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When To Give Help & On "Helping Others"

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
It's extremely important when we want to "help others", to both be able to help them, but above all to be able to help ourselves first.

Quite a few Spiritual Satanists, especially those who are new or those who still have a bleeding heart for other people, want "others" to reap the benefits of the path. Going out of the way of their own development, they can find beaten and failed cases anywhere they can, in order to "turn them to the light of the Gods". The above is normal to an extent, since one has benefited from the path and a sense of good-will makes one want to share this benefit. I know the feeling firsthand here.

Yet the situation is that when helping others we have to take many things in consideration, because sometimes we think we want to help others but primarily we do not take the core facts in consideration. For one, many people out there are hard-stuck, not able yet to be helped, and many are simply not ready yet. We mean either at the level of their souls, or at a personality level. Ignoring these can mean that one might want to "help" others, not so much to help them, but actually to solve other emotional needs in themselves rather than truly help another human being.

In many cases of novices and other people who also get very unhinged, they can also start pretending they are "leading and helping" others. In most cases of these that I have observed over the years, they are nowhere on the level of wisdom or understanding to truly help others, let alone from such a position. However, since getting to an actual position of helping requires a lot of self-help and self-evolution help, they try to bypass this to gain ill begotten gains of feelings like that they are the savior of somebody else.

In this process not only others can be greatly misguided, but one is simply doing all of this in order to bypass the most important key tenet of Spiritual Satanism. Self-help. If one does not self-help and self-improve, there are not many things one can do for other people. While that might sound contradictory, one must actually be first established in themselves, in order to move forward and be able to finally, help other people.

Sometimes also some very well meaning SS, do send me e-mails about lost cases and other people who simply won't help themselves [either in the path, or outside of it] and how much they want to help them. The situation is however if other people do insist of not helping themselves, no amount of force you exert upon them, is going to change this. And if it does change them, then consistent maintenance is needed.

Now this brings another topic here.

So if these people do not want to be helped and they won't help themselves, is it moral to leave them without any help, even if they are a Spiritual Satanist? We are not talking about leaving them in a totally helpless state, but we must be careful to not spend all our energies into a sink-hole that does not want to be helped. The add-on that one at some point did something good for themselves, which was to approach the Gods, does not excuse them for being a sink-hole of creation, time and energy, that siphons the existence of other people.

On the contrary, versus a random individual down the street, self-proclaimed Spiritual Satanists must NOT in any-case be in this category. If they are, they have a monumental work to do, and only they can do this on themselves. Assistance from others can never replace self help here.

When and if these people try to enforce you to help them while all their actions say they do NOT want to be helped, this robs you of energy that could be used for you to help yourself, or help others who actually WANT or NEED to be helped. These people who also truly want to receive help, they are taking this and actually start picking up on their own. Those who do not truly want to be helped, always and eternally want "help" which goes nowhere.

To understand if a person is truly worthy of being helped, one must help step by step and see how they implement certain topics. I have known people who complained about the same problems for lengths such as 5 to 10 years, and never did anything to better their situation. Same patterns are repeated, without any fundamental change to change them. They will also always try to weasel out of the responsibility and hard work required to fix certain ill fated situations [they brought these also upon themselves] and they were always unsatisfied with any "help". These types will be totally ungrateful, parasitic and for all intents worthless.

These also are looking for servants, not for helpers or people to grow with. Servants to a cycle in their own damnation. These types are to be avoided for those who want to grow. 2-3 of these individuals in your life, and you will lose all your potential while you try to "help them". "Help" here is the key word on how they sink out all your time, energy and existence, over themselves who are barren fields that will never yield fruits. That's because they do not want to plow their own field and their own self, and they want to waste your time instead. Avoid. These situations are not helped by the Gods either, as the Gods see directly that these beings are jokers and lazy.

In the case of these individuals these types do not want to be helped, they are attention whores, time sinkholes, evil people, and might also be jealous individuals who want to be coddled just because of their own particularly large egos. These egos are also bent on destruction and self-destruction. The more one also helps these types, the more they will never evolve, as one is not allowing them to experience the disasters they are creating for themselves.

That's like helping a drug addict with pocket money for food, and they go spend it all on drugs again and then you keep doing it. Pretty soon, and after they spend all of this money on drugs, their only complaints will be on why you didn't give them more and more crack money. Then they start hating you and they can also become your worse nightmares in life.

In another example, let's say there are two people who are encountering the risk of homelessness. They both need 2000$ to be given some time. One of them has a major gambling problem, and one knows they will likely gamble it the moment they give it to them. Clearly, no help should be given. The other person, immediately takes the 2000$, saves themselves and goes to find a decent job, and they do not have the gambling problem.

The gambler will not only be ungrateful, but also spiteful to the helper. The latter person, will be a worthwhile person to help, and one's help will actually help them build a better life. The difference between the two is that one is decided to change the situation, the other wants merely a bailout from consequences of false addiction.

As about cases where the individuals themselves have chosen a path of self-destruction, one cannot help there either. Because if you help you are likely going to prolong the destructive route, while the person continues this and abuses this help. Effectively one is helping someone to just destroy themselves, you are not helping them.

Now finally there is the category of the people who truly want to be helped and they are also ready to fully receive this help. Like a ground which is fertile for seeds, everything done for them will actually bear fruits and they will implement things. The speed and persistence of implementation, is the direct obvious reality of how much a person truly wants to be helped. If there is no persistency and implementation of advice given, this means a person is still debating change, not decided on it. We have all been in this category in at least one area of our lives.

The key moment where one can also finally accept to receive help, is when the bulk of our choices also start to be so damning, that one has to "either-or" when it comes to improving or getting help. When this state is reached, if one does not receive help, disaster will follow shortly afterward.

The wise are those who take help, implement it, stay persistent on this, and who remain fertile grounds to receive the help of the Gods. That's how one should aim to be, if they want to receive the maximum benefit of this path. And then when one does overcome more and more issues, the more effective one becomes to both help others, but also to understand the nature of those who are truly able to receive help versus those who won't.

To conclude here, we must not "help others" as a means to avoid helping ourselves, nor waste our time "helping others" who are NOT willing to be helped. We must help only those who WANT to be helped and who make our help WORTHWHILE, while simultaneously we are also helping ourselves. This is why the Gods also do not invest on every random human being on the planet, but those who show actual willingness to join them and to evolve. The rest of human beings have to actively display this in order to receive special attention.

Most humans out there do not want to truly advance or be helped [they are not ready yet] so they still linger or places where they will never receive any true help [like Christianity or Islam]. These souls are not there yet in the spiritual area. Maybe they are good at other areas, but they are not ready to evolve on the spiritual area yet. That should not affect us; we have ourselves and others on the path to actually help, where our help is going to also be valid and fruitful. Do not help barren or dead fields that are not willing to bring help upon themselves, or who will never bear fruit for others.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Just yesterday I was having a debate on why do I even help others and here you go.
This also applies for helping overall, which is my case, not just spiritually.
I am always a person that likes to help others but here lies the problem, I help them but not myself. And the more and more I help others, the more and more they will rely on me and if I stop for some time, they will act like I'm doing something wrong and that like I'm obliged to help them.
I noticed that in everyone I help, I guess most people are like that...

But that is who I am as a person, it has been my weakness for my whole life and yes, to help others I truly must help myself first by limiting the amount of time given to other compared to myself.

Yet another wonderful sermon and like I mentioned, it came in perfect time.
I will need to reflect upon this and try to work this out.
Thank You!
I don't know how long it takes to heal a completely distorted mind, but with spiritual work and outreach we can overcome it much faster. That should be the main rule of helping someone, to give them enough space to learn first.
Maybe idolizing someone can be very helpful here. Or just taking a god as an example for a method of self-expression.

We have to learn to help ourselves before we can help others.
It's extremely important when we want to "help others", to both be able to help them, but above all to be able to help ourselves first.

