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What is the Black Sun?


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2019
It has come to my attention recently that I don’t really understand what the Black Sun is about.

Usually I have a good intuitive understanding to what allegories and spiritual symbols are about.

However with the black sun I’m not really sure.

Is it a physical actual black sun relating to the Gods? Or is it an astral sun? But what does an astral sun mean?

Would like to know since it’s actually a popular and important symbol to us.
The Black Sun is a fascinating symbol, and I feel it has some extremely deep Alchemical meaning that we would have to really Meditate on in order to understand.

On the JoS under Satanic Symbols, it has a brief description that it represents the Nigredo stage of the Magnum Opus. Nigredo literally means blackness. This could be the purification stage of the Soul, where the Chakras are "burned to black" with sacred fire in order to purify them. The stage of spiritual death just before rebirth. It also says it represents the Astral Sun, as you mentioned.

I do feel like there is so much additional meaning beneath the surface with this symbol though. It's also supposed to represent the Eclipse in various Alchemical texts, and in a Spiritual sense this could also mean death beofre rebirth.

It would be awesome to have an extensive writing about it. The JoS also mentions the Black Sun being closely related to the God Sorath. So there could also be much deeper meaning here.

I would also love to know more :)

Hail Satan!!

We know that the black sun is about spiritual perfection. Sometimes I use it to keep my focus before meditation.
The website says it refers to the astral sun. It's also related to crows.

And the fact that the color black retains/attracts light could be related to that.

As for being physical, I'm not sure, anything physical is also spiritual but spiritual may not be physical so I can't say for sure.
The Black Sun is a fascinating symbol, and I feel it has some extremely deep Alchemical meaning that we would have to really Meditate on in order to understand.

On the JoS under Satanic Symbols, it has a brief description that it represents the Nigredo stage of the Magnum Opus. Nigredo literally means blackness. This could be the purification stage of the Soul, where the Chakras are "burned to black" with sacred fire in order to purify them. The stage of spiritual death just before rebirth. It also says it represents the Astral Sun, as you mentioned.

I do feel like there is so much additional meaning beneath the surface with this symbol though. It's also supposed to represent the Eclipse in various Alchemical texts, and in a Spiritual sense this could also mean death beofre rebirth.

It would be awesome to have an extensive writing about it. The JoS also mentions the Black Sun being closely related to the God Sorath. So there could also be much deeper meaning here.

I would also love to know more :)

Hail Satan!!
Oh, I know about the Nigredo and it makes sense. But why is it a sun though? As you said seems to have some mystery behind it still.
It has come to my attention recently that I don’t really understand what the Black Sun is about.
I'm not entirely sure, so don't take this as fact, but I think it relates to what Lord Beelzebul said, "Darkness is light turned inside out"
It could be the Sun turned inside out, thus making it a "black sun"

Something I personally would like to know is how the color green relates to it, since in Wewelsburg castle, it seems to have a green hue.


I don't really consider his work to be all that trustworthy, but Miguel Serrano has said that the black sun emits green rays

"we need to call upon Lucifer and the white Gods that await behind the golden star within the green rays of the Black Sun"

Does anyone know anything about this? I would greatly appreciate it.
I'm not entirely sure, so don't take this as fact, but I think it relates to what Lord Beelzebul said, "Darkness is light turned inside out"
It could be the Sun turned inside out, thus making it a "black sun"

Something I personally would like to know is how the color green relates to it, since in Wewelsburg castle, it seems to have a green hue.
View attachment 4900
View attachment 4901

I don't really consider his work to be all that trustworthy, but Miguel Serrano has said that the black sun emits green rays

"we need to call upon Lucifer and the white Gods that await behind the golden star within the green rays of the Black Sun"

Does anyone know anything about this? I would greatly appreciate it.
Oh, that's fascinating! I always just assumed it was only a green hue as a consequence of the marble that was used. But obviously it was intentionally green.

Green is also very significant in Alchemy. Like the symbol of The Green Lion that swallows the sun. Interesting. Green is supposed to represent vitriol and Mercury and also a substance called Aqua Regia, which was supposed to be able to dissolve gold. Obviously as we know, this had a spiritual meaning and not literal gold.

Check out this Medieval depiction of The Green Lion:


The Seven red stars must represent the Chakras.

So highly possible that the Black Sun could also be connected with the color green, as it all relates to the various stages of purifying the Soul.
It is of my great privilege and honor to share such knowledge.

Is it a physical actual black sun relating to the Gods? Or is it an astral sun? But what does an astral sun mean?
Very well ,yes indeed! To all 3 of your questions. Remember that "Darkness is light turned inside out" - Beelzebub
Darkness does not refer or mean something negative as most will tend to think at first, at each encounter of the word "darkness" they imagine some sort of nonsense but that's due enemy brainwash systems.

The Black Sun has many many meanings and it's an enigma in itself , there's many of them in the Universe but yes, the actual Black Sun has to do with a Sun[material/astral] in itself which is black and with the God Sun Sorath, now , remember that Lord Azazel is the God Sun and even His mantra it's Suryae, the Sun itself? But that's our Sun and Azazel is the God Sun of our own very Sun but God Sorath is dealing with another Sun[the Black Sun] which both has to to with our own very consciousness but on a different level.

