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Brotherly Wars

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Similar in evil to a civil war, what is equally worse, is a brother war.

Indeed, "Civil wars" were always caused by jews. This is very well documented in the history of Nations. One example is how Communism [Jewish Creation] always creates a 5th collumn within a state, which attacks the larger state of people.

But you do not find any mention of what is the worst of the worst. The Brother Wars.

Frequently you have found me here spewing vitriol not only about Leftism (the jewish leftism that exists in the last century, because what was branded as leftism later was actually just solid White ideals in the 16th and 17th century by White thinkers) but also, Nationalism.

Nationalism is based on the precondition of treating our race in a very specific manner. In Nationalism, the element of race is revoked and never taken too seriously - jews are allowed to fare in the country, given they act as elements of the 'Nation', such as for example pay taxes. Judeo-Christianity is treated in love, adoration, or at least, lenience, because Nationalism stands weak and finds it's roots only in the 15th century - a time where Aryans had not much history, and therefore, many people incorporated the lie of the Church that "Christianity is part of our heritage".

Evoking a true argument of what "Nationalism" would have to be honestly, one would have to go as far back as 2000 or more years. However Nationalism is bound by Christian morals, Christian history, and constant evocation of these very arguments. For this reason Hitler revoked Nationalism and Socialism individually, and made a new idea, National Socialism, which, as we have proved, does draw ideas not from the sole recent past, but our past as a RACE in whole.

An African person if Britain has "Nationalism" would be "British" under some conditions. The depth of Nationalism is only down to the surface: expansion of the individual state on the expense of other states.

The main feeling is "Nationalistic pride" which involves expansive war and a false sense of sovereignty, based primarily, on perceiving your own "Sovereignty", as some sort of military and national Sovereignty. For example, you can be in debt to jewish bankers, have Rabbis running your nation, and worship the totem of the Rabbis, Jewsus Christ, but - you are still "Sovereign", my little Goyim. Now, go wage war on another Nation to prove how "Sovereign" you are.

While this Nationalism can be good in some situations, in a final analysis, it is never really good for the longterm existence of a people. Many people say that Poland does not have illegals in it, same as Hungary, but it still has the Jew on the Stick as ultimate Soul ruler of the Nation, and no jews were kicked out of these lands anyway. They still hold offices, but they are "Hungarian and Polish", simply because they can fake allegience to their nation and simply because they were born into "National Borders".

Nationalism in other words, is a great and strong bandage, but it never solves the larger jewish problem, which is universal. A country goes Nationalist, and if jews have a problem in said country, they freely move to another. There is always an opposing country ready to take them in, both for money, and so it can work, given, during Nationalism, a country always find reasons to make another country it's enemy - based on a Christianized past, where one country (Or different "nations within a nation") always did wrong and wage war on other innocent (or not so innocent) neighbors.

Many Nationalists have a short eyeball, but I am a spiritually advanced person, and like others, I can see the reality behind matters when it comes to my race. Essentially the people one kills today in "Glorious Deus Vult War" against another European Nation, is just a killing of one's own kin. The bolstering of warmongering feelings is prevalent in Nationalism, and the competitiveness and viciousness of Capitalism just converts into the competition in the aspects of war with what is ironically, one's own blood in another Nation.

The English were proud bombing people in Germany, and now, do they happen to be Nationalistically Proud of the fact that Hajis and Muslim hordes are taking down their country, since, they prevented under Jewish stranglehold, the restoration of White Europe? Too many egos in the line, and now, people are cucked in the corner and go extinct.

Essentially this climate is perfect for the jew. In Nationalism, the jew thrives and survives. Many people gloriously clap when it comes to some Nationalists rising in Europe, but that is only a state to pass. Granted these people are not enlightened leaders, all one can expect is the same bullshit in repeat. False antagonism over European Nations, similar bullying of the smaller nations, and the racial element is only a third or fourth reason to save a Nation.

I will give you an example of what vanity and Nationalism, plus jews having power on this planet, does result into.

This is a tragedy. How many of you have had grandparents that literally died in wars to fight the grandparents of other Whites in another White country? Only to the ultimate demise of the Whites as a whole today?

The following excerpt is from the book of Konstantinos Plevris, "Ioannes Metaxas, The Biography". For those that do not know, Ioannes Metaxas was the Nationalist Ruler of Greece in the 1940's, or the era of WW2.

Graci, the external Minister of the Italians under Mussolini, (I do not know Italian) comes in utmost secrecy to meet with Metaxas at the middle of the night, in 27th of October. He moves to the house of Ioannnes Metaxas to give him in a letter the declaration of war between the Italians and the Greeks. The prime minister of Italy, writes in his diary the following:

"Metaxas had a handshake with me and he guided me into a small living room. When we sat down, I told him I have something to announce to him, and I gave him the letter. [The letter contained the terms upon which Greece was to surrender to the Italians without war]. He proceeded to read it very carefully. I could see him emotionally moved, both in his hands, and in his eyes. When he finished reading, he raised his head, and he looked at me directly in the eyes. He had blue and powerful eyes. He told me with a firm voice: "This means war.". Metaxas asked me if the war could be averted. I told him, "No". I told him also, "Could the leader of your military, Papagos, transfer a direct command.. and Metaxas interrupted me, saying "No, that is impossible.The burden of the responsibility of the War, directly burdens the Italian Government." [my note this means here he told him to bring down all defenses to avoid casualties, ie, command the Greek military to surrender on the spot].

There is still hope, I said to myself silently.

Metaxas got up and walked me to the door without replying to me once more.

I left bowing with the deepest and utmost respect before this very old person, who chosen Sacrifice instead of Slavery.

I left humiliated and with my soul shrank from hating my very own profession [External Minister of Italy].

Following this came a cataclysmic war in the Balkans where Italy found themselves destroyed by what appears to be a useless and small Nation, the Greeks, with the Italians outnumbering the Greeks in tanks and wealth 10 to 1.

Hitler in his last Will and Testament writes about this and the failure of Mussolini. Mussolini was a great leader, but he did not look that far, nor he looked as further as Hitler in the terms of Race, or even strategy. He fell into the same loop that jews have constructed for White kings since the Middle ages- the loop that if you destroy a neighboring White Nation, and try to subvert it's people, that makes you a "great leader".

Now, I write the above as an example of the Aryan spirit. Thousands of the above incidents between White people and Nations have happened in our short history, millions of people slain by the hand of our own people against our own people. Wrong and right falls on either direction.

What remains is that White people killed White people, for jewish eulogies, and based on teh ancient jewish saying of "Brother Shall Kill Brother".

