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Workout programs+ Equipment

Yog Sothoth

Oct 15, 2013
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<td val[/IMG]My apologies for being so late with this post, I've been extremely busy the last few days (couple that with enemy attacks and pursonal matters) Now everything here is going to be listed in category's of (cardio, muscle building, martial arts ect ect) All links are in BOLD (please let me know if any of the links don't work) Sorry for any spelling mistakes, I'm writeing this late at night after a long day.

Martial arts:
Dabree 30 day program: http://darebee.com/programs/fighters-codex.html Now I've actually pursonally done this program before, it has mostly repeated movements with high reps, it also has balence work and stretching. Along with that Darbree has a YouTube channel: with the exercises explaned in great detail. There is only one fault with this program.... ITS DAMN BOREING (at least for me) Its defently not as fun as Darbrees other Martial Arts workouts:
These are better IMO and you should add them to this program (for variety)
Fight Smart Trav: https://howtofightnow.com This is in fact the BEST martial arts website on the Internet. The wealth of information and knowledge within is indispensable. All programs and programs Trav sells (and also FREE) are amazing and give a great foundation to any martial artist. I cannot stress enough how great this website is, highly recommend.
Martial arts equipment and books: Punching bag: http://www.amazon.com/Everlast-100-Vint ... ng+bag+kit This is self evident and needs no explaneing. This is the oldest workout equipment on earth for a reason. Double end bag: http://www.amazon.com/RDX-Leather-Doubl ... le+end+bag The BEST way to work on punch timing and speed, and if used correctly head movement.Speed bag: Great for increasing punch speed.MMA Book of knowledge by BJ Penn: http://www.amazon.com/Mixed-Martial-Art ... +knowledge The best book on MMA out there (and I have read a LOT of em) the only problem is the book assumes a basic knowledge of martial arts.Tao of Jeet Kune Do by Bruce Lee: https://archive.org/details/TaoOfJeetKu ... uceLee.pdf This information is great even for people who don't practice Jeet Kune Do, this is in the library of every great martial artist. And last but NOT least, Slip bag: http://www.amazon.com/Title-Boxing-TITL ... s=Slip+bag The BEST way to work on head movement. This is how Mike Tyson got so goooood
Muscle building:
Stronglifts 5x5 and other programs: http://stronglifts.com/5x5/ IMO the greatist weightlifting program out there. It strengthens the whole body, and it is extremely simple. The wealth of information on the site is extremely useful. Also remember this is all for FREE. Highly recommend.
P90X 1: http://www.amazon.com/P90X-DVD-Workout- ... words=p90x 2: http://www.amazon.com/P90X2-Next-P90X-D ... ords=p90x2 And 3: http://www.amazon.com/Tony-Hortons-P90X ... ords=p90x3 excellent programs for getting lean. All are based on the idea of 'muscle confusion' basically the program changes throughout the 90 days so your body does not get used to the workouts. This causes faster results. The program is also extremely fun! Although I will say DO NOT do P90X 2 if your new to fitness. It's extremely hard (but gives great results) do P90X 1 and 3 before attempting 2. Equipment needed: I already included links with the equipment included. This is just the stuff I have (or had) Pull up bar: http://www.amazon.com/Stamina-50-1690-1 ... ower+tower Dumbbells or resistance bands: http://www.amazon.com/Bowflex-SelectTec ... +dumbbells Medicine ball (only for P90X2): http://www.amazon.com/Champion-Sports-F ... BPX4Y5C60K Buff Dudes 12 weak bodybuilding program 1-2: http://www.buffdudes.us Now personally I don't recommend bodybuilding programs as I find most are extremely unhealthy and cause muscle imbalances and a host of other problems. But this is the exception. This program is especially good for those who have a hard time building muscle (as it has high reps and volume) but it is also full body (cut between days) Although you should double the amount of yoga and stretching you do. This is the best way to offset the negative effects of bodybuilding. This program is completely free (and even comes with videos of each workout on the buff dudes YouTube) but it does require a lot of equipment (really you need a gym membership for this program) Darbree Bodyweight programs: This are extremely good for anyone new to fitness Also these programs are extremely fun, FREE and do not require any equipment (The heroes journey program is especially fun) Heroes journey: http://darebee.com/programs/hero-journey.html Spartan trials: http://darebee.com/programs/spartan-trials.html 30 days of strength: http://darebee.com/programs/30-days-of-strength.html 30 days of gravity: http://darebee.com/programs/30-days-of-gravity.html 30 days of change: http://darebee.com/programs/30-days-of-change.html 90 days of action: http://darebee.com/programs/90-days-of-action.html
Yogs personal program: This was given to me by my MMA coach (who is a fighter in the UFC) for my off days when I can't make it to the gym. It does not require any equipment, but is extremely hard. I'm very athletic but this is hard even for me. If you need to change the sets and reps go right ahead. If you have any of the martial arts equipment mentioned above then work on that for 30 minutes before the workout. If you have a pull up bar then add pull-ups to failure. (Explaining terminology: to failure means, As many reps as possible until your body just can't do them anymore) rest time between sets is up to 3-4 minuets depending on how much you need. 30 minute run Push ups to failure Squats to failure Set ups X 50 reps (start counting when it hurts Repeat for 3 more sets

