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Zodiac Mantras

wow these are going to be fun. IM totally ready for this, If what you say is true than I want to be an aquarius like Satan. here we go
Aldrick Strickland said:
Stormblood said:
Nick Vabzircnila said:
The 'Zodiac Mantras' don't add up for me. I don't know if the following has been brought up in this thread as I didn't read everything.

First off, the mantras seem to have originated from that 'Proppetsixsixsix' website, which in itself is a very doubtful source. The 'guy' who runs the website gives no sources for 'his' information either.

What are people's thoughts?

Oh, I don't think they're talking about those long mantras here. They are referring more to the mantras Aldrick once shared on the Yahoo groups, last year. They are basically the names of the Zodiac Signs as they appear on Wikipedia.

Mesha - Aries
Vrshaba - Taurus
Mithuna - Gemini
Karka - Cancer
Simha - Leo (the 'm' here is a different 'm', similar to the 'n' in Munka)
Kanya - Virgo
Tula - Libra
Vrshcika - Scorpio
Dhanusha - Sagittarius
Makara - Capricorn
Kumbha - Aquarius
Mina - Pisces

I don't know how legit they are. They might as well be corrupted as the stuff coming from the person you mentioned.

lol your so pathetic its almost cringy watching you try so hard.

well meshas not runic, and im assuming kabbalistic pronuciation of the e is Kabbalistic, and Satans majikal Squares are true kabballa, SO even though, no planetary square has an e thats pronounced YEEEEE meshas watered down because its so powerful, Aries i mean. AUM Mesha Svaha for intense chiron energy if u have it in ur chart. IN 1 degree of aries curious to see what that would do.
hey its been all night and I cant explain much but some of these mantras are skeletal speeed. I was not aware we could do this so quickly, im very happy, thank you so much for making this topic, everyone who can handle it should direct 29 chants of capricorn at the pope, hahaha o wait hes already busted whos next!???
Uniqueness of the soul: Hmm, to the garbage can.

After all it's well known, everyone must be a clone.

People underestimate elements like Air and Water too much.

Many people admire fire and earth, but I haven't found any major intelligence in either of these signs spiritually or otherwise, that doesn't have air.

I wonder what makes people dislike themselves and nature so highly. Maybe before one engages in plastic surgery (aka, what these mantras are about) one just needs to erm...Make sure they are unblocked on the chakras that deal with self value?
YoakeHoshi said:
Nick Vabzircnila said:
Capricorn doesn't need to escape hard reality, it dominates it. It isn't escapistic. I'm starting to wonder if Neoma hacked your account, lol.

Lol!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Btw in my experience, I agree with you, I know a Capricorn person very very well and he is all work and no relax until it's done, a bit annoying too but that's because he complains a lot :D

And how is that an admirable quality to be like a slave that works all the time, and have no life other than 'working'.

I mean technically I lead this lifestyle, but how is it really so amazing...

People watch too much hollywood.

A Capricorn can 'attain' things by their hard work and lose all the meaning of why they do it, or all feeling of pleasure about doing these things, to name a downside. What is the importance of achievement if one cannot even feel or grasp it in anyway?
Eric13 said:
AldebaranDeTauro said:
Ive heard that theres mantras to change certain signs in your chart. Does anyone have these mantras they can share with me? Im hoping I can also get my gf to do these as maybe they will help her stop being so stubborn when it comes to Satanism and finally pick a side. Damn fence sitters....lol thanks in advance!
Hail Satan!!!!

This is from a post by Aldric Strickland from the Yahoo groups:

I have been working with these for about a year now. They are extremely powerful. If chanted in a chakra it will make that chakra the intended sign for at least 24 hours. It takes a full 48 hours to fully wear off.

Warning: Check astrology as to what sign should not be in a planet which corresponds to the chakra. For instance Aries Saturn drains a person of their vital energies. So you probably don't want to chant Aries in your Base chakra.

Aries: Mesha

Taurus: Rishaba

Gemini: Mithuna

Cancer: Karkataka

Leo: Simha

Virgo: Kanya

Libra: Tula

Scorpio: Vrischika

Sagittarius: Dhanus

Capricorn: Makara

Aquarius: Kumbha

Pisces: Mina

You really will Feel like that sign, Even if you try not too. It is overwhelmingly strong, there is nothing left of what sign you truly are, it is completely masked over. My tip is that air and water are weaker and less organized, fire and earth is strength. Organized and motivated.

So like...Xanax for spirituality. Good to know...

Hoodedcobra666 said:
Uniqueness of the soul: Hmm, to the garbage can.

After all it's well known, everyone must be a clone.

People underestimate elements like Air and Water too much.

Many people admire fire and earth, but I haven't found any major intelligence in either of these signs spiritually or otherwise, that doesn't have air.

I wonder what makes people dislike themselves and nature so highly. Maybe before one engages in plastic surgery (aka, what these mantras are about) one just needs to erm...Make sure they are unblocked on the chakras that deal with self value?

I can vouch for air... this is me assuming my final form:


But notice how I'm fastened to the earth so I don't fly away. :lol:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
YoakeHoshi said:
Nick Vabzircnila said:
Capricorn doesn't need to escape hard reality, it dominates it. It isn't escapistic. I'm starting to wonder if Neoma hacked your account, lol.

Lol!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Btw in my experience, I agree with you, I know a Capricorn person very very well and he is all work and no relax until it's done, a bit annoying too but that's because he complains a lot :D

And how is that an admirable quality to be like a slave that works all the time, and have no life other than 'working'.