What is the outcome of this? Jews hide, the inferiors do not go to war, the women remain alone and isolated, ready to breed with the remaining inferiors. The best go to war, and they die, for a meaningless holocaust given commanded by jews. The jew lies in ecstatic pleasure, knowing he achieved his achievements of the bible: Such as agitating the Aryans one against another. Then, a nation becomes all the more crippled and weak. This continues for centuries until a great nation is depleted of great and powerful men, and falls to the original enemy: the jew.

Those who wish for this to continue in the future, can be Nationalists.

Those who wish this to be in the future, can be Christians.

Those who want this to continue in the future, are to be cursed, and they will be brought to justice.

However glorious, and showing our White longing for freedom, and willingness to sacrifice even our very lives for our freedoms, these things are to be permanently revoked.

Historical blindness or unawareness of the jewish element has been dispelled. Those who still engage in bickering amongst White people should be branded as race traitors and brought into spiritual execution and permanent damnation.

Yes, we get it, "You are Americans" and your coasts are filled to the brim with some of the worlds worst criminal elements, however your destiny lies in George Washington, and Benjamin Franklin.

Yes, we get it, "You are English", and London is overtaken in full, but your glories lie dormant in the spirits like that of William Pitt.

Yes, we get it, "You are French", and Paris is turned into a 3rd world shithole, and your destiny is in people like Rousseau or Napoleon.

Yes, we get it, "You are Greeks" but Athens has become overtaken by the Hajis, and your destiny lies in Plato and Aristotle. Yes, we get it, "You are Swedish", and Stockholm is now the town with the highest rape probability after African nations, while your destiny lies in the return to the Pagan Viking ways.

Yes, we get it, you are "Italians", and now Italy is infested with African populations that only resemble capital towns in Africa. Musolini was undeniably great, but Marcus Aurelius was Greater.

Yes, we get it, you are "Germans", but your destiny is not Oktoberfest with the 3rd world terrorists, but in the Almighty spirits of Hitler and Wagner.

For this to be stated, cursed be eternally those who divide and attack the White people, and cursed be ten times the White person who agitates Whites against one another, especially in dire moments of our existence such as this.

The eyes that have been shut down and only saw the present, and our current mortality, are open now - we are all limbs and pieces of the same Aryan soul. Blinded by jews, our history was filled with examples that the jew historians told us to be proud about, more than we should contemplate and feel bad about - A racial soul attacking unto itself is alien and detestable.

It requires no more bravery to end the life of fellow Whites as it takes to build them up and help them sustain, especially in the face of a world where we are heading towards what is literally a mode of extinction.

No more brother wars.

Brotherly allegiance based on integrity and pride, under our common Pagan Gods and our primordial Racial and Soul mission.

This should be the aim of the future White people.

And it must be kept in our heart and mind.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Hoodedcobra666 said:

Yes, we get it, "You are French", and Paris is turned into a 3rd world shithole, and your destiny is in people like Rousseau or Napoleon.


When you mentioned Napoleon, an unanswered question came into my mind, was he really good? What good did he do?

Thank you.....
HailMotherLilith said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:

Yes, we get it, "You are French", and Paris is turned into a 3rd world shithole, and your destiny is in people like Rousseau or Napoleon.


When you mentioned Napoleon, an unanswered question came into my mind, was he really good? What good did he do?

Thank you.....
From what I know, he was lied of just like kiked did with Hitler.
Our race until five thousand years ago always lived in a global Aryan civilization ruled by a divine Aryan Emperor the Maha Raja in the heart of the Aryan world. It was when this civilization fell apart the wars for smaller Empire and nationalism arose. If one reads the ancients the dream was to reunite the ancient Aryan civilisation. Aryan India was destroyed the same way the Aryan Europe is being in petty wars of feudal style nationalism.

Once a person starts to see their past lives in deep meditation the Nationalism disappears. In my last life I lived in a European nation and spoke a different language. My own grandfather in this life was part of bomber command and my great uncle in this life was at Dunkirk fighting the very same nation I lived in my previous life. So what is the point just Aryans killing Aryans.

Nietzsche was a great mind and he wrote that Aryans must come together into one Aryan European Empire for the protection of Aryan Europe and Aryan humanity to protect our race the Nazi's believed the same. This was of great importance to Himmler and others. Nietzsche believed at the time the German and Russian Empire should become one and this would create the new Europe needed. Nietzsche hated the petty European nationalism. And Nietzsche was the philosopher that formed the major bases of National Socialist thinking. The SS where the future of this new European ideal. The best European men from every European nation in one Pan European force under the Swastika.
HailMotherLilith said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:

Yes, we get it, "You are French", and Paris is turned into a 3rd world shithole, and your destiny is in people like Rousseau or Napoleon.


When you mentioned Napoleon, an unanswered question came into my mind, was he really good? What good did he do?

Thank you.....

Napoléon Bonaparte (French: [napoleɔ̃ bɔnɑpaʁt]; 15 August 1769 – 5 May 1821) was a French statesman and military leader who rose to prominence during the French Revolution and led several successful campaigns during the French Revolutionary Wars. He was Emperor of the French from 1804 until 1814 and again briefly in 1815 during the Hundred Days. Napoleon dominated European and global affairs for more than a decade while leading France against a series of coalitions in the Napoleonic Wars. He won most of these wars and the vast majority of his battles, building a large empire that ruled over continental Europe before its final collapse in 1815. He is considered one of the greatest commanders in history, and his wars and campaigns are studied at military schools worldwide. Napoleon's political and cultural legacy has endured as one of the most celebrated and controversial leaders in human history.[1][2]
Napoleon's influence on the modern world brought liberal reforms to the numerous territories that he conquered and controlled, such as the Low Countries, Switzerland, and large parts of modern Italy and Germany. He implemented fundamental liberal policies in France and throughout Western Europe.[note 1] His Napoleonic Code has influenced the legal systems of more than 70 nations around the world. British historian Andrew Roberts states: "The ideas that underpin our modern world—meritocracy, equality before the law, property rights, religious toleration, modern secular education, sound finances, and so on—were championed, consolidated, codified and geographically extended by Napoleon. To them he added a rational and efficient local administration, an end to rural banditry, the encouragement of science and the arts, the abolition of feudalism and the greatest codification of laws since the fall of the Roman Empire".[9]



No more division in our people , let's be pride of our race
Aquarius said:
HailMotherLilith said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:

Yes, we get it, "You are French", and Paris is turned into a 3rd world shithole, and your destiny is in people like Rousseau or Napoleon.


When you mentioned Napoleon, an unanswered question came into my mind, was he really good? What good did he do?

Thank you.....
From what I know, he was lied of just like kiked did with Hitler.

I see.