Quite a few Spiritual Satanists, especially those who are new or those who still have a bleeding heart for other people, want "others" to reap the benefits of the path. Going out of the way of their own development, they can find beaten and failed cases anywhere they can, in order to "turn them to the light of the Gods". The above is normal to an extent, since one has benefited from the path and a sense of good-will makes one want to share this benefit. I know the feeling firsthand here.

Yet the situation is that when helping others we have to take many things in consideration, because sometimes we think we want to help others but primarily we do not take the core facts in consideration. For one, many people out there are hard-stuck, not able yet to be helped, and many are simply not ready yet. We mean either at the level of their souls, or at a personality level. Ignoring these can mean that one might want to "help" others, not so much to help them, but actually to solve other emotional needs in themselves rather than truly help another human being.

In many cases of novices and other people who also get very unhinged, they can also start pretending they are "leading and helping" others. In most cases of these that I have observed over the years, they are nowhere on the level of wisdom or understanding to truly help others, let alone from such a position. However, since getting to an actual position of helping requires a lot of self-help and self-evolution help, they try to bypass this to gain ill begotten gains of feelings like that they are the savior of somebody else.

In this process not only others can be greatly misguided, but one is simply doing all of this in order to bypass the most important key tenet of Spiritual Satanism. Self-help. If one does not self-help and self-improve, there are not many things one can do for other people. While that might sound contradictory, one must actually be first established in themselves, in order to move forward and be able to finally, help other people.

Sometimes also some very well meaning SS, do send me e-mails about lost cases and other people who simply won't help themselves [either in the path, or outside of it] and how much they want to help them. The situation is however if other people do insist of not helping themselves, no amount of force you exert upon them, is going to change this. And if it does change them, then consistent maintenance is needed.

Now this brings another topic here.

So if these people do not want to be helped and they won't help themselves, is it moral to leave them without any help, even if they are a Spiritual Satanist? We are not talking about leaving them in a totally helpless state, but we must be careful to not spend all our energies into a sink-hole that does not want to be helped. The add-on that one at some point did something good for themselves, which was to approach the Gods, does not excuse them for being a sink-hole of creation, time and energy, that siphons the existence of other people.

On the contrary, versus a random individual down the street, self-proclaimed Spiritual Satanists must NOT in any-case be in this category. If they are, they have a monumental work to do, and only they can do this on themselves. Assistance from others can never replace self help here.

When and if these people try to enforce you to help them while all their actions say they do NOT want to be helped, this robs you of energy that could be used for you to help yourself, or help others who actually WANT or NEED to be helped. These people who also truly want to receive help, they are taking this and actually start picking up on their own. Those who do not truly want to be helped, always and eternally want "help" which goes nowhere.

To understand if a person is truly worthy of being helped, one must help step by step and see how they implement certain topics. I have known people who complained about the same problems for lengths such as 5 to 10 years, and never did anything to better their situation. Same patterns are repeated, without any fundamental change to change them. They will also always try to weasel out of the responsibility and hard work required to fix certain ill fated situations [they brought these also upon themselves] and they were always unsatisfied with any "help". These types will be totally ungrateful, parasitic and for all intents worthless.

These also are looking for servants, not for helpers or people to grow with. Servants to a cycle in their own damnation. These types are to be avoided for those who want to grow. 2-3 of these individuals in your life, and you will lose all your potential while you try to "help them". "Help" here is the key word on how they sink out all your time, energy and existence, over themselves who are barren fields that will never yield fruits. That's because they do not want to plow their own field and their own self, and they want to waste your time instead. Avoid. These situations are not helped by the Gods either, as the Gods see directly that these beings are jokers and lazy.

In the case of these individuals these types do not want to be helped, they are attention whores, time sinkholes, evil people, and might also be jealous individuals who want to be coddled just because of their own particularly large egos. These egos are also bent on destruction and self-destruction. The more one also helps these types, the more they will never evolve, as one is not allowing them to experience the disasters they are creating for themselves.

That's like helping a drug addict with pocket money for food, and they go spend it all on drugs again and then you keep doing it. Pretty soon, and after they spend all of this money on drugs, their only complaints will be on why you didn't give them more and more crack money. Then they start hating you and they can also become your worse nightmares in life.

In another example, let's say there are two people who are encountering the risk of homelessness. They both need 2000$ to be given some time. One of them has a major gambling problem, and one knows they will likely gamble it the moment they give it to them. Clearly, no help should be given. The other person, immediately takes the 2000$, saves themselves and goes to find a decent job, and they do not have the gambling problem.

The gambler will not only be ungrateful, but also spiteful to the helper. The latter person, will be a worthwhile person to help, and one's help will actually help them build a better life. The difference between the two is that one is decided to change the situation, the other wants merely a bailout from consequences of false addiction.

As about cases where the individuals themselves have chosen a path of self-destruction, one cannot help there either. Because if you help you are likely going to prolong the destructive route, while the person continues this and abuses this help. Effectively one is helping someone to just destroy themselves, you are not helping them.

Now finally there is the category of the people who truly want to be helped and they are also ready to fully receive this help. Like a ground which is fertile for seeds, everything done for them will actually bear fruits and they will implement things. The speed and persistence of implementation, is the direct obvious reality of how much a person truly wants to be helped. If there is no persistency and implementation of advice given, this means a person is still debating change, not decided on it. We have all been in this category in at least one area of our lives.

The key moment where one can also finally accept to receive help, is when the bulk of our choices also start to be so damning, that one has to "either-or" when it comes to improving or getting help. When this state is reached, if one does not receive help, disaster will follow shortly afterward.

The wise are those who take help, implement it, stay persistent on this, and who remain fertile grounds to receive the help of the Gods. That's how one should aim to be, if they want to receive the maximum benefit of this path. And then when one does overcome more and more issues, the more effective one becomes to both help others, but also to understand the nature of those who are truly able to receive help versus those who won't.

To conclude here, we must not "help others" as a means to avoid helping ourselves, nor waste our time "helping others" who are NOT willing to be helped. We must help only those who WANT to be helped and who make our help WORTHWHILE, while simultaneously we are also helping ourselves. This is why the Gods also do not invest on every random human being on the planet, but those who show actual willingness to join them and to evolve. The rest of human beings have to actively display this in order to receive special attention.

Most humans out there do not want to truly advance or be helped [they are not ready yet] so they still linger or places where they will never receive any true help [like Christianity or Islam]. These souls are not there yet in the spiritual area. Maybe they are good at other areas, but they are not ready to evolve on the spiritual area yet. That should not affect us; we have ourselves and others on the path to actually help, where our help is going to also be valid and fruitful. Do not help barren or dead fields that are not willing to bring help upon themselves, or who will never bear fruit for others.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This topic can be a hard one as it can appear on its surface to be "limiting compassion" and therefore cruel. However, this is not the case, and as described by the concluding statement of HPHC, should be thought of more like "higher-impact" aid. By working efficiently based on where help is best utilized, this ensures that the entirety of humanity is raised up at the quickest possible rate.

The question here is not about whether or not we care for humanity as a whole, because the answer is we certainly do. However, when we start to question how we can better care for people, and when we analyze the reality of the answer to this, this naturally distinguishes people and our methods, based on a variety of factors.

While the environment does influence and has ruined many good people, it is still the inherent quality of the people which determines how the rebuilding efforts will go. Therefore, even under the most trying of situations, we must still discriminate where assistance is rendered. Medical professionals must triage very ugly scenes of hurt people, despite all of them being in dire need of help. Similarly, a war-torn population is still in need of many things by 1st world standards, but not all is realistic to implement at an equal rate or distribution.


Looking at individual cases, some of the hardest of these are those of drug users. This is one of the best examples for where the individual is most ruined, yet their individual desires may be anything other than helping themselves. In fact, because they may know their situation is terrible and requires immense struggle to fix, this can cause a desire to avoid and continue to use the drug instead.

