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Test, Need Help...

Jan 2, 2002
I'm new to this group here. I joined on for a reason.

If you have to wear glasses or contact lenses, read on...

I have an extensive background in alternative healing. Vitamins, minerals, supplements, herbs and so forth.

Last night while reading the daily news, I clicked on some ad concerning eyesight. I normally ignore any and all ads, links, etc.

Satan and Azazel showed me something.

To get to the point, some greedy Christian fucker went on and on and on ad nauseum about how he was going to reveal key ingredients for healing defective vision. The guy was excruciating to have to listen to, but I had a pad and took notes.

The video reached a climax with this unimaginably greedy individual pitching a sale; demanding close to $30.00 for his "smoothies."

Although excruciating to have to listen to, he did include a lot of useful information regarding the corrupt optometry industry, important points regarding eyesight and so forth.

Given my background, and what little he hinted at regarding the ingredients, it didn't take me long to do some online research and identify those ingredients. This filled in gaps concerning what I already knRutinor those of you who are interested in listening to this selfish greedy fucker, I included the link at the end of my post here.

Anyways, my point for posting this is I took my own version of that smoothie. Within 30 minutes, my vision was noticeably much more focused.

I was absolutely enraged and appalled. How someone could actually hoard this sort of knowledge and use it for personal profits, knowledge that would help millions of people and stop corruption is abominable to say the very least.

I don't want this to keep going on and on here.

I am one person. Each of us is individual and has different eyesight. I am asking volunteers here for taking this drink every day for 1 month and reporting back here the effects.

If this is favorable, I will post it to all the JoS groups and the forum, which total in the tens of thousands of members, asking that this be blabbed all over the internet.

Please read through the ingredients. They are readily available in most cities here in the US, or online.

These should all be taken together, as each one works with the others:

You can add these to juice in a blender.

Magnesium 2,000 mg (see note below)

Liquid Chlorophyll 2 - 4 tablespoons (see note below)

Nutritional Yeast Flakes 2 - 4 tablespoons

Lutein 24 mg
Zeaxanthin 24 mg

30 mg of Zinc (Zinc that contains Copper)

DHA, EPA Fish oil caps 500 mg

Vitamin C 1 - 3,000 mg

Rutin 500 mg

Vitamin E 3,000 IUs (see note below)

Magnesium is one of the most important minerals in the body. It gets drastically depleted on a daily basis. In order to get the full effects, it must be consumed in large doses. Unless you have a kidney disorder and/or don't drink enough water, these large doses won't be a problem.
One SIDE EFFECT is diarrhea.

Liquid Chlorophyll (Nature's Way brand, mint flavor is best) will turn your stool green. This is harmless. Again, and in addition to the magnesium, this can cause diarrhea. DON'T EVER take this by itself on an empty stomach as it can make you vomit. Best to include juice, add it to the smoothie.

Both the chlorophyll and magnesium together, in addition to being excellent for improving vision, also noticeably increases flexibility, and has other major health benefits.

Vitamin E is not water soluble. This means it accumulates in your system. Start out with taking 3,000 IUs and then after a few days, reduce this down to 2,000, then 1,000.

The diarrhea can be a problem. Just be very aware of this, as accidents can happen. I'm not trying to be crude here, but coming home with a hot date and falling asleep after blissful sex, then waking up the next morning next to lover in a pool of shit... Or if you're in sports...

This must be taken every day. Each of us is individual. Make sure your body is OK with the ingredients. My point of this post is to see how it affects everyone before posting it to the bigger audiences.

The Jewish controlled optometry industry has made trillions of dollars off the suffering of millions of people.

Please help. By the Grace of Satan, we can change this.

Greedy Christian. Has detailed info about eyes, though:


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Make sure the zinc caplets include copper. Very important.

Also, for real fast results, if you can hold a handstand, NOT a headstand, (this should be done against a wall for support), for 2 minutes or more, this can correct any vision problems real fast, especially with the nutrients.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Something was trying to stop me from posting in the Yahoo group. The enemy.

YES, it is supposed to cure nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, all eye problems.

Magnesium Oxide. Twin Lab Brand sells Twin Lab Magnesium 400 mg High Potency

Thank you very much, High priestess Maxine.

My multivitamin plus the other supplements I take contain many of these ingredients. They are a good safe guard as well to keep disease at bay. A lot of food is processed and stripped away of its minerals and natural components.
Hey Maxine, other brands will just be ok, right?

