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Demotion Of Clergy - New Rules

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Greetings to everyone in the JoS family,

With great disappointment I have to relate specific things. In no way this should be taken a negative, but since most people look at those "who decide" to find the error, and not in those who "do the act" or the professional victim, I have to write and explain specific things.

We have been doing monumental organizational progress when it comes to the Joy of Satan to tend to your future and to fulfil Satan's Agenda, and we are nowhere near done. Infinite improvements abound.

Anyone who has not respected the path until now and the obligations these took has been already demoted. Most have already been demoted by their function, more specifically, the inaction.

Currently, all titles will have to be "won" from the beginning. Having worked daily for approximately 15 years with the Gods and having been too close to HPS Maxine, I will no longer tolerate for anyone to wear a diadem that is destined for those who have bled in it, versus to those who "Think" they have bled in it.

I cannot be told nonsense like maybe 6 months half assed devotees on how the Gods work, what their operations are, and how they think about things, as experience is quite far.

Further, this disrespects toiling members and the Gods alike who are doing what they should be doing. Nobody should have to listen to people that hardly do anything for them or did not want to keep providing even the minimal.

In the military or any other place in the world, you are not given certain authorities if you don't stand up for them and work for them. It's very simple indeed. Likewise, that will be here.

Alternatively, in the case of tolerating this, we run the risk of building a place of empty husks and ruins, and this is unacceptable. We are not a gamers discord server. Even there, if someone doesn't show up to do the minimal, they will be demoted.

That sounds very much reasonable. Cases where one can even return on these discord servers where kids play in even, are rare, and have to be on conditions.

So what about the JoS? Yes, it's bound to get more appropriate when it comes to positions and there will be no discourse to the contrary.

That's for the security of the community and to help everyone not having false expectations for people who cannot do what is ordained for them to do. The era for this is past. This harms the community and it takes a careless character to want to continue to do this after being given infinite chances to improve out of this, and even more infinite warnings.

In the new affairs you will know that anyone who wears something in this place is someone you can rely on. This is the level of performance the Gods respect.

People will also be able to be demoted, in the sense that one will either willingly be able to stop doing something [instead of we having to be harassed by their unwillingness] but also, if one doesn't do the absolute minimal to maintain something, it will go.

The same applies to marriages, corps in the land, any position in life. If you sleep on your desk then people get you out from your job. These are the rules of life and the only reason I have to explain is because most people have to actually wrap their heads around this concept as they think that this could be different. It cannot be.

Me, to give you a perspective, have never been absent from JoS in more than 24-36 hours. I never get to have 1/3rd of my day "outside" of this. It's my life.

Of course, that's the case for "me", yet something should be closer to this when they wear the "High Priest" title or some honorable title, than "I care less than a person who logs in twice per month" stranger or dabbler.

We are not a charity institution where those unable should command, or the careless should be given infinite chances. If one is unable to do what it takes in a position, they step down. If one has "other things to do", more important than maintaining the pillars of the Gods, and they have it somehow reasoned in their mind, then they are not for this position.

You cannot have a mayor or a military commander that just abandons post and always sends you letters on why that has been the case, even when asked formally to do that. The only part this should be acceptable is if they have a devastating illness, imprisonment, or other very serious circumstances that disallow the mere use of a phone or something.

As a mayor or a president cannot hold office for long absence, that will be the case here. Only in very specific circumstances this will be allowed. We live in the technology era. Everyone can find some time.

I know SS who are "up there" in life and they have a life most cannot fathom when it comes to lack of time, and yet, they meditate and do their dues everyday to advance.

These positions of blessing and influence, where the Gods take care of you personally, imply that one has as the FIRST and HIGHEST priority to serve the people and the Gods, and to promote Satan's Agenda.

Then, of course, one definitely has their personal life, which is built and progresses and so on. We aren't Buddhists.

I want all of you to be ambitious and look up to those who have advanced and marvel. Nobody should have the pain of going in front of an abandoned temple and looking for a non present High Priest, where one has to represent the power and care of the deity. Then, the temple falls into a heap of ruins, and people will ask: where are the Gods?

