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Eudaimonia, The Glow of Meditation

NakedPluto [JG]

Head of Activism
Aug 13, 2019
Meditation is the first tool and function of the humans, since our inception. Meditation is the most ancient way of thought, emotion, spirit.

Since people existed only with "a stone and a stick”, and then existed with the Gods blessing their existence with infinite knowledge and fountains, a primal form of meditation has been used.

The point of meditation in the most primal- basic level, is to reveal ones thoughts and reflect ones function of the mind upon a process of introspection. Here we have the silencing, addressing and correcting the mental mind. Hence also Void Meditation is a process to accumulate enough ability to enter a level deeper about meditation. The primal level can be called contemplation, introspection, based on intellectual, logical values yet also always in a measure happening with the feminine mind as well.

A form of meditation is done on all aspects of life and all people. To think, inquire emotions, achieve a state of knowledge, of senses. Sciences and mathematical processes are based on a primal form of meditation. Be this is an inquiry in the logical mind or in to the intuitive mind, the shell to access this is one and the same.

The more genius mathematicians, actually go a level deeper in the meditation, and produce their observance by the intuitive sphere, not the logical one. A two way translation between these two states is continually there and always in harmony with meditation.

Isolating the mind and looking inwardly into the minds processes. Hardly anything that we do, if anything is done outside of the mind, of the consciousness, of us.

This is inseparable.

A deeper level of this, is to inquire the meditation beneath the surface of the mental, in a state of witness, of observance and then act. Deep into the trance, we access levels of the mind, layers and then a state of reveal.

All of these processes, are on an acquired state of observance, meaning you know consciously - awake, no matter the depth.

To reveal means one gets to observe and in a final state, means gets to know.

Looking inward as this is by a reflective function of the consciousness (even if we look outward we process this inwards), we get to observe and know first and foremost ourselves.

1. We understand what we are, by all abilities of the body and mind. This is a continual process that must be thought as “closing the distance” between us the conscious and us the soul.

2. We access and reveal ones soul , embodying this, in a state of sight, energy, light and knowledge.

As to not go sideways of the purpose of this, one must understand and seek this glow that ensures during and sometimes after meditation.

There is a glow by doing meditation, one may call it illumination. This glow is the actualizing of ones systems in a harmonious and activated way and opening the gates to our spiritual nature.

Ones body is stimulated, and the body is engulfed from within, the initial point, a glow of beauty, of pleasure.

As a beginner, you will feel good. Refreshed. Focus on this feeling. Then one might feel that they are younger, a vitality suddenly exposed in the body. Focus on this feeling. Then one might feel a vibration that engulfs the being in a state of pleasure and in a small way, glimpse mystical undertones from one self. The range of the experience can go endlessly into higher and higher levels.

This glow happens both by owns body release of chemicals which is effectively an effect by touching and establishing connection to ones soul.

As well as how Aristotle stated that Theoria leads to a state of Eudaimonia ( state of acquired knowledge - Demon - and the Id. that is “eu” , which means the happy and the good, but we are “the happy and the good”, hence “eu” is “me”) The consciousness acquires the state of knowing, which is the flourishing.

To know means also to experience, ie. to live. To experience meditation, is to get to know.

The practical aspect of this that is to be directly acted upon with meditation, is to focus and sustain this glow in your body.

As our Beautiful HPS Maxine in numerous writings and emphasis has stated:

The most important aspect of any meditation and/or meditation related exercises such as hatha/physical yoga [below], is getting the energy buzz. This is supposed to follow any effective spiritual exercise. For those who are new, this may take a few weeks of consistent exercises on a daily basis, but you will definitely know it and feel it. These are what these exercises are for- to raise the witchpower and amplify the powers of the soul.

It doesn't matter, especially once you are proficient in these exercises, whether you have the TV, your radio or stereo blasting or whatever, as long as it doesn't interfere with your movements or your ability to raise your witchpower. I have often had my ear-buds in my ears with my CD player blasting when I was doing yoga asanas. Afterwards, I still continued to listen to music- even metal at times, when I sat still for my energy buzz. The only thing that is important is that you sit still for a while following any of these exercises in order for your energy buzz to get going, then focus on it.

The only thing you can do is to keep your soul energies up, and work to amplify them. Regardless of what you do for meditations [we are all individuals], following a meditation/yoga session, etc., one should be absolutely still and get what I call an 'energy buzz'. This is where you feel like you are glowing with energy, vibrating with it or anywhere where you can feel the energy of your soul, which was amplified by the working you just did.

