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Aztec human sacrifices


Active member
Aug 18, 2020
Someone released a video about the sacrifices, an some were overly exaggerated by the Spanish conquistadors, but in the youtube video I saw it talked about some Gods forbidding human sacrifices, it's a great video give it a look sometime, yes I know the Aztec religion was corrupted by the enemy, but was very interesting


Some sorcerers wanted quetzalcoatl to sacrifice humans,but Lord quetzalcoatl refused,if I recall one of the HP did an article about it,an exactly as he said it was, the enemy went to the Aztec sorcerers an promised power in exchange for human sacrifices, but the Gods tried to stop the Aztecs, an they the Aztecs did not listen an fell because of it.man to think how great they would have been if they listened to the Gods


Tambien lei ese sermón de Mageson, sin embargo tiene cosas mal comprendidas y fuera de la linea del tiempo, al igual que muchos videos de la red...

La literatura y videos informativos actuales tienen la imagen de un quetzalcóatl llamado "Ce Acatl Topiltzin", y el fue uno de los mas importantes reyes y sacerdotes de quetzalcóatl, con la invasión española intentaron asociar la imagen de ese rey con "Jesucristo" y por eso muchas interpretaciones españolas lo pintaron como un hombre blanco, la confusión viene de el termino "quetzalcoatl", ya que principalmente el usaba ese nombre referido como "Ce Acatl Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl" pero solamente para dar a entender que el era un sacerdote dedicado a el, y el era un mexicano con ascendencia de la realeza azteca libre de infiltrados....

Ce Acatl Topiltzin nacio en una epoca donde ya habian sacrificios humanos, y el al alcanzar la edad para ser un rey los prohibió y cambio por sacrificios de mariposas, así hizo prosperar la ciudad que el gobernaba, la historia de el narra que los seguidores de tezcatlipoca lo atacaban mucho incluso llegando a embriagarlo, después de eso se marcho a otra zona la cual muchos investigadores teorizan fue a la civilizacion maya...

Tiempo despues volvio a su reino, solamente para dejarles profecías y lograr su ascensión a deidad, ya que el dedico toda su vida a la meditación y avance espiritual.

Es por eso que se confunde a el rey "Ce Acatl Topiltzin" con "Quetzalcóatl", ya que el logro ascender...

Los sacrificios humanos en el imperio azteca fueron impuestos por un hombre llamado "tlacaelel", el corrompio el termino del autosacrificio de "las guerras florecidas" las cuales eran una parte fundamental para llegar a ser un tolteca, esas guerras consisten en alcanzar una autocomprensión y dominio de la meditación para poder entrar a la sabiduría tolteca, sin embargo tlacaelel no tenía linaje de rey pero aun así escalo para gobernar e infiltrar toda esa corrupción, así empezaron los sacrificios aztecas ya que el los impuso mal interpretando el verdadero autosacrificio, sin embargo los sacrificios ya existían por parte de seguidores de tezcatlipoca pero se hicieron oficiales y obligatorios por tlacaelel, tezcatlipoca es una deidad pero se refiere también a la confusión, es por eso que su nombre significa "espejo humeante" el espejo representa la verdad de la existencia; y el humo la confusión que impide ver la verdad.

Dicho y aclarado lo anterior, he de recalcar que aun no se sabe exactamente quien inicio el primer sacrificio, sin embargo se sabe que fue con los toltecas, y los toltecas eran los mas sabios de mexico, por eso el enemigo los ataco y corrompió primero a ellos...

Todos los dioses mexicanos en una época muy antigua estaban limpios de corrupciones, y con ello se sabia que el verdadero sacrificio era entregar la vida a la meditación, si el dios quetzalcóatl se mantuvo limpio de corrupciones es por que muchos conservaron el significado de su nombre "serpiente emplumada" y este significado representa la serpiente kundalini....

Tengo planeado hacer una linea del tiempo en un buen orden para que se sepa la verdadera historia de méxico y sus dioses.

Les comparto esta similitud de la representación del dios Quetzalcoatl y Thoth:

QUETZALCOATL (Aquí se aprecia como tiene una mascara con cara de pato muy similar a la representación egipcia de Thoth):

(Answer in English):

I also read that sermon by Mageson, however it has some things misunderstood and out of timeline, as well as many videos on the net....