That is intolerable for now on. If one envisions themselves in the offices of the Gods, one must be ready to take on the blessings and power, yet the ordained life that goes with it.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings to everyone in the JoS family,


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Exactly, everything as you said is more than correct, fair, just and true, every word.

Hail Satan !
People have the idea that the most important thing in these matters is to get power once. This is a wrong way of thinking. Because getting power is not the end, it is not the destination, it is actually the beginning.

People in power tend to become weak. This causes power to change hands over time. One who wants to keep power should be the servant of power, not its owner, and should be constantly strive to make himself worthy of it.

If power must be yours, it will find you. Getting power of which you are not worthy by trickery and dishonesty will only bring absolute downfall. Above all, you must be true to yourself. Power that the ego cannot handle will bring inferiority complex and absolute corruption.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

First off. I wanted to say I am very pleased to see this as the stance for the Joy of Satan for now on, as it is necessary and important this is the case.

The days of absent placeholders, and people who would just disappear for months on end and claim high priest, or claim they are VIP or something, are over and that is definitely for the best.

Nobody here needs to be looking for a high priest or someone and have the question of "WHERE THE FUCK ARE THEY?"

I'm sure we could imagine what our ancestors would think of a situation like this.

The point you make about walking into the temple of Satan and the high priest managing the post being gone is just incredibly important to understand properly.

Imagine we were in Ancient Greece or Egypt or something, and one just walks into the Temple of the Gods and the high priest that is meant to manage the post is just GONE. Completely fucking gone.

A war is going on. bloodshed, problems, people needing assistance, famine in the fields, etc... and guess what?

Empty office...

Imagine if this extended further. We schedule a meeting with the pharaoh or a government offical for something super important and they are JUST FUCKING GONE, NOT THERE.

Like nowhere to be found. Months on end. A whole damn year practically. Then they just show up back one day and resume like nothing by happened.

I could only envision what Pythagoras or one of our enlightened ancestors would have to say about this. They would likely be extremely displeased.

Only people from now on who embody the meaning of Priest should be High Priest or High Priestess.
Yes, this is how it should be.
Not only is experience and advancement important, but even more so the right character.
Not everyone is made to be a HP, and you are the only one we have rn.
If one has "other things to do", more important than maintaining the pillars of the Gods, and they have it somehow reasoned in their mind, then they are not for this position.

It never sat well with me when in the past members mocked others who spent a lot of time here or recommended to not be on the internet so much while the latter might be good advice for a normie or a member spending way too much time on normie activities online that in no way can be attributed to this place.

People who say and still think that spending time reading or replying with things that are related to this place is somehow a waste shows that they do not take this place serious. I hope the ones I have seen say these things have gotten a reality check for their own sake.

The only exceptions of course would be the ones you mentioned.

I do believe this is necessary as this is yet another necessary step to refine this amazing place. Maxine brought us the tools to make a blade and gave us the fundamentals of its usage while you are teaching us how to sharpen our blades and how to better have use of it as individuals. Both highly respectable and necessary at their times.
so does this mean that the JoS guardians and other High priest/esses have been demoted ? and that means new ones are coming ?
People need to work for their titles and earn the respect from others. It wasn't fair that a person had a high ranking title yet did next to nothing for the JoS for years. The JoS is about being fair, those who work hard get the recognition deserved.

Clergy = public servant. HP Cobra is a true clergy member, as he literally slaves away answering posts, answering private emails, making sermons, making the RTR rituals, making the God rituals, and who knows what else, endlessly. As he wrote, never being more than 24-36 hours away from the JoS. That's astounding.
A strong stance is needed, in order to prevent any fall of Satan's Temple on Earth in any way.

The Joy of Satan must be upheld in the highest ability and honor by those of us who seek to bring back the glory of the Gods to our world.

Thank you HP HoodedCobra for upholding the standards and showing in actions and dedication the example of a worthy leader for the Joy of Satan.

You inspire me as always in your dedication and work.

It is good that those who receive titles are tried and tested, and also required to uphold through their actions the standards signifying their merit to carry these titles.

