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DHS classifies "White Nationalism" as a Domestic Terrorist Threat


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2019

"In the wake of the El Paso shooting and other white supremacist-motivated attacks, the Department of Homeland Security has added white supremacy to its list of domestic terrorism threats, marking the first time since the creation of the department post-9/11 that it has emphasized white nationalist domestic terrorism as a threat on par with that posed by foreign groups.

In a speech at the Brookings Institute on Friday, Kevin McAleenan, the acting secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, said that recent mass shootings had “galvanized the Department of Homeland Security to expand its counterterrorism mission focus beyond terrorists operating aboard, to include those radicalized to violence within our borders by violent extremists of any ideology.”

“The continuing menace of racially based violent extremism, particularly white supremacist extremism, is an abhorrent affront to our nation, the struggle and unity of its diverse population, and the core values of both our society and our department,” McAleenan said in the speech. The DHS also released a 40-page document outlining how it will work with local and state governments to improve its data collection methods on white nationalist threats and try to raise awareness of and reduce the spread of misinformation across social networks, which have contributed to the fueling of extremist ideology.

McAleenan said that the department began to focus on investigating white nationalist domestic terrorism following the Poway synagogue shooting in San Diego, California back in April, but he singled out the August mass shooting at a Wal-Mart in El Paso, Texas, which took the lives of at least 22 people, as cementing the DHS’s new strategy on combating domestic terrorism and “targeted violence” from white supremacists, as nearly 4,000 DHS employees were based in El Paso. “This was an attack on all of us, on our family,” he told the Atlantic.

The Dept. of Homeland Security policy shift comes as welcome news to extremism researchers, who have sharply criticized the Trump administration for shutting down and defunding various DHS initiatives intended to curb the growing white nationalist domestic terrorism threat. The DHS also garnered intense criticism last August, when the watchdog group American Oversight requested information about what the agency was doing to fight the white nationalist terrorism threat and received a report that made no mention of far-right terrorism instead.

The DHS statement did not, however, sit well with people on the far-right, who have long denied that white supremacists pose a significant threat to national security and have urged government authorities to consider extremist left-wing activism as an equally serious threat as far-right extremist violence. On the encrypted messaging app Telegram, Gavin McInnes, the founder of the far-right extremist organization the Proud Boys, said the DHS statement was “really, really bad news” for “patriots” like the Proud Boys, and criticized the DHS for focusing on domestic terrorism at the expense of foreign terrorist groups.

Publicly available data, however, tells a different story. Last year, a spokesperson for the ADL testified that 39 out of the 50 extremist-related attacks that took place last year were committed by white supremacists, as opposed to just one instance of a jihadi-related violent attack. In July, FBI director Christopher Wray said in a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing that the FBI had made about 100 domestic terrorism-related arrests since October 2018, “the majority of” which were motivated by some form of “white supremacist violence.”


The DHS has literally just proclaimed 70% of the country and most of the military to be domestic terrorists. It doesn't even matter if you believe in White Nationalism or not, if you are white, you are a terrorist in the eyes of the United States Government. I've told people that the government is becoming so tyrannical that they proclaim an entire demographic to be terrorists.
The article as per usual same as the agency does not make it clear where the line is.

So are White Supremacists all people who are white and just want to live?

Or are we talking about strange people like the KKK and other unthoughtful stuff like that?

The same logic implied here is: Hebrew israelites, Black Lives Matter etc = All Black people = Terrorists.

Pretty soon it appears anyone born with a lighter skin will be killed at birth by the multi-culti "American" authorities gang.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The article as per usual same as the agency does not make it clear where the line is.

So are White Supremacists all people who are white and just want to live?

Or are we talking about strange people like the KKK and other unthoughtful stuff like that?

The same logic implied here is: Hebrew israelites, Black Lives Matter etc = All Black people = Terrorists.

Pretty soon it appears anyone born with a lighter skin will be killed at birth by the multi-culti "American" authorities gang.

Yeah, pretty much. All "white nationalists" are just simple whites who don't want to fucking kill themselves or willingly hand themselves over to degenerate scumbags of African or Arab stock who will, depending on your gender, rape you, kill you, or both.