This energy buzz is part of this glow and illumination, of connection. The buzzing is our body feeling the vibration, the radiance, the energy and it’s own functionality in spiritual Eudaimonia.

Contemplation on this is done by focus, actualizing the present moment by living this experience, immersing one self in this - in turn amplifying and creating density to this in your body.

Another aspect of this that happens, is that this is imprinted in the memory and the factual senses of the body, in time this creating the actual spiritual abilities and acquire the power to do witchcraft.

To access and produce this glow, which is also something of natural expectation, is to purify and clean yourself and the chakras. The dross must be cleaned out, as so the light and vibration can emerge by the dimensions of the being.

In a practical routine and individually one must observe, is how long this “fulfilment” of owns body with this specific glow can last. For example, one may feel fulfilled for 5-8 hours. And then one must meditate again and fill the cup of our body with this energy.

It would be best, to not let yourself empty of this, since also, you may forget this uplifting and also lose power and momentum to the next levels of advancement.
Very interesting and enlightening information.

I always feel that when I meditate there is a certain glow, a certain light, a certain aura that engulfs me in a very positive and shiny light, but I never knew how to call it.

This specific aura would be seen after empowering my chakras, and with each repetition, the light's brightness strengthen.

Now I know why, because with each working I had on my chakras, I was actually empowering myself and I was opening my astral senses.

I appreciate the work that you do and a lot of tips of yours are total banger.

This in my opinion deserves to be in the announcement section.

Hail Satan

43 posts in one day? This might be a new record.

I see, have you read HPS Maxine sermons? She emphasised this multiple times, and in my view as well, it is something critical to do.
NakedPluto said:

43 posts in one day? This might be a new record.

I see, have you read HPS Maxine sermons? She emphasised this multiple times, and in my view as well, it is something critical to do.

Yes I have read a lot of her Sermons.

They are very useful.

Hail Satan
Ever since I did my very first meditation correctly, I felt this buzz.
Like my mind is at peace at my consciousness is in a higher plane, so to speak.
How come I missed this topic?!
It's a subject that interests me a lot !

I struggle with my mind to practice trance.
I still haven't practiced a "real" trance, but I have noticed real improvement in the feeling of daily meditations.

For some time now, when I do my runic meditations, my deep soul cleansings, my soul liberation, I see the light you are talking about! It's not just a visualization anymore, I feel it and as if I really see it.

And when I finish my hatha yoga, I am literally high, but really, as if I had smoked several joints, whereas for 2 years, I just felt a calmness of the mind afterwards.
By the way, I have really seen the light, since I started my last soul liberation with a step work that is quite elaborate, which I do right after a deep cleansing based on the Witches Sabbat.

To help the process, I have been repeating to myself every night for the last 2 months before going to sleep (with other affirmations - I work in "ternary"): "every day I find the time to meditate, I meditate with pleasure" + visualization of myself smiling.

I am happy to see that I am making progress, and thanks to your post on the "light", I really realized that this is what it is all about.

I know that I will be able to go into a trance one day. It's a big goal of mine for many reasons. One of them is to REALLY discover myself, to understand why and how.

Fascinating subject, thanks NakedPluto
Beautiful post :)

I can attest to meditating multiple times through the day, even if for only 5 minutes. For a period of time I could only meditate once daily, and for a longer period twice daily, but having a brief meditation session in the middle of the day really helps keep me in a better state.

about listening to buzz in meditation, i don't give myself 5 minutes of still time concentrating on it, i feel a strong advance with 40x sowilo and my affirmation about an extremely powerful and protective aura, i stay in 5 minutes like this, am i doing it wrong?

i feel a lot of heat today, i used to feel several involuntary actions of my limbs, pulling tendons, spasms, buzzing sometimes during, today much less

ive been doing it for months, uninterrupted, twice a day
great post, keep up the great work. Even just foundation meditation or tuning in to my energy and directing it side to side, throughout the between routine helps me a lot.
Yurei said:
Ever since I did my very first meditation correctly, I felt this buzz.
Like my mind is at peace at my consciousness is in a higher plane, so to speak.

That's perfectly normal and positive.

sshivafr said:
I struggle with my mind to practice trance.
I still haven't practiced a "real" trance, but I have noticed real improvement in the feeling of daily meditations.
I know that I will be able to go into a trance one day. It's a big goal of mine for many reasons. One of them is to REALLY discover myself, to understand why and how.