Let the Joy of Satan continue to grow and expand, and let Satan's temple be ordained in all the worlds praises and respect as it were in the past ages.

Never to stand abandoned, but to shine like an incarnate Sun upon the Earth forever!

The membership who uphold the Joy of Satan, be the rays of the Sun which uphold the Temple forever more.

Hail Satan!
We were told a few years ago, the Gods would literally arrive in ~20 Years. In all their Divine Glory, Dignified and Honorable, Leaders of Entire Legions of Daemons, Masters of the Universe. They do have Order and Discipline, Titles and Responsibilities, For hundreds and hundredthousands of years they have led their own Families and Communities into Godlike proportions. Whatever I can imagine of their percieved glory is likely only 1% of the reality.

We were also told, those who do not do Warfare for Satan, are of no Value to him(I am unsure exactly how this was said its been many many years)

Our Ancestors were Kings and Queens, Aristocrats and Nobles, Knights and Ladies, ascended beings ordained by the Gods to be High Priests and Leaders of this Planet.

How often we glorify those soldiers who stand on the Frontline, who give life and limb, they crawl in the mud while ceaseless artillery and destruction is cast upon them.

Those who hide and run during wartime are rightfully so, demoted or executed, when the entire of Humanity, Civilization necessitates action in order to achieve Victory. A lack of action is an Act of Treason against Humanity.

I know when the Gods arrive, when they come to my community and I show up to see them or they come directly to my Home. How will they address me by Name and grant me privileges to join their ranks. My family and community, they will understand immediately why this is so, because I never ceased to advance my community towards Godlike proportions.

I build a resume to the God's, that I may work directly under their command to bring Spiritual Satanism and Divine Natural Order back into this planet.
This was very important. Many things seem to be changing with the gravity of the times and this is a huge step in the best direction.
I have always thought that if someone is not willing to fulfill the responsibilities and the work involved, he/she should not accept this position from the beginning.
And Maxine Dietrich is the perfect example that this can be combined with your daily life because she have a husband and children.
I agree 100%

I am assuming this post was inspired by the fact that Shannon tried to post in the announcements.
I agree, upholding a rank is more than just a shiny title. It's a shame what happened.
Sometimes people become complacent like a prior poster mentioned, and this is a result.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=414836 time=1674230161 user_id=57]
People need to work for their titles and earn the respect from others. It wasn't fair that a person had a high ranking title yet did next to nothing for the JoS for years. The JoS is about being fair, those who work hard get the recognition deserved.

Clergy = public servant. HP Cobra is a true clergy member, as he literally slaves away answering posts, answering private emails, making sermons, making the RTR rituals, making the God rituals, and who knows what else, endlessly. As he wrote, never being more than 24-36 hours away from the JoS. That's astounding.

He does Lydia, more than special HPHC.

Hope you good pal.
I know more or less who this topic is about, but nevertheless reading it fills me with a blow of reality, I know that I must complete something here with all of you and I am willing to complete it, situations led me to pause that work but I think I am more stable economically.

I remember when I was a teenager and the gods guided me here, back then I was just someone who used his powers 'to lovingly attract whoever I wanted in my school; I never failed in any love spell but at the end of the day I knew with pain and failures that I was doing wrong by focusing on the social popularity of that time.

Currently I am of age, still very young but I am looking for financial freedom, that's why I paused many things; to work on those weak areas of my life, I am now more stable financially not 100% to consider myself free and independent; but enough to work again here.

Thanks so much to all of you.
This is absolute beauty and glory. This is a HP I want to follow. Thank you for being the Glory of JoS and of the Earth so that we can look up at you like to a star and feel proud to have you as we are proud to have our Gods. Seems Gods themselves show us this example of eternal glory proved by eternal work, because they prove themselves and their devotion to the higher goal every minute. So we just follow their example and guidance in it - this is how our civilizations were designed to be. Let it be this title stays in these heights for eternity for other generations, and shines and guides them in the night and never fall back.

Nothing in Satan's Temple has to be desecrated.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
We are not a charity institution where those unable should command, or the careless should be given infinite chances.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Couldn't agree more.