Also, about the diarreha, it's not like i will poop in the middle of my class or will I? ( Or when doing physical education )
Oh and also, what do we do with our glasses/contact lenses. We'll just try staying 1 month without them?
Because if we keep using this smoothie/formula, our vision will gradually improve. So if we keep wearing the lenses, it would just worsen our vision...

Hmm, what do you think about this? :roll:
Any brands are fine. Twinlab Magnesium works well.
Given the severity of vision problems, this is gradual. Let us know how these nutrients are working for you.

I asked a nurse in a farmacy and she says that these are very high doses ( for magnesium and vitamine E for example )

Do you think I'll be ok?

Also about the fish oil, u mean to consume 500 mg DHA and 500mg Epa, or 500 mg that contains both?
If I wanted to join you in this test, should I discontinue momentarily the multivitamin I'm currently taking or just upgrade with the values of the components I'm missing?

What I usually take is this: https://www.biovea.com/eu/product_detail.aspx?PID=321&deptid=1&cid=22679&OS=202&NAME=MULTIVITAMINICO-COMPLETO-120-Compresse

Of the ingredients for this experiment, my multi contains:

• Mg 10 mg
• Zn 10 mg
• Vitamin C 250 mg (I don't know how many IU is this supposed to be)
• Vitamin E 150 IU
• Lutein 250 mcg
• Rutin 25 mg

The irrelevant value can be seen through the link provided.
TruthSeeker said:

I asked a nurse in a farmacy and she says that these are very high doses ( for magnesium and vitamine E for example )

Do you think I'll be ok?

Also about the fish oil, u mean to consume 500 mg DHA and 500mg Epa, or 500 mg that contains both?
I don't want to sound unpolite but these nurses, doctors and whatever are very very retarded, like they never did any research on their own other than the jew owned universities and colleges.. I had an argument with a pharmacist who didn't want to sell me distilled water because thought that taking it with hydrogen peroxide was dangerous..... That's why I don't suggest speaking about what you want to take with these people, be cold with them and just buy and don't start conversations.
It makes sense that deficiencies are not fixed by just slightly increasing the daily intake.
After all you may still be deficient for a long time.
Perhaps the Daily Recommended Amount or something is meant for people whom are already healthy and have a healthy balance of vitamins and minerals that they'd want to keep.

And that some (or most I honestly do not know) people get hungry after a meditation session, and has been said before, this burns calories and such as well.

So it'd make only sense for an SS to need more nutrients even if it is just for that.
To answer some questions...

First off, keep wearing your glasses/contacts if you really need them, for driving, etc. If they become too strong, then get a new prescription.

Yes, these are high doses of magnesium. Lesser doses will not work for drastically improving eyesight, nor with facilitating flexibility. If you are not comfortable with this, then don't take it. It is your choice, use your own judgment.

Now, IMO, multiple vitamins are crap. Look at your multiple vitamin listing. Does it contain both Vitamin E and Iron? If so, did you know that taking both Vitamin E and Iron together cancel each other out?

In contrast, certain vitamins/minerals complement each other and work well together. You have to know what you're doing.

Also, Vitamin D can be very toxic. I learned this in my teens when I was taking a multiple vitamin that contained 1,000 IUs of Vitamin D. Even 400 IUs can be toxic, though it is 100% of the RDA. Food, sunlight, etc, can add to that 400 IU.

Vitamin A, Vitamin D and other fat soluble vitamins are stored in the body. These, unlike water soluble vitamins are NOT excreted in the urine.

In addition, most if not all multivitamins contain synthetic B vitamins. They are seriously inferior to Nutritional Yeast Flakes, that contain natural B vitamins. By natural, I mean like what we get from the food we eat. The only difference is NYFs contain a concentrated amount.

Again, what I posted here was sharing information. If you are not comfortable with the amounts or anything else, then don't take it.
TruthSeeker said:
Hey Maxine, other brands will just be ok, right?

