the conscious, and the right brain (intuition, spiritual awareness) is more active than the left (logic) brain.

A small but very helpful thing that can be done is getting up a bit earlier than usual, and taking the extra time to do Void meditation. Use the bathroom first and brush your teeth or whatever you need to do first thing upon waking, then go somewhere quiet to meditate. If this is in bed, then prop yourself up with pillows or whatever to keep from falling back to sleep.

Do some pranayama, maybe some energy breathing (tip, indigo helps with receiving astral communication from the Gods), and then still your mind. You can call to your Guardian and/or focus on their sigil, or Satan’s sigil. Or tune into yourself. Keep your mind still, focus on the breath, and guidance often just comes to the surface. You can ask yourself a question about something, like “How can I deal with (the problem I am currently facing)?” (You can also ask yourself a question before falling asleep at night, and tell yourself that you are receiving the answer upon waking up, this also works.)

If you think you might be too prone to falling asleep again even while sitting up, you can first do some Sun Salutations or 5 Tibetan Rites (both found online). This can also help if you feel your spiritual energies are too low.

Also, mornings are a good time for a daily affirmation, since the subconscious is more open to programming. Which also points to the fact that we should avoid turning on the TV or getting on social media for at least an hour (preferably more) from waking up. Spending some time each morning in spiritual practices will make the rest of the day go better and more under your control.

Hail Satan!

Thank you so much, I'll definitely try this, especially since it's been a shitty period for me, with my hypochondria being more powerful than ever
Thank you for this! I have been experimenting on ways to balance my rituals with my meditations and physical exercise and martial arts training. I have a very full work schedule and efficiency is of utmost importance to me.
I also seem to prone in forgettting to void. Doing it upon waking as you suggest is very helpful to me.
Hail Satan!
Zaqîêl3 said:
Thank you for this! I have been experimenting on ways to balance my rituals with my meditations and physical exercise and martial arts training. I have a very full work schedule and efficiency is of utmost importance to me.
I also seem to prone in forgettting to void. Doing it upon waking as you suggest is very helpful to me.
Hail Satan!
Void is a good state to be through out the day, in my opinion it should not just be limited to meditation but it should be a constant type of thing. It will make you avoid distractions and wasting time, it will make you direct and to the point and it will stop energy draining unwanted thoughts. It will be great for your martial art sessions and it will make you understand a lot about your mind.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
