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Feb 3, 2019
I'm not sure if this is the place to post this, but I am about to do my dedication ritual. Is there anything I may have missed? And a question I have is, should I change my name? The name is 'makayla' and has a christian meaning. Should I use a different name? And we're would I have one that didn't have christian roots? Also, is there anything bad that will happen, any enemy attacks? Thank you, I just want to. Be prepared. (Curse my anxiety)
Ralkei said:
I'm not sure if this is the place to post this, but I am about to do my dedication ritual. Is there anything I may have missed? And a question I have is, should I change my name? The name is 'makayla' and has a christian meaning. Should I use a different name? And we're would I have one that didn't have christian roots? Also, is there anything bad that will happen, any enemy attacks? Thank you, I just want to. Be prepared. (Curse my anxiety)

Signing your name is just a formality of sorts and it's the blood and thought that truly matters. Your name can honestly be written as any name you want it to be and it doesn't matter what your name is. I didn't use my actual name for my astral dedication or my physical dedication and it was still 100% valid and Satan communicates with me just fine.

The only thing that will likely happen after dedicating is a sudden feeling of pure bliss and happiness/peace but if such doesn't occur then don't worry about it, the dedication is still valid. Once dedicated you are integrated into our family and will be protected as such. But in return you must be loyal to Satan and only Satan and work on his behalf whether that be fighting against his enemies, advancing yourself and meditating, spreading the truth, educating yourself in our library or all of the above.

Those who overcome fear can only grow stronger.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