Also, about the diarreha, it's not like i will poop in the middle of my class or will I? ( Or when doing physical education )
Be sure there is no magnesium sterearate added to the magnesium you buy:)
You can try to strengthen the stomach by adding a few tablespoons of brown millet to this blend so explosive. With brown millet I can take large doses of Maca without having problems with my stomach...
I am having trouble finding good brands for the ingredients mostly for the lutein, I have found this https://www.amazon.it/Swanson-Health-Products-Lutein-SOFTGELS/dp/B00068JXMM/ref=sr_1_1?srs=8526701031&ie=UTF8&qid=1510172878&sr=8-1&keywords=swanson+lutein&dpID=519izddnW6L&preST=_SY300_QL70_&dpSrc=srch
do you think it's good? if not could you share the brand you are using? Most of the brands have they shitty magnesium stearate or other ingredients like glycerin which doesent sound too good to me.. Can you suggest the brand for zeaxanthin too?
I go to the eye doctor annually, my prescription went from -3.25 to -2.5 over the course of 2 years. This is about the time I started taking ZMA supplement daily for sleep and post workout recovery, ZMA containing zinc, magnesium, and B6. Also I began drinking this Magnesium powder (Calm) around this time frame infrequently. I asked the optometrist what that was about and she said something like your eyes can relax and focus can change.

I'll up to Magnesium to 2,000 mg for now and get the rest when I can and post results next time I get a check up.

Maybe eye "yoga" would help too, like look left/right, up/down, and eye rolls. ?

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
To answer some questions...

First off, keep wearing your glasses/contacts if you really need them, for driving, etc. If they become too strong, then get a new prescription.

Yes, these are high doses of magnesium. Lesser doses will not work for drastically improving eyesight, nor with facilitating flexibility. If you are not comfortable with this, then don't take it. It is your choice, use your own judgment.

Now, IMO, multiple vitamins are crap. Look at your multiple vitamin listing. Does it contain both Vitamin E and Iron? If so, did you know that taking both Vitamin E and Iron together cancel each other out?

In contrast, certain vitamins/minerals complement each other and work well together. You have to know what you're doing.

Also, Vitamin D can be very toxic. I learned this in my teens when I was taking a multiple vitamin that contained 1,000 IUs of Vitamin D. Even 400 IUs can be toxic, though it is 100% of the RDA. Food, sunlight, etc, can add to that 400 IU.

Vitamin A, Vitamin D and other fat soluble vitamins are stored in the body. These, unlike water soluble vitamins are NOT excreted in the urine.

In addition, most if not all multivitamins contain synthetic B vitamins. They are seriously inferior to Nutritional Yeast Flakes, that contain natural B vitamins. By natural, I mean like what we get from the food we eat. The only difference is NYFs contain a concentrated amount.

Again, what I posted here was sharing information. If you are not comfortable with the amounts or anything else, then don't take it.
Please share your experience on how Magnesium is effecting your bowel movement and describe the dosage and the type of it, by drinking a good amount of water.

About the eye ''yoga'' I think its not necessary since it actually stresses your eyes more in my opinion. So just do what HP Maxine says. HandStand against a wall for support.

AscendingSun said:
I go to the eye doctor annually, my prescription went from -3.25 to -2.5 over the course of 2 years. This is about the time I started taking ZMA supplement daily for sleep and post workout recovery, ZMA containing zinc, magnesium, and B6. Also I began drinking this Magnesium powder (Calm) around this time frame infrequently. I asked the optometrist what that was about and she said something like your eyes can relax and focus can change.

I'll up to Magnesium to 2,000 mg for now and get the rest when I can and post results next time I get a check up.

Maybe eye "yoga" would help too, like look left/right, up/down, and eye rolls. ?
Vitamin D is toxic when not supplemented with Vitamin A and some Vitamin K.
Vitamin A regulates Vitamin D. Vitamin A alone is also toxic in high doses when not supplemented with D.

That's why in nature, where there are high Vitamin A or D foods, the other vitamin is usually present in a balanced ratio. For example fish oils like cod liver oil, which is a good oil supplement. The best in my opinion if you are looking for high beneficial omegas and Vit. A and D.

Taking vitamins and some minerals just by itself (like in taking Vitamin A alone) can be dangerous because they need their co factors as well. Food is the best form of getting your nutrients but now based on farm practices, processing, health needs etc, supplementation is very useful and almost needed nowadays. For example, people who are anemic need iron supplementation because just eating food will not supply enough if you're trying to increase the iron content in your blood. It will take weeks to months to fix that.

The Daily recommendation or DV is just a minimal requirement to prevent nutritional deficiencies and not what you should be taking, the optimal. Virtually everyone benefits from a good quality multi. Many are deficient in nutrients and do not even know.

