"]Finally, there are some great books with detailed instructions for asanas. Even just skimming through and looking at the asanas you like will be helpful. I’ve linked these books before as they are great. You can ignore the intros and skip straight to the descriptions of the asanas.
BKS Iyengar, The Path To Holistic Health. This one shows a lot of asanas in a full 360 degree view, it really helped me.
https://www.pdfdrive.com/the-path-to-ho ... 10299.html
BKS Iyengar, Light On Yoga. A classic. Iyengar has natal Mercury retrograde in Capricorn, so he really details things thoroughly.
Kino MacGregor, The Power Of Ashtanga Yoga. While this one is of Ashtanga yoga, the asanas are still Hatha yoga asanas, so you can skip the first part where she talks about Ashtanga and go straight to the descriptions of the asanas. She has a Virgo stellium with Mercury retrograde in Virgo, so she excels at describing asanas.
https://www.pdfdrive.com/the-power-of-a ... 05567.html
Ann Swanson, Science Of Yoga. This one is for those who want to know about muscle anatomy in poses, and more. Really informative book, written by a self-proclaimed "science and anatomy nerd".
https://www.pdfdrive.com/science-of-yog ... 22083.html