It's the same kind of assumption that ISIS speaks for all muslims despite being funded and weaponized by the governments of the US, UK, Israel, and pretty much any other country that seeked Bashar Al-Assad's ousting.

If the DHS were talking about a bunch of rambunctious disorganized idiot rednecks like the fucking KKK, which number less than 2,000 members as of now and haven't lynched a single motherfucker since the 1960s then we'd have nothing to worry about but with this ZOG infested government, they're essentially creating a codeword out of "white nationalism/ist" meaning "all anti-marxist white people"
I was thinking about similar things before. Nationalism in Europe and US will become equal to racism or antisemitism or intolerance to mass immigration, and therefore it would be slowly outlawed. It will be something like: "Why you want out of EU, are you racist? You hate coloured people? Are you a white supremacist? You say jews own the media? Are you antisemitic?"
And definitely this behaviour would become punishable with imprisonment. That's what I think that jews want to do further as time goes, gradually turning Europe and US into communist states without people even realizing.
Adding to my previous point, if there's not a clear defined line on what's a threat to the country and what isn't, which the DHS and the media have failed to correspond on, then you have to assume the worst even though the worst may not happen. We read that "White Nationalism is designated a terrorist threat" and that gets translated as "All white people are now terrorists by default" because the way I see it, the writing's on the wall and you can't ban an ideology because that will only silence it in the short term, but make it stronger in the long term. You can ban a group, you can make attempting to join (insert failed or emerging terrorist group) a crime but you can't make believing that white people are going to go extinct 50-100 years from now a crime.
I am wondering if we can claim that any dumb idiot with a white skin that does a crime, can we start claiming the same for any dumb person of any other color that does it also? I mean many people daily say "I kill him cuz he white" and all of that stuff.

Random crazy muslim -> They bomb 100+ people to die -> Not all Muslims are evil
Random crazy white person -> Runs one innocent over with a car -> Gotta exterminate the White race and put everyone who does not agree with getting extinct in a terror watchlist.

How nice, we are again going into the Middle Ages type of judgement with everything. Beautiful work. When Whites will be 20% a minority in the United States, we can be certain, people won't be hanged in reverse in the middle of a square because they have White Skin now, we will live in a Jewtopia.
ShadowTheRaven said:
Adding to my previous point, if there's not a clear defined line on what's a threat to the country and what isn't, which the DHS and the media have failed to correspond on, then you have to assume the worst even though the worst may not happen. We read that "White Nationalism is designated a terrorist threat" and that gets translated as "All white people are now terrorists by default" because the way I see it, the writing's on the wall and you can't ban an ideology because that will only silence it in the short term, but make it stronger in the long term. You can ban a group, you can make attempting to join (insert failed or emerging terrorist group) a crime but you can't make believing that white people are going to go extinct 50-100 years from now a crime.

These outlets are just doing advertising for the KKK and other nuts organizations. The other time 7 people assembled or 8, and they made a fake KKK rally or something, and all the media was covering it. Legit no more than 10 people.

This is probably to drive Whites into radicalism, and proceed with the agenda to censor and racially ruin everyone.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I am wondering if we can claim that any dumb idiot with a white skin that does a crime, can we start claiming the same for any dumb person of any other color that does it also? I mean many people daily say "I kill him cuz he white" and all of that stuff.

By that logic, the same logic that the United States Government is applying we would have to...

-Blame all black people for gang violence and for their representation of criminal statistics (13 do 50?)
-Blame all Arabs, muslim and non-muslim for ISIS and oppressive regimes like the one in Afghanistan
-Blame all Latinos for the drug cartels
-Blame all Asians for Communism because of China, being the most populous Asian country

So on and so forth until no race and no individual is deemed free of sin but to generalize the entire planet like that is just crap.