While others may struggle with intellectual limits to success, the problem of the drug is that it creates motivational problems. The false reward of the drug is always going to be more immediately appealing than the longer, yet more-fulfilling rewards of advancing one's life. Due to this, many drug users actually want to continue their destructive path, as they have not internally realized a way out, often needing a massive reality check to change course.

The other day I had watched a video of an addicted woman. She was r*ped as a girl and this scarred her, eventually leading her to abuse alcohol for many years to cope with her trauma. She was not a mean or evil person necessarily, and even had many people who cared for her, but she would still insist on drinking, even finding herself in situations of being r*ped again due to this. Imagine being in such a karmic loop here, where one's trauma is repeated at such intensity.

Upon an intervention with the family, she cried and said she feared coming back to reality, knowing she would have to pick up the pieces of not just the drug abuse, but also the childhood trauma. The interventionist reminded her that the only way out was to do this through her own effort. It was only due to the support and encouragement of her family, and her being offered many months in a professional treatment program, did she agree to seek treatment. Unfortunately, this gift comes at a great cost and not everyone is able to receive this.

In other cases, an individual refused because they resented their family. I had actually seen this a couple times and made a mental note of this. Feeling judged or unwelcome by others, they refused to help themselves out of spite. In one case, an emotional plea by the same daughter who was resented by the addicted mother was able to "break through" to her and succeed in her mind being changed, as she felt cared for in that moment. Again, we can see how difficult these cases can be, as it required high emotional maturity from a key person to make a difference.


In these above examples, we see people who still have a lot to give to the world, but they refuse to be helped. As sad as that is, it still prevents us from truly helping them, therefore we can only wait until they are self-motivated. Without the desire to improve, there would literally be no energy moving the individual in the positive direction. Like a plant without sunlight, nothing can bloom, despite if the seed is there and in a positive position.
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Thank you, HPHC, for this sermon.

It is indeed very much necessary to approach people in our lives with a sober mind and with the right amount of effort - with the right relationship.

It is very tempting, speaking from experience, to just jump in and risk lots of time and energy for certain people. However one must temper themselves, as you said, and be most considerate of their own resources and state first.

I have also been in this "sink hole" state you mention. My most valued best friend tried to help me, but I was having none of it. I was not ready. This created lots of friction between us. I thank the Gods for this no longer being the case. My friend even told me multiple times how happy he was that I had finally turned myself around towards the path.

When and if these people try to enforce you to help them while all their actions say they do NOT want to be helped, this robs you of energy that could be used for you to help yourself, or help others who actually WANT or NEED to be helped. These people who also truly want to receive help, they are taking this and actually start picking up on their own. Those who do not truly want to be helped, always and eternally want "help" which goes nowhere.
These also are looking for servants, not for helpers or people to grow with. Servants to a cycle in their own damnation. These types are to be avoided for those who want to grow. 2-3 of these individuals in your life, and you will lose all your potential while you try to "help them". "Help" here is the key word on how they sink out all your time, energy and existence, over themselves who are barren fields that will never yield fruits. That's because they do not want to plow their own field and their own self, and they want to waste your time instead. Avoid. These situations are not helped by the Gods either, as the Gods see directly that these beings are jokers and lazy.
First-hand experience here; I've tried to help some people in real life, but they were already doomed by their own choices and actions. They initially had everything they needed, but chose to throw it out the window for approval by people of the lowest levels of existence. I was already improving myself and making progress by that point but, as you said, trying to "help" them almost dragged me in a sinkhole that I'm glad I never went inside. It's all about helping people who want to get helped and leaving the rest to decide on their own.
“The wise are those who take help, implement it, stay persistent on this, and who remain fertile grounds to receive the help of the Gods.” HP Hooded Cobra

What a priceless piece of wisdom. For me, your post helped me realize the help we receive from the Gods all the time. The only way to truly appreciate their help is to make use of that help and advance further and further.

Thank you for your sermon.
Clearly understood every point. Mostly the area of self help and always making oneself fertile ground for the help of the Gods which is ever sure, I must say "I'm so blessed to have them" because they're ever helpful and quick.

Also just like Asmodeus has been showing me this week and especially yesterday "all about loving myself" and it was also pointed to me on energetic terms on how giving energy and giving to oneself is an important mind affirmation to loving oneself,,the influx of love towards oneself is what makes another come to you and enjoy what you have going and he showed me the detriment of opening the arms to incessant giving out of energy.

I must say I'm blessed to be here, every sermon I re read and taking more seriously every time.

Just like Dagon pointed out to me that the subconscious mind like waters is limitless and instead of putting our minds to limited things that could cause worries, depression if one is not cautious it's best to let the mind flow in the limitless space of spirituality and the Gods.

Hence we're doing the most important things which lead to every other growth in a very positive way.
About help from the Gods, I thought yesterday that anything we ask the aGods, they'll make you a God or in other words put you on a Godly path to attain what you ask for , so you become the godly form or being
of what you want to attain and also attaining it. 🤔💭
It's extremely important when we want to "help others", to both be able to help them, but above all to be able to help ourselves first.

Quite a few Spiritual Satanists, especially those who are new or those who still have a bleeding heart for other people, want "others" to reap the benefits of the path. Going out of the way of their own development, they can find beaten and failed cases anywhere they can, in order to "turn them to the light of the Gods". The above is normal to an extent, since one has benefited from the path and a sense of good-will makes one want to share this benefit. I know the feeling firsthand here.

Yet the situation is that when helping others we have to take many things in consideration, because sometimes we think we want to help others but primarily we do not take the core facts in consideration. For one, many people out there are hard-stuck, not able yet to be helped, and many are simply not ready yet. We mean either at the level of their souls, or at a personality level. Ignoring these can mean that one might want to "help" others, not so much to help them, but actually to solve other emotional needs in themselves rather than truly help another human being.

In many cases of novices and other people who also get very unhinged, they can also start pretending they are "leading and helping" others. In most cases of these that I have observed over the years, they are nowhere on the level of wisdom or understanding to truly help others, let alone from such a position. However, since getting to an actual position of helping requires a lot of self-help and self-evolution help, they try to bypass this to gain ill begotten gains of feelings like that they are the savior of somebody else.

In this process not only others can be greatly misguided, but one is simply doing all of this in order to bypass the most important key tenet of Spiritual Satanism. Self-help. If one does not self-help and self-improve, there are not many things one can do for other people. While that might sound contradictory, one must actually be first established in themselves, in order to move forward and be able to finally, help other people.

Sometimes also some very well meaning SS, do send me e-mails about lost cases and other people who simply won't help themselves [either in the path, or outside of it] and how much they want to help them. The situation is however if other people do insist of not helping themselves, no amount of force you exert upon them, is going to change this. And if it does change them, then consistent maintenance is needed.

Now this brings another topic here.

So if these people do not want to be helped and they won't help themselves, is it moral to leave them without any help, even if they are a Spiritual Satanist? We are not talking about leaving them in a totally helpless state, but we must be careful to not spend all our energies into a sink-hole that does not want to be helped. The add-on that one at some point did something good for themselves, which was to approach the Gods, does not excuse them for being a sink-hole of creation, time and energy, that siphons the existence of other people.

On the contrary, versus a random individual down the street, self-proclaimed Spiritual Satanists must NOT in any-case be in this category. If they are, they have a monumental work to do, and only they can do this on themselves. Assistance from others can never replace self help here.

When and if these people try to enforce you to help them while all their actions say they do NOT want to be helped, this robs you of energy that could be used for you to help yourself, or help others who actually WANT or NEED to be helped. These people who also truly want to receive help, they are taking this and actually start picking up on their own. Those who do not truly want to be helped, always and eternally want "help" which goes nowhere.