The current literature and informative videos have the image of a quetzalcoatl called "Ce Acatl Topiltzin", and he was one of the most important kings and priests of quetzalcoatl, with the Spanish invasion they tried to associate the image of that king with "Jesus Christ" and that is why many Spanish interpretations painted him as a white man, the confusion comes from the term "quetzalcoatl", since he mainly used that name referred to as "Ce Acatl Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl" but only to imply that he was a priest dedicated to him, and he was a Mexican with Aztec royal ancestry free of infiltrators. ...

Ce Acatl Topiltzin was born in an era where there were already human sacrifices, and when he reached the age to be a king, he prohibited them and changed them for butterfly sacrifices, thus he made the city he ruled prosper, the story of him tells that the followers of Tezcatlipoca attacked him a lot even getting him drunk, after that he left to another area which many researchers theorize was to the Mayan civilization...

Some time later he returned to his kingdom, only to leave them prophecies and achieve his ascension to deity, since he dedicated his whole life to meditation and spiritual advancement.

That is why the king "Ce Acatl Topiltzin" is confused with "Quetzalcoatl", since he managed to ascend...

The human sacrifices in the Aztec empire were imposed by a man called "tlacaelel", he corrupted the term of the self-sacrifice of "the flowered wars" which were a fundamental part to become a Toltec, those wars consisted of reaching a self-understanding and mastery of meditation to enter the Toltec wisdom, however tlacaelel had no lineage of king but still climbed to rule and infiltrate all that corruption, thus began the Aztec sacrifices since he imposed them misinterpreting the true self-sacrifice, however the sacrifices already existed by followers of tezcatlipoca but were made official and mandatory by tlacaelel, tezcatlipoca is a deity but also refers to the confusion, that is why his name means "smoking mirror" the mirror represents the truth of existence; and the smoke the confusion that prevents to see the truth.

Having said and clarified the above, I must emphasize that it is still not known exactly who started the first sacrifice, however it is known that it was with the Toltecs, and the Toltecs were the wisest of Mexico, so the enemy attacked and corrupted them first ...

All the Mexican gods in a very ancient time were clean of corruptions, and with this it was known that the true sacrifice was to give life to meditation, if the god Quetzalcoatl remained clean of corruptions is because many kept the meaning of his name "feathered serpent" and this meaning represents the serpent kundalini.....

I plan to make a timeline in a good order so that the true history of Mexico and its gods is known.

I share with you this similarity of the representation of the god Quetzalcoatl and Thoth:

QUETZALCOATL (Here you can see how he has a mask with a duck face very similar to the Egyptian representation of Thoth):.

DTone said:
(Answer in English):

I also read that sermon by Mageson, however it has some things misunderstood and out of timeline, as well as many videos on the net....

The current literature and informative videos have the image of a quetzalcoatl called "Ce Acatl Topiltzin", and he was one of the most important kings and priests of quetzalcoatl, with the Spanish invasion they tried to associate the image of that king with "Jesus Christ" and that is why many Spanish interpretations painted him as a white man, the confusion comes from the term "quetzalcoatl", since he mainly used that name referred to as "Ce Acatl Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl" but only to imply that he was a priest dedicated to him, and he was a Mexican with Aztec royal ancestry free of infiltrators. ...

Ce Acatl Topiltzin was born in an era where there were already human sacrifices, and when he reached the age to be a king, he prohibited them and changed them for butterfly sacrifices, thus he made the city he ruled prosper, the story of him tells that the followers of Tezcatlipoca attacked him a lot even getting him drunk, after that he left to another area which many researchers theorize was to the Mayan civilization...

Some time later he returned to his kingdom, only to leave them prophecies and achieve his ascension to deity, since he dedicated his whole life to meditation and spiritual advancement.

That is why the king "Ce Acatl Topiltzin" is confused with "Quetzalcoatl", since he managed to ascend...

The human sacrifices in the Aztec empire were imposed by a man called "tlacaelel", he corrupted the term of the self-sacrifice of "the flowered wars" which were a fundamental part to become a Toltec, those wars consisted of reaching a self-understanding and mastery of meditation to enter the Toltec wisdom, however tlacaelel had no lineage of king but still climbed to rule and infiltrate all that corruption, thus began the Aztec sacrifices since he imposed them misinterpreting the true self-sacrifice, however the sacrifices already existed by followers of tezcatlipoca but were made official and mandatory by tlacaelel, tezcatlipoca is a deity but also refers to the confusion, that is why his name means "smoking mirror" the mirror represents the truth of existence; and the smoke the confusion that prevents to see the truth.

Having said and clarified the above, I must emphasize that it is still not known exactly who started the first sacrifice, however it is known that it was with the Toltecs, and the Toltecs were the wisest of Mexico, so the enemy attacked and corrupted them first ...

