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- Sep 5, 2024
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i worked on this tract for a /pol/ thread for a few hours, hope u guys like it. to any mods etc. id appreciate it if i could make profile posts and stuff, i dont really know where else to post short clips of knowledge
im not gonna post it on /pol/ since i dont have access to a residential proxy/vps and tor and vpns are blocked for posters on 4chan and i kinda value my privacy to say the least. so if any of you do have access to anonymity on 4chan then feel free to post it just make sure it doesnt get posted twice and preferrably use one of the illustrations from https://satanisgod.org/HPSMaxinesAccount.html
feel free to spread it around anywhere else too and suggestions/changes are always appreciated ^-^
- april
For thousands of years, the jews have been misguiding and destroying humanity, and I'm sure none of you doubt that at this point.
But what is the most destructive thing you could do to humanity? Remove humans from their core purpose and turn them into soulless hedonists, making them materialistic and self absorbed, cut off from anyone else, and full of dogmatic contempt for the very being that could save them.
The goal of the jews is to demoralize you and lead you astray from your roots, your spiritual roots, because your soul is your greatest treasure.
Goy! if you dont believe the sadistic cloudman you VILL GO TO DA HELL!!
we have heard it countless times, the eternal fearmongering of that pathetic religion is still ringing through the heads of the grandmas and grandpas, awaiting death's door and sheepishly clinging onto church and their "faith" (because they will go to hell otherwise... oopsie)
Everything what you have heard about Satan and Satanism is wrong. Satanism is not about being evil or hurting people, it's a spiritual religion that is about developing yourself and your soul to match the power of the Pagan Gods, with the direct help of them. none of the "muuhhh evil" wannabe edgelord fake satanism groups were ever fair representations of it. It was humanity's original religion, starting from the beginning of humanity itself. and no, there is no human or animal sacrifice and we would under no circumstances hurt animals in any way.
you can start off by examining His name itself; SATAN. what does it mean in HEBREW? oh thats right. ADVERSARY.
Satan had various names throughout history such as Odin, Sanaat Kumara, Enki and Melek Taus just to name a few.
The word Daimon/Daemon/Demon was intentionally corrupted to mean something negative, while it meant God/Goddess, "Knowledgeable one" and was also a word used for the human soul, as still seen in Ancient Greek.
Many of the Demons known today by blasphemous names and jewish depictions, were actually Pagan Gods such as Zeus/Thor (Beelzebub), Apollo/Mithra (Azazel), and Bastet (Haagenti) along many others.
You have to realize that ALL of the information people get on Demons are from jewish sorcerers (goetia) where kikes summon them, trying to order literal Gods around like subhumans, and are surprised when the Gods feel extremely disrespected. So because they could not "tame" Gods, they decided to burn any goy who tried contacting them on the stake. In recent history, Fake Satanism (muhh evil muhhh antisocial) was introduced by kikes as a subversion to distance you from Satan and various movie propaganda was made to turn pop culture against Satan and his Demons, turning them into a complete social taboo.
fact - 99% of christians have never read even 5% of their "holy book" (if they did, they would've never gone to church again)
fact - ALL abrahamic religions are a jewish invention and most others have been intentionally corrupted to spiritual illegibility
fact - Satan and Demons are the most SLANDERED figures of modern history (OY VEY GUESS WHY???)
fact - we are compassionate and loving to our allies but merciless against our enemies
fact - Satan and his Demons want humanity to progress mentally, intellectually and most importantly, spiritually
a lot of this will drastically change your viewpoints and affect your life on a level you never would have known.
take the final redpill and you'll keep going down the rabbit-hole for your whole life.
spiritual abilities were always real. (but the goys arent allowed to have them!!! *jew tantrum*)
there is way more. from nazi germany to the far east, there are still traces of a glorious past.
all it takes are a few minutes and a little bit of exploration.
joyofsatan .org - together, against the kikes
ps. - the soul trap theory is indeed real. for christians and other abracadabrakikes that is.