I'm gonna have to learn how to start speaking Polish or Russian and move there, because Slavic countries are pretty much the only countries that don't have this kind of bullshit going on. Why would I have to worry about what other people of other races are doing if there aren't any other races within those countries? The only other language I know besides English is German, and like hell I would ever move to Germany after what's happened over there. Switzerland is an option, not being an EU member, and also a German speaking country but it's so difficult to get into and that has its own set of drawbacks for me unless I wanna dive deep and accumulate tens of thousands more in student debt and study there.
“The continuing menace of racially based violent extremism, particularly white supremacist extremism, is an abhorrent affront to our nation,

Black on White crime! Isn't this racially based violent extremism? Openly speaking for the killing of "White People" or the pictures and videos on any porn site that gives guides on how to breed White women to kill Whites. This is violent extremism!

"a 40-page document outlining how it will work with local and state governments to improve its data collection methods"

Like this isn't going to collect information on Whites, and any other person for that matter, who will fight to overthrow tyranny or a corrupt government. The Communist did the same thing in Vietnam, traitor Vietnamese could go to the Communists and give information on cab drivers, barbers and related people who spoke out and opposed the Communist. They were wiped out during one of the attacks the Communist did on the South Vietnamese during the Vietnam war.

Jewish academics: "The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists." "Not racially based violent extremism," because it's worded politely.

I just had to let this out. I see you comment on the bigger issue, but these things just sits with me.
Ninja 666 said:
“The continuing menace of racially based violent extremism, particularly white supremacist extremism, is an abhorrent affront to our nation,

Black on White crime! Isn't this racially based violent extremism? Openly speaking for the killing of "White People" or the pictures and videos on any porn site that gives guides on how to breed White women to kill Whites. This is violent extremism!

"a 40-page document outlining how it will work with local and state governments to improve its data collection methods"

Like this isn't going to collect information on Whites, and any other person for that matter, who will fight to overthrow tyranny or a corrupt government. The Communist did the same thing in Vietnam, traitor Vietnamese could go to the Communists and give information on cab drivers, barbers and related people who spoke out and opposed the Communist. They were wiped out during one of the attacks the Communist did on the South Vietnamese during the Vietnam war.

Jewish academics: "The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists." "Not racially based violent extremism," because it's worded politely.

I just had to let this out. I see you comment on the bigger issue, but these things just sits with me.

Unfortunately I have observed a new rising trend now with mixing Asian women with Black men, it's coming up slowly and raising it's head also in many internet dens, so it's expected to start becoming mainstream in the American mainland and from there on probably even exported in Asian countries.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ninja 666 said:
“The continuing menace of racially based violent extremism, particularly white supremacist extremism, is an abhorrent affront to our nation,

Black on White crime! Isn't this racially based violent extremism? Openly speaking for the killing of "White People" or the pictures and videos on any porn site that gives guides on how to breed White women to kill Whites. This is violent extremism!

"a 40-page document outlining how it will work with local and state governments to improve its data collection methods"

Like this isn't going to collect information on Whites, and any other person for that matter, who will fight to overthrow tyranny or a corrupt government. The Communist did the same thing in Vietnam, traitor Vietnamese could go to the Communists and give information on cab drivers, barbers and related people who spoke out and opposed the Communist. They were wiped out during one of the attacks the Communist did on the South Vietnamese during the Vietnam war.

Jewish academics: "The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists." "Not racially based violent extremism," because it's worded politely.

I just had to let this out. I see you comment on the bigger issue, but these things just sits with me.

Unfortunately I have observed a new rising trend now with mixing Asian women with Black men, it's coming up slowly and raising it's head also in many internet dens, so it's expected to start becoming mainstream in the American mainland and from there on probably even exported in Asian countries.

I have seen this in one K-pop video, with a woman who is "liberated" from the oppressiveness of Asia. And I've seen snippets of it in television shows and Hollywood movies. This was also back in at least one of the Harry Potter movies.

I've read the theory that a number of 50 or 500 individuals is enough for a healthy population to arise without inbredding depression. So for reincarnation purposes there shouldn't be a problem.

