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Where are the ley lines


Feb 3, 2020
I saw the other thread talking about ley lines. Besides these ways, how can one tell and find ley lines?

My advice might be obvious, but we should keep in mind powerful Ley Lines.
Having your house on a Ley Line, where powerul positive Energies flow h24 will boost your magick RTR 10times, give better healt and wealth.
Same for any business: do it in a positive powerful Energy flow and this will help immensely, place your office, shop, whatever in a good place.

Time ago, I spotted a powerful ley line - or a point rich of Energy to the point my skin tingled - in that place a company was building a new warehouse and office to move into. They said, after the relocation they had a huge and unexpected boost in their business. Guess why!
This is very interesting. Seeing how I will be getting the neccessary wealth to finally move out in max. 1 year from now, I'm very interested in the idea of building my house on a powerful ley line. But due to my lacking knowledge in this department, I have to ask - Is there any way to figure out where such ley lines are running specifically, except for just "feeling" it? If necessary I can always just do a working to find a good place, but if there are other ways of finding a ley line I'm all ears.

Go to the biggest church in your town and burn it to the ground. Then you can build a house there. Works 100%, except you would be probably stoned. I'm joking, buddy. Do not worry. I'm interested in that as well. The major ley lines crosses are also where there are the continental chakras.
According to a map of ley lines I found there was one that went through where the Walmart was in my old city don't live there anymore but there was a park along this same line. Just a little further south of that near this there was a park. I would love to go for walks there I would feel something magical or mystical in the atmosphere there. This ley line too went through where the hospital was there. I often buried sigils at various places along it to attempt to clean earth. I felt it was way more powerful than doing it elsewhere. This was years before we did the rtrs though.

I think yeah we really should try to use ley lines sometimes if they are near us. I think being in it in person is more powerful than using a picture to direct energy to it. But anyways this was my experience I wanted to share.
Use the map btw type in ley lines map on any search engine. There was even a program somewhere that used Google maps. I have no idea where to find that anymore but I remember using it.



I still have a couple old pictures from along there. This is a shrine someone built on this ley line never figured out what too but at some point someone (probably jew) destroyed the whole place a few months later.
slyscorpion said:
Use the map btw type in ley lines map on any search engine. There was even a program somewhere that used Google maps. I have no idea where to find that anymore but I remember using it.



I still have a couple old pictures from along there. This is a shrine someone built on this ley line never figured out what too but at some point someone (probably jew) destroyed the whole place a few months later.
I tried to search the map, but I didn't find anything detailed, maybe they have been removed. I will use pendulum for a try.
homeraee said:
slyscorpion said:
Use the map btw type in ley lines map on any search engine. There was even a program somewhere that used Google maps. I have no idea where to find that anymore but I remember using it.



I still have a couple old pictures from along there. This is a shrine someone built on this ley line never figured out what too but at some point someone (probably jew) destroyed the whole place a few months later.
I tried to search the map, but I didn't find anything detailed, maybe they have been removed. I will use pendulum for a try.


Yes this is what I was talking about. I click on it nothing comes up anymore they removed this. It used to be you could see up close where these ley lines were it was even an option on Google maps you could find in advanced settings. Do not know who added that or how. I also did feel like there was a ley line or something different about it in energy being in the location it said one was so it was probably accurate. People acted differently too hard to explain.

images though there are still some there some that might help. Use your intuition too.

You could try some other results too see if there is another one created. But the Google maps one was what I personally used.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
