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Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
Happy Summer Solstice.

With everything happening in the world, it is so easy to get carried away in focusing on all the horrible things going on. With the enemy furthering their onslaught and corruption of the gentiles, our freedom, truth and our precious earth, it almost made me lose sight of the beauty of nature and the magick of life.

I just wanted to share this cool information to everyone here as a reminder of the wondrous things of life.

We all know what the element of water is physically and spiritually (as in its magickal correspondence), and I'm sure that many of you are familiar with the works of Masaru Emoto, and how he showed that water has a "memory" of some sort, and how water is influenced by thoughts, emotions and music but, of course,it goes further than that.

Water has been a theme in all gentile spiritual beliefs and mythos since the beginning of our creation. Whether it be through the depiction of fish gods and beings like Oannes and the Nommo who brought life and knowledge, or through the emphasis of the deep dark feminine energies--the cosmic and primordial seas--which by the way, the serpent  is said to reside in signifying the life force like in Hinduism for example, or  in many traditional African religions.

The theme of water, and its connection to the life force, wisdom, creation and fertility is all over the ancient world. 

This is an image of Ea/Enki with water flowing from his being which represents the creative life force energies.

Our god Satan who is Enki/Ea is and was known as the water bearer, especially in Sumerian lore. Enki is the god of creation, fertility, wisdom and all waters- from the sea, lake or in between. The Absu/Apsu is connected since this is the watery spring of creation and life which Enki is involved in. 

Water is the life force, literally and allegorically. 


Thanks to scientific works from great people, we now know that water is the essence and engine of life, and much more interesting than shown in Masaru's works. All sources, books and references will be listed at the end of this article.

-We know that water is essential for all life (wherever there is life, there is water)

-We now know that water stores energy and is highly conductive.

-We now know that water gets energy from light sources.

-We know that water has a fourth phase that is neither solid, liquid or gas. 

*All of this, especially the last, discovered by a few scientists but completely detailed and highlighted  by Doctor Gerald Pollack.

Water has a fourth phase that is liken to a liquid crystalline state that is only present in living things, or when exposed to high amounts of energy and or a protein. This is the reason how jello is made, why collagen is the way it is when exposed to water and how just water and sand makes a sand castle stand up almost as if an adhesive is part of it. If anyone wants to know the detailed  science of the fourth phase of water, the book is listed at the end of this writing.

Majority of the water in our bodies is in its fourth state and is for the most part, structured. Water in its liquid state reacts with our souls (energy) and cells, and this makes structured water (h3o2) and transforms us into batteries. Our energies flow and our health is better when we are adequately hydrated. Water is needed to generate the energy in our physical bodies and on the cellular level. This partially explains what moves the blood in the body. When water is absent or not present enough, we are sick or die. We are water beings. Nothing happens in the body without water.

From the British Society of Cell biology-

"Water is the single most abundant chemical found in living things. Virtually all chemical reactions in life processes take place in solution in water. Some organisms can live in a dormant and desiccated state for long periods of time but require water to become active. Water is present both inside and outside cells."

Now aging and disease has been said to be related to the degradation and destructuring of water in our cells, according to doctors like Nobel Prize winner  Alexis Carrel and Dr. Ishahari Yumi, M.D. And we all know that dehydration of the body can cause many diseases on its own as outlined in the book "Your body's many cries for water" by Fereydoon Batmanghelidj

Water is at every core of our being, even being organized and structured in and around our DNA, encasing it. The liquid crystalline state of water is also responsible for the DNA's stability apparently. I will quote what Doctor Carrell has mentioned about cells and water.

“The cell is immortal. It is merely the fluid in which it floats that degenerates. Renew this fluid at regular intervals, give the cell what it requires for nutrition, and as far as we know, the pulsation of life can go on forever.” Alexis Carrell

This makes sense to me as it relates to power meditations, yoga and revamping our life force of the soul so that the water in our bodies will stay organized, perfected, structured and revitalized thus affecting our DNA cells and preventing us from aging and developing disease. It's all connected. The Kundalini ties into this of course as well since the kundalini energy works through water physically.

I highlighted earlier in this writing that serpents residing in and springing forth from the cosmic birthing waters isnt just an allegory in gentile spiritual concepts. Water is necessary to be alive and advance spiritually.

With all this exciting information on water, I think it's obvious to point out that we all should be drinking clean water. However, water that you get from the tap, for example, is not the ideal form of water in addition to it being laden with chemicals and other things we should not be ingesting.

After research, reading and observation of nature, It is shown that water is better consumed in its "living" and organized state.

 In order for water to be healthy and living it has to be clean and free of stuff such as heavy metals, microplastics, pharmaceuticals, chlorine, flouride, etc. The best way to do this is through reverse osmosis water or distilling your water. These are to guarantee nothing harmful is in it. It removes everything from the water.

Secondly, the water has to have minerals in it. Healthy and natural minerals like that found in the sea, in salts and rock dust powders. Water picks up these things in its natural habitat on earth as it moves around rocks and such, and makes it extra conductive and able to penetrate the cells of any who consumes it.

Third the water has to be in a state of motion and movement so as to gather energy. Like it does in nature all the time.

And fourth, the water has to be exposed to natural energy fields like that of the earth, sun, moon, etc, etc. In its natural element.

Water in tap is opposite of all of this. The water is stagnant, full of chemicals, and not exposed to natural energy.

Though power meditation organizes and further structures the water in the body, one can take it further by consuming living spectrum water for extra benefits. That is more energy and to help detoxify the body and I speculate that it slows down the aging process based on experiments by Alexis Carrell. I recently bought my water vortex and structuring items for cheap and now I use this water to drink, give to my pets and water to my house plants. Making water living can easily be achieved.

Drinking living and energetically structured water increases the energy of the cells in the body, helps to detox the body better, helps with sleep and corrects dehydration. Drinking full spectrum water fully hydrates you because this water is penetrating the cells more and so you will find that you will need to drink less water over time but still be hydrated.

The first time I drank this water, I must admit, my body felt like it was being "flooded", it was nice and peaceful. I also noticed that I can feel my energies more if I have it before meditation. Remember, water is highly conductive and amplifies energy. It would be nice to see what any of your experiences will be if you choose to try this.

 In one of the books I am reading on the science of water, it shows how GDV/electro photon capture technology was able to photograph people who drank this water and show their energy fields had more brilliance after drinking it. As I said, power meditation does this but I like to experiment and wanted to enjoy the added effects of drinking this water directly.

All I did was distill/ purify my water, add himalayan salt in ionic form, put my water in a vortex magnetizer (two bottles connected with a cap that has neodymium magnets) and spin it so that when the water flows through the magnets (while being in a vortex*) and into the other bottle, it restructures, organizes and collects life force energy.

*Energy moves in a circular and spiral motion. Spirals are found all over nature and this is the creative force and spirals and vortexes gather energy. DNA does something similar, the kundalini has spiraling energies when it's active and the chakras are vortexes for example...*

I also notice that when the water is moving in a vortex pattern, it looks very similar to how DNA is structured with the twists and shape of the helix. Interesting.

I know it might sound complicated but it's super easy to make this. Buying is cheap too. The cap with the magnets was only $37 for me. If money is an issue, you can also structure your water through different means as well like with magnets.

Water in general is amazing and versatile. It can be used as a battery and energy source. Water can also be made into a solid ice or heated into gaseous state just by adding and playing around with its electrons and protons-- not by adding freezing and thermal and heat energy.This can be used for sustainable energy and technology in the future, I believe. 

Hail Satan


-The Fourth phase of Water by Gerald Pollack

-The Hidden Messages in Water by Masaru Emoto

-Dancing with Water:The New Science of Water by MJ Pangam and Melanie Evans

(This book is the best and is very exhaustive, also full of countless science articles and studies, which is excellent. Recommended)
Interesting. But also remember, that when water gets inside the body, the actual body can charge and life inbue the water itself.