To understand if a person is truly worthy of being helped, one must help step by step and see how they implement certain topics. I have known people who complained about the same problems for lengths such as 5 to 10 years, and never did anything to better their situation. Same patterns are repeated, without any fundamental change to change them. They will also always try to weasel out of the responsibility and hard work required to fix certain ill fated situations [they brought these also upon themselves] and they were always unsatisfied with any "help". These types will be totally ungrateful, parasitic and for all intents worthless.

These also are looking for servants, not for helpers or people to grow with. Servants to a cycle in their own damnation. These types are to be avoided for those who want to grow. 2-3 of these individuals in your life, and you will lose all your potential while you try to "help them". "Help" here is the key word on how they sink out all your time, energy and existence, over themselves who are barren fields that will never yield fruits. That's because they do not want to plow their own field and their own self, and they want to waste your time instead. Avoid. These situations are not helped by the Gods either, as the Gods see directly that these beings are jokers and lazy.

In the case of these individuals these types do not want to be helped, they are attention whores, time sinkholes, evil people, and might also be jealous individuals who want to be coddled just because of their own particularly large egos. These egos are also bent on destruction and self-destruction. The more one also helps these types, the more they will never evolve, as one is not allowing them to experience the disasters they are creating for themselves.

That's like helping a drug addict with pocket money for food, and they go spend it all on drugs again and then you keep doing it. Pretty soon, and after they spend all of this money on drugs, their only complaints will be on why you didn't give them more and more crack money. Then they start hating you and they can also become your worse nightmares in life.

In another example, let's say there are two people who are encountering the risk of homelessness. They both need 2000$ to be given some time. One of them has a major gambling problem, and one knows they will likely gamble it the moment they give it to them. Clearly, no help should be given. The other person, immediately takes the 2000$, saves themselves and goes to find a decent job, and they do not have the gambling problem.

The gambler will not only be ungrateful, but also spiteful to the helper. The latter person, will be a worthwhile person to help, and one's help will actually help them build a better life. The difference between the two is that one is decided to change the situation, the other wants merely a bailout from consequences of false addiction.

As about cases where the individuals themselves have chosen a path of self-destruction, one cannot help there either. Because if you help you are likely going to prolong the destructive route, while the person continues this and abuses this help. Effectively one is helping someone to just destroy themselves, you are not helping them.

Now finally there is the category of the people who truly want to be helped and they are also ready to fully receive this help. Like a ground which is fertile for seeds, everything done for them will actually bear fruits and they will implement things. The speed and persistence of implementation, is the direct obvious reality of how much a person truly wants to be helped. If there is no persistency and implementation of advice given, this means a person is still debating change, not decided on it. We have all been in this category in at least one area of our lives.

The key moment where one can also finally accept to receive help, is when the bulk of our choices also start to be so damning, that one has to "either-or" when it comes to improving or getting help. When this state is reached, if one does not receive help, disaster will follow shortly afterward.

The wise are those who take help, implement it, stay persistent on this, and who remain fertile grounds to receive the help of the Gods. That's how one should aim to be, if they want to receive the maximum benefit of this path. And then when one does overcome more and more issues, the more effective one becomes to both help others, but also to understand the nature of those who are truly able to receive help versus those who won't.

To conclude here, we must not "help others" as a means to avoid helping ourselves, nor waste our time "helping others" who are NOT willing to be helped. We must help only those who WANT to be helped and who make our help WORTHWHILE, while simultaneously we are also helping ourselves. This is why the Gods also do not invest on every random human being on the planet, but those who show actual willingness to join them and to evolve. The rest of human beings have to actively display this in order to receive special attention.

Most humans out there do not want to truly advance or be helped [they are not ready yet] so they still linger or places where they will never receive any true help [like Christianity or Islam]. These souls are not there yet in the spiritual area. Maybe they are good at other areas, but they are not ready to evolve on the spiritual area yet. That should not affect us; we have ourselves and others on the path to actually help, where our help is going to also be valid and fruitful. Do not help barren or dead fields that are not willing to bring help upon themselves, or who will never bear fruit for others.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

There are people that I sometimes consider 'friends' but then they suddenly quit replying, even though it seems as if they still want to be in touch with me. I worry then that something bad has happened. Or maybe they just got 'busy', and then I think thats probably my problem for worrying about them.

I've had it in the past that someone used excuses to not talk to me. But then later when I needed some time to myself, this same person beat me up when I was already down.

To be honest.. I don't know anymore. Should even try to care about another person? Or just think everyone is too selfish to understand this? I've gotten to be suspicious.. that contact with people seems too good to be true. And that they don't keep to their word. That people's actions seem to be opposite of what they're saying.

Is it wrong to worry about someone else?
As Hippocrates said: "Before you heal someone, ask him if he's willing to give up the things that make him sick.”

Ask the person what he's willing to do for himself that shows you if its worth your time and energy to help them to help themselves.
Again, we can see how difficult these cases can be, as it required high emotional maturity from a key person to make a difference.

The saddest thing is when a person truly needs help, is worthy of the help, yet the key person in their life refuses ANY help especially due to the key person's emotional immaturity. . Every person who is willing to help themselves, also needs someone to emotionally support them. They need validation that they are doing what needs to be done and that this makes them a worthwhile asset in the key person's life. That they are Not just being a drain. We all need Love and acceptance, especially when we are facing difficult challenges...........I can help myself. But I always need a "cheerleader" in my corner who will make me feel as if I have value in someone else's life. Being ignored and treated as if you're invisible is a sad state of affairs when you don't deserve it. Tough Love doesn't always work if there is a softer way. Again, only to support those who are willing to help themselves. Communication is needed before you can decide if they're worthy of your time and efforts. Or if you need to completely cut them out of your life. Don't guess. Don't assume. Communicate and hold them to their promises to help themselves. Sometimes, all they need is a "You got this! You can do it. I'll be your shoulder to lean on when the going gets tough. But you have it in you to do this yourself. Believe in you."

Hail Satan!!!!!
It's extremely important when we want to "help others", to both be able to help them, but above all to be able to help ourselves first.

Quite a few Spiritual Satanists, especially those who are new or those who still have a bleeding heart for other people, want "others" to reap the benefits of the path. Going out of the way of their own development, they can find beaten and failed cases anywhere they can, in order to "turn them to the light of the Gods". The above is normal to an extent, since one has benefited from the path and a sense of good-will makes one want to share this benefit. I know the feeling firsthand here.

Yet the situation is that when helping others we have to take many things in consideration, because sometimes we think we want to help others but primarily we do not take the core facts in consideration. For one, many people out there are hard-stuck, not able yet to be helped, and many are simply not ready yet. We mean either at the level of their souls, or at a personality level. Ignoring these can mean that one might want to "help" others, not so much to help them, but actually to solve other emotional needs in themselves rather than truly help another human being.

In many cases of novices and other people who also get very unhinged, they can also start pretending they are "leading and helping" others. In most cases of these that I have observed over the years, they are nowhere on the level of wisdom or understanding to truly help others, let alone from such a position. However, since getting to an actual position of helping requires a lot of self-help and self-evolution help, they try to bypass this to gain ill begotten gains of feelings like that they are the savior of somebody else.

In this process not only others can be greatly misguided, but one is simply doing all of this in order to bypass the most important key tenet of Spiritual Satanism. Self-help. If one does not self-help and self-improve, there are not many things one can do for other people. While that might sound contradictory, one must actually be first established in themselves, in order to move forward and be able to finally, help other people.

Sometimes also some very well meaning SS, do send me e-mails about lost cases and other people who simply won't help themselves [either in the path, or outside of it] and how much they want to help them. The situation is however if other people do insist of not helping themselves, no amount of force you exert upon them, is going to change this. And if it does change them, then consistent maintenance is needed.

Now this brings another topic here.

So if these people do not want to be helped and they won't help themselves, is it moral to leave them without any help, even if they are a Spiritual Satanist? We are not talking about leaving them in a totally helpless state, but we must be careful to not spend all our energies into a sink-hole that does not want to be helped. The add-on that one at some point did something good for themselves, which was to approach the Gods, does not excuse them for being a sink-hole of creation, time and energy, that siphons the existence of other people.