If I remember correctly, I asked about Napoleon on the old forums, but I did not get an answer, perhaps now I will, hopefully.
Excellent words HP Cobra. I want to clear things about Poland and Hungary.
Yes there are a lot of kikes in governments and overall in our countries.
More jews keep coming, especially to Poland as we speak.
Jews want to turn Poland into their country "Polin" and exterminate Polish people, according to Talmud - by all means.
Using finances, drug overdoses, mind control weapons - thought induction, flooding us by Pisslam migrants
Ukrainian Bandera worshipers (Bandera was responsible for Massacre in Wołyń) and USArmy ... the list is endless.
Poland is one and only country in which vaccines are mandatory. These vaccines are making children autistic.
Polish and Hungarian people are waking up to this jew on the stick - whom major role was to put us on sleep.
Awaken Polish people know that today antiGerman propaganda true goal is to left out Germans on their own with Pisslam. But it will never happen. The most important thing to sum this up.
Not a one single jew was kicked out from our countries because we are waiting for ALL OF THEM! :evil:
I'm pretty sure you understand what it means ...
HailMotherLilith said:
Aquarius said:
HailMotherLilith said:
When you mentioned Napoleon, an unanswered question came into my mind, was he really good? What good did he do?

Thank you.....
From what I know, he was lied of just like kiked did with Hitler.

I see.

If I remember correctly, I asked about Napoleon on the old forums, but I did not get an answer, perhaps now I will, hopefully.

What Napoleon did was absorb a revolution created by jews in France (as proto Communism) and stabilize it, into a decent country.

The same thing the jews were doing in Pre-Napoleonic France was what they did in Germany with the Communist revolts.

If it were not for Napoleon France would have sunk into a state of permanent civil war and anarchy which would collapse it.

As Hitler saved Germany but found himself locked in games of fate, so did Napoleon.
dragon bleu 666 said:
HailMotherLilith said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:

Yes, we get it, "You are French", and Paris is turned into a 3rd world shithole, and your destiny is in people like Rousseau or Napoleon.


When you mentioned Napoleon, an unanswered question came into my mind, was he really good? What good did he do?

Thank you.....

Napoléon Bonaparte (French: [napoleɔ̃ bɔnɑpaʁt]; 15 August 1769 – 5 May 1821) was a French statesman and military leader who rose to prominence during the French Revolution and led several successful campaigns during the French Revolutionary Wars. He was Emperor of the French from 1804 until 1814 and again briefly in 1815 during the Hundred Days. Napoleon dominated European and global affairs for more than a decade while leading France against a series of coalitions in the Napoleonic Wars. He won most of these wars and the vast majority of his battles, building a large empire that ruled over continental Europe before its final collapse in 1815. He is considered one of the greatest commanders in history, and his wars and campaigns are studied at military schools worldwide. Napoleon's political and cultural legacy has endured as one of the most celebrated and controversial leaders in human history.[1][2]
Napoleon's influence on the modern world brought liberal reforms to the numerous territories that he conquered and controlled, such as the Low Countries, Switzerland, and large parts of modern Italy and Germany. He implemented fundamental liberal policies in France and throughout Western Europe.[note 1] His Napoleonic Code has influenced the legal systems of more than 70 nations around the world. British historian Andrew Roberts states: "The ideas that underpin our modern world—meritocracy, equality before the law, property rights, religious toleration, modern secular education, sound finances, and so on—were championed, consolidated, codified and geographically extended by Napoleon. To them he added a rational and efficient local administration, an end to rural banditry, the encouragement of science and the arts, the abolition of feudalism and the greatest codification of laws since the fall of the Roman Empire".[9]



No more division in our people , let's be pride of our race

I see...

I only asked the question I asked, is because of jewed system in my countries school, even my countries wiki page made him appear like he was a mad man and so on.

I don't think there's a JoS version of him,is there?

Thank you nevertheless.
Hoodedcobra666 said:
HailMotherLilith said:
Aquarius said:
From what I know, he was lied of just like kiked did with Hitler.

I see.

If I remember correctly, I asked about Napoleon on the old forums, but I did not get an answer, perhaps now I will, hopefully.

What Napoleon did was absorb a revolution created by jews in France (as proto Communism) and stabilize it, into a decent country.

The same thing the jews were doing in Pre-Napoleonic France was what they did in Germany with the Communist revolts.

If it were not for Napoleon France would have sunk into a state of permanent civil war and anarchy which would collapse it.

As Hitler saved Germany but found himself locked in games of fate, so did Napoleon.

Oh I see, this explains so much now!

I felt like there was a battle inside of me and your answer helped me win it. Thank you HP!

May Father Satan bless you :)
Hadrian d'Arc said:
Excellent words HP Cobra. I want to clear things about Poland and Hungary.
Yes there are a lot of kikes in governments and overall in our countries.
More jews keep coming, especially to Poland as we speak.
Jews want to turn Poland into their country "Polin" and exterminate Polish people, according to Talmud - by all means.
Using finances, drug overdoses, mind control weapons - thought induction, flooding us by Pisslam migrants
Ukrainian Bandera worshipers (Bandera was responsible for Massacre in Wołyń) and USArmy ... the list is endless.
Poland is one and only country in which vaccines are mandatory. These vaccines are making children autistic.
Polish and Hungarian people are waking up to this jew on the stick - whom major role was to put us on sleep.
Awaken Polish people know that today antiGerman propaganda true goal is to left out Germans on their own with Pisslam. But it will never happen. The most important thing to sum this up.
Not a one single jew was kicked out from our countries because we are waiting for ALL OF THEM! :evil:
I'm pretty sure you understand what it means ...

I think if the Polish and the Hungaryans do not remove the jew on the stick and the jew very soon, the jews will guide these countries to war from within to destroy them. They are already creating a climate of agitation against them by all other major Jew-U (EU) countries.

The jews do not see Poles as Polish but only where it suits them. They know very well Poles are genetically very close to Germans and many others who are in the region which are all White and children of their primal enemy who is the larger White Race.

If not just identical, but just have a different culture.

In Poland jews see Nazis 2.0 and they shit their pants. Plus, with the rise of information, the jew will be unable to bullshit the Poles like they did to Germans. So they are very worried.

Jews have reduced the births in Poland from 1.9 kids per household to 0.5 to stop the emergence of more White people.
HP Mageson666 said:
Our race until five thousand years ago always lived in a global Aryan civilization ruled by a divine Aryan Emperor the Maha Raja in the heart of the Aryan world. It was when this civilization fell apart the wars for smaller Empire and nationalism arose. If one reads the ancients the dream was to reunite the ancient Aryan civilisation. Aryan India was destroyed the same way the Aryan Europe is being in petty wars of feudal style nationalism.

Once a person starts to see their past lives in deep meditation the Nationalism disappears. In my last life I lived in a European nation and spoke a different language. My own grandfather in this life was part of bomber command and my great uncle in this life was at Dunkirk fighting the very same nation I lived in my previous life. So what is the point just Aryans killing Aryans.