Water from the tap without filtering is impossible in most cases to even drink.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Interesting. But also remember, that when water gets inside the body, the actual body can charge and life inbue the water itself.

Water from the tap without filtering is impossible in most cases to even drink.

I use Zero Water to cleanse any impurities in our tap water. And I do feel alot more alive in a sense. It's invigorating.
HPS Shannon said:
Amazing article, thank you for sharing this. I love these kinds of sermons/articles the most - ones that consist of sharing interesting ideas, theories, and methods that can help people in our family potentially improve their lives.

I will look into this cap thing and report back with what effects the new water has for me. :)
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Interesting. But also remember, that when water gets inside the body, the actual body can charge and life inbue the water itself.

Water from the tap without filtering is impossible in most cases to even drink.

While it is drinkable here, I still use a filter. When its not filtered it either smells like chlorine or tastes like metal. Its gross even if its drinkable plus chlorine is the last thing I want to be drinking. Seems the city took the whole drinking bleach thing too seriously.

Bottled isn't much better then our city water here half of the time plus it produces ton of waste. Glad I got a dang filter.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Interesting. But also remember, that when water gets inside the body, the actual body can charge and life inbue the water itself.

Water from the tap without filtering is impossible in most cases to even drink.

Yes I know, it gets even more charged during power meditation. But there is a difference when drinking this living water directly. The water also seems to taste "wetter" and penetrates the cells better.
HPS Shannon said:
Happy Summer Solstice.

With everything happening in the world, it is so easy to get carried away in focusing on all the horrible things going on. With the enemy furthering their onslaught and corruption of the gentiles, our freedom, truth and our precious earth, it almost made me lose sight of the beauty of nature and the magick of life.

I just wanted to share this cool information to everyone here as a reminder of the wondrous things of life.

We all know what the element of water is physically and spiritually (as in its magickal correspondence), and I'm sure that many of you are familiar with the works of Masaru Emoto, and how he showed that water has a "memory" of some sort, and how water is influenced by thoughts, emotions and music but, of course,it goes further than that.

Water has been a theme in all gentile spiritual beliefs and mythos since the beginning of our creation. Whether it be through the depiction of fish gods and beings like Oannes and the Nommo who brought life and knowledge, or through the emphasis of the deep dark feminine energies--the cosmic and primordial seas--which by the way, the serpent  is said to reside in signifying the life force like in Hinduism for example, or  in many traditional African religions.

The theme of water, and its connection to the life force, wisdom, creation and fertility is all over the ancient world. 

This is an image of Ea/Enki with water flowing from his being which represents the creative life force energies.

Our god Satan who is Enki/Ea is and was known as the water bearer, especially in Sumerian lore. Enki is the god of creation, fertility, wisdom and all waters- from the sea, lake or in between. The Absu/Apsu is connected since this is the watery spring of creation and life which Enki is involved in. 

Water is the life force, literally and allegorically. 


Thanks to scientific works from great people, we now know that water is the essence and engine of life, and much more interesting than shown in Masaru's works. All sources, books and references will be listed at the end of this article.

-We know that water is essential for all life (wherever there is life, there is water)

-We now know that water stores energy and is highly conductive.

-We now know that water gets energy from light sources.

-We know that water has a fourth phase that is neither solid, liquid or gas. 

*All of this, especially the last, discovered by a few scientists but completely detailed and highlighted  by Doctor Gerald Pollack.

Water has a fourth phase that is liken to a liquid crystalline state that is only present in living things, or when exposed to high amounts of energy and or a protein. This is the reason how jello is made, why collagen is the way it is when exposed to water and how just water and sand makes a sand castle stand up almost as if an adhesive is part of it. If anyone wants to know the detailed  science of the fourth phase of water, the book is listed at the end of this writing.

Majority of the water in our bodies is in its fourth state and is for the most part, structured. Water in its liquid state reacts with our souls (energy) and cells, and this makes structured water (h3o2) and transforms us into batteries. Our energies flow and our health is better when we are adequately hydrated. Water is needed to generate the energy in our physical bodies and on the cellular level. This partially explains what moves the blood in the body. When water is absent or not present enough, we are sick or die. We are water beings. Nothing happens in the body without water.

From the British Society of Cell biology-

"Water is the single most abundant chemical found in living things. Virtually all chemical reactions in life processes take place in solution in water. Some organisms can live in a dormant and desiccated state for long periods of time but require water to become active. Water is present both inside and outside cells."

Now aging and disease has been said to be related to the degradation and destructuring of water in our cells, according to doctors like Nobel Prize winner  Alexis Carrel and Dr. Ishahari Yumi, M.D. And we all know that dehydration of the body can cause many diseases on its own as outlined in the book "Your body's many cries for water" by Fereydoon Batmanghelidj

Water is at every core of our being, even being organized and structured in and around our DNA, encasing it. The liquid crystalline state of water is also responsible for the DNA's stability apparently. I will quote what Doctor Carrell has mentioned about cells and water.

“The cell is immortal. It is merely the fluid in which it floats that degenerates. Renew this fluid at regular intervals, give the cell what it requires for nutrition, and as far as we know, the pulsation of life can go on forever.” Alexis Carrell

This makes sense to me as it relates to power meditations, yoga and revamping our life force of the soul so that the water in our bodies will stay organized, perfected, structured and revitalized thus affecting our DNA cells and preventing us from aging and developing disease. It's all connected. The Kundalini ties into this of course as well since the kundalini energy works through water physically.

I highlighted earlier in this writing that serpents residing in and springing forth from the cosmic birthing waters isnt just an allegory in gentile spiritual concepts. Water is necessary to be alive and advance spiritually.

With all this exciting information on water, I think it's obvious to point out that we all should be drinking clean water. However, water that you get from the tap, for example, is not the ideal form of water in addition to it being laden with chemicals and other things we should not be ingesting.

After research, reading and observation of nature, It is shown that water is better consumed in its "living" and organized state.

 In order for water to be healthy and living it has to be clean and free of stuff such as heavy metals, microplastics, pharmaceuticals, chlorine, flouride, etc. The best way to do this is through reverse osmosis water or distilling your water. These are to guarantee nothing harmful is in it. It removes everything from the water.

Secondly, the water has to have minerals in it. Healthy and natural minerals like that found in the sea, in salts and rock dust powders. Water picks up these things in its natural habitat on earth as it moves around rocks and such, and makes it extra conductive and able to penetrate the cells of any who consumes it.

Third the water has to be in a state of motion and movement so as to gather energy. Like it does in nature all the time.

And fourth, the water has to be exposed to natural energy fields like that of the earth, sun, moon, etc, etc. In its natural element.

Water in tap is opposite of all of this. The water is stagnant, full of chemicals, and not exposed to natural energy.

Though power meditation organizes and further structures the water in the body, one can take it further by consuming living spectrum water for extra benefits. That is more energy and to help detoxify the body and I speculate that it slows down the aging process based on experiments by Alexis Carrell. I recently bought my water vortex and structuring items for cheap and now I use this water to drink, give to my pets and water to my house plants. Making water living can easily be achieved.

Drinking living and energetically structured water increases the energy of the cells in the body, helps to detox the body better, helps with sleep and corrects dehydration. Drinking full spectrum water fully hydrates you because this water is penetrating the cells more and so you will find that you will need to drink less water over time but still be hydrated.

The first time I drank this water, I must admit, my body felt like it was being "flooded", it was nice and peaceful. I also noticed that I can feel my energies more if I have it before meditation. Remember, water is highly conductive and amplifies energy. It would be nice to see what any of your experiences will be if you choose to try this.

 In one of the books I am reading on the science of water, it shows how GDV/electro photon capture technology was able to photograph people who drank this water and show their energy fields had more brilliance after drinking it. As I said, power meditation does this but I like to experiment and wanted to enjoy the added effects of drinking this water directly.

All I did was distill/ purify my water, add himalayan salt in ionic form, put my water in a vortex magnetizer (two bottles connected with a cap that has neodymium magnets) and spin it so that when the water flows through the magnets (while being in a vortex*) and into the other bottle, it restructures, organizes and collects life force energy.