I mean technically I lead this lifestyle, but how is it really so amazing...

People watch too much hollywood.

A Capricorn can 'attain' things by their hard work and lose all the meaning of why they do it, or all feeling of pleasure about doing these things, to name a downside. What is the importance of achievement if one cannot even feel or grasp it in anyway?

I was speaking of someone without, not an advanced SS... And by the way I don't have all this free time to watch hollywood movies.
Nick Vabzircnila said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Uniqueness of the soul: Hmm, to the garbage can.

After all it's well known, everyone must be a clone.

People underestimate elements like Air and Water too much.

Many people admire fire and earth, but I haven't found any major intelligence in either of these signs spiritually or otherwise, that doesn't have air.

I wonder what makes people dislike themselves and nature so highly. Maybe before one engages in plastic surgery (aka, what these mantras are about) one just needs to erm...Make sure they are unblocked on the chakras that deal with self value?

I can vouch for air... this is me assuming my final form:


But notice how I'm fastened to the earth so I don't fly away. :lol:
Oh hey handsome :lol:
I'm floating on the astrology talk on this thread but as far the mantras are concerned, I've tried some months ago, specialy Fire and Earth sings just to find myself with my personality and emotions messed up or exaggerated to where I didn't recognized myself. No thanks.

Not to "warn" people against this knowledge or saying they are wrong, but I just chilled out and sticked with the meds and exercises that are aligned with my lifestyle and things went a lot smoother and better. The last quote below is specially a golden advice.

Hoodedcobra666 said:
Many people admire fire and earth, but I haven't found any major intelligence in either of these signs spiritually or otherwise, that doesn't have air.

I wonder what makes people dislike themselves and nature so highly. Maybe before one engages in plastic surgery (aka, what these mantras are about) one just needs to erm...Make sure they are unblocked on the chakras that deal with self value?
Nick Vabzircnila said:
:mrgreen: Sinistra be like:

Wow. For some reason this made me think of the song "Wild Child" by WASP
Egon said:
I'm floating on the astrology talk on this thread but as far the mantras are concerned, I've tried some months ago, specialy Fire and Earth sings just to find myself with my personality and emotions messed up or exaggerated to where I didn't recognized myself. No thanks.

Not to "warn" people against this knowledge or saying they are wrong, but I just chilled out and sticked with the meds and exercises that are aligned with my lifestyle and things went a lot smoother and better. The last quote below is specially a golden advice.

Hoodedcobra666 said:
Many people admire fire and earth, but I haven't found any major intelligence in either of these signs spiritually or otherwise, that doesn't have air.

I wonder what makes people dislike themselves and nature so highly. Maybe before one engages in plastic surgery (aka, what these mantras are about) one just needs to erm...Make sure they are unblocked on the chakras that deal with self value?
Lol yeah agree 666% with HoodedCobra, I remember the guy who was like “i hate air and water I only want fire and earth “ and wouldnt understand how retarded that was
Aquarius said:
Egon said:
I'm floating on the astrology talk on this thread but as far the mantras are concerned, I've tried some months ago, specialy Fire and Earth sings just to find myself with my personality and emotions messed up or exaggerated to where I didn't recognized myself. No thanks.

Not to "warn" people against this knowledge or saying they are wrong, but I just chilled out and sticked with the meds and exercises that are aligned with my lifestyle and things went a lot smoother and better. The last quote below is specially a golden advice.

Hoodedcobra666 said:
Many people admire fire and earth, but I haven't found any major intelligence in either of these signs spiritually or otherwise, that doesn't have air.

I wonder what makes people dislike themselves and nature so highly. Maybe before one engages in plastic surgery (aka, what these mantras are about) one just needs to erm...Make sure they are unblocked on the chakras that deal with self value?
Lol yeah agree 666% with HoodedCobra, I remember the guy who was like “i hate air and water I only want fire and earth “ and wouldnt understand how retarded that was

Get two parents with only fire and earth on bad placements, to raise a child. With like many "Earth and Fire" on Capricorn and Aries, on some corny houses. Preferrably both with Neptune in the 5th house too.

And this is how ladies and gentlmen you can create a mass murderer or criminal out of a neglected child.
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aquarius said:
Egon said:
I'm floating on the astrology talk on this thread but as far the mantras are concerned, I've tried some months ago, specialy Fire and Earth sings just to find myself with my personality and emotions messed up or exaggerated to where I didn't recognized myself. No thanks.

Not to "warn" people against this knowledge or saying they are wrong, but I just chilled out and sticked with the meds and exercises that are aligned with my lifestyle and things went a lot smoother and better. The last quote below is specially a golden advice.
Lol yeah agree 666% with HoodedCobra, I remember the guy who was like “i hate air and water I only want fire and earth “ and wouldnt understand how retarded that was

Get two parents with only fire and earth on bad placements, to raise a child. With like many "Earth and Fire" on Capricorn and Aries, on some corny houses. Preferrably both with Neptune in the 5th house too.

And this is how ladies and gentlmen you can create a mass murderer or criminal out of a neglected child.
lmao, it’s that people nowadays think confidence and being “alpha” is the key to everything, i used to have a similar line of thought though not to the point of saying we dont need water and air but by repressing emotions and trying to feel confidence ecc that didn’t work out well as I passed most of 2016 and a little bit of 2017 in depression, now i accept who am I, the emotional sensible person I am, your sermon helped a lot. Thanks:)
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aquarius said:
Egon said:
I'm floating on the astrology talk on this thread but as far the mantras are concerned, I've tried some months ago, specialy Fire and Earth sings just to find myself with my personality and emotions messed up or exaggerated to where I didn't recognized myself. No thanks.