Nietzsche was a great mind and he wrote that Aryans must come together into one Aryan European Empire for the protection of Aryan Europe and Aryan humanity to protect our race the Nazi's believed the same. This was of great importance to Himmler and others. Nietzsche believed at the time the German and Russian Empire should become one and this would create the new Europe needed. Nietzsche hated the petty European nationalism. And Nietzsche was the philosopher that formed the major bases of National Socialist thinking. The SS where the future of this new European ideal. The best European men from every European nation in one Pan European force under the Swastika.

I think exactly the same, in my case my maternal grandfather was Falangist and he was in the blue division fighting as ally of the nation where I born and lived in my previous life, however my paternal grandfather fought on the Republican side during the Spanish Civil War.My family has always been divided with my maternal family who were nationalists and supported Franco and my father's family were socialists and supported the republic.
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Hadrian d'Arc said:
Excellent words HP Cobra. I want to clear things about Poland and Hungary.
Yes there are a lot of kikes in governments and overall in our countries.
More jews keep coming, especially to Poland as we speak.
Jews want to turn Poland into their country "Polin" and exterminate Polish people, according to Talmud - by all means.
Using finances, drug overdoses, mind control weapons - thought induction, flooding us by Pisslam migrants
Ukrainian Bandera worshipers (Bandera was responsible for Massacre in Wołyń) and USArmy ... the list is endless.
Poland is one and only country in which vaccines are mandatory. These vaccines are making children autistic.
Polish and Hungarian people are waking up to this jew on the stick - whom major role was to put us on sleep.
Awaken Polish people know that today antiGerman propaganda true goal is to left out Germans on their own with Pisslam. But it will never happen. The most important thing to sum this up.
Not a one single jew was kicked out from our countries because we are waiting for ALL OF THEM! :evil:
I'm pretty sure you understand what it means ...

I think if the Polish and the Hungaryans do not remove the jew on the stick and the jew very soon, the jews will guide these countries to war from within to destroy them. They are already creating a climate of agitation against them by all other major Jew-U (EU) countries.

The jews do not see Poles as Polish but only where it suits them. They know very well Poles are genetically very close to Germans and many others who are in the region which are all White and children of their primal enemy who is the larger White Race.

If not just identical, but just have a different culture.

In Poland jews see Nazis 2.0 and they shit their pants. Plus, with the rise of information, the jew will be unable to bullshit the Poles like they did to Germans. So they are very worried.

Jews have reduced the births in Poland from 1.9 kids per household to 0.5 to stop the emergence of more White people.

Firstly to Hadrian, cześć. Mój polski nie jest bardzo dobry, ale mimo to cieszę się, że coraz więcej Polaków przybywają do Ojca Szatana. Życzę ci szczęścia i postępu duchowego.

To HP Hoodedcobra, all that you said was pretty much on point. I'm happy in a sense that Poland and Hungary are resisting the EU, but it's ultimately the other side of the same coin. They ruin all that they say when they follow up their anti-EU speeches with claims that Jesus is their "king." The Jews might be spooked in that they're losing their ability to outright push Gentiles around in Eastern Europe, but they know well enough that Poles, Hungarians and others are wandering aimlessly in a spiritual sense, unable to truly progress since they're wearing the Christian chains.

I look forward to the future, but I nevertheless face it with some level of anxiety in regards to the EU. They, and the deluded commonfolk who support them, earnestly wish to see violence, suffering, and the loss of prosperity upon any nation that won't fall in line. I know the Final RTR will help make the dissolution of the EU as peaceful of a transition as possible, which just further highlights its importance since the Jews will actively try to push us into another of these brother wars as the EU falls apart. Whether it be between nations or people in the streets.
After this sermon by HC and seeing things like how the Poles are basically just German genetically, but with another culture, its like I can raise my hand in a class where Im learning to acknowledge the erroneous barriers of isolated socio-political-economical division driven identities.

The kike makes unity seem illusory, but it is the division of the whole into isolated derivatives which are illusory.

*Mageson hovers over like a magnificent temple in the sky ready to drop ancient truth nukes*

"Our race until five thousand years ago always lived in a global Aryan civilization ruled by a divine Aryan Emperor the Maha Raja in the heart of the Aryan world."
Hoodedcobra666 said:
What Napoleon did was absorb a revolution created by jews in France (as proto Communism) and stabilize it, into a decent country.

The same thing the jews were doing in Pre-Napoleonic France was what they did in Germany with the Communist revolts.

If it were not for Napoleon France would have sunk into a state of permanent civil war and anarchy which would collapse it.

As Hitler saved Germany but found himself locked in games of fate, so did Napoleon.

It's interesting.
And what did he want to do with the kikes by doing a politics of assimilation?
This attitude is the opposite of Hitler's, it's nonsense for me.
Enki66688 said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
What Napoleon did was absorb a revolution created by jews in France (as proto Communism) and stabilize it, into a decent country.

The same thing the jews were doing in Pre-Napoleonic France was what they did in Germany with the Communist revolts.

If it were not for Napoleon France would have sunk into a state of permanent civil war and anarchy which would collapse it.

As Hitler saved Germany but found himself locked in games of fate, so did Napoleon.

It's interesting.
And what did he want to do with the kikes by doing a politics of assimilation?
This attitude is the opposite of Hitler's, it's nonsense for me.

Study what Napoleon did, and you will see, the racial issue aside, that it was helpful and great for France in laws, normalization and limiting of the church's power and so forth.

However, on the racial issue, he was fully oblivious. In the 1800's France was not what France is today. Even in the 1940's France was almost fully White.

If you wanted to find the Jews in France in the 1800's all you needed to do is go against the Church since it was always their den.

Napoleon also fought a very long lasting war with the Catholic church. Eventually probably he was cursed and he died.

Napoleon found himself in fated circumstances such as the war needless and unsuccessful campaign against Russia.

The rule of Napoleon was important to found civil liberties such as the end of the papal legal system and it's division with citizens who were judged harshly and like animals, amongst many other things.

I never said Napoleon was equal to Hitler. I just said they shared some similar circumstances.

However in my book destroying the Church is equal to destroying the Jewish influence on a nation. And similarly bolstering the influence of the church is equal to bolstering the jew himself.
Enki66688 said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
What Napoleon did was absorb a revolution created by jews in France (as proto Communism) and stabilize it, into a decent country.

The same thing the jews were doing in Pre-Napoleonic France was what they did in Germany with the Communist revolts.

If it were not for Napoleon France would have sunk into a state of permanent civil war and anarchy which would collapse it.

As Hitler saved Germany but found himself locked in games of fate, so did Napoleon.