Seeing Asian women and men in love relationships with Whites and Blacks on the other hand is just so weird. I can't point to what it exactly is, its just so "off," in so many ways. I still hate seeing the Jewish race mix propaganda though.
It should be noted that as much as they want to classify White Nationalism as a domestic terrorist threat, we aren't there yet. The word supremacy is used, not nationalism. So at this moment they are still limited in who they can flag as a domestic terrorist, as much as they wish they could flag all white nationalists as domestic terrorists threats.

In many ways this doesn't actually change much, yet at least. Any white nationalist that doesn't perform any extremist crimes or the like, but simply promotes white nationalism or american patriotism in general cannot be targeted by this law at the moment, though they will probably try anyway even if the classification is invalid, but they try to persecute us whites already regardless of any laws or classifications in place anyway.

They are just trying to push boundaries one word and phrase at a time, however the process to do this is slow, it will take years to get to where they can attempt to actually flag white nationalists as domestic terrorist threats. In the mean time all this is doing is showing to people what is to come if the jews are allowed to keep pushing their communist agenda.

They are prepping for communist takeover, gathering information, trying to find who will become a dissident and fight against jewish tyranny when they want to establish their communist regime.

Again, it will still take years to finalize this, after they have the information they need they might attempt to change the laws overnight to give them the ability to take out everyone who would cause them trouble overnight when people don't expect it, but they don't have this much time and nobody is being fooled by this, everyone would expect it way before it ever happens if it were to get that far.

This kind of classification is far more a word game than anything else. Since supremacist is the most they could brand, they will try to classify all nationalists as supremacists so they can take them down with this classification, however that won't work as there is a distinct difference between extremists (Who are a tiny minority) and the rest of nationalists who cannot be branded as extremists or supremacists in any sense no matter how much they try to push the boundaries. If they try to push them too far it will only generate a larger reaction which will be a massive setback to their agenda.

Not to mention, so long as enough people see this, and push that "if right wing extremists and white extremists/supremacists get classified as domestic terrorist threat's any leftist or other racial radicals should be classified the same as they fall under the same category of extremists and racial supremacists", they will be forced to either abandon this classification or apply the same to all other radical groups which would put a massive wrench in their plan either way.

They are trying to focus on and single out the white label, but if things go well for us this situation can lead to a classification of all extremists, supremacists and radicals as domestic terrorist threat's, as there are plenty of domestic groups that are widely known as serious threat's to people's safety and livelyhoods, which already makes them a publicly acknowledged threat to peoples security, particularly on the leftists side.

The jew media likes to talk about white extremists, but in all reality they are a vast minority compared to all radical extremist groups out there in America, the majority are all leftist one way or another.

White people need to be careful not to get triggered by things like this, and lash out too radically as a result, because that will only add fuel to the fire and give the enemy the opportunity to accelerate their plans, however so long as whites don't and people gain nationwide awareness about the (Not so) hidden agenda's before anything drastic can be done by the jews and their lackey's it can be prevented as all the people will be on the same page and can actually create a unified resistance to their plans, in stead of only small groups of unorganized people doing their own things and getting singled out and taken down.

Despite this it is clearly an attack on white peoples liberty and an absolutely ludicrous one at that. However as with everything, it can work in our favor no matter how bad it looks.

In many ways they are simply helping our cause by dropping all pretenses as it makes it all the easier to make people understand just what is going on and what is going to happen if things are allowed to develop unimpeded for the jews and their lackey's.

As always, we need to focus on the RTR as much as possible. It's the only thing that can turn this around, as it has done with many things so far. Incidentally, the dangerous time for the USA has already started and so far things have been mild, considering the severity of the transits.

HP HoodedCobra wrote this in August on HPS Maxine's sermon about the dangerous transits to the USA:

"Sun, Venus and Jupiter also can indicate a fragmentation of identity with Saturn acting like this. Identity linked with the Sun and so forth - the enemy will move powerfully to erode things that define the core identity of the USA such as the Constitution, and carry on with the usual bashing of the United States in their attempts to mongrelize it's roots and identity."

This sort of development is undoubtedly part of the oncoming and ongoing transits that threaten the USA. With enough RTR's a lot can be averted and lessened. All of this can even backfire against the enemy when the transits are over so long things don't go totally wrong.

