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Warfare-Specific AOP [Updated]

Blitzkreig [JG]

Head of Community
Sep 24, 2019
[email protected]
When we focus on our energy on specific purposes, we more efficiently achieve the same result. As you all know, we face heightened resistance by the enemy during warfare schedules. Yet, most people use a general AOP, which must also tend to negative energies from planets, regular people/situations, or any other sources besides the enemy.

For people who have a strong general AOP, they are usually fine. However, others may face negativity from the enemy. Although most are aware that the AOP and cleaning should be scaled to match your warfare output, sometimes this is not always done as well as it should be.

Therefore, to make this easier, it makes sense to program both your cleaning and protective energies specifically against the enemy, and not just against anything.

For an AOP example: [Updated]

Combative energies like Sowilo, Thurisaz, and Tiwaz should be used, as we have seen implemented in the Gods' rituals. While Algiz and Berkano also have protective properties, they are not as readily reflective, which is necessary to get the enemy to quit attacking. On the contrary, I don't believe Thurisaz would do as well as Algiz as sublimating astrological/environmental negativity, for example.

Something I have created recently involves protection from any future attacks, as well as retribution for past attacks. This is again based on the Gods' rituals.

(Thaur + Saulo + Tiwaz) x49 or other multiple of 7


Affirmation: "This energy continuously and retroactively returns any enemy attacks. I am always fully protected against the enemy, whom has received complete justice." x7

Visualization: An aggressive energy barrier, comprised of these three energies, forming around me. The energies also touch my soul and connect with any past crimes done to me. I then see the negative energy of such attacks pulled from my soul and flung back at the enemy. Similarly, I see any incoming attacks as immediately returned.

As a final visualization, see yourself as strong and exalted, and the enemy as crushed and defeated in their efforts, both due to current and past failures against you.

Because 7 is labeled as a number pertaining to "armor of the just", this can be used for reps of the affirmation.

For cleaning: Either after the FRTR, or without, briefly clean your soul, targeting any Hebrew curses or energy, in the best way for you (meaning removing the worst of it first).

If anyone has any other ideas for this subject, please share them!
Thank you for this. Will definitely implement these.
Runes that are specifically compatible with protection are Algiz, Sowilo, Tiwaz, Berkano, Eihwaz and Thurisaz. Using more than two of these together would work well for protection, as long as there is an underlying logic in combining the two, for example Algiz and Sowilo. It's also totally okay to use "just" one.

One can also use Sanskrit for gathering energy for protection. Surya and Raum can be chanted and then the energy programmed to shield and protect oneself from harm.

If you decide to use multiple methods, be sure not to use the same wording of a word of power for two different purposes. For example, use Sowilo and Sol separately for cleaning and protection. Using one of the aforementioned alone for both would mess up the energies.

A lot of emphasis has been put into using power numbers, but more important is "time in the zone". What that means is that number alone does not equate power. One can chant the same number with 5 sec. repetitions and 10 sec. repetitions, which is something important to keep in mind.

For affirmations, number three is usually pretty good for spiritual purposes, just as nine (or 18). Of course there are others as well, but in general for cleaning and protection those numbers are pretty good to use.

Remember to visualise and will the process, feeling the raised and programmed energy.
TerKorian666 said:
I am confused about reps of Algiz and Thaur, both of them should sum up to 45? Or separately Algizx45 and Thaurx45?

Algiz x45 and Thaur x45. Personally, when I combine runes, I like to vibrate them sequentially. In other words, I vibrate Algiz then Thaur, then that I count that as one repetition for my working.

Henu the Great said:

Thank you. Although it can be boring, people do need to be reminded to focus on their vibrations for the best results.
In regards to cleaning, this is especially important as well.

Do something like x36 Surya (multiple of 9 and # of squares of the sun), then program it like "This energy has now and permanently removed any Hebrew curses or energy from my entire soul, in the best way for me." x3

Feel the energy burning all the Hebrew dirt off your entire soul. For me, I like to actively pull the dirt out into a ball next to me, but do whatever helps you focus best. Do this for a minute, or until you feel significantly cleaner.

Then, imagine the ball flying and slamming into your attackers, who themselves then weaken and collapse.

This warfare-specific cleaning is crucial, especially if you are feeling bad. In that case, do it immediately. Ideally, do this multiple times during warfare schedules, in addition to normal cleaning.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=389597 time=1663814693 user_id=21286]
In regards to cleaning, this is especially important as well.

Do something like x36 Surya (multiple of 9 and # of squares of the sun), then program it like "This energy has now and permanently removed any Hebrew curses or energy from my entire soul, in the best way for me." x3

Feel the energy burning all the Hebrew dirt off your entire soul. For me, I like to actively pull the dirt out into a ball next to me, but do whatever helps you focus best. Do this for a minute, or until you feel significantly cleaner.

