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New member
May 13, 2013
Hi everyone, I have made a few (OK, maybe more then a few) posts on the main e-group, but would welcome more discussion here, concerning subjects relating to the white "Aryan" race in particular, which this forum was originally intended for.

I came here a couple of years ago and it was much busier and don't really know what stifled this, to now - where discussion is almost non-existent. I think this is a great shame because white "Aryans" are the bloodline of our Father Satan and the Ancient Anu Gods.

We reserve the right to have a say in Satan's name and speak up for our Pagan cultural heritage. This is what our Anti-Christ, Adolf Hitler, did when He went to battle against the jews and their masters, for our racial preservation and spiritual survival.

I clearly realize there is always a certain amount of "risk" when stating one's opinion (especially when exposing the shylock), but it is so miniscule...when compared to what Adolf Hitler did for our continued assured future.

Your comments are very much welcomed.

Hail Satan!
Hail Hitler!
What do you mean?  We are the elite shock troops of Satan!  What would we possibly discuss?  
Jesting aside (is humor even allowed?), I am and have been guided to a position so near JoS that there is nothing closer, in all honesty, anywhere.  However, being a heretic among heretics, I do not adhere to legalistic hair splitting on arbitrary matters nor am I interested in any of the personalities on the boards and forums.  I am, essentially, allergic to the prime directive that all organizations necessarily suffer from by nature of them being organizations.  Organizations are even more ephemeral than books and are often a negative hindrance, thus a way "without a book" is a sure path of pure spiritual instinct, undiluted by the distraction of mindless rule-by-committee, exclusivity,  and revisions of revealed truth--at least as much as falliable humans are able to pretend it isnt so.  
The spirit and reality behind Satan is far more interesting than any human machinations, but I do get tired of holding my nose when perusing various postings.  
That said, hyper-individualism is a Jewized isolative trap.  When concentric and overlapping kinship circles are dysfunctional or non-existent, no defense of kin can be mounted.  The personal connections and the associated collective strength of those connections are not formed.  Our greatest strength is our own people--collectively, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Currently, the movement is very weak.  We've never been more atomized.  We are losing demographically.  Hiding, and discouraging the natural instinct of free association with one's own kind, is a last possible point of retreat.  This is just a thoroughly boiled frog.  System breakdown is not just predictable, but is now fully observable.  Make no mistake, such dysfunction due to societal rot, while offensive, is not an offense.  It is a consequence of the dispossession of the White world.   We will be required to put more backbone into saving ourselves than simply relying on the (Jewish) processes of putrefaction for our salvation. 
"Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live."Adolf Hitler
The rhetoric being exchanged in social media and comments sections online is light years ahead of where it was in 2016.  There is a dawning realization of our collective dilemma in the greater world.  Progress, but we need more.  A lot more.  And any actual action will require talking to one another, freely and openly...as a start...with a broad variety of all our racial kin in all stages of development and understanding.  Ethnic and religious chauvinism will not be a strength when we are fighting shoulder to shoulder with racial kin for our very survival.  Complicated issues become very simple and crystal clear at the bottom line of survival.  Our time grows short.
I'm happy there is a call for discussion.  I'm all for it.  Such activity would be a great barometer of the existence of actual "local" resistance to our extermination, but I don't have high hopes for it here.  (It's not going to sufficiently meet the necessary prime directive.)  That's just my feeling, but the truth is, that "providence" as Hitler termed it, can operate in the most obscure and unexpected conditions.
In all likelihood, the battles that matter will be elsewhere.  When the time and place comes to make a stand, it will be self-evident to all.  JoS is nonetheless a valid regiment in this war.
Heil HitlerHail Satan

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

I'm not here to put on any "bullshit" (not saying you are). Just want to talk about interesting topics regarding white race in particular. That's why this forum was created.

Let's start with Adolf Hitler. What do you know about Him, before, during WW2 and now?

