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Arguing with the apathetic: a complete waste of time?

Nov 10, 2022
Ever try to talk to someone about how the kikes are actively trying to genocide us, flooding our homelands with hostile foreign invaders, slowly poisoning us with lies and deceit etc. only to realize they're completely apathetic and 100% couldn't care less? It's not even that they disagree or deny what is happening, they just simply do not care one bit.

I've attempted discussing this subject with many folks over the years and 99% simply couldn't care less. Apart from their apathy, I've noticed some similarities between them.

Here is a list of some of those similarities:

1) They're comfortable. They overly enjoy being comfortable. If something isn't immediately threatening their comfort level, they simply can't be bothered to give a single fuck. Get between their cheeto's and sportsball, though and watch out!

2) "How is that my problem?" There is a complete lapse in reason as to why what is going on requires action on their part. It's a complete lack of responsibility or accountability.

3) "YOLO!" They're nihilistic, see no real meaning in life other than the pursuit of satisfying their most immediate desires. Base level of consciousness and awareness.

4) "Not in my backyard." So long as it's not actively occurring in their neighborhood, who cares?!

5) "Jesus will be here soon. Trust the plan!" whatever that means, basically just shrugging any and all personal accountability yet again citing "someone else will do it for me, but I can't be bothered."

6) Cowardice. They're just cowards, scared to do anything against their attackers. Their "special move" in any combat scenario is flailing like a limp-wristed soy enthusiast while crying for help and pissing themselves. "Daddy save me!"

7) Shit diet. They eat whatever is put in front of them and generally don't care about their own health. This is very telling as if they don't care for their own health, why would anyone reasonably think they'd care about anyone else's health?

8) Self-loathing. They hate themselves. Their general attitude about themselves is poor and they're also unwilling to address or change any of the underlying issues that cause their self-loathing, which circles right back around to their cowardice.

9) Childishness and arrested development. Simply put, most of these people have not developed psychologically beyond that of a toddler and they have no interest in development.

So in a nutshell they are: apathetic, cowardly, self-loathing, nihilistic, hedonistic, childishly selfish, lack personal insight, irresponsible, lazy, pathetic, gross.

It's infuriating. I hate these people. They anger me.

How could you not care? It's disgusting. I'm disgusted by these people.

So my question is this: is attempting to reach these people a complete waste of time? I'm beginning to realize that it is. Please share your reasons for not giving up on these people if you haven't yet already. As for me, I'd much rather focus my energy in places where people are already taking the initiative to advance and accept more responsibility such as here.
AryanPriest666 said:
Ever try to talk to someone about how the kikes are actively trying to genocide us, flooding our homelands with hostile foreign invaders, slowly poisoning us with lies and deceit etc. only to realize they're completely apathetic and 100% couldn't care less? It's not even that they disagree or deny what is happening, they just simply do not care one bit.

I've attempted discussing this subject with many folks over the years and 99% simply couldn't care less. Apart from their apathy, I've noticed some similarities between them.

Here is a list of some of those similarities:

1) They're comfortable. They overly enjoy being comfortable. If something isn't immediately threatening their comfort level, they simply can't be bothered to give a single fuck. Get between their cheeto's and sportsball, though and watch out!

2) "How is that my problem?" There is a complete lapse in reason as to why what is going on requires action on their part. It's a complete lack of responsibility or accountability.

3) "YOLO!" They're nihilistic, see no real meaning in life other than the pursuit of satisfying their most immediate desires. Base level of consciousness and awareness.

4) "Not in my backyard." So long as it's not actively occurring in their neighborhood, who cares?!

5) "Jesus will be here soon. Trust the plan!" whatever that means, basically just shrugging any and all personal accountability yet again citing "someone else will do it for me, but I can't be bothered."

6) Cowardice. They're just cowards, scared to do anything against their attackers. Their "special move" in any combat scenario is flailing like a limp-wristed soy enthusiast while crying for help and pissing themselves. "Daddy save me!"

7) Shit diet. They eat whatever is put in front of them and generally don't care about their own health. This is very telling as if they don't care for their own health, why would anyone reasonably think they'd care about anyone else's health?

8) Self-loathing. They hate themselves. Their general attitude about themselves is poor and they're also unwilling to address or change any of the underlying issues that cause their self-loathing, which circles right back around to their cowardice.

9) Childishness and arrested development. Simply put, most of these people have not developed psychologically beyond that of a toddler and they have no interest in development.