Cardio/Fat Loss/Endurance:
Insanity: http://www.amazon.com/INSANITY-Base-Kit ... s=Insanity Insanity Asylum: http://www.amazon.com/INSANITY-ASYLUM-1 ... ity+asylum IMO the BEST home program. Both are HIIT programs (High Intensity Interval Training) Basically it's traditional interval training (long periods of rest with very short burst of intensity) turned on its head. It is long periods of high intensity cardio and plyometrics with very short periods of rest (30 seconds to a minute) The only problem is most people find these program wayy to hard. Lots of people drop them at the beginning of the second month (insanity is 60 days, Asylum is 30+ days) now if you decide to do these programs START with insanity, it requires no equipment and is much easier then Asylum. Asylum is more geared toward Athletes (as the program itself was created for Athletes to stay in shape during off season) Also it requires a pull up bar, resistance bands (or Dumbbells) and agility ladder. If your already athletic and want a challenge this is the program for you.
Darbree HIIT programs: This is the cardio program for those new to fitness. Its MUCH easier then Insanity, yet still it's a HIIT program (and all the benefits that comes with that) I found them to be extremely boring but hey that's just me. They are also FREE and require no equipment. 30 days of HIIT: http://darebee.com/programs/30-days-of- ... anced.html 30 days of cardio: http://darebee.com/programs/30-days-of- ... blast.html 7 day micro HIIT: http://darebee.com/programs/micro-hiit.html Yogs fat loss program: Now this one might surprise some people. Out of all the programs I've done (and as you see, that's a lot) the program that got me lean and abs was just getting up and walking in the morning for a hour..... Yeah I know I was surprised also. HIIT is great but there is something to be said about low intensity cardio. Firstly it's what we humans were designed to do, based on the information we have ancient humans walked, a LOT. This is especially true for the Aryan race (as we've migrated over large distances more then any other race: See Dr William Pierce, Who we are: History of the White Race: http://www.jrbooksonline.com/PDF_Books/ ... %20Are.pdf for more information on this) I personally listen to a audio book when I walk, also you can do void meditation walking (Highly recommend) either just focusing on each step or chanting a mantra in your head with each step (such as Sat-Nam or Sa-Ta-Na-Ma) People pay thousands of dollars for fat loss program, they don't realize you can just walk to lose weight. Then again that would destroy the fitness industry.
My personal philosophy on fitness: Now I've given a list of programs that WORKED FOR ME. Every human being on this earth is deferent. I cannot stress this enough. What works for one might not work for another. This is much more striking a deference then you might think. Race, family line, mental state, diet, these are just a few of the hundreds of factors that play into ones health. That said these are some general guidelines for picking the program that will work for you. The Black race is the strongest, fastest and most physically capable race. This is a undeniable fact. The best athletes throughout history were Black. (Mohamed Ali, Mike Tyson, Jon Jones, Floyd Mayweather are just a few