"SORATH - The Black Sun
is a Sun God. He is said to have been the personal demon, protector and counselor of Adolf Hitler.

Sorath rules over the current of energy dealing with the "id," the human psyche, altered states of consciousness, mind-forms, elementals, hallucinogens, the "inexplicable, the unforeseen and the unknown," and over "miracles." Sorath is the "Closer," while Azazel is the "Opener." The Great God Sorath does not welcome just anyone, for He is the embodiment of the Ever-Burning Black Sun. His number is seven; he rules over the 13th sign of the Zodiac; his time is when the Moon is void. He rules from the North. The mind is very complicated, especially that part that we magicians use. The Divine part of the mind can do absolutely anything. Satan trusts only his own and no one else when it comes to this power. It will not be activated in just anyone; and if it is, it will be activated in such a way that it will be a frightening lesson to anyone who tries to use this power as long as they are on the outside (undedicated). Sorath presides over the flow of energy from the "unconscious" and is God over the energy emitted by every sun in the Universe. Then he also rules over the magnetic center and the life factor for all. Sorath said that all suns in the Universe affect us, not just our Sun.

After all, miracles are not caused by Gods. The Gods are above them. The Word itself exceeds the need or understanding of what a miracle is. Miracles come from us. What is a miracle to one may be a curse to another; what is lost by one may be found by another, for example. - High Priest Salem Burke

Sorath is of the Nordic Race of Gods. He is tall with long light blond hair. - Prince Maxine"

Now remember that the Sun has to do with our Ego and consciousness , the black Sun is the same but very different thing, think and see it as the Lord Azazel is the one who is able to create life and a consciousness ,create it, let it live for long, be it's own individual etc etc, God Sorath has to do more with what comes when one's mind is fading away entirely , that does not mean just death but the entire process and the END of one's mind , meaning let's say a dead soul which has just spinning in the universe for ages, slowly disintegrating itself into nothingness , that "nothingness " it is a process , it does something , it goes somewhere ,even although it becomes from a multitude of numbers to literal 0 it's still goes to the "Black Sun" or similar equivalent "Black Holes" but note, black holes has nothing to do with the Black Sun or Black Sun's in general.

I also believe that many of our power and God's Power are coming from that exact very source that we're speaking about The Black Sun, except Satan and Beelzebul , They Two are just simply inexplicable in words, an eternity that we would have and we would still not be able to even imagine what They are and what They are capable of, it's truly amazing.

From what I know and I might be wrong, this I do not know for sure but something deep down within myself stands to believe it entirely , I think the Black Sun in itself it's the "biggest" and strongest source of power that there it is and it has many enigmas , got to be a God to understand what that is and how "long" it's been for, by whom , where, when , question as such. Our own very Powers are coming from there.

Although the Sun vs Black sun may seem as oppositions they are in fact, the same coin but with their own faces , the two faces, only that the other one is more Hidden and you got to be very badass to reach there and to get to know more.
God Sorath is one of a greatest contributor when the God's made us , also look onto God Abraxas if you've liked the information above and are interested into finding more about those enigmas and such kind of hidden and occult information's , the worthy will always receive his answer , may the God's bless the Noble one's.

The Seven red stars must represent the Chakras.

So highly possible that the Black Sun could also be connected with the color green, as it all relates to the various stages of purifying the Soul.
It also represents God Sorath number.

Would like to know since it’s actually a popular and important symbol to us.\
It is also the greatest symbol of power that there is! Send this to one of your wicca enemy or whoever other mage who think's he's indomitable , show him the Black Sun and He will instantly knew, without prior information on the Black Sun itself , He will knew, that he has meet something higher then Fate and has encounter one of the Greatest God's that there are , The one who has All of the Mages power but this decision is left upon Father Satan as ultimatum. Remember what does it say above, that whoever let's say it's lucky enough to discover such information's and powers it will have not much time to use them as those SPECIAL and IMPORTANT information's are reserved only for the worthy one's which means Us.
What's interesting is that it has 12 Sowilo runes as rays. You could say it also represents the zodiac.

The Black Sun is, in my eyes, a fusion between Sun and Saturn. Hence the colour green, which is related to the earth element (Venus & Saturn).

It's a symbol we never got a clear explanation for, at least not from the National Socialists themselves, as it appeared only once from what we know, and that was in Wewelsburg Castle. It's a mysterious symbol that I hope Lord Sorath can shed some light upon.
It has come to my attention recently that I don’t really understand what the Black Sun is about.

Usually I have a good intuitive understanding to what allegories and spiritual symbols are about.

However with the black sun I’m not really sure.

Is it a physical actual black sun relating to the Gods? Or is it an astral sun? But what does an astral sun mean?