So in a nutshell they are: apathetic, cowardly, self-loathing, nihilistic, hedonistic, childishly selfish, lack personal insight, irresponsible, lazy, pathetic, gross.

It's infuriating. I hate these people. They anger me.

How could you not care? It's disgusting. I'm disgusted by these people.

So my question is this: is attempting to reach these people a complete waste of time? I'm beginning to realize that it is. Please share your reasons for not giving up on these people if you haven't yet already. As for me, I'd much rather focus my energy in places where people are already taking the initiative to advance and accept more responsibility such as here.

While repeated attempts to wake someone up are probably futile, if you do a one time "presentation", it might work after a while when they get a slap from life and remember what they've been told. The percentage of success would most likely be minimal, it depends on what you think is a success rate that justifies trying. Is it worth your time?
This happens because people are overworked, stressed and miserable. Kikes keep people poor and overworked because when you are poor and overworked you don't have time to reflect upon the state of the world or what's happening around you.

Most people follow a strict routine of getting out of bed, working all day and then going back to bed. People don't have time to research or question anything, much less time to do things they enjoy which is the reason people become bitter and hateful.

Note also, some will pretend to not care for a reason. I've had people come to me to warn me about the jews and what they are doing to the world. I ALWAYS pretend like I don't care and don't want to listen.

But of course I'm very happy that people are waking up and spreading awareness, even if I don't show it. Keep in mind many people with awareness will act indifferent for safety reasons.

In my experience the Polish are an extremely aware people. ALL the Polacks I know without exceptions are absolute Gigachads who warned me at the time that Covid was bullshit, and that kikes are destroying Europe. They tell me the reason many of them are aware and on alert is because their country has suffered many conflicts and crisis and their people know the price of indifference.

I agree with you that people who genuinely don't care about these things are subhuman. But don't fall into the error of believing that this means everybody is like this. Most people who are aware will be smart enough to pretend not to care to stay safe during these times of jewish control.

Spreading information is always worthwhile, but do not waste too much time on the same individuals. Give them information, but do not argue back and forth with them. If they don't want to hear the truth, fuck 'em. Simply move on and continue spreading information elsewhere.
Don't waste your time on them. These people will only wake up when their back is against the wall and their life is threatened because they are White. Sad, but true.
The Nameless One said:
Don't waste your time on them. These people will only wake up when their back is against the wall and their life is threatened because they are White. Sad, but true.

I tend to agree. Unfortunately, I think things still have to get much much worse for the average Joe to take any sort of meaningful action. I just hope that by that time it won't be too late.

I just think it's unfair that I should have to pay the consequences of their apathy alongside them. It sucks, but everything these retards do or don't do ends up indirectly affecting all of us, including myself and that pisses me off.

I resent them and I demand my own country or planet where such people are forbidden to exist. :twisted:
You'd be shocked by the amount of people in this world who are legitimately incapable of forethought in their current state. Forethought seems like a superpower to them even if it's basic to someone like me who can't imagine not having it.

Don't lose hope. The Gods won this war on the higher levels, and we have to drive it home down here. If this war was dependent on all of the ignorant unspiritual folk waking up and taking action then we would be extremely screwed. This war will be won with our spiritual weapons, and the masses can thank us later for it.

Also remember that you woke up for a reason. You're different from them, as they are different from you. It is mostly the powerful souls who manage to wake up and find their way here to answer the call. Respect that everyone is at different levels, and those you speak of don't have it within them to be one of the ones fighting for the survival of our species. It is what it is. The ones who are awake and fighting, but not quite SS level, are also a step above the mindless drones.

Mindless ones can only be tools of the enemy who fight using the dross of the world, if they are to fight for anyone. That is also why education is the only solution, and why the enemy has always suppressed and restricted knowledge. If their armies of goyim become privy to information of the Truth then they are less likely to remain as low dimensional pawns because knowledge is elevating. It's also why they program them to not believe anything of the Truth when it is told to them.

For why I don't give up on those mindless fools... it's because they are still part of my species, and they are still innocent souls. It's not their fault that they were programmed by the enemy over the ages in each generation from the time they were children. As annoying as they are, I remind myself that they are just broken children on the inside.
There is and this is a specific reason why the word "NPC" exists. Or for example how in the Ancient World the Vedas label this caste of people as "Untouchables". Both are literally stating "NPC" or "Animal People", their sole purpose is eat, shit, entertainment, and sleep, repeat.

