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Sep 21, 2017
Cancer is a very poorly understood illness and there are many theories and scientific ideas which one may read about that are confusing and/or downright made up.

I am going to elucidate on some of the TCM concepts which explain and demystify cancer in the hope that this may assist the group's members in understanding, being clear on and potentially avoiding this chronic disease.

Firstly, there are very few single-causative agents for cancer.

HPV has been described as a cause of cervical cancer and other such viruses etc. have been implicated in the development of other cancers however there are too many instances where people have had these viruses but not get cancer.

It is best to think of these things as triggers.

The underlying body condition is the forming ground for cancer.

A healthy person's immune system is capable of recognisance and elimination of cancer cells and these cells arise every day in the human body many times over as a result of abnormal cell division.

This is a numbers game and the more cells which are dividing expose the multitude of cells to aberrations in DNA replication due to small errors which can occur for MANY reasons, toxins included.

A cell has to undergo and survive approx. 10 different DNA level mutations before it can be considered malignant and it is now becoming clear that many cancers form over periods of decades, not months.

The accelerated growth phase which is consistent with symptoms and lethality is the final and most difficult to resolve state and it is becoming more common for cancer to be at this stage before it is even treated thanks to the structural change paradigm of modern medicine which basically states that any disease for which a visible change has not occurred on a histological level is a 'functional' illness which has its origins in the psyche and therefore is treated as such, with drugs that target the neural network to dull or alter it so that the functional symptoms no longer exist.

By the time an illness moves from the functional to the structural change phase, it is already serious and treatment is harder than it would have been had the functional illness been treated immediately and correctly.

For cancer specifically, the formation of a tumour is preceded by many functional illness signs as the body's internal balance skews.

Long term emotional stress (one of many pathways, used here only as an example) stagnates the qi.

Stagnant qi gives rise to the following symptoms:

- Frequent sighing, irritability and frustration, alternations of bowel movements between constipation and looseness, bloating and abdominal pain after eating, cold hands and feet (but warm on the rest of the limb).

Long-standing qi stagnation can - amongst other development pathways - lead to invasion of the digestive energies of the spleen or stomach.

Spleen damage leads to:

- poor appetite, loose stools, shortness of breath, spontaneous sweating and in worse stages feelings of cold all over the body.

In addition to this, the stomach invasion leads to:

- burning stomach pain, acid reflux and regurgitation, restlessness and vexation and pressure in the epigastrium.

This pathway is called Wood overacting on Earth as the Liver, a wood organ responsible for the free flow of qi throughout the body becomes jammed due to the qi stagnation and its regular qi flow is disturbed and invades the nearby digestive organs.

Over time, (years) the resultant stomach fire leads to stasis of blood in the stomach. The tongue turns purple and the person by this stage may have already developed peptic ulcers or other stomach lining disturbances.

Unaware of the seriousness of their plight, they eat copiously to contain the stomach whilst the spleen struggles to digest the food and ascend the pure qi to the head.

Their thinking becomes faulty as their mind becomes less nourished and they find it difficult to concentrate.

They may eat comfort foods to ease the reflux or avoid food to avoid the pain that comes from eating when the stomach lining is adversely affected.

These are all functional signs of disease that many would discard as irrelevant or not serious.

Meanwhile the accumulated blood congeals and prevents qi from passing the area.

Qi builds up like water in a dam, bringing to a standstill in that area the fluids of the body including more blood.

Nutrients become trapped there and slowly a congealed mass begins to form.

The lack of qi movement can prevent pain from the area reaching the central pathways to alert the mind that something is terribly wrong.

And so, as the mass grows, it may also become hot.

Thus the person now has qi stagnation, fire and blood stasis (accumulative pathogens which require immediate treatment) all in a fixed location with no warning that they are there except their functional symptoms which may or may not be ignored for many years.

The blockage causes other body systems to become weaker, such as immunity and digestive nourishment until eventually the cancer is formed enough to produce physical symptoms that require hospitalisation and often by this point it is too late.

The above pathway is one of a hundred different manners by which cancer may arise, and excludes a trigger from an external wind/cold/damp invasion (viral and bacterial infection falls into this category amongst others) which is consistent with a new approach to cancer treatment in western medicine whereby individual sub-types of cancer are being identified within previously accepted groups of what were thought to be the same disease.

These sub types require individualised treatment protocols, much like TCM also approaches each case differently based on the pathway and end presenting result of the cancer.