ps. 2 - here's some candy for the christcucks: Deuteronomy 12:27, Deuteronomy 28:53, Exodus 20:24 and https://exposingchristianity.info/Exposing_Christianity_28-05-16.pdf
(by posting in this thread you denounce the talmud and denounce the crucified jewish rabbi)
im not gonna post it on /pol/ since i dont have access to a residential proxy/vps and tor and vpns are blocked for posters on 4chan and i kinda value my privacy to say the least. so if any of you do have access to anonymity on 4chan then feel free to post it just make sure it doesnt get posted twice and preferrably use one of the illustrations from https://satanisgod.org/HPSMaxinesAccount.html
feel free to spread it around anywhere else too and suggestions/changes are always appreciated ^-^

For thousands of years, the jews have been misguiding and destroying humanity, and I'm sure none of you doubt that at this point.
But what is the most destructive thing you could do to humanity? Remove humans from their core purpose and turn them into soulless hedonists, making them materialistic and self absorbed, cut off from anyone else, and full of dogmatic contempt for the very being that could save them.
The goal of the jews is to demoralize you and lead you astray from your roots, your spiritual roots, because your soul is your greatest treasure.
Goy! if you dont believe the sadistic cloudman you VILL GO TO DA HELL!!
we have heard it countless times, the eternal fearmongering of that pathetic religion is still ringing through the heads of the grandmas and grandpas, awaiting death's door and sheepishly clinging onto church and their "faith" (because they will go to hell otherwise... oopsie)
Everything what you have heard about Satan and Satanism is wrong. Satanism is not about being evil or hurting people, it's a spiritual religion that is about developing yourself and your soul to match the power of the Pagan Gods, with the direct help of them. none of the "muuhhh evil" wannabe edgelord fake satanism groups were ever fair representations of it. It was humanity's original religion, starting from the beginning of humanity itself. and no, there is no human or animal sacrifice and we would under no circumstances hurt animals in any way.
you can start off by examining His name itself; SATAN. what does it mean in HEBREW? oh thats right. ADVERSARY.
Satan had various names throughout history such as Odin, Sanaat Kumara, Enki and Melek Taus just to name a few.
The word Daimon/Daemon/Demon was intentionally corrupted to mean something negative, while it meant God/Goddess, "Knowledgeable one" and was also a word used for the human soul, as still seen in Ancient Greek.
Many of the Demons known today by blasphemous names and jewish depictions, were actually Pagan Gods such as Zeus/Thor (Beelzebub), Apollo/Mithra (Azazel), and Bastet (Haagenti) along many others.
You have to realize that ALL of the information people get on Demons are from jewish sorcerers (goetia) where kikes summon them, trying to order literal Gods around like subhumans, and are surprised when the Gods feel extremely disrespected. So because they could not "tame" Gods, they decided to burn any goy who tried contacting them on the stake. In recent history, Fake Satanism (muhh evil muhhh antisocial) was introduced by kikes as a subversion to distance you from Satan and various movie propaganda was made to turn pop culture against Satan and his Demons, turning them into a complete social taboo.
fact - 99% of christians have never read even 5% of their "holy book" (if they did, they would've never gone to church again)
fact - ALL abrahamic religions are a jewish invention and most others have been intentionally corrupted to spiritual illegibility
fact - Satan and Demons are the most SLANDERED figures of modern history (OY VEY GUESS WHY???)
fact - we are compassionate and loving to our allies but merciless against our enemies
fact - Satan and his Demons want humanity to progress mentally, intellectually and most importantly, spiritually
a lot of this will drastically change your viewpoints and affect your life on a level you never would have known.
take the final redpill and you'll keep going down the rabbit-hole for your whole life.
spiritual abilities were always real. (but the goys arent allowed to have them!!! *jew tantrum*)
there is way more. from nazi germany to the far east, there are still traces of a glorious past.
all it takes are a few minutes and a little bit of exploration.
joyofsatan .org - together, against the kikes
ps. - the soul trap theory is indeed real. for christians and other abracadabrakikes that is.
ps. 2 - here's some candy for the christcucks: Deuteronomy 12:27, Deuteronomy 28:53, Exodus 20:24 and https://exposingchristianity.info/Exposing_Christianity_28-05-16.pdf
(by posting in this thread you denounce the talmud and denounce the crucified jewish rabbi)