Would like to know since it’s actually a popular and important symbol
Judging by its significance to the stage of dissolution or putrefaction, the earlier comment by @Swabian Starlight really adds alot to the concept,
Its the reality we don't see, unlike the solar mythos and the golden sun that governs the outward light,conscious mind and outward knowledge,The black Sun governs the pillars for the former to thrive, its the darkness that gives shape to light,The subconscious that manifests the world for the conscious mind,
Ideas of the black Sun as a physical body has alot to do with the planet Saturn and the forces its governs in the physical existence,this isn't per JOS so I might be wrong,Its an idea prevalent in the electric universe theory ,
I doubt the Black Sun has anything to do with Saturn and our Sun, it is way more far and important then those. Each Sun influences us not just our own, the Black Sun even being far away it's still of a highly and extremely importance and impact/effect towards all of us on this planet, I don't know where you guys took this from, also color green , I don't know, I think Black Sun has to do with all "colors" and beyond that.

No, The Black sun has nothing to do with the subconscious , that's more of a Father Satan territory/realm and of Neptun as Planet same with Moon and each that contribues to their greatest purposes and energies. This Sun is of a potent and powerful energy , one of creation and life , not just destruction.

I see God Sorath the same as Satan as Beelzebul, a God which went all away in the Universe exploring it's enigmas and deepth's therefore not only discovering the Black Sun but becoming the Black Sun , the eternal source .
I doubt the Black Sun has anything to do with Saturn and our Sun, it is way more far and important then those. Each Sun influences us not just our own, the Black Sun even being far away it's still of a highly and extremely importance and impact/effect towards all of us on this planet, I don't know where you guys took this from, also color green , I don't know, I think Black Sun has to do with all "colors" and beyond that.

No, The Black sun has nothing to do with the subconscious , that's more of a Father Satan territory/realm and of Neptun as Planet same with Moon and each that contribues to their greatest purposes and energies. This Sun is of a potent and powerful energy , one of creation and life , not just destruction.

I see God Sorath the same as Satan as Beelzebul, a God which went all away in the Universe exploring it's enigmas and deepth's therefore not only discovering the Black Sun but becoming the Black Sun , the eternal source .
I don't know how this eventually led to Sorath ,would you expound more on that?
It has come to my attention recently that I don’t really understand what the Black Sun is about.

Usually I have a good intuitive understanding to what allegories and spiritual symbols are about.

However with the black sun I’m not really sure.

Is it a physical actual black sun relating to the Gods? Or is it an astral sun? But what does an astral sun mean?

Would like to know since it’s actually a popular and important symbol to us.
In short it's solar eclipse
I don't know how this eventually led to Sorath ,would you expound more on that?
Sorath, a powerful Demon who challenges the demiurge and his archons, is often mistakenly associated with Abaddon or Lucifer, as well as other Hierarchy-leading Demons.
This confusion is not unfounded, as Sorath may be a manifestation of Abaddon or Lucifer, or perhaps He is not. This question transcends human understanding.
When someone rejects their miserable condition and seeks intellectual, mental, financial and magical development, they are defying the laws of the demiurge.
Sorath, the solar God, brings with him the illumination of consciousness, prosperity and success.
However, for followers of jesus, this is seen as evil, despite the fact that they are responsible for atrocities such as burning hundreds of thousands of women alive, while they consider themselves to be the good and lovely ones.
Sorath's abilities include granting prosperity, success and enlightenment, as well as removing negative conditioning, especially those imposed by christians.
It also has influence on areas such as sensuality and beauty.
Sorath, often depicted as a man of stunning beauty, is often confused with Lucifer as he has the power to transform the ordinary into something extraordinary.
Sorry to necro an old thread, but I found some more information regarding the Black Sun

According to HPS Maxine, the Black Sun is the swastika in motion
"The Swastika when rotating is the Black Sun."

I drew a picture to try and show what I think she meant


(Sorry that it's kind of crude)

Each color is its own swastika, you'll probably notice that this is similar to the Slavic Kolovrat as well.

If I recall correctly, I remember reading that the Swastika was rotated by 45 degrees on the NSDAP flag to represent the motion of the sun, but I can't seem to find where I saw that. I'm pretty sure it was Mein Kampf though.
Sorry to necro an old thread, but I found some more information regarding the Black Sun

According to HPS Maxine, the Black Sun is the swastika in motion
"The Swastika when rotating is the Black Sun."

I drew a picture to try and show what I think she meant

View attachment 5000
(Sorry that it's kind of crude)

Each color is its own swastika, you'll probably notice that this is similar to the Slavic Kolovrat as well.
View attachment 5001

If I recall correctly, I remember reading that the Swastika was rotated by 45 degrees on the NSDAP flag to represent the motion of the sun, but I can't seem to find where I saw that. I'm pretty sure it was Mein Kampf though.
It’s okay it’s not that old anyway and it’s not a personal situation/vent, thank you.

Yeah this is interesting, if it’s related to Swastika then it would also relate to the Solar Plexus, sounds interesting. Based on this it might relate to the Magnum Opus relation of the Solar plexus (The Grail), in a way that’s what it might mean as a “spiritual sun”.
Good job dudes! See? Things are discoverable if we looking deep enough. Never stop looking!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