Trance can be easy if you do it by focus on breath and then on the body. Just like you sleep, but right before the sense of sleep, of loosing the grip of awareness, you keep your awareness awake.

Prolong the time of stillness and breathe at first long and deep. At first, you might need even 20 - 30 minutes of meditation and breath work with focus to achieve a trance. Then you can do it in a few minutes.

Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=416192 time=1674645849 user_id=57]
Beautiful post :)

I can attest to meditating multiple times through the day, even if for only 5 minutes. For a period of time I could only meditate once daily, and for a longer period twice daily, but having a brief meditation session in the middle of the day really helps keep me in a better state.

Thank you for your reply JG Lydia. Yes, I see that too, even a few minutes of meditation and focus can change a day over.

nebu said:

about listening to buzz in meditation, i don't give myself 5 minutes of still time concentrating on it, i feel a strong advance with 40x sowilo and my affirmation about an extremely powerful and protective aura, i stay in 5 minutes like this, am i doing it wrong?

i feel a lot of heat today, i used to feel several involuntary actions of my limbs, pulling tendons, spasms, buzzing sometimes during, today much less

ive been doing it for months, uninterrupted, twice a day

You are doing perfectly fine. Heat, involuntary spasms and the like is a sign of increased bioelectricity. This is very positive and means you are doing correctly everything. The body and nervous system adapts.

Do you have any worry about this?

SATchives said:
great post, keep up the great work. Even just foundation meditation or tuning in to my energy and directing it side to side, throughout the between routine helps me a lot.

Thank you Satchives.
NakedPluto said:
nebu said:

about listening to buzz in meditation, i don't give myself 5 minutes of still time concentrating on it, i feel a strong advance with 40x sowilo and my affirmation about an extremely powerful and protective aura, i stay in 5 minutes like this, am i doing it wrong?

i feel a lot of heat today, i used to feel several involuntary actions of my limbs, pulling tendons, spasms, buzzing sometimes during, today much less

ive been doing it for months, uninterrupted, twice a day

You are doing perfectly fine. Heat, involuntary spasms and the like is a sign of increased bioelectricity. This is very positive and means you are doing correctly everything. The body and nervous system adapts.

Do you have any worry about this?

no sir naked, it was just a clarification, thank you, there are times when I think I do some things in a minimally alternative way and I still gain a lot from it
NakedPluto said:
Trance can be easy if you do it by focus on breath and then on the body. Just like you sleep, but right before the sense of sleep, of loosing the grip of awareness, you keep your awareness awake.

Prolong the time of stillness and breathe at first long and deep. At first, you might need even 20 - 30 minutes of meditation and breath work with focus to achieve a trance. Then you can do it in a few minutes.

I have fears about trance, I know it's stupid and that it will be over.
HPS Maxine said that being interrupted during a trance is extremely painful.
Franz Bardon explains that during a very deep trance, in astral travel, the slightest touch breaks the "link" between your astral body and your physical body (And so you die).

Being constantly interrupted by my children, or my pets, my fears are there. Yes it's stupid, I agree!

In any case, I remember your precious advice, thank you!
sshivafr said:
I have fears about trance, I know it's stupid and that it will be over.
HPS Maxine said that being interrupted during a trance is extremely painful.
Franz Bardon explains that during a very deep trance, in astral travel, the slightest touch breaks the "link" between your astral body and your physical body (And so you die).

Being constantly interrupted by my children, or my pets, my fears are there. Yes it's stupid, I agree!

In any case, I remember your precious advice, thank you!

I too had this fear but what helps me now is this, Father Satan and the Gods have brought me this far, they won't let me die. Especially not doing something to better myself. No matter how far in trance I Go if It would be dangerous for me they would let me know somehow. It requires absolute trust. If it makes you feel better before trance tell Father your worries about it. He always gives me comfort doing things I'm unsure about or worried over. It really helps.
sshivafr said:
NakedPluto said:
Trance can be easy if you do it by focus on breath and then on the body. Just like you sleep, but right before the sense of sleep, of loosing the grip of awareness, you keep your awareness awake.

Prolong the time of stillness and breathe at first long and deep. At first, you might need even 20 - 30 minutes of meditation and breath work with focus to achieve a trance. Then you can do it in a few minutes.

I have fears about trance, I know it's stupid and that it will be over.
HPS Maxine said that being interrupted during a trance is extremely painful.
Franz Bardon explains that during a very deep trance, in astral travel, the slightest touch breaks the "link" between your astral body and your physical body (And so you die).