I think the best thing to let happen is ignore the situation and ignore them and focus on yourself. Sheer fact is even if they wake up they'd just xtianize themselves or go xtiany.

Despite the fact less and less people are xtians even with family members. They still state stuff like; a bad incident happens say "jesus" or something happens "ave maria". Sheer fact is it's not unlike the episode of Star Wars from Family Guy. Peter reveals a kabalah red string bracelet and he goes "I follow kabalah", Chris goes "What's that?!", and Peter replies " 'bout a buck seventy-five. (laughs) and goes I don't know I'm just a slave to trend".

People have been so used and comforted by being slaves that the very aspect of assistive leadership and commanding is just a slave morality.

I don't know which Mein Kampf says this as I've only read Dugdale and Dr.Dalton's version. I would like to read the Ford, Stalag, and other versions around. But one member stated in Mein Kampf Hitler states, "Thou shalt obey is the worst possible command a Human can learn. Humanity needs to be taught commanding and leadership skills to command and lead other people."

These people gave up on life and will probably do a xtian once the Gods come. The Gods are real, jabus is fake; their World crumbles. After have a kvetch fit they'll go "I know I'll replace my personal jesus with personal Satan." Much akin to the Depeche Mode|Marilyn Manson cover "Personal Jesus" song.

And that will be it. And they'll be told to become a God or told to educate themselves unless you rewrite the matrix for them. They are the matrix they are literally left-sided male brained individuals both males and females. And are like Peter slaves to trend. Unless you take control of the internet and rewrite their programs, applications, files, books, and operating system; UNLESS you rewrite their entire code base and databanks.

They'll remain the same useless NPCs everyone here complains about. Sheer fact is either they stay NPC, they become NPCs of your spiritual-political property(Gottfried Feder explains this real well in Collected Writings of Gottfried Feder); Feder goes,[paraphrasing] "Unless you reeducate the populace with National Socialism and economic advice. Even if you were to liberate Germany of the plague of jews the last 50 years(hell even longer than that in actuality) of Capitalism has been shoved so far up peoples asses that the Germans would return back to being "Spiritual Jews". Germans of all categories will continue to shit up and down the entire spectrum of the classes and carry on in some cases worse than the jews who invented or co-invented and aggressively promote Capitalism."

So remember Feder is absolutely correct. And like my friend said, "Too many NPCs everywhere in all walks of life. For example we got NPCs listening to Black Metal and they freak out at NSBM and other topics involving highly advanced concepts of reality and of the Ancient World. And they try and unblack metal and try and fight against that."

Unfortunately NPC-ism is everywhere in all walks of life. It's like a person by the name of Rumy goes, "If you wish to be asleep and stay asleep. You'll never wake up to life's prospects."

Unfortunately for all the people who wish everyone is awake sometimes we have our own NPCism to certain things or act NPC or you pretend to be an NPC and it begin to seep inside of you and you act NPC to certain things. It's not bad or horrible for example talking to a specific person and just shooting the shit with them. But it gets old and in the way of genuine conversation. Sheer fact is it begs the question how people act in advanced Worlds.

Like I said most NPCs are just looking for that "Personal Jesus". I guess we gotta give them their "Personal Satan or Personal SS/NS Warrior" kicking them up and down the street and ordering them around, if they hate Nazism and Hitler for screaming at people to wake up; that is probably what they need. Activate the Amalek in them and wake them the fuck up through repeated manipulation. Just as manipulation, manipulated them. There needs to be counter-manipulation and manipulation to turn them right. I think even the Gods would agree some of these people are lost cause and need to reincarnate into a future of Spiritual and technological progression to fix them once and for all.

I understand many will state won't they come back as NPCs for remaining such for multiple decades. Sure but when everyone is moving forward and up and doing things in the NS Mountain system. They'll freak out and come to their senses. After all they aren't Gypsies like Dr.Troost raised for her Doctorate. They are Gentiles but they need to wake the fuck up. Let's just hope that Satan and the Gods reincarnate them at the appropriate development period to fix them.

I highly doubt Satan will just incarnate them right away he'll probably retake the hijacked transmigration of the Soul for Earth and it's inhabitants and pump proper souls and souls of rebellious people. For example the Face of God of the site of torture for souls who at the last moment rebelled against the Galactical Orbital Destroyed(Metatron Cubes); they get tortured at the Face of God spiral cause at the last moment they flashed out and went "No to this shit".