These times are perhaps the most important times for us, to truly fight hard and protect our world, as best we can, we can prevent a serious tragedy from occurring and give the enemy no chance to cause any major harm.

Hail Satan and stay strong brothers and sisters!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Unfortunately I have observed a new rising trend now with mixing Asian women with Black men, it's coming up slowly and raising it's head also in many internet dens, so it's expected to start becoming mainstream in the American mainland and from there on probably even exported in Asian countries.

You mean "Blasians"? I don't know if thats just as bad or even worse.
Race mixing Asians aren't new. Black and Asians have been mixing together for years now. I know a lady who married a black man, and had two mixed children. Then those two had babies with black men. So the grand kids are quarter asian and mostly black.

But as for the op, this isn't going to sit well with any white person who has a brain.
Starcopper said:
Race mixing Asians aren't new. Black and Asians have been mixing together for years now. I know a lady who married a black man, and had two mixed children. Then those two had babies with black men. So the grand kids are quarter asian and mostly black.

But as for the op, this isn't going to sit well with any white person who has a brain.

Asians are certified to be safe by their strong birthrates, so no matter what the jews try to pull on that one, they aren't going nowhere in the end. It's hopeless for them to try to mix them, instances like rampant Communism are more likely for them to try to thin Asians down, rather than mixing them.

They have now started trying to inject this in Korea and Japan, also. I watched a documentary on this, about Black art in Japan or something, but they do not have sufficient control there to start this game at the extent of the West just yet. It will take a while and by the time this has started forcefully, our own will have already set the boundaries straight, so the Asians will be alright.
Starcopper said:
Race mixing Asians aren't new. Black and Asians have been mixing together for years now. I know a lady who married a black man, and had two mixed children. Then those two had babies with black men. So the grand kids are quarter asian and mostly black.

But as for the op, this isn't going to sit well with any white person who has a brain.

I know the whole "Blasian" thing has been going on for a while now, especially in porn because that's the main source of the degeneracy in this world.

Bonus question guys: Can you be against pornography while having a libertarian mindset about sex and sexual topics in general?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Asians are certified to be safe by their strong birthrates, so no matter what the jews try to pull on that one, they aren't going nowhere in the end. It's hopeless for them to try to mix them, instances like rampant Communism are more likely for them to try to thin Asians down, rather than mixing them.

They have now started trying to inject this in Korea and Japan, also. I watched a documentary on this, about Black art in Japan or something, but they do not have sufficient control there to start this game at the extent of the West just yet. It will take a while and by the time this has started forcefully, our own will have already set the boundaries straight, so the Asians will be alright.

In China, yes they're certified to be safe but you gotta understand that a quick Google search only shows China's total fertility rate at 1.62 births per woman. That's on-par with the United States, Russia, and Germany.

Japan and South Korea on the other hand looks absolutely hopeless when you look at their fertility at face value. I mean come on, it's so bad they're selling a literal Robot Waifu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkcKaNqfykg
ShadowTheRaven said:
“The continuing menace of racially based violent extremism, particularly white supremacist extremism, is an abhorrent affront to our nation, the struggle and unity of its diverse population, and the core values of both our society and our department,” McAleenan said in the speech
Holy shit, the inner commie is showing HARD
Ninja 666 said:
I've read the theory that a number of 50 or 500 individuals is enough for a healthy population to arise without inbredding depression. So for reincarnation purposes there shouldn't be a problem.

We just got to learn about that in one of my classes, it is the "50/500 rule." More of a guiding principle, it states that a population of at least 50 is necessary to avoid, as you said, inbreeding depression, whereas a population of at least 500 is needed to minimize the effects of "genetic drift." This is essentially the loss of certain genes because the individuals who carried them simply did not/were unable to reproduce.

Had to jump in there 'cause we just had an exam for that class and I got excited.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
They have now started trying to inject this in Korea and Japan, also
Korea is without a doubt worse off with its infection of (((western)))-style cultural degradation and destabilization
I wonder how that could have happened...