Thus, to say that 'x-chemical' or 'x-virus' causes cancer is a misnomer.

It is better to state that 'x-chemical' encourages the development of cancer or may be a contributing factor to cancer development in a person whose body conditions are akin to cancer's development.

These body conditions are visible and can be known from the onset of the very first symptom and resolved early to avoid this terrible fate.
Whenever one opens a natal chart and knows what to look for, there will be long lines of habits, in some cases, going back to lifetimes. This is a post in itself here, however this only proves from a medicinal standpoint this very truth, that everything comes at a pace and due to a series of things.

Modern medicine lies to people that their diseases suddenly popped into existence.

The reality is when these things have manifested into the body, this means the ongoing problem has been there, depending on the disease, all the way from 4 to 6 weeks all the way to 4 to 6 or more years.

In some cases the karmic setup can be even passed from parents or the bloodline itself, sending a precedent for either health or illness. This depending on the length of time and on the intensity of these, can be corrected by an amount of inner practice.

People who do not meditate have no rights to complain about none of this as ignorance and cowardice are of no help on these matters.

For example if one goes to the doctor to remove kidney stones, this is already a habituation in place. This does not happen suddenly over a couple of days. This is only the manifestation period. The habits that led to this may extend as much as 5, 10, 20 or more years. The same goes for a weakened immune system, obesity etc.

This was an excellent post.
Centralforce666 said:
Cancer is a very poorly understood illness and there are many theories and scientific ideas which one may read about that are confusing and/or downright made up.

I am going to elucidate on some of the TCM concepts which explain and demystify cancer in the hope that this may assist the group's members in understanding, being clear on and potentially avoiding this chronic disease.

Firstly, there are very few single-causative agents for cancer.

HPV has been described as a cause of cervical cancer and other such viruses etc. have been implicated in the development of other cancers however there are too many instances where people have had these viruses but not get cancer.

It is best to think of these things as triggers.

The underlying body condition is the forming ground for cancer.

A healthy person's immune system is capable of recognisance and elimination of cancer cells and these cells arise every day in the human body many times over as a result of abnormal cell division.

This is a numbers game and the more cells which are dividing expose the multitude of cells to aberrations in DNA replication due to small errors which can occur for MANY reasons, toxins included.

A cell has to undergo and survive approx. 10 different DNA level mutations before it can be considered malignant and it is now becoming clear that many cancers form over periods of decades, not months.

The accelerated growth phase which is consistent with symptoms and lethality is the final and most difficult to resolve state and it is becoming more common for cancer to be at this stage before it is even treated thanks to the structural change paradigm of modern medicine which basically states that any disease for which a visible change has not occurred on a histological level is a 'functional' illness which has its origins in the psyche and therefore is treated as such, with drugs that target the neural network to dull or alter it so that the functional symptoms no longer exist.

By the time an illness moves from the functional to the structural change phase, it is already serious and treatment is harder than it would have been had the functional illness been treated immediately and correctly.

For cancer specifically, the formation of a tumour is preceded by many functional illness signs as the body's internal balance skews.

Long term emotional stress (one of many pathways, used here only as an example) stagnates the qi.

Stagnant qi gives rise to the following symptoms:

- Frequent sighing, irritability and frustration, alternations of bowel movements between constipation and looseness, bloating and abdominal pain after eating, cold hands and feet (but warm on the rest of the limb).

Long-standing qi stagnation can - amongst other development pathways - lead to invasion of the digestive energies of the spleen or stomach.

Spleen damage leads to:

- poor appetite, loose stools, shortness of breath, spontaneous sweating and in worse stages feelings of cold all over the body.

In addition to this, the stomach invasion leads to:

- burning stomach pain, acid reflux and regurgitation, restlessness and vexation and pressure in the epigastrium.

This pathway is called Wood overacting on Earth as the Liver, a wood organ responsible for the free flow of qi throughout the body becomes jammed due to the qi stagnation and its regular qi flow is disturbed and invades the nearby digestive organs.

Over time, (years) the resultant stomach fire leads to stasis of blood in the stomach. The tongue turns purple and the person by this stage may have already developed peptic ulcers or other stomach lining disturbances.

Unaware of the seriousness of their plight, they eat copiously to contain the stomach whilst the spleen struggles to digest the food and ascend the pure qi to the head.