It's interesting.
And what did he want to do with the kikes by doing a politics of assimilation?
This attitude is the opposite of Hitler's, it's nonsense for me.

i just want to add this here ,

Napoleon and Freemasonry :

Among the military and intellectual entourage close to Napoleon are many Freemasons (General Kleber who founds the lodge "Isis" in Cairo, Dominique Vivant Denon, member of the Sacred Order of Sophisians and the lodge "La Parfaite Reunion" , Gaspard Monge member of the military lodge "The perfect Union"). Also rumor has it that Bonaparte was introduced to Freemasonry during the Egyptian campaign in the "Isis" lodge, as suggested in particular by the manuscript The Mirror of Truth dedicated to all Masons, 111 the fact that he is a pupil (that is to say, the son of the Freemason Charles Bonaparte) and he does not dispute to be called later "brother" by different members of the 1,200 Masonic lodges that develop during the First Empire112, however, critics of the Freemasons he held during his exile in St. Helena seem to prove the opposite113

The ambivalence of Napoleon towards Islam is due to the need for a double language during the campaign of Egypt: on the one hand the admiring speeches of Islam108 or favorable to its interests109 held to the authorities nuns and on the other hand, personal confessions, which often only come later and give a point of view that the years make distant

i think he was holding a double language ( politics interest ? )

( in french):


L'ambivalence de Napoléon vis-à-vis de l'islam est due à la nécessité d'un double langage durant la campagne d'Égypte : d'une part les discours admiratifs de l'islam108 ou favorable à ses intérêts109 tenus aux autorités religieuses et d'autre part les confessions personnelles qui n'interviennent souvent que bien plus tard et donnent un point de vue que les années rendent distant.

Napoléon et la franc-maçonnerie

Parmi l'entourage militaire et intellectuel proche de Napoléon beaucoup sont francs-maçons (le général Kléber qui fonde la loge « Isis » au Caire, Dominique Vivant Denon, membre de l'Ordre sacré des Sophisiens et de la loge « La Parfaite Réunion », Gaspard Monge membre notamment de la loge militaire « L'Union parfaite »). Aussi une rumeur affirme que Bonaparte a pu être initié à la franc-maçonnerie lors de la campagne d'Égypte dans la loge « Isis », comme le suggère notamment le manuscrit Le miroir de la Vérité dédié à tous les maçons111, le fait qu'il soit louveteau (c'est-à-dire fils du franc-maçon Charles Bonaparte) et qu'il ne conteste pas de se faire par la suite appeler « frère » par différents membres des 1 200 loges maçonniques qui se développent pendant le Premier Empire112, néanmoins les critiques envers les francs-maçons qu'il tient lors de son exil à Sainte-Hélène semblent prouver le contraire11
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Study what Napoleon did, and you will see, the racial issue aside, that it was helpful and great for France in laws, normalization and limiting of the church's power and so forth.

However, on the racial issue, he was fully oblivious. In the 1800's France was not what France is today. Even in the 1940's France was almost fully White.

If you wanted to find the Jews in France in the 1800's all you needed to do is go against the Church since it was always their den.

Napoleon also fought a very long lasting war with the Catholic church. Eventually probably he was cursed and he died.

Napoleon found himself in fated circumstances such as the war needless and unsuccessful campaign against Russia.

The rule of Napoleon was important to found civil liberties such as the end of the papal legal system and it's division with citizens who were judged harshly and like animals, amongst many other things.

I never said Napoleon was equal to Hitler. I just said they shared some similar circumstances.

However in my book destroying the Church is equal to destroying the Jewish influence on a nation. And similarly bolstering the influence of the church is equal to bolstering the jew himself.

Thank you for your answer.

I read a bit about Napoleon and know what he did well but I was always circumspect about his attitude towards kikes.
He seems to have evolved between his beginnings when he released the kikes to Ancona in 1797 and later when he forced them with the "infamous decree" of March 17, 1808.

One last question, the French revolution according to you, was it jewish from the beginning or was it a satanic revolution that was infiltrated, corrupted and recovered by the kikes ?
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Enki66688 said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
What Napoleon did was absorb a revolution created by jews in France (as proto Communism) and stabilize it, into a decent country.

The same thing the jews were doing in Pre-Napoleonic France was what they did in Germany with the Communist revolts.

If it were not for Napoleon France would have sunk into a state of permanent civil war and anarchy which would collapse it.

As Hitler saved Germany but found himself locked in games of fate, so did Napoleon.

It's interesting.
And what did he want to do with the kikes by doing a politics of assimilation?
This attitude is the opposite of Hitler's, it's nonsense for me.

Study what Napoleon did, and you will see, the racial issue aside, that it was helpful and great for France in laws, normalization and limiting of the church's power and so forth.

However, on the racial issue, he was fully oblivious. In the 1800's France was not what France is today. Even in the 1940's France was almost fully White.

If you wanted to find the Jews in France in the 1800's all you needed to do is go against the Church since it was always their den.

Napoleon also fought a very long lasting war with the Catholic church. Eventually probably he was cursed and he died.

Napoleon found himself in fated circumstances such as the war needless and unsuccessful campaign against Russia.

The rule of Napoleon was important to found civil liberties such as the end of the papal legal system and it's division with citizens who were judged harshly and like animals, amongst many other things.

I never said Napoleon was equal to Hitler. I just said they shared some similar circumstances.

However in my book destroying the Church is equal to destroying the Jewish influence on a nation. And similarly bolstering the influence of the church is equal to bolstering the jew himself.

Does this principle apply on the long term in the present as well? I am asking because where the church has less influence leftism is present to replace it and vice versa. I would assume that the church is the spiritual engine that draws psychic energy for every jewish thoughtform which is also programmed in their letters. So let me know if i understand correctly. Once the input of energy from prayer ends the rest will slowly fall like a chain reaction?
Enki66688 said:
One last question, the French revolution according to you, was it jewish from the beginning or was it a satanic revolution that was infiltrated, corrupted and recovered by the kikes ?

The true French revolution was initiated by the Enlightenment movement that were freemason satanists like the founders of the United States,they wanted overthrow the enslavement christian feudal system, then later the jews infiltrated the masonry with the illuminati movement and took the revolution by force with the the Jacobin movement.
That's why the Jews had to create Marxism which was the continuation of the New Testament in Enlightenment drag make up. To absorb the Enlightenment and redirect it back to the Jewish program in the Bible. No mistake the Catholic Church came out with Liberation Theology which is solely based on the New Testament gospels. Its literally Communism. The motto of the Communist League was bringing the government of god to earth. The god here is the government of the Jews whom call themselves god in the Torah. Which is also what the government is in the Bible the one world order of the Jews in the book of revelations run by the king of the Jews.
Wotanwarrior said:
Enki66688 said:
One last question, the French revolution according to you, was it jewish from the beginning or was it a satanic revolution that was infiltrated, corrupted and recovered by the kikes ?