Indeed a high ranking individual must respect their position and time. The higher ups must always maintain their character, because every sane individual looks up to the higher ones, not to the lower ones. The higher individuals are in position where the time of infinite chances is gone, the chances are always limited and dependent on the situation of the individual and the action, one cannot come up with blunders after blunders and expect to be forgiven or excused, demotion or expulsion are to be expected. That is how life works, if you walk, you move, if you don't, you just stay where you are, or worse left behind and become the lowest of all.

In the military one mistake can cost thousands of lives, therefore mistakes shouldn't be taken lightly all the time like the jews preach in their information warfare on social media, giving the wrong advices like "mistakes are your friend". No, do not befriend mistakes, you should be ready to accept your mistakes and learn from them to never be repeated again. One mustn't befriend them, otherwise in this situation the human mind becomes passive and careless as your subconscious is slowly programmed to take every task lightly because you have been made to believe that your mistakes will be 'accepted' by all. They give you the half baked crap of a adivce, here they never talk about the consequences.
People get to know this the hard way when some day the consequences of one of their mistakes hits them hard in their life. That's why one should strive to do things perfectly and carefully.
And half baked advice, thats what most of the social media is full of, so do analyze a given advice, even my advice above. The information warfare is a big deal for many countries, countries like israel as we know work on spreading misinformation, they are not alone, US, China, Russia, India, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, and many more engage in it on domestic and international level.

On a side note, it is very much possible for a lower individual to disguise as a higher individual to pollute or degrade the surroundings, the position, and the individuals who look up to them or the position. Example: jews, ex-hp mageson.
GoldenxChild1 said:
I agree 100%

I am assuming this post was inspired by the fact that Shannon tried to post in the announcements.

How did you get it, Sherlock? :lol:

Besides that... What is wrong with her posting on the announcements.

Do you know what you did right now?

You just messed up with a member who contributed!

What do you think this relates too, except total hypocrisy from the supposed HP because he shouldn't be as he banned a lot of individuals in order to be the only HP.

Where is HPS Maxine?


Where is Mageson?


Where is HPS Myla Limlal?


Where is HPS Lyma Glimcazoma?


Then we have HP Cobra who is the only one here.

This smells fishy in my opinion!!!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Me, to give you a perspective, have never been absent from JoS in more than 24-36 hours. I never get to have 1/3rd of my day "outside" of this. It's my life.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This sounds extremely fearful, and I feel like apologizing for literally destroying your life because I am a newbie asking questions. Yet there is one consolation and secret to this, coming not from us newbies of course - we will never pay our debt, but from the Gods.

Service to Gods and devotion to Satanism is not what stands behind expected life problems, but stepping behind them it helps to solve them instead. So there are secret benefits of being seemingly totally crucified on this service. Life has dimensions and levels and there are rewards to those who for this or that reason decided to sacrifice seriously. Gods help their people to solve unsolvable problems that those who are without or unserious usually just never solve. They return things. And they care that we have our life and beyond. And certain people who really were serious got more than they lost.
All of you people who are such bleeding hearts, you should have been mailing these people yourself. As them yourself, why haven't they given the appropriate care?

Instead, because I have been the most responsible and did my earnest, you try to cast improper statements on me. In fact, you should be asking THEM where they are, or what happened.

AshStarIshtar_88 said:
Where Shannon

On the land of "I cannot do 1 post per two weeks twice a month because I am too busy but when I heard this will not be tolerated after three years of being told to do the absolute minimal, I decided to make two within less than 24 hours."

AshStarIshtar_88 said:
Where is HPS Maxine?


Not sure, many rumors around. Follow whichever one is fitting.

She has always been real and I will not betray any confidentiality. Keep making up stories. Might as well ask the kikes who claim to know.

If they know, why are they so mad? Maybe something unexpected happened and that is beyond their imagination?

AshStarIshtar_88 said:
Where is Mageson?

Most probably a local synagogue with other infiltrators, not sure. I mean, why not? Oy vey.

AshStarIshtar_88 said:
Where is HPS Myla Limlal?