Not to "warn" people against this knowledge or saying they are wrong, but I just chilled out and sticked with the meds and exercises that are aligned with my lifestyle and things went a lot smoother and better. The last quote below is specially a golden advice.
Lol yeah agree 666% with HoodedCobra, I remember the guy who was like “i hate air and water I only want fire and earth “ and wouldnt understand how retarded that was

Get two parents with only fire and earth on bad placements, to raise a child. With like many "Earth and Fire" on Capricorn and Aries, on some corny houses. Preferrably both with Neptune in the 5th house too.

And this is how ladies and gentlmen you can create a mass murderer or criminal out of a neglected child.

But Capricorn is so boring lol
Aquarius said:
Egon said:
I'm floating on the astrology talk on this thread but as far the mantras are concerned, I've tried some months ago, specialy Fire and Earth sings just to find myself with my personality and emotions messed up or exaggerated to where I didn't recognized myself. No thanks.

Not to "warn" people against this knowledge or saying they are wrong, but I just chilled out and sticked with the meds and exercises that are aligned with my lifestyle and things went a lot smoother and better. The last quote below is specially a golden advice.

Hoodedcobra666 said:
Many people admire fire and earth, but I haven't found any major intelligence in either of these signs spiritually or otherwise, that doesn't have air.

I wonder what makes people dislike themselves and nature so highly. Maybe before one engages in plastic surgery (aka, what these mantras are about) one just needs to erm...Make sure they are unblocked on the chakras that deal with self value?
Lol yeah agree 666% with HoodedCobra, I remember the guy who was like “i hate air and water I only want fire and earth “ and wouldnt understand how retarded that was

So Hitler whos seven chakras were fire and earth was just retarded right? I change signs all the time. If you people dont want to do it, fine dont. I couldnt give two shits. I will use it. Just like one can draw from stars for differnt energies. Or one can chant runes like sol to change ones soul. This xanax for the soul shit is retarded. All of meditation could be classified as such. We are beyond what astrology we were born with.
yea i tried some of these mantras in a dangerous but lucky manner and i noticed that if my auras strong enough and i use numbers like the degrees on my sun sighn for the sun it is very attractive. like if you have a multiple of 9 or nine, vibrate mantra multiple, or if you want to instead of change yourself strengthen, you can permanently strengthen in the manner, like the muscle you build with capricorn, is tougher than a non capricorn, a strong capricorn muscle last in the cold, a strong virgo muscle i think will amplify with emotions like hulk, but if virgo muscle gets sad in winter capricorn energy will keep it going,.... Some people use intense emotions to speed up their heartrate on purpose, while other can do it coldy. unlike body builders, instead of changing chart, since were ment to be infinity , build brain cells that see aquarius veiw but still be a pisces, at the right time started with aop i think i can add to my natal chart. like doing a sun square, adding natallly weither or not home sighn is sun square. am i stating the obvious? im gunna do A JUPITER SQUARE. in scorpio, i think if the planets degree is still 16 tomorrow, Ill use that numbers properties to triumph over my emotions so higher education can take place.

My chart ruler is conjuct with 2 other planets in the ruling sign of one of those planets. I did just a few repetitions of the mantra for that sign into the chakra, and I immediately felt those energies of my personality get MUCH stronger. I wouldn't ever try using any of these that don't fit me, but in a specific and matching way that fits my chart exactly, it seems like it could give me more of what I already have in a good way. This could be helpful if used very carefully and maintaining the exact same alignments.

But it seems to me like it would be a bad idea to use anything that doesn't fit the alignment your soul already has. We are reincarnated at specific times for a reason, because the alignment we're born with is what we're meant to have. There's a specific plan for all of us, our charts are VERY carefully created to fit this plan in the closest way. So if your doing something drastic to change the chart like using a mantra for a sign you aren't meant to have, all it would do is mess up the plan that Azazel and Satan have for you. This situation is so much bigger than just "Try it and see what happens. It's fun and powerful.", this is your entire SOUL being affected. You don't know what it's really doing to you, you can't feel every effect it's creating, and there could be permanent changes made that pull you away from the path you're meant to be on. I know I trust Azazel and Satan more than any advice on here, you may not know every detail of your life plan or how every piece fits together but they do. They've given all of us such an amazing gift by placing us all in the situation that is best for us. They know how to facilitate our growth and advancement and set up for us to achieve everything we're meant to. So why mess that up? I know the intentions here are innocent, but to me it just sounds ignorant, counterproductive, and even disrespectful to throw out what they so carefully built for us.

I understand the motivations in trying to make life better/easier, many of us have very difficult and uncomfortable lives, but it's all to help us. Most of all my aspects are squares, I've always had a huge amount of struggle and difficulty in many ways, but I'm so deeply thankful for it and would never want it any other way. All that struggle is the single driving force of all of my growth, without it I would be nothing. If you never run into a wall, you won't have any inspiration to make yourself bigger and climb over it. And the rewards of all the work you put in make every bit of pain and stress worth it. Satanism isn't meant to be easy, and it can't possibly be that way. You don't get anything by just sitting here. There's no magic password to do the Magnum Opus in a day, there's no mantra to immediately remove all the struggle from your life, you can't make it any easier. The pain and hardship that people attempt to erase with mantras like these are actually the entire force which gives them life. There are NO limits here, theoretically you can eventually grow to Satan's level if you work hard enough. But YOU DON'T GET ANYTHING FOR FREE. You get everything you could ever want, but you need to work for it and earn it. The people who recieve the biggest rewards are those who create this for themselves.
Aldrick Strickland said:
Aquarius said:
Egon said:
I'm floating on the astrology talk on this thread but as far the mantras are concerned, I've tried some months ago, specialy Fire and Earth sings just to find myself with my personality and emotions messed up or exaggerated to where I didn't recognized myself. No thanks.