The true French revolution was initiated by the Enlightenment movement that were freemason satanists like the founders of the United States,they wanted overthrow the enslavement christian feudal system, then later the jews infiltrated the masonry with the illuminati movement and took the revolution by force with the the Jacobin movement.

The French Revolution was fully Satanic in all it's form and initiation.

They even wanted to abolish the calendar of the Jews which has us on an artificial timeline. They applied this in some local communities and started the time from 0. However, this was covered up in history it's not a very known fact. Aside this they also asked to literally rip off the Communist Jewish Christo Church.

One of the major points of the French Revolution was to abolish the influence of the church which was the backer of the Serfdom against the populace. The Church did hide behind the kings to have them slaughtered instead. The Jacobins turned all this hatred simply towards the Royal House. The Royal house was not as bad as perceived but someone has to pay for it.

The Jacobins basically just turned the revolution in what they also did in Germany, just guns and useless kike bullshit. Lafayette was in awareness of this same as Napoleon and many others, like the US Founding Fathers.

The jew holds great hatred for the French since. They literally revolted in front of the feudal jew. Without the French uprising and modes of State power application instated by Bonaparte, such as civil discourse in courts, we wouldn't be able to have liberation movements like Hitler. Hitler did respect Napoleon and considered him a great personality.

You can see in his own speeches in the Table Talk he sees a bit in common with Napoleon, who also tried to stop the submerging of Europe under "Russian" rule. It must be remembered the jews were harassing Russia way earlier than WW1 and WW2, and as such, Europe as a whole.

Hitler also respected their French even in war.

No wonder the kikes are trying to make Paris into Africa number 2 now. They want the French gone, but they will fail.
StraitShot47 said:
You cheeky bastard.

Your book?

What do you require of me, a 'cheeky basterd'?

And what book?
This quote

Hoodedcobra666 said:
However in my book destroying the Church is equal to destroying the Jewish influence on a nation. And similarly bolstering the influence of the church is equal to bolstering the jew himself.
I get it. In your opinion is probably a better phrase to use, while you have hitler as your avatar lol.
Napoleon when he was crowned Emperor of France the Pope was supposed to crown him. Napoleon took the crown out of the Popes hands at the ceremony and crowned himself Emperor. The crown was also a Pagan one the same type of the Pagan Emperor's of Hellenist Rome. The whole French Republic was set up on an enlightenment Hellenism model. When Napoleon's armies marched thought new territory most people greeting them as liberators from the feudal regimes they were living under. The code Napoleon brought freedom to millions of Europeans.

The wars Napoleon fought were defensive wars the ancient regime the feudal system of the Monarchs and Church waged war after war against Republican France to attempt to overthrow it and put the feudal system back into power. Napoleon also stopped the insanity of the Bolshevik nonsense and brought in the Enlightenment ideals. This was also the reason the French revolution was so intense it was a civil war fought between the revolution and the monarchists who were loyal to the king and church. It was a class and civil war based on idealism. They had to crush the counter revolution within France totally as the biggest armies on earth were marching on France with the collation forces of the collected European nations were attacking them. The entire nation was mobilized and they created an army of a million men to defend the revolution. The American revolution was bloody and not the watered down stuff in the movies but if the King of England and the power elite where living in New York and not London England it would have been a lot more intense.

We have Napoleon to thank for Egyptology and the understanding of Egyptian language and culture to the level it is. When he went down to Egypt he took hundreds of scholars with him to dig the entire sands up and uncover the Egyptian civilization. Something about Napoleon he had some kind of occult knowledge and practices he only slept four hours a day and was fine. Napoleon also spent the night in the Pyramid at Giza in the Kings chamber which he underwent some kind of deep transformative experience. It might have been our Gods got in contact with him. But he never stated what happened he kept it private. The pryamid is designed to drastically open the psychic centers in the mind. The knowledge that came from Napoleon's desire to uncover Egypt has been major in exposing christianity as total fraud. The enemy never wanted that uncovered.

When Napoleon escaped exile and came back to France to reclaim leadership. He came in with a thousand men when the Army that was sent to stop him lined up in front of his troops. Napoleon just walked out infront of them and spoke to them with passion the entire Army put their gun's down and joined Napoleon, the entire nation defected to Napoleon with open arms. That is not a brutal dictator but a beloved leader. Nietzsche wrote well of Napoleon and considered him an example of the genius type man.

When Napoleon conquered the Kingdom of northern Italy he forced the Church to give him total access to the Vatican archives..... When he was done he simply walked out surprised and stated "History is a lie!".
Its not really understood because of the enemy lies. But Hitler and National Socialism was the total fulfilment of the European Enlightenment. Hitler created a nation built on the ideals of Hellenism it was stated by Leon Degrelle that Hitler learned politics' from Plato. Hitler created the Philosopher's Republic of Hellenist idealism which the Enlightenment was built upon. He worked to remove Christianity and replace it with the Pagan spirituality of European People which was the fulfilment of the Enlightenment. Hitler was a member of the Thule Society which was an uncorrupted Templar descended society. The Templar's created the Enlightenment they are the uncorrupted Mason's. And our Gods worked with Hitler to bring this about. Hitler's own statement when asked by Degrelle which European tradition he felt the most connected with.... Hitler looked Degrelle right in the face and told him with a passionate expression: "I am a Hellene!" Which is a direct quote of Nietzsche, Hitler was quoting. Nietzsche's meaning of this statement was he was a Pagan. Nietzsche was an open Pagan and stated he believed in the Aryan religion from Greece to India. Hellene is the old European word for Pagan, Hellene. To be charged with being a Hellene was punishable by execution at the stake by the Catholic Church. Don't worry there Goyim however Dennis Wise assures us somehow Hitler loved da jeboo jew.
HP Mageson666 said:
Napoleon when he was crowned Emperor of France the Pope was supposed to crown him. Napoleon took the crown out of the Popes hands at the ceremony and crowned himself Emperor. The crown was also a Pagan one the same type of the Pagan Emperor's of Hellenist Rome. The whole French Republic was set up on an enlightenment Hellenism model. When Napoleon's armies marched thought new territory most people greeting them as liberators from the feudal regimes they were living under. The code Napoleon brought freedom to millions of Europeans.

The wars Napoleon fought were defensive wars the ancient regime the feudal system of the Monarchs and Church waged war after war against Republican France to attempt to overthrow it and put the feudal system back into power. Napoleon also stopped the insanity of the Bolshevik nonsense and brought in the Enlightenment ideals. This was also the reason the French revolution was so intense it was a civil war fought between the revolution and the monarchists who were loyal to the king and church. It was a class and civil war based on idealism. They had to crush the counter revolution within France totally as the biggest armies on earth were marching on France with the collation forces of the collected European nations were attacking them. The entire nation was mobilized and they created an army of a million men to defend the revolution. The American revolution was bloody and not the watered down stuff in the movies but if the King of England and the power elite where living in New York and not London England it would have been a lot more intense.