I'd imagine many NPC people will face some sort of judgement and be incarnated in certain places perhaps even be reincarnated in less advanced Worlds like the other Earth civilization planets after the Gods break them out of kosher supervision. Maybe make them have a bleak, low-level life as punishment.

I don't know how justice for the Gods work and I don't know what happens when the Gods turn their feelings from warm, likeable. To ice cold, gonna murder someone and punish a soul or have plans in place to punish people.

But I'm gonna end it with try and keep it to yourself. I know it hurts and I know it sucks but focus on the current spiritual warfare and manipulation of reality. Try to consider the internet and it's 5th generational warfare application, use your information bullets to change reality for others. Sometimes a general blanket or specific ping causes a ripple in time, space, and consciousness.

NPCs, Normies, and other deluded fools serve no purpose for now. Well not until they have to face reality.

And O.P. your absolutely correct they are afraid of being anything past a toddler. Too much childish thumping from their parents. Like for example stating to your child, "Be careful". Nope tell them to use their critical thinking skills.

It's a failure at the upper levels to below. Parental, generational stupidity thumping. Much like bible thumping. Too much judeo-bolshevism of generational prospect. Sheer fact is imagine a World like in Japan whereby kids as young as 4 or 5 travel miles away from home to purchase shopping market foods or a bag of grocery. There's no instilling of independence and individualism. Just be a slave, a cuck, be an NPC.
AryanPriest666 said:
Ever try to talk to someone about how the kikes are actively trying to genocide us, flooding our homelands with hostile foreign invaders, slowly poisoning us with lies and deceit etc. only to realize they're completely apathetic and 100% couldn't care less? It's not even that they disagree or deny what is happening, they just simply do not care one bit.

I've attempted discussing this subject with many folks over the years and 99% simply couldn't care less. Apart from their apathy, I've noticed some similarities between them.

Here is a list of some of those similarities:

1) They're comfortable. They overly enjoy being comfortable. If something isn't immediately threatening their comfort level, they simply can't be bothered to give a single fuck. Get between their cheeto's and sportsball, though and watch out!

2) "How is that my problem?" There is a complete lapse in reason as to why what is going on requires action on their part. It's a complete lack of responsibility or accountability.

3) "YOLO!" They're nihilistic, see no real meaning in life other than the pursuit of satisfying their most immediate desires. Base level of consciousness and awareness.

4) "Not in my backyard." So long as it's not actively occurring in their neighborhood, who cares?!

5) "Jesus will be here soon. Trust the plan!" whatever that means, basically just shrugging any and all personal accountability yet again citing "someone else will do it for me, but I can't be bothered."

6) Cowardice. They're just cowards, scared to do anything against their attackers. Their "special move" in any combat scenario is flailing like a limp-wristed soy enthusiast while crying for help and pissing themselves. "Daddy save me!"

7) Shit diet. They eat whatever is put in front of them and generally don't care about their own health. This is very telling as if they don't care for their own health, why would anyone reasonably think they'd care about anyone else's health?

8) Self-loathing. They hate themselves. Their general attitude about themselves is poor and they're also unwilling to address or change any of the underlying issues that cause their self-loathing, which circles right back around to their cowardice.

9) Childishness and arrested development. Simply put, most of these people have not developed psychologically beyond that of a toddler and they have no interest in development.

So in a nutshell they are: apathetic, cowardly, self-loathing, nihilistic, hedonistic, childishly selfish, lack personal insight, irresponsible, lazy, pathetic, gross.

It's infuriating. I hate these people. They anger me.

How could you not care? It's disgusting. I'm disgusted by these people.

So my question is this: is attempting to reach these people a complete waste of time? I'm beginning to realize that it is. Please share your reasons for not giving up on these people if you haven't yet already. As for me, I'd much rather focus my energy in places where people are already taking the initiative to advance and accept more responsibility such as here.

Although I saw that the JoS does activism and such, which is a very good thing, sadly there is the situational reality in which we cannot force people to accept our Path.

And the saddening thing is that we can only watch as those individuals who are apathetic and total NPCs are losing their energy to the thoughtform.

In my mind and situation, I find to talk to the apathetic people a very time wasting idea and also a risky one, as one may easily declare you insane or with the oy vey my Satanic goy, go back as you are crazeeeeee when you state such claims, leave me to pray to rabbi jebo continuously and forget about the truth, based on the mentality that was viciously and overloopingly created.