*Energy moves in a circular and spiral motion. Spirals are found all over nature and this is the creative force and spirals and vortexes gather energy. DNA does something similar, the kundalini has spiraling energies when it's active and the chakras are vortexes for example...*

I also notice that when the water is moving in a vortex pattern, it looks very similar to how DNA is structured with the twists and shape of the helix. Interesting.

I know it might sound complicated but it's super easy to make this. Buying is cheap too. The cap with the magnets was only $37 for me. If money is an issue, you can also structure your water through different means as well like with magnets.

Water in general is amazing and versatile. It can be used as a battery and energy source. Water can also be made into a solid ice or heated into gaseous state just by adding and playing around with its electrons and protons-- not by adding freezing and thermal and heat energy.This can be used for sustainable energy and technology in the future, I believe. 

Hail Satan


-The Fourth phase of Water by Gerald Pollack

-The Hidden Messages in Water by Masaru Emoto

-Dancing with Water:The New Science of Water by MJ Pangam and Melanie Evans

(This book is the best and is very exhaustive, also full of countless science articles and studies, which is excellent. Recommended)

Very cool Shannon! I drink a Gallon of spring water a day. But I wanna look into this, it went a little over my head, I will have to reread.

Can you buy full spectrum water?
Regardless of the time (way past my bedtime here) I couldn't help but read all your post as it was named after my favorite and in a way most controversial element.

I do believe that water is "the most perfect element". There are just too many things that point out its uniqueness and the more I study it the more I tend to believe there's no real equal for its capabilities and applications. This post of yours truly added a good amount of knowledge to my pile of information.
More than anything, I feel it's "a coincidence" (ahah) that lately I've had to do with an apparent surplus of water element (displayed in an emotional turmoil) and I've been able to counter this unlike every other time, not giving in to recklessness but using what I assumed where the rest of the elements and the Akasha to make a wise choice and avoid me much wasted time that I could otherwise use for meditation.

In particular, I find it really weird that this post came up only two days since I had realized water was becoming too strong in me and I'm pretty sure Leraje told me to "stay away from it".. although I'm sure She meant the emotional weakness of it, not the chargeable, physical water you described and its marvelous cellular rejuvenating powers.

Altogether, this knowledge just bumped me up some steps and I understand better why I am so attracted to this element. Particularly now, that I find it only easy to let my creativity loose when drawing fish and other water dwelling creatures.

(And before I conclude, as I nearly posted this without mentioning something.. guess it's a personal short story).
The serpent rising from the sea depths (as I rephrased some of your words) had more than just a powerful impact on my understanding. One of my greatest fears (ever) is that of the sea depths, the darkness of the water as the "void" under seems endless and enveloping. This I've had since I can remember and it's been something I mistakenly thought to be simply related to selacophobia (fear of sharks). Wrong. It wasn't even the so called thalassophobia (fear of the sea) as this fear is specifically triggered by depths and darkness and moving shadows. It's a collection of fears together. So I decided to do something about it a couple years ago and I meditated by visualizing myself sitting in the pitch black cold darkness in front of the Titanic wreck, a place I couldn't even stare at in pictures without experiencing a degree of terror and increased heartbeat. At first it was obviously very, VERY panicking, but as I shifted my consciousness into the actual place and 'touched' the wreck while in a trance I understood there was nothing to be afraid of.
This Kundalini analogy to the sea made me think. What if there's some truth to my fear "of the depths" and this causes a fear of Kundalini rising? Just a consideration, but it doesn't feel like a completely senseless one. I do believe that in more ways than one we've been all programmed somehow to fear our own success in spirituality, by media, by whatever xian programs designed to keep up ignorant and weak. If this sea/serpent analogy refers to this... well.

Really interesting post, HPS Shannon.

Hail Satan!!!!
Enjoyed Reading. Will focus on purifying my water. It is a true fact that being hydrated makes you feel your energies more.
Quite the thought provoking sermon, HPS, thank you. Water has always been intriguing to me, like pure liquid aether.

I've always had a "cat fountain" for my cat to drink from, and the water is in constant motion throughout the day.

I drink water from a fridge dispenser, and man I drink tons of it... I'm always thirsty. Maybe trying out a method like you describe will make me not have to chug so much water throughout the day to feel comfortable... lol.
I was just talking to someone about water and the water element yesterday. Love this article! Interesting about fourth phase. Thank you HPs

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Water from the tap without filtering is impossible in most cases to even drink.
This is so true. When drinking tap, one can get sick and more thirsty. At least this is how it is for me...
You drink pure you feel pure.
Very nice post, thank you for sharing HPS Shannon.
Knowledge is power!
HPS Shannon said:
So I'm researching this right now to see what to buy. I will just list my questions like this so it's more structured and easy to answer.

-I assume this is the kind of thing you mean for the vortex magnetizer? https://quantumbalancing.myshopify.com/collections/frontpage/products/water-vortex-magnetizer

-Does "salt in its ionic form" just basically mean it's normal granulated salt, or is there something else specific I need to look for?

-I heard a bunch of things about commerical himalayan salt being loaded with chemicals and the like, so what criteria would you recommend when looking for which brand/type of himalayan salt to buy?

-How much of the salt did you add to the water (per liter or gallon or whatever measurement you use)?

Thanks :)
@HP.es Shannon:

So then if you had the money what would be the most recommended water distiller?(which would you recommend)

(I know she was an infiltrator but ever since reading zolaluckystar's information. I've been drinking distilled gallon jug water. I always try and purchase it with a kosher label even though funny enough the one with the best taste has no label at least one of the better tasting ones.)

So I've been drinking distilled water since 2018 April funny enough two years now. The first time I drank it I noticed the taste was much better and noticed that despite drinking an entire jug in 3/4th of a day. After about two or three weeks I went down to drinking a jug in one day.

So yeah I do drink about 1 gallon a day despite not doing heavy activities. Non-the less a family member of mines drove up state during a drive and bought me a nice high quality 350ML glass from a small store chain from the Northern area. I drink about 600ishML of distilled water when I need to consume water. I usually say I drink anywhere from 3-6 times per day. But I've noticed a concern for minerals, I do recall Stormblood mentioning an apple slice probably contains more minerals than drinking mineralized water but I do have a concern for wanting minerals just in case.

Also HP.es Shannon I noticed you use himalayan pink salt. Isn't that dangerous for human consumption? Don't they say that H.P.S. contains radioactive isotopes like beryllium or cesium or other dangerous radioactive compounds?

And one final thing is "Salt" bad? zolaluckystar put out a website called the salt files which mentions people getting off salt cause it's kinda like a drug. I've been trying my hardest not to consume salt. It's a shame that salt tastes so nicely because sometimes eating salads with just pepper makes me want to scream due to the taste but I've been trying to become more healthier as despite not being a fatty boombalaty I've never been one to gravitate to health. I just eat what I need to eat and drink well in the past I was a soda hound. For example for many years since my childhood I used to say I hate eating, I hate food. I wonder if perhaps maybe as a sensitive person that I am that I detected the food as bad and didn't want it in my body. I mean hell once I got out of high school I told my friend over email the only food I eat for breakfast is 10-15 crackers and a soda can of coke.
HPS Shannon said:

That is very interesting, thank you a lot for sharing. I already filter my water, now I know what else I have to do. It is interesting that you mention the water inside the cell degenerating. I know Hatha yoga improves the microcirculation, and I guess that explains its anti-aging/healing benefits.
Gear88 said:
And one final thing is "Salt" bad? zolaluckystar put out a website called the salt files which mentions people getting off salt cause it's kinda like a drug. I've been trying my hardest not to consume salt.
Have you been living behind a rock? Zola is a jew and was exposed and banned. Salt is healthy as long as you dont consume insane quantities of it.
Bigot Boy said:
Quite the thought provoking sermon, HPS, thank you. Water has always been intriguing to me, like pure liquid aether.