Their thinking becomes faulty as their mind becomes less nourished and they find it difficult to concentrate.

They may eat comfort foods to ease the reflux or avoid food to avoid the pain that comes from eating when the stomach lining is adversely affected.

These are all functional signs of disease that many would discard as irrelevant or not serious.

Meanwhile the accumulated blood congeals and prevents qi from passing the area.

Qi builds up like water in a dam, bringing to a standstill in that area the fluids of the body including more blood.

Nutrients become trapped there and slowly a congealed mass begins to form.

The lack of qi movement can prevent pain from the area reaching the central pathways to alert the mind that something is terribly wrong.

And so, as the mass grows, it may also become hot.

Thus the person now has qi stagnation, fire and blood stasis (accumulative pathogens which require immediate treatment) all in a fixed location with no warning that they are there except their functional symptoms which may or may not be ignored for many years.

The blockage causes other body systems to become weaker, such as immunity and digestive nourishment until eventually the cancer is formed enough to produce physical symptoms that require hospitalisation and often by this point it is too late.

The above pathway is one of a hundred different manners by which cancer may arise, and excludes a trigger from an external wind/cold/damp invasion (viral and bacterial infection falls into this category amongst others) which is consistent with a new approach to cancer treatment in western medicine whereby individual sub-types of cancer are being identified within previously accepted groups of what were thought to be the same disease.

These sub types require individualised treatment protocols, much like TCM also approaches each case differently based on the pathway and end presenting result of the cancer.

Thus, to say that 'x-chemical' or 'x-virus' causes cancer is a misnomer.

It is better to state that 'x-chemical' encourages the development of cancer or may be a contributing factor to cancer development in a person whose body conditions are akin to cancer's development.

These body conditions are visible and can be known from the onset of the very first symptom and resolved early to avoid this terrible fate.

If you don't mind some questions touching tcm.
In general can you treat phlegm/dampness succesfully while not treating the underlying deficiency - yin/yang kidney or spleen qi..? (with herbs) Also are there any other things that can block the treatment?

Also I wanted to ask regarding the difference of accupressure and accupuncture. Is accupressure any/simmiliarly effective, when done on the same principles or is it not?
winragefilled666 said:
If you don't mind some questions touching tcm.
In general can you treat phlegm/dampness succesfully while not treating the underlying deficiency - yin/yang kidney or spleen qi..? (with herbs) Also are there any other things that can block the treatment?

Also I wanted to ask regarding the difference of accupressure and accupuncture. Is accupressure any/simmiliarly effective, when done on the same principles or is it not?

Since this thread is about cancer specifically I will gear my answer towards it.

The treatment of phlegm and dampness when there is underlying deficiency depends on which syndrome is the more prevalent.

However something I forgot to mention in my previous post which is very important and relevant is that cancer often will not form until there is a significant deficiency.

Regardless of the excess conditions in the body ie blood stasis, phlegm and stagnation of qi and fluids, the cancer does not take hold until there is a severe deficiency of qi.

Without this, cancer is often not the result and other diseases manifest.

Therefore in the treatment of cancer with Chinese Medicine, the qi deficiency is always addressed first as it is the primary concern and the very thing which allowed the cancer to develop in the first place.

Qi represents strength of the immune system as well so this makes sense.

Qi deficiency and the qi which we experience in meditation are the same thing however qi in your physical body is continually in use and refreshment from food and tends to be fixed to the body moreso than qi from meditation.

It's deficiency however can be resolved through regular consistent meditation.

Once the qi has been treatment and supplemented, then the excess conditions can be treated more effectively.

This is equivalent to getting your strength up before an operation or a chemo course.

If there is phlegm and dampness without serious deficiency then the excess must be treated first as supplementing the deficiency will also nourish and increase the excess.

Acupressure and acupuncture work on the same principles just as all branches of Chinese Medicine do ie Tai chi, qi Gong, herbal medicine, acupuncture, acupressure, tui na (Chinese remedial massage) and moxibustion alongside dietary therapy.

A person who has experienced or knows acupuncture and acupressure and studied the finer points of tui na knows that the fingers can be used to deliver the same sorts of qi sensations that needles can deliver given a strong enough qi in the practitioner and the correct technique.
Centralforce666 said:
Cancer is a very poorly understood illness and there are many theories and scientific ideas which one may read about that are confusing and/or downright made up.