examples) This is just how the Gods designed it. Now because of this if your Black you should strive to reach the absolute hight of athletic ability your blood promises. The Aryan race has been known to put on muscle better then other races. But this really depends on your Racal subgroup. For example the Nordic and Ukrainian/Russian volks can build muscle easy, when East Baltic volks tend to have trouble losing fat. If your Aryan i advise you read the NS books on the races of Europe (all of which can be found on Satans Library) pick your program based on your blood and fitness goals. The Asian race loses fat the easiest, but its extremely difficult for them to build muscle. I would recommend a bodybuilding or strength training program for one of the Asian race. Also because the Asian race is stronger mentally then the other races Martial Arts comes extremely easy to them. Again this all depends of racial sub group and family line. If anyone needs help building or picking a program feel free to ask me :D Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPad [/TD]
Wow, Yog. Very nicely said. Thank you for taking the time to put this post out. I am black myself and when it comes to athletics, I have always felt an urge to push myself and keep going. Thanks for breaking it down. I am actually looking for a way to work out better and exercise. 
How long did it take for you to personally see improvement in the exercises? And when did you began to get into the "working out" aspect of health and fitness?
<td val[/IMG]I don't want to get into much on my personal background. Just know that before I came to Satanism I was extremely overweight and depressed. Satan and my GD guided me to working out and fitness. Now I'm muscular like the Aryan ideal statues you find in the Third Reich or at least I'm trying to be ;) . A martial artist (I'm entering into a kickboxing tournament soon actually.) and getting better in my meditations everyday. It's been a long loooong road. Because working out and fitness was the first things I did after dedicateing, I consider it just as important as meditation. I write this to imspire any Satanist out there who is struggling with their weight, if I did it YOU can do it. If you have any problem just ask Satan and the Gods, they will guide you. But YOU need to do your part aswell. Cause and effect , This is an eternal law of the universe. " You reap what you sow"-Thoth (this quote was corrupted by jews and nuu agers, it has NOTHING to do with spirtual warfare) Listen, The results you get from ANY fitness program are in derect proportion to the work you put in.
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On Jul 21, 2015, 8:13:12 PM, soutlaw92@... [SSHealth] wrote: Wow, Yog. Very nicely said. Thank you for taking the time to put this post out. I am black myself and when it comes to athletics, I have always felt an urge to push myself and keep going. Thanks for breaking it down. I am actually looking for a way to work out better and exercise.
How long did it take for you to personally see improvement in the exercises? And when did you began to get into the "working out" aspect of health and fitness?
<td val[/IMG]Let's turn this into a workout program thread. Please share your program (with relevant links) Agian if anyone needs help picking a program feel free to ask.