Reality is hard as fuck for some individuals and when you drop them put of the flytrap of the social engineering techniques Google and Facebook use and at least try to show them some information from Wikileaks or the DDoSecrets about the MIGA movement and other nefarious things that are only because of the jews happenning, you either get the result of being falsely claimed as insane or as just a mere conspiracy theorist or you are only entering useless arguments with people that in any circumstances, unless some miracles from the Gods, have the intellectual force and capacity to at least understand a quarter 1/4 of what the information from Wikileaks or DDoSecrets is about.

Imagine there are individuals that are shown documentaries of, for example, police brutality, and one half of them finds the truth about some jewish imposed corruption and bribing systematic movement, but others show little to no signs of mental awakening and think that videos like the ones FancyMancy posts or videos that are from the Anonymous or DDoSecrets are only meant to discredit the muh oy vey good jewish militia forces, lol.

Either way, my opinion is that talking or at least trying to talk to apathetic people is totally time wasted, time that could have been used to spiritually develop and do the RTRs.
Abyssos said:

This is true and something that needs to be worked on, so thank you for the reminder.
I would wager than 90% of the time, people get baited by various emotional reasons, including myself as you mentioned.

I don't expect people to be totally perfect in this regard, but as you mention there should be a cut off when the realization sets in that a person is being difficult.
Abyssos said:
Abyssos said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=406635 time=1671157061 user_id=21286]
I talked about this idea in another thread. I'm sure you know what thread I'm talking about. A quick hint, it has to do with a TV personality, and the OP is an exposed traitor who for some reason is still allowed to post here. People are giving this traitor their time and energy. I came in and made a shitpost on purpose to make a point. Someone disagreed with me. I stood my ground and swore an oath not to make any more posts in that thread, and you will see that I have not. I swore not to read any more of their posts. I read Naked Pluto's post, and I don't agree with what he said. Nothing against Naked Pluto, he is a great Satanist. I checked out Shadowcat's post. As soon I saw the first sentence in which she stated that she agreed with the person I politely disagreed with, I stopped reading. I am not joking around. I am deadly serious about this. Nothing against any of the advanced Satanists here. I look to up to them, they make good and helpful posts. But I am right on this one, and will stand my ground.

I didn't complete the sentence properly. I put it in bold in the above quote to show which sentence I'm referring to, my wording may be misleading.

I swore not to read any more of their posts in that specific topic, or regarding the subject upon which we disagreed in that specific topic, and stated that I would still talk to them outside that specific topic about other things when other subjects arise as if that conversation never happened. I put this in bold to make it stand out to clear up possible confusion. Hopefully there won't be a misunderstanding that I said that I'd ghost them completely. Voice of Enki is one of our best and brightest. Although I flatly disagree with what he said, and although I have absolutely no idea what he said in reply to my final post replying to him, I will put a lid on this particular subject, as by now, especially in my replies to you, Blitzkreig, I've said quite enough to make my position clear. VoE quoted me twice, and I marked both read without reading them in keeping with my oath. This is nothing against him of course, I'm just regulating my behavior and attention on purpose to set an example.

I still intend to make a long-post using some sources regarding FBI infiltration tactics and other sources as the basis regarding this subject. I'll get to that when I can.

Hail Satan!
You have put limits on your potential for growth for ignoring what elders have to say. VoE brought important points up and it's not wise of you to ignore him or others for that matter.

Furthermore, your hardline approach as much as it is understandable can not be deployed en masse in current situation because by doing so we would err on the side of less people uplifted. We should err on the other side even though it also means more time spent in vain.

Also, your points about spending time in vain are well understood by us who spend considerable amount of time here. For the moment, it is what it is.
Abyssos said:
I will give a hint, I am trying to fill the gap in order to improve the "optics" of Ancient Forums for the correct audience. There are a lot of mistakes that are being made here that I have to make up for.
Well, if you want to improve optics you need to stop shitposting. Simple as that.
Abyssos said:
I have decided to become worse. I will now become even more rigid and severe, and will regulate my own behavior even more strictly to make up for others. I was going to type more, but I have decided to keep my insights to myself.

I will give a hint, I am trying to fill the gap in order to improve the "optics" of Ancient Forums for the correct audience. There are a lot of mistakes that are being made here that I have to make up for.

I really want to say more, but I shouldn't. I will do it myself.

Hail Satan!