I've always had a "cat fountain" for my cat to drink from, and the water is in constant motion throughout the day.

I drink water from a fridge dispenser, and man I drink tons of it... I'm always thirsty. Maybe trying out a method like you describe will make me not have to chug so much water throughout the day to feel comfortable... lol.

I'd recommend to see a doctor in that case, being overly thirsty throughout the day is a symptom of elevated sugar in blood in other words, diabetes. I went through that myself a while ago.
Bigot Boy said:
Quite the thought provoking sermon, HPS, thank you. Water has always been intriguing to me, like pure liquid aether.

I've always had a "cat fountain" for my cat to drink from, and the water is in constant motion throughout the day.

I drink water from a fridge dispenser, and man I drink tons of it... I'm always thirsty. Maybe trying out a method like you describe will make me not have to chug so much water throughout the day to feel comfortable... lol.

I'd recommend to see a doctor in that case, being overly thirsty throughout the day is a symptom of elevated sugar in blood in other words, diabetes. I went through that myself a while ago.
Bigot Boy said:
Quite the thought provoking sermon, HPS, thank you. Water has always been intriguing to me, like pure liquid aether.

I've always had a "cat fountain" for my cat to drink from, and the water is in constant motion throughout the day.

I drink water from a fridge dispenser, and man I drink tons of it... I'm always thirsty. Maybe trying out a method like you describe will make me not have to chug so much water throughout the day to feel comfortable... lol.

I'd recommend to see a doctor in that case, being overly thirsty throughout the day is a symptom of elevated sugar in blood in other words, diabetes. I went through that myself a while ago.
Shael said:
HPS Shannon said:
-Does "salt in its ionic form" just basically mean it's normal granulated salt, or is there something else specific I need to look for?

-I heard a bunch of things about commerical himalayan salt being loaded with chemicals and the like, so what criteria would you recommend when looking for which brand/type of himalayan salt to buy?

-How much of the salt did you add to the water (per liter or gallon or whatever measurement you use)?

Thanks :)
Salts are an ionic compound. When adding it to distilled water, don't add much. A half a teaspoon per gallon or a pinch for a large glass is enough. Also just buy organic salt and look at the ingredients to make sure there are no additives you don't want. It should just be salt on the ingredients list.
HPS Shannon said:
Happy Summer Solstice.

With everything happening in the world, it is so easy to get carried away in focusing on all the horrible things going on. With the enemy furthering their onslaught and corruption of the gentiles, our freedom, truth and our precious earth, it almost made me lose sight of the beauty of nature and the magick of life.

I just wanted to share this cool information to everyone here as a reminder of the wondrous things of life.

We all know what the element of water is physically and spiritually (as in its magickal correspondence), and I'm sure that many of you are familiar with the works of Masaru Emoto, and how he showed that water has a "memory" of some sort, and how water is influenced by thoughts, emotions and music but, of course,it goes further than that.

Water has been a theme in all gentile spiritual beliefs and mythos since the beginning of our creation. Whether it be through the depiction of fish gods and beings like Oannes and the Nommo who brought life and knowledge, or through the emphasis of the deep dark feminine energies--the cosmic and primordial seas--which by the way, the serpent  is said to reside in signifying the life force like in Hinduism for example, or  in many traditional African religions.

The theme of water, and its connection to the life force, wisdom, creation and fertility is all over the ancient world. 

This is an image of Ea/Enki with water flowing from his being which represents the creative life force energies.

Our god Satan who is Enki/Ea is and was known as the water bearer, especially in Sumerian lore. Enki is the god of creation, fertility, wisdom and all waters- from the sea, lake or in between. The Absu/Apsu is connected since this is the watery spring of creation and life which Enki is involved in. 

Water is the life force, literally and allegorically. 


Thanks to scientific works from great people, we now know that water is the essence and engine of life, and much more interesting than shown in Masaru's works. All sources, books and references will be listed at the end of this article.

-We know that water is essential for all life (wherever there is life, there is water)

-We now know that water stores energy and is highly conductive.

-We now know that water gets energy from light sources.

-We know that water has a fourth phase that is neither solid, liquid or gas. 

*All of this, especially the last, discovered by a few scientists but completely detailed and highlighted  by Doctor Gerald Pollack.

Water has a fourth phase that is liken to a liquid crystalline state that is only present in living things, or when exposed to high amounts of energy and or a protein. This is the reason how jello is made, why collagen is the way it is when exposed to water and how just water and sand makes a sand castle stand up almost as if an adhesive is part of it. If anyone wants to know the detailed  science of the fourth phase of water, the book is listed at the end of this writing.

Majority of the water in our bodies is in its fourth state and is for the most part, structured. Water in its liquid state reacts with our souls (energy) and cells, and this makes structured water (h3o2) and transforms us into batteries. Our energies flow and our health is better when we are adequately hydrated. Water is needed to generate the energy in our physical bodies and on the cellular level. This partially explains what moves the blood in the body. When water is absent or not present enough, we are sick or die. We are water beings. Nothing happens in the body without water.

From the British Society of Cell biology-

"Water is the single most abundant chemical found in living things. Virtually all chemical reactions in life processes take place in solution in water. Some organisms can live in a dormant and desiccated state for long periods of time but require water to become active. Water is present both inside and outside cells."

Now aging and disease has been said to be related to the degradation and destructuring of water in our cells, according to doctors like Nobel Prize winner  Alexis Carrel and Dr. Ishahari Yumi, M.D. And we all know that dehydration of the body can cause many diseases on its own as outlined in the book "Your body's many cries for water" by Fereydoon Batmanghelidj

Water is at every core of our being, even being organized and structured in and around our DNA, encasing it. The liquid crystalline state of water is also responsible for the DNA's stability apparently. I will quote what Doctor Carrell has mentioned about cells and water.

“The cell is immortal. It is merely the fluid in which it floats that degenerates. Renew this fluid at regular intervals, give the cell what it requires for nutrition, and as far as we know, the pulsation of life can go on forever.” Alexis Carrell

This makes sense to me as it relates to power meditations, yoga and revamping our life force of the soul so that the water in our bodies will stay organized, perfected, structured and revitalized thus affecting our DNA cells and preventing us from aging and developing disease. It's all connected. The Kundalini ties into this of course as well since the kundalini energy works through water physically.

I highlighted earlier in this writing that serpents residing in and springing forth from the cosmic birthing waters isnt just an allegory in gentile spiritual concepts. Water is necessary to be alive and advance spiritually.

With all this exciting information on water, I think it's obvious to point out that we all should be drinking clean water. However, water that you get from the tap, for example, is not the ideal form of water in addition to it being laden with chemicals and other things we should not be ingesting.

After research, reading and observation of nature, It is shown that water is better consumed in its "living" and organized state.

 In order for water to be healthy and living it has to be clean and free of stuff such as heavy metals, microplastics, pharmaceuticals, chlorine, flouride, etc. The best way to do this is through reverse osmosis water or distilling your water. These are to guarantee nothing harmful is in it. It removes everything from the water.

Secondly, the water has to have minerals in it. Healthy and natural minerals like that found in the sea, in salts and rock dust powders. Water picks up these things in its natural habitat on earth as it moves around rocks and such, and makes it extra conductive and able to penetrate the cells of any who consumes it.

Third the water has to be in a state of motion and movement so as to gather energy. Like it does in nature all the time.

And fourth, the water has to be exposed to natural energy fields like that of the earth, sun, moon, etc, etc. In its natural element.

Water in tap is opposite of all of this. The water is stagnant, full of chemicals, and not exposed to natural energy.

Though power meditation organizes and further structures the water in the body, one can take it further by consuming living spectrum water for extra benefits. That is more energy and to help detoxify the body and I speculate that it slows down the aging process based on experiments by Alexis Carrell. I recently bought my water vortex and structuring items for cheap and now I use this water to drink, give to my pets and water to my house plants. Making water living can easily be achieved.