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On Jul 21, 2015, 8:42:44 P[/IMG]I don't want to get into much on my personal background. Just know that before I came to Satanism I was extremely overweight and depressed. Satan and my GD guided me to working out and fitness. Now I'm muscular like the Aryan ideal statues you find in the Third Reich or at least I'm trying to be ;). A martial artist (I'm entering into a kickboxing tournament soon actually.) and getting better in my meditations everyday. It's been a long loooong road. Because working out and fitness was the first things I did after dedicateing, I consider it just as important as meditation. I write this to imspire any Satanist out there who is struggling with their weight, if I did it YOU can do it. If you have any problem just ask Satan and the Gods, they will guide you. But YOU need to do your part aswell. Cause and effect, This is an eternal law of the universe. "You reap what you sow"-Thoth (this quote was corrupted by jews and nuu agers, it has NOTHING to do with spirtual warfare) Listen, The results you get from ANY fitness program are in derect proportion to the work you put in.

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On Jul 21, 2015, 8:13:12 PM, soutlaw92@... [SSHealth] wrote: Wow, Yog. Very nicely said. Thank you for taking the time to put this post out. I am black myself and when it comes to athletics, I have always felt an urge to push myself and keep going. Thanks for breaking it down. I am actually looking for a way to work out better and exercise.
How long did it take for you to personally see improvement in the exercises? And when did you began to get into the "working out" aspect of health and fitness?
Thank you so much Yog for posting this! :) At the moment I am doing this workout program Total Body Training With Only A Barbell. - Bodybuilding.com but it's on a body building website..and after reading this I'm wondering if I should do one of the programs you've listed? because I don't want to look like a gross mass of muscle :p 

On Wednesday, 22 July 2015, 13:59, "soutlaw92@... [SSHealth]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Inspiring! Thanks. :)
Good to see you becoming whole everyday.

<td val[/IMG]No your fine :) that's a great program. I actually was going to post a lot of the workouts on bodybuilding.com, I just decided against it because a lot of the information on the site is harmful and newer members might look at it and get the wrong impression. But that workout is actually one of the few I was going to include in my post.

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On Jul 21, 2015, 9:36:24 PM, jake thompson thompson1926@... [SSHealth] wrote: Thank you so much Yog for posting this! :) At the moment I am doing this workout program Total Body Training With Only A Barbell. - Bodybuilding.com but it's on a body building website..and after reading this I'm wondering if I should do one of the programs you've listed? because I don't want to look like a gross mass of muscle :p

On Wednesday, 22 July 2015, 13:59, "soutlaw92@... [SSHealth]" wrote:

Inspiring! Thanks. :)
Good to see you becoming whole everyday.
<td val[/IMG]@Shannon, depends on which exercises you mean. Usually I start seeing myself improve in a particular workout program about 15-20 days into the program. Depending on the program of course. I'm pure Aryan myself (German Nordic on my fathers side, English on my mothers side (which would include Angelo-German and east Baltic) and as I've said its always been difficult losing weight. This also has to do with my birth chart. Thats is something I forgot to mention in my post. Check your birth chart people! It's important to find out what areas you need to work on!

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On Jul 21, 2015, 8:13:12 PM, soutlaw92@... [SSHealth] wrote: Wow, Yog. Very nicely said. Thank you for taking the time to put this post out. I am black myself and when it comes to athletics, I have always felt an urge to push myself and keep going. Thanks for breaking it down. I am actually looking for a way to work out better and exercise.
How long did it take for you to personally see improvement in the exercises? And when did you began to get into the "working out" aspect of health and fitness?
Ok sweet, also when it comes to breaks, how often should I have one, I started this yesterday :p and I feel fine but my brother said I should still have a break, I don't want to, I want to keep going and I know I can but is it advisable to have a rest? :)
<td val[/IMG]This is a individual thing. If you feel you don't need a break then don't take one. On the otherhand you have to remember that over exhausting your body can be harmful. So take that into account.

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On Jul 22, 2015, 1:08:47 AM, thompson1926@... [SSHealth] wrote: Ok sweet, also when it comes to breaks, how often should I have one, I started this yesterday :p and I feel fine but my brother said I should still have a break, I don't want to, I want to keep going and I know I can but is it advisable to have a rest? :)
<td val[/IMG]I'm going to be posting this as a topic in the JoS forum tomarrow. I will update it and correct any spelling meatakes (which I see quite a few, again sorry about those guys) I'm planing on makeing a post with a list of good diets/healthy recipes within the next week. Also I'm going to make a post explaneing the benefits of mini trampolines and things of that nature soon. (I have about 10 more posts in-the-works lol XD ) Thanks a lot Shannon for makeing this.group . I feel like I'm truly contributing to my Brothers and Sisters with my knowledge of this stuff.