Not to "warn" people against this knowledge or saying they are wrong, but I just chilled out and sticked with the meds and exercises that are aligned with my lifestyle and things went a lot smoother and better. The last quote below is specially a golden advice.
Lol yeah agree 666% with HoodedCobra, I remember the guy who was like “i hate air and water I only want fire and earth “ and wouldnt understand how retarded that was

So Hitler whos seven chakras were fire and earth was just retarded right? I change signs all the time. If you people dont want to do it, fine dont. I couldnt give two shits. I will use it. Just like one can draw from stars for differnt energies. Or one can chant runes like sol to change ones soul. This xanax for the soul shit is retarded. All of meditation could be classified as such. We are beyond what astrology we were born with.

You're not beyond astrology, you're it's victim, because there is something in your chart that more than likely, such as an emotional antithesis, making you believe that a said element is better than what you have (if you have water, you can assume fire, and if you are fire, you can assume let's say air etc).

If a water element person does not accept themselves they can wish they were more fire or earth.

I have noticed the least self accepting people are people with Water planets, which are the basic and most spiritual people ever. Most of the time they self-neglect simply because this world is a world of shit that banishes emotion and sentimentality, and then they lose their spiritual potency rather than clean their personal 'water basin' so to say.

This is because this world is based on left brain thinking and is straying all the more away from caring, compassion, and spirituality.

As for comparing Hitler to anyone who simply has two elements or any configuration...I do not compare Gold to Tin, and Copper with Gold. Different metals different rules. Different beings, different rules.

Hitler has some very watery and compassionate aspects in his chart. Pluto Conjunct Neptune in the 8th house is a blatant one. This aspect is extremely powerful of a water nature which can override energy even from normal 'Water signs'. He is far from "Earth Fire".

Hitler's True Node was in Cancer. He exercised the family caring, traditional powers, and compassion very clearly.

Jupiter Conjunction Moon is one of the most emotionally sensitive configurations one can have in their chart. This can bring a heart filled with a very pronounced sense of compassion, comradeship, and many other water natured qualities. 3 planets in the house of Libra, which is one of the most friendly, forgiving, and peace maker signs, he has that too.

Hitlers 3 main planets are in the 7th house of Air. This shows that he also had a lot of air, equal to fire in potency, since he also has had the 3rd house Jupiter and Moon. He was a master communicator, conversationalist, writer, etc. Strong air.

Saturn in Leo acts a stumbling block for fire. This is why Hitler never became arrogant, a sociopathic ghoul like many "Fire Predominant" people who give absolute zero care about others, and unlike the kids who will toy around with the Zodiac mantras, to 'bolster confidence' and other things. How many of you have done a working here to build a sense of proportion or measure? I guarantee you, nobody, not one single person has, and maybe none will ever do.

Rising above the stars doesn't mean to stop caring about astrological laws and your personal psychology and try to terraform it simply because it doesn't agree with X factor even if this factor is good.

Other people can of course have a different opinion on the subject. And you are free 'not to care' in the same way I tell you things like the above. Maybe you will understand or care later, maybe never.
if somebody has A 13 in their chart it makes them Satanicly gifted givin the right circumstances.
if somebody surrendered themselves to Satan like Hitler, i bet with a 13 or a multiple of 9 Satan could at his benifit show you your own infinite power? in return use it to destroy jewish race? IM totally down. I bet, that i can, get high the whole time, off of Satanic energy, and if i choose, it could be a challenge that feels good the harder it gets. i did 88 rtr hebrew letter erase the other day and it took me 6 hours, last night i did 58. when i started jupiter square i got through vision like supermans enemies who arent used to earth, dope dosent do that man, this is out their. I think that i wanna ascend my serpent, like a fiery snake going dangerously up my spine like molten lava, and then seeing into space as a normal. thats terrifying, And i love it. Im so supprised that Salem Burke seemed so tired in some of his vidious, I thought like even a meth addict wouldent need to use with that kind of power, like your free, higher than dope could ever get you, Maybe it was the hebrew letters that left him cursed?
I plan on dumping everything i GOT every couple of Days for last two years, just do feel normal. Its amazing how kundalini yoga still has an effect before point of no return, Like people on speed dont act like me, their all like "wtf dude?" "how? huh im obsessed, ill probly crash but with this jupiter square, maybe i wont have to think about it to much.
Thank you so much for giving me the tools I need. I hope that i can stop hoping and wasting all my thoughts. this jupiter square at the current time still works. based of my natal chart which the enemy failed at ruining. AHH well when Saturn goes into aquarius I think i MIGHT start having space ship blueprints as visions so i hope Im not the only one but ill be ready! Dont hesitate to seek me out! Ill be ready for spaceflight within two years most likly! hope your training two!

YoakeHoshi said:
Nick Vabzircnila said:
Capricorn doesn't need to escape hard reality, it dominates it. It isn't escapistic. I'm starting to wonder if Neoma hacked your account, lol.