We have Napoleon to thank for Egyptology and the understanding of Egyptian language and culture to the level it is. When he went down to Egypt he took hundreds of scholars with him to dig the entire sands up and uncover the Egyptian civilization. Something about Napoleon he had some kind of occult knowledge and practices he only slept four hours a day and was fine. Napoleon also spent the night in the Pyramid at Giza in the Kings chamber which he underwent some kind of deep transformative experience. It might have been our Gods got in contact with him. But he never stated what happened he kept it private. The pryamid is designed to drastically open the psychic centers in the mind. The knowledge that came from Napoleon's desire to uncover Egypt has been major in exposing christianity as total fraud. The enemy never wanted that uncovered.

When Napoleon escaped exile and came back to France to reclaim leadership. He came in with a thousand men when the Army that was sent to stop him lined up in front of his troops. Napoleon just walked out infront of them and spoke to them with passion the entire Army put their gun's down and joined Napoleon, the entire nation defected to Napoleon with open arms. That is not a brutal dictator but a beloved leader. Nietzsche wrote well of Napoleon and considered him an example of the genius type man.

When Napoleon conquered the Kingdom of northern Italy he forced the Church to give him total access to the Vatican archives..... When he was done he simply walked out surprised and stated "History is a lie!".
Napoleon outlawed the Cult of Reason the Masons were establishing in France and recreated a christian crown, the kind the Revolutionaries destroyed, and called it the crown of Charlemagne.
It was used only briefly during the coronation but was used again after his return from exile.

I'd say it's impossible the Gods didn't get in contact with him and he may have completed the Magnum Opus and redeemed himself for his shortcomings, just like Augustus.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Similar in evil to a civil war, what is equally worse, is a brother war.

Indeed, "Civil wars" were always caused by jews. This is very well documented in the history of Nations. One example is how Communism [Jewish Creation] always creates a 5th collumn within a state, which attacks the larger state of people.

But you do not find any mention of what is the worst of the worst. The Brother Wars.

Frequently you have found me here spewing vitriol not only about Leftism (the jewish leftism that exists in the last century, because what was branded as leftism later was actually just solid White ideals in the 16th and 17th century by White thinkers) but also, Nationalism.

Nationalism is based on the precondition of treating our race in a very specific manner. In Nationalism, the element of race is revoked and never taken too seriously - jews are allowed to fare in the country, given they act as elements of the 'Nation', such as for example pay taxes. Judeo-Christianity is treated in love, adoration, or at least, lenience, because Nationalism stands weak and finds it's roots only in the 15th century - a time where Aryans had not much history, and therefore, many people incorporated the lie of the Church that "Christianity is part of our heritage".

Evoking a true argument of what "Nationalism" would have to be honestly, one would have to go as far back as 2000 or more years. However Nationalism is bound by Christian morals, Christian history, and constant evocation of these very arguments. For this reason Hitler revoked Nationalism and Socialism individually, and made a new idea, National Socialism, which, as we have proved, does draw ideas not from the sole recent past, but our past as a RACE in whole.

An African person if Britain has "Nationalism" would be "British" under some conditions. The depth of Nationalism is only down to the surface: expansion of the individual state on the expense of other states.

The main feeling is "Nationalistic pride" which involves expansive war and a false sense of sovereignty, based primarily, on perceiving your own "Sovereignty", as some sort of military and national Sovereignty. For example, you can be in debt to jewish bankers, have Rabbis running your nation, and worship the totem of the Rabbis, Jewsus Christ, but - you are still "Sovereign", my little Goyim. Now, go wage war on another Nation to prove how "Sovereign" you are.

While this Nationalism can be good in some situations, in a final analysis, it is never really good for the longterm existence of a people. Many people say that Poland does not have illegals in it, same as Hungary, but it still has the Jew on the Stick as ultimate Soul ruler of the Nation, and no jews were kicked out of these lands anyway. They still hold offices, but they are "Hungarian and Polish", simply because they can fake allegience to their nation and simply because they were born into "National Borders".

Nationalism in other words, is a great and strong bandage, but it never solves the larger jewish problem, which is universal. A country goes Nationalist, and if jews have a problem in said country, they freely move to another. There is always an opposing country ready to take them in, both for money, and so it can work, given, during Nationalism, a country always find reasons to make another country it's enemy - based on a Christianized past, where one country (Or different "nations within a nation") always did wrong and wage war on other innocent (or not so innocent) neighbors.

Many Nationalists have a short eyeball, but I am a spiritually advanced person, and like others, I can see the reality behind matters when it comes to my race. Essentially the people one kills today in "Glorious Deus Vult War" against another European Nation, is just a killing of one's own kin. The bolstering of warmongering feelings is prevalent in Nationalism, and the competitiveness and viciousness of Capitalism just converts into the competition in the aspects of war with what is ironically, one's own blood in another Nation.

The English were proud bombing people in Germany, and now, do they happen to be Nationalistically Proud of the fact that Hajis and Muslim hordes are taking down their country, since, they prevented under Jewish stranglehold, the restoration of White Europe? Too many egos in the line, and now, people are cucked in the corner and go extinct.

Essentially this climate is perfect for the jew. In Nationalism, the jew thrives and survives. Many people gloriously clap when it comes to some Nationalists rising in Europe, but that is only a state to pass. Granted these people are not enlightened leaders, all one can expect is the same bullshit in repeat. False antagonism over European Nations, similar bullying of the smaller nations, and the racial element is only a third or fourth reason to save a Nation.

I will give you an example of what vanity and Nationalism, plus jews having power on this planet, does result into.

This is a tragedy. How many of you have had grandparents that literally died in wars to fight the grandparents of other Whites in another White country? Only to the ultimate demise of the Whites as a whole today?

The following excerpt is from the book of Konstantinos Plevris, "Ioannes Metaxas, The Biography". For those that do not know, Ioannes Metaxas was the Nationalist Ruler of Greece in the 1940's, or the era of WW2.

Graci, the external Minister of the Italians under Mussolini, (I do not know Italian) comes in utmost secrecy to meet with Metaxas at the middle of the night, in 27th of October. He moves to the house of Ioannnes Metaxas to give him in a letter the declaration of war between the Italians and the Greeks. The prime minister of Italy, writes in his diary the following:

"Metaxas had a handshake with me and he guided me into a small living room. When we sat down, I told him I have something to announce to him, and I gave him the letter. [The letter contained the terms upon which Greece was to surrender to the Italians without war]. He proceeded to read it very carefully. I could see him emotionally moved, both in his hands, and in his eyes. When he finished reading, he raised his head, and he looked at me directly in the eyes. He had blue and powerful eyes. He told me with a firm voice: "This means war.". Metaxas asked me if the war could be averted. I told him, "No". I told him also, "Could the leader of your military, Papagos, transfer a direct command.. and Metaxas interrupted me, saying "No, that is impossible.The burden of the responsibility of the War, directly burdens the Italian Government." [my note this means here he told him to bring down all defenses to avoid casualties, ie, command the Greek military to surrender on the spot].