I am going to elucidate on some of the TCM concepts which explain and demystify cancer in the hope that this may assist the group's members in understanding, being clear on and potentially avoiding this chronic disease.

Firstly, there are very few single-causative agents for cancer.

HPV has been described as a cause of cervical cancer and other such viruses etc. have been implicated in the development of other cancers however there are too many instances where people have had these viruses but not get cancer.

It is best to think of these things as triggers.

The underlying body condition is the forming ground for cancer.

A healthy person's immune system is capable of recognisance and elimination of cancer cells and these cells arise every day in the human body many times over as a result of abnormal cell division.

This is a numbers game and the more cells which are dividing expose the multitude of cells to aberrations in DNA replication due to small errors which can occur for MANY reasons, toxins included.

A cell has to undergo and survive approx. 10 different DNA level mutations before it can be considered malignant and it is now becoming clear that many cancers form over periods of decades, not months.

The accelerated growth phase which is consistent with symptoms and lethality is the final and most difficult to resolve state and it is becoming more common for cancer to be at this stage before it is even treated thanks to the structural change paradigm of modern medicine which basically states that any disease for which a visible change has not occurred on a histological level is a 'functional' illness which has its origins in the psyche and therefore is treated as such, with drugs that target the neural network to dull or alter it so that the functional symptoms no longer exist.

By the time an illness moves from the functional to the structural change phase, it is already serious and treatment is harder than it would have been had the functional illness been treated immediately and correctly.

For cancer specifically, the formation of a tumour is preceded by many functional illness signs as the body's internal balance skews.

Long term emotional stress (one of many pathways, used here only as an example) stagnates the qi.

Stagnant qi gives rise to the following symptoms:

- Frequent sighing, irritability and frustration, alternations of bowel movements between constipation and looseness, bloating and abdominal pain after eating, cold hands and feet (but warm on the rest of the limb).

Long-standing qi stagnation can - amongst other development pathways - lead to invasion of the digestive energies of the spleen or stomach.

Spleen damage leads to:

- poor appetite, loose stools, shortness of breath, spontaneous sweating and in worse stages feelings of cold all over the body.

In addition to this, the stomach invasion leads to:

- burning stomach pain, acid reflux and regurgitation, restlessness and vexation and pressure in the epigastrium.

This pathway is called Wood overacting on Earth as the Liver, a wood organ responsible for the free flow of qi throughout the body becomes jammed due to the qi stagnation and its regular qi flow is disturbed and invades the nearby digestive organs.

Over time, (years) the resultant stomach fire leads to stasis of blood in the stomach. The tongue turns purple and the person by this stage may have already developed peptic ulcers or other stomach lining disturbances.

Unaware of the seriousness of their plight, they eat copiously to contain the stomach whilst the spleen struggles to digest the food and ascend the pure qi to the head.

Their thinking becomes faulty as their mind becomes less nourished and they find it difficult to concentrate.

They may eat comfort foods to ease the reflux or avoid food to avoid the pain that comes from eating when the stomach lining is adversely affected.

These are all functional signs of disease that many would discard as irrelevant or not serious.

Meanwhile the accumulated blood congeals and prevents qi from passing the area.

Qi builds up like water in a dam, bringing to a standstill in that area the fluids of the body including more blood.

Nutrients become trapped there and slowly a congealed mass begins to form.

The lack of qi movement can prevent pain from the area reaching the central pathways to alert the mind that something is terribly wrong.

And so, as the mass grows, it may also become hot.

Thus the person now has qi stagnation, fire and blood stasis (accumulative pathogens which require immediate treatment) all in a fixed location with no warning that they are there except their functional symptoms which may or may not be ignored for many years.

The blockage causes other body systems to become weaker, such as immunity and digestive nourishment until eventually the cancer is formed enough to produce physical symptoms that require hospitalisation and often by this point it is too late.

The above pathway is one of a hundred different manners by which cancer may arise, and excludes a trigger from an external wind/cold/damp invasion (viral and bacterial infection falls into this category amongst others) which is consistent with a new approach to cancer treatment in western medicine whereby individual sub-types of cancer are being identified within previously accepted groups of what were thought to be the same disease.

These sub types require individualised treatment protocols, much like TCM also approaches each case differently based on the pathway and end presenting result of the cancer.

Thus, to say that 'x-chemical' or 'x-virus' causes cancer is a misnomer.