Lol!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Btw in my experience, I agree with you, I know a Capricorn person very very well and he is all work and no relax until it's done, a bit annoying too but that's because he complains a lot :D

Hello Fellow comrad, If i may ask its been on my mind for monthes, can you actually do that with your hand, I bet you can huh? you dont have to tell me, but i wanna do that.
YoakeHoshi said:
Nick Vabzircnila said:
Capricorn doesn't need to escape hard reality, it dominates it. It isn't escapistic. I'm starting to wonder if Neoma hacked your account, lol.

Lol!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Btw in my experience, I agree with you, I know a Capricorn person very very well and he is all work and no relax until it's done, a bit annoying too but that's because he complains a lot :D

Hello Fellow comrad, If i may ask its been on my mind for monthes, can you actually do that with your hand, I bet you can huh? you dont have to tell me, but i wanna do that.
Hoodedcobra666 said:
How many of you have done a working here to build a sense of proportion or measure? I guarantee you, nobody, not one single person has, and maybe none will ever do.

Does using akasha to balance your elemental makeup, instead of just integrating weaker or absent elements, counts as the kind of working you describe? Because that's what I was originally suggested by another SS, instead of integrating more earth to empower my weak earth. And that's also what I've been suggesting to people who are lacking or weak in an element.
We firey signz are so bad, men! We don't have emotionz as well as water signz! We aren't spiritual like them! We are the bad onez. Don't use the bad Aries mantras and/or invoke fire element! Too bad!! Fire is useless. There's water, it's far more better than stupid fire!1!! :| :| :| :? :?
YoakeHoshi said:
We firey signz are so bad, men! We don't have emotionz as well as water signz! We aren't spiritual like them! We are the bad onez. Don't use the bad Aries mantras and/or invoke fire element! Too bad!! Fire is useless. There's water, it's far more better than stupid fire!1!! :| :| :| :? :?

Ah yes putting words in a person's mouth about astrology and most likely knows way more about it than you to do to the point he can be trusted to buy off astro charts from. Good thing your reply doesn't make you look like an ass or anything. Nope, pure logic on your part. Keep it up . :D
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aldrick Strickland said:
Aquarius said:
Lol yeah agree 666% with HoodedCobra, I remember the guy who was like “i hate air and water I only want fire and earth “ and wouldnt understand how retarded that was

So Hitler whos seven chakras were fire and earth was just retarded right? I change signs all the time. If you people dont want to do it, fine dont. I couldnt give two shits. I will use it. Just like one can draw from stars for differnt energies. Or one can chant runes like sol to change ones soul. This xanax for the soul shit is retarded. All of meditation could be classified as such. We are beyond what astrology we were born with.

You're not beyond astrology, you're it's victim, because there is something in your chart that more than likely, such as an emotional antithesis, making you believe that a said element is better than what you have (if you have water, you can assume fire, and if you are fire, you can assume let's say air etc). ...

I see what you are saying. That makes sense. Yes I was Given Gifts. Thats how Satan Himself brought me to the JOS. The psychic New age kid who stumbled upon Satan and his demons on the Astral. Psychic and weak. Pathetic fucking loser. Who struggled through life and let everyone take advantage of him. So I burnt the weakness out of me. I became the person I wanted to be. Is it perfect, no.

I am still so pathetic to who I want to become. At least now when someone tries to use me, I Beat the shit out of them. Although I sought after being strong so much I became it but not without becoming psychotic in the process.

Do I think zodiac mantras are the end all, ofcourse not. But how do you fix imbalances? Invocation of the opposite Element, not embracing the imbalance. Still I agree a working would be better. But guess what I cant keep consistency. I get home 8 o clock. I have to be up at 4:30. I have Raum at 108 Raum 108 EO 108 EA. 216 Surya. Hatha and kundalini Yoga. I pass out and back to square one we go. But im also suppose to have 15 workings in there for everything else.

Healing, Money, Confidence ect. I cant figure out why I would prefer visualizing a sign for 10 seconds and suddenly feeling different. But let me guess im suppose to be able to juggle all that. Well I cant. So I will be a kid playing with the zodiac mantras.
Aldrick Strickland said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aldrick Strickland said:
So Hitler whos seven chakras were fire and earth was just retarded right? I change signs all the time. If you people dont want to do it, fine dont. I couldnt give two shits. I will use it. Just like one can draw from stars for differnt energies. Or one can chant runes like sol to change ones soul. This xanax for the soul shit is retarded. All of meditation could be classified as such. We are beyond what astrology we were born with.

You're not beyond astrology, you're it's victim, because there is something in your chart that more than likely, such as an emotional antithesis, making you believe that a said element is better than what you have (if you have water, you can assume fire, and if you are fire, you can assume let's say air etc).

If a water element person does not accept themselves they can wish they were more fire or earth.

I have noticed the least self accepting people are people with Water planets, which are the basic and most spiritual people ever. Most of the time they self-neglect simply because this world is a world of shit that banishes emotion and sentimentality, and then they lose their spiritual potency rather than clean their personal 'water basin' so to say.

This is because this world is based on left brain thinking and is straying all the more away from caring, compassion, and spirituality.

As for comparing Hitler to anyone who simply has two elements or any configuration...I do not compare Gold to Tin, and Copper with Gold. Different metals different rules. Different beings, different rules.

Hitler has some very watery and compassionate aspects in his chart. Pluto Conjunct Neptune in the 8th house is a blatant one. This aspect is extremely powerful of a water nature which can override energy even from normal 'Water signs'. He is far from "Earth Fire".