All the Mexican gods in a very ancient time were clean of corruptions, and with this it was known that the true sacrifice was to give life to meditation, if the god Quetzalcoatl remained clean of corruptions is because many kept the meaning of his name "feathered serpent" and this meaning represents the serpent kundalini.....

I plan to make a timeline in a good order so that the true history of Mexico and its gods is known.

I share with you this similarity of the representation of the god Quetzalcoatl and Thoth:

QUETZALCOATL (Here you can see how he has a mask with a duck face very similar to the Egyptian representation of Thoth):.


Can't wait thanks, but the only problem about some of the history is,even a king altered some of the history aswell,it may be hard to find out truth from the kings altered history an that of the christards,an if it is the case recovering the true history of the Aztec people,will be like finding a needle in a haystack but,best of luck to you

The legend of the foundation of the Aztecs by "the eagle and the serpent" sounds quite prophetic, however before the Aztecs arrived in Mexico there was already the presence of the god Quetzalcoatl and the Toltec foundations, as well as a diverse pantheon of gods, my research is centered on the "Anahuac (Name that encompasses the civilizations of Mexico)" covering the Olmec and Mayan roots as well.

Personally I call legend to the foundation of the Aztec empire and the sign "of the eagle and the serpent", given that the king Itzcoatl burned the ancient codices to modify the history giving an origin more associated to his mythology and Huitzilopochtli, however that story may still have preserved some truth, for example the eagle devouring the serpent is very similar to the Yggdrasil of the Nordic mythology:


What I mean is that even with the modification of the codices made by King Itzcoatl, his story may have some truth, quetzalcoatl and several gods were already in Mexico even before the arrival of the Aztecs, and the Toltec essence was even from the Olmecs, so starting from that vision and added to the satanic knowledge there are too many important things for research ...

And well thank you very much I am surprised that you have interest in this, and I thank you for your publication, I had thought in the future to clarify the modification in the Aztec history.
In some woke school curriculums they now have people praying to or chanting stuff to Aztec Gods. Pretty sure the way they were depicted they were literal Reptilians as in the ETs not the Jews. This stuff probably opens people up to the enemy on a spiritual level is why they push this. Why can't they chant to the Egyptian Gods or Norse Gods would be even more cool.
I find no problem in some people dedicating chants to them, however if they have the classical Christian thinking of praying to them every time they need help they will not advance in anything, or even worse if they start making "sacrifices" they will be further away from them.

You are right the Aztec pantheon has some corruptions regarding the image of their gods, but only someone advanced and spiritually open will be able to see their true appearance, it is the same case with the goetia gods that survived all this time with corruptions regarding their astral image, but our ministers when working with them were able to see their true appearance....

In my country they have not implemented any school with curricula that involve gods or religion, and in history they only show us a fraction that only involves human sacrifices, personally I find nothing wrong with worshiping the Aztec gods as long as it is in the right way, and of course the ideal would be to implement the Egyptian and Nordic gods, although this would be much better with the freedom to choose according to the interests of each person.
slyscorpion said:
In some woke school curriculums they now have people praying to or chanting stuff to Aztec Gods. Pretty sure the way they were depicted they were literal Reptilians as in the ETs not the Jews. This stuff probably opens people up to the enemy on a spiritual level is why they push this. Why can't they chant to the Egyptian Gods or Norse Gods would be even more cool.

Thing is we know quetzalcoatl was thoth,an viracocha from the Inca was satan, their are Gods who helped them established farming etc, an at least the Gods were intact somewhat, but it was the enemy greys,reptilian who wanted them to sacrifice,but anyway,would be hard to find the enemy Gods,from our Gods,an if I recall some not all but some of the Buddha's were Gods to, then the enemy trash corrupted that to,
DTone said:
I find no problem in some people dedicating chants to them, however if they have the classical Christian thinking of praying to them every time they need help they will not advance in anything, or even worse if they start making "sacrifices" they will be further away from them.

You are right the Aztec pantheon has some corruptions regarding the image of their gods, but only someone advanced and spiritually open will be able to see their true appearance, it is the same case with the goetia gods that survived all this time with corruptions regarding their astral image, but our ministers when working with them were able to see their true appearance....

In my country they have not implemented any school with curricula that involve gods or religion, and in history they only show us a fraction that only involves human sacrifices, personally I find nothing wrong with worshiping the Aztec gods as long as it is in the right way, and of course the ideal would be to implement the Egyptian and Nordic gods, although this would be much better with the freedom to choose according to the interests of each person.