It is better to state that 'x-chemical' encourages the development of cancer or may be a contributing factor to cancer development in a person whose body conditions are akin to cancer's development.

These body conditions are visible and can be known from the onset of the very first symptom and resolved early to avoid this terrible fate.

Broken down like a true satanic healer.
Wonderful post

It syncs up with the saying "The microbe is nothing, the terrain is everything", that disease manifests when the body or environment is disrupted and out of balance.
Centralforce666 said:
winragefilled666 said:
If you don't mind some questions touching tcm.
In general can you treat phlegm/dampness succesfully while not treating the underlying deficiency - yin/yang kidney or spleen qi..? (with herbs) Also are there any other things that can block the treatment?

Also I wanted to ask regarding the difference of accupressure and accupuncture. Is accupressure any/simmiliarly effective, when done on the same principles or is it not?

Since this thread is about cancer specifically I will gear my answer towards it.

The treatment of phlegm and dampness when there is underlying deficiency depends on which syndrome is the more prevalent.

However something I forgot to mention in my previous post which is very important and relevant is that cancer often will not form until there is a significant deficiency.

Regardless of the excess conditions in the body ie blood stasis, phlegm and stagnation of qi and fluids, the cancer does not take hold until there is a severe deficiency of qi.

Without this, cancer is often not the result and other diseases manifest.

Therefore in the treatment of cancer with Chinese Medicine, the qi deficiency is always addressed first as it is the primary concern and the very thing which allowed the cancer to develop in the first place.

Qi represents strength of the immune system as well so this makes sense.

Qi deficiency and the qi which we experience in meditation are the same thing however qi in your physical body is continually in use and refreshment from food and tends to be fixed to the body moreso than qi from meditation.

It's deficiency however can be resolved through regular consistent meditation.

Once the qi has been treatment and supplemented, then the excess conditions can be treated more effectively.

This is equivalent to getting your strength up before an operation or a chemo course.

If there is phlegm and dampness without serious deficiency then the excess must be treated first as supplementing the deficiency will also nourish and increase the excess.

Acupressure and acupuncture work on the same principles just as all branches of Chinese Medicine do ie Tai chi, qi Gong, herbal medicine, acupuncture, acupressure, tui na (Chinese remedial massage) and moxibustion alongside dietary therapy.

A person who has experienced or knows acupuncture and acupressure and studied the finer points of tui na knows that the fingers can be used to deliver the same sorts of qi sensations that needles can deliver given a strong enough qi in the practitioner and the correct technique.

Thank you for the follow-up. It brings me to one more question though.

I know chakras aren't a part of the TCM framework, so I'm asking more for your personal opinion. Does empowering the chakras have any direct effect on the TCM structures? As in, does it help replenish anything else besides qi and does it help expel pathogenic factors? For example, would solar plexus chakra work help gallbladder deficiency, heart chakra work heart excess/deficiency?

Would starting the full chakra meditation daily improve someone's health and correct the TCM disease patter, if he didn't work with the chakras daily, until now? (over a longer period of time)

I'm asking because the chakras are said to influence one's health in a major way by both HPS Maxine and HP Cobra, so I'm intrigued to find out, how health improvement via chakra healing happens. Does it somehow bypass the TCM patterns causing disease or does it only help in a way of providing a lot of qi, so the body can deal with the problem better?
winragefilled666 said:
Thank you for the follow-up. It brings me to one more question though.

I know chakras aren't a part of the TCM framework, so I'm asking more for your personal opinion. Does empowering the chakras have any direct effect on the TCM structures? As in, does it help replenish anything else besides qi and does it help expel pathogenic factors? For example, would solar plexus chakra work help gallbladder deficiency, heart chakra work heart excess/deficiency?

Would starting the full chakra meditation daily improve someone's health and correct the TCM disease patter, if he didn't work with the chakras daily, until now? (over a longer period of time)

I'm asking because the chakras are said to influence one's health in a major way by both HPS Maxine and HP Cobra, so I'm intrigued to find out, how health improvement via chakra healing happens. Does it somehow bypass the TCM patterns causing disease or does it only help in a way of providing a lot of qi, so the body can deal with the problem better?

Chakras are located at major concentration points of the medical channels of the body.

The truth of the matter is that the meridians or nadis are one and the same however certain areas on the surface of the body are delineated for ease of reference for function.

All of the meridians come from the one sushummna or central channel or penetrating vessel, Chong mai.