Hail Satan
Heil Hitler
No idea what the weirdo above is rambling about. He seems the type to be "enlightened by his own intelligence".
As for the case of the black sun group's inactivity, the issue is multi faceted.
For one, a community or group project's inactivity compounds itself. If people don't see other people engaging in a social activity then there is no point in engaging with it yourself. Think of it like a multiplayer game with a tiny active playerbase. Hundreds, thousands could check on it daily but if they only ever see a couple people playing if that then they'll be discouraged from playing it themselves and eventually forget about it and reaffirm its death, because without an active and healthy community there is no point in engaging. It's a catch 22.
The fact that the group(along with others like hellsarmy, jos4adults, the gay community to a lesser extent) has become a defacto newsletter also doesn't help its case any. You have to dig deep to find discussion threads, which is difficult because Yahoo's search function is trash to begin with and the threads have been swamped out with sermons. Which is a shame because there are good posts in these groups. 
Mind you, I'm not saying it's bad that sermons are cross posted, just pointing out that it's a factor here and posts can't be organized like they can with a forum so the issue also lies in the nature of the platform itself.
And because no discussion threads are readily visible, this contributes to inactivity. No prompt for people to add their 2 cents. No people visibly posting means nobody wants to post and create threads themselves because you'd end up shouting into the void. No active users means no established culture which means people are unsure what is appropriate to share in the group and may not share at all for fear of breaking an unwritten code.
Besides that there is also the issue of purpose. The black sun and some of the other groups don't really fill a role that can't and hasn't been taken on by the main discussion channel. Things may have been different back in the day and there was a need and a purpose for categorizing the groups, maybe before we had the forums, but today the subgroups seem to have run their course and keeping discussion divided may not be for the best even if we could revive the subgroups. I definitely don't think dividing the "mature and experienced" from the main group for example would contribute to a greater understanding overall for our community. It's like if white belts only ever train and learn with other white belts, nobody's gonna get meaningfully better at their craft because there is no higher ideal to be taught, challenged by and strive to achieve.
Groups like the gay, teen and non english groups are alive because they fill specific niches, as well as the non white groups. It seems that most satanists are white to begin with so if you relegated them to a white only group then the lifeblood of the main group goes with them. If the JOS' main discussion channels were inactive then that wouldn't reflect well on us.
But anyway, I don't have a solution to these, nor do I think there is one and if there was I'm not sure if it would be worth implementing at this time. But there's my take on the matter, for what it's worth.

---In [email protected], <aryantruth@... wrote :


I'm not here to put on any "bullshit" (not saying you are). Just want to talk about interesting topics regarding white race in particular. That's why this forum was created.

Let's start with Adolf Hitler. What do you know about Him, before, during WW2 and now?

Hail Satan
Heil Hitler
To sum it all up, I think it just ran its course, and dividing the discussion unnecessarily doesn't serve us overall. We're all in this together as satanists and while we should focus on "cleaning our own rooms" we also need to cultivate a broader mutual understanding and support each other as satanists since we're all on the same team and need to pool our strengths together to win. Hitler and NS is relevant to everyone, not just us as whites and everyone needs to be informed and aware of the truth about NS/SS and be ready and equipped to enlighten others on the reality of what we stand for. Hence why this group fell into disuse, it doesn't have a role to fill anymore and beating the dead horse may be spending our time and energy inefficiently and hold us back.

---In [email protected], <aryantruth@... wrote :


I'm not here to put on any "bullshit" (not saying you are). Just want to talk about interesting topics regarding white race in particular. That's why this forum was created.

Let's start with Adolf Hitler. What do you know about Him, before, during WW2 and now?

Hail Satan
Heil Hitler
The Satanic Gay Community -- the Thule JoS e-group -- has been gradually increasing in activity, because so many people who come there are lost souls who are looking for answers.
Most of the homosexual elements that Satanism/Nazism tend to attract, at least initially, are reverse-Christians, or Left-winged Christians who simply oppose the so-called "Christian" Right wing.  They have been cursed by the Jewish meme that to be gay, you are required to be an obnoxious, self-serving liberal retard who only cares about getting laid, and drug abuse.  
Unfortunately, for many gay people who are not Satanists/Nazis, charity and altruism mean aiding and abetting the Jewish cause, which is nothing more than the utter destruction and extermination of the White Aryan descendants of Satan-Lucifer, the Most High.
Even with the degenerate repulsiveness that I have witnessed among many homosexuals, Satan has placed within my hands the task of waking these people up, and then wake up the anti-gay alleged heterosexual Nazis who refuse to give up their "conservative" version of "Right-winged" Christian values that refuse to be inclusive of open homosexuals who aren't even obnoxious agents of the Jewish agenda, but are good, decent, level-headed, racially-conscious NS Satanists, Pagans, and others.  
Christianity and homosexuality is a catch-22.  Many of the laws in the Old Testament of the Christian Bible were plagiarized from Azazel's Code of Hammurabi, but something interesting for my "community" of White Aryan gay Satanists is that Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 that the Jewish/Christian "God" commands "his" people to kill "practicing homosexuals" is of exclusively Jewish origin and cannot be found anywhere in the Code of Hammurabi or any of the pre-Christian Pagan religions, which were the equivalent of what we now call Spiritual Satanism.  However, the closest thing to an "anti-homosexuality" law in pre-Christian Pagan times was only among the Assyrians who had a law in 1500 BCE that if a man anally rapes another man, the homosexual rapist is to be castrated and be made into a eunuch.
There is also an anti-homosexual passage in Manusmriti 175, in which twice-born Brahmans (Brahman priests with a risen kundalini serpent) could be demoted to a lower caste if they engage in sexual activity with other men.  However, such a verse against consenting homosexuality in the Far East didn't ever exist until the inevitable plague of Christian missionaries invading our White Aryan religious leaders and Christianizing/desecrating our sacred texts.
In other words, the catch-22 is that for White Gentile Christians, exclusive homosexuality is "encouraged" via the strict segregation of the different biological genders, chauvinistic all-male societies, the denigration of women, all-male "Gods" who don't have any wives or girlfriends, and so on.  Nonetheless, the Jewish lie of Christianity has hidden a perverted, corrupted version of "homosexuality" in plain sight.  Jesus fucked his male disciples, but the Ubiquitous Nazarene Christos was also married to Mary Magdalene or the Judaeo-Gnostic bitch goddess Sophia.  Likewise, some Jews claim that the Jewish/Christian "God" has a wife, the Kabbalistic Shekina, or whatever.
Even despite all of the pseudo/artificial "homosexuality" that is hidden in plain sight in Christianity, the verdict is that Christianity is still extremely anti-gay, no matter how much it changes with the times, and opens gay churches, elects gay bishops, performs gay weddings, and so on.  
Paul taught the Pagans that in order to go to "heaven," they will have to repent from not only heterosexual adultery, fornication, and sex before marriage, in order to curb White Aryan reproduction rates, while promoting alarmingly explosive reproduction rates for non-Whites and mixed races.  I am not insulting non-White Gentiles, but I am just emphasizing the Jewish genocide programs designed to totally exterminate all White Gentiles by having the non-Whites dramatically outnumber us, and then rob us of our White Aryan blood, with the help and assistance of the Jewish people.
Satan commands the eradication of all Jews, as He is Ha-Satan, the ultimate Devil and Adversary of the Jewish people.  Yes, the Jews systematically work to normalize perverted and corrupted versions of "homosexuality" through their liberal, politically correct propaganda machines, but at the same time, for gays who step out of line and/or disobey, or rebel against and reject the Jewish package of "gay identity" which includes a destructive, suicidal "lifestyle" for the exclusive homosexual, that can lead to all kinds of health problems and a shorter lifespan, the Jews create the problem ("conservative" Christian attitudes against gays), so that the Jews who pretend to be "enemies" of such a Christianity can come to the rescue, and brainwash gay victims of Christianity into Marxist foot soldiers who are programmed to be agents of the Jews who contribute to the Jewish cause of the extinction of planet Earth's most endangered species; the White Aryan Gentiles.