You mean the origional Aztec Gods before the enemy took those people over. Well yeah they were probably our Gods as they were a gentile civilization but after that the enemy literally took over that civilization and had people doing human sacrifices to "feed" the reptilians. So no I would trust any of those "Gods" as they are understood now.

This btw is what I am referring to with the school thing.
Satnam666 said:
slyscorpion said:
In some woke school curriculums they now have people praying to or chanting stuff to Aztec Gods. Pretty sure the way they were depicted they were literal Reptilians as in the ETs not the Jews. This stuff probably opens people up to the enemy on a spiritual level is why they push this. Why can't they chant to the Egyptian Gods or Norse Gods would be even more cool.

Thing is we know quetzalcoatl was thoth,an viracocha from the Inca was satan, their are Gods who helped them established farming etc, an at least the Gods were intact somewhat, but it was the enemy greys,reptilian who wanted them to sacrifice,but anyway,would be hard to find the enemy Gods,from our Gods,an if I recall some not all but some of the Buddha's were Gods to, then the enemy trash corrupted that to,

Point a link to where someone stated this if you know I will read it I was under the impression the "Gods" they had were literally enemy ETs there in the physical pretending to be God's.

Sort of like the whole Akenanten and King Tut thing.


No exactamente, esos dioses nunca han dejado de ser nuestros dioses, lo que remarca la historia e investigaciones con sustentos arqueológicos es que en un punto lo único corrompido fue el "autosacrificio" ya que originalmente el autosacrificio era "la batalla florida" o en términos satánicos "el camino de la meditación para completar el magnum opus" , esto lo digo sustentado por investigaciones con profesionales titulados, no por un simple mal traductor de la literatura de códices, estas fuentes no han llegado tal vez a el idioma ingles por que son recientes, incluso se están estudiando pirámides recién descubiertas así como mas vestigios de lo que realmente eran los dioses mexicanos...

Por ejemplo; tu puedes llamar a Thoth por el nombre de Quetzalcoatl, y no significa que halla dejado de ser Thoth, y si algún loco judío hiciera sacrificios en su nombre la culpa seria solamente del loco judio en ningún momento de Thoth, esto lo vemos a diario con falsos idiotas "satánicos" que hacen locuras de ese tipo diciendo que son para satán, y el echo de que hagan esas locuras en nombre de satán no significa que satán sea malo...

En mexico el enemigo intento imponer un solo dios para rendirle sacrificios, pero nunca lograron alejarnos de nuestros extensos dioses, así que ellos para lograr corrompernos impulsaron a un dios falso al que todos los mexicanos llamaban de diversos nombres pero primordialmente se le llamo "Tezcatlipoca" que en el significado común es "espejo humeante", pero en un significado mas profundo tezcatlipoca significa confusión o ceguera, ese dios que el enemigo impulso con sacrificios así fue creciendo y extendiéndose poco a poco infiltrándose en varios centros con conocimiento real, y teniendo a su vez mas nombres, el nombre mas cercano a las letras del dios enemigo fue YAOTL=YHWH o YHVH, se sabe muy bien que los sabios toltecas siempre estuvieron en guerra con los seguidores de tezcatlipoca, pero en un punto fueron derrotados, incluso Ce Acatl Topiltzin que nació en una época donde ya habían perdido la guerra contra Tezcatlipoca (Uno de los tantos nombres que los mexicanos le dimos al enemigo) y habían sacrificios a esa deidad, logro frenar esa idea y la sustituyo por otras cosas mas creativas, Quetzalcoatl también es un termino para referirse a alguien con la serpiente kundalini despierta o ascendiendo, y dado que Ce Acatl Topiltzin adopto el termino de quetzalcoatl en su nombre para ser su sacerdote y por que definitivamente el tenia su "kundalini=quetzalcoatl" despierta; muchos lo asociaron con el dios Quetzalcoatl y por eso es que a quetzalcoatl le atribuyen esa ideología de que estaba en contra de los sacrificios, pero la realidad es que fue Ce Acatl Topiltzin quien logro terminar durante su reinado con los sacrificios humanos, pero por ejemplo si el hubiera tenido como guía a "Huitzilopochtli" muchos actualmente pensarían que Huitzilopochtli era quien estaba en contra de los sacrificios humanos, pero bueno actualmente sabemos que el guardián guia que tuvo ce acatl topiltzin fue quetzalcoatl, y por eso la literatura y códices atribuyen que quetzalcóatl era quien estaba en contra de los sacrificios humanos...