Then, imagine the ball flying and slamming into your attackers, who themselves then weaken and collapse.

This warfare-specific cleaning is crucial, especially if you are feeling bad. In that case, do it immediately. Ideally, do this multiple times during warfare schedules, in addition to normal cleaning.

When I want to clean deeper, but I don't have much time, I clean with Vi-Suddhi. First I go through the seven chakras, as in Lydia's article. I vibrate 9 times per chakra.
But then I vibrate 108× into my aura.

I'll say an affirmation, for example: my whole soul has been completely and thoroughly cleansed for me in a positive and healthy way.

Is this a good solution?

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=389597 time=1663814693 user_id=21286]
In regards to cleaning, this is especially important as well.

Do something like x36 Surya (multiple of 9 and # of squares of the sun), then program it like "This energy has now and permanently removed any Hebrew curses or energy from my entire soul, in the best way for me." x3

I vibrate Surya 216 times. And affirm 8 times. With ( Returning curse 2 process )Only in noon.

But someday When I be busy in office , I don't do nothing . Only I do Aura of protection breathing.

Believe me, If I don't do nothing, Satan always protect me . I feel it.

Really Our path is awesome. I am low level in this path but still feel all-time protection. I am really grateful to Satan . FATHER Satan all-time reminds me to take something responsible for working for Father Satan for Spiritual Satanism.
Lightningsnake said:
When I want to clean deeper, but I don't have much time, I clean with Vi-Suddhi. First I go through the seven chakras, as in Lydia's article. I vibrate 9 times per chakra.
But then I vibrate 108× into my aura.

I'll say an affirmation, for example: my whole soul has been completely and thoroughly cleansed for me in a positive and healthy way.

Is this a good solution?


Yes, this is a good example of deep cleaning. It may even be a lot if you are doing 108 into the aura, in addition what you did in each chakra. As long as you are not feeling excessively tired from this, then that is good. Also, make sure to visualize the dirt coming out of you, which will help amplify the results of the working and could save you time.

However, the point of what I mentioned above is for cleaning specifically Hebrew curses, which is different than cleaning all types of dirt. This is to help us during situations of high warfare, when we are primarily dealing with curses from our enemies, not just "normal" dirt in the world.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=390028 time=1664042943 user_id=21286]
Lightningsnake said:
When I want to clean deeper, but I don't have much time, I clean with Vi-Suddhi. First I go through the seven chakras, as in Lydia's article. I vibrate 9 times per chakra.
But then I vibrate 108× into my aura.

I'll say an affirmation, for example: my whole soul has been completely and thoroughly cleansed for me in a positive and healthy way.

Is this a good solution?


Yes, this is a good example of deep cleaning. It may even be a lot if you are doing 108 into the aura, in addition what you did in each chakra. As long as you are not feeling excessively tired from this, then that is good. Also, make sure to visualize the dirt coming out of you, which will help amplify the results of the working and could save you time.

However, the point of what I mentioned above is for cleaning specifically Hebrew curses, which is different than cleaning all types of dirt. This is to help us during situations of high warfare, when we are primarily dealing with curses from our enemies, not just "normal" dirt in the world.

Thank you for your reply.

108 is my base vibration number. It used to be 216, but later I split it up because of my schedule. I can tolerate comfortable this amount.

I always visualise. In this exercise, for example, the vibration of the Vi-suddhi causes the dirt to dust away.

I wrote this confirmation for the sake of example. But today I will replace it with the confirmation you suggested. I'll try it like this.

I understand that the time of Sun hour is usually suitable for cleaning. But I've been wondering since HPHC's article on the Witch Sabbath, whether Saturn's time might be ideal for cleaning. What do you think about this?
Lightningsnake said:
I understand that the time of Sun hour is usually suitable for cleaning. But I've been wondering since HPHC's article on the Witch Sabbath, whether Saturn's time might be ideal for cleaning. What do you think about this?

Yes it is ideal, because it pertains to atrophy, both of good things and negative things. In this case, you are using it to remove negative things. Similarly, you can use a Capricorn moon for removing bad habits or other aspects of freeing the soul.
I think this is the right trend to ask this, last time I program my aura for money, and after that I did fRTR , and I want to clean my aura , but I stop because I have first program my aura for money.please is this good idea or I just don't understand metaphysic or how energy work .
ak052 said:
I think this is the right trend to ask this, last time I program my aura for money, and after that I did fRTR , and I want to clean my aura , but I stop because I have first program my aura for money.please is this good idea or I just don't understand metaphysic or how energy work .
Cleaning should be done before such tasks so that your empowerment would be most effective.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=390225 time=1664139585 user_id=21286]
Lightningsnake said:
I understand that the time of Sun hour is usually suitable for cleaning. But I've been wondering since HPHC's article on the Witch Sabbath, whether Saturn's time might be ideal for cleaning. What do you think about this?