Hitler's True Node was in Cancer. He exercised the family caring, traditional powers, and compassion very clearly.

Jupiter Conjunction Moon is one of the most emotionally sensitive configurations one can have in their chart. This can bring a heart filled with a very pronounced sense of compassion, comradeship, and many other water natured qualities. 3 planets in the house of Libra, which is one of the most friendly, forgiving, and peace maker signs, he has that too.

Hitlers 3 main planets are in the 7th house of Air. This shows that he also had a lot of air, equal to fire in potency, since he also has had the 3rd house Jupiter and Moon. He was a master communicator, conversationalist, writer, etc. Strong air.

Saturn in Leo acts a stumbling block for fire. This is why Hitler never became arrogant, a sociopathic ghoul like many "Fire Predominant" people who give absolute zero care about others, and unlike the kids who will toy around with the Zodiac mantras, to 'bolster confidence' and other things. How many of you have done a working here to build a sense of proportion or measure? I guarantee you, nobody, not one single person has, and maybe none will ever do.

Rising above the stars doesn't mean to stop caring about astrological laws and your personal psychology and try to terraform it simply because it doesn't agree with X factor even if this factor is good.

Other people can of course have a different opinion on the subject. And you are free 'not to care' in the same way I tell you things like the above. Maybe you will understand or care later, maybe never.

I see what you are saying. That makes sense. Yes I was Given Gifts. Thats how Satan Himself brought me to the JOS. The psychic New age kid who stumbled upon Satan and his demons on the Astral. Psychic and weak. Pathetic fucking loser. Who struggled through life and let everyone take advantage of him. So I burnt the weakness out of me. I became the person I wanted to be. Is it perfect, no.

I am still so pathetic to who I want to become. At least now when someone tries to use me, I Beat the shit out of them. Although I sought after being strong so much I became it but not without becoming psychotic in the process.

Do I think zodiac mantras are the end all, ofcourse not. But how do you fix imbalances? Invocation of the opposite Element, not embracing the imbalance. Still I agree a working would be better. But guess what I cant keep consistency. I get home 8 o clock. I have to be up at 4:30. I have Raum at 108 Raum 108 EO 108 EA. 216 Surya. Hatha and kundalini Yoga. I pass out and back to square one we go. But im also suppose to have 15 workings in there for everything else.

Healing, Money, Confidence ect. I cant figure out why I would prefer visualizing a sign for 10 seconds and suddenly feeling different. But let me guess im suppose to be able to juggle all that. Well I cant. So I will be a kid playing with the zodiac mantras.

You should stop thinking yourself as how you were before and in terms of living up to possibilities. Think in terms of progress being made. And if you constantly dwell on toxic people and on beating up others that's what you will attract as well.
Instead of these zodiac mantras you can breath in elements daily followed by an affirmation for balancing in a healthy and positive way. It's not gonna take more time maybe less even.
YoakeHoshi said:
We firey signz are so bad, men! We don't have emotionz as well as water signz! We aren't spiritual like them! We are the bad onez. Don't use the bad Aries mantras and/or invoke fire element! Too bad!! Fire is useless. There's water, it's far more better than stupid fire!1!! :| :| :| :? :?
Girl while Aldrick needs a hug, what you need is a good spanking
In my opinion, I tend to think a lot more goes into this. If one incarnates and comes to Satan and lived a past of extremity for ex: One was a buddhist that totally rejected their personality or a xtian that did the same... There would be holes in said persons life and lifetime. Many things would be harder to retrieve in the persons life. This can maybe extend to more complex situations that are as unique as the stars as has been said before.

So in that case one technically doesn't start from scratch but based on their ideal way of being and who they want to become can incorporate all the mantras and workings that will align them to their ideal self. In doing so they fill a void while becoming better then who they were. I seriously don't think this would hamper their progress along the path as the serpent burns away dross naturally, and woth the added aspects they worked on, this can make for an all the more better ascension. Since in the case where their true self gets revealed which has to occur with ascension they would have additions to the self, which will go on. Again this is how I see and my opinion. I'm certainly open for discussions on what I stated.
Aldrick Strickland said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aldrick Strickland said:
So Hitler whos seven chakras were fire and earth was just retarded right? I change signs all the time. If you people dont want to do it, fine dont. I couldnt give two shits. I will use it. Just like one can draw from stars for differnt energies. Or one can chant runes like sol to change ones soul. This xanax for the soul shit is retarded. All of meditation could be classified as such. We are beyond what astrology we were born with.

You're not beyond astrology, you're it's victim, because there is something in your chart that more than likely, such as an emotional antithesis, making you believe that a said element is better than what you have (if you have water, you can assume fire, and if you are fire, you can assume let's say air etc).

If a water element person does not accept themselves they can wish they were more fire or earth.

I have noticed the least self accepting people are people with Water planets, which are the basic and most spiritual people ever. Most of the time they self-neglect simply because this world is a world of shit that banishes emotion and sentimentality, and then they lose their spiritual potency rather than clean their personal 'water basin' so to say.

This is because this world is based on left brain thinking and is straying all the more away from caring, compassion, and spirituality.

As for comparing Hitler to anyone who simply has two elements or any configuration...I do not compare Gold to Tin, and Copper with Gold. Different metals different rules. Different beings, different rules.

Hitler has some very watery and compassionate aspects in his chart. Pluto Conjunct Neptune in the 8th house is a blatant one. This aspect is extremely powerful of a water nature which can override energy even from normal 'Water signs'. He is far from "Earth Fire".