You seem to have this strange perception that only your vision on how the Joy of Satan forum should operate is right, that anyone who disagrees with you in proper explanation and just vision, is wrong.

This sort of comment borders on a complex, "There are a lot of mistakes being made here that I have to make up for."


What mistakes? You can bring them up and we can discuss them. We are open to hear about this, and consider your opinion.

However, you should not get too high on your horse, that doesn't get anywhere. Balance your ego and don't reject everything which you dislike.

What makes you think I, NakedPluto and by proxy, even Blitz, are wrong and you are right?

Surely you know better than us all, and the Joy of Satan should adhere to your vision of "redpill/blackpill" Satanism.

You can explain your issues to us, or your issues with me, in a respectable manner, and I will address them in kind.

Hail Satan!
Abyssos said:
VoE quoted me twice, and I marked both read without reading them in keeping with my oath. This is nothing against him of course, I'm just regulating my behavior and attention on purpose to set an example.

Hail Satan!

This is merely stubbornness. Not any upholding of oath or regulating behavior.

You fear to acknowledge what I wrote to you, because it goes against your established views, which clashes with your psyche as you are used to being right and thinking only your own thoughts on matters matter.

Do not desecrate powerful and sacred words as the oath to justify your own ego driven spiel.

Hail Satan!
VoiceofEnki said:
Abyssos said:
I have decided to become worse. I will now become even more rigid and severe, and will regulate my own behavior even more strictly to make up for others. I was going to type more, but I have decided to keep my insights to myself.

I will give a hint, I am trying to fill the gap in order to improve the "optics" of Ancient Forums for the correct audience. There are a lot of mistakes that are being made here that I have to make up for.

I really want to say more, but I shouldn't. I will do it myself.

Hail Satan!

You seem to have this strange perception that only your vision on how the Joy of Satan forum should operate is right, that anyone who disagrees with you in proper explanation and just vision, is wrong.

This sort of comment borders on a complex, "There are a lot of mistakes being made here that I have to make up for."


What mistakes? You can bring them up and we can discuss them. We are open to hear about this, and consider your opinion.

However, you should not get too high on your horse, that doesn't get anywhere. Balance your ego and don't reject everything which you dislike.

What makes you think I, NakedPluto and by proxy, even Blitz, are wrong and you are right?

Surely you know better than us all, and the Joy of Satan should adhere to your vision of "redpill/blackpill" Satanism.

You can explain your issues to us, or your issues with me, in a respectable manner, and I will address them in kind.

Hail Satan!

I think you guys are taking this too far. His "shitposting" amounted to basically only general mockery. Others do mockery all the time, the High Priest would be considered "shitposting" by the same standards with all of the sarcasm and mockery he does in posts. All of us have done this, especially when we make fun of the jews. I believe this is the only issue here other than possibly feeling disrespected for being ignored? You'll show your level and maturity more by ignoring him back instead of trying to correct him or guide him which he's clearly not asking for nor is he receptive to it. He's not causing any problems is he? He called it shitposting, and now there's this annoyance towards him even though it was barely shitposting compared to what I've seen. And if it really was shitposting then at least it was mildly constructive and he made it have a point to it (which would disqualify it as actual shitposting in the first place...).

Is it a feeling of cringe at having a brand of internet that we don't often see here? That's where he's from, that's what he knows, and he's adjusting. He's also trying to find his place here and how he fits in, developing his role, seeing what he can do that others can't/aren't doing. Everyone brings something unique to the table.

Cut him some slack, yeah? I'm guessing this might also have to do with finding his style to be arrogant and distasteful to yourself, maybe even impertinent. But that's personal, and has nothing to do with him. I fail to see how he has done anything wrong, or deliberately stepped on any toes. If he's skilled and experienced in seeing how an organization can be better received by a specific audience, then why not let him do his thing if he's not causing any problems? If there were legitimate problems then I trust that his posts would be unapproved and he would be dealt with further if necessary. But that hasn't happened. So again, what's the trouble?

So what if he has an ego and thinks he knows best about something? Maybe he does. So what if he has a specific perception? It's not necessarily wrong or completely wrong (how can we know if we're not inside his head?), and it's not necessarily useless. I mean, imagine if you let him do his thing, right - and he ends up bringing a positive change and more readers and members from other places that have been less receptive to us? That would be a good thing, no?