Yes it is ideal, because it pertains to atrophy, both of good things and negative things. In this case, you are using it to remove negative things. Similarly, you can use a Capricorn moon for removing bad habits or other aspects of freeing the soul.

Thank you.

I have only just been able to reply because of work.

I tried cleaning with these reinforcements and got a whole new effect. In a good way.
Thanks for the explanation about the Saturn clock. I will also try this.

For me, the Moon Square has worked perfectly against bad habits. But the Moon is in my 12th House, I want to work on that in the future. Because it has a lot of unpleasant side effects and I want to clean it up.
Because this AOP is meant to stage a defensive retaliatory action, then Saulo would be better to use instead of Algiz. Like Thaur, Saulo also possesses combative properties.

Since Saulo is #16 and Thaur is #3, then you can do each rune at 48 times with the same affirmation. This can appear as a White-gold + Red energy around you, which immediately sends back any curses.

As mentioned before, cleaning is also critical here. Do something like 36x Surya, program it to clean any Hebrew curses on your soul. After you have visualized the white-gold energy cleaning you, then gather the dirt into a ball and mentally direct it back towards those who attacked you.

The above is best done after an RTR to facilitate the removal of curses, but does not have to be, especially during periods of high warfare. Do this even multiple times to keep yourself safe.
Shiva666 said:
I vibrate Surya 216 times. And affirm 8 times. With ( Returning curse 2 process )Only in noon.

But someday When I be busy in office , I don't do nothing . Only I do Aura of protection breathing.

Believe me, If I don't do nothing, Satan always protect me . I feel it.

Really Our path is awesome. I am low level in this path but still feel all-time protection. I am really grateful to Satan . FATHER Satan all-time reminds me to take something responsible for working for Father Satan for Spiritual Satanism.

Satan protects us, but he also wants us to be self-sufficient. He will not come running if you stub your toe, because you are expected to handle this.

Surya 216 is very strong, but you could be putting too much effort here if you are only doing energy breathing for your AOP. I would recommend using a lesser number; both 111 and 36 relate to the Sun and can substitute when you have less time.

Anyway, good luck on your personal path!
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=388971 time=1663517633 user_id=21286]
TerKorian666 said:
I am confused about reps of Algiz and Thaur, both of them should sum up to 45? Or separately Algizx45 and Thaurx45?

Algiz x45 and Thaur x45. Personally, when I combine runes, I like to vibrate them sequentially. In other words, I vibrate Algiz then Thaur, then that I count that as one repetition for my working.

Henu the Great said:

Thank you. Although it can be boring, people do need to be reminded to focus on their vibrations for the best results.

Can affirmation be said aloud?
TerKorian666 said:
Can affirmation be said aloud?

The important point about affirmations is that you focus your intentions on the goal. As long as you do this, then you can say it either aloud or within your mind.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=395596 time=1666789473 user_id=21286]
TerKorian666 said:
Can affirmation be said aloud?

The important point about affirmations is that you focus your intentions on the goal. As long as you do this, then you can say it either aloud or within your mind.

Thanks for this working, really needed something like this, feels so good. 🙏
TerKorian666 said:
How it affects this working if I accidentally make a little mistake in one rep, and decide to add +1 or +2 reps?

It does not kill the working. It may influence it strength a little bit, but nothing to be worried about.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=388765 time=1663432309 user_id=21286]
Thanks for that, what date could I start the job?

You had created a couple of works to improve yourself as a Satanist, in everyday life, but I can't find the post, could you link it to me?
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=388765 time=1663432309 user_id=21286]
I'm quite interested, I tried looking on JoS, but I didn't understand which Moon sign would be best to start with.
Could you tell me?
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=389597 time=1663814693 user_id=21286]
In regards to cleaning, this is especially important as well.

Do something like x36 Surya (multiple of 9 and # of squares of the sun), then program it like "This energy has now and permanently removed any Hebrew curses or energy from my entire soul, in the best way for me." x3

Feel the energy burning all the Hebrew dirt off your entire soul. For me, I like to actively pull the dirt out into a ball next to me, but do whatever helps you focus best. Do this for a minute, or until you feel significantly cleaner.

Then, imagine the ball flying and slamming into your attackers, who themselves then weaken and collapse.