En resumen; el enemigo impulso su propio dios en méxico llamado de distintos nombres "Tezcatlipoca=Yáotl= Yahveh", y escalo hasta ser tan importante como los demas dioses mexicanos, sin embargo en un punto donde estaban en un rango alto de poder político-social empezaron a manchar la imagen de los demás dioses que en verdad eran de origen satánico, con los aztecas fue tlacaelel un tipo que no pertenecía a la realeza pero subió de rango hasta el punto de gobernar e imponer los sacrificios humanos a los dioses.

Meditar es y siempre sera el verdadero autosacrificio:

El enemigo pudo ser judio o hibrido de gris, esto aun no se sabe con certeza, los vestigios con figuras de grises podrían dar indicios de que fueron híbridos de grises los infiltrados, mira la similitud de las ceremonias aztecas corrompidas por el enemigo y las frases de las oraciones cristianas:

S/ Sursum corda. S/ 'Levantemos el corazón.'
R/ Habemus ad Dominus. R/ 'Lo tenemos levantado hacia el Señor'.


Esta bien que no confíes en llamar a algún dios mexicano, ya que podrías dar con uno de los tantos nombre de Yaotl-Tezcatlipoca y en ese sentido si podría resultar algo mal, este trabajo se deberá hacer por alguien avanzado y guiado por satán, y después deberá ser aprobado por nuestros ministros de Joy Of Satan para que se valide como oficial....

Yo he dedicado tiempos libres y un poco de inversión en conferencias hechas en méxico, presentaciones de investigaciones, y mucha lectura, pero en un tiempo pasado tambien tenia mucha confusión sobre los dioses mexicanos, incluso tuve una platica con nuestro Sumo Sacerdote Hoodedcobra666:

El futuro y los nuevos miembros que lleguen traeran mas información por ejemplo Kevin Hernández a publicado cosas muy importantes, solo imaginen el dia que se reúna la suficiente información para asociar todos los dioses de todas las culturas...

Not exactly, those gods have never ceased to be our gods, what history and research with archaeological support points out is that at one point the only thing that was corrupted was the "self-sacrifice" since originally the self-sacrifice was "the flowery battle" or in satanic terms "the path of meditation to complete the magnum opus", I say this supported by research with qualified professionals, not by a simple bad translator of codex literature, these sources have not reached perhaps the English language because they are recent, even newly discovered pyramids are being studied as well as more traces of what really were the Mexican gods. ..

For example; you can call Thoth by the name of Quetzalcoatl, and it does not mean that he has ceased to be Thoth, and if some crazy Jew made sacrifices in his name the fault would be only of the crazy Jew at no time of Thoth, we see this daily with false idiots "satanic" who do crazy things like that saying they are for Satan, and the fact that they do these crazy things in the name of Satan does not mean that Satan is bad ...

In mexico the enemy tried to impose only one god to make sacrifices to him, but they never managed to keep us away from our extensive gods, so in order to corrupt us they promoted a false god that all the mexicans called by different names but primarily he was called "Tezcatlipoca" which in the common meaning is "smoking mirror", but in a deeper meaning tezcatlipoca means confusion or blindness, that god that the enemy pushed with sacrifices so was growing and spreading gradually infiltrating in various centers with real knowledge, and having in turn more names, the closest name to the letters of the enemy god was YAOTL = YHWH or YHVH, it is well known that the wise Toltecs were always at war with the followers of Tezcatlipoca, but at one point they were defeated, even Ce Acatl Topiltzin who was born at a time when they had already lost the war against Tezcatlipoca (one of the many names that Mexicans gave to the enemy) and there were sacrifices to that deity, Quetzalcoatl is also a term to refer to someone with the kundalini serpent awake or ascending, and since Ce Acatl Topiltzin adopted the term quetzalcoatl in his name to be his priest and because he definitely had his "kundalini=quetzalcoatl" awake; many associated him with the god Quetzalcoatl and that is why they attribute to Quetzalcoatl that ideology that he was against sacrifices, but the reality is that it was Ce Acatl Topiltzin who managed to end during his reign with human sacrifices, but for example if he had had "Huitzilopochtli" as a guide, many would currently think that Huitzilopochtli was against human sacrifices, but nowadays we know that the guardian guide that Ce Acatl Topiltzin had was Quetzalcoatl, and that is why the literature and codices attribute that Quetzalcoatl was against human sacrifices. ..