On the contrary, versus a random individual down the street, self-proclaimed Spiritual Satanists must NOT in any-case be in this category. If they are, they have a monumental work to do, and only they can do this on themselves. Assistance from others can never replace self help here.

When and if these people try to enforce you to help them while all their actions say they do NOT want to be helped, this robs you of energy that could be used for you to help yourself, or help others who actually WANT or NEED to be helped. These people who also truly want to receive help, they are taking this and actually start picking up on their own. Those who do not truly want to be helped, always and eternally want "help" which goes nowhere.

To understand if a person is truly worthy of being helped, one must help step by step and see how they implement certain topics. I have known people who complained about the same problems for lengths such as 5 to 10 years, and never did anything to better their situation. Same patterns are repeated, without any fundamental change to change them. They will also always try to weasel out of the responsibility and hard work required to fix certain ill fated situations [they brought these also upon themselves] and they were always unsatisfied with any "help". These types will be totally ungrateful, parasitic and for all intents worthless.

These also are looking for servants, not for helpers or people to grow with. Servants to a cycle in their own damnation. These types are to be avoided for those who want to grow. 2-3 of these individuals in your life, and you will lose all your potential while you try to "help them". "Help" here is the key word on how they sink out all your time, energy and existence, over themselves who are barren fields that will never yield fruits. That's because they do not want to plow their own field and their own self, and they want to waste your time instead. Avoid. These situations are not helped by the Gods either, as the Gods see directly that these beings are jokers and lazy.

In the case of these individuals these types do not want to be helped, they are attention whores, time sinkholes, evil people, and might also be jealous individuals who want to be coddled just because of their own particularly large egos. These egos are also bent on destruction and self-destruction. The more one also helps these types, the more they will never evolve, as one is not allowing them to experience the disasters they are creating for themselves.

That's like helping a drug addict with pocket money for food, and they go spend it all on drugs again and then you keep doing it. Pretty soon, and after they spend all of this money on drugs, their only complaints will be on why you didn't give them more and more crack money. Then they start hating you and they can also become your worse nightmares in life.

In another example, let's say there are two people who are encountering the risk of homelessness. They both need 2000$ to be given some time. One of them has a major gambling problem, and one knows they will likely gamble it the moment they give it to them. Clearly, no help should be given. The other person, immediately takes the 2000$, saves themselves and goes to find a decent job, and they do not have the gambling problem.

The gambler will not only be ungrateful, but also spiteful to the helper. The latter person, will be a worthwhile person to help, and one's help will actually help them build a better life. The difference between the two is that one is decided to change the situation, the other wants merely a bailout from consequences of false addiction.

As about cases where the individuals themselves have chosen a path of self-destruction, one cannot help there either. Because if you help you are likely going to prolong the destructive route, while the person continues this and abuses this help. Effectively one is helping someone to just destroy themselves, you are not helping them.

Now finally there is the category of the people who truly want to be helped and they are also ready to fully receive this help. Like a ground which is fertile for seeds, everything done for them will actually bear fruits and they will implement things. The speed and persistence of implementation, is the direct obvious reality of how much a person truly wants to be helped. If there is no persistency and implementation of advice given, this means a person is still debating change, not decided on it. We have all been in this category in at least one area of our lives.

The key moment where one can also finally accept to receive help, is when the bulk of our choices also start to be so damning, that one has to "either-or" when it comes to improving or getting help. When this state is reached, if one does not receive help, disaster will follow shortly afterward.

The wise are those who take help, implement it, stay persistent on this, and who remain fertile grounds to receive the help of the Gods. That's how one should aim to be, if they want to receive the maximum benefit of this path. And then when one does overcome more and more issues, the more effective one becomes to both help others, but also to understand the nature of those who are truly able to receive help versus those who won't.

To conclude here, we must not "help others" as a means to avoid helping ourselves, nor waste our time "helping others" who are NOT willing to be helped. We must help only those who WANT to be helped and who make our help WORTHWHILE, while simultaneously we are also helping ourselves. This is why the Gods also do not invest on every random human being on the planet, but those who show actual willingness to join them and to evolve. The rest of human beings have to actively display this in order to receive special attention.

Most humans out there do not want to truly advance or be helped [they are not ready yet] so they still linger or places where they will never receive any true help [like Christianity or Islam]. These souls are not there yet in the spiritual area. Maybe they are good at other areas, but they are not ready to evolve on the spiritual area yet. That should not affect us; we have ourselves and others on the path to actually help, where our help is going to also be valid and fruitful. Do not help barren or dead fields that are not willing to bring help upon themselves, or who will never bear fruit for others.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Superb this HPHC

Bang on brother
Certainly, the better way to help vampires is to ignore them.
And for our part, to check ourselves to see what tendancy we haven't eradicated.

The simple fact of meeting people engages us in a process of maturation though problem-solving, and that's usually enough.
Help should be set aside to counter bad luck.
While that might sound contradictory, one must actually be first established in themselves, in order to move forward and be able to finally, help other people.

I agree. (Wonderful sermon, by the way), However, don't forget that once you are firmly established in yourself,,,, you can't just relax and quit practicing Spiritual Satanism. No one is so far advanced that they no longer need to practice what they want to preach. We all need to stay on the Path and advance ever and ever higher to reach real Godhead.
There are people that I sometimes consider 'friends' but then they suddenly quit replying, even though it seems as if they still want to be in touch with me. I worry then that something bad has happened. Or maybe they just got 'busy', and then I think thats probably my problem for worrying about them.

I've had it in the past that someone used excuses to not talk to me. But then later when I needed some time to myself, this same person beat me up when I was already down.

To be honest.. I don't know anymore. Should even try to care about another person? Or just think everyone is too selfish to understand this? I've gotten to be suspicious.. that contact with people seems too good to be true. And that they don't keep to their word. That people's actions seem to be opposite of what they're saying.

Is it wrong to worry about someone else?
I've similar problem. Not everyone deserve your love !

Some are attracted by your superficial qualities but not interest by who you really are, but you consider them deeper than they deserve and a misunderstanding is brewing, later it's blackmail or narcissistic relationship.

In fact I realize that I attract less mature than me because I'm afraid of going with interesting people, of being too close my limits...
It's surely because of my planets in debility, my imbalance making link up with other imbalanced people.

For example, you are tolerant and meet capricious, so be intolerant and capricious will run away from you.
The more flaws we have the more we're poorly surrounded.
In the case of these individuals these types do not want to be helped, they are attention whores, time sinkholes, evil people, and might also be jealous individuals who want to be coddled just because of their own particularly large egos. These egos are also bent on destruction and self-destruction. The more one also helps these types, the more they will never evolve, as one is not allowing them to experience the disasters they are creating for themselves.

That's like helping a drug addict with pocket money for food, and they go spend it all on drugs again and then you keep doing it. Pretty soon, and after they spend all of this money on drugs, their only complaints will be on why you didn't give them more and more crack money. Then they start hating you and they can also become your worse nightmares in life.
This is a lesson I learned early on in life. I was sick of being a fire extinguisher, putting out fires for people who never help themselves, or putting out fires for people who try to "help" other people who don't help themselves either and just constantly drain energy and start more fires, and even try to burn down the people trying to help them.

The situation with drug addicts that you mentioned here is very real. I saw and lived through this constantly growing up. It doesn't matter if you're family or if you gave them life either, they will still bite the hand that feeds them. Nothing is ever enough, all that matters is the next hit, and they will do or say anything to get it.

Christianity was very prevalent when I was growing up and when I tried to advise people not to throw their time and energy away on barren fields that don't want to be tended and try to poison the farmer, I constantly heard things like "it's not their fault", "it's a disease" and "hate the sin not the sinner". Total deflection of any responsibility or accountability for peoples' evil and parasitic behavior.