Hitler's True Node was in Cancer. He exercised the family caring, traditional powers, and compassion very clearly.

Jupiter Conjunction Moon is one of the most emotionally sensitive configurations one can have in their chart. This can bring a heart filled with a very pronounced sense of compassion, comradeship, and many other water natured qualities. 3 planets in the house of Libra, which is one of the most friendly, forgiving, and peace maker signs, he has that too.

Hitlers 3 main planets are in the 7th house of Air. This shows that he also had a lot of air, equal to fire in potency, since he also has had the 3rd house Jupiter and Moon. He was a master communicator, conversationalist, writer, etc. Strong air.

Saturn in Leo acts a stumbling block for fire. This is why Hitler never became arrogant, a sociopathic ghoul like many "Fire Predominant" people who give absolute zero care about others, and unlike the kids who will toy around with the Zodiac mantras, to 'bolster confidence' and other things. How many of you have done a working here to build a sense of proportion or measure? I guarantee you, nobody, not one single person has, and maybe none will ever do.

Rising above the stars doesn't mean to stop caring about astrological laws and your personal psychology and try to terraform it simply because it doesn't agree with X factor even if this factor is good.

Other people can of course have a different opinion on the subject. And you are free 'not to care' in the same way I tell you things like the above. Maybe you will understand or care later, maybe never.

I see what you are saying. That makes sense. Yes I was Given Gifts. Thats how Satan Himself brought me to the JOS. The psychic New age kid who stumbled upon Satan and his demons on the Astral. Psychic and weak. Pathetic fucking loser. Who struggled through life and let everyone take advantage of him. So I burnt the weakness out of me. I became the person I wanted to be. Is it perfect, no.

I am still so pathetic to who I want to become. At least now when someone tries to use me, I Beat the shit out of them. Although I sought after being strong so much I became it but not without becoming psychotic in the process.

Do I think zodiac mantras are the end all, ofcourse not. But how do you fix imbalances? Invocation of the opposite Element, not embracing the imbalance. Still I agree a working would be better. But guess what I cant keep consistency. I get home 8 o clock. I have to be up at 4:30. I have Raum at 108 Raum 108 EO 108 EA. 216 Surya. Hatha and kundalini Yoga. I pass out and back to square one we go. But im also suppose to have 15 workings in there for everything else.

Healing, Money, Confidence ect. I cant figure out why I would prefer visualizing a sign for 10 seconds and suddenly feeling different. But let me guess im suppose to be able to juggle all that. Well I cant. So I will be a kid playing with the zodiac mantras.
Sorry but you sound like a Kid who call himself "DaRkGOD6666".
There are way to fix inbalance. My main two elements are Earth and Fire, and honestly i don't ""like"" them, with the help of meditations i decresed their negative effects and now i feel better, even if i have to balance them more.

One of the main point of meditations is to balance yourself, you won't get anywhere if you don't start to balance yourself.

Hope you won't get mad at me but this is the true and i hope you can accept it.
Sinistra said:
YoakeHoshi said:
We firey signz are so bad, men! We don't have emotionz as well as water signz! We aren't spiritual like them! We are the bad onez. Don't use the bad Aries mantras and/or invoke fire element! Too bad!! Fire is useless. There's water, it's far more better than stupid fire!1!! :| :| :| :? :?
Girl while Aldrick needs a hug, what you need is a good spanking

Yoake is coolz. Shes just being fiery and funny.
Sinistra said:
Aldrick Strickland said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
You're not beyond astrology, you're it's victim, because there is something in your chart that more than likely, such as an emotional antithesis, making you believe that a said element is better than what you have (if you have water, you can assume fire, and if you are fire, you can assume let's say air etc).

If a water element person does not accept themselves they can wish they were more fire or earth.

I have noticed the least self accepting people are people with Water planets, which are the basic and most spiritual people ever. Most of the time they self-neglect simply because this world is a world of shit that banishes emotion and sentimentality, and then they lose their spiritual potency rather than clean their personal 'water basin' so to say.

This is because this world is based on left brain thinking and is straying all the more away from caring, compassion, and spirituality.

As for comparing Hitler to anyone who simply has two elements or any configuration...I do not compare Gold to Tin, and Copper with Gold. Different metals different rules. Different beings, different rules.

Hitler has some very watery and compassionate aspects in his chart. Pluto Conjunct Neptune in the 8th house is a blatant one. This aspect is extremely powerful of a water nature which can override energy even from normal 'Water signs'. He is far from "Earth Fire".

Hitler's True Node was in Cancer. He exercised the family caring, traditional powers, and compassion very clearly.

Jupiter Conjunction Moon is one of the most emotionally sensitive configurations one can have in their chart. This can bring a heart filled with a very pronounced sense of compassion, comradeship, and many other water natured qualities. 3 planets in the house of Libra, which is one of the most friendly, forgiving, and peace maker signs, he has that too.

Hitlers 3 main planets are in the 7th house of Air. This shows that he also had a lot of air, equal to fire in potency, since he also has had the 3rd house Jupiter and Moon. He was a master communicator, conversationalist, writer, etc. Strong air.

Saturn in Leo acts a stumbling block for fire. This is why Hitler never became arrogant, a sociopathic ghoul like many "Fire Predominant" people who give absolute zero care about others, and unlike the kids who will toy around with the Zodiac mantras, to 'bolster confidence' and other things. How many of you have done a working here to build a sense of proportion or measure? I guarantee you, nobody, not one single person has, and maybe none will ever do.