In summary; the enemy promoted their own god in Mexico called by different names "Tezcatlipoca=Yáotl=Yahveh", and climbed to be as important as the other Mexican gods, however at a point where they were in a high rank of political-social power began to tarnish the image of the other gods that were really of satanic origin, with the Aztecs was tlacaelel a guy who did not belong to the royalty but rose in rank to the point of ruling and imposing human sacrifices to the gods.

Meditation is and always will be the true self-sacrifice:

The enemy could have been Jewish or gray hybrid, this is not yet known with certainty, the vestiges with gray figures could give indications that they were gray hybrids infiltrators, look at the similarity of the Aztec ceremonies corrupted by the enemy and the phrases of the Christian prayers:

S/ Sursum corda. S/ 'Let us lift up our hearts.'
R/ Habemus ad Dominus. R/ 'We have it lifted up to the Lord'.

It is good that you do not trust in calling some Mexican god, since you could come up with one of the many names of Yaotl-Tezcatlipoca and in that sense it could be something wrong, this work must be done by someone advanced and guided by satan, and then it must be approved by our ministers of Joy Of Satan to be validated as official.....

I have dedicated some free time and a little investment in conferences done in Mexico, research presentations, and a lot of reading, but in the past I also had a lot of confusion about the Mexican gods, I even had a talk with HP. Hoodedcobra666:

The future and the new members that arrive will bring more information for example Kevin Hernandez has published very important things, just imagine the day that enough information is gathered to associate all the gods of all the cultures...

slyscorpion said:
Point a link to where someone stated this if you know I will read it I was under the impression the "Gods" they had were literally enemy ETs there in the physical pretending to be God's.

Sort of like the whole Akenanten and King Tut thing.


I have read your link, and they are in their right to object, no school should mix spiritual, religions, etc; with the curriculum, in any case the most acceptable would be workshops dedicated to that, and I suspect that in that area they will be more attracted to Greek, Nordic, etc. gods.
The thing with the Mexican gods is that a lot of them are Hindu and Polynesian, like Ganesh Shiva and Hanuman, just under different names, and a conglomerate of Oceanic and Vedic cultures. However, in the similar fashion the Jews associated Satanism with drinking blood and vampirism, 9 ft circles and other Laveyan foolishness, the Mexican pantheon was corrupted by Reptilians and Jews to be associated with human sacrifice and other gory and disgusting things (the same way they did to most gods in grimoires.

Tezcalipoca for example, is actually based scrying on a obsidian mirror to be able to communicate with Demons, and the smoke (which the name means Smoking Obsidian Mirror) could be ectoplasm or incense to be able to attract said Demon communication. However this would be turned into a corrupted version of "him introducing human sacrifice" which isn't true. As for the various different drawings they drew of these deities, a lot of them changed over time and weren't originally this way, especially during Reptilian corruption of Satanic knowledge the Mexicans had (from Thoth and Azazel aka Huitzilopochtli who ruled and founded Mexico and have their faces plastered in the Mayan and Aztec calendars and temples respectively), but ways they communicated with each other such as meditation, scrying, and astrology for certain rituals.

I'm going to do an indepth thread of all of this soon.
slyscorpion said:

This btw is what I am referring to with the school thing.

Look I understand braindead sjws/antifa are invading schools,but that has nothing to do with the Gods that did not want them their was one were corn was offered to a god,an yes I know they had their religion corrupted with reptilian trash,but again you can look it up,quetzalcoatl was thoth I heard it mentioned more than once, not all the Gods demand human sacrifices look at the video, it's obvious they our Gods may have helped these people,till the reptiles/greys demanded human sacrifices an ruined it,
And that once again reaffirms that the enemy has never had anything of its own, since tezcatlipoca has always represented something more than "sacrifices"...

It is also interesting how the crystal skulls were something essential in meditation, probably in the crystal they kept memories in frequencies or something like that.

It is something that I tried to explain in my answers above with information, it may seem that I am a person who is saying nonsense things, but even I already knew about the modification of the Aztec history by the king Itzcoatl, I left too many keywords that can lead to more information, but what I always tried to show is that no Mexican God asked for sacrifices, it was people who stained his name, just like a crazy Jew starts to say stupid things like "The gods told me so" .....

I don't say this just to defend the Mexican gods, I say it because behind every temple directed to those gods there are vestiges of mudras, yoga poses, and even key words such as turning 90° to ascend to another plane after all the tests and even walls where it is narrated how to do merkaba, the ankh...