A few people know, they could enlighten you, learn to gossip better.

They have been around and wrote a topic, too. That should answer things.


AshStarIshtar_88 said:
Where is HPS Myla Limlal?Where is HPS Lyma Glimcazoma?


He had a fatality many years ago, which had to do with a health issue. People can speak about that one too. They are still around and they know. He has always been a realest one.

AshStarIshtar_88 said:
Then we have HP Cobra who is the only one here.

I know that aggravates you, but not everything will go in the linear line for the jews on that one.

I know, it's annuda shoah.

AshStarIshtar_88 said:
This smells fishy in my opinion!!!

Your opinion is both uninformed and produced out of spite and trying to cast doubt.

Everyone who is on the proper places knows what is going on, so to cast doubts is only for fools. When the facts will out, you will all revile in shame.

JoS will stand kikes, enjoy being bitter.
AshStarIshtar_88 said:

You are so dumb as a jew, goddamn. I truly feel mercy for you seeing you like this. This is critical level, no joke.
AshStarIshtar_88 said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
I agree 100%

I am assuming this post was inspired by the fact that Shannon tried to post in the announcements.

This smells fishy in my opinion!!!

In the meanwhile how was the session during being possessed by disgusting angel filth while talking in riddles in the other thread?

Your kind truly is useless, now scurry on back into your hole, rat.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This makes me doubt what she said in all of these years... was Shannon honest? Or was she another infiltrator? This is what I don't understand. And if she was just lazy then I can't still belive how much advanced she said she was or how close to the Gods she is.
Baroness Blossom said:
so does this mean that the JoS guardians and other High priest/esses have been demoted ? and that means new ones are coming ?
The JOS Guardians are the new "generation" of Satanists that will be uplifted for their work and devotion to the Community. Only the high priests that became so years ago and long before the Guardian title came up are affected, as those high priests are theoretically considered the Clergy/leadership of Joy of Satan, but they went unnoticed for years and it is barely known why they left. This is why the Guardians exist now, to ensure that only the responsible and dedicated people can advance in ranks and therefore become positive models for other people to follow.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I assumed Maxine got picked up on a spaceship and is training like Goku xD
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
He had a fatality many years ago, which had to do with a health issue. People can speak about that one too. They are still around and they know. He has always been a realest one.

Damn it man, that is just tragic. I had no idea, my condolences.
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This makes me doubt what she said in all of these years... was Shannon honest? Or was she another infiltrator? This is what I don't understand. And if she was just lazy then I can't still belive how much advanced she said she was or how close to the Gods she is.

No, she has been totally legitimate. Please don't take this too far. This is a situation of where one might have not been able to perform on their duties.

The issues around this SPECIFIC thing have been explained.

Additionally, this might change in the future. But one will have to work anew to regain a title and so on.

Shannon has been except of legitimate as a person, a very good person and that is known to everyone. I will not entertain personal slander against her, and no, she has never been in anyway bad as an individual.

On the advancement thing, people have to understand, one cannot be THAT close to the Gods and not do specific tasks. That is NOT how that works. Past that everything is about their personal stuff which is in the "whatever" territory.

This can come from misplaced understanding, or taking things a bit too far. That is not necessarily in ill intent. In fact, when it comes to legitimate people, it rarely is.

Not everyone who might fall into an error or make a series of wrongs is an "infiltrator". Infiltration is doing this with ill intent and bad motives. Shannon's motives were never bad as far as I know and others know too.

I won't comment on the statements of "being too much up there", because anyone with a regular intelligence understands that anyone like this wouldn't do things like that. You cannot state you are Olympics level but you can't get up the stairs. That is part of common sense. Anything else besides that is bullshit.

Please use great judgement.

Powerofjustice said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
He had a fatality many years ago, which had to do with a health issue. People can speak about that one too. They are still around and they know. He has always been a realest one.

Damn it man, that is just tragic. I had no idea, my condolences.

It has been, yes.
Shadowcat said:
AshStarIshtar_88 said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
I agree 100%

I am assuming this post was inspired by the fact that Shannon tried to post in the announcements.