Rising above the stars doesn't mean to stop caring about astrological laws and your personal psychology and try to terraform it simply because it doesn't agree with X factor even if this factor is good.

Other people can of course have a different opinion on the subject. And you are free 'not to care' in the same way I tell you things like the above. Maybe you will understand or care later, maybe never.

I see what you are saying. That makes sense. Yes I was Given Gifts. Thats how Satan Himself brought me to the JOS. The psychic New age kid who stumbled upon Satan and his demons on the Astral. Psychic and weak. Pathetic fucking loser. Who struggled through life and let everyone take advantage of him. So I burnt the weakness out of me. I became the person I wanted to be. Is it perfect, no.

I am still so pathetic to who I want to become. At least now when someone tries to use me, I Beat the shit out of them. Although I sought after being strong so much I became it but not without becoming psychotic in the process.

Do I think zodiac mantras are the end all, ofcourse not. But how do you fix imbalances? Invocation of the opposite Element, not embracing the imbalance. Still I agree a working would be better. But guess what I cant keep consistency. I get home 8 o clock. I have to be up at 4:30. I have Raum at 108 Raum 108 EO 108 EA. 216 Surya. Hatha and kundalini Yoga. I pass out and back to square one we go. But im also suppose to have 15 workings in there for everything else.

Healing, Money, Confidence ect. I cant figure out why I would prefer visualizing a sign for 10 seconds and suddenly feeling different. But let me guess im suppose to be able to juggle all that. Well I cant. So I will be a kid playing with the zodiac mantras.

You should stop thinking yourself as how you were before and in terms of living up to possibilities. Think in terms of progress being made. And if you constantly dwell on toxic people and on beating up others that's what you will attract as well.
Instead of these zodiac mantras you can breath in elements daily followed by an affirmation for balancing in a healthy and positive way. It's not gonna take more time maybe less even.

Thats interesting. Im Naturally Shy and Sensitive. People abused this fact. So I became The opposite. But I did so Effectively. Its true I Fight my Natural Self which Is why I See Saw. But I could not just see Remaining Weak. Oh im Compassionate and Loving. That gets you nothing in this life. It Doesnt get you Money, A Girl, Respect or anything. People are Cunts. Every fuckin one of them. Self absorbed Losers. So I became a self absorbed Loser to join them. Although I am taking to heart what is being said here. I do value and care for my Satanic family. I apologize for being an ego Filled Cunt sometimes. It annoys me as well.

But Whatcha gonna do lol. I am trying To Transform. Like a Retarded Phoenix cawing at the wind burning himself. One day we shall eat apple pie together and it will be dandy. If you dont like apple pie then fuck you. You will eat it and enjoy it. I actually Hate Pie though, Its Gluten.
Sinistra said:
YoakeHoshi said:
We firey signz are so bad, men! We don't have emotionz as well as water signz! We aren't spiritual like them! We are the bad onez. Don't use the bad Aries mantras and/or invoke fire element! Too bad!! Fire is useless. There's water, it's far more better than stupid fire!1!! :| :| :| :? :?
Girl while Aldrick needs a hug, what you need is a good spanking

And you need to stop persecuting me lol ^^'
Sigh I cannot post anything without you commenting me hehe.
Aldrick Strickland said:
luis said:
Aldrick Strickland said:
I see what you are saying. That makes sense. Yes I was Given Gifts. Thats how Satan Himself brought me to the JOS. The psychic New age kid who stumbled upon Satan and his demons on the Astral. Psychic and weak. Pathetic fucking loser. Who struggled through life and let everyone take advantage of him. So I burnt the weakness out of me. I became the person I wanted to be. Is it perfect, no.

I am still so pathetic to who I want to become. At least now when someone tries to use me, I Beat the shit out of them. Although I sought after being strong so much I became it but not without becoming psychotic in the process.

Do I think zodiac mantras are the end all, ofcourse not. But how do you fix imbalances? Invocation of the opposite Element, not embracing the imbalance. Still I agree a working would be better. But guess what I cant keep consistency. I get home 8 o clock. I have to be up at 4:30. I have Raum at 108 Raum 108 EO 108 EA. 216 Surya. Hatha and kundalini Yoga. I pass out and back to square one we go. But im also suppose to have 15 workings in there for everything else.

Healing, Money, Confidence ect. I cant figure out why I would prefer visualizing a sign for 10 seconds and suddenly feeling different. But let me guess im suppose to be able to juggle all that. Well I cant. So I will be a kid playing with the zodiac mantras.
Sorry but you sound like a Kid who call himself "DaRkGOD6666".
There are way to fix inbalance. My main two elements are Earth and Fire, and honestly i don't ""like"" them, with the help of meditations i decresed their negative effects and now i feel better, even if i have to balance them more.

One of the main point of meditations is to balance yourself, you won't get anywhere if you don't start to balance yourself.

Hope you won't get mad at me but this is the true and i hope you can accept it.

DarkGod6666? Nigger what the fuck you even talking about?
I'm talking about that instead of using those mantra to fuck up yourself, you should do something for balance. Hope you understand what i'm saing.
Sinistra said:
YoakeHoshi said:
We firey signz are so bad, men! We don't have emotionz as well as water signz! We aren't spiritual like them! We are the bad onez. Don't use the bad Aries mantras and/or invoke fire element! Too bad!! Fire is useless. There's water, it's far more better than stupid fire!1!! :| :| :| :? :?
Girl while Aldrick needs a hug, what you need is a good spanking

And btw don't spank me! I could like it :roll: :cool:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