Drinking living and energetically structured water increases the energy of the cells in the body, helps to detox the body better, helps with sleep and corrects dehydration. Drinking full spectrum water fully hydrates you because this water is penetrating the cells more and so you will find that you will need to drink less water over time but still be hydrated.

The first time I drank this water, I must admit, my body felt like it was being "flooded", it was nice and peaceful. I also noticed that I can feel my energies more if I have it before meditation. Remember, water is highly conductive and amplifies energy. It would be nice to see what any of your experiences will be if you choose to try this.

 In one of the books I am reading on the science of water, it shows how GDV/electro photon capture technology was able to photograph people who drank this water and show their energy fields had more brilliance after drinking it. As I said, power meditation does this but I like to experiment and wanted to enjoy the added effects of drinking this water directly.

All I did was distill/ purify my water, add himalayan salt in ionic form, put my water in a vortex magnetizer (two bottles connected with a cap that has neodymium magnets) and spin it so that when the water flows through the magnets (while being in a vortex*) and into the other bottle, it restructures, organizes and collects life force energy.

*Energy moves in a circular and spiral motion. Spirals are found all over nature and this is the creative force and spirals and vortexes gather energy. DNA does something similar, the kundalini has spiraling energies when it's active and the chakras are vortexes for example...*

I also notice that when the water is moving in a vortex pattern, it looks very similar to how DNA is structured with the twists and shape of the helix. Interesting.

I know it might sound complicated but it's super easy to make this. Buying is cheap too. The cap with the magnets was only $37 for me. If money is an issue, you can also structure your water through different means as well like with magnets.

Water in general is amazing and versatile. It can be used as a battery and energy source. Water can also be made into a solid ice or heated into gaseous state just by adding and playing around with its electrons and protons-- not by adding freezing and thermal and heat energy.This can be used for sustainable energy and technology in the future, I believe. 

Hail Satan


-The Fourth phase of Water by Gerald Pollack

-The Hidden Messages in Water by Masaru Emoto

-Dancing with Water:The New Science of Water by MJ Pangam and Melanie Evans

(This book is the best and is very exhaustive, also full of countless science articles and studies, which is excellent. Recommended)

Interesting and amazing. I think it’s fascinating how the gods relay these messages at the same time to individuals. I think this is important. I’m sure the frozen movies are full of junk but this is the same message I received through them. In one scene, Elsa releases a load of energy and water crystallized in the air with 4 points. She counted out the 4 points and said something about 4 elements. I know it seems menial but I have really learned an assload of info through the frozen movies whether or not they’re satanic, it’s just messages the gods helped guide me to. I don’t watch anime or ever have time for a lot of TV, but when my kids became obsessed with those movies I started noticing things that helped immensely. LOL I know I sound like broken record with talking about those dang movies but this one line of let it go - “My power flurries through the air into the ground
My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around
And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast
I'm never going back, the past is in the past“

I was going through an immense struggle at the time and this guided me to completely detach from and to completely flip some situations.
HPS Shannon said:
We now know that water stores energy and is highly conductive.
Are you sure? As far as I know, pure distilled water is not conductive at all. You need ion impurities, which have charge, in order to conduct electricity. That's why salt water is a better conductor than fresh water.

I just tested this with a quick experiment. I filled a glass with distilled water, and I immersed two wires in the water and put 5V across them with an LED on one end. As I moved the wires closer and closer, the LED stayed dark until the wires touched each other, indicating that distilled water is not a conductor.

I repeated the experiment with tap water (hard water with minerals dissolved), and the LED lit up as soon as I immersed the wires. It started out dim and increased in brightness as the wires moved closer together, reaching full brightness just before the wires touched each other, indicating that tap water is a weak conductor (high resistance).

I added salt and repeated the experiment, and the LED was lit at full brightness no matter where the wires were, so long as they were immersed, thus indicating that salt water is a good conductor.

Did I misunderstand your statement that water is highly conductive?

HPS Shannon said:
Water can also be made into a solid ice or heated into gaseous state just by adding and playing around with its electrons and protons-- not by adding freezing and thermal and heat energy.
I'm a little skeptical of this. If you add or remove a significant number of electrons, the water would have an unbalanced charge and one of two things would happen: If the water is conductive, as you say, any charge imbalance would rapidly correct itself by expelling or collecting extra electrons from the environment through Coulomb forces. If the water is not conductive, then it would build up a static charge to a point when it would ionize everything in its way to create a conductive path to equalize with the environment through Coulomb forces, like a lightning strike. In either case, electron-electron forces are repulsive, so the only phase change it could produce is vaporization.

If you add or remove protons from an atom it will become a different element. With that said, you can change the phase, in theory. For example, if you add 8 protons (and 8 neutrons) to the oxygen atom in water, it will become a sulfur atom, forming H2S, a toxic gas. However, it is not water anymore, so I don't think this is what you meant.

If I had time, I would just read the books you recommended, but I am extremely busy. Would you mind explaining your statement in a little more detail? Are you saying that the mainstream model of chemistry is bogus? Or are you trying to paraphrase something from a book?
Jax911 said:
Bigot Boy said:
Quite the thought provoking sermon, HPS, thank you. Water has always been intriguing to me, like pure liquid aether.

I've always had a "cat fountain" for my cat to drink from, and the water is in constant motion throughout the day.

I drink water from a fridge dispenser, and man I drink tons of it... I'm always thirsty. Maybe trying out a method like you describe will make me not have to chug so much water throughout the day to feel comfortable... lol.

I'd recommend to see a doctor in that case, being overly thirsty throughout the day is a symptom of elevated sugar in blood in other words, diabetes. I went through that myself a while ago.
That's an interesting theory. I'll look into it, thanks. May as well rule it out I suppose, though I've never been overweight.
Ramier108666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Interesting. But also remember, that when water gets inside the body, the actual body can charge and life inbue the water itself.

Water from the tap without filtering is impossible in most cases to even drink.

I use Zero Water to cleanse any impurities in our tap water. And I do feel alot more alive in a sense. It's invigorating.

I do as well. I think distillers are better due to the fact that its a one time payment however due to the fact that I don't have a job and because the corona hoax I can't get one.

Don't think I'll be able to start applying for awhile after this though cause I got sick. Thats what I get for not fully cleaning my aura when I thought something seemed off haha. Not to mention its hard considering my age in the first place oof.

On the bright side my tap is already decent compared to most places so one filter lasts several months. In some places it lasts weeks at best haha.
Gear88 said:
@HP.es Shannon:

So then if you had the money what would be the most recommended water distiller?(which would you recommend)

(I know she was an infiltrator but ever since reading zolaluckystar's information. I've been drinking distilled gallon jug water. I always try and purchase it with a kosher label even though funny enough the one with the best taste has no label at least one of the better tasting ones.)

So I've been drinking distilled water since 2018 April funny enough two years now. The first time I drank it I noticed the taste was much better and noticed that despite drinking an entire jug in 3/4th of a day. After about two or three weeks I went down to drinking a jug in one day.

So yeah I do drink about 1 gallon a day despite not doing heavy activities. Non-the less a family member of mines drove up state during a drive and bought me a nice high quality 350ML glass from a small store chain from the Northern area. I drink about 600ishML of distilled water when I need to consume water. I usually say I drink anywhere from 3-6 times per day. But I've noticed a concern for minerals, I do recall Stormblood mentioning an apple slice probably contains more minerals than drinking mineralized water but I do have a concern for wanting minerals just in case.

Also HP.es Shannon I noticed you use himalayan pink salt. Isn't that dangerous for human consumption? Don't they say that H.P.S. contains radioactive isotopes like beryllium or cesium or other dangerous radioactive compounds?