I hope that I'm not offending too many people here, as many White Nazis have been brainwashed with the lie that Cornelius Tacitus claimed that the pre-Christian Germanic Pagan Tribes would "drown homosexuals in swamps."  However, everyone who accepts that misinterpretation of Tacitus are simply uninformed that homosexuals, not even effeminate, un-warlike sissy homosexuals, were NOT who Tacitus was claiming were killed due to Germanic eugenics.  However, the people who Tacitus was saying were drowned were people who castrated themselves, those who avoided being drafted into the military, and people with birth defects.
I try not to talk too much about homosexuality in this e-group because of what the Jews have been doing to recruit gays for anti-White causes, but what makes us Satanic Nazis different from Christian "Nazi" wannabes is our acceptance of the 3-5% population of homosexuals on this planet, but we do reject the political correctness of the Jewish "homosexual" agenda that is determined to destroy White Aryan heterosexual men, women and children, and the White Aryan homosexuals once they have served their purpose of being agents of the Jews.  However, as Satanic Nazis, we work to re-educate homosexuals and train them to be Spiritual Satanists.  However, nobody can be a true Satanist unless they fully embrace Nazism.  Likewise, nobody, no matter how well-meaning, can be a true Nazi, unless they are Pagan Satanists who reject ALL things Christian, including all Christian morality, whether traditionalist or modernist.
Unlike Southern Baptist and Pentecostal Christian families disowning their homosexual sons and daughters, we, as Satanic Nazis are inclusive and supportive of the currently small population of homosexual family and relatives who are serious about fighting for the White Aryan Race and for Satan, the Most High, the God Almighty and Providence that Adolf Hitler, the Aryan Anti-Christ was always making references to in His speeches and writings.  
Nobody has to like homosexuality, and when Hitler returns to this dimension, He will outlaw the Jewish gay rights movements that target children, and decadent, Jewish-sponsored "gay pride" parades.  However, this does not mean that Hitler is "anti-gay" like His "followers" who still carry the Christian values that are convenient for them like to believe.  
What will happen, however, is that heterosexuality will be what is actively advertised and promoted as the primary norm, but for the homosexuals who cannot conform to the heterosexual norm, these people will be offered the appropriate sexual education, including STD risk-reduction, and these gays will be accommodated, as opposed to rejected or condemned by White Aryan Satanic NS society.
As for gay marriage, the ancient pre-Christian Pagan Scandinavians had a "Blood Brothers" ritual that served as a wedding-like ceremony for homosexual male couples.  Although, for Aryan Pagan society, heterosexual marriage was promoted as the ultimate norm, homosexual couples within these Aryan Pagan societies were accommodated and accepted as well, without being considered as an embarrassment.
Whew!  Sorry for the gay rant.  Even though I have been a blood-dedicated Satanist ever since August 28th, 2006, I still get bombarded by the enemy who loves to rehash what I went through as a gay man who was growing up in a Christian household that said that (almost) ALL hate is a sin against the Christian "God," and that it is not okay to hate anyone except for homosexuals.  Despite the homo-eroticism and corrupted "homosexuality" that Christianity hides in plain sight, and practiced actively in the Catholic Church, the Christian "God" HATES unrepentant homosexuals, as long as they are White Aryans.  This has fucked my self-esteem on a subconscious and sometimes fully conscious level, and it just feels good to vent within the company of Satanic family who I can trust.
I despise the Marxist queers, and the fact that many of the gays who do show an interest in Nazism only do so because they have a leather Nazi uniform and role-playing fetish, but otherwise abhor Nazi ideology and hate Hitler.  This is the purpose of the Third Sex Thule Society -- to wake these people up to REAL Nazism.  It's not just gays, as there are also a great many White Aryans who need to wake the fuck up to the fact that they are sacrificing the White Aryan Race to the Jewish messiah, Christos, by being Christians, regardless of denomination or which political wing.  
Most Christians are very unintelligent.  They are always trying to rationalize the evil that their "God" has done, and the scriptures that Christ divides families, and discourages/forbids White Aryan Pagan families, and demands that you are not allowed to love your own family as much as you love Christ, and that heterosexual men and women are not allowed to marry other White Aryans, but are only allowed to marry Christ.  Under the Noahide Laws, White Aryans are allowed to marry the opposite sex, as homosexuality is forbidden for Gentile Noahides, but White Aryans are not allowed to marry anyone from the same race, as the Jews are systematically working to abolish the White Aryan Race, which is the true Serpent's Seed that Christian Identity adherents have been tricked into believing that the Jews are "Satan's people," which is just as big of a lie as the Jewish "holoco$t."
It's amazing how Judaism, Christianity, and Islam were the first anti-gay "religions," but at the same time, these three Jewish abominations are the most homo-erotic.  Christianity can cater to any person, and Christ can blend in for any anti-White cause.
Satan has been blamed for everything Jewish.  However, it is Satan that is trying to get through even the most stubborn of White Aryan Christians, because His devotion and compassion towards ALL White Aryan blood is working to get through to all of His human offspring to help them receiving the Mark of Jesus Christos, the Beast.  Satan has been accused of being the mastermind behind the mark, but it is really Satan who is the enemy of this Jewish abomination, and it is Jesus Christos who is behind it.
"God" and "the Devil" are obviously backwards.
High Priest Jake Carlson