There is a flip side to this, I randomly received help from somebody who was also sick of being a fire extinguisher and it was very cathartic and fulfilling for this person to find somebody who not only needed help but also was willing to receive it and help himself.

In a way, by taking their help and treating it with the value it deserved, I was also helping them.

We're close friends now, they're my favorite person in the world. I never had much of a family but they're more like family to me than anyone else.
It's extremely important when we want to "help others", to both be able to help them, but above all to be able to help ourselves first.

Quite a few Spiritual Satanists, especially those who are new or those who still have a bleeding heart for other people, want "others" to reap the benefits of the path. Going out of the way of their own development, they can find beaten and failed cases anywhere they can, in order to "turn them to the light of the Gods". The above is normal to an extent, since one has benefited from the path and a sense of good-will makes one want to share this benefit. I know the feeling firsthand here.

Yet the situation is that when helping others we have to take many things in consideration, because sometimes we think we want to help others but primarily we do not take the core facts in consideration. For one, many people out there are hard-stuck, not able yet to be helped, and many are simply not ready yet. We mean either at the level of their souls, or at a personality level. Ignoring these can mean that one might want to "help" others, not so much to help them, but actually to solve other emotional needs in themselves rather than truly help another human being.

In many cases of novices and other people who also get very unhinged, they can also start pretending they are "leading and helping" others. In most cases of these that I have observed over the years, they are nowhere on the level of wisdom or understanding to truly help others, let alone from such a position. However, since getting to an actual position of helping requires a lot of self-help and self-evolution help, they try to bypass this to gain ill begotten gains of feelings like that they are the savior of somebody else.

In this process not only others can be greatly misguided, but one is simply doing all of this in order to bypass the most important key tenet of Spiritual Satanism. Self-help. If one does not self-help and self-improve, there are not many things one can do for other people. While that might sound contradictory, one must actually be first established in themselves, in order to move forward and be able to finally, help other people.

Sometimes also some very well meaning SS, do send me e-mails about lost cases and other people who simply won't help themselves [either in the path, or outside of it] and how much they want to help them. The situation is however if other people do insist of not helping themselves, no amount of force you exert upon them, is going to change this. And if it does change them, then consistent maintenance is needed.

Now this brings another topic here.

So if these people do not want to be helped and they won't help themselves, is it moral to leave them without any help, even if they are a Spiritual Satanist? We are not talking about leaving them in a totally helpless state, but we must be careful to not spend all our energies into a sink-hole that does not want to be helped. The add-on that one at some point did something good for themselves, which was to approach the Gods, does not excuse them for being a sink-hole of creation, time and energy, that siphons the existence of other people.

On the contrary, versus a random individual down the street, self-proclaimed Spiritual Satanists must NOT in any-case be in this category. If they are, they have a monumental work to do, and only they can do this on themselves. Assistance from others can never replace self help here.

When and if these people try to enforce you to help them while all their actions say they do NOT want to be helped, this robs you of energy that could be used for you to help yourself, or help others who actually WANT or NEED to be helped. These people who also truly want to receive help, they are taking this and actually start picking up on their own. Those who do not truly want to be helped, always and eternally want "help" which goes nowhere.

To understand if a person is truly worthy of being helped, one must help step by step and see how they implement certain topics. I have known people who complained about the same problems for lengths such as 5 to 10 years, and never did anything to better their situation. Same patterns are repeated, without any fundamental change to change them. They will also always try to weasel out of the responsibility and hard work required to fix certain ill fated situations [they brought these also upon themselves] and they were always unsatisfied with any "help". These types will be totally ungrateful, parasitic and for all intents worthless.

These also are looking for servants, not for helpers or people to grow with. Servants to a cycle in their own damnation. These types are to be avoided for those who want to grow. 2-3 of these individuals in your life, and you will lose all your potential while you try to "help them". "Help" here is the key word on how they sink out all your time, energy and existence, over themselves who are barren fields that will never yield fruits. That's because they do not want to plow their own field and their own self, and they want to waste your time instead. Avoid. These situations are not helped by the Gods either, as the Gods see directly that these beings are jokers and lazy.

In the case of these individuals these types do not want to be helped, they are attention whores, time sinkholes, evil people, and might also be jealous individuals who want to be coddled just because of their own particularly large egos. These egos are also bent on destruction and self-destruction. The more one also helps these types, the more they will never evolve, as one is not allowing them to experience the disasters they are creating for themselves.

That's like helping a drug addict with pocket money for food, and they go spend it all on drugs again and then you keep doing it. Pretty soon, and after they spend all of this money on drugs, their only complaints will be on why you didn't give them more and more crack money. Then they start hating you and they can also become your worse nightmares in life.

In another example, let's say there are two people who are encountering the risk of homelessness. They both need 2000$ to be given some time. One of them has a major gambling problem, and one knows they will likely gamble it the moment they give it to them. Clearly, no help should be given. The other person, immediately takes the 2000$, saves themselves and goes to find a decent job, and they do not have the gambling problem.

The gambler will not only be ungrateful, but also spiteful to the helper. The latter person, will be a worthwhile person to help, and one's help will actually help them build a better life. The difference between the two is that one is decided to change the situation, the other wants merely a bailout from consequences of false addiction.

As about cases where the individuals themselves have chosen a path of self-destruction, one cannot help there either. Because if you help you are likely going to prolong the destructive route, while the person continues this and abuses this help. Effectively one is helping someone to just destroy themselves, you are not helping them.

Now finally there is the category of the people who truly want to be helped and they are also ready to fully receive this help. Like a ground which is fertile for seeds, everything done for them will actually bear fruits and they will implement things. The speed and persistence of implementation, is the direct obvious reality of how much a person truly wants to be helped. If there is no persistency and implementation of advice given, this means a person is still debating change, not decided on it. We have all been in this category in at least one area of our lives.

The key moment where one can also finally accept to receive help, is when the bulk of our choices also start to be so damning, that one has to "either-or" when it comes to improving or getting help. When this state is reached, if one does not receive help, disaster will follow shortly afterward.

The wise are those who take help, implement it, stay persistent on this, and who remain fertile grounds to receive the help of the Gods. That's how one should aim to be, if they want to receive the maximum benefit of this path. And then when one does overcome more and more issues, the more effective one becomes to both help others, but also to understand the nature of those who are truly able to receive help versus those who won't.

To conclude here, we must not "help others" as a means to avoid helping ourselves, nor waste our time "helping others" who are NOT willing to be helped. We must help only those who WANT to be helped and who make our help WORTHWHILE, while simultaneously we are also helping ourselves. This is why the Gods also do not invest on every random human being on the planet, but those who show actual willingness to join them and to evolve. The rest of human beings have to actively display this in order to receive special attention.

Most humans out there do not want to truly advance or be helped [they are not ready yet] so they still linger or places where they will never receive any true help [like Christianity or Islam]. These souls are not there yet in the spiritual area. Maybe they are good at other areas, but they are not ready to evolve on the spiritual area yet. That should not affect us; we have ourselves and others on the path to actually help, where our help is going to also be valid and fruitful. Do not help barren or dead fields that are not willing to bring help upon themselves, or who will never bear fruit for others.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Very needed sermon and very important. Thank you.

Recently I also thought before this post was published:

Helping others in the beggining of SS path may make your progress slower in path, because when your energy field is open or if adds that you are empath and you have to interact with people in such way where their opposing opinion about this path will be expressed to you, you can take these thoughts and emotions into yourself, and start doubt your path, because knowledge and experience is not accumulated to such level where you are full confident in knowing it good, and where you can counter it effortlesly, because stable ground is not created yet, and doubt is very stopping in advancing. Also if one is empath it may be even more hindering for advancement as thoughts of others are taken as your own.