I don't have many images with quality but I will leave some that I found on the net:
aztec ankh


Aztec chakras also called kuekueyo':

Turning at 90 degrees led according to them to the ascension, however it is far from our understanding the method, we only know that they went through tests like merkaba, etc, respectively to reach the sufficient level, this image is blurred and the wall is damaged, but you can see a Maya turning every 90 ° and despite being a Maya this structure is in Teotihuacan:

All this is in temples to Mexican gods, exactly in all of them, even the smallest one has sources of an ancient yoga, so we prove once again that no god asked for sacrifices, it was mortal people who imposed them...

The question I have been asking myself for a long time is: Were the infiltrators grey hybrids or Jews? there are some oval skulls that were found which would affirm us that they were grey hybrids who corrupted the term of self sacrifice, I also saw an investigation that those skulls had aryan dna and an unknown dna, I don't know if the investigation is true but it would leave us with the impression of a hybrid at the level of Akhenaten corrupting the true sacrifice in Mexico, it even reinforces this theory with the legend of how Huemac chose an unknown to rule the Toltecs and this is where he began an endless number of sacrifices, although of course all the information is scrambled. ...

And many things are difficult to distinguish from truth or falsehood:
DTone said:
And that once again reaffirms that the enemy has never had anything of its own, since tezcatlipoca has always represented something more than "sacrifices"...

It is also interesting how the crystal skulls were something essential in meditation, probably in the crystal they kept memories in frequencies or something like that.

DMT is produced postmortem, which causes visions during near death experiences and are permanently stuck inside the skull once the brain deteriorates and all that's left is the skull covered in that person's specific bodily fluids and chemicals. They would use these crystal skulls (or even actual skulls) to meditate and access their memories or any useful information to be able to obtain information. In a similar fashion séances and mediums do. And this is ESPECIALLY true when the person you're trying to channel via meditation has very strong chemicals from a healthy soul and brain, which in turn, helps store these post-mortem chemicals much better over time, and this is a reason why they need to reincarnate quickly as their essence trapped in their skeleton doesn't last for long before it just is skull and bones covered in dust. (This is also a reason why they mummify the dead, give them an identity and have them cross their arms (the Sigil of Satan and Azazel of the crossing in both respective sigils), to be able to preserve them as long as need be until they can reincarnate safely and able to recover their past life memories and pick up where they left off and improve.
I have always wondered if their rituals were simply corrupted forms of the law of attraction. If you believe doing a certain thing (human sacrifice) achieves a certain outcome, it only makes it the more powerful. I think this is relevant to the jews, too.
Soul Wings said:
I have always wondered if their rituals were simply corrupted forms of the law of attraction. If you believe doing a certain thing (human sacrifice) achieves a certain outcome, it only makes it the more powerful. I think this is relevant to the jews, too.

Only problem with human/animals sacrifices is the karma comes back at you,an sacrifices human/animal sacrifices are disgusting anyway also,since,, separate topic,,,,the jews don't use their own energies the reptiles know what happens that is why they have a scapegoat ritual

Most of them are corruptions of the codices and literature; taking the meanings too literally, and on the other hand a great part of their sacrifices have similarities with Christianity...

A Toltec symbol that gave way to the cross of ce acatl topiltzin (priest of quetzalcoatl) was a heart with 4 daggers buried in it, and this symbolized the arduous sacrifice to graduate as a Toltec and to be able to have more of their wisdom, since they did not easily accept people with them, apparently they graduated in Teotihuacan where they demonstrated their willpower in a battle against themselves (everything was meditation and mastery of their physical-mental body), later this concept was replaced by the sacrifice of the extraction of hearts, although there are still more stories and archeology is discovering new origins of this ritual.

Totally agree, even all these empires that made human sacrifices fell and suffered for years, and that is the reality.

Years ago I would have found this meaning unbelievable, nowadays things are making more and more sense.

Thank you :,)...
That is fascinating. Similar symbols/symbolism seem to be everywhere now. Like Tarot, many secret organisations, etc. It is unfortunate it was so grossly misrespresented.. again. I only have to wonder how things got so lost in translation. Self sacrifice is often represented in a macabre way, but not necessarily a macabre thing, or certainly result.
DTone said:

Years ago I would have found this meaning unbelievable, nowadays things are making more and more sense.

Thank you :,)...