CORRECTION!  I made a typo when typing my last message.  Satan is working to enlighten His people and get through to them to help them RESIST receiving the Mark of Christ.  Sorry about that!  Satan has absolutely NOTHING to do with what the Book of Revelation calls the "Mark of the Beast."  
However, many Satanists and Gentiles who have been with Satan in past lives are born with certain birthmarks.  
Also, the TRUE Mark of the Beast -- the BEAST AGAINST THE JEWISH PEOPLE -- is the Swastika.  The Swastika is the true Seal of God, because Satan is God.  The Jewish/Christian "God" is the Demiurge impostor, not Satan.
For the Gentiles, the Beast is Jesus Christ.  For the Jews, the Beast is Adolf Hitler, and His Mark is the Left-Hand Path Swastika.  However, Hitler will NOT be forcing ANYONE to receive any kind of Mark in their hand or their forehead, or anywhere else, for that matter.  He is a rational, compassionate humanist for His Gentile followers.
In closing, when Adolf Hitler was Pharaoh Ramses II, He believed that He was literally the Son of the Goat-headed God Ptah (Satan) and a mortal woman.
In Atlantis, Hitler was the Leader of the Sons of Lucifer.
As for Pan, whose legends are allegories of Dionysus/Satan, whose sacred animals are the Serpent, the Peacock, and the black Goat, in 2005, after numerous visits from Satan/Dionysus in the form of Pan, I wrote a song on acoustic guitar called "Great God Pan."  
When I was away visiting Christian family for an entire month, my father recorded 8 of my acoustic guitar songs.  Great God Pan is one of them.  As soon as I figure out how to upload mp3s, I will share this song.  I do not have a singing voice and I have tried many times, so my music, now, is all instrumental on acoustic guitar in the style of rugged folkish rock with a hint of country.
The one and only non-White influence on my playing style is Jim Croce (Latino) -- a 1970's folk artist who died the same way that John Denver died.  Some of his music has some non-White bluesy shit, but the rest of his music sounds like soft White Aryan folk music.  Other than that all of my other influences are totally White.  I've never been a Black Metal or hardcore guitarist -- just folk music.
High Priest Jake Carlson

You should have an upload files funtion in your website similar to how you upload images, then you can share the mp3 links as you've uploaded them.