From here there is a branch to the male and female channels, governing and conception, Ren and Du Mai.

The Ren and Du disperse into the extraordinary channels, Yin Wei, Yang Wei and Yin Qiao, Yang Qiao.

The Girdling vessel or Dai Mai links all of the vertical ascending channels (which is all of the extraordinary channels) by virtue of its path around the hips.

This means that all of the 8 channels from which all other channels arise (12 organ channels) are actually 1 which leaves 13 channels total.

The sub branches, connecting branches and internal pathways along with the collaterals (very small fine channels that cover the entire body inside and out) make up the 144,000 Nadis of the body.

The internal pathways amass at the chakras and this is where spiritual energy enters the channels to affect the body.

So yes, meditation directly acts on the TCM structures.

The minor energy circulation of the front and back chakras of the body is in contrast to the great circulation whereby the energy is moved around along the pathways of the meridians on the surface of the body.

It's ill advised to attempt this without knowing the paths of the channels well as it is easy to get lost but the general path starts at the chest and goes to the fingers, then along the back of the arm to the neck and face, then down the back of the body (with the exception of the stomach channel) to the feet and up the inside of the leg and abdomen to the chest to enter the next channel.

One cycle will pass through four channels and will cross the body under the nose when the large intestine channel is followed on the second cycle.
I was curious on everyones opinion of chemo, as i have been convinced for a long while now it mainly only contributes to worsening the health of the patient, and alot of the time kills the patient more then the cancer would.
serpentwalker666 said:
I was curious on everyones opinion of chemo, as i have been convinced for a long while now it mainly only contributes to worsening the health of the patient, and alot of the time kills the patient more then the cancer would.

Toxins are hard to deal with and can leave someone on the edge of death. Needless to say, to live would draw upon the lifes energy, shortening the life, damaging tissues, causing permanent damage.

It's also known that chemo does damage tissues (and DNA)... (which places one at more risk to get cancer again)

And not all chemo works right for one person as it'd for another. Because ones bodily imbalances are not the same as another..
Hello. I was referred here to this thread from my thread, I queried about cancer and healing mantra for it.

So, I have a type of thyroid cancer, Papillary thyroid carcinoma. The medical practitioners considers it the "good cancer" due to it being a very slow and not very aggressive type of cancer. Now, since it is lodged on my thyroid, which is the throat chakra area, is there is specific healing mantra for this?

I have been actively trying to heal myself in natural ways as well. These ways I learned are from such natural or holistic health practitioners, like Dr. Gerson who was able to cure many diseases and cancer back in the day before "they" started hounding on Dr. Gerson. I've been adding more iodine as that seems to be very low amongst those with thyroid disease (although almost all people are deficient in this, amongst other minerals). I take high dose vitamin C, I detox, I do coffee enemas (great liver detox), drink diatomaceous earth, etc, etc. So, I am actively putting the work in healing myself. So it is not like I am looking forward to only recite mantra and expect to be healed the next day or something. Holistic health and body works (exercise) is something I'm into.

Now, as a newbie to SS, I would like to recite mantra for healing thyroid. Could you or anyone suggest?
scorpiorising said:
I take high dose vitamin C, I detox, I do coffee enemas (great liver detox), drink diatomaceous earth, etc, etc. So, I am actively putting the work in healing myself. So it is not like I am looking forward to only recite mantra and expect to be healed the next day or something. Holistic health and body works (exercise) is something I'm into.
PLEASE DON'T FUNNEL COFFEE UP YOUR ASS!!!!! You heard Loki88 doing that all the time and saying it's a good idea, but don't trust him about anything! Some rabbi told him one time that a coffee enema is what they did in ancient india to wake the kundalini up in the morning and give it more energy, (even though they never even had coffee in ancient india) and he was doing it for months. And I think he said it caused him to have health problems and he's trying now to quit coffee and caffeine.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
scorpiorising said:
I take high dose vitamin C, I detox, I do coffee enemas (great liver detox), drink diatomaceous earth, etc, etc. So, I am actively putting the work in healing myself. So it is not like I am looking forward to only recite mantra and expect to be healed the next day or something. Holistic health and body works (exercise) is something I'm into.
PLEASE DON'T FUNNEL COFFEE UP YOUR ASS!!!!! You heard Loki88 doing that all the time and saying it's a good idea, but don't trust him about anything! Some rabbi told him one time that a coffee enema is what they did in ancient india to wake the kundalini up in the morning and give it more energy, (even though they never even had coffee in ancient india) and he was doing it for months. And I think he said it caused him to have health problems and he's trying now to quit coffee and caffeine.