I don't think he's engaging in any ego battles here, in fact it's the opposite from the looks of it. He's going out of his way to not step on toes. I've seen others with egos here in the past who didn't give a single shit about preserving the balance of hierarchy, and got so full of themselves that they even challenged the High Priest from time to time (cough Jack cough)... If they were tolerated then why not this guy? What has he done that's so wrong? Come on, think about it. If his so-called "shitpost" was an ACTUAL shitpost then would you or others have really approved it? I'm talking full on 4chan tier shitposting. You know what I mean, the degenerate shit that makes a place implode.

I hope my perspective helps.
jrvan said:
Cut him some slack, yeah? I'm guessing this might also have to do with finding his style to be arrogant and distasteful to yourself, maybe even impertinent. But that's personal, and has nothing to do with him. I fail to see how he has done anything wrong, or deliberately stepped on any toes. If he's skilled and experienced in seeing how an organization can be better received by a specific audience, then why not let him do his thing if he's not causing any problems? If there were legitimate problems then I trust that his posts would be unapproved and he would be dealt with further if necessary. But that hasn't happened. So again, what's the trouble?

I hope my perspective helps.

I appreciate your perspective.

However his way of posting in recent topics, and in general this approach of addressing subjects is not constructive to discussion or beneficial to produce a welcoming environment for people from all wakes to study and learn.

Rather than bring in more people from certain few places, who would for all intents and purposes contribute little, they would push away legitimate people, especially people taking this seriously and observing the long term vision the Joy of Satan is aiming for.

The idea as well, that he is the one who must correct all the mistakes which are being made (which mistakes?), is taking himself way out of proportion, which interferes with ones ability to observe the bigger picture, if misdirected (as it is in his case), such a person ends up making themselves believe they are the only thing right in the world, which completely compromises the persons advancement of mind and spirit.

The people who have gone down that path, all left the JoS and ruined themselves as they became imprisoned by their own ego.

His approach to things is counterproductive, both to his own advancement as an SS, and to the forum as a whole for creating the quality and welcoming environment for people to advance.

I will address this when I see it.

Hail Satan!
VoiceofEnki said:
Abyssos said:
VoE quoted me twice, and I marked both read without reading them in keeping with my oath. This is nothing against him of course, I'm just regulating my behavior and attention on purpose to set an example.

Hail Satan!

This is merely stubbornness. Not any upholding of oath or regulating behavior.

You fear to acknowledge what I wrote to you, because it goes against your established views, which clashes with your psyche as you are used to being right and thinking only your own thoughts on matters matter.

Do not desecrate powerful and sacred words as the oath to justify your own ego driven spiel.

Hail Satan!

Even if that's true, he may not be ready to realize it. Sometimes pointing out the truth to someone, especially if we feel challenged, can be done from a place of self gratification rather than genuine intent to help the person. I hope that's not the case here.

Also, to him, his oath may very well be regarded as sacred in his heart and mind. If you're correct about him, then dispelling that could do more harm than good at this current time. Consider being gentler with peoples' psyches.

Do you agree that the guy has no bad intent? Because I don't see any bad intent on his part, and shattering any illusions that he may or may not hold isn't totally necessary here. If you're right then he would eventually see this for himself as the progression unfolds on the spiritual path and with communion with the Gods. Why is it so important to point this out to him right now, is the question. It is unwise to rush peoples' spiritual advancement.
VoiceofEnki said:
jrvan said:
Cut him some slack, yeah? I'm guessing this might also have to do with finding his style to be arrogant and distasteful to yourself, maybe even impertinent. But that's personal, and has nothing to do with him. I fail to see how he has done anything wrong, or deliberately stepped on any toes. If he's skilled and experienced in seeing how an organization can be better received by a specific audience, then why not let him do his thing if he's not causing any problems? If there were legitimate problems then I trust that his posts would be unapproved and he would be dealt with further if necessary. But that hasn't happened. So again, what's the trouble?

I hope my perspective helps.

I appreciate your perspective.

However his way of posting in recent topics, and in general this approach of addressing subjects is not constructive to discussion or beneficial to produce a welcoming environment for people from all wakes to study and learn.

Rather than bring in more people from certain few places, who would for all intents and purposes contribute little, they would push away legitimate people, especially people taking this seriously and observing the long term vision the Joy of Satan is aiming for.

The idea as well, that he is the one who must correct all the mistakes which are being made (which mistakes?), is taking himself way out of proportion, which interferes with ones ability to observe the bigger picture, if misdirected (as it is in his case), such a person ends up making themselves believe they are the only thing right in the world, which completely compromises the persons advancement of mind and spirit.