Being constantly interrupted by my children, or my pets, my fears are there. Yes it's stupid, I agree!

In any case, I remember your precious advice, thank you!

It is to the extent of a headache or small scare. There is only a minimal care to have, as to not be disturbed by very loud noises, having headphones is fine and other ways to minimize the sounds.

In that way Demons do watch over you and can alert you in meditation before anything of this kind can happen.

Another point to this is, in deep meditation if you focus and expand outwards, then yes, this should be done carefully. Even in that case, any sound and stimulation will be exercised outwards into glass or other objects of fine nature.

Majority of times you amplify your senses and at most you can expect in a normal environment, in your house, small flashes from sounds which do no damage. Being subjected to the sounds, 2-4 times, you'll adapt to the intensities. Nothing out of order will happen.

The most damaging thing out of this is the mental fear that you have, that stops you from achieving a trance.

Franz Bardon talks bullshit to scare people away. Astral Projection happens only by the excess, dense and actualized energy of the body from the belly and more, which proves to be like a separate energetical vessel that you inhabit in a safe and natural way. Even going out fully out of your body in comatose trance, will not be subjected to small influences such as those.

All that can happen is to bind you back into the body forcefully, nothing else. You definitely not die.

As for your children, get your husband to watch over them for 20 minutes a day for this and lock the door to the room. I'd go to the bathroom, open the faucet for background noise, lay down and meditate for 20 minutes, and that's basically it.
sshivafr said:
NakedPluto said:
Trance can be easy if you do it by focus on breath and then on the body. Just like you sleep, but right before the sense of sleep, of loosing the grip of awareness, you keep your awareness awake.

Prolong the time of stillness and breathe at first long and deep. At first, you might need even 20 - 30 minutes of meditation and breath work with focus to achieve a trance. Then you can do it in a few minutes.

I have fears about trance, I know it's stupid and that it will be over.
HPS Maxine said that being interrupted during a trance is extremely painful.
Franz Bardon explains that during a very deep trance, in astral travel, the slightest touch breaks the "link" between your astral body and your physical body (And so you die).

Being constantly interrupted by my children, or my pets, my fears are there. Yes it's stupid, I agree!

In any case, I remember your precious advice, thank you!


Get this app, it is free premium for a year. Great for beginners and trance induction. Don't know much about it, but you can see for yourself and also you can front this to your family as a cover up.

Besides multiple types of "meditation", there's also a function to have free meditation with convenient slow wake up, timer, analytics, sounds etc. You can basically use it as a timer.

You can also introduce safely your family to meditation.

It is best to not be dependant on such things, but you can help yourself at first with these things.
NakedPluto said:
sshivafr said:
NakedPluto said:
Trance can be easy if you do it by focus on breath and then on the body. Just like you sleep, but right before the sense of sleep, of loosing the grip of awareness, you keep your awareness awake.

Prolong the time of stillness and breathe at first long and deep. At first, you might need even 20 - 30 minutes of meditation and breath work with focus to achieve a trance. Then you can do it in a few minutes.

I have fears about trance, I know it's stupid and that it will be over.
HPS Maxine said that being interrupted during a trance is extremely painful.
Franz Bardon explains that during a very deep trance, in astral travel, the slightest touch breaks the "link" between your astral body and your physical body (And so you die).

Being constantly interrupted by my children, or my pets, my fears are there. Yes it's stupid, I agree!

In any case, I remember your precious advice, thank you!


Get this app, it is free premium for a year. Great for beginners and trance induction. Don't know much about it, but you can see for yourself and also you can front this to your family as a cover up.

Besides multiple types of "meditation", there's also a function to have free meditation with convenient slow wake up, timer, analytics, sounds etc. You can basically use it as a timer.

You can also introduce safely your family to meditation.

It is best to not be dependant on such things, but you can help yourself at first with these things.
This is unrelated but I want to say that the images in your signature are very well done. This is the kind of graphic design we need more of.
SapphireDragon said:
I too had this fear but what helps me now is this, Father Satan and the Gods have brought me this far, they won't let me die. Especially not doing something to better myself. No matter how far in trance I Go if It would be dangerous for me they would let me know somehow. It requires absolute trust. If it makes you feel better before trance tell Father your worries about it. He always gives me comfort doing things I'm unsure about or worried over. It really helps.

Thanks for the answer Sapphire.