I've never came upon a scientific article about coffee enemas causing issues if used correctly. Nor have I ever heard of this having a Jewish origin. Not that I'm saying you are wrong. Just never heard. Never known.

So, I have been doing this once a month since February, when I was diagnosed.

Concerning that person. Maybe he used too strong of a coffee? Maybe wrong type of water? I'm just thinking. Because there shouldn't be a problem when using LIGHT roast and even don't use too much to brew so it's pretty watered down actually. It's very acidic environment in the gut. So coffee is acidic as well, the stronger the roast, stronger acidity.

Anyway. It's not my main go-to detox and cleansing protocol. There are so many ways to detox and boost immunity. As for other cancer healing protocols, I try to find what works for me. For my type of cancer. Not every protocol works for all types. The main thing I and others with cancer or illness should focus on is boosting immune. I think we all benefit, healthy or not. You literally can not escape toxins. In the city away least. The country side may be less.

Anyway, I do thank you for taking time to warn me. I take it into consideration and will research into this. Thanks.
scorpiorising said:

Have you done a freeing the soul working? I highly recommend doing one before (or during) healing mantras. Ansuz would be best, since you're new perhaps only 20 reps, or 40, 80 or 88 if you can. These are power numbers that correspond with Ansuz's number.

Affirm something like "in healthy and beneficial ways for me, I am now and eternally free from cancer in every way". This Friday is a perfect time to begin, New Moon in Virgo :)

Sanskrit mantra Visuddhi has been recommended for deep cleaning, you can use it into your throat chakra, even just 4 or 5 reps to start, and build up gradually.

Always stop a mantra if it doesn't feel right, or cut back if you feel too overwhelmed.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
scorpiorising said:
I take high dose vitamin C, I detox, I do coffee enemas (great liver detox), drink diatomaceous earth, etc, etc. So, I am actively putting the work in healing myself. So it is not like I am looking forward to only recite mantra and expect to be healed the next day or something. Holistic health and body works (exercise) is something I'm into.
PLEASE DON'T FUNNEL COFFEE UP YOUR ASS!!!!! You heard Loki88 doing that all the time and saying it's a good idea, but don't trust him about anything! Some rabbi told him one time that a coffee enema is what they did in ancient india to wake the kundalini up in the morning and give it more energy, (even though they never even had coffee in ancient india) and he was doing it for months. And I think he said it caused him to have health problems and he's trying now to quit coffee and caffeine.
Also I believe that believing in the first results that jewgle gives you when you type:how to cure cancer naturally” isnt the best. Or believing to loki88. Lol!
Aquarius said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
scorpiorising said:
I take high dose vitamin C, I detox, I do coffee enemas (great liver detox), drink diatomaceous earth, etc, etc. So, I am actively putting the work in healing myself. So it is not like I am looking forward to only recite mantra and expect to be healed the next day or something. Holistic health and body works (exercise) is something I'm into.
PLEASE DON'T FUNNEL COFFEE UP YOUR ASS!!!!! You heard Loki88 doing that all the time and saying it's a good idea, but don't trust him about anything! Some rabbi told him one time that a coffee enema is what they did in ancient india to wake the kundalini up in the morning and give it more energy, (even though they never even had coffee in ancient india) and he was doing it for months. And I think he said it caused him to have health problems and he's trying now to quit coffee and caffeine.
Also I believe that believing in the first results that jewgle gives you when you type:how to cure cancer naturally” isnt the best. Or believing to loki88. Lol!

scorpiorising, sounds like liquid ass attack. i gotta ask tho, does diatomaceous earth dehydrate u too much lol. aside from constantly pissing out all liquids through your ass. should just drink hydrogen peroxide.
hiddenmantis666 said:
Aquarius said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
PLEASE DON'T FUNNEL COFFEE UP YOUR ASS!!!!! You heard Loki88 doing that all the time and saying it's a good idea, but don't trust him about anything! Some rabbi told him one time that a coffee enema is what they did in ancient india to wake the kundalini up in the morning and give it more energy, (even though they never even had coffee in ancient india) and he was doing it for months. And I think he said it caused him to have health problems and he's trying now to quit coffee and caffeine.
Also I believe that believing in the first results that jewgle gives you when you type:how to cure cancer naturally” isnt the best. Or believing to loki88. Lol!

scorpiorising, sounds like liquid ass attack. i gotta ask tho, does diatomaceous earth dehydrate u too much lol. aside from constantly pissing out all liquids through your ass. should just drink hydrogen peroxide.