This warfare-specific cleaning is crucial, especially if you are feeling bad. In that case, do it immediately. Ideally, do this multiple times during warfare schedules, in addition to normal cleaning.

Do you think it's worth doing cleaning affirmations for removing curses from the physical body (as well as doing it for the soul of course)?

I mean, I ask because I've attempted a short affirmation for just that and felt effects such as lightness and like my health improved a little. So it makes me wonder.
tabby said:
Do you think it's worth doing cleaning affirmations for removing curses from the physical body (as well as doing it for the soul of course)?

I mean, I ask because I've attempted a short affirmation for just that and felt effects such as lightness and like my health improved a little. So it makes me wonder.

Of course. Actually, you should consider your soul as attached to your body, at least for this purpose. If someone has cursed your physical body, the curse first attaches to the spiritual aspects more closely related to your physical nature before manifested as as solely physical problem.

It is basically like an attack on your lower chakras. That is one way to think about it.
Bumping this thread for the ritual.

Keep yourself heavily protected and clean during schedules. Prevention is always better than repair.
Vira_ said:
Thanks for that, what date could I start the job?

You had created a couple of works to improve yourself as a Satanist, in everyday life, but I can't find the post, could you link it to me?

Are you referring to this thread?

Otherwise, look at the productivity section of the Common Answers Index:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=433380 time=1680136958 user_id=21286]
bump: updated AOP with my latest thoughts
Thank you so much for this!
I feel it enhances cleanliness, plus it is always nice to have a presence to crush the enemy.

We should celebrate for such knowledge!
Hello brother, when one vibrates Tyr, is big difference when "T" or "TH" is uttered by putting tongue on upper pallet or touching teeths with tongue? there is very slight difference, but I'am wonder if it affects working? for example if mistake was by uttering T by touching teeths with tongue, and Th by touching tongue to upper pallet.
Why is the order Thaur, Saulo, Tiwaz?

In rituals it is Tiwaz, Sowilo, Thurisaz.

However with this work I could also direct the negative energies that I free from the liberation work or even yoga?
TerKorian666 said:
Hello brother, when one vibrates Tyr, is big difference when "T" or "TH" is uttered by putting tongue on upper pallet or touching teeths with tongue? there is very slight difference, but I'am wonder if it affects working? for example if mistake was by uttering T by touching teeths with tongue, and Th by touching tongue to upper pallet.

Minor pronunciation problems can weaken a mantra, but they won't kill your working. Yes, there is a slight difference there: The T sound has the tongue closer to the teeth and sounds more like TTTZZZ, whereas the TH sounds closer to DH, although not exactly. The tongue is farther away from the teeth when making a TH sound.

If you still try to pronounce the H on the TH sound, even if you push your tongue close to your teeth, your tongue likely still hits the correct part of the pallet, but just with another part of the tongue. So the sound may likely still be coming through anyway.
Vira_ said:

I did not worry about the ordering when I made this, but you can do what is used in the rituals instead.

I am not sure what you mean by directing other negative energies, as the combative/justice energies involved here are best used for reflecting curses. I wouldn't try to mix in your yoga sessions or other workings with this.
Asurya said:
This doesn't replace the need for basic AoP, does it?

The basic one on the website can be replace by this one. This advance AoP should be use (or other ones that many people are using too like Algiz, Sowilo and Tyr x 40) when you get more advanced or doing rtrs. You need a good AoP to avoid the filth of Jews when destroying them.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=435625 time=1681133762 user_id=21286]
TerKorian666 said:
Hello brother, when one vibrates Tyr, is big difference when "T" or "TH" is uttered by putting tongue on upper pallet or touching teeths with tongue? there is very slight difference, but I'am wonder if it affects working? for example if mistake was by uttering T by touching teeths with tongue, and Th by touching tongue to upper pallet.

Minor pronunciation problems can weaken a mantra, but they won't kill your working. Yes, there is a slight difference there: The T sound has the tongue closer to the teeth and sounds more like TTTZZZ, whereas the TH sounds closer to DH, although not exactly. The tongue is farther away from the teeth when making a TH sound.

If you still try to pronounce the H on the TH sound, even if you push your tongue close to your teeth, your tongue likely still hits the correct part of the pallet, but just with another part of the tongue. So the sound may likely still be coming through anyway.

I did this mistake on initial day of 40day working, by our Satanic calendar, result will be immensely effected? Initial day was by astrology good for this working…
Henu the Great said:
Asurya said:
This doesn't replace the need for basic AoP, does it?
This can either be applied on top of another one, or substitute the one you are doing now.

Okay, great.
I still want to energy breathe Elhaz just for dealing with coworkers, etc.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