The people who have gone down that path, all left the JoS and ruined themselves as they became imprisoned by their own ego.

His approach to things is counterproductive, both to his own advancement as an SS, and to the forum as a whole for creating the quality and welcoming environment for people to advance.

I will address this when I see it.

Hail Satan!

But you are also very sure of your perception, and you have convinced yourself already of your impression of this guy. Can you allow room for the possibility of a misunderstanding? Maybe he's not how you think he is.

Here's what I can ascertain about him for certain aside from what he has already revealed about himself:
He's enigmatic
He is aloof/reserved (yet also outspoken, but only insofar as he sees a purpose to it)
He's an intellectual type
He is very internet cultured
He has an interest or possibly expertise in the art of persuasion, managing perceptions, achieving outreach, and that sort of thing
He is very goal/mission oriented

I'm going to chalk this up to a personality clash more than anything. He believes he sees things that could be corrected or done better, and there's nothing wrong with that. We all have ideas for how to do things better, as seen in the recent community centered posts by the High Priest. Since when has taking initiative ever been a bad thing? If he's wrong then he's wrong, no harm done (it's not like he has authority). If he causes trouble then deal with it as appropriately called for when it happens.

Here's a check question for you that I think should be reflected on: is it his wording that you dislike? Or is it his attitude? Or something else?

Also, if you believe you are sensing a pattern (as you described about people in the past leaving and being imprisoned by their ego), can you be sure that things will be the same with this individual? How do you know?
Abyssos said:
I have decided to become worse. I will now become even more rigid and severe, and will regulate my own behavior even more strictly to make up for others. I was going to type more, but I have decided to keep my insights to myself.

I will give a hint, I am trying to fill the gap in order to improve the "optics" of Ancient Forums for the correct audience. There are a lot of mistakes that are being made here that I have to make up for.

I really want to say more, but I shouldn't. I will do it myself.

Hail Satan!

While you want to accomplish a statement of principle, you might unwillingly imply disrespect towards other people. This is in the example of you not even reading our inputs.

I can understand the underlying force of doing this, in the sense that all against something important to you must be completely ignored. But since we here deserve each other only positive things, this might come at a big price against you and us as a collective. This price being ignorance, lack of knowledge, misunderstanding and conflicted relationships.

This is best done against the enemy, a silent but powerful statement of nonexistence, but us, I am sure it is undeserving and not willingly done.

This mindset is powerful only in specific settings of life and circumstances, and sometimes this will be out of place considering the large spectrum of life we all come from. This sould not dissuade you from being open, from being yourself, from learning and neither others by the same things.
jrvan said:
Here's a check question for you that I think should be reflected on: is it his wording that you dislike? Or is it his attitude? Or something else?

Also, if you believe you are sensing a pattern (as you described about people in the past leaving and being imprisoned by their ego), can you be sure that things will be the same with this individual? How do you know?

It is not question about likes or not Jrvan. None of this is based on anything personal, or even opinion.

I have nothing against abyssos at all, it appears that is a misconception.

I point out where there is a lack, the aim being to have people reflect on what is pointed out.

In this case, so that someone does not get stuck in the echo chamber of their own mind and takes their conceptions into an extreme.

Hail Satan!
VoiceofEnki said:
jrvan said:
Here's a check question for you that I think should be reflected on: is it his wording that you dislike? Or is it his attitude? Or something else?

Also, if you believe you are sensing a pattern (as you described about people in the past leaving and being imprisoned by their ego), can you be sure that things will be the same with this individual? How do you know?

It is not question about likes or not Jrvan. None of this is based on anything personal, or even opinion.

I have nothing against abyssos at all, it appears that is a misconception.

I point out where there is a lack, the aim being to have people reflect on what is pointed out.

In this case, so that someone does not get stuck in the echo chamber of their own mind and takes their conceptions into an extreme.

Hail Satan!

I see it now. I was confused, and I started with an assumption because I perceived this as something else from the start. It's funny, I got on you about asking me loaded questions in the past, and I literally did just that. My bad.
jrvan said:
I see it now. I was confused, and I started with an assumption because I perceived this as something else from the start. It's funny, I got on you about asking me loaded questions in the past, and I literally did just that. My bad.

No problem brother, I can also see how my post may come across different from how I intended, and I will keep that in mind also when posting in the future.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