That's exactly right, Father Satan and my GD would prevent me from doing anything too dangerous for my advancement.

And as you also suggest, talk to Father Satan.

You know I started a problematic soul liberation a couple of weeks ago, and I was dreading the day the work started. Well, I light a candle for Father and my GD (at every meditation/runic/ RTR), and at this time I evoked their benevolent energies. The flames of the candles were intense and I felt the characteristic warmth (in my workshop, there is no heating, it is only 5 degrees at the moment!) invade me: I know they were "there" (at least their energies).

All these details to say, that Father and the Demons always encourage us and let us know it by means that we understand.
So yes, I will ask Father to help me take the plunge and be confident! And I trust Him, as I trust our Gods. I love Them so much and so much.
NakedPluto said:
All that can happen is to bind you back into the body forcefully, nothing else. You definitely not die.

Thank you very much NakedPluto for the elaborate answers.
These are big doubts that go away!
I honestly thought that the damage was more important. I don't regret talking about it! (Even if of course, it is never easy to admit our stupid fears)

Thanks for the organizational tips. As for the app, I looked at their homepage and will download it.
I'll be sure to let you know.
Thank you very much again.
existentialcrisis said:
This is unrelated but I want to say that the images in your signature are very well done. This is the kind of graphic design we need more of.

Thank you, they are pretty basic with online icons made.

sshivafr said:
NakedPluto said:
All that can happen is to bind you back into the body forcefully, nothing else. You definitely not die.

Thank you very much NakedPluto for the elaborate answers.
These are big doubts that go away!
I honestly thought that the damage was more important. I don't regret talking about it! (Even if of course, it is never easy to admit our stupid fears)

Thanks for the organizational tips. As for the app, I looked at their homepage and will download it.
I'll be sure to let you know.
Thank you very much again.

It is best to talk about it since we get to resolve them. They are not stupid in any way, they are natural by the mind. Glad if I can help.
NakedPluto said:

Get this app, it is free premium for a year. Great for beginners and trance induction. Don't know much about it, but you can see for yourself and also you can front this to your family as a cover up.

Besides multiple types of "meditation", there's also a function to have free meditation with convenient slow wake up, timer, analytics, sounds etc. You can basically use it as a timer.

You can also introduce safely your family to meditation.

It is best to not be dependant on such things, but you can help yourself at first with these things.

I downloaded the Balance app and tried some meditations. But the big problem is that I'm trying very hard to understand spoken English! Impossible to let go while being too concentrated to try to understand what the person is saying!
I will try to find a similar application, and serious, in French.

So, I guess it's been said 10 times, but what a wonder it would be to have a meditation app developed by JoS members and translated into many languages with voices that would be trusted people!
What a great help that would be for new and intermediate members.
Please, can we consider this idea even if it would take a long time to see the light of day?
A project with only trusted members at each stage, to ensure for example that there are no ill-intentioned attempts at hypnosis, etc.

A great gift from JoS to humanity, to learn and develop meditation and trance according to the teachings of the Gods (emoji with stars in their eyes)!
sshivafr said:
NakedPluto said:

Get this app, it is free premium for a year. Great for beginners and trance induction. Don't know much about it, but you can see for yourself and also you can front this to your family as a cover up.

Besides multiple types of "meditation", there's also a function to have free meditation with convenient slow wake up, timer, analytics, sounds etc. You can basically use it as a timer.

You can also introduce safely your family to meditation.

It is best to not be dependant on such things, but you can help yourself at first with these things.

I downloaded the Balance app and tried some meditations. But the big problem is that I'm trying very hard to understand spoken English! Impossible to let go while being too concentrated to try to understand what the person is saying!
I will try to find a similar application, and serious, in French.

So, I guess it's been said 10 times, but what a wonder it would be to have a meditation app developed by JoS members and translated into many languages with voices that would be trusted people!
What a great help that would be for new and intermediate members.
Please, can we consider this idea even if it would take a long time to see the light of day?
A project with only trusted members at each stage, to ensure for example that there are no ill-intentioned attempts at hypnosis, etc.

A great gift from JoS to humanity, to learn and develop meditation and trance according to the teachings of the Gods (emoji with stars in their eyes)!

That's sounds like a great plan for the future, but it is something that is not critical or a true necessity for now.

In that app, look at Singles tab, and then press Unguided. In this way, you are free to meditate and the app only acts as a wake up timer (which nothing a phone timer can't do, yet it will write it down for you).

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