Also, as for multi-vitamins, they are only useless if you get them from companies and brands who do not know the synergistic effect of them and have them in amounts in which the body cannot fully absorb. Like HP Maxine has said, you have to know what you are doing. Magnesium and calcium in high amounts can compete, so does magnesium and calcium with iron. Also, there are food based multis out there. I get my multi vitamin from Dr. Ron's because they are balanced in that manner.

I get my calcium from food and dairy but I take magnesium individually and my iron as well.
Okay so I searched all over the internet about luenin/zeaxanthin so I could get 24/24 ratio with, but it was impossible. So what do you suggest me doing? It's impossible to get a kind of supplement that contains 1/1 ratio, or even 8/1 ratio... Idk what to do. Basically you need to eat like 200 mg of Luenin with 20 mg zeaxanthine. but that would be so so so expensive if you consume it for 30 days straight..

What should I do? Will this smoothie still be effective if I don't consume the required amount of 24 mg zeaxanthin? Will it be a problem if I get higher doses of Luenin?

Please enlighten me!
Thank you
Just stumbled across this thread - would love to try this out one day. Thanks T.A.O.L. for giving it a shot and reporting back. Did anybody else end up getting anywhere with this?
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Make sure the zinc caplets include copper. Very important.

Also, for real fast results, if you can hold a handstand, NOT a headstand, (this should be done against a wall for support), for 2 minutes or more, this can correct any vision problems real fast, especially with the nutrients.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

I consume monoatomic gold, I noticed that it helps me a lot, both in meditation and in the physical body
Good evening, I want to know something about the lockup/succubi, I read that you can choose a demon you like. It attracts me very much Astaroth. I Want to know if I can and Astaroth be my Succubus??
adrian1989 said:
Good evening, I want to know something about the lockup/succubi, I read that you can choose a demon you like. It attracts me very much Astaroth. I Want to know if I can and Astaroth be my Succubus??

Shekels from selling the work of other people, demanding their copyrights, Astaroth as your personal "succubus", anything else that you want you disgusting worthless minion?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
adrian1989 said:
Good evening, I want to know something about the lockup/succubi, I read that you can choose a demon you like. It attracts me very much Astaroth. I Want to know if I can and Astaroth be my Succubus??

Shekels from selling the work of other people, demanding their copyrights, Astaroth as your personal "succubus", anything else that you want you disgusting worthless minion?

i cant believe he asked this
hiddenmantis666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
adrian1989 said:
Good evening, I want to know something about the lockup/succubi, I read that you can choose a demon you like. It attracts me very much Astaroth. I Want to know if I can and Astaroth be my Succubus??

Shekels from selling the work of other people, demanding their copyrights, Astaroth as your personal "succubus", anything else that you want you disgusting worthless minion?

i cant believe he asked this
To clarify something about the book, I just asked a question if it's okay, that's why you don't have to talk to me like that.
Now that you've told me, of course I'm not doing this.
But for that I don't think you have to answer in this way
adrian1989 said:
hiddenmantis666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shekels from selling the work of other people, demanding their copyrights, Astaroth as your personal "succubus", anything else that you want you disgusting worthless minion?

i cant believe he asked this
To clarify something about the book, I just asked a question if it's okay, that's why you don't have to talk to me like that.
Now that you've told me, of course I'm not doing this.
But for that I don't think you have to answer in this way

I really believe if you want to be around it's wise to stop insulting people and the Gods here, and study the sites that you linked.

Having studied them, do you see that the things you say are proper or respectful?

If you behavior is like that, and you say you are a Spiritual Satanist, how is that even possible?
Sinarstm said:
hi hps...
I'm Iranian... please :
write a big and full article about Iran and
zoroastrian ... please...
:( :( :(
Not the right thread.
Sinarstm said:
Sinarstm said:
hi hps...
I'm Iranian...
please write a big and full article about :
Still not the right thread, also, learn to use the search function.
adrian1989 said:
Good evening, I want to know something about the lockup/succubi, I read that you can choose a demon you like. It attracts me very much Astaroth. I Want to know if I can and Astaroth be my Succubus??
I recommand euthanasia, but mere castration might work as well if you guys are really against death penalty.
Sinistra said:
adrian1989 said:
Good evening, I want to know something about the lockup/succubi, I read that you can choose a demon you like. It attracts me very much Astaroth. I Want to know if I can and Astaroth be my Succubus??
I recommand euthanasia, but mere castration might work as well if you guys are really against death penalty.
*laughs in french*

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