And one final thing is "Salt" bad? zolaluckystar put out a website called the salt files which mentions people getting off salt cause it's kinda like a drug. I've been trying my hardest not to consume salt. It's a shame that salt tastes so nicely because sometimes eating salads with just pepper makes me want to scream due to the taste but I've been trying to become more healthier as despite not being a fatty boombalaty I've never been one to gravitate to health. I just eat what I need to eat and drink well in the past I was a soda hound. For example for many years since my childhood I used to say I hate eating, I hate food. I wonder if perhaps maybe as a sensitive person that I am that I detected the food as bad and didn't want it in my body. I mean hell once I got out of high school I told my friend over email the only food I eat for breakfast is 10-15 crackers and a soda can of coke.

I believe that water distillers are the best. Filters can achieve a similar water quality however they need to be replaced. Distiller is cheaper in the long run and filters are reoccuring purchases.
Arin said:
Ramier108666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Interesting. But also remember, that when water gets inside the body, the actual body can charge and life inbue the water itself.

Water from the tap without filtering is impossible in most cases to even drink.

I use Zero Water to cleanse any impurities in our tap water. And I do feel alot more alive in a sense. It's invigorating.

I do as well. I think distillers are better due to the fact that its a one time payment however due to the fact that I don't have a job and because the corona hoax I can't get one.

Don't think I'll be able to start applying for awhile after this though cause I got sick. Thats what I get for not fully cleaning my aura when I thought something seemed off haha. Not to mention its hard considering my age in the first place oof.

On the bright side my tap is already decent compared to most places so one filter lasts several months. In some places it lasts weeks at best haha.

Yeah getting a job is a drag, but the placements in the plane s are a little bit better compared to earlier this year. I've been doing a Mercury Square and I'm halfway through it. Going to get my GED come later this month. Been using runes to enhance my intelligence, as well as power meditation on my pineal gland.

I hope you get well, and I understand when you get sick especially when you should've cleaned the aura. Guilty as well. Lol.
What you spoke about sounds like principles of homeopathy. Homeopathy medicines are mild medicines producing subtle gentle effects in most cases unless one takes really low potency medicine.

HP Shanon can you show a figure about how the magnets are oriented in the cap. I did understand that there is one bottle on top of other and they both share a common cap. What i did not understand was the way how magnets are placed in the cap. Is it like the vortex magnetizer shown on internet like this


And magnets facing like this


I just imagine if the magnets were replaced by powerful electromagnets then the water would be more charged and more powerful.

This experiment reminds me of orgonite and ice experiment and Joe Cell which is similar to this. Orgonite placed blow freezing ice glass/ice cube tray produced good results. The ice formed with orgone was more clearer.


I am in no way promoting this website's products. You can always diy orgonite. Or make ergonite which uses metal powders instead of flakes and is way more powerful than orgonite but needs electromagnetic field to work.

Joe Cell is simply stainles steel pipes of certain radius and height placed inside each other. The stainless steel pipes are kept in a plastic assembly which can hold water. And water is kept inside them. Joe cell can charge water apparently and people have claimed better health by drinking water from joe cell or by using joe cell in a car and getting better fuel economy.
What you spoke about sounds like principles of homeopathy. Homeopathy medicines are mild medicines producing subtle gentle effects in most cases unless one takes really low potency medicine.

HP Shanon can you show a figure about how the magnets are oriented in the cap. I did understand that there is one bottle on top of other and they both share a common cap. What i did not understand was the way how magnets are placed in the cap. Is it like the vortex magnetizer shown on internet like this


And magnets facing like this


I just imagine if the magnets were replaced by powerful electromagnets then the water would be more charged and more powerful.

This experiment reminds me of orgonite and ice experiment and Joe Cell which is similar to this. Orgonite placed blow freezing ice glass/ice cube tray produced good results. The ice formed with orgone was more clearer.


I am in no way promoting this website's products. You can always diy orgonite. Or make ergonite which uses metal powders instead of flakes and is way more powerful than orgonite but needs electromagnetic field to work.

Joe Cell is simply stainles steel pipes of certain radius and height placed inside each other. The stainless steel pipes are kept in a plastic assembly which can hold water. And water is kept inside them. Joe cell can charge water apparently and people have claimed better health by drinking water from joe cell or by using joe cell in a car and getting better fuel economy.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Interesting. But also remember, that when water gets inside the body, the actual body can charge and life inbue the water itself.

Water from the tap without filtering is impossible in most cases to even drink.

I get my water from a well, is this harmful for me?
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
HPS Shannon said:
We now know that water stores energy and is highly conductive.
Are you sure? As far as I know, pure distilled water is not conductive at all. You need ion impurities, which have charge, in order to conduct electricity. That's why salt water is a better conductor than fresh water.
Distilled water isn't natural water. It requires minerals to be complete, just like it does in nature as Shannon wrote. That's why she adds a bit of himalayan salt to it.
HPS Shannon said:
Happy Summer Solstice.

With everything happening in the world, it is so easy to get carried away in focusing on all the horrible things going on. With the enemy furthering their onslaught and corruption of the gentiles, our freedom, truth and our precious earth, it almost made me lose sight of the beauty of nature and the magick of life.

I just wanted to share this cool information to everyone here as a reminder of the wondrous things of life.

We all know what the element of water is physically and spiritually (as in its magickal correspondence), and I'm sure that many of you are familiar with the works of Masaru Emoto, and how he showed that water has a "memory" of some sort, and how water is influenced by thoughts, emotions and music but, of course,it goes further than that.

Water has been a theme in all gentile spiritual beliefs and mythos since the beginning of our creation. Whether it be through the depiction of fish gods and beings like Oannes and the Nommo who brought life and knowledge, or through the emphasis of the deep dark feminine energies--the cosmic and primordial seas--which by the way, the serpent  is said to reside in signifying the life force like in Hinduism for example, or  in many traditional African religions.

The theme of water, and its connection to the life force, wisdom, creation and fertility is all over the ancient world. 

This is an image of Ea/Enki with water flowing from his being which represents the creative life force energies.

Our god Satan who is Enki/Ea is and was known as the water bearer, especially in Sumerian lore. Enki is the god of creation, fertility, wisdom and all waters- from the sea, lake or in between. The Absu/Apsu is connected since this is the watery spring of creation and life which Enki is involved in. 

Water is the life force, literally and allegorically. 


Thanks to scientific works from great people, we now know that water is the essence and engine of life, and much more interesting than shown in Masaru's works. All sources, books and references will be listed at the end of this article.

-We know that water is essential for all life (wherever there is life, there is water)

-We now know that water stores energy and is highly conductive.

-We now know that water gets energy from light sources.

-We know that water has a fourth phase that is neither solid, liquid or gas. 

*All of this, especially the last, discovered by a few scientists but completely detailed and highlighted  by Doctor Gerald Pollack.

Water has a fourth phase that is liken to a liquid crystalline state that is only present in living things, or when exposed to high amounts of energy and or a protein. This is the reason how jello is made, why collagen is the way it is when exposed to water and how just water and sand makes a sand castle stand up almost as if an adhesive is part of it. If anyone wants to know the detailed  science of the fourth phase of water, the book is listed at the end of this writing.

Majority of the water in our bodies is in its fourth state and is for the most part, structured. Water in its liquid state reacts with our souls (energy) and cells, and this makes structured water (h3o2) and transforms us into batteries. Our energies flow and our health is better when we are adequately hydrated. Water is needed to generate the energy in our physical bodies and on the cellular level. This partially explains what moves the blood in the body. When water is absent or not present enough, we are sick or die. We are water beings. Nothing happens in the body without water.

From the British Society of Cell biology-

"Water is the single most abundant chemical found in living things. Virtually all chemical reactions in life processes take place in solution in water. Some organisms can live in a dormant and desiccated state for long periods of time but require water to become active. Water is present both inside and outside cells."

Now aging and disease has been said to be related to the degradation and destructuring of water in our cells, according to doctors like Nobel Prize winner  Alexis Carrel and Dr. Ishahari Yumi, M.D. And we all know that dehydration of the body can cause many diseases on its own as outlined in the book "Your body's many cries for water" by Fereydoon Batmanghelidj

Water is at every core of our being, even being organized and structured in and around our DNA, encasing it. The liquid crystalline state of water is also responsible for the DNA's stability apparently. I will quote what Doctor Carrell has mentioned about cells and water.