---In [email protected], <hammerofthegods_666@... wrote :

When I was away visiting Christian family for an entire month, my father recorded 8 of my acoustic guitar songs.  Great God Pan is one of them.  As soon as I figure out how to upload mp3s, I will share this song.
Thanks, Ed.  I am totally incompetent with anything computer-related, and so far, I haven't found a way to add mp3s to Angelfire.  I've tried to upload all 8 of my recently recorded songs on Twitter, YouTube, and SoundCloud, but so far, no success.  I'm not going to stop trying until I finally find a way to make this work.
For those of you who know how to make YouTube videos with music in them, can you explain how to do this?  I am totally clueless with computers, which is why when I created my Angelfire website, I chose "Site Builder," which does all of the HTML and such for me, as I tried to learn HTML in the past, but just plain never caught on.
I look forward to sharing my music.  For the 8 songs I made that were recorded while I was visiting my parents, I did everything on my Gibson CF-100E acoustic guitar -- picking and strumming -- while my father did the lead guitar solos on his electric Fender Telecaster.  He has been playing guitar since the 1970's, and I have been playing guitar since 1995.
I appreciate your interest and I will try to get to the bottom of this immediately.
High Priest Jake Carlson
Hi HP Jake, there are a number of ways you can upload music files to your website.

This is how you add the MP3 file to your website so your readers can open it or download it.
Make Sure MP3 Files Are Allowed.
Upload MP3 File To Your Website.
Find Your MP3 File's Address (URL)
Choose a Location For Your MP3 File.
Find The Location of the MP3 File in Your HTML.
Add The Link to the MP3 File.

More items...•Oct 22, 2017
https://www.lifewire.com › add-mp3...
Add MP3 Files To Websites - Lifewire

There are other ways through Google music, just go to Google search.

Hail Satan
Heil Hitler
This is a tutorial for Windows Movie Maker which is the simplest, free video editing sotfware with which worked for me for a long time:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O99NXVHfqMs
You don't need existing video clips to add your music to, you can add a static picture/s and extend its duration or add the function "Title" as she does in the explanation.

Though now I'm using Movavi which I recommend after you advance in the above. You can look for tutorials on Youtube for it as well.

---In [email protected], <hammerofthegods_666@... wrote :

For those of you who know how to make YouTube videos with music in them, can you explain how to do this?
Trust me, you don't want to join them. They are infiltrated by the jew and will screw you up bad!

These type of organisations exist to lure in unsuspecting people who don't know their true background, and they will take your money, ruin you financially, and destroy you mentally and physically - or wind-up dead!

Read this to understand what is really going on:
The Illuminati was started by Adam Weishaupt, by joining the Free Masonary in Munich, 1777, and as soon as he was imitated into the order, started to carry out his nefarious plan of instilling jewish corruption and control over the order, which eventually spread throughout all Free Masonry in Europe and Britain.

He was a very well educated jew, who was really nothing but a front man for the Jewish World Order, which has the main jewish families; Rothschild (The king of the jews), Warburgs, Bronfmans and Rockerfelles really running everything.

The jew is a disease carrying parasite (most unnatural diseases come from them) who joins a gentiles organisation and gains favor by kissing ass and giving money as gratuities, then gradually starts to "infect" and "corrupt" by instilling their putrid ideals into the ranks of the membership, and before you know it they've taken over. They have now taken over every government organisation in the world. Look at Australia as a good example; it was basically a white society, with very low unemployment and a wealthy country, until the Jewish run Labour party took over in 1972, and brought in mult-culturalism and almost open immigration (at that time). Unemplyment went up. Crime and lawlessness increased. Now It's almost impossible to own your own house in Sydney and Melbourne.

This is what the fucking scum jew does. He pollutes and corrupts until there is no more opposition and then takes over.

I hope this has helped.

You know how the Christian fundamentalists "bash" the Illuminati as being "Satanic?"  Here is a rude awakening for the so-called "Christian Right" that blames Satan for everything that their own so-called "god" is all about.
http://gbltthulesociety666.angelfire.co ... lluminati/

Christos-Lucifer:  Christianity and the Illuminati by High Priest Jake Carlson[/B]