I only tried it maybe 5 times since my diagnosis back in February, the COFFEE enemas. But enemas in general is not bad. Many people are impacted and don't know it, even if one goes "regularly". My experience during those few times I tried was.... nothing but released junk in there. Didn't have palpitations or other symptoms. Just cleared myself and that was that.

On food grade diatomaceous earth, no I do not experience dehydration at all. You just drink a little more than usual and that prevents dehydration. Does it work to rid of parasites? Absolutely!

My everyday cancer protocol is high dose vitamin C, hydrogen peroxide, diatomaceous earth, and certain supplements. Plus, good nutrition/diet and working out. Oh, and plenty of water.

And btw...I do NOT know who that person Loki is.
I like how this went from an amazing post to coffee up your ass. Sigh* beautiful post OP everyday I learn just how little I know could you recommend materials or books materials and sources I want to learn more. Thank you
SATchives said:
I like how this went from an amazing post to coffee up your ass. Sigh* beautiful post OP everyday I learn just how little I know could you recommend materials or books materials and sources I want to learn more. Thank you

A good place to start is The Foundations of Traditional Chinese Medicine by Giovanni Maciocia.

With regard to the thyroid cancer.. is it symptomatic? If so, what symptoms do you have?

There must be an underlying qi deficiency which needs to be resolved first so 'detox' should be the final step, not the first.

Chemo is the final step of treatment - even strong herbs designed to help with serious illness can be highly toxic but western medicine does not look after the body's qi first, they look to killing the toxins (with more toxins as it must be done) and often in higher doses than the body can handle.

This is why it frequently kills the patient before the cancer.
Centralforce666 said:
SATchives said:
I like how this went from an amazing post to coffee up your ass. Sigh* beautiful post OP everyday I learn just how little I know could you recommend materials or books materials and sources I want to learn more. Thank you

A good place to start is The Foundations of Traditional Chinese Medicine by Giovanni Maciocia.

With regard to the thyroid cancer.. is it symptomatic? If so, what symptoms do you have?

There must be an underlying qi deficiency which needs to be resolved first so 'detox' should be the final step, not the first.

Chemo is the final step of treatment - even strong herbs designed to help with serious illness can be highly toxic but western medicine does not look after the body's qi first, they look to killing the toxins (with more toxins as it must be done) and often in higher doses than the body can handle.

This is why it frequently kills the patient before the cancer.

Thank you
"the only answer to cancer" by Dr.Leonard Coldwell.

He is also against the jewish conspiracy apparently and has been on rense.com many times for interviews
scorpiorising said:
hiddenmantis666 said:
Aquarius said:
Also I believe that believing in the first results that jewgle gives you when you type:how to cure cancer naturally” isnt the best. Or believing to loki88. Lol!

scorpiorising, sounds like liquid ass attack. i gotta ask tho, does diatomaceous earth dehydrate u too much lol. aside from constantly pissing out all liquids through your ass. should just drink hydrogen peroxide.

On food grade diatomaceous earth, no I do not experience dehydration at all. You just drink a little more than usual and that prevents dehydration. Does it work to rid of parasites? Absolutely!

My everyday cancer protocol is high dose vitamin C, hydrogen peroxide, diatomaceous earth, and certain supplements. Plus, good nutrition/diet and working out. Oh, and plenty of water.

i have taken both diatomaceous earth and hydrogen peroxide, i could not stay hydrated, literally would suck me right dry unless i would drink water with pink salt frequently which probably wouldnt be the best neither. sucks cause i could benefit but the headaches and dehyrdation from taking it isnt worth it on my end, glad it works for you tho.
Centralforce666 said:
This is a numbers game and the more cells which are dividing expose the multitude of cells to aberrations in DNA replication due to small errors which can occur for MANY reasons, toxins included.

This thing right here is interesting, because supposition that cancer is "bad luck at cellular lottery" would mean that whales and other large animals would have higher chance of cancer than humans (more cells = more chance for something to go wrong) yet it has been observed that this is not the case.

We have so much to learn.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