“The cell is immortal. It is merely the fluid in which it floats that degenerates. Renew this fluid at regular intervals, give the cell what it requires for nutrition, and as far as we know, the pulsation of life can go on forever.” Alexis Carrell

This makes sense to me as it relates to power meditations, yoga and revamping our life force of the soul so that the water in our bodies will stay organized, perfected, structured and revitalized thus affecting our DNA cells and preventing us from aging and developing disease. It's all connected. The Kundalini ties into this of course as well since the kundalini energy works through water physically.

I highlighted earlier in this writing that serpents residing in and springing forth from the cosmic birthing waters isnt just an allegory in gentile spiritual concepts. Water is necessary to be alive and advance spiritually.

With all this exciting information on water, I think it's obvious to point out that we all should be drinking clean water. However, water that you get from the tap, for example, is not the ideal form of water in addition to it being laden with chemicals and other things we should not be ingesting.

After research, reading and observation of nature, It is shown that water is better consumed in its "living" and organized state.

 In order for water to be healthy and living it has to be clean and free of stuff such as heavy metals, microplastics, pharmaceuticals, chlorine, flouride, etc. The best way to do this is through reverse osmosis water or distilling your water. These are to guarantee nothing harmful is in it. It removes everything from the water.

Secondly, the water has to have minerals in it. Healthy and natural minerals like that found in the sea, in salts and rock dust powders. Water picks up these things in its natural habitat on earth as it moves around rocks and such, and makes it extra conductive and able to penetrate the cells of any who consumes it.

Third the water has to be in a state of motion and movement so as to gather energy. Like it does in nature all the time.

And fourth, the water has to be exposed to natural energy fields like that of the earth, sun, moon, etc, etc. In its natural element.

Water in tap is opposite of all of this. The water is stagnant, full of chemicals, and not exposed to natural energy.

Though power meditation organizes and further structures the water in the body, one can take it further by consuming living spectrum water for extra benefits. That is more energy and to help detoxify the body and I speculate that it slows down the aging process based on experiments by Alexis Carrell. I recently bought my water vortex and structuring items for cheap and now I use this water to drink, give to my pets and water to my house plants. Making water living can easily be achieved.

Drinking living and energetically structured water increases the energy of the cells in the body, helps to detox the body better, helps with sleep and corrects dehydration. Drinking full spectrum water fully hydrates you because this water is penetrating the cells more and so you will find that you will need to drink less water over time but still be hydrated.

The first time I drank this water, I must admit, my body felt like it was being "flooded", it was nice and peaceful. I also noticed that I can feel my energies more if I have it before meditation. Remember, water is highly conductive and amplifies energy. It would be nice to see what any of your experiences will be if you choose to try this.

 In one of the books I am reading on the science of water, it shows how GDV/electro photon capture technology was able to photograph people who drank this water and show their energy fields had more brilliance after drinking it. As I said, power meditation does this but I like to experiment and wanted to enjoy the added effects of drinking this water directly.

All I did was distill/ purify my water, add himalayan salt in ionic form, put my water in a vortex magnetizer (two bottles connected with a cap that has neodymium magnets) and spin it so that when the water flows through the magnets (while being in a vortex*) and into the other bottle, it restructures, organizes and collects life force energy.

*Energy moves in a circular and spiral motion. Spirals are found all over nature and this is the creative force and spirals and vortexes gather energy. DNA does something similar, the kundalini has spiraling energies when it's active and the chakras are vortexes for example...*

I also notice that when the water is moving in a vortex pattern, it looks very similar to how DNA is structured with the twists and shape of the helix. Interesting.

I know it might sound complicated but it's super easy to make this. Buying is cheap too. The cap with the magnets was only $37 for me. If money is an issue, you can also structure your water through different means as well like with magnets.

Water in general is amazing and versatile. It can be used as a battery and energy source. Water can also be made into a solid ice or heated into gaseous state just by adding and playing around with its electrons and protons-- not by adding freezing and thermal and heat energy.This can be used for sustainable energy and technology in the future, I believe. 

Hail Satan


-The Fourth phase of Water by Gerald Pollack

-The Hidden Messages in Water by Masaru Emoto

-Dancing with Water:The New Science of Water by MJ Pangam and Melanie Evans

(This book is the best and is very exhaustive, also full of countless science articles and studies, which is excellent. Recommended)

Thank you for this HPS
Aldrick said:
Can you buy full spectrum water?

I only know one company that makes pure spectrum living water but its expensive and not worth it. It's way cheaper and economical to make your own.

Drinking spring water is good enough if a person has access to it.
Shael said:
HPS Shannon said:
So I'm researching this right now to see what to buy. I will just list my questions like this so it's more structured and easy to answer.

-I assume this is the kind of thing you mean for the vortex magnetizer? https://quantumbalancing.myshopify.com/collections/frontpage/products/water-vortex-magnetizer

-Does "salt in its ionic form" just basically mean it's normal granulated salt, or is there something else specific I need to look for?

-I heard a bunch of things about commerical himalayan salt being loaded with chemicals and the like, so what criteria would you recommend when looking for which brand/type of himalayan salt to buy?

-How much of the salt did you add to the water (per liter or gallon or whatever measurement you use)?

Thanks :)

Yes. That is the product. You connect them to glass or plastic bottles.

Salt in ionic form is a saturated salt solution. Dry granulated salt added to water makes it in ionic form. What you do is add salt in a small container and add water to it. Let the salt fully saturate the water and keep adding salt until the salt no longer dissolves.

After that you take a dropper of the saturated solution and add it to your water before you run it through the magnetizer.

I add 5-10 drops to my bottle of water.

I hope this makes sense.
Gear88 said:
@HP.es Shannon:

So then if you had the money what would be the most recommended water distiller?(which would you recommend)

(I know she was an infiltrator but ever since reading zolaluckystar's information. I've been drinking distilled gallon jug water. I always try and purchase it with a kosher label even though funny enough the one with the best taste has no label at least one of the better tasting ones.)

So I've been drinking distilled water since 2018 April funny enough two years now. The first time I drank it I noticed the taste was much better and noticed that despite drinking an entire jug in 3/4th of a day. After about two or three weeks I went down to drinking a jug in one day.

So yeah I do drink about 1 gallon a day despite not doing heavy activities. Non-the less a family member of mines drove up state during a drive and bought me a nice high quality 350ML glass from a small store chain from the Northern area. I drink about 600ishML of distilled water when I need to consume water. I usually say I drink anywhere from 3-6 times per day. But I've noticed a concern for minerals, I do recall Stormblood mentioning an apple slice probably contains more minerals than drinking mineralized water but I do have a concern for wanting minerals just in case.

Also HP.es Shannon I noticed you use himalayan pink salt. Isn't that dangerous for human consumption? Don't they say that H.P.S. contains radioactive isotopes like beryllium or cesium or other dangerous radioactive compounds?

And one final thing is "Salt" bad? zolaluckystar put out a website called the salt files which mentions people getting off salt cause it's kinda like a drug. I've been trying my hardest not to consume salt. It's a shame that salt tastes so nicely because sometimes eating salads with just pepper makes me want to scream due to the taste but I've been trying to become more healthier as despite not being a fatty boombalaty I've never been one to gravitate to health. I just eat what I need to eat and drink well in the past I was a soda hound. For example for many years since my childhood I used to say I hate eating, I hate food. I wonder if perhaps maybe as a sensitive person that I am that I detected the food as bad and didn't want it in my body. I mean hell once I got out of high school I told my friend over email the only food I eat for breakfast is 10-15 crackers and a soda can of coke.

Dont listen to any of that. Salt is very much needed and healthy. We get sick or die without salt. The bodu uses salt to function properly. White processed salt is what gets people sick. White salt is devoid of all the minerals and components that make it healthy. Just like white sugar. Totally empty.