A frequently-asked question in the Satanic e-groups that I moderate is, "Is the Illuminati of Satan?" This sermon will answer this question once and for all.[/B]
[/B]John 9:5:  "As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” -- Jesus Christ[/B]
[/B]Revelation 22:16:  “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify to you about these things for the churches.  I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star.” -- Jesus Christ[/B]
[/B]"Lucifer" means "Light-Bringer" or "Light-Bearer" in Latin, and the power that functions behind the name of Christ is usually a mass of bright white light.  According to some occult lore, the fictitious character of Jesus Christ is also associated with Venus, the Morning Star, just like the real Lucifer is.  Osiris and Horus are both the Pagan Lucifers whom were stolen from in order to invent the Christos lie.  Horus, in Egyptian Paganism, is Osiris-resurrected.  This SPIRITUAL CONCEPT was twisted and perverted into the story of Jesus Christ.[/B]
[/B]The Illuminati believes that Jesus the Christos is really "Lucifer" the Christos due to the bright, shining light that is of the Jewish powers that exist behind this thought-form.  Many unfortunate Gentiles have seen the thought-form of the Christos in Near-Death Experiences, and it has given unpleasant news without any  details on what to do about the situation, but to "have faith" and "repent from sin."  This suicidal, human-hating advice encourages the individual(s) involved to deny and abandon their life and live for their death, all for Christ, the King of the Jews.  The reason why the thought-form of the Christos is so bright is because of the energy that it has been fed from Gentile Christians giving it power, while cursing and binding our real God, Satan-Lucifer, and depriving him of power.  Before I move on here, I must state that Christos-Lucifer is a blasphemy against and a mockery of Satan-Lucifer, who is real, and has been deprived of power at the hands of his very own people who have fallen under the curse of Christianity.[/B]
[/B]All of the Jews who are at the uppermost levels of adepthood know beyond any shadow of a doubt that the Christos is fiction and is an IN-DWELLING force WITHIN the Jewish people, individually, and collectively.  However, the Jewish people still rely on the faith of Christians in order to keep feeding this Jewish reservoir of power.[/B]
So, is it Christos-Lucifer or Satan-Lucifer who is the power behind the Illuminati?  Let's go straight to the horse's mouth, the Jewish founder of the Illuminati, Adam Weishaupt, and find out....[/B]
[/B]"One would almost imagine, that this degree, as I have managed it, is genuine Christianity, and that its end was to free the Jews from slavery. I say, that Freemasonry is concealed Christianity. My explanation of the hieroglyphics, at least, proceeds on this supposition; and as I explain things, no man need be ashamed of being a Christian." -- Adam Weishaupt [1][/B]
[/B]"Jesus of Nazareth, the Grand Master of our order, appeared at a time when the world was in the utmost Disorder, and among a people who for ages had groaned under the yolk of Bondage. He taught them the lessons of reason. To be more effective, he took the aid of Religion--of opinions which were current--and in a very clever manner, he combined his secret doctrines with the popular religion, and with the customs which lay to his hand. In these he wrapped up his lessons --he taught by  parables. Never did any prophet lead men so easily and so securely along the road to liberty. He concealed the precious meaning and consequences of his doctrines; but fully disclosed them to a chosen few. He speaks of a kingdom of the upright and faithful; His Father's kingdom, who's children we also are. Let us only take liberty and equality as the great aims of his doctrines, and Morality as the way to attain it, and everything in the New Testament will be comprehensible; and Jesus will appear as the Redeemer of slaves." -- Adam Weishaupt [2][/B]
[/B]"Weishaupt believes that to promote this perfection of the human character was the object of Jesus Christ. That his intention was simply to reinstate natural religion, & by diffusing the light of his morality, to teach us to govern ourselves. His precepts are the love of God & love of our neighbor. And by teaching innocence of conduct, he expected to place men in their natural state of liberty & equality. He says, no one ever laid a surer foundation for liberty than our grand master, Jesus of Nazareth. He believes the Free masons were originally possessed of the true principles & objects of Christianity, & have still preserved some of them by tradition, but much disfigured. The means he proposes to effect this improvement of human nature are "to enlighten men, to correct their morals & inspire them with benevolence." -- Thomas Jefferson [3][/B]
[/B]"No one...has so cleverly concealed the high meaning of His teaching, and no one finally has so surely and easily directed men on to the path of freedom as our great master Jesus of Nazareth. This secret meaning and natural consequence of His teaching He hid completely, for Jesus had a secret doctrine, as we see in more than one place of the Scriptures." -- Adam Weishaupt [4][/B]
[/B]"When the origins of nations and peoples of the world ceased to be a great family, a single kingdom...Nationalism took the place of human love...Now it became a virtue to magnify one's fatherland at the expense of whoever was not enclosed within its limits, now as a means to this narrow end it was allowed to despise and outwit foreigners or indeed even to insult them. This virtue was called Patriotism." -- Adam Weishaupt [5][/B]