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On Jul 22, 2015, 1:14:28 A[/IMG]This is a individual thing. If you feel you don't need a break then don't take one. On the otherhand you have to remember that over exhausting your body can be harmful. So take that into account.

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On Jul 22, 2015, 1:08:47 AM, thompson1926@... [SSHealth] wrote: Ok sweet, also when it comes to breaks, how often should I have one, I started this yesterday :p and I feel fine but my brother said I should still have a break, I don't want to, I want to keep going and I know I can but is it advisable to have a rest? :)
Thanks a lot for putting this together Yog. My personal workout program involves a mix of HIIT, muscle workout with dumbbells and body-weight, and a bit of Yoga. But I keep changing my workout regime to keep myself fit.
For one year in 2014, my workout regimen included HIIT, 4-5 days a week. I too can personally vouch for HIIT's effectiveness. I had a small ponch and love handles at the beginning of 2014. Within an year, I had almost 4 packs and had lost at least 2.5 inches overall. Of course, my workout involved lesser exercises and repetitions, due to lack of time. Yet, it was highly effective. 
Note: If you have less than 30 minutes a day for exercise, insanity workout and HIIT are excellent workouts. All it takes is 15-20 minutes a day and your day will go great.
For HIIT, check out this video High Intensity Interval Training (33:44 seconds to death)  Also,
HIIT (High-Intensity-Interval-Training) Tips  
I changed my workout during the first half of 2015. It was just plain gym workout, 5 days a week. Basically 10 minutes of cardio with stretches, 5 minutes of push-ups, 30 minutes of muscle workout and 5 minutes on abs. This was just to burn my fat faster and build/tone my muscles.

Since I started losing fat too much too fast, I have given a rest to my gym workout now. As I stated at the beginning, my current workout includes HIIT (4 days a week), with muscle workout (5 days a week) and a bit of Yoga (surya namaskar and few stretching asanas). I currently have a 4-pack abs and almost no fat around my love handles.
I am looking at making a gradual transition towards martial arts (I used to be a Jeet Kune Do student long ago, so still got some moves). Yog's links look really great, so I can take up few workouts and techniques from there.
My power meditation anyways includes pranayama, full chakra meditation and void meditation, along with cleaning my chakras and aura every day. Hope this helps a few people here.
Caution: If you are doing HIIT, make sure that you give it a break of about 36-48 hours. Else, you may experience burn out.

We all deeply appreciate it Yog, it'll be a massive help to myself and a lot of other people!! :D HAIL SATAN!!!!
Great info! I used to be a personal trainer, I mainly just do yoga these days though. And I'm in better shape than I ever have been. I do the dvd's by Raviana, but skip the end meditations and do my own power meditations. I do those about 5 days a week and a regular hatha program the other days. 
I have had the urge lately though to do another exercise program, I might try that Hero's Journey, it looks fun. I don't need to lose weight, I just want to tone up a bit and feel stronger. And exercise ALWAYS improves my mental well-being.
<td val[/IMG]@Lydia I'm studying to become a personal trainer actually. My dream is to one day have my own gym where I can teach fitness, martial arts and maybe even meditation and breathing exercises.
Do you have any tips on getting certified? Or any advise in genaral about the profession?
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On Jul 22, 2015, 7:11:46 PM, lydia_666@... [SSHealth] wrote: Great info! I used to be a personal trainer, I mainly just do yoga these days though. And I'm in better shape than I ever have been. I do the dvd's by Raviana, but skip the end meditations and do my own power meditations. I do those about 5 days a week and a regular hatha program the other days.
I have had the urge lately though to do another exercise program, I might try that Hero's Journey, it looks fun. I don't need to lose weight, I just want to tone up a bit and feel stronger. And exercise ALWAYS improves my mental well-being.
This is a major source of good information and programs. Thank you for putting this together!

I will be reading the diet and other exercises you are posting.