This smells fishy in my opinion!!!

In the meanwhile how was the session during being possessed by disgusting angel filth while talking in riddles in the other thread?

Your kind truly is useless, now scurry on back into your hole, rat.

I was possessed, :lol: by my original creator Father Satan.

Those riddles were meant to make you and the others who wished to do it, to understand my abilities and powers, magical and physical.

Yet... I see no one wished to do so.

What a shame! You could have even be paid with over $100 million dollars worth in Bitcoin if you resolved my riddle.

But, I guess you work and have a lot of money so it is already pointless to saythat you need money and such.

Anyways... I wasn't possessed by a Jewish sick of a shit Angel they have in the Xian bibles and you assuming that my kind is useless is totally pure slander against the Hispanics and the Latino population.

So, I am no JIDF or any other individual or organization to attack, yet you barge in with the my kind is useless and such posts.

What a shame...
Couldn't agree more, HP - and I think that what you've said is fair enough.

I'm not quoting directly, but I believe you said in one of your sermons something along the lines of, "In an unequal world, hierarchy is the only fair form of social order", and this rings true here. Those who work hard and deserve the ranks should get them. They in turn become the most apt at helping others rise up who are beneath their ability, and so on.
NakedPluto said:
AshStarIshtar_88 said:

You are so dumb as a jew, goddamn. I truly feel mercy for you seeing you like this. This is critical level, no joke.

I am not dumb and I am not a Jew, contrary to your misconception.

Please refrain from saying that a non Jew like me is totally useless and is dumb and whatever things you may have said to me.

I am not a Jew and I am not dumb.

I just wanted the personal clarification of some things yet I feel like I am left in a lot of doubt that is, I hope I am not right about it, intentionally casted upon me.

If you do not have answers toy questions, then you can simply call it a day and stop wasting time.

Have something to help me?

Though I doubt it, maybe you state it now.
AshStarIshtar_88 said:
Shadowcat said:
AshStarIshtar_88 said:

This smells fishy in my opinion!!!

In the meanwhile how was the session during being possessed by disgusting angel filth while talking in riddles in the other thread?

Your kind truly is useless, now scurry on back into your hole, rat.

I was possessed, :lol: by my original creator Father Satan.

Those riddles were meant to make you and the others who wished to do it, to understand my abilities and powers, magical and physical.

Yet... I see no one wished to do so.

What a shame! You could have even be paid with over $100 million dollars worth in Bitcoin if you resolved my riddle.

But, I guess you work and have a lot of money so it is already pointless to saythat you need money and such.

Anyways... I wasn't possessed by a Jewish sick of a shit Angel they have in the Xian bibles and you assuming that my kind is useless is totally pure slander against the Hispanics and the Latino population.

So, I am no JIDF or any other individual or organization to attack, yet you barge in with the my kind is useless and such posts.

What a shame...

Your schizo rants are always the same.
What's in it for you, to be a slave of a rabbi, who is a slave of greys/reptiles? What do you get for doing their dirty work?
A gold nugget? You should rebel against your community and become our slaves instead.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This makes me doubt what she said in all of these years... was Shannon honest? Or was she another infiltrator? This is what I don't understand. And if she was just lazy then I can't still belive how much advanced she said she was or how close to the Gods she is.

No, she has been totally legitimate. Please don't take this too far. This is a situation of where one might have not been able to perform on their duties.

The issues around this SPECIFIC thing have been explained.

Additionally, this might change in the future. But one will have to work anew to regain a title and so on.

Shannon has been except of legitimate as a person, a very good person and that is known to everyone. I will not entertain personal slander against her, and no, she has never been in anyway bad as an individual.

On the advancement thing, people have to understand, one cannot be THAT close to the Gods and not do specific tasks. That is NOT how that works. Past that everything is about their personal stuff which is in the "whatever" territory.

This can come from misplaced understanding, or taking things a bit too far. That is not necessarily in ill intent. In fact, when it comes to legitimate people, it rarely is.

Not everyone who might fall into an error or make a series of wrongs is an "infiltrator". Infiltration is doing this with ill intent and bad motives. Shannon's motives were never bad as far as I know and others know too.