[/B]Despite the head-games that the Jewish people like to play in order to give the Christian faith "credibility," we have seen that it is not Satan-Lucifer, but Christos-Lucifer, who the Illuminati holds in such high regards, insofar as the Jewish mythological messiah who serves as a subliminal for the coming of the real Christos that the Jews and Christians, alike, have been waiting for.  The Jewish founder of the Illuminati, Adam Weishaupt, himself, stated, "No man should be ashamed to be a Christian."  This speaks volumes about how inaccurate the deluded Gentile Christians' claim is that the Illuminati is of anyone but their own so-called "savior," the King of the Jews.[/B]
[/B]In addition to quotes from the Jewish founder of the Illuminati, there is a modern order called "The Ordo Antichristianus Illuminati" that used to have a website, but it no longer exists.  However, there is a book called "Babylon:  Secret Rituals of the Illuminati" by Joshua Seraphim, and it can be purchased on http://www.amazon.com.  It is a collection of the writings that were on the now non-existent website.  Note:  the "Anti-Christianity" that it claims to be is only against the conservative right-winged Paganism that Christianity has adopted in its desperation to stay alive.  The left-winged horse manure that this self-proclaimed Illuminati organization is in favor of is in no way contradictory to the teachings of Christ or Christianity in any way, whatsoever.  There is NOTHING even remotely "Anti-Christian" about "The Ordo Antichristianus Illuminati" and here is proof from their own rituals....[/B]
[/B]"O Indwelling Christos, Who dost ever say to Thy disciples:  'Peace I leave with you, My Peace I give unto you,' grant us that peace and unity which are agreeable to Thy Holy Will and Commandment.'[/B]
[/B]...  'The Body and Blood of our Lord the Christ keep thee unto Life Eternal.'" [6][/B]
[/B]What about the so-called "Satan-Lucifer worship" that I had expected from this society when I didn't know any better and was looking for answers before I found true Satanism?[/B]
[/B]"...Father of Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel, Michael, receive our prayer.  For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Lucifer Christ, with the Holy Guardian Angels, in the glory of God the Father." [7][/B]
[/B]Lucifer Christ?!?!  However, even in Satanism, I have seen some deluded and confused individuals who can't separate Lucifer from Christ.  This says a lot about the shameful characters of such sad individuals.  Many years ago, there was a follower of Lucifer Christ who attacked me in one of the Yahoo! e-groups, and behind my back, was attacking me because I am of the Third Sex; a homosexual.  These vile, worthless losers think that the Christian religion and National Socialism/Satanic Government can be reconciled.  If these carriers of Christianity only knew that it is Adolf Hitler who is the ANTI-CHRIST and that the game of  compromising with ANY form of so-called "Positive Christianity" or any other Christianity is FINISHED, as Christianity has been exposed for the JEWISH SCAM that it is to the point of no return![/B]
[/B]Some idiots actually believe that Lucifer is Christ and that Jesus, the Jew, is the "Anti-Christ."  Let us examine and find out if this is true.  Here are some quotes from a Christian-Zionist author who makes it clear as to who the identity of the Jewish one-world leader is....[/B]
[/B]"Bluntly stated...if the Gospel that one preaches does not culminate with a Jewish man ruling the world, then it is not the Gospel of the New Testament." -- Joel Richardson [8][/B]
[/B]"...The scriptural testimony is thorough, consistent, and clear that after Jesus returns, Israel will exist as a national kingdom, with many other distinct nations [Gentiles] rallying to her as the GLOBAL LEADER [emphasis, mine].  At the heart of the nation of Israel will be Jerusalem and the Temple, from which Jesus the Jewish King will reign over His people [the Jews]." -- Joel Richardson [9][/B]
[/B]"...Jesus fully understood and affirmed that He was the King of the Jewish people who would someday rule as king over a restored Jewish kingdom--one that would last "from then on and forevermore."  We cannot claim to affirm the Gospel as it was understood by the apostles unless we proclaim the future coming of the Jewish King who will rule the world from Jerusalem.  To proclaim anything less is to diminish and distort the message of the Gospel." -- Joel Richardson [10][/B]
[/B]And as author Mark Amaru Pinkham relates concerning the Illuminati and Christ, "The ultimate goal of this united movement was to revive the Matriarchy and eventually place the future 'King,' Sanat-Sananda, on the throne of a one-world government." [11][/B]
[/B]Note:  The thought-form of the Christos has appeared to many New Agers and has told them that "he" prefers to be called "Sananda" instead of Jesus.  Throughout the book I just cited, Mark Amaru Pinkham uses the name "Sananda" for Christ, while  referring to Satan-Lucifer as Sanat Kumara.  At this point, nobody can doubt that "God" and "the Devil" are BACKWARDS.  It is only pure stupidity that can allow anyone to believe otherwise.  The evidence is in plain sight.[/B]
[/B]Although many people could try to argue that the Illuminati isn't "traditional Christian Fundamentalism," but is "alternative Christianity," the fact still remains that whether left-winged Communist or Right-winged Patriotic, Christianity is Christianity, which is Judaism that comes in the form of a Kosher Paganism that the Jewish people have concocted for their White Aryan Enemies in order to destroy us.[/B]