The thing now is, learning Sanskrit will open up your mind especially trying to understand the Aztec and Mayan languages, and realize a lot of Mexican cities have Sanskrit meanings, for example

Chiapas -> Shiva Pas (Chief Shiva)
Sinaloa -> Sinhala (a language spoken by the Sinhalese people in Sri Lanka)
Teotihuacan (from the root Teocatl) -> Dyu Kula (Divine House)
Chihuahua -> Shivava (Temple of Shiva)

Mexico and Michoacan have a similar root in the Sanskrit word for fish, Matsya (or Matsya-ca, house of Fish)

Tonantzin (where the Virgin of Guadalupe is based on) is based off the Hindu word Naya-Nana (Mother Goddess) and Tzin/Shin (this should sound familiar, in particular, the Sumerian gods Shin and Inanna, aka Astarte or Artemis the Moon goddess)

Nahuatl and the Mayan language is basically just a variation of Sanskrit. And what's also very interesting, is that the reason they named Mexico in the first place, is that the fish is a symbol of the Shakti energy, mermaid, and in this case, Mother Lilith and her daughter Astarte. Her face is in the Teotihuacan temples



HP Cobra mentioned that the Mexican gods are the same gods as the JoS. Here is your proof.
DTone said:

Totally agree, even all these empires that made human sacrifices fell and suffered for years, and that is the reality.

jews tried to hide their history of it,but are eventually some found out, molec was one of those gods who got a bad rep because of the reptilian jew,but their are some scientists who prove they were making sacrifices to (hwhy <-- its spelled backwards) ,but nothing comes of it probably cause christards an jews in power (no we cant exposed lies about bibleses or wes bes evil goyims) one thing is i cant wait for these reptiles to be fully exposed an their trash abrahamic gods to go the way of the dinosaur
An apology for not replying sooner, I got sick and could barely log into my account.
Seriously this deserves to have its own separate topic, very good proofs and thank you very much :,)
DTone said:
(Answer in English):

I also read that sermon by Mageson, however it has some things misunderstood and out of timeline, as well as many videos on the net....

The current literature and informative videos have the image of a quetzalcoatl called "Ce Acatl Topiltzin", and he was one of the most important kings and priests of quetzalcoatl, with the Spanish invasion they tried to associate the image of that king with "Jesus Christ" and that is why many Spanish interpretations painted him as a white man, the confusion comes from the term "quetzalcoatl", since he mainly used that name referred to as "Ce Acatl Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl" but only to imply that he was a priest dedicated to him, and he was a Mexican with Aztec royal ancestry free of infiltrators. ...

Ce Acatl Topiltzin was born in an era where there were already human sacrifices, and when he reached the age to be a king, he prohibited them and changed them for butterfly sacrifices, thus he made the city he ruled prosper, the story of him tells that the followers of Tezcatlipoca attacked him a lot even getting him drunk, after that he left to another area which many researchers theorize was to the Mayan civilization...

Some time later he returned to his kingdom, only to leave them prophecies and achieve his ascension to deity, since he dedicated his whole life to meditation and spiritual advancement.

That is why the king "Ce Acatl Topiltzin" is confused with "Quetzalcoatl", since he managed to ascend...

The human sacrifices in the Aztec empire were imposed by a man called "tlacaelel", he corrupted the term of the self-sacrifice of "the flowered wars" which were a fundamental part to become a Toltec, those wars consisted of reaching a self-understanding and mastery of meditation to enter the Toltec wisdom, however tlacaelel had no lineage of king but still climbed to rule and infiltrate all that corruption, thus began the Aztec sacrifices since he imposed them misinterpreting the true self-sacrifice, however the sacrifices already existed by followers of tezcatlipoca but were made official and mandatory by tlacaelel, tezcatlipoca is a deity but also refers to the confusion, that is why his name means "smoking mirror" the mirror represents the truth of existence; and the smoke the confusion that prevents to see the truth.

Having said and clarified the above, I must emphasize that it is still not known exactly who started the first sacrifice, however it is known that it was with the Toltecs, and the Toltecs were the wisest of Mexico, so the enemy attacked and corrupted them first ...

All the Mexican gods in a very ancient time were clean of corruptions, and with this it was known that the true sacrifice was to give life to meditation, if the god Quetzalcoatl remained clean of corruptions is because many kept the meaning of his name "feathered serpent" and this meaning represents the serpent kundalini.....

I plan to make a timeline in a good order so that the true history of Mexico and its gods is known.

I share with you this similarity of the representation of the god Quetzalcoatl and Thoth:

QUETZALCOATL (Here you can see how he has a mask with a duck face very similar to the Egyptian representation of Thoth):.


Greetings! Please tell me, have you compiled a chronology of the true history of Mexico and its gods? I would be very interested in reading your research. For example, information about Tezcatlipoca is quite contradictory on the forum. I was never able to figure out if this was an enemy infiltration or really one of our Gods (or an aspect of one of them). If you don't mind answering - I'll be waiting!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