This is a really good group. I didn't understand it until today. So also a big thanks to Shannon Outlaw for creating the group!
What would you say is the best workout to burn fat in the morning?

Going for a walk, or riding a Stationary Bike?
I do insanity program and its hard but the best program I have ever done it works all parts of body and is good for all sorts of athleticism. also I do gymnastic for four years still this program is hard for me

On Friday, July 24, 2015 10:14 AM, "mancunianninja@... [SSHealth]" <[email protected] wrote:

  This is a major source of good information and programs. Thank you for putting this together!

I will be reading the diet and other exercises you are posting.

This is a really good group. I didn't understand it until today. So also a big thanks to Shannon Outlaw for creating the group!

a question. can I trust darebee site. I mean its too good to be real hahaha. but seriously can I trust it or not?

On Friday, July 24, 2015 10:50 AM, MOHAMAD AHMADI <mohamad.ahmadi32@... wrote:

I do insanity program and its hard but the best program I have ever done it works all parts of body and is good for all sorts of athleticism. also I do gymnastic for four years still this program is hard for me

On Friday, July 24, 2015 10:14 AM, "mancunianninja@... [SSHealth]" <[email protected] wrote:

  This is a major source of good information and programs. Thank you for putting this together!

I will be reading the diet and other exercises you are posting.

This is a really good group. I didn't understand it until today. So also a big thanks to Shannon Outlaw for creating the group!

Hello. I have a few question about supplements. I am working out at home with my own body weight. I was thinking of buying some protein and BCAA amino acids. What are your views on this? Are the BCAA any good?
A absolutely fantastic workout program was brought here by i think either Fake Name or Yog. Anyways, it is called 5x5 stronglifts and it is great and really works, im doing it myself. Here is the link StrongLifts 5x5: The Simplest Workout To Get StrongerIf you have a smart phone download his app, its free. There is an option to buy something in the app but you don't need to. I have heard a few things about supplements, and workout shakes. They have TOO much protein. i think  that you are only supposed to eat about 1 gram of protein per kg of body weight. However, some shakes have bad ingredients, and are harmful to the body, or they have too much protein, which can cause liver damage. So i would just say to eat more meats, fish, eggs, whole milk, and you should be fine with gaining weight. HAIL SATAN!!!
I eat small amounts of food during the day because of my lifestyle. Mostly something small for breakfast and a snack in between lunch after work. Than i got school and when i get home i can't eat because I feel too full to workout or even sleep so I was thinking of getting casein protein after workout before sleep so I can eventually eat more in the morning. I now weight exactly 80kg and I would ingest around 24g of protein before sleep. I don't eat a lot during the day mostly something small for breakfast and hopefully a warm meal for lunch so I don't think that's enough.

I am more concerned about the BCAA. I am also planning on starting a hydrogen peroxide therapy but I have to consult my doctor first because of my health problems. I usually feel really worked out after exercises for the next 2 days and I have to go to work and school and it is really exhausting because my work is physical and that's why I was starting about taking amino acids and mostly people suggested me taking BCAA. I decided to turn to my brothers and sisters to ask for help before taking any wrong turns because I can't afford to spend money on a lot of different brands and try out the best thing. Is there any other amino acid supplement which allows our body to get all the amino acids to regenerate muscle faster beside BCAA?

Ok I was unsure about buying protein because i know i can gain them by eating food, its just that i cant eat that much because I feel sick. I eat breakfast, something in between the lunch, lunch, and than dinner.. I was thinking of drinking mild protein shakes after workout which comes before dinner. What about amino acids? That's my primary question. BCAA is known to replenish amino acids lowering the amount of i think its called lactic acid (at least in my language) in your muscles making you available to workout more without feeling any pain in muscles. My friends said they gained shitload of muscles using this method but i suspect they are on roids tho.