There is still hope, I said to myself silently.

Metaxas got up and walked me to the door without replying to me once more.

I left bowing with the deepest and utmost respect before this very old person, who chosen Sacrifice instead of Slavery.

I left humiliated and with my soul shrank from hating my very own profession [External Minister of Italy].

Following this came a cataclysmic war in the Balkans where Italy found themselves destroyed by what appears to be a useless and small Nation, the Greeks, with the Italians outnumbering the Greeks in tanks and wealth 10 to 1.

Hitler in his last Will and Testament writes about this and the failure of Mussolini. Mussolini was a great leader, but he did not look that far, nor he looked as further as Hitler in the terms of Race, or even strategy. He fell into the same loop that jews have constructed for White kings since the Middle ages- the loop that if you destroy a neighboring White Nation, and try to subvert it's people, that makes you a "great leader".

Now, I write the above as an example of the Aryan spirit. Thousands of the above incidents between White people and Nations have happened in our short history, millions of people slain by the hand of our own people against our own people. Wrong and right falls on either direction.

What remains is that White people killed White people, for jewish eulogies, and based on teh ancient jewish saying of "Brother Shall Kill Brother".

What is the outcome of this? Jews hide, the inferiors do not go to war, the women remain alone and isolated, ready to breed with the remaining inferiors. The best go to war, and they die, for a meaningless holocaust given commanded by jews. The jew lies in ecstatic pleasure, knowing he achieved his achievements of the bible: Such as agitating the Aryans one against another. Then, a nation becomes all the more crippled and weak. This continues for centuries until a great nation is depleted of great and powerful men, and falls to the original enemy: the jew.

Those who wish for this to continue in the future, can be Nationalists.

Those who wish this to be in the future, can be Christians.

Those who want this to continue in the future, are to be cursed, and they will be brought to justice.

However glorious, and showing our White longing for freedom, and willingness to sacrifice even our very lives for our freedoms, these things are to be permanently revoked.

Historical blindness or unawareness of the jewish element has been dispelled. Those who still engage in bickering amongst White people should be branded as race traitors and brought into spiritual execution and permanent damnation.

Yes, we get it, "You are Americans" and your coasts are filled to the brim with some of the worlds worst criminal elements, however your destiny lies in George Washington, and Benjamin Franklin.

Yes, we get it, "You are English", and London is overtaken in full, but your glories lie dormant in the spirits like that of William Pitt.

Yes, we get it, "You are French", and Paris is turned into a 3rd world shithole, and your destiny is in people like Rousseau or Napoleon.

Yes, we get it, "You are Greeks" but Athens has become overtaken by the Hajis, and your destiny lies in Plato and Aristotle. Yes, we get it, "You are Swedish", and Stockholm is now the town with the highest rape probability after African nations, while your destiny lies in the return to the Pagan Viking ways.

Yes, we get it, you are "Italians", and now Italy is infested with African populations that only resemble capital towns in Africa. Musolini was undeniably great, but Marcus Aurelius was Greater.

Yes, we get it, you are "Germans", but your destiny is not Oktoberfest with the 3rd world terrorists, but in the Almighty spirits of Hitler and Wagner.

For this to be stated, cursed be eternally those who divide and attack the White people, and cursed be ten times the White person who agitates Whites against one another, especially in dire moments of our existence such as this.

The eyes that have been shut down and only saw the present, and our current mortality, are open now - we are all limbs and pieces of the same Aryan soul. Blinded by jews, our history was filled with examples that the jew historians told us to be proud about, more than we should contemplate and feel bad about - A racial soul attacking unto itself is alien and detestable.

It requires no more bravery to end the life of fellow Whites as it takes to build them up and help them sustain, especially in the face of a world where we are heading towards what is literally a mode of extinction.

No more brother wars.

Brotherly allegiance based on integrity and pride, under our common Pagan Gods and our primordial Racial and Soul mission.

This should be the aim of the future White people.

And it must be kept in our heart and mind.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

For me I am trying to find the appropriate balance. The infiltration of other races, especially the Islamic Arabic people, has embedded a deep Hatred.

I realize that Gentiles are not to be Hated. But it is hard when fighting a war against them.
HP Mageson666 said:
[...] Nietzsche hated the petty European nationalism. And Nietzsche was the philosopher that formed the major bases of National Socialist thinking. The SS where the future of this new European ideal. The best European men from every European nation in one Pan European force under the Swastika.

For translation reason, anyone can help me to what SS stand for? It's Satanist Spiritual, or SchutzStaffel or NationalSocialism?

Cfecit said:
HP Mageson666 said:
[...] Nietzsche hated the petty European nationalism. And Nietzsche was the philosopher that formed the major bases of National Socialist thinking. The SS where the future of this new European ideal. The best European men from every European nation in one Pan European force under the Swastika.

For translation reason, anyone can help me to what SS stand for? It's Satanist Spiritual, or SchutzStaffel or NationalSocialism?

The SS he mentions are the Schutzstaffel.
Cfecit said:
Aquarius said:
The SS he mentions are the Schutzstaffel.

Grazie, I imagined, just we weren't so sure about it hehe
Non capivo perchè tu mi avessi risposto in inglese, poi ho visto il mio post, e non capivo nemmeno io perchè avessi risposto in inglese, ormai l'inglese ha dominato il mio cervello :lol:
Aquarius said:
Cfecit said:
Aquarius said:
The SS he mentions are the Schutzstaffel.

Grazie, I imagined, just we weren't so sure about it hehe
Non capivo perchè tu mi avessi risposto in inglese, poi ho visto il mio post, e non capivo nemmeno io perchè avessi risposto in inglese, ormai l'inglese ha dominato il mio cervello :lol:

Hmm..here is Jos of Satan 666, not italian's subforum, you are still confused lol!
Cfecit said:
Aquarius said:
Cfecit said:
Grazie, I imagined, just we weren't so sure about it hehe
Non capivo perchè tu mi avessi risposto in inglese, poi ho visto il mio post, e non capivo nemmeno io perchè avessi risposto in inglese, ormai l'inglese ha dominato il mio cervello :lol:

Hmm..here is Jos of Satan 666, not italian's subforum, you are still confused lol!
Damn that's true! Is mercury still retrograde? lol

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