I won't comment on the statements of "being too much up there", because anyone with a regular intelligence understands that anyone like this wouldn't do things like that. You cannot state you are Olympics level but you can't get up the stairs. That is part of common sense. Anything else besides that is bullshit.

Please use great judgement.

Powerofjustice said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
He had a fatality many years ago, which had to do with a health issue. People can speak about that one too. They are still around and they know. He has always been a realest one.

Damn it man, that is just tragic. I had no idea, my condolences.

It has been, yes.
I understand, It's just because we had before the Mageson situation so I was confused. About her spiritual advancement, I've only read from her own post she could comunicate with the Gods and so this is why I thought she must be pretty advanced.

I guess what I don't undestand is how can someone do these lazy mistakes while being so close to the Gods. I don't have anything against her and she helped me in the past too but I guess humans that are not fully raised and/or Gods can still do these types of mistakes.
I mean no disrespect to Shannon or whoever else wasn't able to live up to the title, but I think that this situation is only fair, your work is visible by anyone, everyone here knows how dedicated you are to the JoS and to the Community, and for someone to have the same rank as you, they would have to work as hard as you... otherwise it would be unfair both to you and also to HPS Maxine who worked the hardest and created this place for all of us. You both set the bar too high and not everyone will be able to live up to that. We can't have it any other way, we have to be serious about hierarchy.
AshStarIshtar_88 said:
Those riddles were meant to make you and the others who wished to do it, to understand my abilities and powers, magical and physical.

Yet... I see no one wished to do so.

Get off your high horse, I don't give a shit if you are an infiltrator, a kike, or just a dumb kid who thinks he is some kind of God without even putting in any effort to be so. You aren't all that. Stop trying to seem or act more important than you are because you aren't going to gain any respect acting like a fool.

Either stop playing silly, immature "mind games" with people and whip some sense into your thick head right now and realize the gravity and importance of this situation, and spiritual Satanism. Or Sit down, close your mouth and stop trying to instigate. You think this is a game or some fun thing? messing with people, This isn't a circus and you aren't a ring master, you're a clown at best. and the only circus is the one you parade around by saying dumb and useless things like that.

You must grow up, work on yourself, if you are a gentile at all then you must realize how important this is to be mature, and to be serious about this situation. Do you think Satan would appreciate childish games in his palace? amongst any of his warriors? Take this seriously and be warned Father Satan and the Gods will not tolerate that kind of behavior.

I will not point my finger and say you are a kike, If you are, the Gods will deal with your shenanigans before long. And that is no concern of mine. It's on you. but I do know you are trolling and no one respects or cares a damn what a troll has to say.

To be taken seriously you must be serious. NO more games, Learn to think before you speak, Learn better manners and behavior. And stop talking shit, because that is helping no one. especially not you.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I want all of you to be ambitious and look up to those who have advanced and marvel. Nobody should have the pain of going in front of an abandoned temple and looking for a non present High Priest, where one has to represent the power and care of the deity. Then, the temple falls into a heap of ruins, and people will ask: where are the Gods?

That is intolerable for now on. If one envisions themselves in the offices of the Gods, one must be ready to take on the blessings and power, yet the ordained life that goes with it.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

That really got me right there. The gravity of this situation is very apparent, to be someone in that position to serve your people and Satan is someone who should always be there when needed. Not to abandon or turn your back on those who need you, when they need you the most. I will strive my hardest to take things like this to heart and to work my very hardest to never abandon my people. I have the deepest of respect for you Hooded Cobra. and to Blitz and Lydia and all the others who are always there helping in every way they can. I hope one day I too can strive to do the same. As always you are a continuous source of inspiration for me and a great role model, one who deserves the place you are in because you earned it with hard work and such dedication. a role model everyone should learn from and emulate in their actions. Truly you and the others who make this community the wonderful place it is, have made Satan and the Gods very proud. I hope one day to accomplish many good things, and to also make them proud as well.

Hail Satan!!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Excellent Rules, Top Rules :D :D :D

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