I can't say I am an expert in this field, but as I've been around gyms for some years I know something for a fact. Most of the supplements (protein) come from milk or egg. BCAA probably are chemical reproduction of the natural BCAA (like most Vitamin supplements) - not sure about this but it's most likely so.
I personally like milk, raw milk if I can find it, it satisfies my needs and I am using it since some months after a first "test" of its qualities for me (I was a bit perplexed, now I am not any more).
Years ago I was in a gym where many people were taking any kind of supplement, and obviously they grew muscles. One of them was not using supplements but said he was drinking about 1 liter milk per day. He gained mass like other people. Of course this might be a little too much if you are sensitive to milk and you may have problems digesting it.
Anyway, I prefer eating more milk (cheap proteins) that is very natural, instead of taking supplements that derive from milk (so refined products); I am also sure milk contains many Bcaa as the biological value of the milk protein is one of the highest (if not the highest), that means that milk proteins are one of the best for bulding up muscles, so it mean they contain all the basis amynoacids needed.
If you find difficult digesting milk, yogurt might be the solution.

My opinion is that most of the supplements are just made to fill psycological gaps of the "user"; well proteins and Bcaa obviously work as they are basic components, but I'd be careful about potential chemical pollution of the products (including, who knows, fluoride maybe??) whan I can obtain the same effects through a cheap and healty food!

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: Fri, 6 Nov 2015 00:30:59 -0800
Subject: [SSHealth] Re: Workout programs+ Equipment

  Ok I was unsure about buying protein because i know i can gain them by eating food, its just that i cant eat that much because I feel sick. I eat breakfast, something in between the lunch, lunch, and than dinner.. I was thinking of drinking mild protein shakes after workout which comes before dinner. What about amino acids? That's my primary question. BCAA is known to replenish amino acids lowering the amount of i think its called lactic acid (at least in my language) in your muscles making you available to workout more without feeling any pain in muscles. My friends said they gained shitload of muscles using this method but i suspect they are on roids tho.

I use BCAAs and Protein shakes for my workouts as well, however I'm still checking to see how they help because I have only been using them for a month or so. I've always built muscle fairly easily, so I am uncertain as to whether my latest (fairly extreme) muscle builds are because of my workouts, or because of the BCAAs and protein, or just because of all of the above (lol). You should be careful with these things because as stated before, they can have chemicals that are actually detrimental to your health in the long run.
Much of todays food has less of its nutritional components because of refining and depleted soils.Normally eating whole vitamin rich food supplies the body with what it needs. In this case you can consume more protein rich foods, foods that are naturally high in protein and amino acids. Animal products such as pastured eggs, grass fed milk products, whey(from the fresh source) and meat works well for the body and gaining muscle mass. When these foods are not refined and in its raw state, such as with milk, it supplies the body with complete acids and peptides.
Quite naturally if one is eating a balanced diet with extra protein and healthy fats, then this helps a ton. Proteins and fats work hand and hand. Fat helps the body transport the protein. 
I personally eat a good amount of healthy fat and protein and it helps with my body and skin. I am a female and so I like my body with curve and definition. The fats I eat has improved my hormones and endocrine functioning. The brain and hormones are made of fat.
If one wants to see remarkable improvement in the muscle tone/mass and for men, testosterone, then stay away from soy products. Soy inhibits and deplete BCAA. Men are becoming maculated and estrogen dominant because of soy and other chemicals in our environment. Soy is also in a huge majority of "non soy" products such as candy bars, soups, soups, nut mixes, processed meats and foods and of course even inside the most that we eat. The animals are fed soy and grain based diets, especially commercially raised and conventional chicken. Always check the ingredients in food labels and try your best to have your meats and animal products, organic, grass fed, pasture raised and or wild caught. 
Many protein supplements has a lot of filler and unnecessary components in it. For any one, fresh and whole is best. That is why I do not take synthetic isolated vitamin supplements that do not assimilate well into the body. Keep in mind that certain vitamins and minerals need one another to act as a catalyst or for optimum functioning. One's vitamins and minerals should come from food in whole form if possible.
Men will especially see an improvement when staying away from soy and then eating whole quality foods and then you'll see a difference. Better sex drives and energy.