So yes until a point when you are helped yourself immensely a lot, it is better to focus on taking care of yourself.
Thanks HP, this mean the old proverb "Help yourself, can Gods Help you" are truth. And we need help who really want change and help if in needed. :) Thanks a lot for this lesson.
It's extremely important when we want to "help others", to both be able to help them, but above all to be able to help ourselves first.

Quite a few Spiritual Satanists, especially those who are new or those who still have a bleeding heart for other people, want "others" to reap the benefits of the path. Going out of the way of their own development, they can find beaten and failed cases anywhere they can, in order to "turn them to the light of the Gods". The above is normal to an extent, since one has benefited from the path and a sense of good-will makes one want to share this benefit. I know the feeling firsthand here.

Yet the situation is that when helping others we have to take many things in consideration, because sometimes we think we want to help others but primarily we do not take the core facts in consideration. For one, many people out there are hard-stuck, not able yet to be helped, and many are simply not ready yet. We mean either at the level of their souls, or at a personality level. Ignoring these can mean that one might want to "help" others, not so much to help them, but actually to solve other emotional needs in themselves rather than truly help another human being.

In many cases of novices and other people who also get very unhinged, they can also start pretending they are "leading and helping" others. In most cases of these that I have observed over the years, they are nowhere on the level of wisdom or understanding to truly help others, let alone from such a position. However, since getting to an actual position of helping requires a lot of self-help and self-evolution help, they try to bypass this to gain ill begotten gains of feelings like that they are the savior of somebody else.

In this process not only others can be greatly misguided, but one is simply doing all of this in order to bypass the most important key tenet of Spiritual Satanism. Self-help. If one does not self-help and self-improve, there are not many things one can do for other people. While that might sound contradictory, one must actually be first established in themselves, in order to move forward and be able to finally, help other people.

Sometimes also some very well meaning SS, do send me e-mails about lost cases and other people who simply won't help themselves [either in the path, or outside of it] and how much they want to help them. The situation is however if other people do insist of not helping themselves, no amount of force you exert upon them, is going to change this. And if it does change them, then consistent maintenance is needed.

Now this brings another topic here.

So if these people do not want to be helped and they won't help themselves, is it moral to leave them without any help, even if they are a Spiritual Satanist? We are not talking about leaving them in a totally helpless state, but we must be careful to not spend all our energies into a sink-hole that does not want to be helped. The add-on that one at some point did something good for themselves, which was to approach the Gods, does not excuse them for being a sink-hole of creation, time and energy, that siphons the existence of other people.

On the contrary, versus a random individual down the street, self-proclaimed Spiritual Satanists must NOT in any-case be in this category. If they are, they have a monumental work to do, and only they can do this on themselves. Assistance from others can never replace self help here.

When and if these people try to enforce you to help them while all their actions say they do NOT want to be helped, this robs you of energy that could be used for you to help yourself, or help others who actually WANT or NEED to be helped. These people who also truly want to receive help, they are taking this and actually start picking up on their own. Those who do not truly want to be helped, always and eternally want "help" which goes nowhere.

To understand if a person is truly worthy of being helped, one must help step by step and see how they implement certain topics. I have known people who complained about the same problems for lengths such as 5 to 10 years, and never did anything to better their situation. Same patterns are repeated, without any fundamental change to change them. They will also always try to weasel out of the responsibility and hard work required to fix certain ill fated situations [they brought these also upon themselves] and they were always unsatisfied with any "help". These types will be totally ungrateful, parasitic and for all intents worthless.

These also are looking for servants, not for helpers or people to grow with. Servants to a cycle in their own damnation. These types are to be avoided for those who want to grow. 2-3 of these individuals in your life, and you will lose all your potential while you try to "help them". "Help" here is the key word on how they sink out all your time, energy and existence, over themselves who are barren fields that will never yield fruits. That's because they do not want to plow their own field and their own self, and they want to waste your time instead. Avoid. These situations are not helped by the Gods either, as the Gods see directly that these beings are jokers and lazy.

In the case of these individuals these types do not want to be helped, they are attention whores, time sinkholes, evil people, and might also be jealous individuals who want to be coddled just because of their own particularly large egos. These egos are also bent on destruction and self-destruction. The more one also helps these types, the more they will never evolve, as one is not allowing them to experience the disasters they are creating for themselves.

That's like helping a drug addict with pocket money for food, and they go spend it all on drugs again and then you keep doing it. Pretty soon, and after they spend all of this money on drugs, their only complaints will be on why you didn't give them more and more crack money. Then they start hating you and they can also become your worse nightmares in life.

In another example, let's say there are two people who are encountering the risk of homelessness. They both need 2000$ to be given some time. One of them has a major gambling problem, and one knows they will likely gamble it the moment they give it to them. Clearly, no help should be given. The other person, immediately takes the 2000$, saves themselves and goes to find a decent job, and they do not have the gambling problem.

The gambler will not only be ungrateful, but also spiteful to the helper. The latter person, will be a worthwhile person to help, and one's help will actually help them build a better life. The difference between the two is that one is decided to change the situation, the other wants merely a bailout from consequences of false addiction.

As about cases where the individuals themselves have chosen a path of self-destruction, one cannot help there either. Because if you help you are likely going to prolong the destructive route, while the person continues this and abuses this help. Effectively one is helping someone to just destroy themselves, you are not helping them.

Now finally there is the category of the people who truly want to be helped and they are also ready to fully receive this help. Like a ground which is fertile for seeds, everything done for them will actually bear fruits and they will implement things. The speed and persistence of implementation, is the direct obvious reality of how much a person truly wants to be helped. If there is no persistency and implementation of advice given, this means a person is still debating change, not decided on it. We have all been in this category in at least one area of our lives.

The key moment where one can also finally accept to receive help, is when the bulk of our choices also start to be so damning, that one has to "either-or" when it comes to improving or getting help. When this state is reached, if one does not receive help, disaster will follow shortly afterward.

The wise are those who take help, implement it, stay persistent on this, and who remain fertile grounds to receive the help of the Gods. That's how one should aim to be, if they want to receive the maximum benefit of this path. And then when one does overcome more and more issues, the more effective one becomes to both help others, but also to understand the nature of those who are truly able to receive help versus those who won't.

To conclude here, we must not "help others" as a means to avoid helping ourselves, nor waste our time "helping others" who are NOT willing to be helped. We must help only those who WANT to be helped and who make our help WORTHWHILE, while simultaneously we are also helping ourselves. This is why the Gods also do not invest on every random human being on the planet, but those who show actual willingness to join them and to evolve. The rest of human beings have to actively display this in order to receive special attention.

Most humans out there do not want to truly advance or be helped [they are not ready yet] so they still linger or places where they will never receive any true help [like Christianity or Islam]. These souls are not there yet in the spiritual area. Maybe they are good at other areas, but they are not ready to evolve on the spiritual area yet. That should not affect us; we have ourselves and others on the path to actually help, where our help is going to also be valid and fruitful. Do not help barren or dead fields that are not willing to bring help upon themselves, or who will never bear fruit for others.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Assistance should always be within reasonable limits.
It helps that you help a person, but he does everything himself, i.e. no one does the work for the person.
I'm afraid that the gods don't help me because I'm lazy, don't do enough for development and rituals
It's extremely important when we want to "help others", to both be able to help them, but above all to be able to help ourselves first.

Quite a few Spiritual Satanists, especially those who are new or those who still have a bleeding heart for other people, want "others" to reap the benefits of the path. Going out of the way of their own development, they can find beaten and failed cases anywhere they can, in order to "turn them to the light of the Gods". The above is normal to an extent, since one has benefited from the path and a sense of good-will makes one want to share this benefit. I know the feeling firsthand here.

Yet the situation is that when helping others we have to take many things in consideration, because sometimes we think we want to help others but primarily we do not take the core facts in consideration. For one, many people out there are hard-stuck, not able yet to be helped, and many are simply not ready yet. We mean either at the level of their souls, or at a personality level. Ignoring these can mean that one might want to "help" others, not so much to help them, but actually to solve other emotional needs in themselves rather than truly help another human being.