...shouldn't the Based and 100% Not Jewish Christians have corrected them?
It seems that nowadays the most NS political organisation in Europe (or maybe the world) is the Nordic Resistance Movement. They are anti-zionist, they're reject christianity, they hate cultural marxists (without rejecting homosexuals and bisexuals) and have a lot of good points in their programme. Their emblem is a black Tyr rune inside a green Ing rune. Unfortunately, they're only active in Scandinavian countries. I wish there were political parties just as awaken in Italy and Ireland, and other parts of Europe.

What's the clergy's take on them?
RoyBatty91 said:
Holy shit, the inner commie is showing HARD

Oh gee, it's as if they're not even trying to hide that they want to kill all white people, and this step is one of many.
Stormblood said:
What's the clergy's take on [the Nordic Resistance Movement]?

Here's my take....it's a miracle they exist in countries as cucked as Scandinavian ones.
Korea and Japan have turned into very artificial and stressful societies. People are simply opting out relationships all together. It's really sad because sixty years ago they didn't have this kind of stress on constantly succeeding and performing.
ShadowTheRaven said:
Stormblood said:
What's the clergy's take on [the Nordic Resistance Movement]?

Here's my take....it's a miracle they exist in countries as cucked as Scandinavian ones.

That is true. I guess the downside is that Scandinavian people are among the least awakened Whites on average currently, despite them having the most awakened political movement.
Stormblood said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
Stormblood said:
What's the clergy's take on [the Nordic Resistance Movement]?

Here's my take....it's a miracle they exist in countries as cucked as Scandinavian ones.

That is true. I guess the downside is that Scandinavian people are among the least awakened Whites on average currently, despite them having the most awakened political movement.

This reminds me of a Finnish vigilante group, possibly Pagan though I cannot recall, that announced they were going to make it their business to exact justice on rapist "refugees" since law enforcement is deliberately and consciously not doing shit about those crimes. Though law enforcement was quick to condemn their declaration and make it known that vigilantism will be punished. Unlike rape.

I know that it's best not to advocate for vigilantism so I'll leave it at that, but I think the above says plenty enough about the situation.
Powstanie Pogańskie said:
This reminds me of a Finnish vigilante group, possibly Pagan though I cannot recall, that announced they were going to make it their business to exact justice on rapist "refugees" since law enforcement is deliberately and consciously not doing shit about those crimes. Though law enforcement was quick to condemn their declaration and make it known that vigilantism will be punished. Unlike rape.

I know that it's best not to advocate for vigilantism so I'll leave it at that, but I think the above says plenty enough about the situation.

You're talking about the Sons of Odin, yea?
There's this, and the recent news related to the ADL. As I post this, I'm not quite aware of the current planetary conditions, but I think it might be a good time for us to be performing the race awakening rituals again soon.
Powstanie Pogańskie said:
Ninja 666 said:
I've read the theory that a number of 50 or 500 individuals is enough for a healthy population to arise without inbredding depression. So for reincarnation purposes there shouldn't be a problem.

We just got to learn about that in one of my classes, it is the "50/500 rule." More of a guiding principle, it states that a population of at least 50 is necessary to avoid, as you said, inbreeding depression, whereas a population of at least 500 is needed to minimize the effects of "genetic drift." This is essentially the loss of certain genes because the individuals who carried them simply did not/were unable to reproduce.

Had to jump in there 'cause we just had an exam for that class and I got excited.

Yeah, it is. Thank you for contributing. It helps removing the mindfuck of this race mixing bullshit.
ShadowTheRaven said:
You're talking about the Sons of Odin, yea?

That'd be them, yep. I haven't looked into that whole situation beyond that, but the police made certain to break the sound barrier in their rush to denounce them. Priorities and what-have-you.

Ninja 666 said:
Yeah, it is. Thank you for contributing. It helps removing the mindfuck of this race mixing bullshit.

No problem, friend. There's still a lot about the subject I'm still trying to fully grasp, but thankfully classes are starting to coincide with it - even if one has to sift through some garbage along the way.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