To the original poster, Hailea, omit the soy and try to eat more balanced meals with more emphasis on animal products while at the same time balancing with carbs and greens.
There has been a lot of information on the Joyofsatan forums on the benefits of carbs and body building. For overall health actually.
Check out drrons.com for natural organic food based supplements to help you in your journey towards increased muscle mass/tone and body building.
Hope this helps.
Is there a particular reason why eating too much makes you sick? Does eating a normal full meal make you sick? If so, then maybe there are other health problems that you have that makes this sickness occur?
Eating before work out as in a full meal would be a bad idea because the blood will flow to your stomach to help digest the food. When you work out the energy/blood goes to your muscles.

That might be one cause.
Another if you feel sick after eating a full meal for apparently no reason you should visit your doctor. There might be something wrong with your stomach.

Of course don't eat yourself so full that you feel like you ingested a balloon. Thats not healthy (everyone with brains knows that)
Yeah I get sick because my stomach shrinks for not eating breakfast or eating something small like a banana or something, then when I have time I eat a whole warm meal because i usually can't eat until the end of the day. My stomach possibly hurts because it shrinks until noon and then expands a lot during lunch. I try to eat as many natural foods as I can. I tend to consume a lot of milk. From 0.3 dcl - 1l per day. I also get 1litre of natural unprocessed milk per week. I can also get grass fed eggs because i live in a farm side, but eggs tend to give me stomach aches.

I intend to buy Casein protein which is milk based. I really can't stand eating whey. I don't eat before workout but if I do it after I have trouble falling asleep. I don't ingest any other food supplements because I eat fruit and vegetables. Only magnesium.

Protein powder is cheaper than meat (of course i still intend to eat meat lol) instead of eating a full meal before going to sleep (which is bad) I would just drink a shake and that would also enable me eating more when I wake up. That's the way I see it.

Thank you all for your input. I will stay away from BCAA because i ingest a lot of milk. But every Casein protein I find has soy in it as an emulsifier.. Is there anything else that could provide me a full meal without making me feel full and expanding my stomach?
You can start off with drinking whatever you drink in the morning to help you eat and then acclimate yourself to eating three small meals a day and then work your way up. I am not telling you to force yourself to eat huge meals but you might want to help yourself eat regular normal meals to expand your stomach a little more. Also eating little may not be a good thing if the food you eat is not mineral/vitamin rich. That means you are lacking and missing certain amount of vitamins and minerals necessary to help your body function well and gain weight for body building.
I think what you need to go through first is work on your body by eating a little more and al the right mineral/vitamin rich food.
It is good that you take magnesium but also if you can, get raw or minimally unprocessed milk because if you are drinking pasteurized and homogenized milk then you won't have to worry about BCAA and other healthy components in milk because they are altered and some components destroyed by pasteurization and homogenization.
You can have yogurt smoothies and such if you want something not too solid in the morning. I like to add an egg or two to my yogurt smoothies mixed with other herbal and fruit freeze-dried powders. They are good for the morning. Nutrient dense,good for protein, fats and other vitamins and minerals.
You might want to look at drrons.com for your supplementation needs. You can take a look at the collagen peptides they have rich in amino acids and other things you need. It can be make into a liquid broth for you in the morning to drink and feel full if you want. They are organic and food based. 
 Also, I understand about the pure liquid whey but that stuff is the most potent and healthy stuff one can get for the immune system ,liver health, help in body building, glutathione and other stuff. I mix it with my milk with raw honey and it hides the taste, which isn't so bad for at all, in my opinion. I get my whey and other foods from a farm. You can also get whey from separated kefir and yogurt and cottage cheese, etc.
Powdered whey is altered.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