In many cases of novices and other people who also get very unhinged, they can also start pretending they are "leading and helping" others. In most cases of these that I have observed over the years, they are nowhere on the level of wisdom or understanding to truly help others, let alone from such a position. However, since getting to an actual position of helping requires a lot of self-help and self-evolution help, they try to bypass this to gain ill begotten gains of feelings like that they are the savior of somebody else.

In this process not only others can be greatly misguided, but one is simply doing all of this in order to bypass the most important key tenet of Spiritual Satanism. Self-help. If one does not self-help and self-improve, there are not many things one can do for other people. While that might sound contradictory, one must actually be first established in themselves, in order to move forward and be able to finally, help other people.

Sometimes also some very well meaning SS, do send me e-mails about lost cases and other people who simply won't help themselves [either in the path, or outside of it] and how much they want to help them. The situation is however if other people do insist of not helping themselves, no amount of force you exert upon them, is going to change this. And if it does change them, then consistent maintenance is needed.

Now this brings another topic here.

So if these people do not want to be helped and they won't help themselves, is it moral to leave them without any help, even if they are a Spiritual Satanist? We are not talking about leaving them in a totally helpless state, but we must be careful to not spend all our energies into a sink-hole that does not want to be helped. The add-on that one at some point did something good for themselves, which was to approach the Gods, does not excuse them for being a sink-hole of creation, time and energy, that siphons the existence of other people.

On the contrary, versus a random individual down the street, self-proclaimed Spiritual Satanists must NOT in any-case be in this category. If they are, they have a monumental work to do, and only they can do this on themselves. Assistance from others can never replace self help here.

When and if these people try to enforce you to help them while all their actions say they do NOT want to be helped, this robs you of energy that could be used for you to help yourself, or help others who actually WANT or NEED to be helped. These people who also truly want to receive help, they are taking this and actually start picking up on their own. Those who do not truly want to be helped, always and eternally want "help" which goes nowhere.

To understand if a person is truly worthy of being helped, one must help step by step and see how they implement certain topics. I have known people who complained about the same problems for lengths such as 5 to 10 years, and never did anything to better their situation. Same patterns are repeated, without any fundamental change to change them. They will also always try to weasel out of the responsibility and hard work required to fix certain ill fated situations [they brought these also upon themselves] and they were always unsatisfied with any "help". These types will be totally ungrateful, parasitic and for all intents worthless.

These also are looking for servants, not for helpers or people to grow with. Servants to a cycle in their own damnation. These types are to be avoided for those who want to grow. 2-3 of these individuals in your life, and you will lose all your potential while you try to "help them". "Help" here is the key word on how they sink out all your time, energy and existence, over themselves who are barren fields that will never yield fruits. That's because they do not want to plow their own field and their own self, and they want to waste your time instead. Avoid. These situations are not helped by the Gods either, as the Gods see directly that these beings are jokers and lazy.

In the case of these individuals these types do not want to be helped, they are attention whores, time sinkholes, evil people, and might also be jealous individuals who want to be coddled just because of their own particularly large egos. These egos are also bent on destruction and self-destruction. The more one also helps these types, the more they will never evolve, as one is not allowing them to experience the disasters they are creating for themselves.

That's like helping a drug addict with pocket money for food, and they go spend it all on drugs again and then you keep doing it. Pretty soon, and after they spend all of this money on drugs, their only complaints will be on why you didn't give them more and more crack money. Then they start hating you and they can also become your worse nightmares in life.

In another example, let's say there are two people who are encountering the risk of homelessness. They both need 2000$ to be given some time. One of them has a major gambling problem, and one knows they will likely gamble it the moment they give it to them. Clearly, no help should be given. The other person, immediately takes the 2000$, saves themselves and goes to find a decent job, and they do not have the gambling problem.

The gambler will not only be ungrateful, but also spiteful to the helper. The latter person, will be a worthwhile person to help, and one's help will actually help them build a better life. The difference between the two is that one is decided to change the situation, the other wants merely a bailout from consequences of false addiction.

As about cases where the individuals themselves have chosen a path of self-destruction, one cannot help there either. Because if you help you are likely going to prolong the destructive route, while the person continues this and abuses this help. Effectively one is helping someone to just destroy themselves, you are not helping them.

Now finally there is the category of the people who truly want to be helped and they are also ready to fully receive this help. Like a ground which is fertile for seeds, everything done for them will actually bear fruits and they will implement things. The speed and persistence of implementation, is the direct obvious reality of how much a person truly wants to be helped. If there is no persistency and implementation of advice given, this means a person is still debating change, not decided on it. We have all been in this category in at least one area of our lives.

The key moment where one can also finally accept to receive help, is when the bulk of our choices also start to be so damning, that one has to "either-or" when it comes to improving or getting help. When this state is reached, if one does not receive help, disaster will follow shortly afterward.

The wise are those who take help, implement it, stay persistent on this, and who remain fertile grounds to receive the help of the Gods. That's how one should aim to be, if they want to receive the maximum benefit of this path. And then when one does overcome more and more issues, the more effective one becomes to both help others, but also to understand the nature of those who are truly able to receive help versus those who won't.

To conclude here, we must not "help others" as a means to avoid helping ourselves, nor waste our time "helping others" who are NOT willing to be helped. We must help only those who WANT to be helped and who make our help WORTHWHILE, while simultaneously we are also helping ourselves. This is why the Gods also do not invest on every random human being on the planet, but those who show actual willingness to join them and to evolve. The rest of human beings have to actively display this in order to receive special attention.

Most humans out there do not want to truly advance or be helped [they are not ready yet] so they still linger or places where they will never receive any true help [like Christianity or Islam]. These souls are not there yet in the spiritual area. Maybe they are good at other areas, but they are not ready to evolve on the spiritual area yet. That should not affect us; we have ourselves and others on the path to actually help, where our help is going to also be valid and fruitful. Do not help barren or dead fields that are not willing to bring help upon themselves, or who will never bear fruit for others.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Man I wish I saw this a few days ago, I recently had that happen with a girl who I wanted to help she didn’t want it and sucked 2 years away from me)but with this knowledge I will remember and strive for evolution and the advancement of thoes willing to help themselves they must grab their wheel. Thank you cobra I was just thinking of trying to help my family get here would be beneficial but with this. I have learned that’s naive. All of you here are so amazing. Thank you all for the hard work. Love you guys, not sure where I’d be today without The Gods
First off I wanna say, very powerful and important article, thanks for your amazing work, High Priest.

In the case of these individuals these types do not want to be helped, they are attention whores, time sinkholes, evil people, and might also be jealous individuals who want to be coddled just because of their own particularly large egos. These egos are also bent on destruction and self-destruction. The more one also helps these types, the more they will never evolve, as one is not allowing them to experience the disasters they are creating for themselves.

That's like helping a drug addict with pocket money for food, and they go spend it all on drugs again and then you keep doing it. Pretty soon, and after they spend all of this money on drugs, their only complaints will be on why you didn't give them more and more crack money. Then they start hating you and they can also become your worse nightmares in life.
This is extremely accurate. When I once gave a chance to an insecure sociopath who admired me, he tried taking everything away from me and turned everyone against me, even though he looked up to me in his own sick and twisted way; its important to realize that even most "normal" people do not respect people personally, but instead, only their power/skills. It is very saddening that most of the people who try to help others are compassionate souls who have experienced many traumatizing things and just end up additionally being hurt themselves. Life is all about balance and helping others is no different, giving people the fish instead of the fishing rod is a fool's errand, but trying to teach an incompetent person how to fish is twice as much of a fool's errand. Learning these lessons is a part of the path.
Thank you.

This is a very important topic.

I have one or two friends that the more I help, the worse it gets for me.

Here, keeping my distance helped for my own sake.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