White processed and strip salt is to be avoided.

Mineral rich salts like celtic salt, himalayan salt, bamboo salt, etc is just fine. Trust me. The minerals that are supposedly harmful are found in himalayan salt in very low amounts and balanced in a way with the orher helpful minerals. For example, azomite powder which is a very rich powerder has aluminum in it in small amounts but the azomite also has silica and other things that negate the aluminum. Same with salt.

I use a counter top water distiller that I got on ebay years ago for under $100. Some you can buy for $150, $130, etc. Not really expensive but very crucial. I cany drink tap water.

I wouldnt want to drink distilled water as it doesnt penetrate the cells much. You need salt and minerals in water, as it is found that way nature. If you want better results add an ionic solution to your water.
Eric13 said:
Shael said:
HPS Shannon said:
-Does "salt in its ionic form" just basically mean it's normal granulated salt, or is there something else specific I need to look for?

-I heard a bunch of things about commerical himalayan salt being loaded with chemicals and the like, so what criteria would you recommend when looking for which brand/type of himalayan salt to buy?

-How much of the salt did you add to the water (per liter or gallon or whatever measurement you use)?

Thanks :)
Salts are an ionic compound. When adding it to distilled water, don't add much. A half a teaspoon per gallon or a pinch for a large glass is enough. Also just buy organic salt and look at the ingredients to make sure there are no additives you don't want. It should just be salt on the ingredients list.

An ionic saturated salt solution is what I am talking about. Dry granulated salt becomes ionic and reacts when exposed to water. This happens in the body which is composed of mostly water.
Gear88 said:
And one final thing is "Salt" bad? .../quote]


Salt is very good for you.

When we consume salt - the chemical name for which being Sodium Chloride; NaCl - we gain many natural benefits which play vital roles in keeping our bodies healthy and functioning. It's also tasty, which is for our benefit.

I'll skip the technicalities and just list a few important benefits.

Salt helps us:

  • Absorb nutrients from food and drinks.
    Transport nutrients around the body.
    Maintain blood pressure.
    Maintain intracellular pressure (osmolarity)
    Conduct action potentials along our nerves (means bio-chemical electricity; i.e., electric signals from brain to body and back). Operate Renal function (kidneys - this is especially important, as kidneys are filtering all the blood in your body and it gets exposed to more blood flow than any other organ, the second most exposed is the pineal gland! Strong kidenys begets filtered and clean blood, which begets a pineal gland free from a rock-tomb!)
    Muscle contractions
    Makes literally almost everything taste better.

Lastly salt helps us retain and balance our bodies water concentration, which is relevant to HP Shannon's excellent sermon.

If you have been drinking a gallon of water daily whilst also committing to a low salt diet, then you might find you have to go to the bathroom excessively. This is because without the salt, your body will struggle to hold all the fluid. Likewise, if you have only salt and no water, then you'll probably get a very dry mouth, feel cruddy, and rarely relieve oneself.

Balance be the key. As with most things.

Listen to your body and nourish the mind with related knowledge.

Hope this helps you.

Soaring Eagle 666 said:
HPS Shannon said:
We now know that water stores energy and is highly conductive.
Are you sure? As far as I know, pure distilled water is not conductive at all. You need ion impurities, which have charge, in order to conduct electricity. That's why salt water is a better conductor than fresh water.

I just tested this with a quick experiment. I filled a glass with distilled water, and I immersed two wires in the water and put 5V across them with an LED on one end. As I moved the wires closer and closer, the LED stayed dark until the wires touched each other, indicating that distilled water is not a conductor.

I repeated the experiment with tap water (hard water with minerals dissolved), and the LED lit up as soon as I immersed the wires. It started out dim and increased in brightness as the wires moved closer together, reaching full brightness just before the wires touched each other, indicating that tap water is a weak conductor (high resistance).

I added salt and repeated the experiment, and the LED was lit at full brightness no matter where the wires were, so long as they were immersed, thus indicating that salt water is a good conductor.

Did I misunderstand your statement that water is highly conductive?

HPS Shannon said:
Water can also be made into a solid ice or heated into gaseous state just by adding and playing around with its electrons and protons-- not by adding freezing and thermal and heat energy.
I'm a little skeptical of this. If you add or remove a significant number of electrons, the water would have an unbalanced charge and one of two things would happen: If the water is conductive, as you say, any charge imbalance would rapidly correct itself by expelling or collecting extra electrons from the environment through Coulomb forces. If the water is not conductive, then it would build up a static charge to a point when it would ionize everything in its way to create a conductive path to equalize with the environment through Coulomb forces, like a lightning strike. In either case, electron-electron forces are repulsive, so the only phase change it could produce is vaporization.

If you add or remove protons from an atom it will become a different element. With that said, you can change the phase, in theory. For example, if you add 8 protons (and 8 neutrons) to the oxygen atom in water, it will become a sulfur atom, forming H2S, a toxic gas. However, it is not water anymore, so I don't think this is what you meant.

If I had time, I would just read the books you recommended, but I am extremely busy. Would you mind explaining your statement in a little more detail? Are you saying that the mainstream model of chemistry is bogus? Or are you trying to paraphrase something from a book?

Whenever I talk about water, I mention water in ita natural state in nature which has salts, minerals, etc. Pure water on its own is a good insulator but thats in its very pure state like when its distilled. Thats why I dont like drinking distilled water because that water is not found in nature unless its being evaporated but water collects and reacts with what its exposed to. Even distilled water grabs onto carbon eventually.

So yes, water found in nature like in the sea and such that has minerals and salts are conductive because of them.

I should have clarified.

And the information about water being able to freeze based on the playing around of its protons, etc are in the book. When I get home later tonight, I will go over. Actually I have the pdf on my laptop and can send it to you or link it and give you the exact chapter in with which they demonstrate and explain. It might be better for you to just read that chapter than myself explain it.
Eric13 said:
Shael said:
HPS Shannon said:
-Does "salt in its ionic form" just basically mean it's normal granulated salt, or is there something else specific I need to look for?

-I heard a bunch of things about commerical himalayan salt being loaded with chemicals and the like, so what criteria would you recommend when looking for which brand/type of himalayan salt to buy?

-How much of the salt did you add to the water (per liter or gallon or whatever measurement you use)?

Thanks :)
Salts are an ionic compound. When adding it to distilled water, don't add much. A half a teaspoon per gallon or a pinch for a large glass is enough. Also just buy organic salt and look at the ingredients to make sure there are no additives you don't want. It should just be salt on the ingredients list.

This is what I meant. Salt is ionic but when you make an ionic salt solution it just means a saturated solution. When salt is added to water and it gets to the point that it can no longer be absorbed by the water, the solution becomes ionic and not just dissolved by the water. The solution is just a pure ionic salt in the water because the water has reached its capacity.

You then add this to the water you want to put in the magnetizer.

Drinking distilled water, water in its pure form, will react with the salts in your body, but doesnt help with penetrating the cells as much compared to drinking water with minerals and salts already added.

Shael said:
Gear88 said:
And one final thing is "Salt" bad? zolaluckystar put out a website called the salt files which mentions people getting off salt cause it's kinda like a drug. I've been trying my hardest not to consume salt.
Have you been living behind a rock? Zola is a jew and was exposed and banned. Salt is healthy as long as you dont consume insane quantities of it.
zola. lolz. Even domestic animals lick salt like crazy, especially in hot weather.
During soviet times there was a long manuscript of sorts, printed on a typewriter (there were no xerox machines back then) that vilified salt consumption, especially in hot weather. The solution offered was to consume distilled water only and no salty food. It also described some experiments, telemarketing style, conducted in blistering desert heat, "proving" that distilled water gave hiking test subjects better stamina and great feeling compared to those who drank lightly salty mineral water and ate cheese sandwiches.
Back then, before the Internet, this was the preferred method of jewing.
Some time ago this memory popped up in my mind as I increased my salt intake because of low blood pressure. My body was craving for more salt and I felt better after that.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