[/B]One of the Illuminati's biggest, most shameless blasphemies against Satan-Lucifer, is their belief that Christos and Lucifer are the same being, and that Christ as Lucifer "fell from heaven," and incarnated as Jesus Christ, and that he lived, died, and was resurrected, and that he redeemed not only the Jewish people, but his own self, when he arose to be seated at the right hand of Jehovah-Yahweh.  I realize that it isn't only the Illuminati and some aspects of modern Freemasonry that believe this Jewish, anti-Pagan horse manure, but although this is all symbolic and metaphorical, it is one of the Illuminati's central tenets and one of their most "sacred" doctrines.[/B]
[/B]Satan, and his Chosen One--the GREAT ONE--Adolf Hitler, the Aryan Anti-Christ, get the blame for the Illuminati and the Jewish one-world Communist Government, but the Jewish writings of the Christian Bible--both Old and New Testaments--reveal that everything from a universal King of the Jews to the Microchip implants that prevent Gentiles from being able to buy or sell anything, let alone live, is the work of Jesus Christ and the so-called "god" of Christianity.[/B]
[/B]"But those mine enemies that would not that I should reign over them, bring hither and slay them before me." -- Jesus Christ, Luke 19:27[/B]
[/B]Here is a verse that has falsely been attributed to Adolf Hitler, the Anti-Christ, but in reality is about Christ....[/B]
[/B]Revelation 13:16:  "Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead."[/B]
[/B]Now, let us compare the previous verse with the following scriptures that mean the same thing, but are accurately attributed to "god" or Christ....[/B]
[/B]Deuteronomy 6:8:  "You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes."[/B]
[/B]Deuteronomy 11:18:  “You shall therefore lay up these words of mine in your heart and in your soul, and you shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes."[/B]
[/B]Ezekiel 9:5-7:  "Then I heard the LORD say to the other men, "Follow him through the city and kill everyone whose forehead is not marked. Show no mercy; have no pity! Kill them all – old and young, girls and women and little children. But do not touch anyone with the mark. Begin your task right here at the Temple." So they began by killing the seventy leaders. "Defile the Temple!" the LORD commanded. "Fill its courtyards with the bodies of those you kill! Go!" So they went throughout the city and did as they were told."[/B]
[/B]Proverbs 16:4:  "The Lord has made everything for his own ends, even the wicked for the evil day."[/B]
[/B]Revelation 22: 3-4:  "And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb [Jesus Christ] shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him: And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads."[/B]
[/B]The excellent news, however, is that the Christos has been crushed and defeated and will never come either for the first time for the Jewish people or the "second time" for the Gentile Christians.  However, with Jesus out of the way, the Jews are putting forth the efforts to make the Jewish people rise up against the Aryan Anti-Christ, Adolf Hitler, and collectively exist as their own messiah.  
[/B]This is what we are still fighting for, and anybody who doesn't do their part in making this a better world for the Satanic White Aryan Race and put an end to Christianity, Islam, Communism, and the Jewish people, do not deserve to be called Satanists.  It's not easy, but Satan rewards us, and all of our efforts will prove to be worthwhile when all is said and done.[/B]
[/B]Since the answer to the question of whether the Illuminati is of Christos-Lucifer or Satan-Lucifer has been answered, my question is:  Are you sure you really want to join the Illuminati and give your soul to Jesus Christ in exchange for things like wealth, power and fame in the here and now?  Satan, on the other hand, never takes our souls when we make our Dedications to him.  He shows us the road to how to achieve our desires, and he also shows us the difference between what we need versus what we simply want.  But even with wants, Satan and his Demons show us how to obtain what we desire by proving to us that the power to achieve these ends are within us, in the power of our minds and souls.  Christ never teaches anyone anything but how to be the perfect slave, and to rely on Kosher props and other crutches that keep people dependent upon forces outside of themselves.[/B]
[/B]Satan-Lucifer is the true Liberator.  The power behind the Christos-Lucifer thought-form is the true Enslaver.  For "born-again" Christians and Illuminati members, alike, it is only our own blood through Satan when we make our Dedications to Satan that has the power to overcome the so-called "blood of the lamb," the Christos, the King of the Jews.[/B]
[/B]For White Satanists, I highly advise against using the name "Lucifer" by itself because the Jewish power behind the Christos knows and understands that name.  If you are going to use the name "Lucifer," I strongly recommend it being in the form of SATAN-Lucifer, thus using the name Lucifer in conjunction with the ultimate name of Satan.  This way, there won't be any Jewish traps to fall into.  It is the Jewish people who would feel the most uncomfortable using the name of Satan because he is their Enemy and Adversary.  Everyone else simply needs to deprogram from the Jewish-instigated lies about Satan.  Those of us who know Satan know beyond any shadow of a doubt that he loves and cares for his people and has our best interests at heart, and that all of the Jewish lies about him are really everything that the "god" of the Jewish people and the Christian and Islamic religions are.[/B]
[/B][1] http://freemasonrywatch.org/illuminati.html[/B]
[/B][2] ibid.

[3] ibid.

[4] ibid.

[5] ibid.[/B]
[/B][6] Babylon:  Secret Rituals of the Illuminati by Joshua Seraphim pages 246-247[/B]
[/B][7] ibid. p. 269[/B]
[/B][8] When a Jew Rules the World by Joel Richardson p. 7
[/B][9] ibid. p. 89[/B]
[/B][10] ibid p. 94[/B]
[/B][11] Conversations With the Goddess by Mark Amaru Pinkham p. 130
[/B]High Priest Jake Carlson[/B]


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
